As a new trader, where should I focus my attention? Trading Lessons from Mark Randall

As a new trader, where should I focus my attention? Trading Lessons from Mark Randall

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hey traders this is blake marl with trader  summit and with me again is mark randall   from but i'm going to get this correct alpha  hyphen mind dotnet mark one of the co-founders   welcome back how are you hey good to see you i'm  glad we're going to be talking of the whiskies of   western scotland today i look forward to that now  it's pretty early in the morning here for me but   you know if i if i got to take it never too late  for me there you go okay perfect and it's full   and it's full well let's see what happens  by the time we are finished here in the next   20 minutes so welcome back and and i want to say  i i really enjoy spending time with you because   you know just just hearing what both you and  steven do at alpha hyphen mind   i i love it because you know performance coaches  trading coaches i think is an important factor to   the success the future success of traders moving  forward and and uh so getting your ideas and the   way you approach different people in different  groups is is important um and i think these are   great conversations to have now you've probably  worked with all sorts of traders you know from   from traders institutional types uh that have  been in the markets for you know 20 30 years   that maybe just need a little bit of tweaking  but i'm sure you've you've spent some time with   some some newer traders that are are fairly  uh you know newer i say newer let's say within   five years of their their you know their trading  career what what based on your experience what   are some of the things the big differences you  see between traders that have been doing this   for a long time and traders that have been you  know are newer into the business if you will   well thanks for having me on the uh  the show blake great great to be back   it's nice to have you and the important subject  i think what we're going on about today is the   stuff of the base you know everyone needs to  have a proper base and um in the bank that   i worked before i was um very much interlaced  with the the great the graduate intake stream   into the markets business and a lot of those  were kind of um you know future traders they were   already trading often on desks and um some of  them had their own background accounts having   developed it from university and we're kind of  thinking that it was something they wanted to   professionalize but anyway so they were they  were early in the space um what was originally   interesting to me is that the people that you'd  have thought would would make it um if you kind of   read a cv and thought oh yeah this guy is going  to do well yeah you'd be so wrong right so as   a rule of thumb um the economists the people that  studied economy in economics at university didn't   often have the the skill set for trading and yet  the people that studied um an engineering-based um   uh sort of curriculum sure like civil engineering  like uh like chemical engineering or something   like that they had sort of a quasi-mathematical  spatial awareness kind of uh skills they became   they became the traitors that's so interesting  you know and and i've always wondered this and   and i'm gonna let i want i want you to obviously  expand on this but i've met so many people   over the last especially let me let me  just back up a little bit for let's go   to the financial twitter we call thin twit  you know i've been on twitter for 12 13 years   i've met a lot of traders i've met a lot of  economists i've had conversations sometimes i   think people some economists are so smart and so  intelligent that they end up talking themselves   out of into bad trades and sometimes out of good  trades because they think that they know better   i i don't know is it do is that is that kind of  what you're alluding to i i think it's just that they're not involved in the kind of  the flow of market when they're talking   economics right it tends to be more macro for  a start yeah of course there's you know macro   traders are out there that's fine that's cool but  where a retail trade is not gonna not gonna likely   start trading as a macro trader sure right so  um it's a different time scale it's more of a   literal type of process you know economists  tend to write articles and whenever i used   to get you know even strategy from economists i  always choose to bloody well tell them make it   really really clear what the strategy is and  make that strategy clear really really early   and that was in the days when we could share  strategy i know things have changed now which   chinese wars and all that sort of stuff but you  know they really like to tell a story among the   time the area the story is finished everyone's  in the strategy and the strategy is over   you know right right right their mindset is  kind of a bit too professorial um i think it's   it's intellect and it's part of the fabric  of what market is and what markets are yeah   you kind of need those people in it but you  need them at that professorial type of level   now i'm not saying that every economist is going  to flunk it as a retail trader sure because it   depends on what what other skills you're building  at the same time and just