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hola amigos welcome to fxfundingmate channels recently many members in the fbx   lingman communities requested me to do a strategy  like backtesting type of videos therefore in   today's video i will do one month backtesting of my  strategy on AUDJPY so make sure you like   and subscribe to our youtube channel to support  us in the future before doing the backtesting i   will briefly go over three simple steps of my  strategy step one identify market structure on  4H Timeframe the following time frame step two identify clear  break of structure on the one hour time frame   step three identify order block on the 15 minute time frame if you want to have a full   understanding of this strategy i have already  put the link of my free smart money course in the   description below so make sure you check it out  also i just opened a one-to-one mentorship because   many members requested it the mentorship will help  you hyperlearning this strategy in order to get a   funded account faster if you are interested in it  make sure you check the link in the description as   well if not it's totally fine you can find a lot  of free valuable content in this youtube channel   all you need to do is put it in the work so now  let's do the back testing on the australian yen   from october 1st 2021 to november 1st 2021 so step one identify market structure on the 4H Time   frame so the previous market structure was  bullish because we got break of structure   here break of structure here two higher highs so the previous market structure was bullish   however as you can see here the market  structure changed because we got too low   to lower low with clear break of structure so  now we can find a short position in this situation   and after identifying the market structure we will move on to the one hour time frame to   find clear break of structure okay so this is  the 4H high and this is the four hour low okay so let's move on to one hour time frame so if  you look at the one hour time frame we got a very   strong like impulsive candle to the downside and  also we got a clear break of structure by the body   so for me this is a valid break of structure  okay so after that like after that we move on   to the 15 minute timeframe but we go down here  to the 15 minute time frame to find the entry okay so only 15 minute time frame now what we need to do is to find the orderblock  so if you watch my videos the previous videos   i told you like a tip that in the sell  situation you should find an order block   that above the break of structure line so  as you can see here we got like here's an order block here is an other block so  what type of other blocks should you choose   uh and i would give you a tip like this instead  of focusing on what order blocks should you choose   you should focusing on like what stop loss should  you put okay so in this situation as you can see   here like you got a very uh very good key  level over here as you can see here and   so if you put your stop loss above the key level here  like the chance of hitting stop loss is like much   more lower so in this situation i would use  an order block here which is near key level okay so that is how i use so that is my tip  for you as well so if you find an order block   that is like near the key  level choose that order block   so i would put my sell limit on the order block and stop loss just like uh above it   stop loss above the key level let's see and i aim  for a risk reward of 1:4 in this situation and let's see oh so the trade just hit the limit make  sure like after 1:3 after one two three you  move your stop to break even okay so make sure you move your stop-loss to  break even now so this is a risk-free trade okay so the trade hit take profit for one  two four so you got four r now or four percent   whatever you want to call and now like let's check  the market structure and let's see what it's like   so we move back to four hour time frame check  the market structure so it's still quite bearish   but let me see on the one hour  time frame so we can find the entry   but i don't but i don't really like the the  wick rejection here so i would avoid uh   aiming for short position in this situation  oh yeah so it's not happened yet so let's see let's see more candles so as you can see i  would avoid to enter this like short position   because you can see like a very strong  impulse candles push to the upside so   also if you see only four hour time frame it  created a very like big quick rejection here   so i would avoid like getting into the short  position in this situation so let's see so the market structure is kind of changing  currently but if you want to like find a long   position you need to have two higher highs so we  need to have like a second break of structures   well we have a first break of structure  here already so we need to have   second break of structure to form two higher  highs so let's wait for a break of structure okay so we got a second break of structure  now and i will shift my high here and my   low here so i will move back to the one hour  time frame to see if i can find entry oh what type of candle is this maybe it's a gap oh yeah maybe i should wait for more candles maybe i should wait for more candles okay let me see on the one-hour  timeframe market structure so currently very interesting we  got a break of structure here by the body as well very strong break up structure   by the body and also like we got impulsive candle  to the upside and i think that i will move on to   the 15 minute time frame to find entry so like  i said um like my tip just said to you like   placing your stop-loss below the key levels  here so and also i see like order block   this as well so i think i would place a buy limit order in this situation   here and stop loss just below the uh  important zone over here so let's see   i place buy limit orders below it  and aim for risk reward up one two four let's see so this trade just hit SL and it's  fine because like i i have a very high reward   ratio so if my win rate is above like 40 percent  i still profitable so so this trade hit stop loss let's see okay the market is quite interesting  because