Atcoin day trading – Cardano – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #8

Atcoin day trading – Cardano – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #8

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welcome this is icon day trading  the best elite week analysis episode number eight i'm going to talk about  cardano because carano is the most impulsive   looking altcoin that i follow closely and karana  already established its impulse wave and other   cryptos are still struggling to establish theirs  so i want to take a look at cardona with you today   to give you some opium i will start with ichimoku  and then the edit with count i'll just look at the   last elite wave card if you are interested in its  history you have to look at my last intervention   on cardano because it hasn't changed so i'm  only taking a look at the last impulsive move   and before i do that i want to take a quick  look at my it won't be that quick but i still   want to do it i want to take a look at my telegram  free group i invite you to become a member of it   and i have post something  that i want to read to you   the growingly political protest in  kazakhstan let me just see if i'm sharing i should be sharing right now the growingly  political and political protest in kurdistan   are gratering some forts adding to the fearful  spirits with russia promising to send their armed   forces into aid so i've heard some rumors on what  happened but i cannot confirm it since i'm not   there but i heard rumors of people needing  help and needing passports in order to withdraw   some money i cannot confirm that but   that's the kind of stuff i've heard you know  what kind of passports i'm talking about the esg insanity environmental social and  governments teams the pursuit of profit for   shareholders where the profit were the purset  of profit for shareholders is no longer the   essential goal could be seen to be indicative of  a decade-long positive social feeling which have   steered stock markets levels to the most fabulous  heights in history according to many measures so   when stuff get that high and when moods get  that good that they stop thinking rationally   and profits no longer matter it's an indication  of an extremely bullish environment where where   people think they can do whatever they want and  money is no longer a primary goal you you can   think about equality or or whatever you  want or climate change whatever you want   environment shows and governments whatever that is   and they make it up every day according to the  central partners liking so so when that happens   it's a it's an extreme recording it shows that  the data trend was so good that now they think   they can do whatever they want and nobody  and money for example does not matter anymore and this announced that the top  in the stock market could be close   and that jubilee is a festivity when unfair  deaths are revoked the world jubilee comes   from the old testament of the christian bible  and refers to a sick little rejoicing rejoicing   in nature time when liabilities were  dominated slaves liberated lands restored   to its initial owners and fields left unseeded  the analytical fist of the dead demand from 30   years yield which compelled people into borrowing  and enslavement so there were years where they   didn't produce much to to sell and then they  went into borrowing money and then they could not   pay back and were enslaved that they were really  were enslaved or you know some symbolic manner   were enslaved because of the death but mostly they  really became slaves because they were too poor   and because of that became slaves the  gigantic level of more worldwide debt   exploded even further by the covet pandemic  so that was out of control even before the   covet pandemic but it reached new levels new  informal levels in an extreme short time period i hope that i can say that without getting banned so that that is probably progressively being  seen as a dilemma that can only be corrected in   two ways either it is inflated out when and they  make consumer price inflation diminish the actual   amount of debt or it is merely abundant in an old  established debt jubilee so nowadays we don't do   that so um and that often anymore but in the past  it was quite frequent by falsification of currency   through the digital printing press center banks  across the world are attempting their best to   provoke flies price inflation so they want it  because they have that much the governments   have that much debt to pay back that they  want huge price inflation they don't mind   if you lose all your money and all your savings  as long as they can play along a little longer additional additionally the helicopter  money that is printing permits   the stimuljacks directed to the os  managers for illustration could be   looked at as a kind of that jubilee the  authorities give managers some recently   stamped fat tokens which permits them to pay down  their credit card debt for example so that's a   kind of forgiveness they know that you cannot pay  back but here we give you some freshly uh printed   fat tokens and with that if you like to do so  you will be able to pay back some of your debts and other jubilees will be presumably  occurring and one example is the following   in the usa naviant one of the largest student  loan services will abandon 1.7 billion with the   in private loans basically navient was  incremented of lending to people who   couldn't afford to pay off and instead of going  through the cards the debt is simply abundant   the stock price advance slightly  on the day of the proclamation so   to me this is a little funny and i'm not wanting  to be cynical but i never trust that kind of thing   it's not justice for me it's just something they  make up whenever they want to make it up and they   change the rules about it whenever it pleases  them and for me that's a very unjust thing to do   not because i i i don't want the people to pay to  pay i want people to pay back their student loans   that's not not the question it's just i don't  like a system where you when you look at it you   think it's a it's a huge scam so and what is funny  that i don't think it's just because some had to   pay back and others do not pay it back and also  i don't think that all the people are concerned   i think that they choose to pick and choose