Adam Browne - Vagus Fitness - The Ambition Project Ep 9

Adam Browne - Vagus Fitness - The Ambition Project Ep 9

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Welcome. Adam thank, you for joining us today I'm super excited to learn, more about Vegas Fitness awesome. Here, I originally, met you what, was it about a year and a half ago at the measurable difference yeah it was March of 2017. I think somewhere around there April. So. Adam runs a. Gym. Here in Calgary that is in a very specific niche you've been running it for about ten years, yeah 2008. That's us in an 8 yeah. Yeah. So we're. A personal training studio more specifically, than gym, meaning. That all all the sessions we run are either. One-on-one, or with a small group and so it's not an open gym I guess, you can say. You. So. What made you decide to go in, that direction actually. I mean we've been in business for ten years so we we originally started off as a boot camp so. Like you, know groups. Of anywhere. From 10 to 20. Participants. And. You. Know there's a whole Bachelor that goes along this along, with this but what we decided. At one point in our business about, three. Just. Over three years ago is that we, wanted to move we, want to me sure selves essentially, and be more on, the, 101 side of things rather. Than the group side of things and so. That was a decision we made it was it was a business decision but, yeah. It was you, know that was kind of the, turning point, of our business and what's. Kind of led us to where we are now so what does Vegas Fitness offer what is your your, primary, focus, so, our main target. That we that, we serve is 50-plus, and people with bold and joint issues and. So. We, yeah, basically, we. Help people just live. Better lives live, better quality lives live longer lives and we. Didn't always used, to be such, a narrow. Market but we kind. Of focused, down into. That nation, so yeah that's what we do we. More specifically, we specialize in strength, training on. The on the fitness side of things and, how. Did biggest Fitness get started my, business partner Kyle actually started in 2008, he's. A kinesiologist. And he. Right out of university he, started running boot, camps and fitness classes basically. On the side of what. He was doing as a job which was a kinesiologist. At a physio clinic and, meet. Him we've known each other since, high school so we played high, school football high. School rugby together and that's kind of how we met and so. That was kind of starting point to our business he brought me on in 2010. I've. Been kind of helping out a couple years prior to that the formation, of the business was really, in 2010. For. Me on my side of things yeah and where, did it start, we, actually, started, it originally. Out of a. Physio. Clinic that Kyle was running, or, was working out of they went to space to us at night but kind. Of when we really, got into the meat of things was when, we. Kyle. Bought a house in Tuscany and we renovated, the basements put rubber floors down dug, a ditch to the basement so we can put a back door door. In and, yeah. We kind of formed a little personal training studio down, in the basement and testing so that was kind of our real beginnings, and that was yeah. 2010. Ish with, give or take a few months and what was your background, before going. Into the training. Industry, yes. So I for. Me I, just. Graduated, University I took, business. At. UC, with. Major in entrepreneurship, and so. I you. Know my I guess my career path was always going to be some, type of entrepreneurial, endeavor Kyle who, was my business partner he's a kinesiologist. We the, summer before I graduated. We work together at the photos hospital, just. Doing lawn. Maintenance, and. We'd always we just discussed. What. We would like to do in the future and he was kind of on the same path as far as wanting to be an entrepreneur and that's. Kind of where we the, beginnings, of our discussions, of starting some type of fitness related business, started. So. Why fitness. Fitness. Is something, it's, always been a part of my life but I guess for, me why. I decided, to get into it is because it had such a, big. Impact on, my life right, out of university I guess you could say more, specifically strength training and so. What had happened was I played.

