Active Trading Strategies | Pat Mullaly | 4-20-21| Manage Positions/Look for Opportunity on Weakness

Active Trading Strategies | Pat Mullaly | 4-20-21| Manage Positions/Look for Opportunity on Weakness

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hey what's your plan when the market pulls back is it fight or flight stick around let's talk about that good morning good afternoon good evening everyone this is akka trading strategies i am pat mullally i'm joined in the chat by barb armstrong you can follow me on twitter at pimalawi underscore tda you can follow barb on twitter at b armstrong underscore tda so like i said so the market's having a little bit of a uh a little bit of a pullback should we not expect that do we get scared and do we think that price should continue to move higher what do we do in those cases what do we look for what what are our priorities let's talk about that so before we do that though of course let's talk about the fact that this is for educational purposes only not for recommendations any uh any trades that or any stocks we look at are going to be actual symbols but that does not mean td ameritrade is making any kind of recommendation about the suitability of the security of the strategy any investment decision that you make in yourself direct that count is solely your responsibility past performance of any security does not guarantee future results or success any stop loss we may use does not guarantee execution at the or near the activation price remember all investing involves risk including including the risk of loss zero commissions on u.s exchanges and stocks etfs and options trades but option trades do carry a a 65 contract fee all right so we're going to talk what do you do when the market pulls back do you just sit back is this an opportunity let's talk about prioritizing managing positions then looking for stocks that are holding up or maybe getting stronger looking for stocks that are pullbacked or pulling back let's talk about that uh to do that let's pop out to the platform uh i want to say hello to everybody as well uh that's in the that's in the chats as well as the people on the archive we've got a lot of things to talk about today so i'm just going to welcome everybody appreciate everybody that's in in the chats you know you know who you are so uh let's uh let's get rolling here so what do we see right off the bat we see that the market is yawning perhaps when i say yawning uh we mean that we're getting a bit of a pullback well that's happened before here and it's happened before here but all in all we're in an uptrend okay so what are our perceptions what are our beliefs do we have control of our uh of our uh own trading psychology right is it really are we really seeing things that uh are we making things up are we listening to too many people's opinions so when we look at this we use of course you know some kind of breadth what's the rest of the market telling us and we just tick down here we're ticking back up right now the breadth of the market the up volume and this is important when we talk about you know how we're going to deal and manage our positions is the market still healthy is the market rotating if the market's rotating where is it is it rotating to is it a measure of larger breadth and right now we have a lot of selling going on the market's down three quarters of a percent on the s p 500 right now and we are sitting at around 19 uh percent up volume that means that the of the trades that are happening out there the only 19 of them are happening on an uptick so that volume is a pretty weak as far as breath goes the majority of the trades going on today are happening on downticks we take a look at the other measure of breadth that we use in mclean oscillator which is advanced decline which is a measure of advanced decline line net advancers and decliners and we're still seeing that as price on the s p 500 continues to move higher the breadth the advances over decliners continuing to move lower on the measurement of mclennan oscillator now from a from a a a standpoint of the advanced decline line it's been strong over 95 of the stocks are above their 200-day moving average over 90 percent of the stocks out there above their 50-day moving average so when we start putting all these things together is this just a pullback is this just a pullback or is it something more ominous what we want to look for and what we measure for in the markets besides what we look for in our account which is going to be the more of a priority uh making sure we keep our losses small is willingness to sell so this was a minor willingness to sell we're not quite in that position yet we're getting very close uh to that uh back here on uh the 25th of february we were sitting somewhere around 12 up volume which was pretty weak that just shows that people are willing to minor willingness to sell when i say willingness to sell it also depends and this is going to go along with what we talk about today with our regular uh stocks and positions it goes along with where things are happening willingness to sell up near these highs up near the highs not necessarily uh a a real positive thing in other words we're starting to see people willing to sell up high not flushing out not uh not at a bottom of a pullback where people just capitulate right so we're not seeing that capitulation so this could possibly be opportunity when we think about opportunity how we deal with that opportunity opportunity to take profits in uh and keep our uh gains or some of our gains on our on our stocks possibilities of finding new positions that might be breaking out and showing strength so let's move on to the next uh shot here the next chart here and let's talk about apple apple is a very large position that we've had for a long long time and it has been for a long long time unfortunately not doing much for us unless we were selling uh options call options you know covered calls those types of things when we take a look it's just still ebbing and flowing we do have when we look at this we'll get to what we're thinking