Alireza Brain Too Big | 100 In Puzzle Survival

Alireza Brain Too Big | 100 In Puzzle Survival

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0:00:00.160,0:00:03.360 i mean how the biggest   hundred dude   hundred   i mean it's crazy right   crazy i would have never imagined   heck is this thank you so much for five   gifted   yeah we broke yes it was two days ago i   think we we broke all the records   we are now 81 in survival puzzle and we   we did it over 90 maybe okay and we   didn't uh   close the tab maybe we don't believe but   we didn't close it yet   i think if we closed it it would it   would work but we didn't risk it so it's   so valuable for us so we want to   continue until 100   or maybe more let's see what happens and   we have two wrongs until now so let's   see what happens   yeah just one wrong it's over there's   one wrong it's over   king g2 queen f2 king h3 knight of three   this is our point but i don't know what   if   if it is good or not   um 620   000 channel points to doubters for   doubters wow crazy what is the   difference there   what what what is the difference with   bishop h4 and this   no then i want to attack the   h2 oh no i give a check on h1   the bishop has to attack the issue one   because i want knight g one cringe   tonight   ah finish to me   i don't see a defensive yeah i think   that's the solution   but that's too easy now bishop g3 no it   was not easy   g3 queen f2 knight of three it's so hard   i don't get it i think that's the   solution   should we go for it   because there is too much threats knight   g1 mate   queen h2 knight g5   that's too much   yeah that's too much i think   and if you and if he wants to sacrifice   his queen with a queen of three i just   take it and he cannot take the bishop   queenish one yeah   so   yes let's go bishop g3   oh if it is wrong then it's all over no   bishop g3 is correct   there is nothing   okay let's dig   yep why are you talking like this i mean   it's   laggy it's two days that this tab is   open   at knight f3 it's over   not d5 first   maybe it is defy first   babe that's gonna just   move oh it seems like this it's so laggy   this is so laggy because it is open for   two days   so it is a bit laggy okay emotes only   okay   two pounds but the king is terrible   white's king is terrible   and if we give a check on on streets   over so maybe knight d2 even   like d2 but then like f4 or something   yeah like 92 the point you see if it   takes then queen of three is made but 92   just f4   and then it's just not great   so   knight c3 queen d3 e4 queen e3   i don't know so oh wait maybe it's queen   g6   ah   queen g6 d7   aaron g1 queen e2   no queen g6 queen e2 or queen c queen e2   or rook a2 okay two knight c3 22 is only   gonna queen a2 four queen e1   guys press one if it is knight f2 press   two if not native to what this thing is   press one if knight f2   press t if not   yeah everybody agrees with me almost but   it's so risky   sorry schemer i think this idea is so   shaky   i mean you're just taking material and   like   because uh wait queen e4 rook g6   d7 rook f8 queen d3 what happens oh   queen g2 is made yeah   oh you cannot control both g2 and f1   yeah   okay let's go let's go yeah let's do it   let's do it knight of knight f2   okay queen of two yanking each sound   only move it's   rook g6 not g6 why not g6   because h4   rook h5   i mean logistics is over   that's the root g6   thank you 400 bits 150 bits thank you   thank you now why not knight c3 doesn't   work thanks because e4   queen is real it will come and yeah rook   g6   i mean g6 h4 what you want to play and   you should uh   exit your rook from g5 and there's less   rook g6   and rook f8 yeah   just take it   oh okay let's go let's go   what is this a gift   b5 rugby fight rook five rook v5 queen   b5   ah bishop b5 takes yeah   rook b5 so for those just to make sure   it   takes sorry bishop d4 rook b5   and if we take then he takes take on e3   e8 is i mean this crazy line so yeah   let's go again   takes takes bishop d4 rook b5   like takes it takes takes and takes and   it's just messed up   um so i don't know   rook p6 takes takes bishop d4 rp5   wait wait   rook b6 rook b6 rook d8   oh oh yeah   how did you see that okay   hey look dude it's just winning right   so we so the point is to   take take rook d8   rook v3 cannot defense so bishop e4   queen d1 bishop d4   take take rook d8 and we will defend   this rook   if bishop before queen d1 king h2 bishop   