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hey there aquarius well welcome to your money  and career let's see what we can tap into we can   do this for september but you know whenever you  happen to come across it it's probably going to   still be in place you'll be guided to this channel  for that reason let's see we start not with   the nine of cups that want to pop out what do you  need to know about your career or business and   we have the nine of cups i like this so this is  jackpot this is dream job um personal fulfillment   here i like it a lot okay now let's see i'm still  not finished shuffling so let me just shuffle a   little more for that sorry i want to come flying  out so the wishes and dreams are coming true here   so let's see what else we have for that okay now  we have oh charging ahead with the chariot nice   go for it this might be a business trip or this is  saying that you're driven to success so whatever   you're doing here is coming in your favor okay  let's get um another one oop okay look at this   they're popping out like crazy for you oh my gosh  we got so many of them so we have the strength   card so with the strength card here this is a  strong leader flex your skills owning your power   okay and then we have the four of swords  so with the four swords this would be um   there might be something that you have to take a  time out for but this is all fast energies your   dreams and wishes come true but you might  be because something might come in for you   that you might have to you know just sit back and  take a a breather and we do have the emperor here   too coming into your power i really like this  this is um a plan of action authority financial   responsibilities i think things are going  really well for you there it looks like you   might be offered a position of a leadership or  if you are already uh in some sort of leadership   role there's going to be more responsibility or  a promotion of some sort coming in for you guys   i like it it's a lot of cards okay so  i want to clarify so let's just clarify   right off the bat here okay please clarify  all these cards for what you need to know and create a business wow so there was a lot of burdens put on you it  seems like um you had to do a lot here with this   ten of wands so um you might be like a workaholic  so now i'm saying you know it might be time to uh   delegate some um some things here you have two  pages so maybe you are hiring two people to a   baby apprentice or someone a couple people to  help you here now with the page of coins hmm this is like you planning something um   but is apprentice or maybe even an internship  maybe you're offering internship at where you   work because you need help you're very busy a  lot going on you need some help in this in your   circumstances here and we also have the page of  swords here so this is being very detail-oriented   maybe you also get expert opinions and  you're reading the fine print here to   help you negotiate all these what's going on  with you because you've got a lot going on here all right at the bottom seven of cups choices so  you might have choices to be made here   okay let's go on to the next one what can you do to move forward it looks like  you're doing it but let's see what we get for you   what can you do to move forward okay we have the ace of wands oh how  nice this is there you might be um   planning some new ideas starting something new  maybe even branching off into something new   i like this card a lot this is like a partnership  so you might be um i'd like to i see these two   hands may i think some of you might be just  branching off or doing another business   maybe off the business you already do if that  makes sense but this is pursuing your dreams   you're going to have a spark of inspiration here  and then we have oh the world card nice so um there's something that you're completing to start  something new yes you might be ending something   as it almost feels like you're ending  something to branch off of that   for some of you and then we have the knight  of swords so with the knight of swords this is   you're pursuing something you really want look at  this person going after something they're driven   here this is ambitious and it's like there's no  way the failure is not an option this person is   determined to do whatever they need to do here  okay let's see now let's clarify these cards okay we do have the nine of swords a little  anxious about this you're a little worried here um   but you know what it's like you have to  just keep on going with it uh just protect   your access because you got some a partnership  coming in here with this two of cups so this um a work balance um a beneficial connection  maybe a little concerned about that and   then we have the king of swords here so that  would be maybe you mean are either you're a   mentor or you're getting a mentor this is  um someone that's experienced motivational   so either that's your energy or  someone coming in to help you here   but this is moving forward something new  something exciting okay now let's see we'll go to okay how can you be more  financially successful let's do that okay we have the magician wow that's  speaking a lot here we have this   is um you're attracting things you because you are  able to manifest you're materializing your wealth   all your desires are within reach here  and you do have here the king of cups and that is um you know people admire your actions  they um and this is also loving what you do   and if you love what you do then things are going  to come true for you think things are going to   work for you and we do have the six of swords  here too so with the six of swords there's like   by just loving what you do and trusting yourself  and and doing the things that you like the most   those parts are going to succeed if you're doing  something you don't like is not going to succeed   but if you do what you love it's going to succeed  and this six of swords is saying you're moving   away from rough times there's going to be a stress  reduction here um and this is saying that there is   a change in position and you also might be going  on vacation or holiday and that will help you   sometimes you know workaholics we need a little  break here and there you know because we need   to refresh revitalize then we come back refresh  and ready to go but if you keep on going on going   you end up um struggling so this is saying maybe  you need a little time out here let's um clarify get patient be patient with yourself things will  move on quickly here um having a balance here   with the temperance card you know patience is key  you need to relax you got like taking a vacation   relax that would really help you um and it's also  but and things won't move forward you have the   chariot this is saying go for it your business  trips are driven to succeed things are going to   happen for you you also have the king of coins  here wow okay that's a good card to have here   you know it's like this is um this is saying  that you're probably a business owner or you're   in charge of something financially stable here  so um even if you need