I Was a three athlete sport in high school I played football, basketball and rugby so is active, Oh literally all year round and many, of the sports overlapped even by you know a little, bit so I was, very active in high school and once I got I graduate. High school the. Freshman, 15 is a real thing and so. Yeah I packed on some weights and at, that point within the first few months on University, and so I sought out a personal. Trainer myself his name is James Fitzgerald he's, actually, quite a renowned trainer. Within North America now so I got really lucky and who I who I started training with kind of show me I guess. What. Strength. Training can do for. Your. Life how, can have a real big positive, impact not only, physically, but emotionally. Spiritually. And just, mentally. As well so, he. Was really introduced me to what, strength training really was before, that I didn't really know what it wasn't so that's kind of how I got, into the strength training industry. And that's what made me want to actually pursue, it as a career, very. Cool yeah and then. What. Did you require. Of your first trainers in terms of certification. Yeah, so initially. It. Was very basic certification so, we started off you, know we were we were hiring more on, personality. Side of things and we, we, kind of put a you, know put the certification, thing we. Kind of pushed at the side and was weren't too concerned about it and that was our that was initially how we hired was personality. Based which. You. Know when we were running boot camps and fitness classes and things like that that was totally fine now we're in a much different market, we serve much different, nations so we've you, know that those, standards have changed for us so, starting out in the basement. You, got some clients I imagine from working. Out of the physiotherapy. Clinic before and, then. At. That point did it kind of start to grow yeah so we started to grow within our basement, we were serving 30, to 45. Year old house mum demographic. Naturally. They they, talked and so, just, from, a grassroots perspective it kind. Of grew and blew. Up in a sense where we were went from you. Know 20 clients to, 80. Clients, within a year so and so. That's yeah we didn't really do any advertising we put flyers up on, you. Know mailboxes, and stuff like that and really. I have no idea if that worked but did. You do anything to encourage the, word of mouth spread yeah, we had you know we had referral, programs in place where people will get a free month if, they heard, someone to us, but. More. So I think it was just people, are, attracted to, I. Guess. Back, then I was 23 years old my business partners 23 in there just attracted, to the enthusiasm. Personalities. The kind of the culture that was built at, the community, that was part, of our business back then and that's. Kind. Of what brought people in did, the community, and the culture come, intentionally. I think. That's. A good that's a good question huh yes, I know and you. Know when we when you're such a young entrepreneur you don't really necessarily. Think. Of all those things out of, the gate once. We started, to roll a little bit we understood, what the community, aspect. Meant and we, really did push push, that part of it initially. Not necessarily. But you, know a year. And we understood that that was an important part of our business so we, rolled with it and really intentionally, tried to build that aspect of her business when. You were early, on in the basement I can't imagine you, had a huge amount of overhead at, that point was it a very, stressful business, or was it pretty chill well at the time I thought it was stressful yeah, but. It was to be honest it was pretty chill right we all. We had was the. Mortgage to pay you know as as we've grown over the years certainly. The stress has, reached levels, I never want to get back to you the City of Calgary at knocked, on her door one day and came, by and told us a neighbor. Had filed one too many complaints about parking issues and and we. Got kicked out and had to stop operations. Immediately. So that, obviously was a pretty stressful point. In our in our business but. So. That was kind of a catalyst, to the next level, yeah yeah, so, when, that happened, we, were lucky enough that it happened in springtime so we were actually we were running boot camps so very equipment. We didn't need much equipment to do it and things like that so we immediately were able to move our operations, to a, field. In Tuscany, and just, kind of continue, until, we found something that could, kind of take the place of our basement and, Tuscany, as a more permanent solution to what we were doing you. Wrote in class in the basement city comes pretty, much says you can't do this you, move to a field what.

