administrative human resources 101, administrative human resources basics, and best practices

administrative human resources 101, administrative human resources basics, and best practices

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Being. In the position of HR can put you in the uncomfortable, position of representing, two sides both, of which you care about and that can, place a strain on your ability to build positive relationships. But. You need positive relationships. To be an effective HR manager, to. Make things even tougher, because many of your responsibilities. Involve confidential, information, employees. May get the feeling you're a secret keeper and because. You deal with negative things like discipline, and termination some. Might think you are a dangerous, person to get too close to but. The truth is you have to build trust with everyone, you interact with the. More they trust you the, more they will know you are always doing what's best even. When they don't agree with it you, don't want people questioning, your motives you, want them to trust that you can will. And are doing the right thing there. Are four behaviors that will help you earn the trust you need to be an effective HR, manager, the, first is consistency, in everything, you do HR. Matters are rarely black and white because there are so many factors involved and one, answer will never fit all solutions, through. All the gray areas be, as consistent, as you can, if one. Employee is reprimanded for acting like a bully then, anyone who acts that way must also be if a, manager wants you to bend the rules from one of their favorite employees, the, answer is no because you'd have to bend the rules for everyone, further. If you continually, change your stance on some issue or your core values change depending on who you're talking to then, people will learn you are not reliable you. Have to remain consistent as, consistently. As you can. Second. Always be fair you're. A person, and that means you'll likely find yourself, building closer relationships. With some over others those. People may come to you with gossip or personal, issues as a friend and in those situations you must explain that while you want to be supportive. You can't play favorites. Third. You have to be available to the staff and managers that means you have to make time for people who show up in your office you have, to be an active listener who gives your full attention makes, eye contact, asks.

Questions, And paraphrases. To ensure you heard it right, people. Should leave meetings, with you knowing that they got your full attention and your empathy, and that you will be consistent, and fair in your next move. Finally. Involve, employees as much as you can when things you're doing affect their well-being, for. Example, conducting, surveys, to learn about job satisfaction and, then soliciting, their help for ideas and how to increase, job satisfaction makes. A difference obviously. They can't be involved in everything you do but when it makes sense seek their input in, the. End trust, is based on perception, and perceptions. Continually, change as employees. And managers observe you in meetings and conversations read. Your emails and find out what you stand for their, perceptions, of you will change slightly all throughout the day follow. The steps I provided be, mindful of how you communicate and you should be just fine. You. And on. It is a great way to ensure the seams you are responsible, for are compliant, and up-to-date in conducting. Your audit the first thing you want to do is create a checklist of all things HR for, that reason the next thing you should do is create an audit plan the. Plan will help you stay on track the. First part is the scope depending. On what you are auditing, you may say in that, no audit of human resources has ever been conducted this, audit will cover all things HR or, you, might decide the scope is limited to something more specific such, as this audit aims to determine, compliance and, uniformity, and compensation. Benefits, and classification. Next. Section of your audit plan will be about logistics. In other words spend, some time brainstorming how, and where you will get the information you need for your audit for, example, if ensuring, employees, are correctly classified, as exempt or not exempt as a goal then, you'll probably need to spend some time with employees, interviewing, them about their jobs so, let them know in advance you, will need some of their time this, leads me to the next item in your audit plan which is the timeline as you're, reviewing the checklist and figuring out what you will audit and how also, consider, when you will audit each section, that, way if you need employee time for, example you, can give them plenty of advance warning a timeline. Also ensures you stay on task and complete the audit within a reasonable time frame a quick. Note about communication. If, you do find it will be necessary to spend time with employees, or poke around the business in places you don't normally go you, could make people feel uncomfortable about, why you're doing that before. You start your audit communicate. About it with transparency, you, could send an email out letting people know you need to spend some time understanding what's happening in HR, employees. Just need some assurance, you aren't auditing, the business in order to recommend, people for layoffs for example, I know, the audit plan can sound a little daunting, and you may be thinking I've got this checklist so I'll just get started yes, you could do that but the audit plan can make the process more streamlined and, ensure you cover everything, doing. The audit with just the checklist in hand will get results but you may miss something so. Take a few hours to write out your plan get, your checklist in order and then go and get started. You. To. Be or not to be that is the question, that's, from Shakespeare's, Hamlet in the, case of HR the question you must answer for all of your employees is to be or not to be full-time part-time, hourly.