as you can see here   uh if you watch my video about the type entry  like as you can see here like it just retested   order block over here and then just push  up like break of structures right over here   and this is the type 3 of entry type 3 of  entry so i think i would like enter on the   buy position on the new order  block which is right over here   so i think i would enter the buy  limit order at the order block as well and i aim for risk one one two  three just in this uh situation   because like um the market structure is not  clear yet and also just get a stoploss so   psychology yes like i want to  get 3R of this position so let's see okay so the market push up   after two percent make sure you  move the stoploss to break even okay so i will move my oops i will move my stop-loss to break even now okay so the trade hit take profit for 3R in this situation and this is a very nice trade as   well so let me check the market structure at the moment so the market structure at the   moment is very impulsive like strong bullish like strong bullish like market structure and i think like i'm going to find a still  find a buy in this situation and now move on   to the one hour time frame identify clear break of  structure on one hour of time frame so as you   can see here like we got a very clear clear break of structure over here like a very small one   but it's still breaking structures and then i move  on to the 15 minute time frame to find the entry let me mark let me mark the one  hour low here's a one 1H low i move to the 15 minute  time frame to find the entry   so at this situation i think i  will let's see so we got another uh key levels over here so i would choose  this order block like uh right over here   below the break structure line so i would use this order block and i would use a key level as well   so in this situation i would use a 50   entry for this situation to increase my risk  reward ratio a stop loss would below the one hour   one hour low in order to like increase chance of  hitting my take profit and aim from one to four let's see oh this trade is still  valid let me push up speed okay so nothing happened okay so this trade just hit my stoploss for one percent and it's   fine because like i got one trade win like four  percent one trade win here like three percent two   trade loss is two percent so overall i got like  five percent like on this one pair only already   so imagine if you like do the backtesting if you trade on four pairs like this you will gain a lot of percentage trust  me so this trade just hit the stoploss  and it's fine so let me check  the uh 4H structure oh well it's very like bullish  to downside so i think like   i don't think that i'm going to find a  long in this situation as well so let's see this is 4H high i would avoid entering on the  long situation on the long   position here and wait for the  market structure to show me okay so what a miss uh we missed a long position  here but it's fine because as you can see here   we got a very strong like impulsive candles to the  downside and we are quite unsure about the market   structure like the current like momentum the  market so avoiding like entering on this trade is   like better so we got a 4H structure here  like bullish break of structure and we move on   to the one hour time frame to find the entry  so we got a clear break of structure as well   and here is our one hour low and now we move on  to the 15 minute time frame to find the entry   and as you can see here identify order block on  the 15 minute time frame now we will use the   find the order block so this is so you find an order block that below the break structure line so if my   situ in this situation this could be here  a breaker block so let's see if it   hit this type of entry or not okay so this  uh okay so this order block which is good let's see aim for one two four uh i think our entry missed already let  me check the flower yes our entry is   missed already so i think i would delete  the limit here and i will find entry here i will delete my limit and find another entry here   so the market is currently bullish so we can  still find a long position in this situation the market structure and also we have a very clear  break of structure here on the one-hour timeframe   so i think that we can good for like finding  an order block on the 15 minute time frame now   so on the 15 minute time frame we find an order block  that below the break of structure line which is here i as you can see we got a very nice order block already here and then i would place   my stop loss below these structure over here  to like avoid getting stophunt by the bank   and and for a risk reward of 1:4  let's see we can entering of this trade so we just hit it just hit  the limit now and let's wait okay so it's almost hit our stoplot here so  like i said like it's a tip for you guys okay   make sure that instead of placing the stop loss below the order block remember to place   the stop loss below the structures like we got  the small key levels over here and as you can   see like the market follow the structure and  if you put the stop-loss below like key levels   it will increase your chance of like  win rate of take profit trust me   so these are key levels so these  trades will heat take profit maybe so this just hit take profit for four percent  so we got three trades hit take profit two trades   his stoploss the total gain now is like um  four plus four eight so we got 9R gain   in one part with one pair already so  let's keep doing the practice thing so we can still find the the long situation  so let me move on to the one hour time frame   to find the okay so we got  clear break of structure as well   in this situation and now we can looking for  a long in the 15 minute time frame i will   choose my order block below which is here and  it's also as you can see here we got a small   like key level here so in this situation i would  place a limit at the 50 percent of the other block   because this other block is too big and i want  my risk reward is high so i would play my limit   at the 50 of the auto block stop launches below  the key levels and then aim for one to four let's see okay so the market is leave