All the Ways You Can Lose in the Stock Market

All the Ways You Can Lose in the Stock Market

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(airplane engine humming) - What's up, Tim Sykes here. Third video from this trilogy as I sit here and scratch my head 'cause I'm not used to wearing hats ' cause it's freezing outside. I'm here on this jet, all alone. I chartered this jet, I don't own it, it's not paid for with stock trading profits 'cause I donate all my trading profits to charity. It's paid for with teaching profits because my main business is teaching and I wanna be the best teacher to you that I know how. I wanna to be the teacher to you that I never had.

I'm trying to be totally blunt so you understand, oh, this Sykes guy actually wants me to succeed. That's the whole point of this trilogy. You can watch the first two videos from this trilogy if you click the links below. I talk about the first green day, and the first red day, and now for the trilogy I'm gonna cover a topic that no one really talks about probably it's gonna get people to not really like me. My confidence is gonna be shot.

I'm just gonna be blunt, I often say 90% plus of traders lose. If you look at several academic studies that's what they say. One academic study I think said 88%, another one said like 92, one said 94, call it 90%, but let's just say it's 95, maybe even 99%.

Why do most people lose? I wanna go over that in this video. This is not something that brokers will tell you 'cause brokers want you trading as much as possible, 'cause they make their money from commissions. Chat rooms don't want you to know because they watch you trading as much as possible and being in the chat and being addicted, 'cause that's how they make their money.

CNBC is not gonna tell you about this because they want you watching, sucking in all the infotainment every day 'cause they're making over a million dollars a day in ads. Who else won't tell you, people on social media, you know. I can tell you so many different Twitter users who only cherry pick and they only show their wins 'cause they want it for their ego, they want it for their following, you wouldn't follow them, you wouldn't give them props if you understood the risks that they take, the losses that they take, and I'm not special, okay? Don't be like, oh, Tim Sykes knows everything, I lose roughly a third of the time and I trade like a bitch, I trade like a coward.

A lot of my losses, they don't even have to be losses, you know, like I cut losses so quick it's crazy, a few minutes later it could turn into a gain, but I'd rather not let small mistakes turn into potential big disasters. For me I try to teach a safe conservative strategy in penny stocks. I know that sounds crazy, 'cause I'm day trading penny stocks and I used a short sell in day trade penny stocks, which I think that's like the three riskiest terms in finance put together.

But the way that I look at this, you know, if you click the links below and you watch, and you learn about the first green day, and the first red day, like I'm trying to take advantage of informational inefficiencies. And I think that's where the average retail trader should focus their time, not trying to guess, excuse me, I'm literally losing my voice 'cause I'm yelling to try to drown out the jet engines in the background, this is definitely my last video. But as a retail trader, versus institutional trader, you're different. I often say that like if the E-Trade baby were a real thing, instead of a little computer generated dancing baby you see on TV, it would be a bloody baby.

It would be black and blue, it would be bandaged, it wouldn't be able to be seen on TV because that's the reality of trading, it's a battlefield and a baby can't survive. Now, to be fair, what E-Trade, and a lot of these, you know, commercials, and I guess you could call them like safe, longer, safer longer term investing strategies are talking about, they're talking about like investing in the S&P 500 where you make like 8% per year. And that's, that's fine if you're out like a 20, 30, 50-year time horizon, I think that's decent, but if you have $2,000 to your name, right, and let's say you invest for a decade, there have been decades where the stocks have done nothing, okay? If you look at, I think like what, 1999 to 2009 was like a lost decade because you had the big crash in 2000, and you had the big crash in 2008, you might even have been down if you invested for a decade, or maybe up a few lousy percentage points, you just wasted a decade because you didn't have a long enough time horizon. Lately, 2010 to 2020, you would've crushed it, that was a good decade.