about doing with this momentarily when we look at this the trend is still up so when we talk about prioritizing we have to manage our position so number one we talk about managing our existing positions don't let those get away from us right so we prioritize first we look at our positions what do we ask ourselves does that position that we have still meet the standards that we originally set are we being objective about it is the are they still is the idea still viable and so with oftentimes we'll take a look at trend is it breaking down below an uptrend is it breaking below support and resistance is it just pulling back and if it's pulling back is that volume increasing which is another indication of willingness to sell right if we're pulling back on smaller volume maybe not such willingness to sell at least in the time frame we're looking at because we only have today we only have the information in front of us that's all we have we can't trade in the future we can't trade in the past so we can only look at the information we have in front of us and why is that important well just as a as it's important to watch price rally on large volume as it's moving up it's also important to recognize that if it's rallying on really small volume that perhaps there's no willingness to buy right then willingness to hold those shares up if it's uh if it's if you're in a sideways market like this we're rallying and volume was not so bad on apple is drifting sideways and if we zoom in on this we zoom in on this we can see yesterday's up volume outperformed uh by about 60 percent up volume for the day so the the volumes as it was drifting sideways were underneath the 50 period moving average that's this uh purple line here and and apple is having an event today they're always having i shouldn't say it's always an event with apple uh every day is an event with apple just being facetious there today though we have a little bit wider range day we're on we're early on we still have a few several hours let's see how many hours we have left in the trading day we've got uh three hours left in the uh four hours left in the trading day is that right yeah and we've got pretty wide range in here the widest range we've seen since this day over in here now recovered from all this selling here however however we look at today's action and we may be picking up in some volume so it may be due for a pullback but that takes us back to the question is there any reason to do anything so depending on how you you know your methods the the one thing we can see is that apple is i'm going to move remove that rectangle apple is still in this uptrend so nothing's really radically changed with apple other than it's struggling to break into new highs and it is still it's still showing a 20 period exponential moving average that's this yellow one right here that's a 20 period exponential moving average when you use exponential moving averages we use those to give us a little bit quicker heads up on on turns we can use we're going to talk about the hull uh macd and some things and in stochastics on friday we're going to add some stochastics to that but when we look at the differences between moving averages a simple versus uh an exponential an exponential loads the front end of this calculation so we may actually see a turn a little bit quicker the one thing that we have though is so the short term so one thing we have is the short term is up the short term is up but the intermediate term the 50 day simple moving average is down now we have seen the we have this what some people may term as a silver cross where we have the 20 period exponential moving average moving back above the 50 that's a positive note that's a positive note we like to see that we can see if we look in the past we can see that over here it was somewhat positive took a little while but it started going again it was negative here so this is where the rubber may meet uh the road and um that means and if we see price starting to break below these moving averages and we see these moving averages roll over and start to break down is there any reason to really stain this this might be a topping type of a pattern for apple not saying it is nothing's 100 and we certainly can't tell the future but we can look at levels and so where are our levels well number one our level may be an extension of this whoops this trend line here so i'm going to activate that and i'm going to draw that forward an extension of that trend line or you could just decide hey i'm going to take some off the table if apple breaks below these moving averages because oftentimes what you'll see is you'll see price move below the 50-day move back up and fail and then continue to fail right it didn't do that this time this did not occur right it broke back above its 20-period moving average so it's still showing some underlying strength right with apple so that's what we're going to look at we're going to assess also possible new positions looking for strength looking for short-term weakness now interestingly enough i'm going to pop over here and i'm going to show you uh this is a scan i ran uh in the scan tab just our typical scan looking for strength from for momentum and of stocks that are showing us strong uh moves strong range days and they're above the 50 55 period or 55 uh level of the rsi and the 65 level of the rsi i've shown you this scan before but what i want you to take note of is when we think about being objective when we think about rotation and we're learning through this when we get into the spring through into the fall oftentimes consumer staples have a tendency to strengthen as do as does health care and maybe even utilities so we run this scan today we see that consumer staples health care we know real estate has been strong consumer staples health care i didn't i didn't scan i don't think i scanned for those i better go back and double check uh go back to the scan and we intersected these we just looked at all stocks and when we look at this there is a ton what is where is the market going so if we're going to look for