d4   or first maybe just give a check on e5   and then bishop before yeah it doesn't   matter   but maybe it's solution   this is just winning i don't see it   let's do it right yeah rook b6   wait why can't we go here because then   here   so bishop d4 rook b5 i don't see   anything   so yeah it has to be rook d8 right   yeah it has to be   now we can wait yeah yeah take take we   shall   fade okay yeah that was not   so hard here yeah okay um   so let's see   we are getting mated with g5 g5   queen h7 is made so   rook g1 kh2 is the only move   i'm thinking that i have one very   interesting idea queen g1 kh4 rookie 4   you know what's that like after g5 we   take on g5 mate   very interesting but i don't have any   spread after that   check here rook e4 g5 25 mate   but like after queen d8   but then maybe we can go queen okay   let's let's see   so rook g1 no no sorry queen g one   king h4 rookie four queen of seven   queen yvonne brooke g three and it's   just a mate   queen g one rookie for queen f7   if there wants to be something it has to   be after queen g1   why not queen simon king   some freaky move you know maybe you can   find for example you sacrifice a rook   and queen e7 is made or something like   this if it's   if there is no tactic there is this and   group h1 yeah   it's nothing no uh   i mean queen g1 the only crazy thing is   rookie four right yeah   the the most crazy thing that i'm you   find you found is this   but queen of sun he wants   queen of fate mate in this puzzle   if i take he takes this check so queen   i don't see like queenie one queen queen   f7 is so annoying you know queen uh   for example if he doesn't even queen d8   i don't know   d8 queen d8   it's good yeah it's decent i mean   yeah the last one was not so hard and   this puzzle is   is the same level i mean maybe like they   are tricking   us for this this queen g1 rookie four   everybody will play like this then   you know yeah yeah of course but queen   of seven   yeah requiem one rook g3   g5 just takes mate you can fork when   therefore   check g5   it takes mate and yeah let's go to g1   yeah let's go let's go   just take wait wait when you want g5   rook h1 takes takes can h2 we cannot   exchange queens even   so   22 takes   um rook g2 takes   it has to be takes   you take right   you don't see all the rains   yeah just take it   yeah i mean we're getting mated   rook is under attack queen is under   attack g5 we are getting mated so   just take it   and i just ran me   you're looking at emotes no no no i'm   thinking   who needs three or queen g3   like why queen e3 g5 no it's queen g3   when you shoot g5 is winning for who   or why king h4 if king h5   on f5 ah   yeah it's just been g3   and take this check yeah   why it's lacking   yeah queen h5 kingdom knight f7   winning how can defense like   it's so easy yeah i mean knight f7 is   not easy   queen f7 is the first move that comes to   mind right normally   i didn't see anything i mean uh   you you see the only problem is this we   are down a piece now   even if we take on f5 and we don't get   an another exchange   it's not the good news but it's a mate   yeah we're made   it's it's not good so knight f7 quincy   eight   winner five king eight what then you're   going to take and take and knight g6 94   you're over   it's so strange i don't know yeah let's   do it right   yeah let's go let's go if it's gonna be   wrong we are we don't know chess here   no i mean it's not like that but it   can't be wrong   it's why it's wrong but wait wait   i mean i mean it's so sh   like there's seven right   i mean it's over   right of seven right yeah   we're going to do it   i mean it's a very bad puzzle yeah it's   easy   take the queen of course   four thousand this is our first four   thousand dude   what   four thousand what   this is our first four thousand i take   it dude i take it anyway   this is hard knight f7 is hard knight f7   is hard   but this is winning right through k7   oh man i'm getting confused   so now i have that question what is   wrong with rookie phones   look at phone bishop street knight f3   right   i have string what do you play you have   to go d6   yeah this is check yeah i think you   check you find it you found it   take yeah   yes finally finally let's go   do it do it okay you have to do it yeah   there's no other choice   okay all right yeah bishop is three   which is crazy guys is easy knight f3   was crazy   i mean the whole idea is crazy   you know why knight