whether you can tone   down um a skill set that you've got and tone and  tune into a more required skill set for trading   um and i think if you've got that agile mindset  and awareness of just your own capability   you should be able to do that but then it's a case  of who's mentoring you who's coaching you because   you know to do that alone without any  experience is super difficult so when   you're talking about the new traders mark going  into you know the the the newer class if you will   and you've got you know people on paper where  they you think wow this this guy or this gal   should be a good trader but that it doesn't  always equate to that what do you think is the   differentiator if you will is it is it the person  that can actually you know follows a set of rules   and then they they abide by those rules no matter  what uh they have better risk reward they because   they don't they don't think they can outsmart them  the market they know you know hey when it's here i   need to get out that type of thing what what what  do you see is like the difference between the two   well here's an acceptance that there's  it's a learning process that doesn't   end okay um right and i think those that want to  go into the practical sense of applying skills   and start with low risk learn by mistakes you know  build the story uh you know review review strategy   revise strategy you know and evolve that way  i think they're the people that tend to be   successful that sort of keep the involvement  but they manage risk they keep exposure   they try things that they're creatively looking  at the market as a very broad beast and of course   part of that decision making is what the hell  am i going to trade because you may have a   personality or or a risk appetite that's focused  in one direction you might be trading a product   that's entirely entirely not the right product for  you yeah you know you you might be um you might   be a longer-term trader looking at short-term  swing trading or you know there may be a total   mismatch as to as to your profile as a trader yeah  compared with what you've jumped into to trade   because maybe your buddy's been doing that but  what you kind of need to step back is that okay what do i have a sense of knowing about because if  you if you tend to know some aspect of the product   it kind of helps right so if you've got a little  bit of knowledge about what what equities are   and what dividends are and all that kind of well  well okay well you're comfortable with equities   but if you've got if you do happen to have  a sense about kryptonia follow that story   and crypto's your thing then crypto's your thing  but you know tread with care you know i think so   there's all these flavors out there of products  but an early trade particularly retail that kind   of guess gets the bandwidth okay you can trade the  world what are you going to trade well you know do   you want to trade asian products in london time do  you want to trade u.s products when it's getting   thin in the morning and this stuff um you know do  you really understand the calendar of events that   are going to come out for particular products that  could totally ruin you without you realizing that   danger is approaching at 1 30 on the first friday  of the month you know that type of stuff right   yeah a lot of people agreeing to that information  and kind of get involved and it's that it's those   moments of bursting volatility that to  you as a novice has come out of nowhere   but from a professional they're kind of they  kind of know where these you know stand back   and watch moments are and if you don't have a  sense of stand back and i'm watching in your   mentality of the market as as a as a new trader  to the marketplace then the market's going to   kill you you know the market will will take  you out so you just need to start with all   those things really in mind so that almost  takes you back to a pre-trade period of time   where you've got to build this base of all these  levels of awareness you need to be aware of and   then you walk towards a market of choice with  the right risk profile the right product choice   and what what not and then you enter it and you  start to gauge what goes on at certain times and   you know how how am i managing a fast market how  am i managing a sudden loss and how am i moving   on from that and what's my state you know do i  guess go like that and you know collapse or do   i take it and move on and how quickly can i reset  myself to the next level of awareness required you   kind of look kind of all those things kind of  need to be happening before you start putting   some really big risk on the table because if  any of those things are not tuned in properly   any one of them could kill you i mean it  could be the most bizarre thing that kills you   so you know mark taking like myself as a currency  trader predominantly currency trader i trade   24 hours a day you know and and i'm sure  crypto people trading in the crypto asset class   are like me um but it even it's even worse  because cryptos trade all weekend long um   but if you're trading equities you know you you  have a certain time where equities will close   futures will close you might be working  worried about what happens in asia or europe or   u.s overnight wherever you're at but it's it's  less of an issue so i think time has a lot to do   with