near-term strength for active trading strategies don't you want to find stuff that has strength in the near term and also maybe look for stuff that has short-term weakness and what does short-term weakness mean just like we're seeing with apple is the trend still up is it above the support is it pulling to a moving average in bouncing do we see opportunities and can we set up a watch list a watch list that will turn into a working list once price uh gets to a level where we'd deem there might be some opportunities there so let me collapse this and let's look at managing some positions now we have a lot of positions over here in the monitor tab in here and you can see apple we have a lot of apple it's been we've owned it for a long time we're getting beat up today at 1937 that's because there's 1300 shares in this we're going to look at we're going to scroll through some of the recent ones we've done put on in some that we've put on a while back and see if we follow this idea managing the position looking at the idea does this still count is it breaking down does it meet our trend objectives does it meet our support and resistance objectives are we seeing increases in volume or willingness to sell once it's breaking down so let's pop forward here and take a look at phm this is one we put on uh a few weeks ago uh back over in here as it started to break to the upside based off of the hull macd and the was three weeks ago now the whole macd and the stochastic so i'm going to move this stop loss up because we're starting to see it get below if we think about some of the priority priorities here we've got a 20 period exponential moving average which it's pushing below if it continues below that moving average now you can choose for yourself one percent three percent below the moving average depending on what your bias is what the type of trade it is if it's a if it's an intermediate term trend trade then you might put it three percent below if it was more of a short short-term swing style trade you don't want to give up any gains that you may have made in this case we're probably going to end up around break even when we look at when we start think taking things into account let's back this out to a one-year chart and we can see it's a nice long consolidation strong breakout so opportunities here for the short term to take some profits or to get out at break even on a day where things are a little bit uh getting a little bit nervous we'll put our move our stop loss up and and get out if it breaks below this uh this area breaks back down into our entry point back over here where this orange uh dot is now the other thing you might think of though here is that hey this just broke out breakouts oftentimes pull back so there's an opportunity and that's where the 50 period moving average comes into play let's look back in time and this could be again this is going to be some things i think i did price broke out how was the volume you know we used the hull and we used the stochastic to get in on those we're using just a moving average to exit out but look at the 50 period moving average it in historically it's had its tendency to hold the 50 period moving average once it gets above that but that means that if you're short term you're going to have to experience or be willing to experience more of a breakdown you're going to have to be willing to experience a run down into that 50-day moving average which just so happens comes into play with the old zone of the old zone of support over in here so that would be another opportunity should you exit out for a re-entry should it make sense right should it make sense so we're managing this trade we're giving it a little bit of room to see if it can rally back up and close above the 20 period moving average today if it continues to fall then uh the if it continues to fall then we want out right we want out so there is a question it says how am i able to make indicators appear on think or swim when we talk about indicators the indicators that we're talking about today is a moving average indication a smoothing mechanism of the past 50 days of the closing price and a 20 period exponential moving average over the last 20 periods of the closing price but weighted towards the near term and the way we do that to answer that question is we're going to come up here to the beaker and we're going to click on that beaker that is the edit studies beaker we click on that and you can see when i click on that that we get we can see in here on this side on the right side are the what's the majority two thirds or more of the uh quarter of the space in this window is dedicated to whatever we have on the chart now what we're going to do is we're going to type in whatever indicator you want to look for now these fall in alphabetical order so you can scroll down and look for things or you can type in simple s i m and there's simple moving average now it's going to default to a 9 period moving average at that point we can change it to something else let's change this to a longer term 200 day moving average and we'll leave it green down here leave that green we'll change it to three so you can see it and just make it a dot uh to or a dashed line to to just for the heck of it so we can see that 200 days really so when we think about phm from a long-term trade from a long term when we're prioritizing if this was a trend trade then we would just say well is the long-term trend up yes the long-term trend is up is the short-term or the intermediate term trimmed up yes is the short term trend up yes but it's turning right and so there could be an opportunity if it pulls back to a certain level if you enter into this trade if it pulls back down to say the 50-day moving average which is in in conjunction or a confluence of support and that moving average and starts to bounce then the uptrend may very well still be intact okay but right now we're just going to move that stop loss up and give it a little bit of room uh shared link for the scan let me go out to here's my twitter page i'm going to go to my profile right here there's