Advanced modified Payapa forex strategy explained - Payapa strategy

Advanced modified Payapa forex strategy explained - Payapa strategy

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Hi. Guys. Today. Is. A Saturday, and. I thought let me share with you guys a. Modification. Of. The. Pay. Up. Some. Call it by Appa, some. Call it pay up. Forex. Trading strategy. I, don't. Know whatever. You call it. It's. Basically tomato. Tomato. So. This. Strategy. Should. Give you. 80%. Queen. Right. Basically. Out of. 10. Trades. That. You make. You. Probably should. Win, about. Eight. Of those. It's. Probably. Advisable, to. Use, it. On, major. Pairs, mainly. USD. Pairs. You. Can experiment. That's. Beauty, or Forex, sometimes. You take one thing from. Some. Place, and you take. It and you use it in another place and, see how it goes who. Knows. Basically. If, you are looking at the chart you. Can. See, basically. The. Story here. If. You, look, at. My indicator. Section. Here. It. Gives you an idea of. The. Rules of this, strategy. Basically at. The bottom we. Have got, moving. Averages. That. Must be within, the levels, 25. In 10 and, 19, and 75, to. Be. Able to indicate whether you are buying or you're looking for sales. On. Top. Of that. In. Our main chart we, have two moving, averages. Red. And green moving, average. Which. Save. As confirmation. That, what you are seeing. In. The, indicator. Chat. Below. Is. True. When. The. Moving averages, are in. This space between. 75. And. My. 25. Basically. I'm not looking to anything, in there, I'm, just waiting and, watching. I. Want. Price to. Be in. This zone and. In. That zone. Before. I decide. Whether. I, should, play. A part in the. Market I. Think. That's the beauty, of Forex guys. Sometimes. Don't. To. Anything. Sometimes. You lose money in forex, because. You, always want to, be in the market. You. Find that, sometimes, your, winning rate is, going to increase. When. You. Stay out of the market when, you must stay, out of the market, when. Your conditions, have not been met by. In this, middle zone. You. Just chill and do other things. Until. Price. Comes. Down into, this all into this one I am, now expecting. I am, now expectant. I'm, expecting. Price to. Start turning. Around. It. Doesn't mean that it's going to immediately turn around but. When it does I'll. Be there I'll be waiting, so. When it starts training, here. When, this line start, training or when they cross. I. Then. Look. Up here I'm looking. For this red line in this green line to. Cross. Once. They do that I. Am. Looking for buyers I buy. The. Same with, myself. Here. When, prices started turning and, when. The. Moving our averages, crossed. I looked. Up here I saw. My moving averages, at crossed. And. I sell, and. It dropped. And. He dropped. It. Dropped. This. Is on the. One-hour. Chat. You. Can check your chats. Maybe. Let's look at another pair. I'm. Looking for a USD. Pair. Do. Not look at gbp/usd. Flipping. A screen. To. Make things clearer. You. Can see what, we are talking about. Is. My thingy. When. Price. Cross. Jian and. Weight, across there that. Was time to buy and. This. Was. From. The 14th, of June until. The. 16th, of Jane. Why. Would, you jump. Out here. You. See on. The chart there. Is a. Zone. Here. There's. A resistance, here. You. Probably. Want. To jump out because. Here. Your, indicators. Switched. And. Here, your indicators, have switched. So. This, zone was. Holding. But. These. Are one our canned also so. You probably. Collected. Pips. On. Three. Days. Three. Days you, are holding, this trade, so.