how you approach the market as well how  much what what time do you have to to trade   around your personal life and schedule is that  is that correct yeah i mean the way i talk about   this with uh with other professional traders i  have to have the problem of never never quite   knowing when to switch off from being in  i'm home honey mode right rather than i'm   trading mode and taking a trade to bed with  me at night literally mentally waking up at   three to check where the trade is waking up  at five to check where the trade is waking up   exhausted if you get any sleep and doing the same  again five days a week which goes on right so you   need to kind of accept that the biggest dollar  value of anything is time time is worth more than   physical money the more time you can have and  keep on your side for the balance what is life   the better because otherwise you don't want to be  the you know the richest trader in the planet with   no life story um you know it's not not not a great  space to be so i think balance and approach is   really really important but uh as i've described  to quite quite a number of people is that   you know determine when you're when you're closing  bell is as a person right the market has a closing   belt right yeah i say bing end of trade not  futures market we're used to anyway bing and   end of floor trading let's move on to whatever and  that was kind of like the end of that day so as a   as as a habit to pick up early it's actually say  you're saying to yourself that uh i don't know   6 30 p.m every day that is my  market my own market closing bill   when i'm basically i'm leveling up my risk or i've  come off of the trade but 630 is my closing bill   and that's really really really and and whatever  happens after 6 30 whatever happens after 6 30   right because otherwise the market starts to own  you rather than you own the market you know that's   that's that's those are some huge words mark and  i'm going to tell you from personal experience   i wish we would have had this conversation three  years ago you know sometimes you're in a market   it doesn't matter what market you're trading  but the the the market conditions aren't ideal   for what you're trying to do and the this is  the one business that i i think people need   to understand and in my view that the hours that  you put in doesn't always equate to profitability   it's not that it's not it doesn't work like that  like and i wish i would have known that oh if i'm   putting in 16 hours a day sitting in front of  my computer that doesn't necessarily equate to   i'm going to make more money and i think a lot of  people struggle with that as new traders so what   do you tell those people like you know because if  if i'm new to trading and i'm newer let's say i'm   newer i think that is what a lot of people think  is like oh well you know if i just sit here and i   and i do my analysis and i you know just  keep going that it's gonna eventually equate   to making money eventually right but that isn't  always the case so what do you tell those people or people that are kind of guests stuck  in this bad process of period yeah   go out for a walk and come back and let's get to  talk about where you are and what you've learned   because you need to unlearn these things you need  to de-weaponize this stuff that you're throwing at   the market as a weapon because it's the wrong  weapon and then you need to re-arm yourself   with the stuff that's super important  so you know where have you picked up   technical analyst skills from  you can go to like the worst   there are so many crap places on the internet  i've seen people invent words there's some guy   turned up a business school in london invented  something called the buffalo market and he wasn't   a markets guy and um so we have to we wrote this  business school saying you've got to be careful   who you're engaging with because they're talking  absolute bananas um so i'd say you know golden   sauce go and for me certainly from uk perspective  and i guess the society of technical analysts   do a home study course that's outstanding and is  that should be the base for anybody looking to   do technical analysis because professionals and it  becomes a professional qualification recognized by   a big institutions and actually if you use alpha  mind in capitals you get a discount going there so that was unintended i i didn't expect that one  that was good um yeah you know it's right nice   so you're right like and and like in the in the  us or you know internationally too i think a   lot of people you know will seek out a cmt you  know chartered market uh a cmt designation but   what i you know again i i i'm  gonna go back to the new trader   and and you know this i think the the new  trader really has a lot to of obstacles that   they have to overcome and i think this is good  information for them so i'm going to ask you   i want to ask you this and and i you may or  may not have an answer for a new trader but   you know new traders come to me and they say  they'll ask me hey blake what is a good percentage   i should be making in my first year trading  or my second year trading do you do you ever   give people an answer that question because i'm  sure if i've been asked that question you've been   asked that question like you know and it could  be worded a little differently like in my first   year or my second