So not all decades are created equal and people don't realize this. So some people might invest for a decade and be like, yeah, I'm gonna be a long-term investor, then you don't even look at your statements for let's say seven, eight, 10 years, and then you finally look and the day has come and you're down, and you're like, screw the stock market. No, screw your misguided mindset, you weren't patient enough. You don't realize that not all decades, not all years, not all months, not all weeks, not all days are created equal. There's different market environments, different stocks, different sectors that are in play. So for me, I can't wait a decade and I don't wanna know if it's gonna be a good decade, or a bad decade, I've always had problems holding stocks even more than just a few hours, let alone a few days.

So forget about decades, forget about years, forget about months, forget about weeks, for me. You have to find what works best for you. Some people are better at long term, I don't have the patience. And I should say if you have like, 2,000, 3,000, $5,000, like most of my students start with, it's just not really worth it to keep your money tied up that long. Like the world could freakin' end, like life is too short these days with a lot of stuff going on, I can't wait a decade to see what happens, and mind you, if you make 10% per year, even if it's a good decade 10% per year, your 2,000 is just gonna be a few thousand dollars more, okay? It's not gonna grow into like 100,000, or a million, where it's actually like life-changing money.

So, that's number one, you gotta have the right mindset short term, medium term, long term. But when I see that 90% plus of traders lose, I'm talking about short-term, if you look at long-term stats, 70% plus of professional money managers, people who get paid millions of dollars per year, they failed to beat the S&P 500. They have their whole fancy suit and tie get up, they're on CNBC, they do their power lunches, or at least they did before 2020, and most of them can't even beat this lousy index that goes up eight to 10% per year. So, most people in this industry are full of BS. That leaves short-term trading.

This is where it gets really scary. So many people pitch these pipe dreams where they're just like, I guarantee profits, I guarantee I'll make you a million. Understand, I have been profitable, I have created millionaires, but I don't guarantee any of that. I guarantee that I'll teach you everything I've learned over 20 years, I guarantee you I'll be blunt af about it, I guarantee you that I'll probably be the toughest teacher that you've ever had, but I don't guarantee success because that's not realistic.

Anybody who guarantees success, ignore them. Anybody who says that they have like 100% winning ratio, ignore them. Anybody who says that they have a 95% winning ratio, ignore them. Anybody who says that it's okay to go all in and use leverage, ignore them. There's so much BS, by the way, I don't manage anybody's money, I don't have other accounts, I don't try to get anybody to open some shady crypto wallet, I'm not on Telegram, Discord, Stock Twitch, Rebold, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, I'm not tamming you, I don't have the time, those are all imposters.

There's so many scammers in this industry it's insane and they take advantage of people who don't know, you can't stop all the scammers, but you can get educated. So I implore you to expect the worst out of every company, every trader, every single person in finance, myself included, I'm not mad when people are skeptical of me, okay, I'm not mad at you. You should be skeptical of me, you should be skeptical of anybody, that is a good characteristic to have going into this shady, shady industry. The way that I've succeeded as a trader, and as a teacher, is not because I'm the best, it's just because I'm honest.

My video lessons where I have my losses, my biggest losses, those actually do the best. No one else really seems to admit that they have losses, or big losses. They don't make videos like this talking about why you should never go all in, you should never use leverage, because if you do no matter how good your research is, no matter how bright you think you are, all it takes is one trade to blow you up and you lose everything. There's a lot of penny stock short sellers, I know because I basically, almost single-handedly created this huge demand for short selling in penny stocks.

When I first got started to teaching no one knew that you could short-sell penny stocks. A lot of people would message me saying that I was a criminal because I said that you could short-sell penny stocks. They called their broker and their broker said, you can't short-sell penny stocks. Little did they know their brokers just didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to find the borrows, maybe it would expose the broker for being pretty incompetent, or crappy, which most brokers are. I've been short-selling penny stocks for 20 plus years even though lately I haven't been short-selling much, I think it's a very risky strategy. But when I first got started teaching people didn't realize you could short-sell.

