Adrian Carton de Wiart: The Most Badass Soldier of All Time and a Real Life Action Hero

Adrian Carton de Wiart: The Most Badass Soldier of All Time and a Real Life Action Hero

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This video is made possible by backplates, get a 15 day free trial. Of Backblaze, dot-com. /bi. Graphics, a. Total. Disregard, for his own personal, safety an indomitable, fighting. Spirit, reckless. Courage and the gifts have been nearly. Indestructible this soldier survived five, wars, including, World War one and World War, two and became one of the most decorated British, officers, of all time and sustained. Countless, injuries was, he the unluckiest. Soldier, of all time or maybe just the quintessential, British war, hero well make up your own mind as we hear the story of today's protagonist Adrian. Cotton, to us the, unbreakable soldier. Adrián, carton diet was born into an aristocratic family, in, Brussels Belgium on May the 5th 1880, the father of this quintessential, British war hero was actually, Belgium, and a lawyer is another well, she was actually Irish, Adrian was so Belgium in fact that throughout his life he was amused by the rumor that he was an illegitimate child of King Leopold ii. Who owned the Congo Adrian's, mother sadly, passed away when he was just six and his father Leon moved the family to Cairo, in Egypt, during, this period Leon married again and Adrian's, stepmother, thought it was a good idea for the boys education, if they were to spend some time at a British boarding school as the family was Catholic he was sent to a Catholic, school the, Azzurri near Birmingham the founder of the school Cardinal, John Henry Newman once wrote fear not as they life shall, come to an end but a rather fear, that, it shall never have, a beginning. Adrian's. Life would be on the brink of coming to an end countless. Times but he, never showed any fear and for sure his life it, certainly, had a hell, of a beginning by, 1899, Adrian, was 19, he was attending Bailey, L College at Oxford at this stage in his life as per his father's, desire, he could have easily settled, for a law degree and the pleasant existence, of a typical tov, just in drawing his family's wealth he accepts it didn't. On the, 11th of October 1899. The second burr war broke out spitting the British Empire against, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal, Republic and, South Africa, this was a revelation, for Adrian in his autobiography happy.

Odyssey He wrote at that moment I knew once and for all that war was in my blood if the British didn't fancy me I would offer myself to, Boers it, turns out the Brits they did fancy him Adrian enrolled his volunteer, faking, his identity, as well, as his age he, was soon dispatched, to South Africa, while his father still believed him to be studying law at Oxford and this was, the start of his real life a soldier's. Life very. Early on straight after training in South Africa, de wardes and his units were crossing a river in full, view, of some Bourke Mondo's when he was shot twice once. In the stomach and, once in the groin so, we're gonna help you out here and keep count of how many times he was shot or, shrapnel, or otherwise, just injured, after being shot a superior bluntly asked if their woman Ebers about to which she replied coolly no, but, the few were very good shots in the hospital his identity was discovered and so it was forced to return to England to recover, and to face his father's, wrath who by now had discovered what his son was up to luckily. Leon consented. And his son pursued a military career and after Adrian, returned he decided to quit Oxford for good and returned to South Africa, in 1901, for, a nother round of fighting this time though he did it in style booking, himself in first class and ending, generous, tips to the bar staff so that he landed in Cape Town with, exactly, one, pound, in my pocket after joining, a Cavalry Regiment duart was promoted, corporal, this promotion lasted exactly 24 hours after which he was demoted again to simple trooper for threatening, to hit a sergeant, but it was clear to us that he was destined, to greater, things and after a few months he returns or more probably bought, a commissioned, a second, lieutenant during. The rest of 1901, ends, until the ends, of the second Boer War in 1902, dou, art greatly. Suffered for the lack of action his only opportunity to do anything of military, value was to cut some barbed wire in a Bergkamp but even, then he was ordered not to do it fretting, for action at the end of the war he applied to be sent to British Mario Lanza joined the hunt for Muhammad bin Abdullah also known as the mad mullah bin Abdullah, had started a guerrilla campaign against, the British East African, colony, and he was fighting, for independence, and, considered, by his followers a Sunni holy man and, almost a messiah but two colonial authorities, he wasn't a messiah he was just a rather naughty, boy, again, their art superiors, they curbed his fighting enthusiasm.

And He was gazetted to a Cavalry, Regiment in, maschera, in India, the Indians day was peaceful, and largely uneventful, except, for about finding, a great passion for pig, sticking, which basically consists, in chasing wild boar on horseback through the forest who pierced them with a long spear, anyway. When chasing one of these pigs in the jungle duart fell off the horse and the horse fell, on him and cracked, several, ribs and one, ankle during, his convalescence he, had an argument with the local servants and pelted him with stones. And the servants got out of range so I shot, him in the butt, and to this point it's pretty clear that this guy was in dire need of battle. His Beria's they were not amused by the attack on the servant though and they jailed him for a time but he did manage to avoid demotion. In, 1904, dawat was transferred, back to South Africa he wrote in his memoirs, that he was happy not to see India again suppose. The feeling was probably mutual on, that one the ensuing years they were blissful to out spent his time gambling, socializing, racing horses and shooting wildlife, he enjoyed several liquid, meals as he called them but also cultivated, his physical fitness at one point he was so strong that he could rip in half a, pack of cards, in 1907, Dodd swore an oath of allegiance to, the king formally, becoming a British citizen within, the British Army in 1908, do it returned to England where as few regimental, duties gave him time to play polo and travel, the continents, and especially, austria-hungary. To shoot grouse pheasants, another game in the same year his connection to that empire was strengthened, by his marriage to Frederick Maria Caroline, Henriette, Rosa's Sabina Francisca, fuga von Babin housen and no he had not become a woman to married seven different women this was the full name of the bride in Austrian countess, they went on to have two daughters together in his memoirs Dwyer recalls the atmosphere, of mistrust, at German border posts whenever he entered the country from France and how his french-sounding surname, attracted suspicion, a clear sign that tension. Was mounting and. That war was certainly on the horizon, they, probably knew that one when World War one broke, out - art was on his way to British, Somaliland to, take part in what is now a mostly, forgotten conflict, - the colonial, war against the mad mother who we introduced, earlier towards, desire to go and fight there is had finally, been fulfilled but upon learning that the UK had declared war on Germany, - I'd felt like playing in a village cricket match instead, of in the test and for our friends, in the u.s. here the test is - cricket with the World Series is - baseball - I was assigned to lead a squadron of the Somaliland Camel Corps on the hunt, for the mad mullahs followers, that a vicious when tasked, with storming, an enemy fort reward could not resist, going on the attack headfirst, but, the enemy position it was well defended and he was shot by the dervishes three. Times in. The face indeed, one bullet took part of his left ear a second bullet got him in the left eye and a third bullet ricocheted, and hit him across the very same, I of, course do art lost his eye but his assessment of the battle it had all been most exhilarating, fun do, all that took the occasion, returned to England where he hoped to be reassigned, to service on the Western Front the Army Medical Commission, agreed to it provided, that he use a glass eye which he hated indeed, while riding in a cab in London and fighting the bar side who uncomfortable, he just yanked, it out and threw, it out of the taxi window from, then on he would wear his distinctive, eyepatch.

Okay. Now just before we get into his actions, on the Western Front I do want to tell you a little bit about today's sponsor Backblaze, now our sponsors really they do make it possible so we can make long videos just, like this several times a week so when, you go to use one of their services, because the, links that we put in the description it really does make a difference to what we do and it really does allow us to keep doing it so if you think that blaze is for you why not just click that and check it out it's amazing, now back place is the best way to backup, all of your files now as you guys know I do test out all of the sponsors that appear on this show and, indeed, I am using back plays to back up all of my files both as we record this video and as you, are watching it so as we speak my files are being securely synced with back, Blaze's, servers, not my computer's just sitting, over there it's chatting away in the background it does that all day and all night just uploading, the gigabytes, upon gigabytes, of videos. That I make every day, just syncing, with their service so I never have, to worry about backing anything, up I can just rest assured the back base is taking care of all of that and it's also doing all of my files and, other important, stuff like that that I don't want, to ever risk losing. Now. Fortunately. Touching. The fake plastic wood on my chair I've never had to call him them but if you do have a problem you can download files, directly, I'd do that because I got a superfast internet connection, but if I had a major failure like one of my giant hard disks went out they will actually ship, you a hard, disk all encrypted, all nice and safe so that you can just plug, it straight into your computer or you can transfer the files or you can just keep the disk and pay them a fee it's and it's all super reasonable also, all changes, to files are automatically, backed up so it's all it's it's really just the hands-off, experience, and if you're watching this you can get a 15-day. Free trial. Right now, you can click the link below or just go to Backblaze, comm, forward slash bio graphics, get, that peace of mind and supporting. Backblaze supports, us which, is awesome so don't put it off click that link maybe open in a new tab and just try out that 15 day trial you'll, love it I'm pretty sure of it and let's, get back to the Western Front. In. February 1915, Adrian Carson's Awadh was bound, for the Western, Front to join a cavalry, regiments, the fourth Royal Irish Dragoon. Guards his. First major engagement. Was during the Second Battle of Ypres in April, of that year well, on March 2 relieve an infantry unit his regiment, came under fire from a German artillery position, a combination, of shrapnel and splinters, from his own wristwatch, mangled, his left hand leaving only part, of the palm to, dangling, fingers, when, the field doctor hesitated, to amputate them do it just tore off the two remaining fakers, what remained of his hand would be later amputated, at this point he could have easily asked to be repatriated, and just have a quiet life behind, a desk but. He didn't so, I could, not give two hoots about his injuries and teachers got on with it returning to battle undeterred, and unimpaired. We like to think of this pointed story that he probably exclaimed, tis but a scratch and. Then, retire to battle he then went on to fight in the Battle of the Somme during which his men recalled him pulling pins from grenades, with his teeth and then flinging, them with his one good hand into enemy territory he, distinguished, himself during the assault on the village of La Boisselle in France in 1916. Three, unit commanders from the 8th battalion, Gloucestershire, regiments, have been killed throughout then took charge of all three units with no availability, of field radios field telephones. Nor, even pigeons, do communicate, orders he decided to be his own messenger, and ran back and forth along the three units to relay his orders defying the hail of bullets and artillery shells raining, on to no man's land in his men managed, to hold back the advancing Germans after, this action - I received, the, Victoria Cross for, most conspicuous.

Bravery Coolness. And determination, during severe operations, of prolonged nature. This was the citation, after this Dodd continued, to lead from the front battle, after battle exposing. Himself to further injuries, for example in the trenches of delville wood nicknamed, the devil's wood he was actually shot in the head he, was a clean straight shot through his skull right to the back of the head if he had to die well this, would be the right occasion to do so except, he didn't apparently, - I didn't, care for being dead so he simply survived and got on with us during three subsequent battles, he was shot in the ankle hip. And here, but, after every, stay in hospital he regains full mobility, and returned to the Front's time, after. Time, darts assessment of this grueling experience of, the meat-grinder of, the Western Front was frankly. I enjoyed. The war. The. Years between World, War 1 and the start of World War 2 often, wrongly labeled the interwar, years because. This period actually saw a lot of conflicts, taking place in Europe and where there was conflicts, you'd, be sure to find Adrian. Cotton, to art having. The time of his life, in 1919. New art was assigned to Poland, as a military advisor to the newly independent country. Which over a period of two years found, itself at war with Soviet Russia Czechoslovakia. Ukraine, and Lithuania though, I had made himself indispensable to, Field Marshal Joseph. Pilsudski and as, usual he got involved in all types of risky situations, at the same year in 1919, he survived not, one but, two plane crashes the, second of these crashes resulted, in a brief period of captivity with, the Lithuanians, after his release he increased, his efforts to support the Polish military even, organizing, a gun smuggling operation, via, Hungary in 1920, he got closer to the front as the war with Russia intensified. One day his observation, train was attacked by a charge of Cossack cavalry with the intent of hijacking it he confronted the attackers, single-handedly. Quite literally with, his revolver at, one point he even fell off the moving train but quickly left back on it and continued, the firefight until the Train escaped from the cossacks when the Polish Wars finally ended in victory in 1921, dawat decided, to stay in Poland as he had grown fond of its people and its wildlife which he proceeded, to shoot for the next eighteen years the wildlife that it's not the people in 1923, he finally decided to retire having now achieved the rank of major-general, after, a life of adventures, this gentleman would go on to lead a quiet and wealthy, life in his adopted country. Except. He didn't. We. All know what happened on the 1st of September 1939.

In A matter of three weeks Germany invaded from the West the Soviet Union from the east and the UK and France declared war on the Axis powers though. It's quite life in Poland it was no more as a form of British military advised, the best course of action was to flee immediately he abandoned his estate acquired, a fake passport and, crossed, the border with Romania, upon, returning to the UK Dwight re enlisted in the military in April 1940, Dwight was recalled into active service despite, and, I should stress this again in case you've forgotten being. 61. ID and an, amputee, he was given the rank of acting lieutenant, general, and tasked with leading an anglo-french landing, force in norway to halt the german invasion this operation, there was a complete disaster from the start while arriving in Norway var seaplane Dodds aircraft, it was forced to crash land this. Happens on a Ford where it was then attacked by a German fighter plane rather, than boarding, a rubber dinghy to reach Shore ins become a sitting duck he calmly waited, in the wreckage until the enemy plane ran out of ammo and left, after, reaching his forces by the Tron time Ford doe-eyed realized, that they were under supplied, under guns, and seemed, to be encircled by the Germans, but watch you might imagine he didn't really care about the odds being stacked against him and he just got on with it his troops they managed to break the encirclements, by traversing, over, the mountains and back to the coast under a constant, barrage of artillery strikes. And Luftwaffe, attacks, finally, the Royal Navy came to the rescue and managed to ferry droite and his band of brothers out of Norway and they landed in Great Britain on his 60th birthday in. April 1941, carton, Duras was appointed, by Winston, Churchill to lead a British secret, mission in Yugoslavia. The objective, was to make contact with Tito's partisans, and offer them allied support, but. He never got there after, a refueling stop in Malta the Wellington bomber in which the mission was travelling went into a nosedive straight, into the Mediterranean, luckily, there was a coast line in sight as the fuselage, sank to at 61. One handed and one eyed swam, to shore while, carrying, an injured comrade also. The coast they had reached was the coast of Libya access. Territory, and Dwight and his friends they were immediately seized by the Italians, a hero today was transported. By the Italian, military to the high-security POWs. Camp established, within the castle. Vinci, a yachtie near, Florence, this prison was specifically, dedicated to guarding senior British officers, captured in North Africa the average age of the prisoners was 52, but these indomitable, officers, they had the energy of young soldiers when it came to breaking out dough art was a part of at least five escape, attempts one of which involved digging a 60-foot, tunnel under, the castle walls this, was certainly a complicated. Endeavor for an amputee, but as usual - I didn't, give a damn about it and he just got on with it after, seven months the tunnel was complete go out and five other prisoners, succeeded, in their great escape in March of 1943, and hid for some days in their countryside, the cunning plan was to make themselves inconspicuous, by, dressing, like Italian, peasants, so yes, considering that one of them was a one-handed, 63, year old gentleman, with an eyepatch, covered in scars, and none of them could speak Italian it, was sort of a miracle that they managed to escape capture, for eight days, no, artists he was soon back in captivity at, the castle though fun fact by the way this castle, can now be hired for weddings, if you're interested, but freedom, was on the horizon On, June the 25th of 1943. Benito, Mussolini, was ousted by a monarchist coup, King Victor Emmanuel the, third appointed Field Marshal Badoglio, as his successor, and the two conspirators. Continued, honoring the alliance, with Germany but, only, on the surface behind. The scenes they were looking to negotiate, an armistice with the Allies they, needed an intermediary, and dawat, he seemed to be the perfect choice as he was due for release from the castle anyway, because of his disability, due out he was taken to a tailor in Rome so that he could get some civilian clothes as, a loyal customer of Savile Row he didn't trust the Italian tailors and he protested, that he didn't want to look like a gigolo but in the end he was happy with the suit that they fashioned for him and on the 16th of August 1943, he was flown in secret, to Lisbon alongside, general, Castellano.

