Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG) Business Vision

Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG) Business Vision

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SPEAKER: From around the globe, it’s TheCUBE   with digital coverage of AWS re:Invent Executive  Summit 2020, sponsored by Accenture and AWS.  JOHN FURRIER: Welcome back to TheCUBE’s coverage  of AWS re:Invent 2020 Virtual Accenture Executive   Summit. We have two great guests here to  breakdown the analysis of the relationship   with cloud and the Accenture, Brian Bohan,  Director, Head of Accenture AWS Business Group   at Amazon Web Services and Andy Tay, AABG,  Accenture Amazon Business Group Lead,   Managing Director at Accenture. I’m sure you’re super busy, Andy,   with all the action. Brian, great  to see you. Thanks for coming on.  ANDY TAY: Thanks for having us. BRIAN BOHAN: Thank you. 

JOHN FURRIER: Accenture’s been in the spotlight  this week and all through the conference   around this whole digital transformation.  Accenture Business Group is celebrating   it’s fifth anniversary. What’s new?  Obviously, the emphasis of next gen   post-Covid generation, highly accelerated  digital transformation. A lot happening.   You’ve got your five-year anniversary. What’s new? BRIAN BOHAN: Yeah, as you just said, if you look  

back, it’s exciting. So it was five years ago,  it was actually in October, when we launched the   Accenture AWS Business Group and if we think  back five years, I think we were still at the   point where a lot of customers were making that  transition from should I move to cloud to how do I   move to cloud? And so, that was one of the reasons  why we launched the Business Group. And since   then, certainly we’ve seen that transition. Our conversations today are very much around how  

do I move to cloud? Help me move. Help me figure  out the business case and then pull together all   the different pieces, so I can move more quickly,  with less risk and really achieve my business   outcomes. And I would say, one of the things  too, that’s really changed over the five years   and what we’re seeing now is when we started,  we were focused on migration, data and IoT as   the big three pillars that we launch with and  those are still incredibly important to us. But   just the breadth of capability and, frankly, the  breadth of need that we’re seeing from customers.  And, obviously, as AWS has matured over  the years and launched our new capabilities   or even with Accenture, and in the Business Group,  we broadened our capabilities and deepened our   capabilities over the last five years as well. For  instance, this year with Covid especially, it’s  

really forced our customers to think differently  about their own customers or their citizens and   how do they service those citizens. So we’ve seen  a huge acceleration around customer engagements.   And we’ve powered that with Accenture customer  engagement platform powered by Amazon Connect.   And so, that’s been a really big trend this year  and then, that broadens our capability from just   a technical discussion to one where we’re now  really reaching out and helping transform and   modernize that customer and citizen experience  as well, which has been exciting to see. 

JOHN FURRIER: Andy, I want to get your thoughts  here, we’ve been reporting and covering Accenture   for years, it’s not like it’s new to you guys. I  mean five years is a great anniversary. You know,   check is good relationship, but you guys are  doing the work. You’ve been on the trend line   and then this hits and Andy said in his keynote  and I thought he said it beautifully and he even   said it to me in my one-on-one interview with  him was it’s on full display right now, the whole   digital transformation. Everything about it is on  full display. And you either were prepared for it   or you kind of weren’t. And you can see who’s  there. You guys have been prepared. This is not  

new. So give us the update from your perspective  how you’re taking advantage of this massive shift,   highly accelerated digital transformation? ANDY TAY: Well, I think you can be prepared, but   you’ve also got to be prepared to always sort of -  and I think what we’re seeing in recent times and   particularly in 2020. I think what it is, I think  today there are 4% of the enterprise workloads sit   at the cloud. That leaves 96% out there on prem.  And I think over the next four to five years,   we’re going to see that sort of acceleration to  the cloud pick up. This year, as Andy touched on,   I think on Tuesday in his talk, I think the  pandemic is a forcing function for companies   to really pause and think about everything,  from how they manage their technology,   their infrastructure, to just security and to  where their data sits, to what insights and   intelligence they’re getting from that data and  then eventually, even to the talent. The talent  