I wasn't a criminal I was just busting through all the BS lies out there. Now, when I say most traders lose, no one likes it when I rain on their parade, everyone's like, oh Tim, every now and then it's okay to go all the way, no it's not. Penny stock short sellers, long lists of penny stock short sellers who have been overconfident, they're like, yeah, Sykes, I learned short selling from you, but you're too conservative, I found a more aggressive way. Every single time, whenever someone tweets me that, whatever someone says that to me in an email, they have blown up and I'm not trying to rub salt in their wounds, but there have been over, I would say a dozen, maybe two dozen, I've lost track at this point, but double digits numbers of traders who have told me that I am too safe, I am too conservative and they have blown up, they have lost everything, okay? So I used to like short selling penny stocks, lately I think it's very risky. I'll give you an example right now. Cause I, you know, I talked about longterm strategies not yielding that much, I talk about the professional money managers, most of then failing to beat the S&P 500, but forget about just under performance, what is the risk if you blow up? And the other day, I'm filming this on January 11, 2021, the other day there was a stock ticker, SIGL, for two days it went from the ones to the sevens because Elon Musk, the billionaire who's right now one of the richest, if not the single richest person in the world, he tweeted, use Signal.

What he was talking about is this new app call Signal, but people thought that it was related to SIGL, it was a case of mistaken identity, this happens with penny stocks. So the stock went from one to seven, CNBC wrote an article about it after hours on Friday, all of the short sellers were saying this stock is gonna crash, now everyone knows it's up for the wrong reasons. What did it do today, I'm filming this on a Monday, what did it do on day three of the run-up? It had already gone from one to seven, in about five or 10 minutes, it went from seven to 70, every single short seller who was so confident going into the weekend, short sellers who were betting big, short sellers who were betting small, every single one of them were dead wrong.

And when you short sell, you can't just lose the money you put in, you could lose the money you put it and more, right? If you short sell, let's say a thousand shares at seven, and you go to sleep on Sunday night, everyone's talking about what a joke it is that this stock is up, you have your little CNBC article as a feather in your short seller cap, and you short a thousand shares at seven and you're like, I'm going to sleep now I think I'm gonna wake up and the stock's gonna be a five, maybe even four, maybe even three, but I'm going make an easy, two, three, four grand on my roughly $7,000 investment. But because it's such a crowded strategy, because so many short sellers are so narrow-minded as to the risks that they take, SIGL went up from seven to 70, and what if you don't have that much in your account, okay? If you lose, now remember, in this hypothetical example, you have a thousand shares short at seven, let's say you have 20,000 in your account, when it goes to $27 a share, you're down $20,000, you've wiped out everything. But, it didn't stop at 27, it's gone to 70, and you still have your thousand shares short.

And sadly, I know some people who were in this situation, not my students, 'cause I warned against short selling these days, but I do know somebody who was short a thousand shares, I don't know how much they had in their account, but if it goes from seven to 70, you are down $63,000 on your account. Even if you only have $20,000, you now owe your broker $43,000 extra on top of them taking your $20,000. And the broker might call that in. You might get a margin call, or maybe the broker will be nice and they'll say, well, the stock is overextended, it's gonna come down and by day 10, they finished out, I think 35. So now you're only down, you're only down $28,000 on your $7,000 investment, four times what you put in.

Terrible, terrible, terrible. And the broker isn't just gonna forget that you owe them money. It's not just like, oh, you don't have the money, we'll just call it even. They'll send your account to a credit agency. You'll have to declare bankruptcy if you don't want to pay your debt to this broker. So you can lose seven times your money, you can lose four times your money.

We've seen some of these short squeezes go up to over a hundred, or even nearly 200 lately, all in a few hours or a few days. So no matter how confident you are on any short, understand that's the risk. And I see a lot of these confident short sellers, 'cause the majority of the time they're right, right? Like the majority of the time you short sell these penny stocks that are up for the wrong reasons, they're spiking like crazy, 80, 90% of the time they come down, all it takes is one to blow up. BPTH actually blew one of my friends up. I knew him, I'm not gonna name him, I'm not trying to rub salt in the wound, but he had made millions and millions of dollars over years, maybe even tens of millions of dollars, BPTH had a similar squeeze a few years ago, he lost everything, I think in like one or two days. I haven't heard from him since.

