Adobe Marketing Cloud: Advancing the experience business together - CDM + XDM - BRK2246

Adobe Marketing Cloud: Advancing the experience business together - CDM + XDM - BRK2246

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Perfect hi, everyone how are you today are. We this morning this afternoon I should say all right it's, gonna be a cosy session, we're not a lot here, today all. Right so welcome, to, this breakout, session. About. The adobe experience platform. You, heard it correctly so there was a typo, in the title it. Said. The adobe marketing cloud but. The thing is it's, the same thing we're gonna be talking about the Adobe technology, and how, you can advance experience. Business, together meaning, with CDM. Microsoft. And XDM. Of Adobe, My, name is Matthew who News I'm a senior, evangelist. At Adobe, and my job is really to explain, the value proposition. Of the Adobe software stack, but, also how, with. What Microsoft, we, can blend our technology, to power those beautiful. Personalized, and real-time, experiences. So. You may have heard during. The keynote session, of. Satya, that we, do have now an open data initiative between. Adobe. Between Microsoft, and sa, P and I'm going to talk about that later. Doing, later. Doing this this. Presentation but, keep in mind that. Every time I talk about CDM, or XDM, that's, gonna be part of the, open data initiative that, we're going to be talking about the. Promise, of this open data initiative is, for, brands, to access, data data, faster. To, gain more insight, faster. Under. A unique. Umbrella, which, is probably, a common, data, model but. Again we're going to talk about that so. I. Don't. Know like, by show of hands who here in, the room is a, marketer, or working. In the marketing department. All. Right great, what about the others are you in IT show, of hands, great. So. We're gonna talk about two things, we're gonna talk about how we merge. IT functions. And marketing, functions and go way beyond, because every, time that brand, talks. Were engaged with a consumer, it goes beyond, these two entities within the organization, it can include. Services, it can include fulfillment, all, these great things that are. Included in a company that, ultimately. Engages, with with, consumers, so, the job of Adobe is really, to help. Marketers, and going. Beyond marketing to, guide, you with software, and solutions, to create those beautiful and personalized, customer experiences, and our, objective, and our strategy, is really to change the world, through, additional experiences. But does it mean it, means that every, one of us we're all consumers. We're all individuals, and also. If, we, have a company to run or you're part obviously of a company we, do have a chance to engage with, consumers or. To, design, beautiful assets. To express ourselves so our job at Adobe, is not, only to change the world hood to. The digital experiences, but to empower, you, consumers. Or businesses to. Tell those beautiful, stories and experiences. So. The. Idea behind the experience, goes beyond, channels. So. I work, at Adobe you work in your own organization. But ultimately, what you want to do is engage, with, consumers and to lie them at every turn the. Way you do that you have different channels whether you acquire them through social.

Media Or, by advertising. Campaigns. Or directly, on your digital properties, it, can be a website a mobile, app if you have stores that's going to be there offline. Using, POS, systems, call. Center it can be a variety of different channels that you can use to engage with your consumers, however. Consumers. Don't. Pay attention at your channels they are interested, in your product and services, that, you do offer and, I. Bet that a year, from now if you. Buy something a year from now you. Are not going to remember, which. Channel, you use to. Change. Your cell phone plan. Or. Refinance. Your mortgage or. Buy. Skincare, you won't remember which, channel, you got an offer that. Ultimately, led you to buying that's that, that solution or that product or service however. I can, I bet, that you will all remember if, it, was a great, experience with a brand or a bad one so this is what we mean by creating. Experiences, because. That great experience, so that bad experience. Transcends. Channels, a great. Experience as it experience where you engage with, a brand and you, actually don't understand. Or don't remember, which channel you had that brand it is all consistent. Across the board and there, are really great, brands. That do that today so, that's the reason why it is important, to say that actually we, consumers. Don't, even. Though we buy products, we actually buy experiences, for brands that we trust or, that, we want to put our trust on so. This is really something, important, because everything that we're going to show is going, to highlight how you. Can get to creating, those beautiful, real-time, and consistent, experiences. So. We call that at, Adobe the experience, system, of record how. We can merge data how we can pull together all the content that you have within the enterprise to, make sure that every, time you, engage with a consumer, it is, not only beautiful. Consistent. Personalized. And. And. Well. Consistent. Across different channels, and different properties. So, that's, what we mean by experience, system of record so, the, foundation. Of what we do is call, the experience. Cloud. And I'm, going to show that to you in in action so before, I tell, you specifically, about an experience my. Talk we have 75, minutes I'm going to show you some slides just to set the stage and what we do the, relationship, that we have with Microsoft, but I really want to show you the technology in action so I have three sets of demos where, we're going to see how the experience cloud works. With. Microsoft, on Azure how. We, can use XDM, and CDM together, and ultimately. How we can create those experiences and, I will show you the UI and forthcoming, version. Of the, his platform but for now let's talk about one. Example of an experience, so, this is a person a young lady called. Melissa, so, she's, gonna be playing the role of a consumer, and she. Is actually ready, to celebrate her, birthday let's say and she wants to go to New York with. Her girlfriends, to celebrate her, birthday so what she does if, she's gonna engage with, a brand a hotel brand to, start booking, her, room alright, so think of you, being. Here at Orlando and how was your hotel. A reservation, hotel. Experience but in her case Melissa. What she's gonna do well for example she's mobile therefore, she's gonna use her phone in, order to look for the, hotel, room, that she wants to book and she, looks. At the mave New, York City. Hotel great, and within, the app she's, gonna book her, her. Her trip she's, gonna book one night to, stay there and then at the Maeve New York City simple. Transaction, pretty. Straightforward, however, we, all know what's, going on behind the scenes we. Need to identify her as a consumer, maybe she's a returning customer maybe.