This. Method probably. Wants. You to, be patient. Here. Is. From. The. 20th around. 20th. After. Yet. From. There. Five. O clock in. The. Evening on, the 20th of 10. You. Buy. And. Then you're looking for buyers because price, never reached. Your, cell zone so. You, are buying. And getting, out and. Looking. For bodies, so. Here again we, were. Buying. Here. What. Here. Held. It. Until. Here. This. One here. Resistance. There. Now. We. Switch sides we. Are now looking for. Selling. So. You. Probably calculate, how, many peeps. Was from, here. Up. Today, but. This trade was, three days. Then. We, come here. In. Our selves own will. Get a cross. Indicators. Cross. Trying. To. Okay. Let's. Do this, so. We. Got a cross. Here. And. In our chat we, got. Another. Cross. Rod. Apart then. We. Are currently, selling. Gbp/usd. From. The 24th. From. The 24th, of Jan we're, selling, gbp/usd. I. Don't. Want to bore you. Look. Into. This. Thing and. See. If it works for you is. It going to make you a millionaire, overnight. No. There's. No. Forex. Trading. Strategy. That's. Going to make you an instant. Millionaire, but. This will. Give. An. Edge. In. The market. So. How do you set this, thing up on, your phone. You. Go to, the. Indicators. Here. Is our, indicators. Let's. Start with, the. Indicators, at the bottom. So. We. Have. Our. Relative. Strength, indicator. Index. Indicator. But. You. Notice, that. It's. White. We. Don't. Need, it in. The chat what. We need from, the relative. Strength, indicator. Is. Just. The. Levels. So. Here, we. Set it to, white. And. We set our, levels. 1910. 75. 25. I. Hope. Everything. Is clear there. Good. So. You have set your relative. Strength, indicator, with. These, settings. Next. You move to. The. Moving averages, you. Basically. Come click, there and. That's. How you add your moving. Averages, to the indicator, window the. First moving average. Is. Period. 18. Method. Exponential. Applied. To median price HL. Over, two. Styles. We've, got three. Pixel, and. It's. Red, you, can choose what. You want you, can put code. You. Can put pink. You. Can't put blue. You, can put whatever you want I just love, Fred. Leave. The levels, blank and. Then. Then. We come, to the next moving average. In. Its period, five. Exponential. Median. Price again. Three. Pixels width and this. Color, blue. If. You are cutting, down. These. Parameters. Then. I feel, free to pause. The video if. I, am, moving fast. The. Fed, moving, average is. Period, eight. Again. Exponential. Median. Price. Basically. Everything. Is same here, color is gold. Yellow, gold. Don't. Know what, you call it but it looks to me like God a. Moment. For those who. Are, cutting, down. Hope. That's clear, we. Go to the last moving average in. Period. 21. Exponential. Median. Price. And. It's. Line. I'm. Sommore see green or some. Suppose, see something else you can you. Can change to it to whatever, you want just make, sure that you. Don't choose some color, only. When. The moving averages, because you, want them to be, different.

You Want them to tell a story so they need to be different. Then. Then, so you. After. That exercise, you, should be done, with. This bottom. Section. You'll. Be done with this bottom section. Now. We come to the top section main. Chart, we. Have a moving average, period. 18, I. Have. My color there is red. Its. Median price, hl2. Again. I've. Used to pixel style you can change it to form, it's. Going to be thick now. Again. You. Can see I. Would. Think the. Red line is, now. Maybe. For. Those with visual impairment. And. Other. Line. Is five. Exponential. Median. Price 0, to 2. Pixels let's. Make it 4 again and, that's. A green let's, make, it a blue. Liberty. Levels. And, then you, can see what's going on is. Visual. Down. So. You. Have basically. Said. The. Advanced. Simple. Peppa. Peppa. Forex. Strategy. Now. Look. For the zones. Price. Crossing. In. Your by. Zone between. 25. And 10. Between. 25, and 10 as. Price, crossing. There or is, it raining and. What's. Happening, here. On, the main chart is. The red, and blue moving. Averages, crossing. When. They're, crossed and at. The bottom here you have, a cross and. Especially. When the lines are fanning. Out like here you. Know. Something is happening in, the market, you. Jump in and you buy, you. Buy and. You hold. So. You can tell that, this was. One. Day, today. Three. Days, of. Holding. Usually. When. I've got an established, resistance. Zone like this I get. Out. Then. I wait. Out. An wait for, my. System, to reset. Do. Nothing just wait for the system to reset. Here. The system, has. Reset. So. You, could sell here. Cross. There and. Across. There. On. Sometimes. People, love to, wait, for the retracement which. Did come here, but. If, you can see, what, happened here. The. Market, maker, were. Doing their thing. Yeah. This week. This. Week, is, probably. A news event, so. The people, who took cells here. And. Put. Their stop losses. Somewhere. Here the. Market maker, came here, and, took. Them out with. That week, before. Dropping price. We. Already knew that price was, going down because. We. Were in, our cell zone. So. I hope. This strategy. I hope somebody, I. Hope. This helps, you in, your trading. It's. Mainly. For USD. Pairs. On the h-hour, but. I've seen it, does, offer, some, potential. On the hom, h4, for. Our time frame. Basically. What. You'll be doing here, is, patience. You, need patience. You, need to hold this. Trader you, are not going to be scalping. With. This method, for. Example. See. What happened here on the h8. For time, frame went across there. This. Was on the 12th of December. 12. Of December, with with. Jump. Into the trade year. It's. In our cell zone and. Now, crosses, there and our dines are fanning out. The. Distance between these lines you can tell as increased. It's, fanning out and. Here. Again the. Distance is fanning out on, the moving averages, and prized. Dropped. Since. The tall not. Twelve sixteenth. Around, 16th, of. December. It. Dropped. Until. The. 23rd. Gbp/usd. Every. Candle, you. Are looking at there is a four-hour. Candle. Guys. You. Could have me oak trees. So. If you are looking for a, simple. System. That. You can use in, your trading. Probably. Look, at this and post. Your results your, suggestions, and how. You are using the, PI Apapa. Strategy. In. Your trading, leave. A link in the, description if, you want to download download. A, PDF. Of the, orange, now buy, a papaya, pass strategy. By, the founder, of the strategy, of e MJ, trading. Guys. I hope this makes, you money I hope, it. Leads you. Into. Bigger, things. Until. Next time bye. You.

2020-01-27 11:39

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