they have in the organization and how they can  be competitive, their culture, their culture   of innovation, of invention and reinvention. And so, I think when you think of companies   out there faced with these challenges, it forces  us, it forces AWS, it forces AABG to come together   and think through how can we help create value for  them? How can we help them move from sort of just   pausing and rethinking to having real plans and  action and then, taking them into implementation.   And so, that’s what we’re working on. I think  over the next five years, we’re looking to just   continue to come together and help these  companies get to cloud and get the value   from the cloud because it’s beyond just  getting to the cloud. It’s actually then  

living in the cloud and getting value from it. JOHN FURRIER: It’s interesting. Andy was saying,   don’t just put your toe in the water,  you got to go beyond the toe in the water   kind of approach. I want to get to that large  scale because that’s the big pick-up this week   that I kind of walked away with was it’s large  scale accelerations, not just toe in the water   experimentation. Can you guys share  what’s causing this large scale end-to-end   enterprise transformation and what are  some of the success criterias have you seen   for the folks who have done that? BRIAN BOHAN: Yeah, I’ll start and Andy can pile   on. So it’s interesting, if I look back a  year ago at re:Invent and when I did TheCUBE   interview then, we were talking about how AABG  we’re starting to see this shift of customers.   We’ve been working with customers for years on  kind of what I’ll call single threaded programs.  

We can do a migration. We can do SAP. We can  do a data program. And then even last year,   we were really starting to see customers ask  the question, it’s like what kind of synergies   and what kind of economies of scale do I get  when I start bringing these different threads   together? And also realizing that to innovate  for the business and build new applications, new   capabilities, well, that then is going to inform  what data you need to hydrate those applications,   which then informs your data strategy. Well, a  lot of that data is then also embedded in your   underlying applications that sit on premises.  So you should be thinking through how do you   get those applications into the cloud. So you need to draw that line through all   those layers and that was already starting last  year. And so, last year, we launched the joint  

transformation program with AABG and then, so  we were ready when this year happened and then,   it was just an acceleration. So things have  been happening faster than we anticipated,   but we knew this was going to be happening. And  luckily, we’ve been in a really good position   to help some of our customers really think through  all those different layers of kind of the pyramid   as we’ve been calling it, along with the talent  and change pieces, which are also so important   as you make this transformation to cloud. JOHN FURRIER: Andy, what’s the success factors?   Andy Jassy came on stage during the Partner  Day, surprise fireside chat with Doug Yeum,   talking about this is really an opportunity  for partners to change the business landscape   with enablement from Amazon. You guys are in  a pole position to do that in the marketplace.  

What’s the success factors that you see? ANDY TAY: Really from three fronts I’d say.   One is the people and, again, I think Andy  touched on sort of success factors earlier   in the week. And for me, it’s these three areas  that sort of boils down into these three areas.   One is the people. From the leaders, it’s  really important to set those big bold visions,   point the way and then, set top down goals  about how we’re going to measure because   you almost do get what you measure. To beyond the leaders to the right people   in the right position across the company. We’re  finding a key success factor for these end-to-end   transformations is not just the leaders,  but who you have in post across the company,   working in a collaborative shared success model  and people who are not afraid to invent and fail. 

And so, that takes me to perhaps the  second point, which is the culture.   It’s important, we’re finding, for the right  conditions to be set in the company that enable   people to move at pace, move at speed, being able  to fail fast, keep the things very, very simple   and just keep iterating. And that sort of culture  of iteration and improvement versus seeking   perfection is super important for success. And then the third part,   I’d maybe touch on is partners. I think as  we move forward over the next five years,  

we’re going to see an increasing number of players  in the ecosystem, in the enterprise estate.   You’re going to see more and more SaaS  providers. And so, it’s important for   companies and our joint clients out there, to  pick partners like AWS or Accenture or others,   but to pick partners who have all worked  together and have built solutions together   and that allows them to get speed to  value quicker, it allows them to bring   in preassembled solutions and really just drive  that transformation in a quicker iterative manner. 