She's A net new customer, so we have to treat her differently, whether she's a prospect, or a new, customer, and not, only we have to understand, who she is she, is on her mobile but, maybe she is continuing, that transaction. On the website so you have to make sure that you understand, her across, the board across different channels in this case you, have to understand, her through the mobile and you have to make. Make. That the e-commerce part part of that experience and even inform. The fulfillment, system, that you have to actually secure, the, room that she just bought all. Right so she just, booked. Her one night hotel, room. At the Maeve in New York City perfect then, fast-forward. We're. Gonna send her let's, say that we are we are the hotel chain so we're gonna send her a notification. Or, even, an email to, inform, her that she can check in because we're let's say 24, hours prior to, her, arrival pretty. Standard right we all have that experience so sending, that email or push notification, to actually tell her that, her, room is pretty much ready we, confirmed, that to her and she is, she. Is good, to go now, as she walks into the lobby of the hotel what. You can do if you're Marriott, if you're an SPG property, or other properties. Than in their case and this is where we're highlighting here, they, send you a push notification because. You are around, the property and they can ask you whether you want to cut the line, have directly, directly. There your your key shifts. Your phone so you can skip that line go directly to your room. And actually, open the. The room directly with your phone which, happened, to me during. This day which, is really cool but this is an opportunity, for the brand to say hey welcome, to New York welcome to the digital property and here's. An opportunity to, upsell this customer, and in this case we. We, say that she can extend her stay with a. Complimentary. Ticket, to see an exhibition how. Did we know that it's really up to you how you want to determine that but that can be a lot of scores happening, in the background that you actually have because. You asked her, for her preferences, or you can buy third-party, data or second, party data to, actually understand, exactly what, she is interested, in to therefore. To personalize even further her, experience. In New York great, now. As she skips the line she opens, her door with, her phone because we shipped her the, digital key on her own her phone what, about the screen this screen actually when I go to my hotel tonight. There's my name there but this is action actually an opportunity for the brand to continue. To, sustain that engagement, that. We have with her and to probably inform, her not, not always, about upselling but up informing. Her about the different offers that you have or different services, complimentary. Or not that, you might have that you want to use the, the screen for that matter you. Have. Devices. Or Amazon, echo. Or other devices, that you can actually use, to enhance the, customer experience and, that at that moment in time so this is an example of a customer journey were. Across. All these different touch points whether, it's on the mobile app on the, website, at the property, on the screen, you. Can be you can create and, experience, an engaging experience but. The key here is to understand, that this, is who you are talking to I hate. When I call my airline company, from. The app and they tell me who are you you have to identify yourself you, already know that I called you directly from the app so you should know that I really. Hate when I have to, rehash. Exactly. What I told, the Asian only. To be balanced to another department, so think of you as a consumer, what, you will love to have from a brand and try, to mimic that behavior and, even enhancing, that customer experience in your, case in your organization.

So This is just one example of, a customer journey but here the point is to make sure that we're are collectively. Connecting. The dots between all these different channels and ultimately. Delivering. A great, experience to our consumers, so, how do we do that and how, can we work with Microsoft, to power those personalized. And real-time experiences, here. What we call that as the experience maker challenge. Because we believe that all of us are experience makers whether you work in IT services. Or marketing, ourselves you. Are actually contributing, to a great, experience that that will be delivered to your to your consumers, so by that we we. All tend. To call. Ourselves experience, makers so. These. Are some of the challenges that that we. We find that brands are struggling with when, it comes to creating, that customer experience and I. Don't think it's going to be a surprise to you so, let's review that together. First. Unable. To gain a single 360, customer view that this. Has been a challenge, for a long, time, for decades we're, all trying to figure out and how, to create that 360, marketing view or the, customer, view which, has marketing. Data, but also a sales data services. Data fulfillment, data all, within one place to. Better understand, the different interactions, that, you had with, consumers, it is a hard challenge and, hopefully, the the open, data initiative will, solve will accelerate, solving. This problem, second, one is the inability to drive, insights, if let's. Say we all have this great data in one place but. Then what do we do with this data. Because. We're, dealing with a massive, amount of data because. The world is hyper. Connected, and because. We need to deliver that customer, experience in real, time within seconds there's, no, way we can scale our business if, we're not using machine, learning and artificial. Intelligence. It is just a fact so, how can we make sure that all this data can. Be used to, extract insight. In real time and inform. The other systems, within, the enterprise so, that's the second challenge that we're, trying to solve the. Third one is actually delivering, that experience, in real time because, as, much as you have data sitting, in let's, say one place if you can extract this insight, that's great but. The insight that you got yesterday is not the same inside that you have that. You should have, right now because. The customer is on the phone because the customer wants on the website yesterday. And since. Yesterday, they want on the mobile app they called you in real time they, are already in the property so, that insight that you had yesterday is no longer valid not, only we want data that we want fresh, data that, we can extract knowledge, and insight right, away it, gets really complicated. The. Other one is a classic one it's. Very easy well I mean it's, not that easy but let's say that it's easy to map, all this great data that we have from customers, if they are. Authenticated. If I. Had them in the CRM, I know her name Melissa. I know exactly what she's looking for I know exactly what she booked but, what if we, want. To collect data way. Before she affected. What, that's going to be challenging because, I, don't, have in this um I don't have her there or maybe I have her but I still don't know that's. Her because, she's doing it and using a new device or because, she is using. A different computer that maybe there are no cookies in there so, we need to find a way to merge, lenta. Cated known. And unknown data. Altogether. To extract, better insight. From our customers, and. The. Reality is even. Though I'm talking on behalf of Adobe, we. Understand, that you have a stack, of technology. That might, include Adobe software but, what about the rest of the ecosystem you, may have what you obviously have a lot of Microsoft, software, there. That you have probably, SAV, you have property, vendors or overlapping. With some of the things that we do provide at Adobe so, we understand, that you're using other technology. So, we need to make sure that not only we are empowering, you to create, those beautiful experiences, but, we need to provide it with an open environment so, you can pull data from other systems whether. They compete, with ours or not that's, not the game the, game is for you to be successful in, the way you engage with your consumers, so these are some, of the challenges that we, see here happening so I'm, gonna talk a lot about the Adobe, stack the.

