Absurdity Ascents - S1E1 Lydia's birthday

Absurdity Ascents - S1E1 Lydia's birthday

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Starring. Kaelyn no call. Me Libya. Cat. Beyond. A Kaiser, Daniella. Remy, and violet, serenity. Absurdity. Assent is written by MSN Arrietty and narrated by Jane Lee. So. He points a gun at idle, with one hand and clutches, universal. Remote with the other Midnight's. Approaching, in the red castle, and the deal needs to be done before then, though, she holds the gun I don't hold all of the cards but, they got is seemingly enough to leverage the negotiations. And Zoe's favor Idol says to her you've really sacrificed, everything, for her haven't you your, friends, and even your own life but. You have my word, I shall, not touch a hair on her head so. We're agreed, agreed. Zoe. Crosses, a room and she hands the remote to Idol for, now you seen enough of the scene and we had 11 hours southwest and, 26, years later where, London Bob has woken up her, short black Bob is disheveled by her pillow and she's haunted by the vague awareness that, she's forgotten another, dream she. Looks her left hand to her dismay the other side the bed is empty, oh. Great. Her. Eyes drift to her nightstand, her silver necklace is there in the cloak which reads 701, M, however. Instead, of a memory journal a square patch of dust is cleared from the nightstand. Goethe, stop kidding, up for. London. Ruffs her eyes and climbs out of bed she, opens her closet, which contains, a vast array of clothing, most, of which have pockets, the, lone hanger without any clothes on it catches London's, eyes and she removes, it. John. Why, do I have some many bloody, clothes. London. But stay in there back in opens a bottom drawer of the nightstand, she, rummages, through the, pants taking note of which one is missing black. Jeans. London. Closes, it and opens a top drawer to, stare inside, of it so if it's black. Then, it's probably my black jackets. It's. Gotta be my gray shot. London. Pulls out a gray shirt and a look of disappointment crosses. Her face Oh Dallas. You. Have such, an awful. Sense of fashion. London. Takes the shirt and necklace and heads across the hall when, she arrives in the kitchen she sees her identical, twin sister, eating grits born, in London London, does, not respond, instead. She, just stares at her stop. Looking, at me like that you're, the one that asked me to do this this. Was true but it didn't change the fact that it irritated, London, every, morning. Black. Jeans, and jackets. Dallas. Tosses London, a trash bag, two. For three the, shirts yellow, Ile, I'm. Wearing, the gray one I think. The yellow wanna look nice though it. Won't I'll look like some sort of bumble, bee you. Would not, what. My visit. July. Day. Of the week. Wednesday. And. The. Day of the month. London. Taps her finger on the table trying, to work out in her head what days of the week Wednesday, could be in July, 13. Oh my. God its 27th. Dallas. Likes London's, memory, Journal turn and she opens it near the end and begins reading it for, office X ain't bad, that's. The same as yesterday, and the day before that, as well, three. Of six at the beginning, of the air. You. Can't better remembering, stuff see not, fast enough. I just, need to find my memories. Speaking. Of finding, stuff there's. This place in my head it, sort of creepers, I guess I mean, it ain't really creepy, but it makes me want to run away from it the point, I got. A good feeling, about this place I betcha, she's there, how. Can a creepiest. Place give, you a good feeling. Dallas. Once at the back of her right and as though she can see through it and look at the blue number two tattooed, on the reverse, side of it it, just does I figure. I wasn't, getting nowhere because I didn't know what to do but. It's kind of talking a man telling, me I need to go to this place he. Talks, to you well. No but it's hard to explain really but, I never felt this way before and, this has got to be our best chance to find her right all. Right where. Is she, somewhere. In Atlanta, Atlanta. Where. Is that Georgia. Yep. It's only about an 11, hour drive, from here. You're. Driving, most of the way he. Had bet to be right about this a long. Road trip from Dallas to Glen to later, the BOK sisters moved to the quiet evening, straight towards the mailbox, of a rented home in the suburbs, this. Was. A horrible. Idea, I'm, tiny, what I we, can't just move into, some stranger's. Birthday, party, she'll, just cut it out why. Would you do that tell, someone, they're the keeper of reality, is a wonderful. Icebreaker, sure. If. You're mad I guess. You're right but I've got another idea that, she opens the mailbox dance explain to her sister, what her idea is we'll, put this in the mailbox I, still think it came from one of her relatives.