So I don't want you risking everything. I don't want you losing money, but this is just one example, forget about losing everything. When I say 90% of traders lose, a lot of people just lose because they follow alerts from so many different sources. I always say never follow alerts, learn from my real-time alerts, learn to create your own trades.

Learn the process, learn the mindset, but so many people follow chat group alerts, that is a mistake, do not follow anybody's alerts, learn from the alerts, okay? That is the secret to finding a lot of success over time where you can learn, learn, learn, (coughing) sorry, my voice is really going, and you optimize your own process, what works best for you. I'll bring up another thing. Even if you become a successful trader over time you're probably gonna lose in the beginning. Kyle Williams, one of my newest students, he's gone from what like 6,000 to like 800,000, I think he lost like 10 or $20,000 at first, maybe you're not even making money. Tim Grittani, 1500 into now, 14 million, my top student, he made nothing his first nine months while he was learning and he's arguably the best penny stock trader right now.

Would you stick to learning and trading if you're making nothing for nine months? The majority of the people watching this the answer is, no, you don't have the right mindset. You're like, oh, after a week, after a month, after three months, I don't get it, it's too hard, I'm losing. You have to learn, okay? There's a saying, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, this is why I say trade small in the beginning, paper trade in the beginning, you don't wanna lose big, you wanna learn small lessons. And even when you start winning, if by God's chance, or God's praise, whatever you wanna say, by God's grace, you start winning, you don't wanna go too big too soon. I know a lot of traders where they're like, they make their first 20,000, they make their first 50,000, and they're like, I got this Tim, I'm over the PDT, and then when you can trade freely, and you're not limited to three day trades per week, they cannot control themselves and they're trading like crazy.

I used to hate the pattern day trader rule, now I respect it and am grateful for it because it keeps newbies in check. I could make a freaking 20-hour video about all the mistakes that newbies make, but I wanted to bring up a few examples so that you understand you shouldn't go all in, you shouldn't necessarily short plays, even when they're gimmes, you can't trust crypto, you can't trust brokers, you can't trust binary options, those are mainly scams. Options, you can't even necessarily cut your losses quick. I once upon a time lost 500 grand when I went too big in a liquid penny stock so now I don't like taking small positions, you know, I keep my position very small, less than 1% of the average daily volume, or that day's volume, so that I can get out at a moment's notice. You know, some people are like, well, I wanna be able to get out, but the pattern day trader holds me back, I have to hold it overnight so I'm stuck.

That's your fault for not having an extra trade where you can get out at a moment's notice. You never wanna be where you have to stay in a stock because anything can change. If I'm under the pattern day trader rule, I'm always conserving an extra day trade, you get three day trades per week, I never wanna use that third day trade of the week, I always wanna have an out in any position I take same day, just in case.

There are so many mistakes, so many, you know, like it's like a minefield, right? If you're a newbie and you're walking through this battlefield, and there's just mines everywhere, and you can step on one, this one will blow your arm off, this one will blow your head off, this one will blow your leg off, this will kill you and your friend, this will kill your whole squadron. I mean, there's so many different mistakes to varying degrees, but you have to learn what not to do. The reason why I say 90, 95, 99% of traders lose, I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm trying to be realistic to help you learn the process. So many haters and promoters rip on my students when they post small gains, or small losses on Twitter, they're like you pay Sykes to learn how to make 20 bucks, you pay Sykes to learn how to lose 50 bucks, you could lose all on your own and not pay him at all.

It's not about the small gains, or the small losses in the beginning, it's learning the process. Can you learn the proper process so that then you can learn from your early mistakes, in your early training, and then scale up once you have the know how and experience. If you learn the proper way, even though it's very frustrating the first week, month, three months, six months, nine months, 12 months, you know, not all years are created equal.

You might have three years where it's just crap trading. You know, after 2020, how hot it was, and how hot 2021 has started, you know, 2022, 2023, for all we know could suck. Are you willing to go through one year, two years, three years of no gains and potentially small losses? I'm trying to get through to you because I want you to have the right mindset, I want you to have the right perspective. Leave a comment underneath this saying, it's a marathon, not a sprint, that's what this is about. It's not about making so much money overnight, it's learning the skills and getting experience in the beginning. But money that you make, or the money that you lose most likely in the beginning, is negligible in the long run.