Salary, Exempt. Or non-exempt. So, let's dig into the answers the. Most obvious difference between, full-time, and part-time employees, is, hours in most, companies a full-time employee works, more than 32 hours per week while a part-time employee works less than that now. Let's look at an employee to understand, how pay structure, and overtime works with full and part-timers. Let's. Say Nick is a receptionist, whether, Nick is a part-time, or full-time receptionist, you, can pay him an hourly rate or a salary. So. How do you determine which way to pay him well. If Nick's, hours were constantly, pushing him into overtime and his duties meant that he's often staying in extra 15 minutes hour or a few hours later than his schedule you'd be better off paying him hourly because, you need him to punch a time clock to correctly determine his overtime pay if he, regularly, works the same hours all week every week you may decide to salary, is easier, because you don't have to deal with time cards and calculating, hours worked no. Matter how you pay him as a receptionist. Nick's. Duties likely, do not make him exempt, from overtime pay, so. Whether you pay him on a salary basis, or hourly, and whether he's part-time, or full-time if, Nick, works over eight hours in a day or over, 40 hours in a week he, receives overtime, pay, so. There's a few misconceptions, about salary, I'd like to clear up the, first is that a salary, automatically. Means exempt, from overtime but. That's not how it works, exempt. Or non-exempt, status is determined by an employee's primary, job duties not by how their payroll is calculated. Employers. Are only exempt, from receiving overtime, pay if they meet certain requirements, put forward by the Fair Labor Standards Act, or, FLSA. The. Most common, exemptions, are administrative, executive, computer. Professionals, and outside, sales employees, Nick. Doesn't meet the exemption, requirements, as a receptionist, so no matter if he's paid on an hourly basis. Or on a salary he, gets overtime, pay, the. Second, misconception is, that Sal employees, do not get their pay deducted, if they leave early for the day in Nick's, case because, he's non-exempt his salary should be deducted if he leaves early salary. Doesn't mean free pass to come and go as you please now. Let's fast forward ten years and say that Nick has worked his way to Director of Operations Nick. Manages a few people has a say in their employment at the company and makes decisions that greatly impact the organization.

Now. Nick's. Duties fit within the executive exemption in other, words his job duties make him exempt from overtime pay, so, no matter how many hours he works in a week he will not be paid overtime, note. That Nick will also be a salaried, employee at this point because being salaried, is one of the requirements for exemption, per, FLSA. Again. It's Nick's job duties, that make him exempt, not the fact that he's salaried, in the. End according to the Society, for Human Resources, Management, or Sherm, misclassifying. Employees, is the number one mistake made in HR and there's, so many rules around overtime, that it's easy to get confused but, once you've classified, your employees, it's a good idea to ask an employment, law attorney to, review all of your job descriptions, and the, classification you assign them. Your. Organization's. Most powerful, asset is its people, compensating. Them for their contributions, is a critical, part to attracting, motivating. And retaining employees so, your business can grow to. Determine what to pay your employees for, their work and how to reward them for their successes there, are several things to consider first. Is your organization's, culture, for. Example if, there is emphasis on teamwork and collaboration you'll, likely provide similar benefits, across all levels and deliver standard, pay increases, annually if, the, emphasis, is on individual, performance your, pay structure, might include bonuses, for reaching individual, goals, also. Consider, the needs of your workforce what, benefits, will they find valuable given their particular age skills, and experience, also, think about your industry, does, the pay you offer have to match your competitors, in order for you to retain top talent not. Necessarily. But, you'd have to offer something to offset that finally. Consider, internal, equity you, must have some clear guidelines about how you compensate for different levels of education, experience. Special. Skill sets and productivity, if two. People with the same job make different amounts of money you have to justify why, one makes more than the other. Once. You've gathered this general information, you need to determine pay, structure, and there are several options many. Organizations, offer base pay which comes in the form of an hourly wage or salary, employees. Either get paid for each hour they clock in or, they receive a set amount each month regardless, of hours worked other. Organizations. Generally. Those with union presents offer a flat rate pay which means everyone in a particular, job receives, the same pay regardless of seniority or performance. You. Could also choose to offer performance-based. Pay which, means an employee's own performance, dictates, the amount of raises, and when those raises are received if you, go this route you absolutely. Have to be sure you can connect performance, to pay and you have to be able to address employees, arguments, that they performed, better than they're getting credit for, another. Option is productivity, based pay which means that employees get paid for items produced this.