Was Your plan once you moved to the field like what was going through your head what was your plan of action to move to the next stage yeah, I guess there, would have been two options really it would have been to continue running in a field, will. This say three options continue running in a field. Second. Option was just to shut it down and third option was to find. A facility that we can run out of and and we chose a field. Just isn't a place where you can build a long-term business and for, us this was a. A long-term, thing, so we sought, out a facility. Rented. Out at 12. 1,250, square foot spot in Montgomery. And. We. Signed it I think it was a two-year lease. Initially. And that. Was kind of our the, introduction, to you, know running, a business with real overhead yeah yeah, and so we yeah, that's what we did we moved to Montgomery, put, some paint on the walls, went, to Home Depot bought, some cheap tile for the bathroom and put it down and and, open. For business yeah. We. Knew got. Into your space and Montgomery there, what. Did like kind of like the stress and the realness. Of the business like really, hit you at that point was, it like did, you have to go more, all-in or where, did that look yeah so, at that point we. Actually rent to pay yeah, and so that. Was. You know it's every, first of each month you have to have your rent check, in and house clear and so, that you know that was, that. Was a point where it. Was like okay we're running, a business, here with real, expenses. We have a lease. And. We have to figure this out so that was kind of the first foray into. Running. A full-time, business for both of us at. Kyle at the time before. We moved into Montgomery he was still, working. Part-time at. The fuser clinic I believe and so when, we ended up moving he, quit his job so, that he kind. Of dedicate full-time hours to this. Did. You have to grow your clientele, quite a bit to make that rent happen yeah so the the nice thing was that, we were. Making. Enough money beforehand. So, that when we moved in we were still able to cover her rent but. I mean, the goal was to grow a clientele, right and, so that's, what we did we just continued to grow mostly, by word of mouth to, be honest with you and, we. Did a little bit of Facebook advertising. Stuff but that was in, 2011. So, Facebook. Hadn't really, realized its full potential as far as the. Advertising and things go so yeah we are attempted, to grow our clientele, with very. Traditional. Forms of advertising I remember we but, we. We printed a bunch of signs put them up on the side of the road we you, know posted. Posters. And advertisements, on. Mailboxes. Light posts, and. Put. A big banner up in front of our store and, all Lots or in front of our vocation, and all that type of stuff, I'm not actually sure what we're. Yes. Something, something worked back then so. That stage did you know, who. Your ideal target.

Clientele, Was yet we, we thought we knew who our ideal client, cell was but. I, don't, think we really understood what that actually meant at the time compared. To right, now where we we really have a good understanding of our clientele but. Yeah. Back then we thought it was. You. Know 30 to 45 year old mums and that's what we thought we served best, and. That's kind of what we rolled with for a while and, things. Have changed quite a bit since, then so when, you were starting imagine you taught a lot of the the classes, or did a lot of the training yeah, did it get tiring like did you do a lot of the the movement and the exercise while you're teaching all the classes yeah I was, in the best shape of my life. But, yeah we taught we taught all, the classes, so four or five classes a day. Doing. Certain, portions, of the class with. The clientele, themselves. You. Know our warm ups and then our cool downs where we did at work and things like that we would be, quite active so yeah. That was is. Actually crazy I just looking a picture of myself back in those, days it's, it's, crazy I was in great shape back then but. Yeah I got exhausting, yeah, yeah yeah, you can I think when you're young you can sustain some of that type of stuff but as you get older and you. Have more responsibilities. And yeah, your body just you. Know by working out five times a day just isn't the best thing so yeah, I used to coach gymnastics and parkour and, I remember and I was like 22. 23. Like. Running classes and stuff back to back was was no problem but I couldn't, do it now yeah, no I know it's funny how time. Goes. On and you just look back and like I was, 23 almost. 10 years ago and. Yeah. Do. Despite, being in the fitness industry it's, still hard to maintain the level. Of physical conditioning you want to while running a business yeah, absolutely i eivol like over. The years of struggle with my own fitness I go. Through waves of being in great shape and then, getting. Out of shape and then being great shape again and it's, always been a struggle on that I think that's really why I can. Connect, with my my, clients, and I haven't understanding, what it's actually like to get physically, fit and it's tough it's hard it takes work it takes dedication. You. Know running a business, there's. Not a set schedule so it's hard to be habitual. With your, own workouts and things like that but I. Try. To figure out a way, so. When you're starting. Out in those first two years in Montgomery what was the first real struggle, that you had to deal with what was difficult. To overcome, in that time well. The first two years that's that's a that's, a tough question because I don't think you. Know really. It wasn't that big, of a challenge and I share expenses were still pretty low I think the biggest challenge honestly, is patience, yeah, so, we really like. To. Put things into context a little bit when, we had moved into Montgomery we had actually signed our Royal Oak lease at that time but the complex wasn't to be built for another three like two or three years and so. We we, had, plans of moving up to. Bigger facilities, and you, know bigger and better and so I think the toughest. Challenge for us at that point was. Having. Patience for it to happen and. Yeah. I think that. Was probably the, most. The. Toughest, part about being Montgomery's that we had this thing in mind that we're working towards and, the. Complex, who was supposed to be ready within a year, then. It got pushed in two years and I think you actually got pushed in three years by the time it. Was all said and done just because of the way construction, works in geography so. When did you first experience, having, difficulties, like trying to make rent and yeah, stuff like that so when, we moved into Royal Oak we moved into we. Went from one. A 1200, square foot facility to a 4,200. Square foot facility and. With that comes higher, rent not only did we do that but we also moved from, kind. Of a strip mall in Montgomery, to a. High-end. Retail, location, in rural oak and so our rents, skyrocketed. We went from like three thousand dollars a month to. $15,000. A month overnights, and so. It. Was the first, year. Of that, where. We just every. Month was a grind to get by we, were losing money every month we had money in the bank to help, kind of get us by but yeah we were losing money every month and so yeah. That was easily easily, the most stressful part of my life that, first year in there, so. From a. Applications. Standpoint, what. Did you guys do to make sure you could make that rent, or to, increase, sales. So you can make that rent losing. Sleep I was. Behind but. We. You. Know it's kind of into that period when we're. Doing we so we were in Montgomery we were doing mainly just fitness classes and boot camps when, we opened up a Royal Oak we were doing boot camps and fitness classes plus personal training and so. We. You know we were growing the personal training, side of our business to help make up that shortfall and, that was kind of our plan but, it what.