Most Important, part is the Adobe experience platform. And the, promise, of the platform, is to, put together to. Centralize, and standardize, two different things content. And data, all together. To. Create that 360. Customer. View beyond, marketing. To. Enable, you to understand. Your consumers, but also enable, data science, data. Governance which, is really important that I'm going to talk about and. During the demo and the, purpose is really to engage with the consumers, in a real-time and please, do it in a personalized, way so, that's the holy grail that. Really won't want to achieve and, hopefully the Adobe experience platform vision can, achieve that so. The way we're gonna do that it is all based on Microsoft, Azure, so, everything, that I'm going to be talking about is, all based on Microsoft. Azure so. So. Depending. On what. Breakout, session you attended, but, some of the services, of a sure will. Will. Be highlighted, in our platform why because. We use their technology, and we use their services, to power those great experiences, within, the Adobe experience, platform so, first one first. One of them that is actually, a service. From Microsoft. Azure as the, data pipeline, so, we want to make sure that you can ingest. Data, into. The Adobe expense platform, through, a Microsoft. Azure stack. In, whether. It's in batch or, whether. Is streamed, we, all know that that Ashur, provides those. Two streams, do, to. Those, ways, sorry to ingest. Data and this is something that we are using, to, ingest data directly, into the Adobe experience platform, second. Is once, we have data we. Need to give, this data semantics. And control. And meaning, and this is where we're going to talk specifically, about XDM. And why not extend, that conversation, to, CDM and what it means when. It comes to the open data initiative, okay. Well I ingest data now, I have this data, with an data Lake of, Microsoft. Azure and then, I'm, gonna give it semantics, and semantics. And control and we're going to be specific, on what we mean by that then, what we can do is actually create, and look, for insights. Business-driven. Insights. And that's, going to be a stack, that that, Asscher has. But, also some of the features, that we have within, the experience platform, but. The end goal, is the, action, how, can I use this data to act. And, to, power those great, experiences to send that push notification, to Melissa because. She is around the property or to, know, that she is interested, in that exhibition why, not pull that offer and display. That offer directly, on her screen in. Her room so these are the, kind of things that he can do based on the knowledge that you have from, your consumers. But listen this case and how, he can act in real time or not across. All these different channels so these are the four, main components, of the, globe experience, platform now. Let's, get, into more details so. We have three different logos here. Let's. Let's, run a test can. You name some of, the, product and solutions, of Adobe, I, usually. Ask this question to my cab driver every. Time I get a different answer so who can, mention. A product from Adobe. Wow. Great. That's. Amazing, you, all told. Me about specific. Products from the experience cloud which, is not common because I don't, know if it's a thing with cab drivers but, they tell, me PDF, Acrobat. Photoshop. Which is great so. This is what we've been doing for 35. Years and, this is these are all the solutions that we have in what we call the Creative, Cloud but. To your point all the solution that you pointed out are, part, of the experience cloud on in, the center right there and that's, exactly what we're going to talk about because, it's a set of solutions. Integrated. Solutions. That will power you, marketers. And beyond marketing to, create those experiences that we saw with Melissa on the right hand side you have the Acrobat and the document cloud logo, and.

This Is a separate business that we have is to understand. Your. Processes, in creating, sharing. And collaborating. On documents across. The enterprise so today, we're. Going to use this. As a way to. Mention. That at, the, core of these. Three, logos the three clouds Creative. Cloud experience, cloud and the, document cloud there is this Adobe, expense platform, that, will power pretty, much everything. And, this. Is a very important, graphic, that we have and we launched our at, our user conference, that summit last, let's. Last, March and. It. Is all about data and content, and how you can act action. On on both of them I usually. Tell, marketers, or experience makers that it's, like three things to. Make a great. Three, things data. You have to understand, who I am as a consumer, without, data there's, no, way you're gonna be personalized, to me because, you still don't have no, idea have no idea who I am so data is the fuel of a great customer experience once, you have data then, we're going to move to the second part which is content, what, is the story that you're gonna try to tell, me what, is the best offer that represent, exactly what I need from you so. That. Story is made, from content, and content. Is going to be key in creating with those stories with, that content, you don't have a story and if, you don't have a story you actually don't have an experience, first. Data, nomy content. What is the story that you're gonna tell me an execution. How, are you going to tell me that story I love, emails so. That would be probably the best channel. For you to engage with me but, right now I'm not checking my emails it can be a screen, that he can use it, can be a push notification it. Can be the point of cell because, I don't have my phone who, does that but, it can be a variety of things or, it can be all the above in a, very sequential. Way, maybe, today, it's all about email, but, if you think that I'm not opening my emails then, try to engage, with me through, a different channel so you need to understand, how to sequence, all these channels but, the end goal is to, delight, me as a consumer, so again three things data no me content, what is the story and execution. How you're going to tell that story so. We're kin a deep dive a little bit on that so. The data pipeline, is one of the components of the, experience, platform, within, the day apply client the whole process, is to bring data in to, ingest data in so, we do that in four different ways obviously, we have our own solutions, of the experience cloud target, analytics, campaign. That, will ship. Their data directly, into the data Lake so, that's going to be one part of the equation and how we can bring data into the experience platform, but we know that we're not the only one out there and because, of the open data initiative we.