Might Be a good option if your workers are performing, a task based on pieces, a factory. Worker might receive an hourly wage and, an additional, fifty cents for every item they assemble, for example. Personally. I'm a fan of doing a mixture of base pay and performance, pay you, might pay your customer service reps an hourly rate but, provide a bonus, or extra incentive, when their quality scores are above 95 percent or if they answer a certain number of calls above quota but. Again you always have to be sure that what you're offering for performance, is a motivator, for employees. Otherwise, it won't make a difference in their performance, the. Bottom line is that there are a lot of ways to pay your employees and, there are a lot of payroll nuances. Such as taxable wages Social, Security and health insurance for. That reason many small businesses, hire a payroll specialist, to help or use a payroll software that can run calculations, for them and I recommend you consider doing the same. The. Corporate policy, handbook is probably one of the first things that comes to mind when people think about human resources, we. Are indeed tie to this book as it serves as the law inside, your organization and, sometimes, you are the judge and jury as you hold people accountable to, it but, that doesn't mean it has to read like stereo, instructions if. You haven't already a great place to start is to purchase a template from one of the many HR compliance, websites out there your. Employment law attorney may, also have a template to offer you or at least some suggestions, and where to get one once. You have a template, go through it page by page and make adjustments to suit your company's policies, as well, as your organizational, culture, you'll. Want to include a letter from your CEO and your organization's, vision mission and core values up, at the front your, performance management. And disciplinary, procedures, may need some tweaking and so forth, also. Make sure your organization's, code of conduct, is at the beginning anyone. Joining your organization, who receives, this handbook on their first day of work will need to know right up front what's expected of them in terms of behavior, you. Can even offer that page up in your interviews with candidates to find out whether it suits their personality.

Your. Handbook should be written in a formal way but it must be understandable. So, it should be clear and concise but it should also match the tone, of your organization. For. Instance a handbook in an attorney's office likely, has a different tone than one in a startup tech company if you're. In that startup, you'll need to find the balance between firm, concise, language and the free spirit that comes with that line of work another. Recommendation is, to keep it simple and easy to read and then as your organization, grows you can update things as needed handbooks. Are meant to be revised so don't be afraid to do so when, you make those changes be, sure to mark the date and revision, number in a footer that appears, on all pages, and communicate. The exact change and where it can be found - all organizational. Members in some. Cases you'll want to obtain a newly, signed acknowledgement, and for others that may not be needed for. Example, an updated, harassment, policy, needs a signed acknowledgement that it was received an updated, policy, that the day after Thanksgiving, will now be an official corporate holiday, probably. Does not of course. Any new hires should also sign an acknowledgement, of receipt of the handbook. Attention, to the way your handbook looks in, the old days a 100 page document, with no pictures was the standard but, technology has changed the way we process information. So. Much information passes. By our desk each and every day if you, want people to actually review, your policies, you need to grab their attention have. A little fun with it perhaps, bright orange headers are appropriate, for your organizational, culture or a picture of a person using, a cell phone could be included on the page where your cell phones at work policy, appears. Finally. Be sure to have your employment, law attorney review, your handbook there are many things you can't include such as prohibiting, people from talking about their salary or prohibiting. Posts on social media, about your company, as. Long as they are posting confidential, information employees. Can indeed complain, about you online all. The more reason to secure a fair respectful. Workplace where, your employees can thrive on. That note remember that all of your policies must be enforced consistently, and fairly so. Go and get started and don't be afraid to have a little fun with your company's handbook. You. As an. HR manager you, get to help drive your organization's, success by helping your team be the best they can be and, sometimes. Driving your organization's, success is all about compliance. That's, where documentation. Comes in, HR. Is the record-keeper of employee performance. Advancement. Career, development discipline. Benefits. Bonuses. And everything, in between I hate. To say it but, in the end the purpose of all that documentation is, to protect your organization from liability if. An. Employee files a suit against you for violation, of any employment, laws the, cornerstone, of that case will be your documentation. Now. You can always try to convince yourself that a suit would never happen to your company, everyone. Loves working there you all get along the, CEO is awesome, and there's just no way someone would ever do that you. Could say the same thing about wearing your seat belt when you drive that, you'll never get in an accident but. We all know that car accidents, happen every day so. Wear your seatbelt and be, a thorough and consistent, documentary, of all things HR, there. Are many state and federal laws about what how and where you should document so, I can't provide you with all of the rules but I can give you some guidance of course. When you begin the process of hiring a new employee the. Documentation. Begins you. Must keep all of the resumes you receive and the interview notes from that round of hiring just, in case someone who wasn't hired claims you discriminated, against, them several. Federal laws indicate you should keep those documents for one year but some states have their own number, I suggest. Five especially. If it's all electronic, why get rid of them at all once. You've made the hire then the employee will fill out and sign many documents, such as the i9w. For, confidentiality. Form, and acknowledgement. Of receipt of the corporate policy handbook on their first day know.

