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This. Wanna, know. She's. Not going to prison and, I'm that kind of person, both, Inori. Study, though. No. My distinct. Liking. The vlog, it's so nice well technically, it is it turned out to be a tenth you were right. How. Did you know. Okay. Thumbnail, is gonna be here oh. You're. Still doing your tour. Oh. That. Is so cute. Unboxing. Well, I'm bagging, this, one we got from allure da our. Like should help them do it off and then. This. One's from weights I really like the tote bags. Oh. That's. Nice. Is. It insulated. It's. Like holy think about right now. But. That's good that's how you like remember and, learn. Oh. From. Why it's okay okay, so it's like traveling stuff. Wait. Can you do like. Slow. Motion, okay. Okay. Any. Final thoughts. Now. I'm just snacking on some date. Bread I have left over from the last video I made anyway, so now I have some editing to do we're gonna meet up again all of us at 4:00 so I have like an hour and a half, but. It's not I, want to edit I have, something else to catch up on and some work to catch up on and I want to unpack. So. I guess I'm gonna unpack this. Is something that's hard to do whenever I travel I just unpacked, even if it's just like a weekend, because. It. Don't take as long as you would think and, it, just makes getting, dressed every single time so much easier, so it's just small acts of service. To yourself. That's. How the closet, is looking right now some. Stuff in here yeah it's really nice traveling, with Leon I recommend, it. You. Really organized, and clean we, walked outside and, then, it was like. There. Anyways, I walked outside I was so cold just like the air was so cold I can only imagine how much colder it's gonna get that night you, know. The. Air feels, so nice. Kid. I feel like I can breathe. City. Light. One, is the elephant. It. Says dirty hi nice to meet you, so again, we're gonna have much. Salt. As many of you know I, don't think they have anything vegan, they, do oh. I. Can't see. So. Upon this speaking. Product. So. White. Parent, package in my blog. Horses. Like like, to be petted here. Horses. Sleep standing up from, Chris dozing, off. So. It's kind of like. What. Else can you make. That. Was about I, was telling her I bet there's bots in here. God. I am so cold and like shivering. The. Group oh I am so happy about her group to be honest, because I'm a little bit worried there, would be like no chemistry between us but, just like 10 minutes ago a. Nice. Business right. Almost. Done here anyway so the group is so funny I'm so glad like we were at Judy's, room, do, it do it do, it is room and. Everyone. Like each, one of them like Nia and dirty like they both brought their sisters so, we were just like clapping, our butts. Off alright now we're gonna go for dinner, and that's. It because both our arms are tired that's fine. Though, not you guys we're gonna have dinner right now with the hall crew, and, if. You didn't know that each. And every, one of us has their sister so it's like a Sarah, kind of trip I love runner. I liken teen also. What the restaurant, hi-oh. Gonna. Be really hard for us to cut it life cuz she's vegan but we're gonna hug our girl long cuz. We're all the bugs that boogy hug job. She's. The photographer director. And then we've got the models over here. Quinoa. Kale. Salad. Beautiful. The. Stars look amazing. They're. Like 10%, of what they look like in real life nonetheless. I'm impressed, with what the camera is capturing to be honest. Let's. Go good, morning, it's, almost. 6:30 and. There's no. Sun. Whatsoever. I'm. Just looking for the. German if, there, is one but I did see a sign yesterday for like a health club or something I didn't see these yesterday, I'm. Not cappuccino, as, Fishmarket, can relate out back can't relate, holy. That. Could be something it's an Indian restaurant there. Isn't a single soul, what. I, love about this. Place. Like the whole thing is that they're. Building. It around nature, instead, of the other way around, so, like, the resort when it's like built within like or between the mountains, same. Thing with the restaurant when you went to yesterday, so. I like that they're going around nature, not. Making nature, forcefully. Go around. What they want I should, ask where the drummers he. Didn't know where the turbines I see a health club sign to. The left to the left, yeah.