Are Embracing other. And, other companies, or, you directly. To push. Your own data in in. Your in the data lake that's gonna be the IT focus platforms, so. These. Are platforms, were there's a heavy focus. On ETL, processes, you can use informatica, you can use unify, to mine, the data to extract knowledge or to extract raw. Data from your systems, and to, bring this data in ingest. Data in into. The daily lake of, azure so, that's the second, thing. That you can use second. Way for you to use you know the to bring data in, adobe. Launch is our, tag, management, and tag, man has been an activation, solution. That he can use and deploy on your, digital properties, to, actually, collect data and route data into. The Adobe, experience platform, and the, fourth one most. Importantly is all, the solutions, of Microsoft and one, in particular that. Sparks. Our interest is the, Microsoft Dynamics 365. Because, it has a rich set, of data cm. Data but also engagement. Data from, different other parts, of the companies so we want this data to be part of that pool of data into. The data Lake because we. Understand. That this is the kind of data that we need to, enhance the customer experience in, real time so think of all these four different ways to, ship. Data, and to ingest data directly, into the experience, platform, using. The stack, that is the Adobe sorry. There is the Microsoft, Azure all right so now we have data in let's. Move to semantics. And control now, that we have a lot of data in we, need to structure this, data and the, end goal here is, to call, what we do. To build what we call the, unified, profile, the. Unified, profile of our consumers, of Melissa. Who, she is all the interactions, that she, had with. You the brand and what, exactly, we are supposed, to tell her the, next time she shows up on one, of our digital properties, or even offline properties, so, the whole process is to bring this data in have. Some semantics, and control, and organized. This data in a matter that we can all understand. Beyond. Adobe. Since, Monday. With the announcement, of the of, the data. Open. Data initiative in that not only we're going to create we're gonna create, some semantics, and control on this, data but. That xzm, feed. Is gonna nerd is going to be linked to a CDN, feed or it can it be connected. To, another. Way that sa, be structures. Their own data for. Us to share, better share in real time this data or at lead to have a common understanding of, what a, CDP. Sorry. C CDM, and XDM, and other. Vendors can bring to the table so, that's the second one and and. Again i'm gonna show you a real a, live. Demo, of how we can ingest, data in an XDM, format but that's gonna be interesting to follow, up in, the comment weeks on how we can not only ingest. This data in Exia which is our extensible. Data. Model. Experience. Data model but how, we can bridge that with. CDM, and other data. Models. So. Now that we have data. In we, can structure, this data let me show you two, examples of. Two schemas, that we have an XDM, and how to represent, the different behavior. Data, of our consumers, I'm, going to talk about the. First one is the experience event an experience, event is a schema, of XDM, that, represents, every. Behavioral, data of. A consumer, on any property, it can be on the website it can be on mobile device it can be on the. Fact that she clicked on an email she opened, she interacted, with us so, all this behavioral data is stored. In a schema, that we call experience, event so here's an example of a experience event and don't worry about it we're, gonna give you the slides but I'm just gonna highlight some, of the elements here and I'm, gonna do a demo that we're gonna see this in live, so, in this xzm. So. You can clearly well, you. Can see that it says XDM, context, experienced event so this is the kind of schema. That we're using here. There's the identity. Part which is really important, in that not. Only she wants on the website but what, do we know from her at, that moment in time we, have an ID a common, ID that we call the experience, the. Experience, ID. The. The, experience, ID that we have here that is part of the identities, but at this moment in time if you have your own ID, great. We're going to ship that same ID within. The experience event payload. That will be sent to the. Data. Like a badger so.

Everything. That you know from her can be shipped here within the experience event, another. Example is, details. About, her browser, details, about exactly what page or screen she, was looking at everything. That you. Think is relevant to, nurture that experience, event data, ingestion, part, of the the. Data. Platform. So. Another example is a profile, so, just by the way an experience, event is completely, anonymous, there's no PII, there's no Melissa last name email address it's, just the behavior based. On an ID however. When she opens, an account or, she logs into her account we saw her on the mobile app she bought something she, bought a one night trip therefore. In addition to, sending. An experience, event to. The. Data. Lake all. The way to the unified profile where I get create a profile, schema, and this, profile schema, actually, includes, potentially, includes, PII and in, this case it's. Going to be first-name. Lastname. Anything. That represents a person, so, this could be heavy on PII but this is exactly the kind of information that we want to isolate and, put, into, the profile schema, because, this is how much we, want to know from her and what she agreed, on sharing with a brand that we need to create. A new profile schema, that we're going to ship to, the experience. Cloud. Platform, so these are two examples of, schemas, that we have so. The, thing is it is very important to label all these, different schemas, and the fragments, of everything. That you put in your, Chema's whether in its in CDM when XDM, in XDM. We do have a UI, for, you to tag. Those. Fragments, or the entire table to, say we. Have to be careful there's PII here. Being. Ingested. So, we have to potentially. Tag, this, information. As PII, so. We don't have what, we we cannot merge that information, with other data that she was not willing to give us or, with. With, data that was bought. By third party data that, we're not allowed by the law to, merge with any PII, so, you have to make sure that not only you are collecting, data first. Second, third party data but, you have to go through this process of, labeling. This. Data within, within. Your XDM, why. This, is a policy framework, if, you're in. Healthcare. Or in other industries, where there's a some. Laws and, some, requirements, that you that, they have to deal with and, this is a great opportunity to tag the data in a way that it is safe secure and, we're, only sharing information that, we, can share.

So. Then. Once, we have data we, have the structure of this data then obviously and it's, been the talk of the whole week, is really, extract insight, and that's going to be a chance for us to use machine learning in, an, environment, in data. Break from either, or, or, end, in the, data science workspace, that we have within, Adobe, so this is an environment, where you can explore. Data, you, can author your, AI, and, machine learning recipes. And you can train them against. Data sample, data and then, you can, deploy. Those, recipes, on your own data set and in, real time using. What, we call the unified edge and this, is another capability. That that. Microsoft, has with Azure in that we, can propagate, data, into. An edge that. The the stack provides. All. Right data, in structure. Now, we can expect knowledge and now it's time for action, now I want to inform Melissa that she has a great offer and I'm gonna display, that, at. The room in her in, her beautiful screen or because, she is on the go then I'm gonna send a push notification here. The sky's the limit and this is your. Processes, this these are all your business processes, of how, you want to engage with your consumers, but the most important part is, to take action, in a real-time or not but, based on fresh data and that's the whole point of the. Experience, cloud platform, these, are some of the solutions that we have I'm not gonna pitch it and every. One of them I'm gonna probably skip that part and show you this in action with. A a demo. All. Right so. Let's. Move to demos. So, the first one that I have. Is. This. One alright so I use this website to. Do demos, so I'm using a, fictitious. Company, that, we call we retail so it doesn't exist don't go to we we sell outcome doesn't exist, so. This company is. A retail, one but it could be anything else and in this case they they. Sell, outdoor. Gear, great they have here an offer which is all but the coldest winter on earth which, I'm not looking forward to I live, in New England by the way so, these are all product. Recommendation, great and they have different. Themes. Or different universe, of products. Great so. The only thing that we added on this website is this, adobe. Experience cloud, x-ray, so, this is a widget that you won't have on your own property but, it's a way, for me to demonstrate what's. Going on behind the scenes and how, the experience cloud is actually, doing, performing, in real time every. Time I do, something on the website so, if I expand, this view you will have all the solution that you just st. Adobe. Target, Adobe audience. Manager which is our DMP. Adobe. Analytics. So. All these different solutions and obviously. You have the Adobe cloud platform, that we're going to see in action in a second but, here I really wanted to extend, this demo with. The Microsoft, stack. The best scenario for me to show you how we can collaborate together is, to show you what's, going on and how we can share data in, real time directly, with Microsoft. Dynamics so. Right now if I extend, where, I expand, this note but there's not much going on this is the first time that I that, I'm on the website we. Don't know much about this visitor this is the first hit therefore, there's not much going on at microsites, because. This person right now is completely. Anonymous but once I know who, this person is then, maybe there's a link that I need to produce with. Or to inform Marcus, our dynamics, so, for now, if. I extend target so this is the default experience, that anyone, can. Have or can visualize, if they go on the website which is built. For the coldest winter on earth that's gonna be the offer for, anyone, to look at is the. The, default offer so. Here, on the the the audience, manager there's not much going on for now but that's gonna change, and in. Another X well obviously an initial say that I'm on the home page great, I knew that and on. The experience cloud platform, if I extend that then we have three things the, experience data model those, are the XDM, and the experience events and profiles that I showed you before our slides we're, gonna see that in action right now in the, demo so for now I landed.