stephanie and on here let's see what we have on here i've got to maybe adjust this you can find a lot of the uh suffering after a big huge rally yesterday so when you think about that we can you can follow us along on twitter look for these things but this broke down this is now uh they offered this and that was a negative and it was trading at 161 pre-market that's oftentimes what happens but when i when i put this on what i said was uh will price hold up without continued selling and will that be a sign of strength and what that means is that if people absorb and that's what we're looking for right we're looking for a price to sell off but then buyers to come back in if people start absorbing this and don't let this drop too far then that might mean that there's still a bullish bias on this stock look at that one uh it seems that i did i sure did another one and it's not there i don't know what it went to uh interesting okay but i did another one least i thought i did maybe i didn't send it all right enough of that let's get back to what we're talking about but that's where you can find these scans the scans pretty simple right here it's just i just use a certain amount of volume uh per share and closing price of 20 and i'll put this in the charts and then i'll put it on twitter later today so i'm going to right click here no i'm not i'm going to click here and put this in the text and i will put it in the oops the chat okay so there it is here let's edit that taking more time on doing this than i wanted to my apologies uh but if you are watching on the archives this is the best because you can't see the chats this is the way best way to get it you're just going to type in these letters here capital e6 capital e lowercase c capital e five lowercase w you're just going to type that in to the open shared item up here and set up and put that in the spot there and let it rip so there we go let me copy that and i'll put that in the script so if you look at the script or if you're on the archives take a screenshot of that picture or you can go to the script and pull that up i that that's as far as i'm going to go with the uh sharing the scripts right now go to my uh you know follow me on twitter and i'll put them up there today we just got to keep going here versus just sharing scripts my apologies if that sounded harsh i don't mean it too you're certainly we're all in this together i i understand it okay glw another one that we bought uh some time ago this was more of a trend style trade has anything radically changed with this one here's our stop down here we own 125 shares of it it's all the way back down here in this channel that it was establishing and you can see here that the the 20 period moving average has acted as support and it's bounced off of that but also more importantly like what we were talking about a minute ago this channel line became the support line or the supply line and price bounced off of that so we're going to follow this we can say the the intermediate or the short term moving average by the 20 exponential is up the intermediate term moving average is up so nothing to do now other than we probably want to move our stop loss up to a place that makes sense well if it's a trend trade we probably want to be say three percent below the uh three percent below the moving average which is right now sitting at forty four dollars time so we take 44 times uh point nine seven and that's going to tell us 4260 so what i'm going to do here to manage this position is i'm just going to grab this and haul this up to 42 68 69 is close enough and we'll lock that in that puts us below here it's telling us that if it's down there something has probably radically changed in the near term we probably want to exit out of that trade and but is there an opportunity what if if somebody is not in this what if it pulls back down to that 20 period moving average and bounces can you not get ready put this in a watch list and get ready to buy because why if we think about the priorities the trend is up via the smoothing average moving averages the smoothing mechanism of the moving averages price trend is up uh in the short term the intermediate term and the and the longer term so we would expect after some kind of a period of relaxation that maybe we'll see some buyers come in we had some pretty strong volume up here at the top yesterday as it came in we'll see if that if that continues thus we raise our stop loss let's look at microsoft this is when we talked about uh let's see it'll be uh two weeks ago uh so not last tuesday but the tuesday before that we talked about would somebody enter on this uh on this trade as it was moving up through this and continuing to move to the upside and we the note here would have been hey it's getting a little bit extended perhaps it's time for this to start to curve off right maybe it's time to see some kind of relaxation and that's basically what it's doing it doesn't mean that it's done but is there opportunity when we think about the priorities you know we own this we own uh you know quite a few shares we own 106 shares of this and we've got a near-term stop up in here so we could take and move our stop loss up this was more of a shorter term trade we could just say let's go ahead and close this out right now and take our profits like we did with um uh what was the stock we did that with uh what was it uh amat look at amat we exited out here on amat because we started seeing uh some indications we used the hull macd and the stochastic to exit out of that so here though let's uh since nothing real radically has changed let's take this stop loss and move this up to let's move it up because this is a short-term trade it's a short-term trade how do i know that because we have a target up here and we've made a certain amount of distance to the target we don't want to give up too much of that gain right on the short term trades you can certainly see if the if for the longer term trades look for it to bounce off what if we exited here and microsoft decided it wanted to do something like this pull down