We I mean there's a lot of lessons that we learned within that time period number. One being it's, it's. Hard being something. For everyone and, so our boot, camp and fitness class clients, are. We're a lot different than our one-on-one clients different. Demographics. Different needs and wants different income brackets, all of it and so. It made us it made it really really hard to market, both sides of our business, so. How did you maintain your, energy because I'm guessing at, that point if you're doing all that personal training plus, running classes and boot camps how. Did you maintain your energy to put in those really long days to put in those hours I imagined you to sacrifice other things like social, life activities. And stuff like that I think. When you're in it you just do it like you, you, just do I didn't, have a choice I just did it I just woke up every morning, got. To work did my thing all. All, of them in the while trying to change our situation and so. For us I, realized. Something. Had to change beyond. Just, what we could do within our business and so. Yeah. It's tough that was most easily the most challenging for my life two years the, first two years we moved into our Royal Oak location, was easy that easily. The most challenging here's, my life and, it's. Just something that you look, back on it's yeah I just did it. Wanting. To be. Successful, I think, pushing, basically. I looked, at as a challenge, of, who. I was as a person and, being able to kind, of push through that and and really, decide, that I you. Know I have the ability to. To. Push through this I have, two options is either just give, up and quit and, have. A failed business, and possibly, possibly. Affect my, entrepreneurship. You. Know my entrepreneurial, career for, the rest of my life or push through and come. Out on the other end or, way or another and so that's why I decided to do and you, know my business partner Kyle, and. Leslie. You. Know it helps to have a team around you you guess so that everyone, can. Kind of push. Each other through mm-hmm. Did. You think. About quitting yeah, every. Day yeah, yeah absolutely every, every. Day I was, like why the hell am i doing this but. It. Was more of just like, you. Know when you have a. When. You have an injury or something and it's just something that you think about it's not nuts so I just thought about I never really. Actively. Pursued, quitting but it was like ah geez. I got it somebody I can't, do this for forever, so that was kind of yeah but yeah definitely. So what thinking. Back what do you think you learned, that was of the most value from those two years I think, one thing is is, that. Putting. Things into perspective. A. Lot, of times you. Know when we have issues and problems me. Especially I get so caught up in it and I don't look at the big picture of things and so that was I think that was a big lesson for me is like okay, let's, take a look, step back and take a look at what, we're going through what the problem is and. What. Is the worst outcome, that can happen and most of the time it's, never as bad as you, think it is and so just, putting things in perspective. Really. Taking the time to to, think about, you. Know the. Decisions, that I'm making and, the impact that they're gonna have on the business on. The business outcome and just being comfortable with making decisions and if you're wrong you're wrong and. That's all you can do so. In those two years when you're working crazy. Hours. Just. Relatively, stressful, time what, kind of things in the rest of your life did you have to sacrifice to be successful, there yeah, there's it's, tough so you, sacrifice time with your friends, I wasn't. Taking a salary the times I couldn't do a lot of stuff at the time and, you. Know I was in my mid-20s. And so losing. That aspect, for a year, did you know I was about a year to two years. We're, definitely some of the things I've sacrificed and, just. But. I looked at it as part of the journey so for me it wasn't a massive sacrifice it was just part of something that was, part of life for me and but. Yeah I mean there's, tons of sacrifices, that entrepreneurs, you probably know but it's. Not what's. Shocked what I might consider a sacrifice, is probably different than what someone else might consider a sacrifice, so I'm still lucky enough. To have a, really. Strong group. Of friends, who. Have been friends with since a lot, of them since I was in junior high my family's in Calgary, and. I still up I have a really strong connection with my family and so that's kind. Of what helped me you, know that support structure was definitely what helped me bring, me through the tough times, was.