Or I should say this. Person landed, on the website so, we're going to generate an experience, event in this, experience, event we're gonna say yep this person is on the home page latitude. Longitude why, not and we. Are going to assign, to this person, on this device on this browser and experience. Cloud ID this, is our own ID, if. It. Works perfectly, because you only have to deploy it once and it's gonna be there the whole time but, this is the chance for you to say if you have any sort of ID that. You want to put. There, on the website in addition to the experience cloud ID perfect, deployed. With Adobe launched and is going to be part, of the, payload of the experience event that, we're going to get ship into, the experience. Cloud. Platform. Sorry so. Here and this is a chance to create that profile right now we don't know much about about. This person so we only have an. ID which is the experience cloud ID all. Right so what we're gonna do right now is go, to the equipment page so. This, is a first visit, so that's gonna be a hit on the, website and let's. Say that this person is interested. In hiking, so. This person is going to click on hiking great, new, page and you hit on the website a new, experience event being. Loaded and shipped to the platform. And here. You have a bunch of product, recommendations, great if, we go back on the home site home the home page data the. Home page changed, why, we've, changed, the offer a real time to say we. Have someone who is interested in hiking. Therefore. We're gonna change that. Offer and that was done by Adobe Target that now, since. That the, right. Offer for this person is no longer the, cold weather it is hiking so, focus. On hiking why. Did we do that because, the DNP audience, manager, has. Collected. I'm sorry I shouldn't use that the mouse has. Collected. Let's. See. Hello. Alright. Has. Collected a segment. Or I. Should say a business trait that we automatically. In real-time positioned. To this person and this is completely, random because this is my choice of how I implemented, this on the website but in your case it could be if they, went. On the hiking page three. Times. Within. An hour then this is where you would create a business, trait but in my case as, soon as you had the hiking page I'm gonna, create. A business, rule that it says interest. Is hiking, therefore. Because, we've done that in real time in the DMP then. Target, is constantly, listening, to those traits and based, on the fact that this, person is interested, in in hiking then we're going to change the offer in the.

Meantime What, we've collected, is. In. The unified profile now I know a little bit more about this person not, only I have the face cloud ID that we saw but. We have also, the. Well. Authenticated, is so none but. We have a business straight hiking, so as we go along we're, going to create those experience, of nth that, we're going to ship to the platform, and we're, going to create a unified profile in this case we, know this this person is interested. In hiking, so, let's continue here and go back, to the equipment, and this time click on surfing, what that's going to be the exact same thing in that if if the person goes back on the home site then, we're going to say well they, have a new interest, this. Time is, surfing. And therefore, we're, going to change the experience we're going to inform target, in real time to, change the experience and this time it's gonna be all about surf and the, same thing here that's gonna be enriching. The unified profile, with. A new, interest in this case is going to be surfing, all. Right still, anonymous so, now what we can do is scroll down and, let's say that this, person is interested. In let's. Say this jacket, this. Person who looks as this jacket, puts, the jacket in the. Cart great, and the. Person is gonna log to. Their, account so let's, say that we're gonna create a new account let's. Make it easy and straightforward let's. Say that this person is nee, called Sarah Rose her. Email, password. And she's gonna sign up and we're gonna thank her what. Happened behind the scenes is that in addition to experience, event payloads. That were super, shipping directly to the platform we, use the other schema, that I told you about is the profile because, now we have an identity now. We have a person we have a first name last name email a phone, number so, we can create another payload, a profile, payload and ship, directly, into the dead Lake therefore. What, we can do is enhance. Our understanding. Of this customer, and if, we click on the unified profile when, now authentication. Is yes but, we have an identity we, have an. Email, and mobile and guess what, happened here we have a Microsoft, CRM ID why, because. We share that information, directly into Microsoft. Dynamics. 365, and I'm, gonna go to Microsoft. Dynamic 365, and show you that we are actually sharing, that information in, real time before. I do that, we. Can actually log into her email this. Is an opportunity, for us or, this brand we retail to engage with her she, logged into her account therefore. We can trigger a communication, saying hey hello, we, sent an email but that's gonna be up to you but just here to put the point that as long, as we have an identity because she logged in we have an email that we can use this email to extend the way we engage with her if I. Log into Microsoft. Dynamics, 365. There. Let's. Go to contact. Records, and look, for her. Sarah. We. Have a new record here, and not. Only we're going to share that information with Microsoft. Dynamics. 365, but, here see the qualifying segments, these, are the segment's that. We, created, within, the experience cloud within, the experience platform, and we, automatically. Shipped, through it experience events into, the data Lake into, the unified profile but also. Share. That information all the way to dynamic. 365. So. If we go back to the website and let's. Say that well, she. Is interested, and therefore, she's gonna work back on her cart and, she was gonna check out ok, plays the order. Boom. She, just bought something and therefore. Well, obviously as. Where. She's gonna she. Is, now. Authenticated. That's fine. Experience. Event there, you go page visit checkout complete. Event, conversion. Purchase, so that's the kind of event that we want to send there and that's, gonna be the same here if we if we go back in the email this is an opportunity, to thank her because she sent she, bought, this.