us now without black   getting into the trade so we will  delete the limit uh order here and move on back to the 4H time  frame to see the market structure so it's still very long bulish very strong  like in like strong bullish market structures   so let's see more whoa damn  so there's still very strong   uh bullish structures without like re-testing so  we're just doing basically nothing like i said   uh let the market show you what to do if the  market does not retrace don't enter the trade okay okay it's kind of retracing but as you can see  here it's not going to like retrace back to the   uh to the other block here around  here so no entry at the moment okay so maybe i will find long  position in this situation so let's see only one hour  time frame show us so um   let me see uh this is quite  clear break of structure here quite clear break up structure i think i  will move on to the 15 minute timeframe   to find the long position so in  this situation uh we got a small   like key levels here so i would use  another block which of right around here and my stoplot is like i said below the key levels key levels okay stop losses below the key  levels equal to one to four decision let's see okay so the market just hit our limit now let's see okay so the market now is at two percent so i  think i will move my stop loss to break even now okay it's not, still ranging around okay so the trade just hit take  profit for another four percent   uh so this is uh 14 october already half of  the month we already gained like 10 to 12   RR already so this is a very good strategy  so make sure you check the full like strategy   on my youtube channel okay so now uh the market  is still very bullish so we can find like an entry okay so one hour time frame still very yeah the market is still very bullish still very bullish like strong impulse candles to the upside i think i will   move back to the 15 minute now to get  another entry on this type of position um so this is a one hour low i think i will  get into the trade in this situation   and use an order block that  below the break of structure line   for a buy so i would use an order block  which is around here simple stuff right and i'll place a buy limit orders at the order block stoploss below the one-hour structure just to make sure that my  trade don't hit stoploss aim for one to four let's see   uh i think that we will miss the trade like 100% this situation so we would delete this limit here   so very strong like bullish market structures  here's our four hour high uh let's see wow   very strong so we got a very big range of AUDJPY. Here is the 4H high here's 4H low   so let's check the one hour market  structure so if you can find an entry   i think like the market now is went too far  actually upside so i don't think that is a   good idea to find an entry at the moment so  we would like to avoid this type of market okay we got another break of structure here as  well so i think that we can find a long in this situation   like i said moving back to the one hour time frame finding breakup structures clear break  structure body breakup structures with   impossible to upside now we move on to the  15 minute time frame to find the autoblock   you can see like that right it's very simple i'm  just too tired of like repeating what i've said   for 10 to 20 minutes now so it's kind of boring  stop loss below if you find the key levels here   this is a key level as well so if  you want to avoid getting stop-loss   put the stop-loss below key level because the stoploss is quite big i only aim for one two three okay here's the key levels so let's see if the trade hit our entry okay oh sorry i think that the trade is just miss us again okay here's a four high and this is four hour low so this this is too small for range  and also i think that we missed like   a buy order here already so i don't  think i would enter on this trade okay so let me check the one-hour market structure not so impulsive so i would  avoid getting in this trade okay so we got a break of structure now now we can  you cannot looking for a long position anymore   now we need what now what we need to do is once  uh so first scenarios we wait for another break   of structure to find along second scenario is  we wait for another lower low to confirm that   like the uh market structure is reversed and  we can find a short position in this situation   so let's see oh oh damn sorry about that so um we  i think that we will find a trade here let me see   when our structures yeah i think that we will find  a trade here and it's what like getting stoploss   so we will find a trade here and this trade with getting stop-loss like 100% because like as you can see here is follow all   our like criterias two lower lows if you move back to the one hour time frame   we have very strong break of structure  you can go back to 15 minutes of frame you   need to find auto block and this is a very  strong key level as well so i will put my sell limit order here and unfortunately  it will hit the stoploss for one percent so let's see now we need to do is uh it's another  break structure again on the four hour time frame   so oh now we need to do is we wait for another  higher high another higher high to find the buy okay so as you can see here we got another high   highể high over here but if you check the one  hour time frame it's the is not a clear break up   structure because the candle is not impulsive  so you can avoid getting in this trade now we go back to the 4H  timeframe to checking the structures   so we need like two lower lows to get in to the  short position so we got one lower low now let's see so we don't got like a second lower low yet so  we just like avoid getting into the trade now   this is the result of one month back  testing as you can see here we can   potentially gain 12R and if you risk one  percent per trade, that is 12% a month   and you can pass like ftmo challenge or any  type of propfirm challenge with this strategy   so this is the end of video if you have  any question about this strategy make   sure you comment in the section below  and i will see you guys next time peace uh

2021-12-05 11:49

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