However. Immediately, after, placing, the gifts inside her. Sister, takes it out hey. She's. Not just going to open a package, from strangers. We'll. Put a random letter and her last name on fast so she'll think it's from a relative. London. Glances, at the mailbox but, there isn't a name on it. Because. Neither idea, was good at all Dallas, snatches, the present and marches towards the house, Oh a Dallas. London. Runs after Dallas who rings the doorbell, several, times, no, even, sure she. I've. Been doing this for 26, years, I know she's, the one you've. Said. That before, the. Door opens, and standing, in the doorway is a woman, who had just entered, her 24th, year of life she, looks bored annoyed and thoroughly, underwhelming. For the title of keeper. Of reality. Can, I help you you, mean you don't recognize us it's. Us London. And Dallas we. Went to the same high school together. London. Closes, her eyes enabling. Her to listen to Lydia's, thoughts, Piedmont. So. We went to the same high school so. What do, you think we don't know you I remember, you and your name it's uh again. London, closes her eyes in an effort to trip to keep her reality, with her parlor, tricks, Lydia. Lydia. Narrows, her eyes at London with suspicion. Okay. So. You remember. Me from a high school I, don't, get, why, that brings you here. London. Takes the present from Dallas in hands of Till Vidya we. Hide your birthday with today and we, thought we wish you a happy one. Well. Thanks. And, have a good day Lydia. Closes, the door slowly and before it's closed completely. Dallas, leans in to view you, - happy. Birthday Lydia. London. Sighs that, was an awkward Atul. Lydia. Returns, to the kitchen with her best friend nada and not, as little sisters oh we are sitting, however. Despite it being 26. Years later Zoey's, only 16, years old who was that Lydia, tosses, the present into a corner and takes a seat at the table it, appears to be her move in the game they are playing it. Has no bearing, on the plot but Zoe is losing badly, some. London, and Dallas, people from high school you, remember, them doesn't. Ring a bell I remember. London in Dallas you. Didn't go to high school with us what, he told me about them the, BOK sisters, the. Vietnamese, twins were born in a plane for. Hannah plane I think, I would remember somebody, who was born, plain yeah. But my memory is amazing, true. Who, cares, if they're from my high school or not that, London person, creeped me out I think, it's nice that they remember your birthday, even. Though you don't remember them, you, mean creepy Zoe Zoe. Kosar shaved the present from the corner she places it in front of Lydia not, so accidentally, knocking the board astray, you should open it I don't, think so I wouldn't, open a gift from my stalker just throw it in a trash or something, Zoe, sighs herself, and opens up the present, inside. As a universal. Remote the, very same when she had given to Idol those many years ago see. It's. Just a remote control I have. One of those, Zoe's. Going in patient of Lydia not accepting, the device so. She, takes matters into her, own hands. Closing. Our eyes tightly she hops backward, in time breaks, Lydia's, remote and returns, to just before she gave the remote to Lydia panting. She, says to her see. It's. Just a remote control. Hey. I've been eating one of these I have. No idea would even happen to the other one I just woke up one day and it was broken into pieces.