The King's chief negotiator, after, an agreement was reached after return, to the UK on the 28th of August but he only had the chance to rest for one month, before Churchill, personally, appointed him as a special, representative, to the chinese nationalist, leader Chiang, kai-shek. Compared. To the swash and buckle, of previous years Duarte. And China is relatively, calm as his mission was more of a diplomatic one rather than a military one during this time while advising Chang on his strategies, against the Japanese he befriended him and his wife but when he got to meet Mao well he, simply could understand, him the Generalissimo, Chiang kai-shek and Chairman Mao we're uneasy allies, in the war against Japan but no heart he was a staunch anti-communist. And did not trust the future leader of China Mao delivered a lengthy speech on the qualities of his faction when he mentions how hard they were fighting the Japanese droite cut him short he, said he, tried my credulity a little, too far I told him that what they were doing was to keep looking over their shoulder to see what the Generalissimo was, doing first to, surprise Marik no offense and simply laughed, another, leader asked him why hadn't gone to Yunnan to see their operations, I answered, quite frankly that I hated communism, two I had stayed in China in zone 1947. Surviving yet another plane crash along the way by the way and let's add another notch shall we on the way back to Britain dort paid a visit at, a friend's house in Rangoon, Burma while walking down a flight of stairs he was ambushed, by an unpredictable foe, this was actually, a coconut, mat he slept on it and went flying down the stairs breaking, a couple of vertebrae along, the way the, good thing is that the doctors treating his back took the occasion to remove quite a bit of old shrapnel from his body and it was now about time them to retire from active duty general. Cotton, - I finally moved to a family estate in Ireland and spent the next year's there writing, his memoirs hunting, fishing, and polishing. His collection, of more than thirty medals, eventually, even such a legend has to die after, the last few peaceful, years Adrian cotton derives life it came to an end on June the 5th, 1963. In his Irish hymen while in recent years his achievements, have been rediscovered, and celebrated, by major media outlets, this inspiring. Character, is still little-known, I hope that in today's biographic. Sui did a bit to perpetuate, his memory and we, hope that you could do the same and share, this video, frankly I've enjoyed the story of this gentleman and I hope you did too and before leaving maybe, answer this question in the comments if you were to shoot a movie about carton, - who, would you'd like to see in the lead role and as, always please, do hit that like button subscribe. All of that Goods stuff jacket our wonderful sponsor Backblaze and as always thank. You for watching.

2019-06-26 21:31

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Thank you Backblaze for making this one possible! Check out Backblaze here:

So glad I kept suggesting this one

Sounds like Bond, James Bond took lessons from him.

you know, what would be great is one on Adrian Cronauer, and perhaps expand on that with a "today you" about "Good Morning Vietnam" and robin williams(could also tie a biographic of him in with this, to this day, i wish i could go back, and give him another way out, to vanish, and live the rest of his life without the stress of greedy, nasty ex's bleeding him dry and causing him as much stress as they possibly can... dude deserved a chance to live his life without his persona/shell up protecting him/who he really was... ) anyway, i saw this and, the first name....well i was watching an interview with Adrian Cronauer earlier about the accuracy of good morning vietnam, and it got me thinking, that could make a great biographic+today you learned, (perhaps more?) been enjoying your videos, being disabled, they give me something to distract from the back/neck/hip pain i have been dealing with since long before you started doing youtube... also help me forget being dbmf at least for a while... :)

Darwiish in somaliland were tough and gave Andrian hell.

BARRY SEAL Biographic

My goodness what a guy...He is one....Who loves war.....Why not war in man's greatest invention...Without it we would have 0....Thanks as always...The tip top of history....To be sure...!

Please do one on Josephine Baker or the Black Venus as she was called by some.

even though he looks nothing like him, Jack Nicholson. Awesome history thanks !!

Trick Q. Because Charelten Hestion played him in Cartoom dont take points off for spelling

A film wouldn’t do his story justice it would have to be a series

So I guess we now know who the biological father of Chuck Norris is


He threw stones at a servant and then shot him? Sounds like an asshole to me

When he finally died he just brushed it off and got on with it

I believe the lead role would be best filled by four people, depicting the various stages of his life. Bill Nighy as the older man, Colin Firth as the middle aged gent, Aaron Taylor Johnson as younger adult, and a child actor for the youngest entity.

Having a *Norwegian Great Grandfather* that *DIED shipping tens of men, women and children* FROM Bergen Norway to far-flung places like _Gibraltar, Liverpool, Stockholm/Gothenburg, Edinburgh,_ etc-etc.

Loving the new thumbnails dude

I know he was born in Belgium but he seems like the most British military man I've ever heard of.

Randy Couture from the UFC or Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Ok this is EXACTLY why I'm glad I decided not to go into the army (I went through the written tests,passed then decided not to go)-im far too accident prone. Nearly 2o times I've dislocated my shoulder, had 2 operations on that shoulder, broke my wrist and put a bone out of place, broke my collarbone and dislocated my knee a few times and nearly ruptured my spleen as well as accidentally electrocuting myself from the mains in a friends garage-it threw me across the room and my hand was black and burned but that was all, frankly I dont know why thay didnt kill me. Oh and I ended up with epilepsy in my 20s so I'd have had to leave the army anyway, but yeah, I can see my attracting a lot of wounds if I'd been in the army lol

When you realize that in the 1920's Poland defeated EVERYONE

So he was a trust fund adrenaline junkie bro ahead of his time? If he had been born a century later he would have been doing stunts on YT and social media with quite the following.

11:15 - the reference you're all looking for

14:52 *"RUM-MANIA"???*

This. This man was - and will always be - the ultimate badarse. Despite not drying in battle, I'm quite certain that the Valkyries came to escort him to the Halls of Vahalla, at which point Odin and Tyr asked him what took him so long, they've had a beer waiting for him for years...

For me this was the best one yet, can’t believe I had never heard of this gentleman. Legend

If one was to shoot a movie and cast a lead role, they would have to select more than one lead actor, to represent him in all the stages of his life. I would watch this movie if they made it a four hour epic.

Would like to see Liam Neeson

Adrian Carton De Whoopass!!

Have you considered doing a biographic on Josip Broz Tito?

Liem niessen for sure

It sounds like he wanted to die in battle and just couldn't get it done.

Great video, can you do please Kaiser Franz-Josef of Austria or Tsar Nicholas II of Russia!

I love this guy. How weak most people pretend to be. This is thee example of what one can do when one simply perseveres. This video will be shared with my students ( kung fu ) so they might find the strength to continue when things are difficult. Thank you Simon.


This guy is like audie Murphy but with a bullet magnet quality.

Fight me . Or I will shoot ya in dah BUTTT !

Ok so he was clearly deranged .

Need to do Sir Charles Upham double VC also a TRUE BADASS, the soldiers soldier they called him

Peter Sellers (if still available)

Epic... Just epic.

In the film adaptation of diWiart’s life, I’d recommend Liam Neeson, Gerard Butler, or possibly Benedict Cumberbatch.

or that other dead guy who was married to liz taylor and played mark antony...burt something something?

Diff Smasher Richard Burton?

good vid mr simon, ' i think the guy who plays obi wan kenobi would be great to play him in a movie, except he dead too :(

if only him,white death and mad jack would have joined forces they would have been unstotuble

As an enemy soldier, I would be screeming aimbot and wallhack everytime I see him.

Loved this none

Wow. If this was a movie no one would believe it. It would come as to fantastic and unbelievable

This is the type of badass that 12 year olds on Call of Duty wish they could be.

I’ve never heard of him. Jim Carrey.

What a badass. I love this channel more than I love myself.

Cary Elwes.

I have a list of 4 actors I would cast in the role: (In no particular order) 1. David Tennant 2. Nikolaj Coster - Waldau (because he lost a hand in GOT) 3. Sean Bean 4. Charles Dance

What a creep, just a killer.

Pierce Brosnan is my pick to play his later life, no idea who for the earlier.

@4:44 i just knew that line was coming LOL

I would have said Christopher Lee would have been a good cast, but sadly all great men die

In his younger years he could be played by Benjamin Walker, then in his older years by Liam Neeson.

Brave man but... Not so surprised by the fact that he took out his inner garbage on a servant, typical colonial mindset.

Always love your videos but this one was absolutely hilarious

I think Chris Pine as a young Adrian and Sean Connery in the late years would be fun to watch.

Enemy General: "We have the best aircraft of our time, the most effective anti personnel, anti tank and anti aircraft ground armaments, munitions and small arms to equip an army of a million men, and we already have 400,000 experienced soldiers ready for deployment. Who's on the other side?" Enemy General's Advisor: *Adrian Carton de Wiart* and *John "Mad Jack" Churchill,* sir. Enemy General: *(Groans and crumples his intelligence papers)* "Right. Do you think we should surrender in person or just send a letter?"

Being from Belgium originally and fighting for the British in South Africa against The Boers he is actually a traitor.

Simon Whistler. ( answer to your closing question) Hands down.

Get on with it !

Oh man, an intro ad, two youtube ads AND a commercial break during the video? Man, you must be in dire need of that sweet dough...

This was easily my favourite one you have done, the word legend is overused, but this guy is a legend

Audie Murphy in the starring role.

Thanks guys, great vid as always. Could you please do a biographic on Frederick "Fritz" Duquesne, an interesting South African who participated in several wars, and is best known for running the largest spy ring During WWII.

The only current actor I could think of is Jude Law . It's much too difficult to make an old man into a young man but not as difficult to make a young man into an old man. Jude Law could pull off the look the accent & he's a decent actor.

As for who should play Adrian Carton de Wiart in a movie adaption of his life, only one name springs to mind - Simon Whistler !

I think Kurt Russell would be a good actor for him lol

The plot armour is strong with this one

He was an asshole lol

Jolly good!

Lead role could be by Leo DiCaprio ofcrs ❤️

One of the best episodes! Amazing man.

He reminds me of Admiral Cowan, a man I have seen referred to as a "ferocious dwarf", who loved war so much that he allegedly cried when the armistice was signed in Nov 1918. He joined the commandos in WW2, when he was 70; later being captured after taking on an Italian tank armed with a revolver.

Adrian reminded me of Jose Millan Astray from the Spanish foreign Legion

I have to say Simon you look like him but can you act?

I know he is badass but he is the only badass belgian

Was he shooting peasants or pheasants ?

I would say I would like to see Tom Felton. He has a good range and the kind of face where he could be a 17, 18, 19 year old and with makeup go all the way through. He has the build and the drive to add muscle mass.

I could see Michael Fassbender playing him quite well

This guy sounds like an idiot

It would be as impossible to cast someone in a movie about him as it would be to cast someone to play David Bowie.

Great video i couldn’t stop laughing every time he got shot from the hilarity of it all

Ralph Fiennes

I'd cast Vinnie Jones for this role.

The Black Knight!

Any enemy ever: Ok, I think that last one killed him. We can rest easy. De Wiart: Hold my beer...

Doc Triv LMAO

The lion from the north blyat

I like the new thumbnails. It feels more diverse now. I have a pretty cool request. I think it would be cool to see the life of Bela Lugosi. I just saw the movie "Ed Wood" and the Bela Lugosi story is truly tragic. Hope that you do it. Keep up the good work!

What a guy awesome

Only 1 person can play him, the Hound from GOT.

Jason Stratham - british actor with a hard face

This is what they mean when they say "marines are not allowed to die without permission."

Great vid Simon on an amazing character, very much of his times. Who could play him? Well none of the current crop of Hollywood fops. I think his Gallic side would lead us looking at Jean-Paul Belmondo (certainly in his younger years) or even Jeans Reno or Gabin. Regardless, what a bad-ass

Sean Connery could've played an older Adrian.

Martin Freeman? I can't say for sure, but he was the first person I thought of.

Cool, I'll add one of his hairs to the super solider serum.

Sean Connery is my choice.

Team Simon 9:20 speaks for itself, indeed. Be great not good.

Boer is pronounced thus: Boo-er

Sean Connery would have been great in the role if the movie was shot 40 or 50 years ago. Personally, I can't think of anyone I could see play such a role believably.

This guy is great

Simon, you should play Adrian and I’ll write it!

Biographics Jean Claude VanDamme. He’s from Belgium. Plus, he could do that funny dance from “Kickboxer”. That would be cool.

Please do civil rights icon Fannie Lou Hamer. Thanks.

Im so glad you made a video on this great man. He was my real life hero during my highschool years

Tom Holland (younger Adrian) Ralph Fiennes (middle age Adrian)Sam Elliot(old age Adrian)

If I had the need (and the data allowance) to back-up my computer I would use Backblaze. However, I hotspot through a phone and only have a 150gig a month data allowance. That wouldn't cover my music collection (backed up vinyl etc etc yada yada)

@Biographics Dennis Hoffman should play him, and he should sound like Captain Hook. "GOOD SHOW OLD BOY" "GOOD FORM" "DEATH IS THE ONLY ADVENTURE YOU HAVE LEFT" "Peter(Hitler)! Where are you going? Come back here and fight me! Or I'll find you wherever you are, you hear me? Bad form, Peter(Hitler), come back!" " I have waited long to shake your hand with this. Peter Pan(Adolf Hitler), prepare to meet thy doom!"

sean connery. easily.

Getting shot, barely an inconvenience

Michael Collins Irish leader please.

Who was the British guy who at the start of WWII landed on a beach in Poland armed with only a sword. Several German military men with firearms were watching him, wondering what he was doing. Next thing, he and some friends take those Germans prisoner. At least that's how I remember it.

Smart jacket!

nice new thumbnail style! much more eye catching :) As for de Wiart in his senior years, surely Sean Connery! or Daniel Craig for the younger version. (Haha spot the theme)

This dude's a hardcore badass alongside Jack Churchill. If Simo Hayha and Lauri Torni are for Finland, Adrian Carton de Wiart and Jack Churchill would be for Great Britain.

I could see Jude Law play him.

It’s Romania not Rumania

Sadly Christopher Lee is no longer with us, He'd have been perfect for the older de Wiart.

he died 1 day before my birthday

Great video! :) On a similar note, you should really do one on Hans-Ulrich Rudel, another super achieving soldier people know very little about.

Only one man could possibly play De Wiart - the reincarnated Duke himself!!

This man is the original inspiration for modern FPS games.

Am bored feeling cute just shot my servant

As for who should portray this unstoppable hero in a movie . . . Chuck Norris.

Even 3 headshots doesn't kill this badass. It's the ultimate definition of having plot armor.

It's a pity Sean Connery doesnt make movies anymore he'd be a shoo in for the role.

Speaking of actors, I'd really enjoy it if you considered doing one about Emil Jannings, the very first "Best Actor" Oscar-winner, who later became a Nazi favorite.

I think a soldier with his injuries would never be allowed to serve in a modern combat role or even allowed to temain in service at all. That was quite a fellow with quite a story.

What an amazing soldier, I would probably put Mel Gipson in his role.

John Cleese! LoL JK. Benedict Cumberbatch

Adrian was 'Belgian' not 'Belgium'. Dear god man...

ii...i don't know..... what to Say about this...such "Badassery"

I’d like to see mr bean

I believe the roll for adrian should go to Aaron Taylor Johnson

Colin Farrell.

thank you for elevating an unkown hero. well done, again

I had noticed the color addition. Personally I'm a fan of the old way but I totally get why you'd do it. People will click it more so definitely keep doing it. Whatever gets people to tune into this amazing channel! Keep up the great work, guys! Also, I've never heard of this Adrian guy but wow! Dude had some serious brass!

Death must have said Shaking "you are requested to come along with me SIR" To which he must have replied " Ok the get on with it and keep your back straight "

On the same line of soldiers, can Biographics do a bio on Lt. Gen Arthur Currie? He the Commander of the Canadian Corp by the end of WWI and completely revolutionized ground tactics at the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917. It was the only part of the Battle of Arras that succeeded for the Allies and pushed the Germans out of a position that the French and British couldn't in 3 years. He brought the entire Canadian Corp together and helped shape Canadian Identity separate from the British Empire.

Badass is an understatement.....Carton de Wiart is a fookin legend! As for whom I think should play him in a Film, I'd say Frankie Boyle would be befitting. Imagine him meeting Mao and Adrian/Frankie nonchalantly saying to him: "how's it going Frodo? ......Why do I call you Frodo? Maybe because you look like you've had your ring destroyed". Aye, Frankie it is :)

Who could play him in the movie?... I think it would have to be a relative unknown; someone with movie acting experience (especially action stuff), but not anyone would really know. And then that Unknown needs to knock it way the hell out of the park, kinda like Liam Neeson did with Schindler's List. (Which, of course, requires one of the best director of all time, a killer script, awesome music and cinematography, and rock solid co-stars (who are either legends themselves or who also go on to launch stellar careers, so, yeah, this could also be the Ralph Fiennes Story)... Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah -- a one-use-only schtick, like, oh, I don't know, how about black and white film?!? LOL.) So, we don't know who could play the part in the movies. First, we need someone to spearhead the effort... How about you, Simon? You could make this your lifelong obsession: To write, produce and direct his story! Sounds like a worthwhile goal...

Wow. What a badass. And an excellent delivery by Simon. All in all one of your finest videos to date, IMHO.

Well... I'd choose you, Simon. You'd play this guy. No joke, either. You're about as British as the Queen eating Marmite in a red double decker bus. So get your acting chops started now, son.

Tom Hardy would be good.

Most definitely, what a better screen warrior to play him than King Leonidas himself, Gerard Butler.

Imagine a fight between him, and Jack Churchill, lol

Hot damn talk about Kratos and Snake making a clone and coming up with this guy.

"Your arms off!!" " it isn't." "There! Look!" "Just a flesh wound"

I was depressed until I watched this video on Carton de wart. I have nothing to complain about in this life. 6 Plane crashes? Come On! But "Let's get on with it, Shall We?"

Now I know British soldiers by nature have a lot of grit......but this guy wasn’t even born British and he was more hardcore than those he served with! A total badass I knew nothing about. Thanks for the video, loved it.

Who cares who plays the roles of the movie... You nailed the title though! "He Just Got On With It- The story of the man who loved being shot"

I had to come back to this because good hell, this man. I thought of an actor to play him, Ryan Reynolds. He plays freaking Deadpool. He'd be perfect.