But if you learn the proper way, if you trust the process, you will succeed, year five, year six, year seven, year 10. I've taught some degenerate people, some very not so smart people, by year five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, if they've stayed dedicated, no matter what they did in the beginning, they are succeeding more and more. Now I'm not saying that you make millions right away, but you start learning the rules, you start learning how to create a plan so that you can trade scared and that makes trading not so scary. If you're willing to cut losses, rule number one, so what, do your worst to me, volatile stock market, I'm mentally prepared for you, but most newbies are not. If a worst case scenario hit you, like you're shorting SIGL, and you're a newbie short seller and you see a few of these big short sellers, but they post like their day end, or week end, or month end profits, and they don't show the risks, or their entry A losses, or the swings, or the fact that they're trading with a big account, or that they have a lot of experience, and you're a newbie, there's almost no chance that you're gonna succeed.

You're gonna get crushed because you're not mentally prepared. You haven't learned the proper way. So, going back to the beginning of this video, why am I filming this on this jet? Why am I alone? First of all, two of my friends got sick and given what's happening in the world right now I refused to even be around anybody who's even partially sick.

Not because I'm so scared of dying, but I don't want any illness to interfere with my trading. I'm making five, 10, $15,000 a day, lately, in this hot market even with some intraday losses, but the gains are bigger than the losses, so, I don't wanna lose time. But going back to why I'm filming right now, in this jet, because I paid for this jet, I chartered with it, I chartered it with my teaching profits. And if you click below we have a lot of different options where you can learn from me.

I'm not embarrassed to say that I made money teaching. I'm not embarrassed to say that I donate 100% of my trading profits to charity. If you have any doubts whatsoever about me, or trading, simply don't learn from people. The beautiful thing about being real, in an industry full of fakes, is I'm not begging for students.

I'm not in need of students. I'm only looking for dedicated students who are sure of what they want to do in the long run, not people who wanna make money overnight, not make millions overnight, but who were ready for the marathon, who are ready for the struggle and the grind of studying every day. My top students are studying 10, 12, 14, 16 hours a day. Will you study that much and not make any money for months, potentially years on end, that narrows it down to a very small group of people who are truly interested in getting educated and those are the people I'm talking to. I hope people share this video and will be like, look it's Sykes making excuses why people lose money in trading.

It ain't just me, and my students who lose from time to time, it's the vast majority of traders. We're the only ones with balls enough to actually share every trade, okay? Don't even get me started on the fact that many traders who claim to be profitable, they don't show all their trades. They don't show their position sizes, they don't show their risks, they don't show their reward, well, they do show their rewards. I try to be as blunt, and open, and transparent as possible.

When I'm alerting understand sometimes my alerts are a little off. Sometimes I say position size of like 240,000 shares on like a five-cent stock, but I really have like 280,000, or 220,000, because it's going so fast and I'm trying to alert in the real time so that you can learn in real time. The position size, the exact dollar amount, and the exact goals for me, it doesn't matter. Like it doesn't matter if I make 1800 on a trade, or 2200, or 600, I'm trying to put my teachings in to practice in real time, okay, and that confuses a lot of people and it pisses people off. People like milestones, people like having goals, like my goal is to make a thousand dollars a day. Once I make a thousand dollars I close my laptop.

Screw that, I don't have any goals. My goal is to take it one trade at a time and to trade the opportunities the best that I can. Sometimes my best trade on a stock, for whatever the reason, maybe the market shifts, maybe I'm wrong in my thesis, maybe the company issues some news I couldn't predict. Sometimes the best trade I can make is a loss and I lose 50 bucks, a hundred bucks, 500 bucks, maybe $2,000. On LLLI, the other night, I held a first green day OTC overnight, I thought that there would be more civil unrest overnight, I was wrong.