to this moving average could we not get back in re-entry is part re-entry plans re-entry plans re-entry plans are oftentimes a very big part of some people's ability to be successful over time getting out taking a small loss getting out taking a small gain and not re-entering when it reasserts itself oftentimes uh means that you just kind of forget uh you forget about the stock and then it ends up running and you miss it okay so we've moved our stop-loss self-manage that trade now here's roku well that's another different story here roku is one we've owned this was a long-term trend to trade so with trend trades we need to be willing with trend trades we need to be willing to give back a chunk to see if it will go higher right but to a point right we've owned this since this arrow back here on the 15th of september last year and it's just done you know fairly well up until the january end of january beginning of february slough-off that we saw with those powered growth stocks right we saw interest rates start to increase these growth start started to take a hit but unlike the other ones we looked at should should somebody it's up to them should they keep roku what's happening here this is what i was talking about a little bit earlier we see it push below it's 20 period moving average it's 50 period moving average brakes resistance uh or support of the uptrend excuse me and then tries to rally back and fails right it fails continues to fail the important area more important area may just very well be this spot right here and that is that failure that's coming in at that 50 period moving average the intermediate term trend is down short-term trend is rolling over and the long-term trend may not be far behind who knows for sure so on this one probably time to exit out of roku we own 60 shares we've had a really nice time with it let's uh roll out of this and then put it on our watch list don't forget what you've bought and get back into it if it shows us signs of bullishness so we'll manage that by exiting out of that taking our profits uh in the most a lot of mistakes that people make is yeah we had a huge gain in roku 11 000 that doesn't mean you can just let it drop right at some point if you're objective you've got to exit out of these trades because it does you're going to end up giving back more money so right now being objective says if we're using a 50 period moving average and it's down and price is failing at that 50 period moving average and it's breaking below the 20 period exponential moving average it may retest these lows down in here so we want to exit out of that now let's see what we've got next okay on to other things remember oftentimes there's this rotation that goes on in the markets they rotate back and forth from cyclical to non-cyclical and so on and so forth uh oftentimes in this in the spring summer the staples start to strengthen as we can see here today staples if we put in i'm going to come over here and i'm going to type in i x r ixr that is this is the staples uh index it's not tradable staples index and if we look at staples although it's been underperforming or some of the other indices out there right now over the last couple of weeks it's been breaking out it's been breaking out and moving to the upside so maybe a little bit of sneakiness if we thought that hey pepsi is breaking to the upside and we're looking at strength in uh in these others perhaps pepsi might be something that you're willing to buy on this break the the more advantageous place would have been buying on the kaholt so when we're in these pullback situations in the market stocks pull back and then they bounce and when they bounce that creates a close above the high of the low day for anybody that's not sure what that what that means the close above the high of the low day is this this day was lower than this day this day was lower this day was lower so now we have finally uh well we had a couple closes in here but another close above these highs and so the in perfect in a perfect world had you even if you had gotten in on these signals here there wasn't really anything horrible that happened but here you know more perfect but we're never going to be perfect so don't try to be perfect if you try to be perfect you probably never make a trade so we want to make sure we don't fall into that so those are the ideas when we look at clorox over here up three percent for the day and we i'm gonna link this up here with this link i'm gonna make it the same color here as here okay same color there and then we'll look at clorox so clorox coming off of its lows it's still in a downtrend uh the 20 period exponential moving average has crossed the 50. that doesn't mean it's super bullish right so this might be something you wait for look for it especially with earnings coming up something you wait for something to watchers let's take a look at uh general mills general mills breaking and showing us some strength really strong volume a couple of days ago and it's breaking out to the upside running some resistance now sitting up in here so these are things that we look up for when we think about priorities if you're thinking about the market pulling back the market's pulling back and other things are strengthening they could be strengthening out of fear staples people move into staples they move into utilities because they get fearful that the growth stocks are going to get beaten up if if interest rates are increasing growth stocks have a tendency to get beaten up value stocks have a tendency to move to the upside if we click down through these and take a look here's one that might meet that that the pr the parameters uptrend short term moving averages up so we have the uptrend the short-term moving average is up with the 20-period exponential bouncing higher the 50-period moving average is up as well so well tower might be something somebody goes into here's walmart let's take a look at walmart and walmart meets what kind of criteria well we've got a push above the 50 period moving average by the 20 period exponential moving average but we have