JOHN FURRIER: Yeah, that’s a great point, worth  calling out, having that partnership model that’s   additive and has synergy in the cloud. Because  one of the things that came out of this   year’s re:Invent is there’s new things going  on in the public cloud. Even though hybrid is   an operating model Outpost and super relevant,  there are benefits for being in the cloud. And   you’ve got partners, APIs, for instance  and have microservices working together.  

This is all new. But I’ve got to ask that  on that tread, Andy, where do you see your   customers going? Because I think as you work  backwards from the customers, you guys do,   what’s their needs? How do you see them – where’s  the puck going? Where can they skate to where the   puck’s going because you almost look forward  and say, okay, I got to build modern apps,   I got to do a digital transformation, everything  is a service, I get that. But what solutions are   you building for them right now to get there? ANDY TAY: Yeah, and, of course, with industries   blurring and multiple companies, it’s always  hard to blow down to the exact solutions,   but you could probably look at it from a sort  of thematic lens. And what we’re seeing is   as the cloud transformation journey picks up,  from our perspective, we’ve seen a material   shift in the solutions and problems that we’re  trying to address with clients that they are   asking for us to help address. It’s no longer just  the back office, where you’re sort of looking at   cost and efficiency and driving gains from that  perspective. It’s beyond that. It’s now materially   the top line. It’s how do you get them driving  to the speed to insights? How did you get them  

decomposing their application set in order to  drive those insights? How did you get them to   sort of adopt the leading-edge industry  solutions that give them that jump start   and that accelerant to winning the customers,  winning the (inaudible)? And then how do   you help drive the customer experience? We’re seeing a lot of push from clients   who ask for help on how do I optimize my  customer experience in order to retain   my (inaudible)? And then how do I make sure I’ve  got a sort of self-learning ecosystem at play   where it’s not just a stacked-up experience. I can  sort of keep learning and iterating how I treat my   customers. And a lot of that as for  the self-learning, that comes from   putting in intelligence into your systems, getting  AI and ML in there. And so, as a result of that,   we’re seeing a lot of push and a lot of what we’re  doing is pouring investment into those areas.  And then, finally, maybe beyond  the bottom line and the top line,   it’s how do you harden that and protect that with  security and resilience and (inaudible). So I’d  

probably say those are the three areas, John. JOHN FURRIER: Brian, on the business model side,   obviously, the enablement is what Amazon has. We  see things like satisfactory coming onboard in the   partner network. Obviously, Accenture is a big  huge partner of you guys. The business model’s   there. You’ve got IaaS is doing great with chips.  You have this data modeling. This data opportunity   to enable these modern apps. We heard  about the partner strategy from Andy,   talking sort of now about how partners with  even Accenture. What’s the business model  

side on your side that you’re enabling this?  Can you just share your thoughts on that?  BRIAN BOHAN: Yeah, and so, it’s interesting.  And again, I’m going to build a little bit on   some of the things that Andy really  talked about there, right. And that   we, if you think about it from the partnership, we  are absolutely helping our customers with kind of   the IT modernization piece and we’re investing a  lot. And there’s hard work that needs to get done   there and we’re investing a lot as a partnership  around the tools, the assets and the methodology.  