some  people who don't have to pay back and others to   have to pay back and what what what i find funny  is if they cannot pay back why did they give them   the loans in the first place so if they admit that  they can't pay it back it's because whatever they   started would never allow them to pay it back so  in that case why did they study it so there are   a lot of questions that that come up and uh and  it's also funny that that the investor thinks uh   think that and that is not too bad and the  stock price keeps rising and it is good for   people who don't have to pay back the debt but  it's not so good for the for the guys who hold   the debt and wanted it to be paid back so why  the stock price market rises is unexplainable   that's why you cannot trade news you have to  do something else and for me it's elite wave or   and ichimoku for use can be something else but  you need something else in the news because   the news won't work um no if you knew that in  advance you would have bet that the stock goes   down crashes really hard and he did not so you  cannot trade the news maybe it did afterwards   but i don't think so you can check it if you  have time and if you're interested and also look   into the details to see if it makes any sense  it's a bit like the fatalistic old proverb   all the bank a thousand quid and it's your problem  all the bank a million quid and it's their problem   so nowadays you should probably say a trillion  because money is has and does not it's not any   more the same as it is never in the ba  as it was in the past they inflated it   away that much that one million cannot be  compared today with the 80s or even before that there comes a moment when the height  of that gets so enormous that it   virtually becomes in applicable impossible  to recover then it should not exist anymore   because people will start to ignore it they  can't do anything about it and certainly   not pay it off that's the case for states  and also for people who are in enormous debt if it remains being served the debt economists  cannot see interest rates climbing too far because   it promptly emerged emerges as exorbitant to  serve so even the states won't be able to pay back   normally i mean the states of course if you have  a central bank and and it can print the dollars   it needs to pay back then okay but you need  also to have the about reserve to do that   but in unless unless you're in that situation  you have to convert your freshly printed   money into fat tokens and then you have to pay  back the debt and most countries cannot do that and consequently the growing demands for  that should be because economists think that so let me go back to the last thing because  there's something i want to explain to you   if it remains being served economists cannot  see interest rates climbing too far because it   promptly emerges as exorbitant to be served so if  you think about inflation what they do normally   is they rise the interest rates and that what i've  just told you says that interest rates won't rise   too far because if they do then you nobody can pay  back instead and you we don't mind if developing   countries can buy and pay back the debt but if  countries like germany france spain and so on uh   cannot pay back the debt then that's  a huge problem we don't mind about um stuff we call pejoratively republics i i don't  i don't have no idea if it's the case but   um it's not to say but we don't care about some  people but we do care about other people's if   germany defaults on its stats it's a  different uh topic than if quiz does and finally i have asked a question  and i invite you to answer it if you find the subject interesting i do find it  interesting will we get added to believe or will   we get more austerity measures in the attempt to  pay back a debt that can't be paid back or will we   simply inflate hyperinflation it away so there are  three things that could happen and that should be   austerity measures or hyperinflation the question  is not that good because it's probably a mix   of them three they will do some debt jupiters like  for example the students loan we don't have to pay   back they will mortgage us who you don't have to  pay back whatever whatever comes through the mind   it's and i think it's a very unjust because if you  don't have a that they don't give it to everybody   they only give it to some people's um yeah  and it's um elect elect or political um linked   so they give it to some people's because they  want their votes and that's why some people   we get and other peoples who don't care about  them because they don't represent a majority and with their voting power and they won't get  anything so it's uh it's to me it's it's   very unjust that some people get favors and  others don't but that's what will happen i   mean i'm i'm happy for the people who  don't have to buy back the students   it's it has come anyway so i'm happy for them  but you you see if you keep on doing that it's   very unjust because there's always  some awareness and a lot of losers so in that jubilees is one example uh austerity  measures like increase is another example or   hyperinflation you just hyperinflate it away once  the money is worth nothing anymore you you can   start all over again so i think it it might be  a mix of them where you are so so my question is   what is the most imminent thing that will happen  in your place do you think it's hyperinflation do   you think in your place the most imminent thing  is austerity measures or the most imminent thing   is that jupiter's in my place actually i i don't  want to tell you because if i tell you then you   will just copy by my answer to your answers but in  my place there's something they will start doing   and and once that's done maybe you get a second  thing uh and then the third thing but um there's   one thing that that will happen before the rest  where i am and where you are there's certainly one   thing of them that should be uh austerity measures  or hyper creation that will also happen before   the rest so just answer that if you want to answer  that question it would be interesting i don't know   how long it is available until the results show  up but take a look at it and answer and say it in accordance to what you think how the  huge amount of debt will be paid back   now that being said i've  promised you to take a