Cast Jude Law.

This is amazing!!!!! Holy crap this guy has balls of Steel!

Enemy: Boom! Headshot! Carton de Wiart: BIG MISTAKE! You shot off my ability to feel pain and fear!!!!

Great job Simon excellent story

Good Lord, I was just at this moment making a note to say who could possibly play this man in the movie, which will no doubt get made! David Niven could have done it in his Heyday if given enough coffee....

As a dutiful fan I would say maybe Jason Statham or Luke Evans as the general for his earlier exploits

Robert De Nero would do the movie role justice

I don't think anyone in Hollyweird would be near fit enough to impersonate this man.

It's a shame that more people haven't heard of him? I didn't until I saw this.

WOW. Badass doesn't do this guy justice.

Rowan Atkinson.

There are only two serious candidates to play de Wiart. Jason Momoa or Simon Whistler.

Get the man himself. He's tough enough. Get a heater and some smelling salts!

Tom Hardy but NOT bloody Kenneth !Brannagh!!

Tom Hardy but NOT bloody Kenneth Brannagh!!

Keanu Reves would be my choice to play this guy in a movie. This guy was nigh immortal on the battlefield.

Someone writing a screenplay there Simon?

He’s pretty much personally responsible for Poland’s victory against Russia

LOL. This guy didn't know when to quit.

Old solders never die, they just fade away.

Do etika

"Apparently, de Wiart didn't care for being dead"! Classic!

Loving the Monty python reference

The "Bear War"? The "Bears"?? Your pronunciations become more eccentric with each video.

The narrator is so bad, I can't water any more.

Request: A video about Thomas Paine. One of the most important people in the early USA, but treated very poorly later in life because of his critical works.


His writing show that he misses some nuts in his head. Otherwise, he was incredilibly lucky to survive all those adventures.

a movie of his life starring Tom Hardy would be amazing!

Just a b!tch compared to Mad Jack Churchill!

Liam Neeson

Adrian are you a bald rabbi?

Simon, do you do any acting of that sort?

That was amazing! Thanks so much for telling the story of this incredible, indomitable man.

I would have him played by George Clooney

Bill Nighy would play the old version of him amazingly.

I’ve watched this 3 times It’s very good But I’m going to watch it again likely Have too to take it in Clearly a born warrior Definitely not to be fucked with I’m very thankful he was a British soldier and not part of an opposing force Will be sharing this for sure

Jesus Christ lmao, this guy is psychotic!

You should do Chuck Yeager, absolutely fascinating life.

Matthew Goode! (aka Ozymandias from Watchmen)

awesome collar rolls

Where TF is the movie

Can you do one on Agnes Nutter?

Chris Hemsworth would be perfect.

Loving your videos but I would like to politely point out the correct spelling of Romania and Libya.

Sean Connery, in his younger years, possibly. Or Richard Burton. But, today’s actors? I just don’t know. They’re either too pretty or haven’t got the stamina for such grueling, heroic unbelievability. Micheal Fassbender? Gerard Butler?

Now that Kevin Kline has grey hair, he looks like him, & it would be fun to see Bruce Willis do it, it would still take a Hugh Jackman or Karl Urban to pull it off.

Charles Dance would be awesome to play the titular character!!!

Thank you for a doing this great but rarely heard of man the justice he deserves. Currently who could possibly play him with what he deserves?

Mel Gibson done an awesome job with William Wallace in braveheart.


it total has to be bear grills like no other person could pull it off

Do one on Miguel Hidalgo

How about a video about Rosalia Zemlyachka?

Can you please cover the life of Haile Selassie (Ras Tafari) i love your content and find it to be accurate. As a viewer from the Caribbean I know that the Rastafari community would take great interest.

Can you please do a video on the mad trapper of Canada.

Please do one on Thomas Hobbes or Jean Jaques Rousseau

Simon Whistler, if they were to make a movie about this fine fellow I rekon they should cast you as the lead role mate, you'd nail it ☻

Incredible.!!.. Talk about a cat's nine lives.! This man had more courage, (luck?) than can ever be imagined.! Amazingly, no epic film has ever been planned, much less done. If Stanley Kubrick were still alive, he'd be the perfect director of production on this man's heroic life.!

Ralph Fiennes would be good.

You would need at least 3 different actors to take us through his life story but what story. It reminds me of John Cleese when losing his arm etc in the movie "it's only a scratch". Great story. Amazing life. I would love to make that movie.

When you get your eye exam favor the right eye.

Wow! He's the REAL "Muscles' from Brussels"

If the epitaph on his headstone doesn't say "He just got on with it," it darn well should! Seriously, every time Simon said that, I chuckled. How quintessentially British! :D

Give Chuck Liddell some acting lessons and he’d fit.

Are we sure Skynet didn't exist in the 19th Century?

I'd have Dale Dye playing him

Tom Hanks. Not a joke. He’s the only face actor I can think of that you can see in a role and not think ‘oh that’s such and such’. To do Mr de Wiart justice though, I think you would have to use an ‘unknown‘.

Biographics CGI

Agree. Although someone else would have to play him when younger.

Liam Neeson would be good for the role

do jack churchill

Actor to play him? It would absolutely have to be Peter Sellers if he was still alive.

If Real Life is a D&D Campaign, then this dude is the original PC of the guy who played Jack Churchill.

Bloody hell good yarn. Have you done one on Albert Jacka VC he should have had 3.

Vinnie Jones

If you want to learn about true badass soldiers, for male Google: Major Vojislav Tankosic. For female Milunka Savic, the most decorated woman in the history or warfare.

Imperialist douche

Someone accidentally ressurected an old god, and they became this man.

Danny devito

Mads Mikkelson

George C. Scott or Roger Moore.

The luckiest SoB in the history of the planet...ever.

Libia and Rumania? i think ur title cards are a bit messed up

Michael Fassbender would be great playing him in a movie!

CHARLES UPHAM. The only x2 Victoria Cross winning soldier - wwii - ZN'er - outbids as hero all of the so far biographic soldiers

If all the other characters are just as important along the way then: the whole cast of Inglorious Bastards with Mr Bradley Pitt as the protagonist, of course. If ONLY the protagonist is important then, with the use of a time machine, a young John Cleese would do the trick. Sadly.... damn you currently know laws of physics!!!

"Peaceful?" Pfft. That mat was what finally did him in, it came to finish the job after lulling him into a false sense of security.

Totally worth Valhalla shenanigans

Christian Bale is the only person angry and unstable enough to be this guy

He didn't give a damn and he got on with it...and got on with it...and got on with it

john cleese

Well, if I ever get in a plane crash one day, I'll try to channel his spirit.

lead role? bruce willis, of course altho you'd have to use Jude Law for the younger days

this dude would definitely pass the "psychopath test"

I wish I had the grit this fella had some days. I'd be at war on an hourly basis, destroying my enemies and relishing in the madness and chaos of it!!!

George Clooney

Either Tom cruise or Ryan Reynolds

dude, what the hell, do you really live in Prague?

Chuck Norris who?

Prince Harry....he should play him. I have a close friend who was in his unit in Afghan...the man is a born soldier. Charlie

I’d have Adrian play himself. I do t think he died ~ probably led the force that captured bin Laden

Wolverine step aside.

Gentlemen Rambo

Could you do one on Margaret Thatcher? I've heard her name plenty of times but who is she?

Brad Pitt is an excellent actor and I think the public would buy it.

It would undoubtedly have to be Jude Law.

I think Russell Crowe would do a good job of portraying him he’s good and playing tuff basterds

Now we know the answer of what would survive a nuclear war this crazy bastard what a legend

He was a waste of ammo

hey man, stop putting advertise on the middle of the video.... the lagacy on the long path is better than the money at now.. think of your video as an humanitary contribution to spread the word.. forget about the money.. or at least put the advertise first.. so i can downloads your videos to listen as a audiobook.. and dont take by surprise talking about watchs and dont know what..

Please do MAD JACK CHURCHILL!! WW2 officer who fought with a long bow and a bastard sword.

Carton vs Mad Jack That’s a fight I need to see.

The only person I can think off who would have the right sense of Derring-Do would be Hugh Laurie possibly Gary Oldman.

Andy Milonakis would fit the role perfectly

Have him played by Tom Cruise. He's already had experience playing a one-eyed army officer - for the Germans de Wiart fought against in WW2.

Very interesting biography and excellent presentation!

With one hand and one eye why hasn't he been a model for kids with disabilities? Oh, the whole "military career" thing killed that idea.

"Shot in the groin" that'd be enough for me....... *grabs rucksack*

I'd love if you could do an episode on Vang Pao, very influential man for the Hmong people and the Laotian civil war.

So he was a pilot with one eye and one hand, fell off train but got up and jumped back on train hmmm, sounds fishy, just a little.

Maybe he was a good story to tell others and really didnt actually do all this and just became a "true story"

Never heard of him until now! This is an amazing story.


Amazing story. Not a follower of newer movies, but I do like Keneau Reeves. John Wick is pretty similar to de Wiart.

Bro what a beast

I like this channel a lot and understand and respect the need for sponsors but honestly the advertisements and plugging are entirely too long considering there length. But I’ll keep watch and support them if I have a need. But please don’t over do it and ruin a good thing.

Please do Nina Simone.

Only kratos can kill him

May I suggest Hugh Bonneville?

Brad Pitt.

Liam Nisam 100%

Nick cage

I like the old thumbnails better

Upper class thug working for empires. Pure scumbag.

The 1871 Cardwell Reforms abolished purchased commissions.

You're going to have to find somebody that already has a glass eye and is an amputee just to avoid the backlash of the social justice Warriors and their recreational outrage.

I would like to see Samuel L Jackson play his role for the younger years and then Peter O'Toole for the older years

Russle Crowe

Can you please do Nostradamus?

John Cleese


Could you do Augustus Caesar? First emperor of the Roman Empire, Son of Julius Caesar, Started Pax Romana, Raised an army at 18, Destroyed Cleopatra and Marc Antony, Teutoburg Forest and so much more. One of the greatest leaders in history!

Four animated movie David hayter or Steve Blum Live action younger version of him Jason David Frank, David Tennant, or Keanu Reeves An older version Liam Nelson, Ewan McGregor, Clint Eastwood, Hugh Jackman, Sylvester Stallone, and Chuck Norris

I nominate Ritchie Coster to play him in a movie.

The mysterious Count of Saint Germain would be an interesting topic if you find the time.

how much of that womans name went on her tombstone

Wow. Just, wow. He and Audi Murphy could have taken over the world.

Frankly, I'm a badass! -Adrian de Wiart

Why oh why does this presenter fail to pronounce proper names properly? This guy does it repeatedly over numerous videos! God it pisses me off!!!

"If you get killed, walk it off..."

Bet he never suffered a cold toe stub

sean connery

Dramatic role for Adam Sandler

J.K. Simmons to play him

Charlie Hunnam would be portray him greatly

They should have a "Adrian Carton de Wiart" medal to bestow to anyone who achieve and survive half of what he did.

tom hanks

An incredible Video about a truly remarkable Man. Given what he got up to, I’m actually in the process of finding out as to whether or not he knew my Grandfather, Colonel J D Hignett. He was also very close to Churchill & often took his Military Orders directly from him due to the nature of his work. • Adrian Carton de Wiart would have been about 20 years older than my Grandad, but it’s very possible he may have been under his command at some point during WW2, especially in connection with SOE Covert Ops prior to D-Day & the Dieppe Raids. • It’s Soldiers like Adrian Carton de Wiart & my Grandfather that inspire & motivate me to wear my Poppy with pride on Remembrance Day each year!! God Rest Their Souls!

A Biographic on the tank Ace Kurt Knispel would be awesome, but please do not refer to the german soldiers as nazi soldiers, most men were drafted and only the SS troopers were ideological solid combatants. (the constant nazi reference bothers me a bit as a german).

Movie? People would've said that writers were smoking something very strong to come up with such fantastic story. Actors? I think Sean Connery or Clarke Gable at their best times. Now? Maybe Ewan McGregor, Sean Bean or Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

Idris Elba, naturally.

To be perfectly honest for the first two thirds of this Bio I thought the guy a "Royal" screw up and was amazed the British Army put up with his disobedience, failure to follow orders, assaults, and being disrespectful to military personnel. I also saw a higher command not knowing what to do with the guy. This is evident in all the far flung postings he was sent to, none of which lasted but for a short while. He also seemed to be a bullet magnet in action, however the Bio doesn't say that he ever did any actual fighting, never firing a shot. At most just pulling grenade pins with his teeth for other men. And at this point I cannot fathom the British Army NOT discharging him due to having only one eye, one hand, massive head trauma and his age. Most likely he did purchase his commission as his service record would have surely prevented his rising to officer rank. HOWEVER, it is at this point, the last 1/3 of the Bio that he starts to shine, and my respect and opinion of him changes. His actions and sense of duty and honor really start to show after WW1. At a time when he should have been separated from service and retired his contributions and actions in Poland, Italy and China are worthy of merit and praise. It's clear that the man loved military life and craved the action of war as he was clearly an adrenaline junkie. It was his actual fighting skills that are questionable. Courageous? Yes! Man of tactical thinking and strategy? Doesn't seem so. Options for men to play him in a movie. You really need 3, each for different ages in his life. The older years I believe are best suited for Sean Connery, the middle years might be done by Brendan Fraizer or Chris Pine and the early years might be played by the young actor who was the replacement gunner in the movie Fury. The Hemsworth brothers may be a good choice but I think they may look older than nessecerry for the younger role. All in all a VERY INTERESTING fellow and a great choice for a movie. And yes, it's difficult to not draw the Monty Python comparison, "it's just a flesh wound.

"Toff" Never heard that word. I like it. In America we just call them "influencers" and "digital nomads"

Sam Elliot is almost the spitting image of Adrian and a damn good actor as well!

Tom Hardy

Whoa......Louis, was unbreakable .....still gonna watch, and thumb up....( that way I know I already saw it)....

a classic stubborn Taurus, cleverly directed to do damage out of home.

Maybe Jay Courtney who played the boomerang guy in suicide squad

Great Job Simon! This was one of the best ones yet!!!

Ioan Gruffudd (Hornblower) or Alexander Siddig (ST;DS9) or Jamie Bamber (Law And Order;UK)

Awesome video, awesome character!

I believe Daniel Day Lewis would be the perfect actor to portray his life.

Get Terry G to direct it, and make it a comedy.

Just tore off his own fingers.

God favors the bold...

Hugo Weaving

I'd like to see you Simon playing him in a movie

I would suggest Donald Trump in the lead role. Adrian Carton de Wiart was a wimp compared to Donald with his 'bone spurs'.

no one gets on with it like this man

Tom Hanks

Very amusing cleaver use of words, thanks for the smiles and the story.

Chris Hemsworth

Daniel Day-Lewis is the only man who could play the part of Adrian Carton de Wiart.

I think Brian Cox would be good for this role. Thanks for another great video.

Liam Neeson, Russell Crowe, Tom Hardy

Enemy commander: What about this deWiart guy? Did you finally get him? Trooper: Ah, good news....for deWiart. Commander: *tableflip*

Maybe look up Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, and you might find a true war hero.

The most Badass soldier of All time is SORENA from Ancient Persia. he killed 40.000 Roman soldiers with only 1000 men and he is the father of partisan kind of fights !

Why hadn't he fought with Mad Jack Churchill?

Daniel Craig should play the role. He’d do a great job!

He was like" hold my beer"!

You need to do a video on Gregory Boyington

Do Mad Jack Churcill. He went to Normandy with a longbow. A longbow of all things.

Lead role: I think it would take two actors. Both relatively unknown so as not to detract from the focus of the story. Someone to play the young person up to age twenty nine, and another actor for the older role. I think the supporting cast could have known actors. They should jump at the chance to work Scale for such a film. As far as Director and Writer, that will be the toughest choices, and maybe the hardest jobs to fill. May be it would be better done in the style of Reilly: Ace of Spies. Speaking of Sidney Reilly, I think it would be a good idea for a Biographics episode. Keep up the good work. All of you do your jobs extremely well.

A true war hero!! Absolutely BAD ASS!!

Michael Caine is surely the only actor that could come close to pulling that role off.

Sean Connery

When he died Archangel Micheal said “ good, your here..ready to fight a eternal endless battle against the Demon forced of hell?” Adrian - “ this IS heaven!!!!”

Although I am, admittedly quite a dummy when it comes to computerize and I can find little reason to take advantage or contribute to your sponsors - and I do listen through your recommendations - I find you and your teams work to be mind-expanding, that's never a bad thing. I'm not a war-hawk or a sabre-rattler and if I sought to seek such glory I could still never match this individuals mettle.

Maybe fassbender could do it justice .directed by the coen brothers. Or Wes Anderson . Could be done like narrated by the character and telling someone his life story in his Irish home with cool flashbacks.

Any movie about this chaps life would have to be labelled an odyssey and be filmed in at least ten parts with locations pretty much everywhere except for the poles, The America’s and Australasia.

If you enjoyed this, check out the story of AE Wintle by searching for 'Jim Broadbent The Last Englishman' - absolutely brilliant...