a higher low a higher high a higher high and presently a higher low you can make case for these two over here as well so we're getting that nascent uptrend we still have some issues and that's this action right in here so getting in today with an eye with a small position with an ion resistance coming in at this downtrend line you can wait for it to move above that downtrend line now let's move on i'm gonna in the effort or in in because of time look at all these this is incredible they're all um the majority of these are consumer staples and health care here's nvs health uh health now this is a kablowed what does that mean a kablood means close above the low of the high day just the opposite of the others so this is another way that you can get ready for something to change if we have higher lows higher highs higher lows higher highs and we're getting the beginning of a possible cross above that 20 or 50 period moving average by the 20 period moving average volume increased on the way up here and it pulls back and holds so kablood isn't necessarily just something people look for for bearishness it's short-term bearishness so in this zone right in here if this pulls back and then bounces this might be something that somebody might be willing to enter into as a possible new trend a possible new trend and again nobody can tell the future but it's certainly looking a little bit like like a bit of a change here so there's not a lot of kabloads there should be a lot more kabloads out there but there's plenty of kaholz out there but the point i'm trying the other point i'm trying to make is healthcare consumer staples continuing to and utilities in real estate continuing to strengthen all of these utilities real estate staples health care all at quarterly 13 week highs and i say quarterly there's 13 weeks in three months so either at three month highs three trading months trading days worth so the 13 week highs in here and that is another note to think about are we seeing that rotation yes nat this class does happen every tuesday red sox says better to cut the loss and wait for another trigger and if you're a red sox fan you waited a long time but it happened i was in boston when that happened it was great um not that i'm a red sox total red sox fan i have no affiliation with anybody uh all right yes uh yep thanks mike for helping out there mike mccarville always a great help uh nat come says what is roku roku is a set top box that you can watch netflix hulu all of those other names on there that's what wrote if you want to find out what something does here's roku you can come up to the analyze tab and then we're going to close for the day this is part of your should be part of your process what are you getting into so we're going to click on the analyze tab here and type and we'll just hook this uh no we want we'll type in roku and it says operates television streaming platform so this is a test uh kind of a set top box kind of a thing but you can cut the cord and stream and get into anything that you want to get into all right so uh today the op the objective of today was to look for strength but also strength in our own stocks is there anything in our portfolio that was weakening that we should exit out of uh and when we go back to here you know what do we do in the market pulls back so priorities are our is our money right our trading capital and our trading capital needs to be protected we can either use options sell calls we can sell call spreads we can buy puts we can do lots of different things to help mitigate the downside sometimes we just exit out sometimes we exit out of a little bit so prioritize and know what those priorities are so first of all is going to be our money we're the only ones that care the most about it i suppose uh and then we wanted which means we need to manage those positions and then at that point we need to look for stocks that are holding up is anything rotating are we seeing some opportunities in new nascent breakouts new nascent bounces with the trend being up a new uptrend an established uptrend uh it and are we seeing stocks that are in those established up trends that are pulling back to a support line uh you know a support line a moving average and are we seeing opportunity on a push back to the upside because often times what happens one more look at what's going on out there the market relaxes right up down and sideways that's what it does once the market stops relaxing we'll get a better view of what's going on how many of us were buying stocks over here on this bounce or over here on this bounce or on this on this bounce back over in here and got into things that were really strong and you had a great end of the year how how's your april going you know if it's not going too well then you haven't prioritized and maybe you're too close to your positions maybe you love your positions too much unless of course they fall into the way you put it together it's a long-term trend nothing to do i'm gonna go out and do something else go shopping go golfing go shine my shoes whatever it happens to be all right with that if you if there is a survey please fill out the survey give us your comments i want to thank everybody for being here as well give us those comments in the surveys if you're watching on the archives welcome thank you go to my uh follow me on twitter get those scans the other scripts that i have for volumes and those types of things and if you like what you saw today give us a thumbs up on youtube if there is a need for you to get into these youtube webcasts that we have many of them the best way to do this is by subscribing subscribe subscribe subscribe to youtube our trader talks channel and that way you can find all the good stuff and if somebody can benefit from this please share this with them remember everything we're doing here is for educational purposes only and you only you are responsible for your decisions made in your self-directed account thanks a lot everyone and we will talk to you soon [Music] you

2021-04-24 13:59

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