look at cardano so we'll do that now first as always i quickly want  to remind you that trading   that there are risk involved in creating  and i'll show you my disclaimer as well   as my risk warning the link is in the  description and i go fast to my services which which are live elite wave updates on btc for 20 usd a month you will get one to  three updates a day it might be more   it depends on how much i can work how how much  time i spend indoors in front of the computer and but it might be eight updates a day so it's a lot  i really follow closely uh the wave development   on btc and tell you what i think about it since  bbc is the key to understanding the crypto market   and if you are an investor or a trader you should  be aware of it and also there's a nice help group   and with time people learn better how to use  it and i think it will get more interesting   with time what other traders come up with  and about what to talk so something you can   use next to it if you're not interested in  help that's you just can follow my calls on   my adtf analysis on btc i also  talked about ichimoku for entry price   assist and exit price and stop loss from time  to time but less because everybody can simply   put it on the chart and look at it if  they if they need so there's no need   to look all the time at it eight wave you  follow it more closely now that being said we take a look at cadano so let me open the right chart  well just one more thing very fast please like and comment and  the thing i want to talk about   once again is sentiment sentiment was very low  recently and once it's that glow normally huge   price increase followed like 300 1460 and 134  percent so i just want to point that out again   we are again at a moment where the sentiment is  very bad and it's the same thing happened to me   right now is happening to me right  now as did happened to me when i took um look at   btc at the top at the top i was criticized for  being bearish and now i'm criticized for being   bullish so it shows that people turned very  bearish right now and they don't want to   hear people talking about any bullish outlook  on the market um google trends gives you the   same kind of analysis since we dropped also  and now we finally take a look at cadano so on calero we are the ichimoku  chart tells us that we are bullish   since we are above the cloud and the 10 consent is bigger than  the kitchen which is bullish um   the super trend is trendless right now  because we are in between both of those lines but it still looks uh very bullish now the  thing you might ask if i didn't go long   when i should have gone long so your entry  would have been here and your stop loss   would have been below the chart eight points  you see it in advance so you know that level   and you should still be in that trade and you  should move your stop loss up with every flat line on the bottom of the cloud you  should move your stop up so you stop   could now be here and then  move will be moved up to here you can also use the if you want a  more tight stop-loss you can use the   kitchen that line and wait for it  to wake and then execute position   it would be probably quite close to or you  could wait for the super trend but it's   it's quite close and they're quite close  together to turn bearish if a candle close when the sweat went is bearish right now it's  trendless but when the country is burst you   can also exit the position but let's say you  want to go along and you can go enter here   so the question is when can you enter there are   two places where you normally enter the first  one is when you retrace to the kitchen that line i have that just to make it look  differently but it's the same thing   when you return to the kitchen which  is happening right now then you go   long that's one way of going low and the other  way is of waiting for price to touch the cloud line of the cloud the ssa and  that is often referred as the ssb so you wait for it to touch that line and  then go long you wait for a pullback and   then go along here you have a bulldog so you  could go along that's what you would do on   ichimoku and as you can see the lagging span is  free to move higher but we are right now having   a correction and of course if resistance breaks  and we go below the cloud then your outlook would   be bash and you would be stopped out with now you  should once we you break it below the cloud you   should be stop off with big evening or profit on  that trade i think it will be a perfect because   i'm expecting it to go even higher but let's  look let's take a look at the edit wave counts so the the 882 account that i wanted  to show you is on the button here   it was wave 2. let me do that again so from the button here it was f2 um we start  an input i am with one two three four and five   and right now our target would be where wave  five equals wave 1 that would be atu at 1.719

so that would be our target right now it's  when this wave 1 equals this weight five and the second thing to see is that i  put a channel on it from wave two to wave   four and i uh went through the top of f3 and that  gives you a top here uh somewhere at on that line   uh for price normally way five touches does and  then we trace but it does not happen always it's   just indicative right now as you can see the  uh the line is providing support so either we   already started a wave one and half here wave two  and then we'll go higher three four five or we   are still in the correction and that's only what  a b and c would go lower i can say for sure right   now i'm leading to the optimistic outlook by  declaring this being on the bottom of waveform um what can i tell you more here the  accented wave was wave three and here   the accident wave was also a wave tree and the  correction was quite simple being a double v   x y okay that's all i wanted to tell you today  i hope you did find it interesting i did and   i see you maybe tomorrow for one more i've  got intervention or the day afterwards   whenever i find time and want to take  a look on youtube at one more icon don't forget to join my free telegram group just  to have a second way of communicating with me   and if you find the subject of that jubilee  interesting then let me know what you think   enjoy your day bye bye see you soon

2022-01-25 04:28

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