It At first was it difficult for you to say no to people when they wanted to do stuff yeah. Absolutely, it's, always difficult when you're 25 years old you want to be able to go to Coachella. Or whatever. Right you want to be able to do that but I had to work I had to work on you, know and I thought at least I thought I had to work looking back I would have done things a lot differently but. Yeah I had to teach fitness classes on Saturday, and Sundays so, I. Definitely, missed out on a lot of things like that but I. Don't really have any regrets, over it you should say yeah. Good so, I want to go just because it's really interesting to me I want to go a little bit more into, I, guess. To a degree theory, when it comes to fitness because. In, the, industry, there's so, many. Different. Approaches. Like you have the gyms that. Are. Trying to get. People in shape to go and do aesthetics. Fitness contests. Right and then, you have gyms. That are just trying to get people to be as functionally, fit as possible and that's the best life then, you have CrossFit. And all. These different aspects, and then you, have like the the powerlifting, Olympic, weightlifting. So. It sounds like from what you guys are doing you really just want people to be, functional. And healthy, yeah right that's good yeah absolutely, that's correct. So, what, is your. Theory on the. Pros and cons to the different sides. Of that and why did you go in the functional, direction, you know we've always been a functional, type of place I think you, know a better question, that I would like to answer is why, we decide to go on the morning, - but visualised approach 101, and and. Small, group, personal training versus, like a big boot camp setting. And and. For us I, mean, there's a massive difference in the instruction, that our clients, get compared, to what they can get in a bigger class I think it's, just our. Our trainers our. Kinesiologist. For the most part to begin with and and second of all we, really take a focus. On proper. Movement patterns and technique and so, for, for, us that's really what we, what. We try to promote is correct, movements. So. That we can avoid injuries. And and. Muscle. Imbalances, and things that cause us problems in the future and so, I think there's. You know there's different parts of fitness I myself. I went to a bootcamp last week just to try it out and for. Me that's fine. For. Some people who have maybe. A little bit older or or. Have, injuries, or, that. Type of thing to take into account those. Group places. We've. Most. Of the time it does. Do them worse it, can get them more injured, it can, produce. Muscle imbalances. That lead, to problems further down the road and so there's, a certain subset of people that I think should.