f3 because we buy a   temple   we can what we can do else a group g1 we   can do but   then d6 takes d7 like we bought the   tempo right   which symbol like check check and takes   this is why not tempo   because now we cannot give a check on g1   yeah yeah yeah   right he's not just three for sure   okay oh wait this is me this is   oh man wow such a nice find   f4 h4 king h3   yes and then we leave it huh yeah and   then we forgive   forget it king a3 f5 takes f6   a3 f7 king b2 f8 a2   queen before king c   king okay king c c2 queen a3 king b1   queen b3 king queen   king a1 king g2 hg4 king g4 h3   h3 and c2 h2   ah yeah this is this is amazing pattern   this is a mating pattern this is very   nice pattern guys   very nice pattern there is mate you make   a still made situation and you mate   there you you don't need to go approach   your king i was mistaken   there is a mate yeah of course there is   a mate   yeah you make the stalemate at the at   the corner   and queen c2 quincy one this uh okay we   have to start with four   wait wait yeah i don't know we calculate   all of this   okay   yeah okay king h3 is crazy   yeah yeah yeah he should he should go   for   a two pawn otherwise i just take on h4   and make no   a3 we have to do a fight yeah yeah i'm   talking about the king   if king c5 we take yeah or just take it   and that is   winning that is   you should lose a tempo you cannot go to   b3 and take a2   yeah so kingish3 king a3 f5   takes f6 a3 f7 king beta boy king b2   king b6   king b3 no but then f8 cringey sign   okay doesn't matter no because you want   to give a check on before   okay we have a staircase okay what is a   staircase   because you want to go keep quick queen   a1 no you   i know i know i didn't see that well   after after kill after king b2   yeah you want to give a check on before   okay okay   yeah king a3 f5 k f6   yes a3 f7 yes king b2 f8   yes a2 queen b4 yeah i say b i wanted to   prevent   queen before it doesn't matter a1 queen   c3 can be one queen b3   a1 king g4 is frequency two here right   when c2 is   it's over yeah yeah you're very nice   pattern   very nice button 34 42 yeah and   if you were lucky this was not a void   pawn underneath   you were pushing you were pushing it   yeah yeah i should not do that   rookie four knights three king horn one   91   oh man we cannot touch the bishop on g3   it's it's mate   yeah thank you andrew w a w   m 75 for the problem thank you so much   for the prime   why we can't we can't go on bishop f2   yeah of course   we should i was thinking about   rook f6 take stage   completely can be a move look fe4   knight e6 queen h7   rook g7 rookie six   yes two remaining puzzles what do you   mean   rookie four no no it's not made hinchey   and i was calculating   and he goes to h5   although there is rookie 496 queen e3   i mean it should not be winning straight   forward because it's there is not a win   right so there is not a straight win   here   you're down upon yeah yeah oh no there   is no straight win   but rookie of e4 makes a lot of sense   0:21:55.760,0:21:59.440 yeah   0:21:56.240,0:22:02.320 knight f3 is important  

96 we are fine   yeah knight of switch what is this four   knight f3   king which one yeah king h191   queen h7 rogue g7 queen   uh knight takes the rook with pretend   protecting the queen yeah that's true   and you know yeah okay um   there is nothing better here okay queen   d3   when this three bishop h4 ah   thank you thank you is that zzzz for the   for the prime thank you so much   okay yeah it's true yeah rook of two   queen distribution h4 yeah yeah   what's after that i mean knight f3 are   we take take and go queen h7 rook g7 we   got rookie seven this is important   was queen design take take and then c2   is winning wait wait the queen is on d3   queen h7 i can't take no   what what am i missing   what do you mean rook f2 queen d3 bishop   0:23:05.520,0:23:09.440 h4   0:23:06.000,0:23:12.720 knight f3   hey   hey queen each seven kingdoms   okay okay rookie seven   then i take and take on f3 yeah yeah   i got it i got it yeah   we have two when these three is the only   move no   let's do it yeah let's go rf2 i think   okay okay bishop h4 because bishop e5   oh man bishop bishop e5 doesn't look   uh logical why you want to close   your rook yeah of course because   thank you harry morris 12 for the prime   thank you so much   thank you can we get a gift   next one the next one i feel like it's a   0:24:00.960,0:24:03.440 gift   