Jordi7174 love how no one complained about advertising. I’m appreciative of sponsors To bad I don’t really back up my stuff but yea good on them

Christian bale ... it’s gotta be.

His life has been depicted in many movies under the name Logan

he was just a true sadist

An excellent presentation to an incredible character. This man is the definition of "to hard to die". This character will make a perfect series if the plot has to do with the supernatural combine with action and if the script, the actor, the director, the production in general have fund from large recourses. And is not necessary for the actor to be young. A 50 year old actor will be fine.

Definitely not a soldier rather a monster hungry for blood

Ahh not a negative thought to present.....OMG every part of this is not biased at all!!! Least he was Irish. We patys know what we're dealing with....Thank you

Gary Oldman

The guy that plays young Magneto and then Clooney.

Brilliant video about an amazing individual! He was featured in The Rake magazine a few years ago. I don't think he would want to be alive in this day and age though. Too many feckless moronic politicians in the EU. I would have paid big money to hear him tell the modern socialistic world to piss off. Just a passing thought. Cheers, Steve

16:26 cool story bro.

Christopher Lee was me(n)tal enough to portray such a badass... Too bad even he has left us...

Awesome human! Brave til the end!

Clint Eastwood! That soldier was just amazing !


This is a hero is epic proportions, making Super Dave look like a one try cry baby!

He didn't die. He was kidnapped by Technodyne and used as the basis for the T-800.

How did he tie his shoes? How did he snell a hook?

Another fantastic video

The repeating of the phrase "...he just got on with it..." becomes hilarious. By the fourth utterance l am giggling out loud. I don't know if this is intentional on the writer's or Simon's part. Good show! I will always hear Simon's voice when hearing a similar phrasing. As for casting a lead man for a film? Would have to go with an actor well established in the genre. Errol Flynn comes immediately to mind. Harrison Ford could kill it too.

After listening to this bio, I have a feeling if I were to pull out the dictionary I might find a photo of him next to the word “bad ass. “The only actor that comes to mind that could portray such a character is Jason Statham

Sean Connery!

To play him? Well Sam Heughan or Idris Elba spring to mind...fine actors both. But, given his physique...Benedict Cumberbatch.


Leopold owned the Congo,more like stole it

Mark Wahlberg maybe

Sam Elliott maybe

Why did Britain feel need to colonize South Africa? Why did they feel the need to impose their will on other countries as a whole? I know my county has the military industrial complex but England is protected by this so the government will never say jack about it. I may have been born in the USA, it doesn’t mean I condone the governments actions when wrong in any aspect.

Profit. Power. Lots of reasons.

What about Harvey Keitel... Or Christopher Walken

Every time Death came calling, he would leave with a bloody nose and a stern talking down

I would recommend Simon Whistler of brainfood to play him in a major motion picture

Sean Connery could definitely play de Wiart. It has to be someone British to be able to pull off that British trait of downplaying everything, i.e. It's just a scratch!

What a crazy life, I think only John Cleese could give this character the gravity he deserves

Some fighter ace's never shot down more planes than this guy crashed in... To be fair to the pilots though, I'm sure it's difficult to control a plane with 500kg of brass balls traveling in the back.

Zthank you for telling us viewers of this amazing soldier.

Respect this guy's is a real hero

They should make something like an HBO miniseries about him.

WELL - I've heard plenty of tales about brave men and bad-ass warriors in my day but this fellow seems to put then all to shame! The vast majority have possibly suffered a fraction of his wounds, a small chunk of his longevity or battle experience , maybe a plane crash - maybe captivity or escape from - and it sounds a bit like a "Ripping Yarn" from Palin and Jones of the Python comic royalty school of story telling. No doubt there HAVE been a selection of epic human lives in the super-hero mold over the millennia of our Earths history but C'MON! SERIOUSLY? Why is it (besides possibly spelling) that this god among homo-sapiens is not a household name or at the very least, subject of many bio-pics and Hollywood treatments? Seems he should have a every other London crossroad! John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris are too effeminate to portray him apparently. THANK YOU for doing your part but even though I WILL share this video, I'm certain half the people I know will have a hard time swallowing this insanely over-the-top legendary life seeing how it's SO far ahead of the runner-up for sheer balls and lack of fear in the face of adversity. He should at LEAST have a country or two named in his honor! LOL

Woah, Adrian lived with Dio. Pretty insane

Only Liam Neeson could play him

Jesus , his story pisses me off .Just let the motherfucker fight already .

Looks like a wimp.

Simple: Keanu Reeves

Rasputin pt. 2

Leonardo DiCaprio would be awesome for this story

What I want to know is where they found a coffin big enough to fit his balls.

Liam Neeson or Daniel Craig.

"Dead Pool? never heard of her"

You should have mentioned that during the Italian escape, Adrian Carton had been selected for a prisoner exchange because of his age and injuries, however the notification arrived after his escape

Excellent choice!!

Obviously, Monty Python's Black Knight is the perfect choice for the lead role! IT'S JUST A FLESHWOUND!

Colin Firth could play him perfectly

Daniel Day Lewis in the lead role. Pay DDL whatever he wants to come out of retirement specifically for the de Wiart biopic.

There's a few men who can make this man come alive; Tom Hanks, Michael Douglas may be Gary Oldman. They're a good choice for me.

Can only picture Tom Hardy portraying him.

4:50 clever life of Brian reference

Gary Oldman would be perfect to play this hero

Biographics, awesome job on the video! If I could throw a request in, you consider doing a video on mad Jack Churchill? I'd like to see how he compares to Mr. Wiart. Thanks again for all that you guys do!

The planes he crashed only went down because his huge balls exceeded the weight limit!

He didn't die, he took up acting and changed his name to Chuck Norris because it's easier to spell!


Please learn how to pronounce correctly "Oratory" and "Dervishes".

That’s Irish blood

He's a one-eyed, one-armed flying purple people eater

Who other than mr bad ass himself Liam Neeson!!

You should do John Candy

I think I know who the Andersons based Captain Scarlet on. To play him...Unfortunately Edward Woodward is no longer here, but Tom Hiddleston could do it.

I would love to see the video/essay on his field accomplishments. Imagining what would put someone into so much danger, my best guess is that after learning that he's effective at war -- as it's safe to assume that he held his rank by just being more than a pin cushion for the Germans; he had to be achieving too -- that he's tasted and survived grave injury, and also seeing good people die senselessly, or even by grave mistake against superior force, that these memories and his ability lead him to declare to himself that if he was going to die, he's going to die in battle. Which obviously he tested time and time again. Who puts himself into so much danger to get hit in the leg, ankle and ear, after already in previous battle losing his eye and his hand?? It was almost like his direct involvement was a way of showing disdain for officers who would sit back at their clean desks, if that were the case. Just brainstorming. I'm happy to properly be corrected on any of this.

He was the inspiration for the character Brigadier Ritchie Hook in the film sword of honour staring Daniel Craig

Lead role for de Wiart? Christopher Lee! Oh, wait... Daniel Craig then.

I've never heard of this guy, but he practically wrote the book on courage!

Dang, and I thought your video on Junio Valerio Borghese was cool!

He was obviously cheating, probably saved almost continuously before each battle/skirmish :)

Sounds like the man ran out of wars to fight

Get Simon Whistler to play him, of course!

Roy Benavidez and this guy were classmates

It's a shame that the men who fight wars are rarely remembered, but the world leaders who rarely lift a finger get celebrated.

*God Mode: Systems on*

Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart died on June 5, 1963. Then from June 6 through June 20, the Grim Reaper was on the 15-day disabled list.

He wrote that he went to Sandhurst to take the 'Majors Test'. They told him that he got the worst score in the history of the academy. The First World War came and he got promoted in the field.

Men like wiart are very rare, natural soldiers who derive their greatest satisfaction from delivering and receiving lead from all directions, seeing limbs flying in the distance, and keeping his squadmates sharp so they can get the enemy. And yet the media demonize people like him who enjoy combat calling them psychos.

Why, Ti's only a flesh wound! Most definetly worthy of a movie.

Jason Statham

Simon Pegg

Jude  Law or  Christian Bale

How many metres in one kilometre? The World: One thousand metres. America: About sixteen hundred red unicycles

Brass balls are measured in pounds and ounces, not kilograms. Everyone with brass balls knows that.

Too bad he retired from acting.

What a nutcase.

I think Jude Law would play a good De Wiart

Brad Pitt!!!

Adrian Carton 'just got on with it' de Wiart

Great video

A scratch?! Your hand is off!

That’s just the kind of badass that this guy was :D

I can almost imagine him swapping stories with the Black Knight. I think Gary Oldman would be a brilliant casting. He could get the accent no problem, is an incredible actor and is of the right age to play an older Adrian reflecting/recounting on his former exploits.

Michael Caine could play the role or Sean Connery

Michael Fassbender would be perfect for this role right now. He has the acting chops to carry off the aristocratic, officer and a gentleman, who is charming and witty enough to capture the heart of a countess, but the physicality to run into battle, dodging bullets, getting shot up and being able to finish it with a witty quip, and be taken seriously while doing it. He has the demeanour to be an officer, and a badass too. If he can ride a horse, all the better. He could probably take the role into the later part of De Wiert's life too where escaping from the Axis, and calling out Mao Zedong on his BS. A real roller-coaster ride.

Proper psycho, this geezer, indomitable. Total respect for that attitude; didn't give a damn, just got on with it - that is the way to prevail against all odds. Astonishing story, larger than life. Love the wry humour; had me in stitches. Really you're on top of your game. Thanks for all this knowledge you're sharing. It would seem you were educated in England, and have put a lot of effort into cultivating our language and character. Whilst being quite smooth, you sometimes come across a bit clunky (to be expected of anyone), mostly with pronunciation or turn of phrase; I'm an english language professional and I'd like to help finesse your end product.. let me know

If only Alan Rickman we’re still with us! He would be perfect!

Could you guys do Otto Skorzeny ??? Plzzz Personal hit man to Hitler, special forces pioneer, the infamous rescue of Mussolini, managed to survive the war, and then Simon Wiesenthal (who could also by the way be a good one to do..), and then became a Mossad agent .. quite a turnaround. Would be interesting I reckon. Thanks if you consider my idea and enjoyed this episode!

Store info in the USA, eeewwwwww.not a good look

Don't be stupid. There's no other institution as lionised, yet misunderstood as the Army.


Tom Hanks? Lol

Nope. Unless they can pull off an English accent. And Clint is has a limited range.

No, and No.

Michael Fassbender from Inglorious Basterds

I think only one man is capable of acting Adrian out in a movie: Keanu Reeves

I want to see a film in which Adrian Carton de Wiart and Mad Jack Churchill go on adventures together and kill millions of enemy soldiers.

Gary Oldman.

*Chuck Norris has entered the chat* *Adrian Carton de Wiart*: sup *Chuck Norris has left the chat*

Paul Bettany FTW! Btw, battle of Somme? Did he meet JRRT there?

OOOooooooh!!!! Either Liam Neeson, or Jason Statham for the role of Ardian de Badarse!

Ok, I joined the Dollar Shave Club because that was kinda cool and undeniably useful. However, the song at 9:25 has turned my off of Backblaze, regardless of whatever utility might be gleaned from their services... Now I need to listen to "Informer" by Snow (1992) to get those stupid lyrics out of my head!

re 3:50 "Cause I've got one pound in my pocket... And the other one's hailing a taxi cab..."

Ralph Fiennes would do a fine job. I really can't think of anyone else who could take on that role.

Agreed Daniel Day Lewis

Wow! He was an amazing person. Thanks for the videos. Will share

Me thinks that boy is just a little off. But good for him for finding a hobby. cheers!!

If it were possible I would pick Peter O'Toole.

This guy is somewhere in Steve-O's family tree.

Michael Fassbender. Perfect without doubt.

Wow! That was amazing!

Sean Connery would be the only acceptable actor.

HOW has Hollywood not made a movie about this hulk of a man? So many sequels and remakes and no one thinks about doing it. What the heck.

Nobody is allowed to play this guy except for John Cleese and Ralph Fiennes

My vote is for Russell Crowe.

Charles Bronson

The man is too classy to die

You ever play a game of soldiers with your mates when you were young, there was always that one guy who got shot and pretended he wasn't dead. This was Adrian's life.


Movie? I will be the hero

not sure if hes lucky or really unlucky if he wants to die and just cant or if he doesnt and is really lucky hmmm

Quite damm interesting, if I might say so, lol - John Gleese would love this challenge and got on with it, seriously

Peter Sellers

When did alan rickman die?

I was thinking sean connery 15ish years ago.

by definition a fighter ace has to have shot down 5 enemy aircraft so all aces will have shot down atlest as many aircraft as he crashed in

I would like to see sean connery play that role.

Could you maybe make a biography for Mad Mullah?Is there a good information about him?He seemed so interesting


Excellent biography, He was as great a soldier as General Gordan of Khartoum. I think Russel Crowe would do him proud.

And today if you look wrong at young fellows they have to go see a srink just shows what we a bringing up today

This man sounds very familiar. My father told a story of being in officer school in England in the late 40s and of an officer who lectured them there, who was a bit of a nutcase and and amputee. He would always be lifting his eyepatch, removing his glass eye and glaring at them with the socket...

He simply couldn't die

While this guy seemed to make getting shot a career,the undisputed war hero has to be Charles Upham...the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice in WW2.

Roy Benadivez: I'm the most BAMF soldier!!! Adrian Carton De Wiart: Hold My Tea

Charles Dance

I think an English gentleman by the name of Simon Whistler could play hime very convincingly in the film...

Please, do a show abouLLarry Thorne.

please do a biograpic on sir Sidney smith

I believe he was characterised in an Evelyn Waugh novel?

@Andrew Mitchell good call sir

He appears in Waugh's Sword of Honour Trilogy as Ritchie-Hook.

Michael fazsbender

After reading his (quite prejudicial and frank) bio, I've often wondered how he'd have coped in today's politically correct world.

Gees, a real superman

Who would I like to see in the lead role of a biopic of Lt Gen Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart? Edward Fox - as he could be "made up" to look a bit like him. FYI the head shot during WWI passed cleanly between both hemispheres of Adrian' s brain - causing him nothing more than a blinding headache for a week or so!! Lucky guy!!

Advertisement + advertisement. No thanks.

In all seriousness it could only be Benedict Cumberbatch to play this war hero

I don't think he was quite right in the head.

Daniel Day Lewis, Tom Hiddleston. My favourite would be Boris Johnson if he chose method acting. I'd like to see him put a bullet through his head.

you and your british pride lmao best soldier this and that cmon

Nah man, Larry Thorne is THE MOST Badass soldier of all time.

Boer is probably best pronounced BOuHEHRR Confusingly wiart is probably pronounced Viart The German people pronunciation on the VW is fee vee

@SuAside83 I grew up in cape town and studying afrikaans was a bit awkward. They pronounced v like f. Fawlks vagen was a car I google it and got mixed results But initially the first one said the w in flanders was pronounced like we do in England. The foreigners have a hard time with many English words What I find the most impressive is the way swedes speak such perfect English when they have an utterly unpronounceable language

@SuAside83 OK I was mostly referring to the boer pronounced bower. Definitely wrong

Except that he wasn't German? He was Belgian upper class, which spoke french at the time, and his name should be pronounced as such? But yes, the pronunciation is off in the vid, but your suggestion doesn't make it better.

Well we now have a template for our own clone army

These in-video commercials are getting out of hand, sorry man but half way through i lost interest. I shall not watch any of your videos again.

Now that I know about him I don't think there's anyone EPIC enough to play him in Hollywood.

So he was the inspiration for wolverine

Just needed a leg amputated. 111.

I'd cast Mark Strong.

Christian Bale, Ryan gosling, Robert downy Jr. Or Mel Gibson for an actor

Although I think a biographical film of this mans life would be spectacular I can hardly think of an actor who could do such a role justice as the vast majority of hollywood types are pacifist soyboys who assert communist proclivities.

I would think Sir Ian McKellen for the old warrior-diplomat and Tom Hardy for the young badass stud.

I love the USN, USMC. USA, USAF and USCG - hey Kevin Gallagher this is what a real hero is....not someone who sniper executes civilians but is always in the fray. God Bless America and Trump and 'blank' Gallagher

Sean Connery. Some people have too much testosterone.

This shit sounds to extreme to be real. This man sense of duty and battlelust is insane.

I don't know who should play Adrian Carton de Wiart but whoever does it the style of The movie should be reminiscent of Byron Munchhausen/ Candide, wait a minute, now that I think about it, jason statham comes to mind as someone that could jollily shake off Life threatening injury after injury after injury after injury after injury with exuberant gusto, to stalk yet another flirtation with death with the lightest of hearts. With the right director the movie could eclipse Indiana Jones in the box office.

2:17 Get it right either call it the Boer Oorlog or Farmer War. Stop mixing two different languages ie Dutch and English. English cover up the fact that they went to war against farmers by calling them Boers. Boer or Boeren means Farmer or Farmers. Boer / Farmers taught the English to use Special Forces.

1:00 Shows ignorance about history, geography and politics. Ireland was a British colony.