Be Doing more customized. Individualized. Approaches, to fitness whereas if you're a little bit younger you don't have any issues, those. Group style. Classes. Definitely, have an important, place. In in, your fitness and so, I think it really depends on where you're at with. Your own fitness, what your goals and wants are and, you. Know what, your capabilities are, as. Well what, advice do you have for people who, are really. Busy like whether they have a family and kids or a business or multiple. Jobs or lots on the go what. Advice do you have for them for. Both. Deciding. What they should do to stay in shape and for. Sticking with a routine, well. I think one. Of the things people. Kind. Of they, fail to realize is that Fitness, is it. Should not be something that you hate and so. For. For the average person that's looking to get in better health and getting better shape is first of all find something that you enjoy so. That means you. Know playing tennis every, week get the, winter club or cross-country. Skiing or hiking find. Something that you really love and then you know we I strongly, believe in the strength training aspect, of fitness and I. Believe. That it is the foundation of, fitness. Is straight training itself so seek, out someone, who can help guide you through, that process design. A plan that's appropriate, for you and your needs and your injuries and your wants and your, goals and realize. That it's the commitment itself, is you know you can get by off two days a week of strength training and see. Improvements, and see the benefits of that so realistically. In the grand scheme of things what's, - you, know two hours a week and. Also, we. Have to make it a priority our lives so. Of course, it's you know we all live busy lives but at. The end of the day we have two options we can go sit on the couch for an hour watch TV or we can go to the gym for an hour and so. We. Have to make that choice and if we're not if we don't make that choice well then we to get what we that, comes, to us in a sense and don't, me wrong it's difficult, I I struggle, with it on a daily. Basis I'm like I don't want to do that down workouts, but. It's just something you have to do and so, you. Know prioritize, Fitness. In your life understand. The benefits, of it long term because I think the benefits, long term are often. Overlooked, in. Favor of the short term results that people are often looking for it so. What. Lifts, or exercises. Do. You find most valuable I, know from. Other personal, trainers I've talked to in some, past experience. I've, heard, for. Just, general fitness kettlebells. Sure, are great and then like for strength deadlifts, sure so, what's your opinion yeah, so, it's, interesting we. You. Know most you know most really, good personal, trainers has, a system, for how they put together, their workouts so for, me it's not about whether it's kettlebell that's bastard dumbbells or barbells, or.

Whatever Your equipment, of choice is it's more about the movement patterns that, we're concerned about so when, I'm looking to design a program for the average person, it's I'm. Looking I want, to be able to do hinge movements, so a deadlift, is one exercise out of many in a hinge movement I want to do a squat pattern. We. Have bodyweight squat we have goblet squat holding kettlebell we have Galvis holding, a dumbbell it doesn't matter which one you choose we. Want to do upper body push and, we want to do upper body pull, and. So those, are kind of the four key, components in that goes into a fitness, program as. Well as anti rotational, lateral in front of course or a core so. When when I go online. And, I'm part of a bunch of different groups on Facebook this, question comes up a lot what exercise, is best for my my, glutes and, that. Question, just drives me nuts because it's like, we're. We shouldn't be focused, on one part of the bot of developing, one part of the body we should be focused on the system of how our body works, together and so how we do that is our, program needs to include a hinge a squat. A press and a pole focus, less on it a certain. Part. Of her body and focus more on the holistic aspect. Of what our bodies can do in that way in the future you won't get injured. So. Two-degree like if you break it down to a really basic, level. And this might not totally had it hit everything if you're doing like some sort of a hinge, like a deadlift you're doing some squats of some sort whether it's body weight or whatever like. Pull up some push-ups you more or less or hitting your, body in, general absolutely. Yeah. You have a deadlift in your program you have a squat in your program you have a push up and what. Was your other one chin up yeah absolutely there's you're, hitting a big portion of what you need to hit now there's, little, intricacies. That go into that like I have a horizontal press, and I have a vertical press I have, a horizontal, row and a vertical row so you, know those types of things play into part of it too and then also like what. Part of your body do we need to develop and so. But yeah if, you were to design your own program, a hinge, a squat press and a pole so. What are some other. Hinges. That you see, that are really good other than dead lifts like maybe. If someone's traveling or something what's something easy to do yeah, you. Can do hip. Thrusters. Lying. With your back on a. Bench or you in the ground heels. Out in front of you and just lifting. The hips up it kind of looks like you're humping there in a sense but that's that, would be one easy way for, the average person. You. Don't need much weight to be able to, to. At least start, with this stuff so if you're traveling you can go to a hotel. Gym, and they'll, at least have something that you can use to be able to do a Romanian. Deadlift, okay, so you. Know a conventional. Deadlift yeah you need a bar and things like that but we can do Romanian, deadlifts, we can we. Can do a single, leg.