That Not all of the employees, information belongs. In a single personnel, file, mostly, because content. Is confidential, from supervisors and managers, any. Drug, test or background check result should be kept in their own file one, for each employee I 9. Should be kept together in their own folder and separate. Payroll, files for each employee will include w-4s state, withholding forms garnishments. And timekeeping, records. Employee. Personnel, files will, include all of the hiring documents, such as applications. Resumes. And transcripts, personnel. Files will also include records relating to job offers promotions and demotions. Compensation. And training, any. Kind of acknowledgement, of receiving policies, and any documentation, about performance, disciplinary. Actions and termination, we'll also go in the personnel, file you. Should not be on your own when it comes to documentation, your, managers, and supervisors should, be trained and encouraged, to document, both good performance, and performance issues. Free-flowing. Communication. About performance, is important, to your organization's, success and, documentation. About this communication, is vital. Obviously. Managers won't document, every time they say good job to someone or every time they ask sue to try to be on time but. Encourage, them to keep some notes on these things when, it makes sense they, should log achievements, and problems. When. They talk to employees about their performance they, should document it in some way whether, by sending you an email or putting a note in a file in their own computer. Advise. Your managers and supervisors that, specific, detailed, documentation, is much better than subjective, or evaluative. Comments. Judi. Did not finish the report she was assigned on time it was June June 10 but she turned it in on June 30 is much. Better than Judy's. Work was late. Finally. Managers. And supervisors and, you, must. Remember to document, issues consistently. Consistency. Is one of your shields against lawsuits when, in doubt document. If you're. Confused file of the who what when where and why regarding, documentation, you're, not alone use. Your employment law attorney as a support, and there are many resources online, to a, good. Place to start might be the Society, for Human Resources, Management, at, SHRM. Org, or search. Online for a checklist regarding, your state's documentation. Requirements. You. There's. A variety of laws that really impact you on a regular basis as an HR professional they. Are in place to ensure employees, are treated fairly and with dignity at work before. We get started it's important, for me to state that I am NOT an attorney and, therefore I am not providing, legal advice this. Video is for informational, purposes only, and is meant to give you basic, information about five laws you should be aware of if you're going to serve in the HR function it, is your responsibility to, learn and understand, all federal, and state laws related, to human resources, and to implement the appropriate processes.

To Ensure your organization, is in compliance of those laws always. Always. Consult an employment, law attorney if, you are unsure about something. The. First law I want to cover is the Family, Medical Leave Act or FMLA. FMLA. Requires employers. With 50 or more employees to, provide eligible. Employees, up to 12 weeks of unpaid job, protected. Leave, employees. Will need FMLA, leave for, instance when they have a child or adopt a child when, their spouse receives orders for an emergency deployment, or if, they have an immediate family member who needs medical, assistance. Employees. Will also use FMLA when they have their own medical issues, and need time off to attend doctor's appointments, or recover. The. Americans with Disabilities, Act or, a DA ensures. People with disabilities, are treated fairly and with respect a, DA. Requires, employers, with 15, or more employees to, make reasonable accommodations for. Those who need them examples. Include building, a ramp over a small flight of stairs providing. A wheelchair, accessible, desk or, reassigning, a minor job duty to another employee. The. Occupational. Safety and Health Act or OSHA was, passed in order to encourage employers, and employees, to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, OSHA. States, that employees, have the right to demand safety, and health to, file a complaint when something is unsafe, or unhealthy and, to request an investigation as. An. Employer you should be proactive and advise your workforce of hazards and remove them also. Be sure to provide training, when it's necessary. Title. 7 of the Civil Rights Act more, commonly known, simply as title, 7 prohibits. Harassment, and discrimination on, the basis, of sex race, nationality. Religion, age. Disability. Or genetic, information these. Are called protected, classes be. Aware that many states have their own longer. List of protected classes so. Make sure to research your state laws. Discrimination. Occurs when an employer or employee treats. Some groups more favorably, than others an example. Might be giving bonuses, to males because, they are male rather than because of their performance or not, hiring a woman because she is pregnant.