Jacket But, if I go back to Microsoft Dynamics, 365, and i refresh and then. I can refresh the qualifying, segments, and we can see that she added something in her cart she, purchased and you. Can imagine the rest of the story so, here the story is to say we, had no idea who this person is then, we're going to qualify who this person is we're going to base, on this process, creates experience, events and profile, data directly. Created, within the experience platform, push, that data and ingest this data into the, azure data, lake. That. That is used by the experienced cloud, and we're, going to constantly use and, create that unified profile that ultimately, can be shared, within. The, open data initiative, and here I'm going to I'm, just showing you an example how. This, looks like here, in this example, alright, so this is the first demo and how we can actually. Make. Sure that all these solutions, of the experience cloud can, collaborate, all together, to create that beautiful, personalized, and real awesome experience, but, in the background ingest. Data and, the, format, that is comprehensive. That, is clear, that. Is, consistent. That we call XDM, experience, data model but, that is an opportunity, for us to structure, data coming, from different angles but, also your own data in a, common data. Model but, also to share that information along, the way and in this case with, other solutions. Such. As dynamic 365. So. Let me show you another, example of, how things, can go so, I talked, a lot about XDM, so this is the the exact same website and. Let. Me open this. Is a call. Debugger, that. Is is, Charles are, you all familiar with Charles, little. Bit Johansson. Alright, it's, easy so chav every time there's a hit on a website on, my computer, I'm gonna monitor, those calls so I know exactly what's going on who is calling what and here. If i refresh, the page my. Home page then. There's a call that be is being, made to the experience cloud platform, and this, call is actually hitting. Adobe, but, part of this call is the. Exact same data that I told you about is the, experience event. So every, time someone. Goes on a website or even a screen on my mobile device or any other property that you manage. If you have the experience cloud platform. Then, you can ingest, whatever, consumers, are doing on the website through, here and experience, event so this is actually happening, live as we speak right now so. What I can do is if I keep going I go to the equipment, therefore. Here. I generate. A new payload, is the equipment if I go to, surfing. I'm. Gonna gerrate a new one is gonna be surfing so this is actually happening in real time and we're, using this streaming, capability. Of Microsoft. Azure to, automatically. In a real-time ingest, data and feeding, the unified profile of whoever. Is actually. In. Front of the screen what. I can do here is log, into an account if I, go to log in obviously. This is a new page so same thing here we're gonna, extract, that knowledge and present. Information in, what, I can do is create an account and I can say my. Name is, Matthew. A. News. And. News that. Come. Password. Anything. Actually, sign. Up and. Here. Not only I have an experience event because, I was, on the signup page but, because i authenticated. Myself, well, this is a great chance for me to create a profile. Schema. And in this profile, then, you have my email, you. Have my first name last, name and this. Is part of the identity because. This is how, internally. You're, going to use as an eye ID, that, you're gonna use to match. The. Different records that you have it's. An email here but it can be anything in this case it, can be the email or the, experienced, cloud ID that I told you about but this is again a chance for you to say if you have any kind of ID then, this is your opportunity to ship those IDs part of the identity fragments. Of those. Schemas. So. Here's an example of a website so, let's clear. That and bring. The. App so, that's gonna be pretty much the exact same thing so here I have a mobile app for we, retail, and that's. Gonna be the same thing so if I click on explore. All products. Well. The app is, gonna is going to list, all the different products, that I have boom, is gonna happen in in a few seconds there. You go so I'm gonna fetch a list of all these different products but see here there was a call directly, into the platform that's, gonna be the exact same thing and we're, gonna generate an experience. Event so. Here there's no really, difference between, an experience, event, coming. From a mobile app or a. Desktop. Well actually I'm cheating. A little bit because you have some some, labels here that will say what, kind of operating, system whether, it's a it's, a it's a browser or a mobile app but, the structure, is going to be the same it's going to be an experience event so, that's gonna be very interesting, because you are pulling data from different angles in different, areas.

But You're feeding the exact, same Lake all, the way to the unified profile with the exact same schema, which is an experience event, and I key I can keep going if I browse this shoe this. Pair of shoes that's gonna be the exact same thing an. Experience event and I, am on an iPhone 6 yup that's accurate and that's, gonna be hiking. Mountain. Bike shoes which, is exactly, what I see here so that's the point of having, experience. Event happening, at different screens. And different venues. To, automatically. In just this data whether I'm using a mobile app or a. Desktop. Browser, now. Let, me open the experience cloud so we understand, exactly what, happened, from, a user perspective and, to, tell you how we are actually, structuring. This data so. As I open, the experience cloud let, me just. So. This is the homepage of, the experience, cloud. Alright. So this is the homepage of the experience cloud in this, interface. This UI of the experience cloud you have. Easy. The key. Shortcuts, to the main capabilities, of the day a platform, of the the cloud platform the, experience platform you can access your data the. Data model, data science, but, also all the different solutions, that, you mentioned, that, will be used to act, against. The data or upon, the data so. In this case if I click on data these, are all what we call data sets, contracts. And how we can ingest data from. Different venues I have. Data coming fem and alle links so. This is a solution that we have that, you can, deploy. On your general properties, on the website or even on the mobile device to, track, the behavior of your consumers. It's a web and mobile analytics, solution. That. Will just do that but while Adobe, and Alex is doing that we, are actually. Pushing. That same information, all the, way to. The. The, the data Lake and all the way to create a unified profile so this is one, way of ingesting. Data the, second one the, the what the third one here is this list as the profile management there, could be directly from a CRM they could be a unify. Or another. ETL, solution, that he can use to extract data from a CRM for from. A different database, and have. That data being ingested, directly. Into, the data Lake and feeding, unified, profile using, the profile schema, where it can be bookings, and transactions, and that could come directly from, another. System and in this case it is coming from Microsoft. Dynamics. You can have data coming from a point-of-sale, loyalty. I think, you got the point here is that you, can create all these data sets as a contract, to how you can ingest data from. Different venues and you can anytime create, a new data set and you can, say well I want to ingest data from. A file that could be a tableau, file, or it can be a schema, I'm gonna map towards. A schema, that could be an experience event a profile, or the, other tables, that we have within XDM, or, it can be a direct link with Marcus our Dynamics Salesforce. Or any other solution. That we have here. That could be, so, here, let's, cancel that and open, one of them so if I click on the profile management data set then, in this screen you're, gonna see all the different batch load loads, that I had there happened. On this, data set so every. Once in a while and my, case is gonna be every hour I'm. Gonna batch. I'm. Gonna ingest data in batch so. That's, a business reason however, I can do it in real time but, that's gonna be a different route using. The Microsoft. Azure well, I'm gonna be using the streaming capabilities. Where's the streaming service whether. You do batch or or streaming, that's, gonna feed not only a data set but, we're gonna process that information and, try to put that information in. A structure that we do understand, X DMS, and again. We're, gonna have that information go directly, hit the unified profile, so. That, schema, here because we're using the profile you have a direct access to, what this schema, looks like this. Is the out of the bar schema, but at any time you can customize, it or you can extend it this, is read your call and we believe that you're, gonna do it because your data is different and if we don't have a fragment. That is actually represented, in the profile in, the profile schema then he can just extend it and if, your partner you, can extend, that the schemas, and you can sell that service this, package, to say this. Is how we view, the world for, the travel aid for the travel world or the, health, care world so, we created a set of, schemas. Or tables. Or extension. That we think will hit major. Challenges, in the healthcare industry so, you can do pretty much anything, one there but, it has to be mapped within an XDM, and part. Of the OPA the open data initiative, this. Is the goal of saying we're going to share that with, Microsoft. With a way Microsoft. And ASAP, structure, their own data so, you can have an easy and real-time access to your own data and the. End goal is to act on this data in real time, so.