someone else that maybe   helps you here and someone else that's very  influential might be coming in too okay now where or what do you need to improve that okay we have the temperance card here this is just  being patient you need to be patient with yourself   it almost feels like you you need  to be in a relaxed atmosphere   there needs to be like more cooperation if  if there if people are not cooperating you   need them to be cooperative or you maybe you need  to be more crafted but this means being patient   balancing things out um let's see what else we  have here and also we have the eight of cups   okay the eight of cups that would  mean that um you're branching out here   you know there's something that i feel like  you're growing something here there's something   that's growing you're moving moving outwards  bigger and better things so i feel really like   the energy you're doing really well and this  is taking off whatever it is that you're doing   and now you're thinking like okay like say  you had a store and i was doing really great   say maybe i should open another store and  that's what you're doing you're branching   out you're branching out somehow and um then  we have here the eight of pentacles i like that   a couple eights or eights are abundance so i  really like the eight of pentacles showing up   in this business this is um honing your craft  maybe even um classes or workshops or just um   maybe focusing on one area and just put more  attention to that just to make it a little better the parts that are really  working that's what you need to   to you know just focus on it it  feels like okay let's clarify this we have the strength card another eight no eight  are abundance you're getting abundances coming   in for you got three eighths right here and  oh we got the eight of coins again oh my god   i got chills and we have the  six of coins this is beautiful   okay things are looking up for you so and this  is supposed to be where where what do you need   to improve i think you're doing a great job here  we have the strength card so with the strength   card being here this is amazing i love this card  it's like your strong leader um flex your skill   own your power you have it you got this  made and again with the eight of coins   what can i say it's just saying that you're you're  really honing your craft or you're really good at   what you do you're really focused on what you  do and now we have the six of coins also here   so um this means that you're probably if  you're looking for a loan it will be approved   or um you're going to get help someone's  willing to chip in to help and it's also   for some you could be a bonus or a raise for the  work that you do do the job you're doing so well   i don't want to run out of  room here okay now let's see okay what or whom is the  obstacle you need to overcome   i don't even want to know that i just love  how good this reading is coming out let's see   of course we have to look into that what or  whom is the obstacle you need to overcome we have a queen of pentacles here you know this is the i can do it all you have  to stop that you need help you're really busy   you're really resourceful but i think you  need someone else to help you need to not   put it on your own shoulders you need some  help here and then we have um the star wow this means that you're on the  right path you know this is like   you're shining bright i don't know if that's the  obstacle overcome um don't get oh my goodness   this here someone that's doing so well on their  own they don't want to give anybody else credit   you need some help you're still going to get the  credit don't um don't try to do all by yourself   because you want to be in the spotlight i  mean that's not gonna be for everyone but   it's saying wishes or dreams are coming true  with this card here and then you know you have   the nine of cups that you have the star card so  it is your wishes and dreams come true now we   have the three of wands here so with the three of  wands this is um something's going to pay off here   and you know you just got to be patient with  this because if if you're expecting something   to happen fast i don't think it looks like it's  happening pretty fast your ships are coming in   so if you're worried about something don't worry  because this is saying it's happening for you guys okay now um let's clarify these yeah this card when i look at this with this  person looking in the mirror and the star   and stuff it's like don't focus on just doing  what you love and not on getting the attention   because this person here it's not going to  be for everyone this person here looks like   they're really into themselves and then you got  the star so they're shining bright so they're you   know they're looking for this attention here  but really you know you need help so get the   help that you need here so that you're not doing  all by yourself and we have here the 10 of coins   and the 901s and the six of  wands wow okay so this is um you might be purchasing home or trying  to save off the purchase home that's   um may you just focus too much on the coins here  as i'm feeling because this is a lot of money   coming in this is long-term investments this is  um this is retirement are you working on your   time because now you have the nine of wands which  feels like you're kind of overwhelmed here you   know it's like protecting things feeling i feel  like someone's getting burned out so just don't   overdo it because you're doing well and things  will happen give yourself a break the strongest   energy i'm feeling here is that you  need a break you're doing way too much   but things are happening for you and you do have  the six and one so there's victory coming in   you know this is happening this is like you're  going to be at the finish line you're going   to be recognized for your talents you're  completing a project you're successful but   look what is taking its toll on you because  you're focusing on the money so be a little   you know not so focused on like just doing  what you love and everything will work out   okay so what is coming in in the future for  you guys what is coming in in the future we have the queen of wands so um you're going  to be uh independent and this is like you're   you're showing people the way you are people are  admiring you they're looking up to you they're   like saying wow look at this person okay and  uh the queen of wands aries leo sagittarius i'm   getting so involved in this reading because this  is really about you not so much about other people   so um all the signs are here to tell you  the truth we got all the signs coming out   but um i'll go over then we have leo here um we  have aquarius here queen of pentacles taurus virgo   capricorn sagittarius been here twice with the  temperance king of coins towards virgo capricorn   uh magicians aries and queries as far  as that's what i have for a magician   um and then we have the king of  cups here right side king cups   okay scorpio cancer pipe though all the signs  are here but this is really focused on you   not on some person coming in or anything  like that this is a money