Harassment. Is unwelcome conduct that is condition, of employment were, so, severe, a reasonable. Person would find it hostile, and abusive, examples. Include offensive, jokes mocking. A person interfering. With their work performance and physical, assaults or threats. Sexual. Harassment is also addressed in title 7 the, law states that no one should have to submit to sexual harassment, in order to stay employed or to receive benefits and that no one should have to endure an intimidating, or sexually, offensive work environment. Finally. Title 7 prohibits retaliation for. Filing a, claim or participating. In any sort of proceeding such as an investigation, or a lawsuit. The. Last I want to discuss is the Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA. This. Is the federal law used, to classify employees. Versus independent contractors, determine. Which employees are exempt from overtime and, which are not and a, dictates minimum, wage but. Make sure you check your own States. You. Where, did you get your job descriptions, did, you locate a template, online and download it did you ask around to see if colleagues said something you could tailor to make your own this. Is always a great place to start, but there's more to writing job descriptions, than adding your company name and logo to a template, first. Let's, understand, the purpose of a job description they, are invaluable documents. Because they are used for so many things including recruiting. Determining. Salary and setting, performance expectations. You. Can also use them for career, planning training. Compliance. And establishing, organizational, hierarchy. Before. Writing the Job Description you, must perform a job analysis, this, simply means that you spend some time really understanding the job so you can write an accurate, description an, analysis. May include observing, an employee interviewing. Them about their duties or having employees fill out questionnaires, you, could also interview managers, and supervisors review. Salary surveys, and industry best practices, or, sift through personnel, files, once. You understand, the job you are ready to write the job description, the first step is to establish the essential, functions the. Essential, job functions is.

A Term related to the Americans, with Disabilities, Act or a DA it, will help you evaluate requests. For accommodation. From employees, of disabilities. To. Determine, the essential job functions first. Consider what tasks, are truly, necessary or, required to, do that job the. Tasks that are performed frequently. Cannot. Be redesigned, or reassigned, to other employees, and, that, would be detrimental to the organization. If they aren't performed, are the, essential job functions, those. Should appear in their own section on the Job Description the. Next step in writing the description is to write a one or two sentence objective, for the job for. Example, a retail, store managers, objective, might read responsible. For guest services, and overall operation, of the store including measuring. Business trends, maximizing. Sales and profits, developing. Staff and all aspects, of merchandising, the objective. Is a concise, statement that sums up the entire document. Now. You're ready to fill in the rest as you write your descriptions, here are a few tips to keep in mind in the writing process you should use a writing, style that suits the culture of your. Your description might be more formal in a law office for, example versus. A startup tech firm either. Way the writing should be impersonal. And explicit. Next. Make sure you are concise, once. You've written it go back and evaluate what, is most important, to be included, and what you can eliminate. Also. Be specific, when it makes sense for, example your own Job Description might, say processes. Payroll bi-weekly, as opposed, to frequently. Processes, payroll. Also. Focused on critical activities. As opposed, to minor tasks. For, example, if the bookkeeper, happens to pick up the phone once in awhile that task does not belong in the job description but if, he was the designated, backup for the receptionist, answering, phones may belong in there make. Sure to begin each Duty or task with an action verb and always use present, tense. Also. Be sure to use unbiased, terminology. For, instance try, to craft sentences, that don't use gender specific, terms. Finally. Include a page number revision. Date and number and your initials at the bottom in the. End always remember to be flexible, with job descriptions, they can and should be revised as the organization, and its people change and grow jobs are, fluid and so our job descriptions. First. There were newspaper, ads then, came the internet with job boards now, recruiting, has exploded into full-blown marketing, posted, praise in the past and it's time to get serious in your recruiting, efforts, recruiting. As a process, of figuring out where your potential employees, are and encouraging, them to apply this. Is no different than marketing, which is the process of figuring out where your potential customers, are and encouraging, them to buy as. You come up with your recruiting strategy, you want to think about employment branding. Or your company's image when it comes to candidates, and employees, if you, have a marketing, department at your organization, ask them for help as you build your employment brand. One.