This Is a schema but here, if I click on data governance. This is a very important, one remember. We are ingesting. A massive. Amount of data whether, we use a experience, events or profiles, or any of the other tables, that, I haven't even talked, about but. You have to be extremely careful in labeling. This. Data to, make sure that maybe. There are sensitive, data that you want to tag in a way that no people. Cannot see them not. Every user within the enterprise can, see PII so, you have to make sure to teach the, experienced cloud platform, that, this data this specific, data is actually. Protected, or sensitive, so, if I scroll here, and I see all the different fragments, that, I have within my profile table, identity. Is here this is this, looks like PII so I'm gonna click here and, in. This case what, I can do is. My. Mouse doesn't work anymore. If. I click on person, then, this is where I would say because. I'm, looking a person. Fragment, this. Is actually PII in the person fragment, of a profile I have, email, a first name last name anything, that is really sensitive, so, what I can do is as a data, analyst. I can tag, this data the. Fact that it is identifiable. Data and, it's actually a sensitive, data and. What. I can do is save, this and every. Time we have a new batch of data being ingested in bash or in real time what. That's gonna be labeled sensitive, or, private, data. Protected. Data so, not anyone, within the enterprise can, see this data so this is how we, would do it so. Here the end goal is to say well now that we have this data let's act on this data in in. One of the solutions, so, let's say that I want to do I, want, to run campaign management so therefore I don't know who said that but there's a solution for that in the experience platform that is called Adobe campaign so. Now that I've used the. Platform to ingest, this massive, amount of data well, I'm gonna act on it and therefore, I'm gonna use Adobe campaign as the campaign solution, and from, here I, can create, email, campaigns, tax. Messages. Campaigns, push notification, in app direct, mail all, the above or combine, them in a workflow in a journey so. What I can do before I activate. Those channels I really. Want to create an audience but, this audience doesn't live in campaign, it, lives, within the experience cloud platform. And a, data lake in the unified profile, so, what I can do is click. On audiences. And what, I can do here is create a new audience, and what. You see here on the screen is the. Experience. Cloud platform. Segmentation. Service that. Is share this service is a common service that any of, the, Adobe solutions, can use to. Do segmentation, but, in the background we are querying. Against. The data, that we have in the unified profile, again. Represented. Through X DMS, so, what I want to do is to say well I would, love to create an audience of anyone, who, is interested in. Surfing. Gear, who. Has, an app and who. Didn't, buy much. For. The last year so, in, order for me to do that I can, browse I can explore, the data from different schemas. Of my XDM, in this case I have profile and experience, events what. I can do is to say. Page. Name, let's, say we're going to keep it really simple page. Name anything that was. Labeled. Surf and. Application. Name who all. These people who have the. We retail, app. Ok. Great and who. Haven't, bought anything so, for that I'm not querying against, a profile table but, I'm gonna query, against the experience events table and I'm gonna say commerce. Purchase. Here. And I'm. Gonna say. Does. Not exist, and while. I do that now I have, an estimate, of seven. Hundred, and forty K people. Consumers. In, the. Unified profile, that match, this. Description, who. Had. An interest in surfing, gear, they have an app there, they, downloaded, my app that we a resale app and they, haven't bought anything from me great so this is what I want to do so what I can do is create here, an audience. Surf. Interest. Okay. Give it a name. Done. Here. And create, this audience now, I have this audience ready, to be processed be used in different. Kinds of engagement, that I can do that. I can orchestrate, directly. Within campaign, so now that I have my audience what I can do is go back to the home page of Adobe campaign and create. An email campaign this, is a simple, email, blast but, again you can put that email in perspective, with other channels, that he can dedicate, sequence but for now we're, just going to go for a one-time-only, email. If I click on creates email I can choose from different, templates. That I have I'm gonna pick this one the retail, template and I'm.