So when AWS and Accenture show up together as  AABG, we are executing off a single blueprint,   with a single set of assets, so we can move fast. So we’re going to continue to do that with all the   hybrid announcements from this past week, those  get baked into that, that migration, modernization   theme. But the other really important piece here  as we go up the stack, Andy mentioned it. The   data piece, like so much of what we’re talking  about here is around data and insights. I did a   CUBE interview last week with Karl Hick, who’s the  CDIO from Takeda. And if you hear Christophe Weber  

from Takeda talk, he talks about Takeda being a  data company and a data and an insights company.  So how do we as a partnership, again, build  that capabilities and the platforms like   with Accenture’s Applied Insights  Platform, so that we can bootstrap   and really accelerate our client’s journey? And then, finally, on the innovation on the   business front and Andy was touching on some of  these. We are investing in industry solutions and   accelerators, because we know that at the end of  the day, a lot of these are very similar. So we’re  

talking about ingesting data, using machine  learning to provide insights and then   taking action. So, for instance, the Cognitive  Insurance Platform that we’re working together   on with Accenture, if you think about property  and casualty claims and think about how do we   enable touchless claims using machine learning and  computer vision that can assess based on an image   damage and then, be able to triage that and  process it accordingly, using all the latest   machine learning capabilities from AWS, with that  deep AI, machine learning, data science capability   from Accenture, who knows all those algorithms  that need to get built and build that library.  By doing that, we can really help these insurance  companies accelerate their transformation around   how they think about claims and how they can speed  those claims on behalf of their policyholders.  So that was an example of a kind like a  bottom to top view of what we’re doing in   the partnership to address these new needs. JOHN FURRIER: That’s awesome. Andy,   I want to get back to your point about  culture. You mentioned it twice now.  

Talent is a big part of the game here. Andy Jassy  referenced Lambda, next generation developed will   be using Lambda. He talked about CIO stories  around they didn’t move fast enough, they lost   three years. A new person came in and made it  go faster. This is a time for a certain kind of   professional and individual to be part of  this next generation. What’s the talent  

strategy? You guys have to attract and  retain the best people, how do you do it?  ANDY TAY: You know, it’s an interesting  one. It’s often times a significant point   and often overlooked. People really matter and  getting the right people in not just in AWS,   but on our customers is super important. We  often find that much of our discussions with   our clients is centered around that and it’s  really a key ingredient as you touched on.  You need people who are willing to embrace change,  but also people who are willing to create new,   to invent new, to reinvent and to keep it  very simple. We’re seeing increasingly that   you need people who have a sort of  deep learning and a deep desire to keep   learning and to be very curious as they go along. And most of all though, I find that having people  

who are not afraid to fail is critical, absolutely  critical and I think that that’s a necessary   ingredient that we’re seeing our clients needing  more of because if you can’t start and you can’t   iterate for fear of failure, you’re in trouble.  And I think Andy touched on that, with that CIO   that you referred to lost three years. And so, you  really do need people who are willing to start,   not afraid to start and not afraid to lead. JOHN FURRIER: Yeah, takes a gut check there. You  

just said, you guys have a great team over there.  Everyone at Accenture, I’ve interviewed is strong,   talented and not afraid to lean into  the trends. I got to ask on that front,   Cloud First was something that was a big strategic  focus for Accenture. How does that fit into your   business group, that’s Amazon focus is  obviously to their cloud and now, hybrid   everywhere, as I say. How’s that all working out? ANDY TAY: We’re super excited about our Cloud  

First initiative. And I think it fits in really  perfectly. It’s what we need and it’s another   accelerant. If you think of Cloud First,  what we’re doing is we’re putting together   a capability set that will help enable end-to-end  transformations, as Brian touched on, you know,   help companies move from just migrating to  modernizing, to driving insights, to bringing   in change and helping on that talent side.  So that’s sort of component number one is   how does Accenture bring the best end-to-end  transformation capabilities to our clients?  Number two is perhaps, how do we bring  together preassembled, as Brian touched on,   preassembled industry offerings to help as an  accelerant for our customers? Three years, as we   touched on earlier, is that sort of partnership  with the ecosystem. We’re going to see an   increasing number of SaaS providers in an estate,  in the enterprise estates out there. And so,  