So was Virginia at one time. That doesn't mean the called themselves British. Otherwise, when any war of independence took place it would be the British fighting the British. That sounds like a civil war.

It's Romania

Holy shit this freaking guy...hes every videogame hero ever

Libya not libia

What a character. Was Major Bludd based on him? Wikipedia fails to mention it, but I'm taking that theory to my grave.

This would have been a good Sean Connery role back in his post Bond days

The only person for that role is Tom Hanks.

He and Mad Jack Churchill would’ve got on famously.


Dude got in more plane crashed than Joseph Joestar

What about Mad Jack

Johnny Depp

If it was 50 years ago then I'd say Peter O'Toole should play, now its either Michael Fassbender or Daniel Day Lewis

Love stories like this. One man army stuff :) My uncle was a WW2 Hero, when he died in 1981 over 3500 people attended his funeral, according to stories around 2000 surviving comrades from two shock brigades he served with. I will never forget about 2 meters tall pile of flowers , 3 cushions with all his medals pinned and wreaths and hundreds of adult men, war veterans, crying like babies, I was age 8...that's how it is when you fight heroically for your homeland and for liberty of your people and for men next to you in your unit...what he did as a soldier was borderline Rambo stuff I could not believe the stories, he died and went to his grave with 3 bullets lodged in his body, one next to his heart and according to x ray he had 38 shrapnels in his body most of them from hand grenades. His specialty was destruction of fortifications and bunkers and silent elimination of guards on patrol, scouting and sapper tasks, removing mines and blowing stuff up. He was fluent in German and spoke good Russian and Italian so it came in handy often. Knife, explosives, hand grenades and Luger pistol were his weapons of choice. As soon as the war ended he was still an NCO and he was was sent to military academy and then many years later in 1961 retired as Colonel of JNA, he worked in a tank brigade... He was racing motorcycles until mid 1970s and had multiple crashes with them as well as if the wounds from the war were not enough, his son was later Rally champion of my country.... The stories I heard from his comrades that used to visit us throughout 80s were usually "he saved me" or "he saved us all" or "had it not been for him so many of us would not be here" , just by him making right decisions at the right time or doing right actions as a young commander, if you wanted things to get done you'd send him and his unit. He was 14 when the war started in 1941 and joined his unit and was 18 in May 1945 when the war ended.

Your uncle deserves his own video on this channel. Maybe respect

I am guessing he died in his sleep like Theodore Roosevelt, Death learned decades ago not to try taking him while he was awake.

Clearly he had viking blood in his family tree

AC de Wiart did NOT purchase his commission, the purchase system had been abolished in 1871 under the Cardwell Reforms, some 9 yrs before his birth. He was commissioned into the Imperial Light Horse, a Sth African unit which still exists and later commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the British Army, while still a Belgian not UK citizen.

Ben Kingsley in the lead role

The w in his name is pronounced as a v

He's like a character out of a Monty Python sketch, only successful rather than ludicrous. Anyone travelling by air recognizing him to be one of the other passengers must surely have known things were destined to not end well. Regarding who I'd cast in the biopic of his life? Probably not Steve Martin. Jack Black's out, too. Ditto Rowan Atkinson. Or Woody Allen.

@No one you care to know Emo Phillips

Hugh Laurie.

I wonder if this man was inspiration for Big Boss.

Wow what a life!!! What a Billy Bad Ass!

tons of options to play this one . . . .Gary Olman, Josh Brolin, Tom Hardy and that dude that did the NetFlix Punisher the one that played opposite whats his name in The Accountant?

You mean John Berenthal?

Wow, that was impressive..

Definitely a Tommy Tough Balls.

I’d suggest Christian Bale to portray him, but given that he would literally have his left eye and hand removed for the part, maybe not.

Oddly enough, I’d have Sean Bean play him

Oh GOD if those two had actually been assigned to the same unit...

I agree

Real life Action Hero? You're thinking of Miloš Obilić. Do an ep on him

For another badass military, take a look at Hans Ulrich Rudel.

"who would you like to see in the lead role?" Sean Bean for the irony.

1.not Brad Pitt. 2. That Jason dude.

I'm of the opinion that telling everybody exactly where you backup your files is stupid.

Clearly Trump would be the perfect choice to portray him. Sure fire Oscar.

Actually, Churchill tied him with Bernard Freyburg for this honour.

the maddest of mad lads!!

Sound like a robot

I'm compelled to name an obvious choice like Daniel Craig or Clive Owen to play de Wiart were a film made, however I think someone who is actually less rugged and more plain looking would suit the role. There's also the question of age: you'd really need two actors, one for the younger and one for the older de Wiart

he should be played by Leonardo Dicaprio

Ben Affleck.. I think that he is one of the most versatile actors in existence. If not him a guy with the first name Ian or something like that. Most people reading this would know who I am referring to. He has played in some of the most memorable films such as the Commuter and a few others.

Definitely don't want to hear the name back blaze again

Screw Vodafone too many ads I’m actively campaigning against them boycott Vodafone they annoyed me

Why on earth would you thumbs down this! Amazing man!

Charles Upham was a total badass too

Please do John Paul Jones

Enemy soldiers probably thought he was respawning

1st medal was for surviving , catholic school.

Sounds like he could have been Rambo's father - so Sylvester Stallone is the obvious casting choice!

He must have been bloody annoyed when the King called him back from the Front to pin a VC on his chest,

...survived by his widow...

You think death would have eventually given up on this dude.

Daniel Day Lewis would be great to play this character.

if only David Niven were still around that being said Daniel Day Lewis should portray him you know D-day from Animal House back when Animal House came out no just kidding Daniel Day Lewis really

Danny Devito.

2nd Bur War?

Obviously Daniel Day Lewis!

I hate your label of any man a toff. How dare you judge anyone so...

Keanu Reeves should be the lead Character!

who is this bald guy, i have seen him somewhere else but it was not by this channels name, why do bald people think that growing a beard will detract from looking at their shinny dome, it does not, it makes us look at your head even more

If we're fantasy casting the movie, Sir Christopher Lee.

Liam Neeson.

For the love of god Simon,  you are not conducting a symphony! Someone strap his arms down.

Harrison Ford

Great video! I can't believe I've never heard of him before. Man, they don't make em like that guy anymore.

He could have been a Kamikaze Highlander.

C'mon ya pansy!

Monty Python fans everywhere...

rip but david niven

Honestly, he doesnt seeeeeem like such a good soldier. I mean, he is getting shot more than anything else. I prefer that Finish guy....

Wow what an incredible chap. Imagine going on a night out with him it would be bonkers.

Is like to hear one on Paddy Mayne

I think Lee Evans or Norman wisdom would be the best actor.... The man was an accident prone fool.

Irish and Belgian blood mixed with the excellent British military seems to be a winning combination.

A movie about this dude would be longer than Band of Brothers. I recommend Christoph Waltz.

An utter English legend!

He simply liked killing people.

So Awesome !!! Thanks

Glad you enjoyed it :)

Not sure why but I could see Michael Fassbender in this role!

Let me guess before watching the video.....the Boxers war in china?

So eager to fight, I imagine he was quite a popular comrade for his fellow soldiers, they had to love the chap that comes right out of military hospital screaming for more fight and battles. I almost can hear them whisper "Oh, they didn't get him this time either, guess we have to do it ourselves"

What an incredible man.

BADASS Gentleman!!!

this guy sounds like an infomercial

How many confirmed kills? How many rescued POW's? Battle scars are just cosmetic.

I enjoy these talks but please stop saying "countless" for things that can obviously be counted.


Simon, got a few pronunciation errors. Only the Yanks do that ...

I really enjoyed that bio. In the dictionary, under "tough and determined", are various photos of Adrian Carton de Wiart. Impressive doesn't quite cover it.

No movie can make justice to this mad warrior. ;)

Colin Firth first comes to mind from his role in Kingsmen and he did rock an eye patch in the movie... That’s probably the most obvious choice.. Ralph Fiennes might be a better choice, maybe Jason Issac and possibly Henry Cavill which would be interesting since he played Superman.

None shall pass

I think Adrian de Wiart figured out how to RESPAWN.

Kevin Costner or Bruce Willis

This guy reminds me of "Big Boss" from the metal gear series! They could have easily swapped the intro with highlights of his life at the beginning of the game and It would have been all the same to me!

Jean Claud Van-Damme

Ok he has my vote for being a bad ass, and also maybe abit psychotic.

Spoiled brat with a bad attitude.

He is like black knight from grail movie.

*Peter Sellers* looked an awful lot like *de Wiart* in _Dr. Strangelove_ as the lieutenant...

Interesting topic but the delivery needs to be toned down.

1 eyed,1 armed, carrying a comrade AND swimming from a wreckage during a war. How is he not immortalised in a movie?

His nickname was 'Patch', but not because of his eye patch. It was due to the number of war injuries he sustained. Every tine he found himself on a gurney he'd say "Patch me up doc. And be quick about it. In case you haven't noticed there is a war going on."

I am a Belgian, with a tinge of Irish blood in me also. We tend to be fierce and undaunting to be sure. Not to this gents caliber of course. What a guy

Lucky IDIOT! Which Monty Python episode was this?

Wtf is a BUR??? Its BOER! Do so research...

I think I get it from US TV or something, as that seems to be the accepted US pronunciation :)

@Biographics Well that was clearly a lunkhead moment. But honestly, I would appreciate if you can work just a bit on that pronunciation as I've never heard somebody say Boer like that. Thank you, I do enjoy your shows.


99Hokusai Hahahaha brilliant

Hahaha no chance. No where near the gravitas that this guy deserves :)

Maxstor he’s got a VC for God’s sake, you troll

Carlos hathcock

I would almost consider a young to old Sean Connery for the role. However I am unsure whom would be able to play him in his younger years since Sir Sean Connery isn't a Spring Chicken anymore. No offence.

he needs to be played by solid chuck norris snake in a movie called apocalypse after elevenses

The BackBlaze plug was...........awkward.

We need more people like this this day & age..:P

Someone ought to make a movie out of this guy's story.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau from GOT

I wonder if he was the reincarnation of Blas de Lezo

Daniel craig

I think Daniel Day Lewis would fit the bill.

You couldn’t make a movie about him, no one would believe it

That's not how you pronounce Oratory..

By chance, did he ever serve with Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen?

Liam Neeson as the older Carton would be fantastic.

Why of course, I would nominate Sir Alec.

This smells like a tom hardy role...

They'll go woke & politically correct in the movie so Adrian Carton de Wairt will be played by a black, lesbian female who secretly hates war & men.


He didn't do a lot of fighting, he was just beat up a LOT and survived. Not a badass in my opinion.

Chuck Norris memes mean nothing to me now.

Excellent video. He was the original Deadpool

We totally need a black comedy show about his life

I just found my hero for life!!!

Leonardo DiCaprio would do a good job

The new glasses look good on you SW!

you couldent make a movie of this, there is just too much, you need a minisieries

Fricking real life Winter Soldier.

and nowadays ppl go to the doctor when they have a headache

Sean Connery.

I suppose i could possibly play him, but i'd need to really tone down my hardness. I mean REALLY tone down.

What an absolute unit

Hmm Younger De Wiart, Tom Hardy, Old De Wiart Sam Elliot.

About 4 or 5 years ago I heard the story of this guy, truly amazing, so as soon as I saw de Wiart click I'm here, and Whistler doing the commentary can't be bad. I will now personally recommend that June 5th be declared an English Bank Holiday, in his honour. After all when did the Belgians conquer England, oh what do you mean Roger Mortimer landed with a Belgian (Hainault) force in 1326 and took the throne?


Jesus, how many channels do you have your hand in? You and Green.. between the 2 of you, you must be in like ¼ of all YT videos lol.

I thought at the end you were to going to say he died of lead poisoning from all the bullets in his body.

A man wears a glass eye, you think, oh a glass eye...he wears an eye patch, you, a bad ass.

If I was to cast somebody to play him it would have to be tom hardy

The man was a war hero and hated communism, great fucking guy.

I think Brian Cranston has the depth to fill that role.

Sounds like a Jonah to me.

For the movie, for some reason Daniel Craig comes to mind.

It does sound like a good role for James Bond

We tend to forget these "toffs"have that warrior gene in their history,so when you get a fighter they tend to be great fighters,not the delusional buffoons but those true warriors with genetic leadership skills,they are rare but crazy fighting men.Who soldiers love to follow into hell.

Ralph Fiennes would be perfect

That’s the best suggestion so far

I believe Charles Bronson or Clint Eastwood would do the part suitably. Truly an amazing man.

He could rip a deck of cards in half??? Holy sh*t! He could probably crush hands just with a handshake

It's an unfashionable viewpoint, but a lot of blokes, like this legend, enjoy a war!

"Never tell me the odds!" Who said it? A) Han Solo B) Adrian Carton de Wiart

monty python references are pleasant but i had to run it back to see if he really said it first

Kurt Russel, he does well with an eye patch

Whom would I like to see playing the role of this man? Christian Bale

love these bios and they are obviously well researched. simon whistler is an excellent presenter and his sentence construction... its quite unique

Mark Armstrong should play him.

GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! If you are patient enough, and wait long enough, you’ll actually discover there’s a vid about some British chap who liked to fight. IF, you can wade through the storage of the storage stuff that will store things while you may not be thinking of storing stuff, being that the storage folks will do the storing for you. F*ck that. I’ll most certainly not purchase any shrilled storage services from the storage folks who paid for his vid because I fell asleep while watching the storage bit and wasn’t able to catch the storage folks’ particulars. Balance, people, balance. And vids like this, while they are decent enough in their own right, are fucking wasted because of the hours long storage intermission. Say your bit. Shill a moment or two for your sponsor, THEN MOVE ON. It’s called the law of diminishing returns, and the return on this sucks.

If I had to choose on man only then with the new CG technologies to make one young and/ or old ... I would have to pick the Actor Oscar Isaac. Reference the movie: The Promise. In which he co stars with my second choice as candidate for this role: Christian Bale.

When Brits weren't cucks

How could you write a screenplay about this guy’s life? Nobody would believe it, even though it really did happen.

God got one hell of an archangel

AND FOR OUR FRIENDZZ. Everything is double ZZ with this guy.

I bet pilots were afraid when he got on their plane !

Man does Duarte make us look like pussies.

Audie Murphy says ; " Hold my beer."

Unfortunately in this day and age of fake outrage and ubsurd wokeness, his story wont be told in a movie. He was a white colonialist and fought in wars that todays socialist and borderline communist lefties will scream and rant and throw tantrums if any one dares praise the heroes of our western oppressors.

Liam the Neeson

Sir Alec Guinness would'a been Perfect. Very cool video.

I'd read his memoirs.

Chuck Norris is too chicken to... ah, never mind.

He should have duked it out with Leo Major.

Sir Patrick Stewart would be a great fit, I think

He was BELGIAN. Not Belgium. Belgium is the country, BELGIAN, is of or pertaining TO the country.


This great man needs his own day of recognition to be celebrated every year.

Jeremy Irons, Daniel Day Lewis, Ralph Fiennes or Hugh Laurie

Libya is spelt wrong

This has "Spielberg movie" written all over it.

huh....well....I don't really know what to say now suddenly a youthful spree of fisticuffs with only a 50/50 win record is a little lack luster That being said....someone already suggested Sean Bean and I agree He already played a character with a similiar history ( GO 95TH !!!) and it would be nice to see him die of old age just for something different in a movie

The actor to play Adrian Carton de Wiart, Ralph Fiennes.

Not Ben Afflek

Rumor has it that now is killing devils and they can't kill him.

Big Bosses Grandad. He has the greatest accolade any military man could ask for..."In case of War - Break Glass". Is he the Doom soldier?

1:22 Adrian's stepmother thought it was a good idea, for the boys education, to spend some time in a British boarding school. Yeah, his "education" that's totally what she was worried about. Why else would a parental imposter want to be rid of a kinless and bothersome child who happens to have a rich, globetrotting daddy?

What a dweeb with a voice of a girl

Blackblaze: At first it says: "The security and privacy of your data is of utmost importance..." And then: "Failed. The maximum lenght of a (Private Encryption) key is 50 characters." Lolz... No way they are serious.

A real damn hero. That's the prime example of a real soldier folks.

a dangerous and manic man, I'm afraid. Lucky of us having him busy with the right thing at the right time.

Tuff as an old boot.

This guy's career is incredible.

Absolutely fascinating life!!!

What’s with all the hand movement. Felt like I was watching Tony Blair

Ah, but have you ever seen Wiatt and Blair in the same room together though...

Sounds more like he was a bullet magnet than a bad ass.

Unsubscribed. In one of your videos you decided to offer your (snide) personal opinion of President Trump. You no longer were entertaining, just another hater. FAIL.

Pip pip and all that rot... way too British to be professionally presented... or easily understood...

He got on with it lol

Such warriors never die. Their legends are rediscovered over and over by generations yet unborn; 14 battle wounds, loss of an eye and a hand, secret commando mission that went pearshaped bigtime, the very embodiment of the "stiff-upper-lip" and the "keep calm and carry on" . Thank God Almighty that such people have lived, and could be any one of us.

"...and could be any one of us" I seriously doubt that. People like this are extremely rare, like all VC medalists.