Gonna Click on next I'm gonna give it a friendly name that's, fine click, on next and this is where I can choose. The audience that I want to pick from and, obviously. We're, gonna pick the audience that we just created, together the surf interest, once. I do that I click on next and this, is where as an email marketer, I can, create and draft a beautiful. Email story, that. Will highlight any, interest. In gear, and this is where, the. Sky is the limit in terms of business this is your, own use case and how you can tell that story from. An email perspective, so. You can create, those. Emails, without coding, because it's all drag-and-drop, great but, here, we have what we call the content. SDK. Directly. Coming from the experience, cloud. Platform. In that if, I want to change an image here, what I can do is get rid of the image but. Here, select an image that will resonate a little bit more with, my surf audience, so. This content, is actually part of the experience cloud a platform. In that we've seen the data how, we can ingest. Data and structure, the data through XDM, but, that's gonna be the same thing content. Wise in that, if I create, content coming. From the Creative, Cloud I can, have that same content, being, stored, and managed, in the, experience cloud platform, for, any solution, within the experience cloud to just use this asset and, in my case whether. An Adobe campaign I'm, running, an email campaign that. I'm just picking, that asset directly, coming from the the platform once, I'm done I can, preview this email it looks great on desktop, it looks great on mobile or ready to go I can send it out the. Last thing that I want to show you here for the demo is the, ability to to. Actually create. Journeys. So, we've seen that, I've. Created. An email that was just a one-shot email, but what if sequence, what if we want a sequence, a serie, of different touch points, based. On the, consumer. Event. So. It's not us anymore brand, managers, who are leading the conversation saying, hey today this, is the email going on because I have a newsletter or. Because I have this product that I wouldn't sell no, it's, then, telling. You they are around. A property or they, weren't on the website what, they called you so, that's the consumer, triggered event, then, you can capture in this, workflow. And in, this case, we. Can say if any. Of these people, who, had. An interest in surfing. Gear. They, have their mobile device and they, are around, the corner from, one of the we retail store but, that's a fantastic opportunity. To send, them a push notification, so. Here what I have is an, I have an event and that, this event is actually, monitored, by a store, beacon then. If, I know that they are around, the mall or the property, that, I can automatically. Send them a push, notification saying. Hey welcome back to the store or hey you, were looking for surf gear on the website or on the mobile app well, you didn't buy anything well, we have them in the store again. This is your own story and how, you want to relay to them in, real time based. On their own. Consumer. Event, it's, not about us it's about how they want to be treated and how they want to be engaged with and this is an opportunity for you to tell that story in real time based. On their consumer, behavior. All. Right so let me go back to slides. Those. Were like three different demos the first one is really, to. Show you how, all these solutions are playing together through, a common, data, model that, will feed ingest.

Data Directly, into the experience cloud platform. The second, demo was really to show you. Through. A live, demo. How we can actually create those, experience, of ents and profile. Events, to, feed and to ingest data directly, into the, the day of the the experience, platform, whether, I'm on the web site or whether. I'm using the. App and the, third one was, really showing. You the. UI of the experience, cloud platform, itself showing. You how you can ingest data with data sets and how, you can actually. Do. Segmentation through, the unified profile extract. Knowledge and, start. To engage with the consumers, whether, it's from, your end you are telling the story we call them marketing, lead journeys or, from. Their end because something happened it, is triggered by the consumer. So. Going back to the open data initiative so, on Monday, on on Stage, three. Great brand are wearing, the stage Adobe, Microsoft, nsab. And here, the commitment, and the announcement. Is to say we. Need to do a better job and figure. It out how, we can store data but actually create semantics, and control. Around, this data so. We have our own axiom, Microsoft. Has CDN we. Want to align we want to make sure that every, time we're using XDM, it means something, for CDM and extend. That to sa P and even, to other companies. So. We are making a commitment to say, we're. Going to launch this, initiative where, we're going to have a common. Understanding on. How, this data has, to be structured has, to be defined is going, to go beyond, Adobe. To include, Microsoft, and SAV and it's also an invitation to other vendors. Or other companies, that, will do the same thing because, we, know that we work you work with other companies and not one, of the three and you, want to structure their own data your own data using. Their, own your. Own ecosystem, so this is a promise, to get. Richer. And, quicker. Access to your own data that, the end goal is here, to, always extract, insight, whether, it's, you, know exactly what you're looking for you're gonna explore the data or, you're using machine, learning and AI to, extract those scores and to run experiments. And run these cores against your data but, ultimately, the goal that I keep repeating myself is, to engage with. Your consumers, and delight them in real time. All. Right so that, was the end of my presentation we still have seven minutes so we. Can open it for for, questions we've, been very busy this week on the Adobe booth so, we still have at 4:00 p.m. we, have, great, demos on the experience cloud and there's.

A Specific, demo that we, have on how the experience, cloud in addition. To Microsoft, can serve one, particular vertical vertical, and is going to be retail if. You miss all the other demos. Or presentations. Please let us know we'll be more than happy to follow up with, you for. Now please evaluate. This session we want to make sure that we are actually, addressing your, challenges, and it's, a way for me to get feedback to, to. Get better next week 9 next year and when I come back all, right so well thank you so much and we're going to open it to questions if, you have that. Microphone. Yeah. Microphones, because it's being aired and recorded I. Do work for Adobe Adobe IT and, I'm and you know trying to understand. The. Roadmap. And the intent here written one. Question I've got is related to other vendors. That might want to contribute. Or, leverage. The ODI, standard, yes it, sounded, like what you're saying is it's. Extensible, but, there's obviously a common. Set, of data objects, they're already there and. The. Question I've got is is it really the case that that, will get exposed, by Microsoft, Adobe NSA P and vendors will be able to create connectors, between, their own data model and the standard. So. That's. The first point but is the longer term vision that those vendors, would adopt the, standard, data model within their products potentially, yes I cannot, speak for Microsoft, nsab what I can tell you from the Adobe perspective, is that we. Start agreeing this data. Model that is common, that we call the experience, the. XDM, so, the XDM is completely, open anyone. Can use it's. On github everyone. Can access the XDM all the different tables that are XDM, and the purpose is say we, think that we got it all with XDM, but. Maybe. Not that's, fine so you can extend, the XDM, with your own, fragments. Within these, schemas. That we provide so, this is the value because. Whether. You're a retail. Transportation. Travel, I'm sure, you have some, set. Of data that will, probably not translate, into what we build an XDM and this is the operator, say that's, fine we're, open we're transparent, please. Extend, those and there's, going to be you is, going to be working the exact same way within the experienced cloud platform. So that's us Adobe now. With the data, with, the data with, the open data initiative we're, expending his definition to say this, is our understanding and, there's, a commitment, from Microsoft, and a SEBI to do the exact same thing but because, there's. XDM for Adobe see the end for Microsoft let's, also have a common, framework to, align these, data, models, so. That we, all can, share and, represent, the data in the same way ok, one, final question from me how, how is it governed like who determines, like if you've got a specific industry.

You. Know is is the governance. Of the day a model, through. The. Community, or is it through you, know an industry standard body or how is that yeah the governance is up to the business however, it's, up to us Adobe for example to give you guidance and how you can label, this. Data but, out of the box nothing. Is labeled out, of the box you have schemas, and you have ways. To, actually, tag your own data to, say sensitive, not sensitive, contractual. Not contractual, that. Is up to you and how much data you want to put there and how, do

2018-10-28 13:32

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