Gotta. Be kidding me. Disappointment. It's. Okay I mean otherwise I wouldn't have woken up, to, be honest, it. Was a very nice walking experience, I want to do yoga out or it's but it's really cold like I can't feel my fingers at the moment. I think. He's gonna lick my camera, guys. She's following me. Look. All. Right. When. A story stuffs I. Used. To horseback ride and, I. Miss it so much but. I stopped because it's. Hard to find a place, that. Does it without like harming though the. Horse, there's, thinking like how amazing nature. Is, because. Like. I want to know more about like how horses interact, and camels. And birds and, the mountains, you. Know just so fascinating, that was. A pretty good workout yes. Let's. Go do some yoga. But. A model. Let's, go for breakfast. I'm pretty hungry at, this moment, being. In nature just makes me so happy and reminds. Me of like when, I was a kid because, I, loved. Being in nature and like in a farm and, I thought. Like, the desert. Forest. Anything. Just like be so happy. Clean it up. Or, coffee water, or, enjoys that I didn't ask for but, okay, and, Papa. Papa, beans foil. Dates, and cucumbers. And bread. Oh. Good. Morning. Desert. Thanks right now. Installation. Is done by, Coachella. Or the company that organizes Coachella. Something like that. It's. Pretty difficult, to walk but. At least I'm not a kneel mid. Noona. Okay. Thank God nothing yet. Actually, I don't think I'm gonna wear my shoes I'm just gonna hold, them it's. Easier to walk oh I. Think we're not waiting walking in the right direction I. Know just like going straight and not the, sound is so cold, here it's so nice. Oh. My. God. It's. More fun when you guys are on. Let's. Check the stabilization. On this camera. Looks. So pretty I, hope. You, get option yeah. Do. It. The. Weekend dish. With. The Sasha are surprised surprisingly. My. Ankle, looks white. By. The way they, are British what they speak Arabic. They. Say, what. Else do you know. They. All want every weekend, now. Here's. A bunch of booth I think most of them are Saudi, Browns. Who. This sores look really cool. But. Definitely. Definitely. Not going there, no. I've never dyed my hair I'm, not. Like. A cop at the head know like like styling, like. Mowing out basically. Street for my favorite areas Iranian coast you get a blow up and. Then. Is my stylist, to agree with the hairstyle, she doesn't look. I. Have. The best, routine. What I did yesterday. Okay. We're. Gonna go to White's. Some, people are gonna get their nails done I might get my hair done, because. I'm just surfaced with my hair right now these, products, are exclusive. To Istanbul, and they're. Using Marengo to the road here and then they have the design for that, one throw it off. Hi. Guys did, you recognize, me, well. It's. Nice to switch things up. This, is the famous, mirror. It's. So cool in real life. And, then there's the actual mountain that's. Reflected. The. Design is crazy. We're, gonna eat and then we're gonna head to the concert. She's. Pretty. I'm. Confused. We, have. To go to study. Impression. And what the concert was nice yeah. Definitely. A crowd-pleaser. I'm. Going on the Stearman, which I don't really know. Chickening. Out. You're. Gonna convince me they woke up scissor legs just, to come see. She's. Signing her life away. Really. Patina. Look. At pictures you after okay cuz I will be more smiling. She's. More than ready we're gonna find the elephant. Yeah. Boeing. Stearman. 1945. Right one - Oh Bridget. You okay oh. Yeah yeah, we. Saw them I know. We've got her know. If I filmed, when we were like doing the flip I, have. No idea because I wasn't like looking at my screen there's, like horde holding, my camera for my life but, we had to go really fast and, then we did the flip it was whoa. I don't know how sustainable, it is to be honest, but. I really enjoyed it to be honest as well. The. Same plane I always on because.

One Of the wings isn't working anymore almost. Died. Would. You call it a local village yeah. Can, you awesome just a store for like five. Seconds. If, I have the key. This. Is. Try. Now I'm going to my car to eat I kind, of had a cut mark me in Syria oh. It. Would be really nice to just chill here all day and read. So. They're having lunch, I'm. Just like laying down to relax it's so, relaxing. And calming this it's. The garden yeah. Feels, so good to lay down. With. This view. Oh my. Dad I'm fine I closes. At 3:00 I thought. It starts at 3:30. Yeah. The guy ate all of the guides left. Okay. - absolutely, okay that's why. Wait. Bob and, Bob. Hence why nobody, died but this looks like Greek. This. Is her name in Greek. Yeah. Rapunzel, has a happy end. Minute. They're. Built from up, to down. So. This is the tomb for it, leader he, died but they didn't bring him here think I'm annoying where the body is it. Is so cool about it yet so we're, not supposed to go inside but it didn't know that until like thank. You mouth so, yeah, like if you come here don't expect, well, I was like filming like this oh. This. Reminds me of my childhood her dad found out that she likes a guy. Whose, way we we, know. Well. Didn't, we agree with. A nice shot we did it yeah I had the little one next a theory about the, tragedy. Yeah well in head really weirdly I need God. Forbid, the, Heavy D which is her dad's name if he knew okay. That's, booth aina, got. Pregnant. Early, and. Then that's the face. So. The train you saw what he used to be like it was they were planning to her, from, like the, Syrian area it's all like like. From Syriana it's a mecca but, then when the war broke. Like. Story and, Rajat. Judy was taking photos for the unsought, train, wait, sorry. So. We're back, Mariah, now we, want to take some photos and, see. It in the morning I will model I see someone has a that. Has a dance stuck in their head. Yeah. It. Echoes, in here I. Think. That how, you. How. Are you guys. We're. Having dinner at a scent outfit finally. Getting food and, are getting my food. Here. Yeah. Mr.. Klem I. Like. That my a. Capital. Is outside with Ivana. Diabetes. Or spinach, pastries. You're. Doing voice notes to type. Yes. Okay. We have a tradition, in our family whenever, somebody, comes back from a trip we, send their location, and whatever like you arrive somewhere, ease in the location, and then. Sent the location, no. It's bad. Which, means in English. Yeah. Technically, it's basically. Phone. Wires. Yeah. Okay. At. This point. Teenee. My.

2020-03-09 06:12

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