Romanian. Deadlifts, there's a whole variety of exercises, but you. Don't need too much to be able to do some. Of this stuff some. Of you know doing, a chin-up you need a bar so, some. Some things we need a little bit more equipments other things we don't the, business has grown and evolved quite a bit over the last ten, years you're. Now getting to a point where you're. Trying to remove. Yourself to a degree from the business right yeah what. Are you doing to go. About building systems. And processes, so that the business can run without you and is, your partner trying to step back as well yeah so, the goal of me my business partner is to take, more of an order role, of. The business rather than an order, operator role and, so, for. Us you know we've we've had business, coaches in the past that have really, instituted. The, idea, of systems, and processes and, so. We've. Studied quite. Extensively over the years and so we understand, the. Value of that and so. You. Know we've been in business long enough where we have a pretty, good, catalog. Of systems and processes that we've typed. Out and written and some. Forms videos some form is written some form is just audio and. So our next step is we. Hire we just, promoted. Our met, or one of our trainers. Into. More of a managerial role, so. That's your first step is getting, out that having. To think about things like transactions. And payments, dealing. Emails that we get from clients and things like that and anytime our manager runs into a problem that they can't solve get them to write down and then it's up to us to come. Up with some type of process that can. Help fix up and so. Yeah it's it's a it's. An AW I think systemising, is an ongoing, thing. And it's honestly, it's not something I really enjoy, yeah but. I see, the value in it because if I can create a system that takes me half an hour to create in. The future it can save me you know how however, many. Hours of time dealing with that issue for. Sure yeah, very, cool and what's. Your, goal for the future what do you see, Vegas. Fitness, doing in ten years we. At one point in our business we wanted multiple locations, and last year we're actually you. Know or a couple days away from actually signing the lease and we just decided that right, now isn't the time for us to have two, locations, we really want to focus on. This. Location that we have now and improving. It and systemising. It so yeah. We've taken. A lot of steps to work towards that including. Renovating, our studio. Upgrading. It's putting. Our manager. In place making. Sure all of our trainers are operating, with. Very similar philosophies. And styles and, so we're, on way to that to. That goal, personally. I want, to you. Know continue, to grow as an entrepreneur, my, guess, my next thing that I'm going going. To be doing is diving. Into a separate. Business from Vegas, - that is more. You. Know utilize the skills I've learned from this, you. Know very system, process, oriented type, of business with, less overhead a more direct route to profitability I guess is what I'm looking for and then it as far as biggest Fitness goes yeah I want to I, want. To get the most out of this location that. That. We're in right now and I don't think we're, there yet I, think, there's a couple more years to go, but, just making. It a place. That. Has real impact on people's lives and we already have that which is which is great but I think we can do more including. You. Know educating. People via video. Education, and things like that but yeah, I just I just see, Vegas Fitness just continue to refine our processes. We serve, a 50-plus, market, and we want to continue to do that but be as. Far as as far as I am concerned, we're probably the leaders within Calgary in.

Terms Of, actually. Developing, a program that is focused on on a 50-plus, demographic, and I, want to continue to innovate within that space it, continue to be the leader within, that space instead. Of just always playing catch-up so. Yeah that's that's kind of my. Five. Ten year goal it's, very exciting I'm excited to see what you start. Next awesome joven yeah thanks, thank, you so much for your time I really appreciate it I think, you provided a lot of value to people watching and, maybe. I have to come try some training sometime hey, we'll see you, awesome. Thanks, our. First sponsor is symbol syndication, which is a video production company that I started, we do video production and online marketing for businesses of all sizes ranging, from solopreneurs. To fortune 500 companies. Our. Second, sponsor is gravity, cafe, they've. Been gracious enough to give, us their space the coffee is awesome they have live music three nights a week the beers, great it's an awesome place to come hang out another, sponsor of the ambition project is business link business, leak is Alberta's entrepreneurial. Hub they, are a nonprofit organization that, helps people navigate, the steps towards starting their own businesses, just, because you're in business for yourself doesn't, mean you're in business by yourself business. Links team of in-house, startup experts are there to support you all along, the way our, next sponsor, is the Better Business Bureau your. BBB, helps, businesses, build, visibility. Credibility, savings, leads, and community, through, BBB, accreditation. While funding free, marketplace services, with, more than a million instances, of service. To consumers every, year visit. BBB, org, Ford / Calgary, to learn more today.

2019-01-30 13:19

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