I lost $6,000 overnight. Coulda, woulda, shoulda taken the roughly $4,000 profit I had, in unrealized profits, before the close. I was wrong, I made the mistake of holding overnight. I'm not embarrassed by it, I made a whole video lesson about it because that's my biggest loss in years.

I make mistakes, I have losses, but I still finish up by days end. That's how crazy it is, or not even, not even finish up by days end, but I didn't finish down that much. I think I lost like three grand, which I minimize it, so, understand that I do have down days still myself too, but I took like a moral victory, the reason why I said that and I'll explain, I'm not gonna be perfect. Don't be like, oh, Sykes claimed it was green that day, but it wasn't. I get confused sometimes because in my mind that was a moral win, chipping away from the $8,000 loss to a negative $3,000, but you could see all of my trades, okay? But don't try to play like that gotcha game where if I misspeak, or if I have a typo in my Twitter, I'm human, I'm gonna make mistakes. Again, the point for me is to get the gist across, the process of trading small, maybe even paper trading in the beginning, and sizing up over time, scaling up over time, once you have enough experience, once you have your process down, and that's different for everybody.

You know some people are like, how long should I lose before I should expect profits? That depends on the market, that depends on your education, that depends on your dedication level, sometimes it just depends on luck. You could be the dumbest person in the world and you can pretty much be profitable in 2020 just because there were so many trading opportunities and a lot of people learned the wrong lessons. So now they're gonna use these lessons that they thought they learned in 2020, and when the market turns, as it is inevitable, whether it's 2021, or 2022, or 2023, they're gonna get annihilated.

That's another thing, I talked about losing money right from the beginning, you're losing more than you put in, but a lot of people learn the wrong lessons because they go too big too soon and they might make a lot of money. I'm worried about people who made too much too soon on crypto, or on stocks, their head is all messed up. They're like a young Hollywood star, or like an athlete who comes into too much money and they're not prepared for it.

They don't know the ups and the downs, they don't know the ins and the outs, they're not grateful they have been grinding. They're basically setting themselves up for failure. If you look at a lot of lotto winners, how they do financially, it's not good. They're not financially responsible. So if you actually listen to me, and take it one trade at a time, and go through the grind and start trading small in paper trading, you're a lot more grateful for success in the long run. And most importantly you're a lot more prepared to handle any, if it comes to you, whether it's year two, year three, year five, year 10, everyone learns different.

If someone's studying 17 hours a day for three years they're gonna be at a different spot, knowledge wise, than someone who studied two hours a day for three years. It's not just about three years to three years, it's how many hours do you put in? What's your quality of hours? Some people just have like video lessons in the background, but they're also watching Netflix and cooking dinner, they're not really paying that close attention to the lessons. So they're putting in their "study time," but they're not really taking in the lessons. So I can't study for you and you have to find how many hours per day you want to study and you have to find what kind of trades you wanna take. This is all about you. Every single person watching this video is in a different place in their lives, you have different educations, different account sizes, different experience levels, different goals.

Some people are like I don't even wanna be a millionaire I just wanna make a few thousand. Well, again, even if you wanna make a few extra thousand a month you still need knowledge. It's not like, oh, let me just learn a little bit and make a few thousand, versus learning a lot and making a few million.

You need to become a master and then you get to choose whether you wanna be dedicated and try to make a few million, which very few traders actually do, or if you want to aim small, miss small, like I always say, trade it like a sniper, and just try to make an extra few thousand per day, week, month, year, you choose. It's not an exact science, but you choose your dedication level and I want you to be aware of all the wins, all the losses, the struggle. Every trade makes you stronger, wiser, more educated, more prepared for the next trade. So even if you're failing for three or four years, and everyone else is getting ahead and you're like, oh, I'm a loser, you're not.

If you trade small, and cut losses quickly, and stay in the game, you will be shocked at what you can accomplish later on after you have the knowledge of what not to do. That's the whole point of this video. Most traders lose, in fact, nearly all traders lose in the beginning. What are you willing to do and how hard are you willing to study over time to change that for you? Leave a comment below. Let me know if you're gonna be dedicated, let me know if you're ready for the grind and that's what it is.