year trading or by this time  i should be making x percent what do you think   what do you say what do you have as  benchmarks do you do you look at benchmarks as   i have to make a certain percent or it's a  certain uh number of trades that i should be   profitable before i can tweak this or what do you  say about that i mean because those are questions   that i think all new traders want to know forget  measuring yourself because you'll upset yourself   warren buffett's consistency is 20 percent right 20 i mean then he's got all the information  in the world and all the traders in the world   and his his benchmark return is  something like 20 consistently   okay so if you think you're going to be 300  percent and 500 or catching the wave and   whatever the reality is in the whole  in the whole market that actually   even hedge funds have difficulty meeting like even  five percent or whatever the numbers are right so   you know so you've got to be a little bit  realistic about the fact that you're making money   slowly you're going to get a big win every now and  then it's how you manage your losses becomes more   important yeah that it's almost man the cleverest  trader is the guy that manages his losses and can   get out of a trade quickly and manage himself back  into the next trade and yeah run it for as long as   he's comfortable to run it because yeah ideally  meant to run your profits for as long as you can   um and cut your losses as quick as you can so you  know i think they're the things that are super   important it's more about worrying about what  to do with losses than what to do with profits   oh there's something to be said about that and  i think a lot of people as traders they get lost   in the i could have made this much but they're  never managing what the downside risk is first i   and me personally when i'm dealing with a new  trader i say the first question you should be   asking yourself is what is my risk not you know  how much money can i make what is my risk and am i   able to even stomach that risk to start so you  know as a new trader i i again i'm gonna say   uh if you're a new trader out  there how do i find out more about   what you do mark uh over at  how do i find out more about you um was my personal website is the which is slightly more palatable  

but i guess get you to my sort of uh more personal  comprehensive stuff under mark randall consultancy   um but um the alpha mine podcast is out  there too so retail traders looking for   you know appropriate information  with um with market psychologists and   veterans and retail traders and you've been on  the show um the alpha mine podcast is a competitor   but you know we're out there we're thought  leaders and we connected some big guys and we have   outstanding conversations so listen to podcast  channels with the right sort of content you know   what's interesting mark is uh i i actually spend  my time now uh i found myself over the last 12   months listening to a lot of podcasts and i've  been so excited to add your podcast to my to my   library of my normal listening material so thank  you very much for for doing what you do and um i   want to say you know i i really enjoy the time  that i get to spend with you hopefully the new   traders out there especially the new ones for this  particular episode um got some takeaways and some   nice golden nuggets to take home with them uh  today so i i do appreciate your time and i know   the traders here at trader summit really  appreciate you and you guys can do you can   show your appreciation by giving us a thumbs up if  you're watching us on youtube if you're subscribed   to the channel uh or if you're not subscribed to  the youtube channel subscribe there you so you can   get this content for free and then also um make  sure you click the the link in the description   below to get to mark right on  um mark thank you so much for your time and i   hope the next time that we get to speak we get to  speak about maybe some different subject matter   more whiskey it's a real pleasure blake i think  we're pushing out outstanding work between us   um yet the there are so many people that  again sucked into this world of trading   without appropriate guidance and you know some  some of it is is obvious right some of it is   is obvious but actually perhaps it's  obvious to us when we've got like   decades of experience and we've seen people  more people fail even professionally than we've   seen succeed so um yeah there are some good  there's some good little nuggets as you say   in there that um hopefully will be invaluable  to those that are listening and watching us   and i can only wish you for the moment a very  happy christmas and happy new year and i'm sure   we'll speak again next quarter happy holidays to  you merry christmas to yourself and your family   and i will look forward to speaking to you this  next time hopefully right at the beginning of 2022   so thanks for joining us again mark take care  guys bye-bye bye hey traders blake morrow here   thanks for stopping by our youtube channel don't  forget to like share and subscribe to our channel   also click the bell notifications so you do not  miss any of our market related trading analysis   from some of the leading industry experts thanks  for stopping by we'll see you in the next video

2021-12-01 02:42

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