and career i'm   not going to do the words i'm you know i just  this is just on you okay so um let's see here we have the nine of swords okay you are  also worried about something here why are   you worried everything's going well  here so um you might not be sleeping   this is um yeah i think there's you're working  so hard you might not be sleeping so that's not   good and then we have here the hermit you might  need to go within a little bit here um this is   doing some research this is time management i feel  like really i feel like your business or whatever   you're doing is just really taking off you very  successful but you're going to be overburdened   if you don't slow down you know because i  feel like you're going way too quick okay now   let's clarify this queen  of wands denying of swords but yeah there's too much mental activity  here i feel like with this dinosaur you're   not sleeping at night because you're constantly  thinking it's stressing you out let's see we have   the queen of wands again yeah you're definitely  standing out uh four of coins and the magician   okay now i don't know why the five of swords you  know people might be jealous of what you're doing   because you are accomplishing a lot i don't know  why i turned that over to look at it but here's   the queen of wands again so again this is like  your go-getter your independent your um people   are looking up to you you are attracting a lot  of attention you also have here the four of coins   so um someone might be holding  on too much onto their money here   um because you're making so much money  don't you know don't be too greedy here   and then we have the magician now the magician  you're manifesting your law of attraction um whatever you desire you're able to accomplish  here you have all the tools you need   okay so now let's see okay what are home is helping  you let's see her home is helping we have the page of cups scorpio cancer pisces  energy and then we have the three of cups   and we have oh the high priestess okay i think  your intuition is really on fire that's helping   you you've got you're going you're making  a lot of decisions through your intuition   um you also with the high priestess you're keeping  to yourself with the page of cups here we have um you know to trust your vibe  and that's what you're doing   there's a might be a message of hope coming here  too but i think your intuition is really what's   helping you the most is um you're really trusting  your vibes you do have the three cups here too because if you network and you go to these   different functions that will help you  too so get out there and um socialize   because you're feeling like this is uh in the  reverse this is feeling like not socializing being   to yourself too much so it seems like you need to  get out there you need to um socialize be friendly   with people i think you're someone feels like  they're so wrapped up in their work that they're   they're not doing anything else here they're just  focusing on their money okay let's clarify this we have here the seven of wands this is um you're holding your own you're  defending yourself here so it's like there's people willing to  help you let them help you and we have the king of wands which i think we  have the king of wands already here so with the   king of wands it's like you know you're very  motivational you you also maybe you can even um have more people that motivation  around you there's this um your motivation is helping you  your creativity is helping you   aries leo sagittarius with this sign uh this is  cancer virgo and then we have the six of cups   okay so there might be something coming  back from the past here that helps you   maybe um this could also be that if you work  with the with the young that might help you too also saying that you're going to  get rewards for your past efforts   so what you did in the past has helped  me or how you grew up helps you or   or defined you or created something here you  might also be bringing something together   from your childhood dreams and it's very  helpful to you there's something about   going back in the past or going back into  your memories that's helping you okay now let's see here your potential  outcome so we get for that now oh the wheel nice okay so you know this  is all divinely guided this is saying that   you're there's going to be a turning point  you're on a roll here this is a new cycle   beginning this is um you're destined for this okay  and then we have the tower whoa okay something's   going to shock you something has come out  of this that's going to really surprise you   maybe the idea that this is coming in this um this is some kind of shocking news come  in something that you're not going to expect it's not the same on that oh you know what this is yeah there's some kind of shocking news  that you're not expecting is coming in   and then we have here two of pentacles  hmm so with the two of pentacles this is you might need to be more  adaptable there are some things there   is the fluctuation of money maybe even with the  two of pentacles you might have to balance more there might be some kind of expense that comes  in you're not expecting or something too so be   be worried about that um okay  let's see let's clarify that   little fortune the tower and the two of  pentacles we have here five of wands hmm   dreams challenges this might be some competition  you're not expecting once you get up there you   know once you get up there there's going to  be other people that want to be in your place   so it looks like it might be strong  competition and then we have the king of cups   let's put the king of cups this is  um this is you're going to you really   love what you do is what i'm getting  for this and people are marrying you and then we have scorpio cancer fights and  then we have the knight of wands coming in too   so with the nine of wands this is passion this is the knight of wands also jack of all  trades so people might be noticing that you have   many assets you you can do so much here and people  are noticing that admiring that the passion that   you have for what you do okay let's see what we  have on the bottom here we have the queen of coins   the bottom of this deck so this is being very  busy resourceful this is i can do it all attitude   your energy towards virgo capricorn and  then we have the seven of pentacles at   the bottom of this deck so this is um you  might be taking a second look at something   reassessing your goals might be changing  something something might be a little different okay i'm gonna leave that there   um i you know that all the signs are here guys  this is more focused on you your money um not so   much other people just what's going on in your  life so i'm not going to do any of this other   stuff i normally do at the end so this is where  i leave you guys um i hope it resonates with you   please leave me comments let me know if it  resonates i love you guys so much and i appreciate   all you like share subscribes and comments and  i hope to see you all again real soon thank you

2022-08-22 23:32

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