0:24:01.360,0:24:05.120 is a gift we shall   be five knight of   three   take queen each seven rook d7 just take   okay yeah   yeah and take and take it's not good so   yeah why we should give up our bishop   here   because rook e3 also doesn't look good   just one question   bishop h4 knight to fight for the prime   thank you so much   we should reach for knight f5 and queen   h7   rook g7 no no bishop h195   oh you go check yeah rook g7 yeah okay   okay let's go let's go with h4 right   yes yes let's go because rookie phone 92   yeah let's go let's go let's go   okay finish 7 of 5. it's just completely   winning   yeah let's do it let's do it hey good   wait   um   is it isn't rook f1 meaning   okay f1 i just take your queen oh shoot   okay okay now i'm blundering now i'm   blundering   but oh he's threatening okay he's trying   to take the queen   yes of course the queen is seven let's   go let's go   queen of five okay okay   great great this is not a gift   i think it's a gift at least it's not a   crazy end game it's good it's good it's   good it's good   it's not a gift though it's not a game i   think it is i think it is because our   queen is under attack   99 99 this is a historic moment guys   this is a historic moment   crazy this is a historic moment guys   oh man knight f7 is   terrible knight f7 right this line is   increasing rookie 595   26 wait   oh man what thank you for 100 beats   knight f7   rookie five knight f6   i saw that what take 95   it's over no no no wait there is bishop   f2 rook f2   what is bishop f2   mate for example something like this   late night of sunday night f7 rookie   five   knight f6 it's over guys   knight f6 what   knight night of sarah rook even neither   six takes 95   okay okay my question is why   why not take some text here then   yeah you're right knight f6 first but   i'm sure it's knight f7   knight f6 first attacks with the knight   and then knight f7 why not   why not what do you mean   i mean no it's first knight f7 why we   should force him to take the queen   otherwise he's not forced otherwise he's   hanging g7   yeah i think you know i think because uh   knight f6 takes knight f7 he's not   forced to take the queen he's not forced   to take the queen   knight of six knight f7 yeah sorry it's   knight f7   rookie he has to take other voices the   knight   on d5 yes exactly knight f7 queen rookie   five knight f6   knight f6 rookie five knight f6 knight   f6   95 and then we take the rook we take   back   now you're running then you're upper   rook   full rook because we take it yeah yeah   we are up full rook and again an   exchange   but after knight d7 there is no knight   g3 stuff   i don't know no it's it's finished i   think   i think it's it's finished so knight f6   knight f6 uh knight f7 the knight   no up first knight of six no knight f6 i   take   okay knight f7 king g7 yeah you're sure   yeah be sure which seat i take this   knight queen f5   takes you h6 no i don't like that   but what is the defense after knight f7   for him he has to take   are you sure yeah yeah knight f6   nice finished it's finished takes 97   you're off a pawn   we have two bishops bishops no it's   finished this is so important   no it's finished i think it is done guys   i think we did i think we did it   i will go i will go wait wait   oh there is nothing like what what can   be wrong   rookie 5 knight of six take stakes now   that's winning   knight f7 rookie five knight of six   nice finish   yeah i will do it wait   95 check 25   what did i take my oil exchange   oh i have exchange i take him like my   knight is not even threatening   right spinning let's do it   i want to do it where are the doubters   in chat now   yeah where are the doubters i want to do   it okay   okay let's do it right let's go let's go   let's go let's do it should i   should i do it guys should i do it   or we think five more minutes   man this is ah   yes yes do it do it do it okay   everybody's saying do it let's go knight   f7 right that's not confused here   yes knight f7   okay   yes   i mean crazy   how did we get hundred wow it's crazy   how did you get 100 thank you pacifist   for 10 gifts itself   thank you thank you so much thank you so   much   crazy i mean how the biggest hundred   dude   100 i mean it's crazy right   crazy i would have never imagined   heck is this thank you so much for five   0:31:04.799,0:31:19.840 gifted thank you so much

2021-03-31 16:23

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