Way To build your brand is with your job posting all, too often small, businesses, post the job description, instead of creating a separate job advertisement. Think. Of job descriptions like a stereo, manual, if you were shopping for a new stereo online, would you buy from a company who posted the manual, or would you buy from the company who lists the stereos best features, with pictures and positive, customer reviews. So. Your job posting should read like an advertisement rather, than a job description, start. With an eye-catching opening. Line or question. Seeking. Fearless, leader to boldly take our sales team where they have never gone before is better, than seeking. An experienced, Sales Manager, use. Language that matches your organizational, culture and you'll attract people who will fit in only. Is boring and mundane language, if you want boring and mundane people, to apply something. Else you could try is providing, a link to a short YouTube clip introducing, you and your company you, might even ask employees to talk about why they love working for your company and make those clips available to be. Sure to include the minimum requirements. But don't get caught up in all of the preferred attributes. Or you might turn off great candidates. Remember. The goal is to cast a wide net collect, as many top-quality candidates, as you can so getting too specific can, create a big dent in your pool, have. Fun with some of those minimum, requirements, you might say please, don't apply if you aren't awesome don't have five years sales experience, in hate math. Obviously. Part, of recruiting, is figuring out where you will find your candidates, there, are certainly plenty of job boards online and that might be a good place to start but. I encourage you to get more creative and proactive, you, could actually go looking for the right candidates, on LinkedIn or other social media sites, rather than posting an advertisement, and hoping they come to you you. Never want to feel like you chose a candidate, because they were the best of the just-okay candidates, you had available. Also. Try advertising, in places where your candidates, might be if you're, a gaming, company maybe, you advertise, on gaming store websites, try. Attending events other than job fairs what, random, community, events are happening that would draw the people you're looking for. You. Might also try unconventional. Newspaper ads such, as in a local LGBT magazine. Or church newsletter, really. The options for recruiting are endless now, with all of these options it's easy to become unorganized, in your efforts, make. A list of all of potential, places you might go recruiting, and pick the top three most promising. Try. Those three avenues and if you're not getting the kind of top quality candidates, you expected, it might, be time to make some tweaks to one Avenue or abandon. It and try a totally, different one in other, words be, strategic, and where you're looking and keep, track of which recruiting, efforts are working or not that. Way you can be sure you're only spending time looking in the places that get you the best results, and have. Fun. You. You, already know that the interview is a crucial, part of the hiring process so, preparing, for that very important, step is even, more important, lack. Of preparation can lead to a bad hire and bad, hires cost the organization and, time and money one. Mistake many small businesses, fall into is desperation, for a warm body the receptionist, quit the phones are ringing and there's no one to answer them let's, just get somebody in here step. Away from those feelings if. After, you interview potential candidates no one person stands out is the best match then, you should continue to recruit an interview candidates until the best match is located, it's, just not worth it to have a warm body who will soon quit or be fired. Understandably. Your staff may be frustrated, with your decision to hold off but remind them that training, and onboarding is time-consuming so. It's better to only do it once for the right person, so take.

The Time to understand, the job and what a successful, candidate needs and then, you are ready to write your interview questions in addition. To the standard questions, you can easily locate online, you should also include about five behavior, based interview questions the. Question, how, do you handle stress is hypothetical. And you will get a hypothetical answer. Instead. Try tell, me about a time you were under a lot of stress at work what was the situation and, how did you handle it this. Question, requires the candidate to offer up an example or story, about, a time they actually dealt with stress and of, course you will ask follow-up questions and, probe to learn as much as you can work. With the person who will supervise this position, your filling, determine. 3 to 5 absolute. Requirements, a person needs to be successful, and then, write your questions, remember. They start with tell, me about a time. Something. Else to figure out is the critical success factor, this. Is the one trader skill a person, absolutely. Must have or the consequences, for your company would be enormous use, the phone interview strategically. Ask a few questions about the resume find out how much they made at their last job their, salary, requirements, and why they applied also. Pay attention to things other than their answers if you, call them on their cell phone and caught them off-guard do they ask for a few moments to sit down and get out a pen and paper or, do they try to wing it are they, gay their full attention or are they distracted, if you, get their voicemail is it professional, as you're. Preparing to interview your candidates, in person decide, the best format, and be clear on your reasons for using that format, if you're, trying to hire several people for several open positions, perhaps, a group interview is best you. Might also use a panel, interview if you need to hire quickly, and would like to avoid having that person come back for second interviews with someone else the. Key to successful, panel, interviews, or several. Interviewers, interviewing, one candidate, is that you get together before the interview to agree on who will ask which questions, and who will take the lead. You. Might also decide observing, employees, doing the work might be a part of your interview process or going out into the field with your best salesperson for example might be useful you could, also ask your receptionist, to strike up a conversation with, candidates, while they wait for you to call them in and then, you could get some insight onto how they acted, when their guard was down in, the.

End Interviews, our strategic, events, that include preparation. Discussion. And a well-thought-out plan, finding. The right person can really make a big difference in the success of your company. You.

2019-04-18 10:26

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