Very interesting account of a true military man. If I had to cast the lead to portrait this man it would have to be Benedict Cumberbatch

Keanu Reeves. At old age, Clint Eastwood with a accent.

Mad Jack Churchhill, was a badass too.

To cast a movie about this man, I think that Steve McQueen, or Errol Flynn, as they had rough & tough earlier lives. However, they aren't alive.

Bit of a non-starter then...

Michael Bisping. Even has the wonky eye.

Sean Connery for the lead role. Thank you Simon for these great videos. I watch them all the time. You are a great talent. Thank you for your endeavors.

A man ho just dint want to die.

Otto skorzeny for me

There is only 1 person who could play this guy in a film, CHUCK NORRIS!

ty for the nicely compiled odyssey about de Wiart, however, I am wondering....can you be more posh? I mean, i couldn't understand a lot of words. Why do you deliberalty half swallow, half drool them out, jezus christ:)

What a great hero! Thank you for sharing. Great video.

I had selected Oscar Isaac or Christian Bale but your suggestion is BRILLIANT!

Yeah, this channel is regularly guilty of cold blooded murder of the English tongue.

Hollywood’s just a freak show now , a shallow self of once a great industry , smut

dgregory79 OMG too funny!!

You don't get a VC for merely being beaten up. That's what Purple Hearts are for.

Good choice.

Who could play him de Wiart? Some ideas: Hugh Laurie, Anthony Hopkins, or maybe Colin Firth?

Ralph Fiennes would be a good fit.

My daughter was born on June 5th. Her middle name is honor.

Adrian vs panzer division. Adrian 1 panzers 0.

Adrian is unstoppable!!

He was BELGIAN not Belgium, and also its Romania not Rumania

I hope the dumb as a brick Americans that hold up Chuck Norris as the ultimate badass all watch this. (Yes, I am an American).

Why is this not a movie...

You spelled "ROMANIA" wrong.

Daniel Day-Lewis

10:22 you'll thank me later.

Nick Cage.

This cat got 20 lives

commissar yarrick of warhammer 2k

I dont think his story could be told any better

His life sounds like a Clint Eastwood movie

Do you talk like that in real life? I live in oxford and even the yuppie twats hath more life in them.. Seriously I know lords and ladies that sound less droll than you.

And right after he pulled his own fingers off he killed Chuck Norris in a one eyed stare down! Horseshit.

I love this channel...well done.

Question! Why is there no movie about this guy?! And to answer your question, you'd need 5 different actors to cover his life's ventures. Good god lmao

Vinny Jones maybe Tom Hardy

Adrian Carton de Wiart if the movie was made it would have wanted Gary Cooper to have played him.

Like the English empire wouldn't fancy a man like that! Hah! Any of the empires would, I know the US was jealous af lol Living proof that psychopaths just need an outlet. Leopold is an example of why that should never be people. His Congo is basically the logical conclusion of what all the "anarcho"-capitalists and right-"libertarians" advocate and it wasn't pretty.

Ive learned today that Planes really sucked back in the Day...

How did they suck if they made the ultimate difference in both world wars?

well to play De Wiart, you will need a black transgender actor..... would be racist otherwise, so im told.

Me in the lead role ..of course, bloody good show...what!

I doubt the internet would like this answer, but I think Russel Crowe would do it well, especially the chin part... cuz that's the important part? :P

Patrick Stewart

Definitly Tom Hardy xD

He was a real Belgian hero, that’s for sure ! (And I am belgian, too...) I think Benoit Poelvoorde would be perfect in this funny hero’s biopic. With Jaco Van Dormael as the director, of course ! Only belgians can do belgian.

unkobold Benoit Poelvoorde! C’est arrivé pres de chez vous! Great choice!

Also, Rumania???

If they have your data, the Government has your data...They create a false sense of security by not sell it to hackers, but they're just waiting to use it against you, should the need ever occur....all data storage and "DNA Ancestry" companies are the Happy Face of Big Brother

He has experienced an amputation

gary oldman

Ya knew he was going to be a Brit! My vote's(for the British) is Col. John Henry Patterson!

Turned off when you mispronounced " Oratory "

Who would I like to see play Adrian? I think they are all dead. Second choices: Keanu Reeves, Vin Diesel.

This man much surely hold the world record for surviving the most plane crashes. Can anyone confirm??

I say Sir, you have an overdeveloped sense of revenge and one day it is going to get you in trouble


Well Done is better than Well Said. Outstanding.

Tell me again, are we certain that Super Soldier Serum wasn't actually crafted in this world?????

"Tis a scratch, nothing but a flesh wound"

"Dear Father, I regret to tell you I am no longer in school. Instead I have chosen to pursue war in Africa"

You’re forgetting about Charles Upham. The only soldier to even win two vc’s

great story but your face close to the camera its a bit too much for a whole video, just saying

I believe this fellow had a bit of a chemical imbalance.

A war lover - what a Nutter..

You're not badass until you've ripped off your own fingers!!

sounds more like he is describing a character on monty python rather than a real person. "british" need i say more?

Adrian, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and 'Mad' Jack Churchill - Chuck Norrissing the universe

Ude law


Best actor, either Sean Connery or Anthony Hopkins

Hes the Doom slayer's ancester

Robert De Niro

Media Slut Voice Wins

Commissions could not be bought after 1871. You must know this.

I know its a cliche , but i have to write it......They don t make them like that anymore .

Gets shot in the face 3 times and loses an eye . Then he says it was all bloody fun that’s bad ass.

Interesting Gentleman. Have you read a book about Charles Upham VC and Bar. He's was a New Zealand sheep farmer who should have been awarded at least 4 VC. The book is called the Mark of the Lion.

In all honesty, given how sombre--yet without losing his sense of humour--John Cleese has become in his later years, I would LOVE to see him perform this noble specimen and firmly believe that he could pull it off convincingly. As for de Wiart in his younger years--and to get a feel for the accent and multilingualism he would have displayed at the time--Michael Fassbender all the way. He has incredible range and is naturally gifted with languages--I've heard him speak 5 of them flawlessly so far.

Still not sure what a toff is... I guess a rich guy.

I have nothing to say except what an incredible incredible incredible story

Great video bio on this amazing British Military man!! well done ole chap!

With all do respect the UK has no freedom of speech as long as it was a long time ago. Its funny the UK hasn't had any wins lately. Of course I must ask why do you Great Britains wtf

its but a flesh wound!

Adrien Brody might have the facial features for a younger version of De Wiart. Not sure though.

Who ever said the Terminator was science-fiction?

Daniel Craig

14:44 Rumania? Is that the UK spelling?


Tecumseh Sherman and yet your YouTube handle is Tecumesh Sherman..... one of American most prolific killers

Couldn't stop laughing after the clean head shot part 12:00



Jen Nelson it’s possible

Rumania was the original spelling before the war .

@Cato I said John Cleese too!! For the younger one, I nominated Michael Fassbender. Aside from being both noble and badass, dude speaks more languages than exist.

John cleese as old one the younger dont know

BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH. When I used YT's search function to get Hiddleston's name, I stumbled on the Cumberbatch scene from Thor: Ragnarok, and Cumberbatch can definitely add more gravitas to the role.

de Wiart casually flipping off the death itself throughout in his entire life I love it


By hearing his story I feel less of a man

Who else could play him but Liam Nesson? No one. Its got to be the Nessons!

Liam neeson would fit perfectly in that role

I will find you...

John Cleese as De Wiart would be bloody brilliant!

Jesus Christ.... I'm going read this guys autobiography!

Cast Jude Law

During his time at Oxford de Wiart started a petition to get guns and grenades introduced into the official rules of Rugby. It was at that point that the British army knew they had an officer in the making.

"I was taken to Paris, tried and then hung from the Bastille by the larger of my testicles. It was then that I'd had enough".

After a while death probably got bored of all the call outs and just decided to let the fellow get on with it.

Little known fact, de Wiart was also the lone warrior defending the bridge in the Battle of Stamford Bridge and certainly wasn't going to let 800+ years and a spike up his bottom keep him from fighting.

“He didn’t care for being dead”

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and has experience acting with one hand.

I would love to have met this man

The Chuck Norris of WW1 and WW2.

Fascinating gentleman! And he probably died of boredom!


I failed to find any "intuitive" (or "readable") articles in my 15-min of online research on this, but I wonder if the truly rare breeds such as de Wiart suffer(ed) from a condition called, "Urbach-Wiethe Disease".

A psychiatrist might have a field day with this fearless fellow. I suspect psychopathy.

Ewan McGregor because you can de-age him and also use the same process in reverse to show the older years

Remarkable! I am richer by now knowing about him! Thanks!

Sacha Baron Cohen to play him in a movie. Need someone very brave.

the older him? definitly harrison ford.

Who would act as him in a movie? Arnie of course. Nobody else has practiced the line , "I'll be back", as much as him.

Maybe he was the real inspiration for Big Boss rather than Snake Plissken.

Very interesting topic. What a unique life this man had and he did it "HIS WAY". And Simon, keep the beard. Otherwise, you look like a "dick with ears". Good job Simon. Sincerely, Ed from America

"Madam, below all the medals is your son..." -but there's only an ear!!", ... yes Madam, exactly... Any resemblance to Monty Python's Baron Münchausen is pure coincidence....

There is, nor ever has been an actor good enough to play him convincingly. Mostly because you couldn't write this stuff!

John Cleese would be perfect for the role.

All the crashes

I would like to see Simon Whistler play this guy

I always thought that Jack Churchill was the craziest British soldier. What a mistake!

Apart from the things he did he cuts Mao speech short in China. Just imagine that and stated he hated communism.communism that is still prevent today in China .

Jude Law could play him in a movie

" Africaer " - what you call someone from Africa?

What's a luftwaffer? One who flies in the Luftwaffe? Yep, I said it. Why is it that idiolectical speakers of Bringlish have the irrepressible desire to place an r where it doesn't belong? Is it because of the incessant habit of leaving them out where they do belong? You know what the proper way to balance that scale is, dontcha? Just put them in their proper place in the first place and voila, Proper English is spoken!

Oh Mr. Narrator, Belgium is the nation ; Belgian is the nationality of those born there. That means no one can be " Belgium that...", they're Belgian - like Bruxelles et Liége waffles = Belgian. They're not Belgium Waffles. They're Belgian. Because they're from there, get it?

It would have to be Harrison Ford

I never laughed so much on biographics " he just get on with it " You need an Englishman to do his role in a film

John Cleese as Gen. Carton de Wiart. I think it would be a masterpiece. He would get the "Tis' but a scratch" part spot on...

Thank you for this interesting video. Robert Downey, Jr. would make a good Adrian Carton de Wiart, I think so.

sounds like a prick, and you can't pull a ring from a grenade with your teeth. no i take it back he is a prick, did he write this for you

Why is his life not a movie?

The most british guy ever and he aint even british


Hand down, Brad Pitt.

You must be fun at parties. Also, it’s called an intrusive R, and it’s part of certain English dialects and is definitely considered proper English.

belgian, not surprised

Sounds like the inspiration for The Bionic Man

What is he made of? You don't get badasses like this anymore with all the domesticated sheep around us.

I would nominate another Belgian as the greatest soldier of the 20th century ,Louis Degrelle who fought for the german army in W.W.2

Bless you man, but that plum in your mouth and apparent aristocratic facade is like yikes

Is this guy secretly the real Big Boss from MGS5?

What a guy! Really enjoyed this Bio, one of the more amusing

@Simon yes, it is indeed an intrusive r, causing some words to be confused with other words to people trying to learn from you. It's the same with leaving the r out where it does belong, it can phonetically become another word. I'm sure you won't care, but all of your channels just lost my subscriptions. Ta-ta. Ps: As a narrator, you should want your audience to understand you, and should speak a dialect of English that properly pronounces the words, after all you strive to pronounce some of the French names well and NOT the way most Brits would. I loved that effort. I'll miss it. Ta.

His name is pronounced "du Vee•yah(r is barely pronounced at all, mostly just a thought, really and forget the t)" if said in French. However, its origin is Germanic, so you do say the r & the t; it comes from, wit (vit in German/Deutsch/ Dutch) = hard wood + hart (hard) = de (the) vithart, and since Germans don't deal mit (with) "th's", it is left out entirely and the two become a combined word spelt "Wiart" & said "Viart" and thus, "the very hard wood is hard". 'Nuther words , The hard hardwood doesn't break.

You're the man Simon :) out of respect I beg you to rectify your top ten video on the Maori!

Id choose Daniel Day Lewis for the role.

That was one hell of a man and one tough nut to crack I can imagine him saying stop all your complaining you bunch of little girls get out of the way and let me get on with it ill show you how its done someone plug that bullet hole in my kidney its making me lose my good liqueur

Ralph Fiennes, Daniel Day-Lewis or Christian Bale or maybe Christian Bale for his younger self then one of the others for the rest of his life etc.

Wow, this guy deserves a movie to celebrate his life. I think Mads Mikkelson might be a great choice to portray him. Although Michael Sacha has a build closer to Carton De Wiart

Keanu Reeves

What language is this?

I knew he had some " Mick" blood in him! A good row jus got his Eire up! Fine lad.

He must have a golden horseshoe up his ass!

Except he didn't! That's what I call a real OG !

Long is the appropriate word!!

What a fantastic, beave1ans interesting soldier!! "He just got on with it", sums his courage and antics up perfectly! Thank you, great video!

He didn't fancy Mao. So he also had a well tuned sense for reading people huh?

de Wiart despised Communists of all types, met Mao Zedong while dispatched to China, and at a dinner hosted by Mao, interrupted his propaganda speech to criticize Mao's failure to fight the Japanese to the fullest for political reasons.

Liam Neeson or maybe Sir Christopher Lee.

He died and became a ringer in Valhalla

So he was actually half-Belgian, half-Irish; Explains why he was more badass than an English ever could be

Wonderfully, colourful describtet with such humor. I had to giggle a few times. "loved to shoot the wildlife. Not that is, the people"

Loved it :) Captain Anti-Snowflake!

The funny thing is you can sense the exasperation of the narrator as to why Adrian wouldn't die.

If I was making a movie based on this super badass, I'd have Sean Connery in the lead role. To me, Sean Connery is a super badass!

Wow! Adrian Carton de Wiart lived an amazing life! Great video!

Early years I would say Christian bale and later years sean Connery

John Henry Newman is famous in the Catholic Church as a convert from Anglicanism who became a wise and respected Cardinal in the Catholic Church.

Time magazine should've named him man of the year

Gerard Butler

This guy’s story is like fiction. If you told me at any point that all this is a joke I wouldn’t be surprised. He trumps Cpt. America

Great video, but as a designer WTF is that editing. Why would you start with health bar, continue counting with I of all the symbols available. They are even touching. Also the last airplane icon. Why would you put it in a new row! Looks like editor sent the wrong file, or you need a new editor that can match the quality of the content you provide.

How is there not a movie about this guy?

Steve Buscemi

Marvelous video sir, smashing stuff. One of the better channels out there for shorter history lessons. Well done and above all....well played. As for a potential film. This might come as a surprise as personally Im not a big fan but, Johnny Depp I can see would play this gentlemen rather well.

Real Life Big Boss. he let the legend come to live, again and again

He reminded me of you and your rivals daddy actually.. missing an arm with an eye patch. Bullets do na-sing...etc

There needs to be a TV series about this guy. A film wouldn't be long enough.

Absolute Mad Lad !

I think You should play him in the film Simon...

General de Wiart didn't die........... He moved to America and changed his name to Chuck Norris

Don’t know about a young actor for his early exploits, but got his later years def Daniel day Lewis.

Charles Dance is my pick.

I think Clooney could do him justice. A guy like this needs someone charismatic to be played


He is held up as a brave hero but there is obviously something mentally wrong with this man ... it would be fascinating to have a clinical diagnosis of his issue(s).

what a fantastic man..fascinated by his story..absolutely amazing.. its one I will watch over and over again..such courage and determination.. a pleasure watching and learning about this man.

And his wife and daughters? No one but Robert Mitchum could have played him, or Peter Granger. Too late now.

Wonderfully, colourful described with such humor. I had to giggle a few times. "Loved to shoot the wildlife. Not, that is, the people"

This man was truly a son of Mars

de Wiart was totally bonkers!

As always, brilliant! As dor the movie, I'd vote for Pierce Brosnan

I can see why Churchill liked him

Sounds like the original Wolverine! I think maybe Tom Hardy might be good choice to play him.

Might be cliche, but Russell Crowe?

In today’s world most military casualties who receive such traumatic injuries are invalided out, but back then, including WWII, you could loose both your legs and still serve on the front lines, just like the RAF pilot Douglas Bader did. Another excellent Bio Simon and team, thanks,

watching this one again, it had just occurred to me that this could be someone Iron Maiden could totally write a song about...

Good thing I took off a day from work today... that bunion on my left foot is killing me! Tortures of the damned, I tell you, tortures of the damned...

He really was an action man. Biography about CGE Mannerheim would be interesting to hear or Simo Häyhä (if you can pronounce it right).

Wait , how did he actually die though??

I think the only actor worthy of such a legend can only be Chuck Norris

The test is a way cooler name for a championship than say the super bowl.