part of our Cloud First and our AABG strategy is  to increase our touchpoints and our integrations   and our solutions and our offerings with the  ecosystem partners out there, the ISV partners   out there and the SaaS providers out there. And then, number four, is really about   how do we extend the definition of the cloud? I  think often times, people thought of the cloud   just as sort of on prem and prem, but as Andy  touched on earlier this week, you’ve got this   concept of hybrid cloud and that in itself  is being redefined as well, where you’ve the   intelligent edge and you’ve got various forms of  the edge, so that’s the fourth part of our Cloud   First strategy. And for us, we’re super excited  because all of that is highly relevant for AABG as   we look to build those capabilities as industry  solutions and others and as we look to enable   our customers, but also as we look to extend  how we go to market and sort of couple up our   joint IPs in our respective SKUs and products. JOHN FURRIER: Well, what’s clear now is that   people now realize that when you contain  that complexity, the upside is massive and   that’s a great opportunity for you guys. We got to  get to the final question for you guys to weigh in   on as we wrap up. Next five years, Brian and Andy,  weigh in, how do you see that playing out? What  

do you see that’s exciting for the partnership  and the Cloud First, cloud everywhere, cloud   opportunities, share some perspective? BRIAN BOHAN: Yeah, I think just kind of building   on that Cloud First. With Cloud First, and we  were super excited when Cloud First was announced   and it signals to the market and what we’re  seeing in our customers which is cloud really   permeates everything that we’re doing now.  And so, all aspects of the business will get   infused with cloud. In some ways, it touches on  all pieces. And I think what we’re going to see  

is just a continued acceleration and getting  much more efficient about pulling together   the disparate - what had been disparate pieces of  these transformations and then using automation,   using machine learning to go faster. And so,  as we start thinking about the stack, we’re   going to get, I know we are, as a partnership is  already investing there and getting better and   more efficient every day, is the migration pieces  and the moving the assets to cloud are just going   to continue to get more automated, more efficient  and those will become the economic engines that   allow us to fund the differentiated,  innovative activities up the stack.  So I’m excited to see us kind of invest to  make those get accelerated for customers,   so we can free up capital and resources to invest  where it’s going to drive the most outcome for   their end customers. And I think that’s going to  be a big focus and that’s going to have industry   focus, it’s going to be making sure that we  can consume the latest and greatest of AWS’s   capabilities in the areas of machine learning and  analytics. But then, Andy’s also touched on it,  

bringing in ecosystem partners. I mean one of the most exciting   wins we had this year, in this year of Covid,  is looking at Massachusetts, the Covid Track   and Trace Solution that we put in place is a  partnership between Accenture, AWS and Salesforce.   So, again, bringing together three really leading  partners who can deliver value for our customers.   I think we’re going to see a lot more of that as  customers look to partnerships like this to help   them figure out how to bring together the best of  the ecosystem to drive solutions. So I think we’re   going to see more of that as well. JOHN FURRIER: Alright,   Andy, final word? Your take? ANDY TAY: Pace of innovation is picking up,   things are just going faster and faster. I’m just  super excited and looking forward to the next five  

years as the technology invention comes out and  continues to sort of set new standards for AWS   and as we, as Accenture, bring in our industry  capabilities. We marry the two, we go and help   our customers. Super exciting times. JOHN FURRIER: Well, congratulations on   partnership. I want to say thank you to you  guys ‘cause I’ve reported a few times some   stories around real successes around this Covid  pandemic that you’ve guys worked together on   with Amazon that really changed people’s lives.  So congratulations on that too as well and I want   to call that out. Thanks for coming out. BRIAN BOHAN: Thank you. We’re super proud.  ANDY TAY: Thank you. JOHN FURRIER: Thanks for coming on.  

Okay, this is TheCUBE’s coverage Accenture  AWS partnership, part of Accenture’s Executive   Summit at AWS re:invent 2020. I’m John  Furrier, your host. Thanks for watching.

2020-12-19 04:06

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