I'm looking for dedicated students. If you're lazy and you expect to get rich overnight, if you just want hot stock picks, don't bother learning for me. I'm not gonna be offended, okay? I just have zero time for that, I might be short with you.

A lot of people say like, Tim, you said you're not gonna be offended, but you're like a dick to me in my messages. I don't have time to waste. For me it's not about finding as many students as possible, it's quality over quantity. So if you're not dedicated, if you're lazy, if you only want hot picks, if you're gonna rip on other students trading small, and not be like a good positive influence in the community, bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm not gonna be nice, I'm not gonna be like, oh, oh, you're lazy, let me spend more of my precious time on you because you're lazy because you need extra help and somehow you think you deserve more of my time even though you just break my rules over and over again and you don't follow simple directions. No, that's not how it works. I know the value of my time.

I know the value of my teachings. So if I offend you and get all the lazy people, get all the little snowflakes out of my ecosystem, in my messages, in my community, I will live a happier life. I'm trying to weed out the weak. I'm trying to weed out people with the wrong perspective that's my toughest thing. I say this and people don't understand.

People are like, oh Tim, if you were nicer you'd have more students. I'm already overloaded, I don't wanna be nicer, okay? And frankly if I was nicer about this, and I didn't talk about how many people lose, that would be a disservice to my dedicated students. I want to be as real as possible for my dedicated students. That's all that matters. Non-dedicated students are irrelevant, blocked, goodbye.

I often tweet, I say, "Weed out negative and toxic people from your life." I weed out negative toxic people from my feed, you say something that's, you know, just mean to like some upcoming student, you're out. You say you want overnight profits and you're not willing to actually grind and study, you're out. You like some people message me and say, like, Tim, I don't believe you but I'll study after you give me one pick that makes me big.

No, you're out, you are out. This is my biggest problem. It's not finding students it's getting to quality students quicker, weeding out the bad, 'cause the crazy thing is a lot of these students with the wrong attitude, they blow up, they lose all their money, they come back hat in hand three months, six months, nine months later, then they have the right attitude because they've lost so much breaking and ignoring my rules. They don't realize it. I literally had like these DMs, they're like, "Why won't you even give me a chance?" I'm like, "Follow the instructions, I've had this same conversation 80,000 times," and they're like, "Not with me."

And I'm like, "You're not special, your mom lied to you, you're the same as every other loser." And they're like, "Well, you're mean, I don't wanna learn from you." And I'm like, "Good, that's my point, get out of my messages, get out of my feed, get out of my life." Then they lose enough and get the messages, it's crazy, they're like, "Tim, I'm so sorry, I should've believed in you, I shouldn't have trusted that free discord chat room, I made a lot of money too quickly, then the market turned, or I didn't know when to sell, I didn't help the rules." I understand, I'm not looking for an, I told you so, I'm not looking for apologies, I'm just trying to cut the fat, I'm trying to get to the most dedicated students. This isn't a script, I'm not reading something, all I wanted to do was be real in this video.

This wasn't even supposed to be a 40-minute video, I'm gonna have a sore throat in a little bit, but I had the chance to hopefully weed out a lot of non-dedicated students. If you're not ready to study an hour a day, you know, for several years, or five hours a day, or 10 hours a day, if you're not ready, bye. I am a glorified history teacher. I am here to teach you stock market history and everything I've learned over 20 plus years. I will not teach you other stuff.

I will not teach you to break the rules, or to bend the rules. I will not teach you how to make money overnight because that's not reality, okay? You might make money in a hot market, but I also want you to stay conservative, always stay conservative. The most success you'll have is in the long run. That's the point of this? Otherwise you'll probably just lose like 90, 95, maybe even 99% of traders, who do not follow my simple instructions, and they are too aggressive, and they don't respect the risk, they don't respect history, they don't respect stats, and they don't respect themselves. You choose, what is your future gonna be? How hard are you gonna study to avoid being the majority of students who lose? Leave a comment below and then put in the damn quality time studying.

I have to go lose my voice now. Goodbye.

2021-04-08 20:56

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