Wouldn't wanna see Tom Cruise in that role, I'm very sure of that!

rumaina is guessing that was a typo

I think Oda got inspired by this guy, and created Luffy!

Tom cruise

The lead actor for Adrian with have to be John Clease

"Didnt want to look like a gigolo" Dead.

I want to see you play the man

Simon, i'd like to see you in the lead role. You've got that assertiv, captivating and deep voice and makéup n costume.would sort the rest.

Though not British, he definitely acted British. Hand falling off, ripping off two fingers without anesthesia--"Oh, that old thing. Just a scratch." Getting shot in the face by the enemy three times, "There were a few, but the few were very good shots." The sang froid and stiff upper lip of this guy is the epitome of Britishness.

If he would have been born in another country and participated on the other side of the war he wouldn't be remembered as a hero but a villian.

You sir, get a like, for all the Monty Python references

Daaaaaaamn, what a life!!

After a plane crash. This man with One eye and arm carried a solider to the shore. Plus 60 yrs old !! Unmatchable drive and determination. I salute this soldier

To play him in a movie? An actor that has a well proven record of playing both an outlandish character (Malcolm in the Middle) and a stern one (Breaking Bad), Bryan Cranston.


Great Bio! Watched it twice actually. Funny thing I had thought the same Monty Python quote from Quest of the Holy Grail just seconds before you said it! Lol. Keep up the good work.

B. Cumberbatch whom else?

I would totally advocate Tom Hardy for the role.... Something tells me he'd nail it!

makes chuck norris look like a scared little boy

George clooney should play him

You spelled Romania wrong...

Romania not Rumania

Mads mikelsen

And even legends, with time, must die..

war herroes always come from Belguim lol

Khornes first human champion irl

A real hero

Watched over 30 videos from you and like almost everyone XD. Wish that you could do one on józef piłsudski

Benedict Cumberbatch!

Love all your channels bruh!!! I can say without question....that you and your mates spew out more truth in 25 minutes than our Turd-in-Chief has in 2 and 1/2 + years. Cheers. My lineage traces straight back to you Brits, forever in my heart!!!!

This is the one guy who is always at the top of the leaderboard with 180 kills, 2 deaths, and 20 squad wipes in battlefield...........and don’t forget he’s a lvl 140


I’m pretty sure Adrian would want Tom Hardy to play him.

Please Do Jozej Pilsudski.

I believe beyond a doubt that this is who they based Solid Snake from,he was a real life super soldier taking on real insurmountable odds and surviving like it was just a day at the bar with fellas.This man was the Real Big Boss indeed.

Can you do an episode on a soviet soldier by the name of Pavlov? He was a sergeant in the red army during the siege of Stalingrad and earned the hero of the Soviet Union medal for defending a small apartment building from wave after wave of German soldiers and tanks

He just got on with it

Death:come on Carton:no I’ll kill u again Death:I’ll be back next decade Carton:ok try me

Director for his movie would have to be either Guy Ritchie or Quentin Tarantino. Of course you would expect over the top violence, but you'd imagine some of those brutal scenes you'd also have to be able to laugh at.

Never heard of him. Hugh jackman?

my grandfatehr fought in ww1 ww2 and north korea and he said north korea was a blood bath and the worst

You should do Larry Allen Thorn

what actor would play her? Well, clearly, we need Rowan Atkinson. Because this man, like black adder, never dies!

as they escaped in Italy, every time they were stopped and questioned they responded in the only Italian they knew. "Bippity, boopity"

he died in his sleep, old and deaf. The only time death could sneak up on him after his long life of badassery.

No Rumania but Romania. (the writing)

Vigo Mortensen

For some unexplainable reason I would like Christopher Walken to play the part...


After been rejected in his childhood like that DRNK gave him the attention and validation any human needs at some point?

a random greek from bactria

Sean Pecson fact is often more unbelievable than fiction

If you zone in and out while listening to this. It sounds like a bunch of sexual comments. But hey man keep these going , your great.

Rumania not Romania??? or if there is a Rumania I now have a new place to elope too.

russel crow

Outstanding a very unique character.

Christopher Lee

I'm guessing that the dislikes are from people who don't like men being men.

I know if I don't leave a comment 10 seconds after the video airs no one will read it.Regardless, I truly enjoyed this fascinating and unknown story

I read it, and thank you for it :)

He didn't die. He just conquered Earth, and moved on to the next battlefield.

Lol man !

This is the most manly man i have heard about. Thank you for doing his story.

Bruce Willis as Adrian and Samuel L Jackson as Mad Muhammad and directed by M Knight Shyamalan

Oh Simon - Sometimes you really crack me up. How 'bout a video on 18th century hygiene? Wha with all the blast and counterblast from historical " experts " why not cast the definitive vote? ( Considering the fact soap has been around since the Babylonians. Maybe before! ) I guess you resisted the temptation to do a video on Joseph Pujol. Understandable.

Makes me want to go on an adventure.

This guys voice makes me want a cigarette...I don't smoke....

Sounds like he was a great sport

For the lead in your film I suggest Sean Connery or Matt Dillon

They really need to make a movie about him

Mao is an idiot. Adrian was right.

He would have been a great inspiration to whatever fighting force he was fortunate enough to find himself joing with in their adventures. How he must have suffered during his times of inactivity between hostilities.

Idc who says what that jingle is great

I would pick Ryan Reynolds to play the lead role

what is this gentlemen? Terminator?

Damn! Liam's Hemsworth will be a great actor to play him.

Imagine Keanu Reeves doing the part for the film... XD Perfect.

If he did not wear that watch he might have saved that left hand.

How could his father be Belgium? His father was a country? Or was he someone born in Belgium, of BELGIAN parents? Making him BELGIAN.

Castle rules?? Benedikt cumberbitch

"'If It's not a personal question?' How much more personal can you get! Now piss off!"

Full disclosure. I am a disabled army veteran, who spent a year in a wheelchair. That being said, HOW THE HELL COULD THIS GUY SWIM THROUGH THE OCEAN , WITH ONE ARM/EYE WHILE 60?! Holy crap! Plus dragging a man with him..with his one good arm? Jesus christ..the man must have hade mutant legs! Hats off to that guy!

somehow I do not see a movie about this dude in the near future. I can picture him at the Pearly Gate confronting Saint Peter, saying "Right, lets ave at it then"

Jack Nicholson cuz why not

Had to bail. Too much back blaze

Thank you Simon for making and sharing this! Also, I feel like Quentin Tarantino would do Adrian quirky justice.

Even being one-eyed, one-handed and containing more shrapnel than flesh Death only dared to come when he allowed it to

This guy gives mad jack Churchill a run for his money.

And he’s Still fighting God to this day

an OG for real!!!

a true badass in every sense of the word!!

Big Boss IRL

Please forgive me. I’ve given myself 100 lashes.

Absolute mad lad

sounds like he was just racist motherfucker

Daniel Day Lewis lead role.

This dude was healing like wolverine

Someone who repeatedly keeps on coming back from the brink of death only to kick ass later on... Are we sure he wasn't a Saiyan?

Well, Michael Caine would make a good portrait of Adrian, but sadly he is too old for the role. Alan Rickman would have been good too, but sadly he passed away. So maybe Benedict Cumberbatch or Ralph Fiennes could cast for the role?

I'm sure he pissed Death off more than a couple times. Death: Ah Adrian Carton De-- Adrian: See you later! *signals and returns to life* ~ couple years later and a very pissed Death later ~ Death: You F*cking got shot clear through the head! Adrian: Tch, I can function without it. ~ Later ~ Death: You lost an arm and went down in multiple planes! HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD. I've had you on my list for ages now. Adrian: You suck at your job. ~ when he dies of old age ~ Death: Now are you ready? Adrian: I guess. Wait I do remember... Death: Don't you F*cking dare.

I would love to see Michael Ironside play the role. He would be badass doing it.

Christoph Waltz

I'd like to see your mum play the role!

CSM plumely was a bad ass too.. Triple CIB one of only 270 men to receive one..

That's one toff s.o.b. brad Pitt play him for sure...

Michael Caine

If an unknown actor gets the part it would make their career, and if it is an established actor , it should be Michael Fassbender.

This dude is not human

Thanks for doing this Bio. Boy oh boy we sure need his like today.

I’d want a real warrior to play him not an actor...

Henry Cavill would be perfect to portray De Wiart


He was forced to be like that because he lost his cock in his first fight. He had nothing to loose.

John Cleese would be perfect for this lead role !

Single handedly?? - Michael Fassbender or Tom Hardy would be perfect for this role.

This is Louie's father.

Big up Beeeelgiuummm

you are great dude i love your videos

Brad motherfuckin pitt


Simple said you can't cast that role with a single Actor - to Long life. You would Need at least three.

Solid Snake?

Aka “that f*ing crazy Belgian”

I recommend you choose a British lead actor, British writers and portray this man's life with dignity.

No, Britain has its own actors who could play him with an authentic accent

No not really, a British actor should play him if there's ever a filmed made.

Absolutely nobody: Adrian carton de wiart: "Frankly I enjoyed the war"

Your best delivery and what a subject

Venom Snake was a real person?!?!?

What a quintessential british hero, he fought so hard for (((them)))

He just got on with it.....True English Grit..

Wow what can I say what a mana hero among hero’s. Sean Connery to play the part I think would be a good fit.

If de Wiart can't play the part himself, then maybe we can get Peter Sellers to do it.... oh, right, he's dead...

I think Clint Eastwood would be a great guy for the role

The real terminator, , my hero,,,,

If I had to make a movie of him, the lead role will be Arnold Schwarzenegger of the Rock!

DeWiart and Chuck Norris engaged in a fist fight. During which, Norris knocked out one of DeWiart’s teeth. DeWiart spit the tooth at Norris, killing him instantly.

The man lost limbs and kept on with it! One sneeze and i pull a sicky

Daniel Hamperlift? The dude that played Harry Potter! Whats his name..?

Why is there not a movie on this guy, damn!!!

This dude is the epitome of the “Walk it off” phrase

younger years: Brad Pitt. Prologue older years: Sam Elliot

That Mo is amazing

What an incredible life for a soldier though. This guy was serious about some warfare.

"... in dire need of battle ..." ! !! !!! Lead Role: An unknown actor - there are thousands of great actors (like soldiers) out there who are not in the media.

Good episode. Now, Leon Degrelle!!!!!!

Love having the same first name as him

Where's Ronda Rousey's fine ass at? - Colonel Derrick Lewis

This guy sounds like that Futurama vet "Free Waterfall Jr." "Veteran of over two dozen wars. You name a body part and a planet, I took a bullet in on it."

Dude, where did he get all of those 1ups?

He had all the perks painkiller, juggernaut and last stand

Emilio Estevez.

What a machine

Sounds like a tool, in someone else's bag. Colour me unimpressed.

*Gets shot three times in the face.* "It was all exhilarating fun." This is the most British soldier I have ever seen.

It's Romania for God's sake

A movie based on this guys life couldn't be made because it would be so ridiculously unbelievable.

He died on the day I was born!!!

The lead role? John Cleese absolutely!

Much respect,Sir!

Just a thought: there's a Marvel Comic where Wolverine survives WWI partly by beating the Grim Reaper in single combat. He and de Wiart, buddy comedy with explosions...

This should be made into a movie.

Make me think of Joan of Arc, without the purpose and the spiritualisme. Take an average 'Joe (an) from nowhere and make him a super-soldier, super-hero, all by himself.

A propos shooting De Wiart (again): Not possible to find an actor crassy enough to play such a dangerous role.

Call of DUTY : Ardian Carton de Wiart CHROnicles, nuff said

Peter Sellers would have been great at this role.

Did he sell his soul to the devil or something? As for the movie idea, you can't really go wrong with Michael Fassbender.

please tell me his tombstone says "He just got on with it".

Kenneth Branagh could fit the roll or Mads Mikkelsen.

Brad Pitt

Had me cracking up at 6 in the morning..awesome thanks man

He sort of reminds me of John Cleese with that half-crazed looking stare in his later years.

I think Michael Caine would be perfect. Great story, thank you.

Since I was 18 I survived every single attempt on my life including at point blank range. I also survived numerous suicide attempts. So many people commited suicide or were killed for messing with me! To do this day people still do it and I do not get these stupid mother fuckers! Do they not get what history and people in several states and cities say from personal experience? Are people that dumb to this day! I was that hard core notorious by 18.

Liked and shared!

Very exciting and to know they just kept wanting him to keep going back and he did, amazing.

Do the British spell Libya (Libia) & Romania (Rumania)? Not nitpicking. Just curious

Brig Ritchie-Hook in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour is based on this guy. At one point he decapitates an African and brings his head back to his ship, just for a giggle. Robert Pugh played him in the 2001 TV Movie with Daniel Craig in the lead role.

You are impeccable in all your ways

For some reason I could see Tom Hanks play him in a movie, especially the older Wiart. Btw, I really enjoy these short bio docs.

My recommendations : Colin Firth and or Liam Neeson

I think "Commander McBragg" was based on this man. Wow. All I got is that "I stay crunchy in milk."

they should do a HBO Series with a massive budged of this guys Life story, a single movie wouldn't be sufficient

Lead role Simon Whistler no doubt! Talking smooth

Liam Neeson would be a decent fit..

This dude was a b4d4ss !!!

Lead role of that movie ....Sir Patrick Stewart.

Wonderful video, I think my favorite so far. So interesting!

How bout Hiroshi Yamauchi?

Your timing is unpleasant.

Tom Hardy for sure

What a man!!! Daniel Craig or stewart Coply should play this great warrior.

Not a very original choice but how about Daniel Craig in the role if a movie was to be made about him? ;þ

I love this man.... idk why but I love this man and his wit

Wow!.....I don’t know who would be a good choice to play this amazing person exploits but what a GREAT entertaining movie it would make. Love to se it made......Any producer out there reading after seeing this documentary? I say GO FOR IT!!!

Jason statham

I can see no other man than Sean Bean playing this role.

Brad Pitt- Great actor hilarious accents

Michael Fassbender might make a good choice to play Adrian Carton De Wiart in my opinion.

Maybe Adrian was the inspiration for Adrian Shepherd

No one is worthy to portray this man in a movie! not from hollywood at least

So, honest words we can say he was a 'dandy' until WWI. Hunting, shooting 'servants', traveling Europe and hunting birds. The real badassery didn't start til his time on the Western Front...which i grant you the guy was a badass.

What were they shooting him with jeez

pig sticking? and here i thought of it as something a little different than what he did.


Wow...what a fantastic story n video.

The man who could have played this brave soldier is likewise no longer with us. His name was William Holden.

Daniel day Lewis is the only person I can think of who could portray this dude. Honestly, unless the movie puts out a disclaimer, no one is gonna believe this story.

Murderous toffs. Thel kill you with money or bullets

I would follow that man 2 hell and back! That's what you call a great officer.

That's easy, Clint Eastwood

You start to become main stream television with all those promotions during the videos. Your excuse is exactly theirs.

To play this fellow: a combination of the Lethal Weapon Mel Gibson, the Star Wars Harrison Ford, and Ryan Reynolds-someone with lots of attitude and the cohones to back it up...

Wow wow wow what a man one in a million just outrageous cat of nine tails

loved this one great story about a great man. Who to play him?  hummmmmm  maybe Liam Neeson!!!!

Why has this man's life not been made into a movie?

Jason Statham for the role of Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart

It is obvious, the only option is to exhume the General and politely ask him to play himself.

The heroes in the USA now are overpaid football players who kneel when the National Anthem is played.

To your question Pierce Brosnan

I quite enjoy your presentation I'm subbed my Sir.

@Biographics On the contrary, Thank you, I love and enjoy history, I'm just too busy to read into it, being able to listen while I move about makes it a lot easier. I look forward to more from you. Cheers.

Thank you :)


Pierce Bronson would have been perfect for a lead role in the movie of this hero Adrian Carton.

Adrian Carton de Wiart: The only man who ever scared Chuck Norris.

T'is but a scratch.

I'd say Liam Neeson would be a good choice.

This is the most hilarious video, I laughed so hard. Just when you think that's it, he is dead, nope... Thank you so much for this video! You are the best!

Eggsy from kinsman

This guy really was badass... I can’t imagine ripping off 2 of my own fingers...

This was one of the best stories you’ve told. It’s a wonder a movie series hasn’t been made of this mans life. What a life.

Actor from any period? Gregory Peck.

Adrian was one of the greatest mad lads to ever walk the earth

In America, we call this dude a straight up OG! The template for Wolverine! Yeah, Hugh Jackman works...or Cummerbach

good stuff

Boy. Talk about slow on the uptake. Go to war = lose bits of self. They had to punch the lesson into him a dozen times.

Kendal Hayes because they didn’t think of him at the time

The Duke

This guy is basically the picture of a Brit!

Tom hardy should play him

De Wart in a nutshell: Tis' but a scratch!

Sean Connery would be my choice. Although idk who to choose for the young one.

This man is my hero...

Christian Bale, of course;

Hmmm who could play him in a movie?? Daniel Craig Tom Hardy Liam Neeson

Can't wait to see this guy in an Absolute Madlads video...

Simon should play the part

A True soldier, he would've been lethal during medieval times. My hat is off to him and his service. He needed to be cloned. Lol

Michael Fassbender

It's the Mad Mahdi,not mulla

Joel Edgerton would be a good casting for him I think

if there ever is a cast, i would act as de Wiart as i proved shakespear's ceasar

such suchness

Bryan Cranston.

You should do an episode on Green Beret Master Sergent Roy P. Benavidez

Saw the Audie Murphy just now

Amazing video. Total bad ass. I think Audie Murphy would make a great video as well.

In the words of Mark Twain, "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obligated to stick to possibilities; truth isn't."


LOL- nut job.

Nobody to badass.

This is my absolute favorite video you've done. A very close second would be Audie Murphy. I've watched each 5 times.

Tim Curry.. that's my star tumble

Just share the video and do your part to remember a man used by the establishment to fight wars under false pretences. VIRTUE! Look at Simon, doing his bit!

Love the channel but it kind of sucks if you pay for YouTube premium to have to watch ads halfway through this video dude.

Sean Bean.

It's comedic how many times this guy survived a plane crash.

"...but as usual de Wiart didn't give a damn about it and he just got on with it." nuff said huh.

I think we all know there is only one man that could truly portray such a gentleman warrior, and that is Simon Whistler

Ok this guy has to have somehow inspired Guts from Berserk, as his wounds match the black swordsmen's way to well. well Charles dance for the elder form of Gen Carton. John cena for younger.

I have enjoyed every Biographics biography I've viewed. Of particular interest to me is the in-depth research afforded each subject yeilding as full & detailed a profile as can because given in the time allotted. You clearly take the time to flesh out your subjects in a way that is not only educational but also entertaining. Given my admiration for your work & my appreciation for all you're able to contain in your relatively short pieces, I would love to see a Biographic biography of Ante Pavelic. I'd also appreciate a more in-depth look by you & your staff on Intermarium, the Ratlines & the roll of 2 Popes, the Vatican & Western intelligence in secreting war criminals out of post WWII Europe. Thank you for all the scholarly & enjoyable pieces you've presented!

You'd think he'd hate flying after one crash, like most people.. but nope

I think Tom Hardy could pull off his character.

"and he just got on with it" :D FANTASTIC my boy, pip pip and all that :D

@Josh StantonJust a Tuesday for him. Having a spot of tea while inside and engulfed in flames.

Don Knotts

Trevor Howard would be a good older Adrian. Unfortunately like Adrian Trevor is also dead.

You look like him! You could play di Wiart !

Tom hardy... Who els?

6:33 - Cue voice of John Cleese: "Who unbeknownst to the Biographics researchers was the daughter of Johan Gambulputty de vonAusfershplend Shlitkras Crebonfreidigger Dingle Dangle Dongle Horowitztikolens de Garnderknotty Speltinkel Unterwasser . . ."

When A videogame hero is real...

Lead roll Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson

My Great-Grandfather was a trooper in the 4th Royal Dragoon Guards and was the one who dragged Carton-de-Wiart to safety when they both got caught up in the shelling in the western front (10:31). Apparently he was most displeased that he never got a mention in Happy Odyssey for the act because he dragged him to safety despite being badly wounded in his leg and abdomen. I highly recommend if you're in York,UK to go see the York Army museum they have most of AC-d-W's stuff from his time in the army including the Katana's from the Japanese soldiers that surrendered to him in WW2.

Why, he would play himself, of course. Just knock on his tombstone and stand back. He'd be annoyed at first, but he would agree to play the part *IF* they used only live ammo and other members of his old crews. Oh, yes. And the planes would have to crash for real. All that he would need is a sling for his huge balls of steel.

I would love to read his memoirs...

Who to play Carton de Wiart? Rowan Atkinson, of course!! He'd be BRILLIANT!!

Benedict Cumberbatch could play this role, I think. Carton de Wiart is an amazing character and I am bewildered that I have never heard of him until now! And I study history, including the second world war. Thanks for this well-presented pocket Bio. Great research, Arnaldo!

Better dig up his grave, whatever killed him probably didnt take.

This guy needed a wheelbarrow to carry his armour-plated balls of steel.

I know it's the typical option but Tom Hardy would be able to portray this guy as the badass he is on film

Ewan McGregor

Laim neilson, or however you spell it.

Yes I caught the Monty Python reference .

Real life captain price

Daniel Day-Lewis should do for the lead role.

When they say "beware of an old man in a profession where one typically dies young," Adrian Carton De Wiart is an outstanding example. He had quite an indomitable spirit. Perhaps Benedict Cumberbatch could play him during the Boer War and WWI years. My choice for the older De Wiart would have been Sir Christopher Lee, but alas it is not to be.

His saving throw vs death must have been incredibly high.

For this magnificent character we need someone who is tough, but also someone who can portray a true gentleman AND can be funny. I'm thinking Benedict Cumberbatch or Jack Davenport.

For actors to play this unlucky but tough as nails old war dog, my list is as follows: As a younger man - Andrew Garfield As a middle aged man - Christian Bale As an older man - Gary Oldman

I see a mass murderer that circumstances allowed him to play it safe. He went to kill some people fighting for their freedom, as he said he didn't even do it for his country and then ww well its easy to make the side against germans the good guys but not everyone was

Wow what a guy im glad you made this one really rip roaring :)

The only person that could accurately portray such an individual would be Teddy Roosevelt himself. Lol great video! Keep them coming

I want blood ,guts ,gore ,veins in my teeth, , your our man !

bro narrate my life haha

you can't make a movie about him because his life is too unbeliveble

Sean Connery or Christian Lee

I doubt there's anyone left in today's England badass enough to play this guy! :)

thumbs up for the monty reference

Sooo... he died of boredom?

Rami Malek

The real Big Boss?

Daniel Day Lewis

Obviously the man from this video lived one hell of a life. But another man that lived a hell of a life was Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez. Youtube him he thankfully was taped telling his story of his life and his service in the US military. The man was made of stuff us normal humans will never understand. The part where everyone thought he was dead and he had to spit blood into the doctors face in order to let them know he was still alive is just crazy to even imagine. Not to mention the wounds he suffered that left him in that situation. One hell of a soldier for sure.

Simply unbelievable

Soldiars soldier! Thank you

You could not buy a commission in 1901.

Wheeeey he’s an oratorian

Biographics you Should do one on Guy Gabaldon.

Can you all stop with the polygamy jokes it's been 129 years

"Castle of the Eagles" (Mark Felton) is a book that talks exclusively about the prison that de Wiart was held in in Italy. It's quite a good read.

Jack Black should portray him!

Lead role? Hugh Laurie for sure

Sorry but why would anyone want to go on a plane with him

Nice, but a lad called Sharpe was better at soldiering :D

I like your new set! The shows are great:

Hes also the maternal granfather of Anthony Loyd.. Author of MY WAR GONE BY, I MISS IT SO.....about Bosnia, Croatia and Chechnya (and smack) A couple of interviews on youtube

That was fun! John Cleese would have been perfect to play Carton de Wiart. We may have to settle for Cumberbatch. Keep up the good work.

Jesus Christ who is feeding this guy magnets?

Hands down, Daniel Day Lewis would be great for playing this man in a movie!

George Clooney.....

Lead role...Tom Hanks?

Can you do a episode on the e campus virus fraternity? And maybe clarify the legend of William Holcomb.

sounds like a psycho to me.


SO this guy is the doom marine right? Like, literally the doom marine.


the stoic stiff upper lip of the British and the approach of "getting on with it " are qualities you would fail to find in today's snowflake generation !. A real " Boy's Own " hero/adventurer that we used to read about as a kid !.

What a BAMF!! Casting in today’s world, the only one I can see you doing it is Benedict Cumberbatch, but anybody from any time... Peter Sellers! I can just imagine him walking off the injuries like they’re nothing. Lmao!

I honestly think Bill Murray would be perfect for the roll

I love watching these videos with the subtitles on because sometimes you'll catch little snippets that were apparently in the script but were left out of the video. For example, during the part where Simon is explaining "pig sticking" this amusing little bit popped up in the subject: "I call this "pork-skewers" and I can get them from my butcher without the faff."

Jason Issacs for the win, very good at playing brit aholes, which this guy obviously had to be, in order to be so damn tough.

Once upon a time Sean Connery would have been perfect!

If I had to go to war (I hope I never do), I want to go with this guy leading. All bullets will be drawn to him and less likely of finding me!

this guy sound like he should be a 40k character xD lol

He was awarded the title of Big Boss by Winston Churchill, after WW2.

Holy fak others get the flu and die lol

Who should play de Wiart? How about Ellen DeGeneres? In all seriousness, how does a person even get in 5 plane crashes, not to mention living through them all? That's insane.

Somebody should,make a drinking game out of all the Monty Python references. By the end, you'll be as dead as a Norwegian blue.

There’s no way you could do this man’s story in a movie. I don’t think it could be done justice in a trilogy. But a HBO/Netflix type of series would be amazing.

Honestly, I would like to see John Cleese play him in his later years

I would love to play this guy myself in a movie. Too bad I´m not Caucasian LOL

Love this channel. You pack so much info into less than 30 minutes! I especially like the videos about people I've never heard of. Thanks!

How the fuk do literally hundreds of asshats dislike this!!!??? No class!!! I'm sure it has EVERYTHING to do with our that only notes their own occupation with insecurity!!! Sure, I'd too much prefer a narrator than another gd host...but at least he's not American! I wouldn't watch if that were the case!

Not only super badass...but a class act as well!!! *"...but a scratch!"* I mean quoting Mercutio/Shakespeare during all that...Bravo!!!

So this motherfucker was the reason the Norwegians held Germany's invasion for two months, the longest of any combatants of WWII only after the Soviets.

Chris Hemsworth for a young Adrian, and Daniel Day Lewis as the older

John Henry Newman is now a Saint

A young Liam Cunningham would be good in the role of a movie of his life story. Amazing he was positioned in Poland between the world wars n begining of WWII, so he wld have had a particular realistic understanding that may have escaped others in that period. Interesting he retired to Ireland, my land. His connection to Leopold of Belgium didnt seem to cast any shame on him. He was in the heart of amazing history n historic people

I'd also recommend the French Canadien soldier Leo Major. His story is pretty insane.

First name that pops in to my head as actor playing CdeW : Michael Fassbender.

Brad Pitt as the younger version, Sean Connery as the older version

I reckon Arnold Vosloo for the role.

i want danny devito

Upon the appointed time of his quiet demise in his slumber, Death was 17 minutes late from being in the loo changing his robe he'd shat himself in upon getting the assignment, and working up his nerve to approach the old soldier...

Surely a Netflix series beckons ?

THE CHAD! he didn’t die because he just wasn’t in the mood for it. I bet he would’ve gotten along with mad jack lol

The guy who played Loki could.Tom Hiddleston amazing actor.

Metal Gear is real!

After looking at this and other soldier biographics I'ld fancy one about Götz von Berlinchingen.

I could see Will Ferrell playing him in a movie title "No Fucks Given". On another note...imagine walking down a street and all of a sudden a glass eye flies out in front you

In my opinion no one out there could give this Man’s story Justice but if I had to choose I say Harrison Ford.

Edward Norton could pull it off

Swedish actor Peter Stormare looks allot like him and Would make a worthy actor for the role.

That man was more then just brave or a war hero , I hope I could be 0.1% the man he was , wish you could bottle up that kind of Bravery Thanks for the grate videos this channel puts out, Grate Job.

id say the only actor (i use the term loosely) to play this freak would be chuck norris

What a war pig. This is what is wrong with mankind, we make heroes out of murderers while men of peace and learning are murdered by men like him. I found this video to be a celebration of EVIL!

Make a piece about this guy Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz

2:46 look at this sexy man

To your final question, my answer is this: Dylan McDermott

Had a good laugh! It must have been a real delight to know him (and hiding behind his back when there were fights to win

Well, I think he was a psychopath who enjoyed to kill and hurt other people, and an adrenaline addict too. Its a different point of view

Look who's wearing a blazer

Heee! Hooo! (Italian noises)

Wearing the Caddy Shack jacket again ? Smh

Lead roll...Simon Whistler of course.

What I learned is what happens when a psychpath with adhd, from a upper class background goes to war. The guy just played life like it was a videogame and managed to get through it. A monster in the truest and possibly nicest sense considering how he funnelled his energies.

Absolute unit

"bought a commission" - that was all ended in Army reforms about 30 years before the Boer War... officers still tended to be gentlemen, Sandhurst graduates and all that, until WW1 when the casualty rates required the creation of a class of officers mostly from grammar schools. nothing promotes a meritocracy like a good war. The conflicts in Norway and Belgium etc in 1940 were not the fault of the British and French for failing - but the unrealistic neutrality of those countries who seemed to think the Nazis would simply ignore them.

Sean Connery would have to be him as during WWII and possibly Hugh Jackman as a young man.

That man could be presented as the _r e a l_ James Bond, I dare say :3

If all of Britain's army would have the bravery of this literally GODly man, it could take on soviet union and united states at ONCE

How is there not a movie about this guy?! Btw facebook won't let me share the link.

If only he'd have lived to see what a shi!hole Britain is now..

Tom Cruise to play him in a movie ;-)

I don't believe there's anyone amongst the current panoply of left-leaning soy-boy actors remotely equipped to play him. In fact, modern convention would no doubt insist he was played by a woman anyway.

Stephen Fry doing his best Melchard impersonization.

" 'Tis but a scratch", lol what a legend.

i must say, i've never laughed so much in my life while listening to a man's biography. "he could not give a damn about being dead, so he just survived." i was imagening the cartoon where Death is next to his the person to die, waiting, and when it should finally happen and Death is overjoyed...nothing. bwaahahahahahaha

Sounds like bull, but I'll believe it.

Crashing in an airplane for Adrian Carton de Wiart was like going to the grocery store for an average citizen

To answer the question, Sean Connery.

You couldn't shoot that movie today. There's nothing "woke" about it.

was he ever knighted?

He sounded like he had a death wish

To play Carton, in his old age, Clint Eastwood would be extraordinary.

Christian Bale or that James Bond dude. Yep definitely that James Bond dude. He is a badass

he looks alot like sam elliot in his later years dont know who could play his younger years or if sam elliot could fake a british accent

Daniel Day Lewis for acting; John Cleese for his sense of humour and, frankly, he looks like him; Tom Hardy for his balls...


Wow i now like 2 English people, you for respecting malcolm x, and the English mix of gen mcarthur and 50 cent. Thankyou for you work. You Still need to make a Jesus vid. 40 historical accounts.

Just survive forehead

When Germany invaded from the east and the Soviets from the West I'm sure he would have said “by Jove here we go again”

He is now to old but Clint Eastwood would have been perfect.

How many channels does this guy have.

You need a guy like this to rid England of all your invasive 3rd world filth and Islamic vermin.

isn't this just bond in his old age? get Craig to play him after 007 retirement

This would be a perfect netflix series

Nope. De Wiart was clearly immortal, like some sort of X-Men, or Wolverine. I think he faked his own death as it was increasingly difficult to explain his lack of ability to grow older.

Slacker took time off to write books about the few bumps and scratches he got while swanning about the continent? Why didn't he just crack on?

The term "hero" is misused these days, it can even be used to describe footballers for Gods sake! Under the definition of hero in Websters dictionary should be this brave mans name.

I wouldn't want to find myself on an airplane with him.

Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role

Jack O'Connell (young) Mel Gibson or Sean Bean (old)

Please do not insult this true hero by saying Hugh grant that weak chined back seat gigilo.

The British stopped the purchase of commissions in 1871 so it is unlikely he purchased one in 1901.

As a young man Robbie Maleck

Impressive. The real life black Knight from Monte Python.

He shot a servant.

When de Wieart’s ghost is asked “ Weren’t you afraid of dieing”? De Wieart’s ghost : “I didn’t give a damn, I simplygot on with it. “

A movie?......Eastwood would be the lead who was "looking back", with a few other younger actors to play successive parts as the timeline moved on. To do it justice, it would be about three hours.

He'd be played by Ben Daniels. Hands down.

I'd give a 99% on all episodes and 100% greatness if they were all a hair longer. Love this!

I'd like to see Jules from Whatculture star

What a character!

He would have to be played by Brad Pitt because of his ability to play young as well as old men... OR by Tom Hardy because of his british slang and manly appereance! I donno - Tom Hardy i guess!!

Muttra I guess you mean mathura?

he would have kicked supermans ass for telling him airtravel is safest way to travel


If he wasn't sent to China I would bet he would volunteer for the most Dangerous Operation in the Allied Army. Maybe even command the Lost Paras in Market Garden and maybe they wouldn't be lost and have the germand running for their loves.

How come I get this feeling that he is actually the real Big Boss and that Bog Boss was just his clone.

Make a movie about him already and make it a comedy

More about backblaze than DW.. byeeee

Really great video

I firmly believe there are some people who have the love of killing born in them. If this man's circumstances had been just a little bit different, he could have been a serial killer.

The enemy: "Would you die?" Adrian Carton de Wiart: "Nah."

Lawyer wasn't worthless enough he became a mercenary.

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