Breathlessly. Zoe, slice and torture and gulps what remains of her Pepsi. The. Next day after nada had returned from work she, and her sister at her apartment eating rainbow, cereal, in the kitchen, I was, just thinking about those twins what. About them how, the heck, did they know Lydia needed, a remote control see, I told you, those guys were stalkers, I think, you're overreacting. You're. Under-reacting those. Guys are creepy, as hell the. Phone rings not answered, it go, hey. Nada it's Lydia I can't get this stupid remote to work did. You try I. Don't know reading, the manual I don't. Need a manual to use a remote but, you need to kill me, just. Get over, here not. In twos Lydia's, home, Lydia's on her couch examining. The remote as a new Jones on in the background about, fires in the city limits, of Atlanta, you, know you. Could always just get up and change, channel of. Course I could but, how can I get comfortable if every, time I want to change the channel I have to get up Nana sits behind her friend she. Lends an expert hand and mashing, random buttons but to no avail, I try. But already, I'm pretty, sure it's broken it, probably, just needs new batteries if, that, doesn't work just trade it in for a new one as, suggested, lydia retrieves, batteries, from her old remote and puts them into the remote and pointed, out the television, she. Presses a button and red light flashes, from the remote and the black hole appears on the wall and swallows, Lydia's, TV not, on Lydia shriek, hey. Man, you look at Manuel outside. London and Dallas are walking up the street towards the rented house in the suburb next. Door a woman is walking her dog in the backyard but, she isn't paid much mind I don't. See what she gets all riled up about if. She's really the master of the remote she, could be doing anything. Right, now she. Didn't see it so happy to see us cheap, a light didn't even up with a present, yet even. Though it's not a chance we should be taking, the. Twins walk onto the portion because it works so well last time, London rings a doorbell, after, predictably, nobody, coming, to answer the door London, prowls around the side and takes a glance inside the window she, closes her eyes and listens and on the thoughts who. Is outside can't. Let them see this it's. Probably. The stalkers, who gave you the remote in the first place I'll, go check. London. Rolls out of the way just as nada looks out the window she, returns to her sister's side they're, ignoring us, London. Opens one of the many pockets, on her outfit and retrieves her lock picking kit London. You can't just bake in someone's, home would, you rather they destroy, the universe. Dallas. Thinks a moment I guess, not London. Pixel, off opens, the door not immediately, whacks her in the face with the manual, that, Dallas. Puts her hand out in the gesture, to stop not a raises a manual higher but doesn't swing what, did you and your freaky, sister give Lydia their, ammo he is the most powerful device in the you of us and if you ain't careful your, ma could spoil the entire universe, not. An arrow sore eyes but lowers the book getting here and fix, it. Back. Inside the house, London, is lying on the couch while her sister holds an ice pack to her head, not, in Lydia's staring. At the black hole which has only gone slightly bigger well. Get. Rid of it which. One of y'all put her here, Lydia. Did, Dallas. Miles proudly, I, knew. It only took, years, several, hundred. Tries. Lennon's, just up to look at the black hole and Lydia says to her isn't. What if you're going to fix it only. The remote operator, can do that me. Yes. You. Read the manual, right. No. Then. Why were you touching it, I was. Just trying to change the channel why, would you use the Vermont, for something for menial I, don't, know because, usually they do change channels, not make black holes, London. Picks up the manual and flips through it reading out loud she says whole idea okay. Point. The, remerge at the black hole and press. Delete. Three. Times. Lydia. Does as instructed. But when nothing happens she frowns, isn't. Working why isn't it working out. Of. Batteries. Lydia. Yelps she fumbles, the remote dropping, him in he bounces, towards the black hole and gets swallowed inside, Dallas.

And London scream what. Did you just do, it. Was surprised you didn't tell me that it talked, he. We're. Going to have to go get him aren't. We. Meanwhile. Zoey's, waking, up on the couch and not his apartment she's. Horrified by what has just occurred she. Closes her eyes and jumps backward, in time it, is now night and Zoe standing, outside of the apartment she's. Thinking to herself if I, can get nada, she's sleeping, longer this can all be averted. Zoe. Plucks a caterpillar, off of a leaf this, should do it the Zoe wakes again, on the couch where she started she, is panting, heavily and she takes the Pepsi off of the coffee table, and drinks it what, happened, why. Didn't it work I, guess. I have to do this the old-fashioned, way it isn't. That far off a walk from nadas apartment, to Lea's rented, house in the suburbs when, she arrives, there's a woman Becks and her dog on Lydia's long peering, inside are. You planning on going inside. Beck's, jumps, and whirls around Lily, gives her a friendly smile in a warm wave, hi. Hi. Um what, are you doing here. My. Big sister jumped into that black hole I came to get her. What. About you I saw. My neighbor and, I three other people, wait. How, did you know there was a black hole inside, the house isn't. It obvious, yeah, but. You. Weren't here, when it was created. So. How do you know there's a black hole inside that house. Retrocognition. What. It, means that I can see into the past you, can, see into the past. That's ridiculous, no one can see into the past, more. Ridiculous, than a black hole instead of Lydia's living room okay. So maybe, your, time the truth come. On Zoe. Takes Becca's hand and leads her towards the house but Becks pulls away whoa, wait a second, don't. You want to explain. A bit before you go charging inside. They've. Already been in the black hole for several hours if we, don't move now they could die could. You stand by and let people die when you could save them no. Never. Then. Come on it is. Exactly seven thousand, five hundred twenty, six years later, secundo. 11th. 19500. 43 HP, Dallas. And Lydia tumble, out of a white hole everything. Around them from the buildings to the sidewalks, is a pristine, white and blue with flashing, lights it, looks somewhat, like a motherboard is.

This The future Dallas. Looks around frantically. Wes, London I don't. Know but. Don't worry Matt. Is probably with her nada. Ain't that Spanish, for nothing he. And her last names chance do I think her parents were drunk when they named her Dallas. Laughs poor, nada. I hope. She's okay. I hope. So too we. Need to start looking for them why should we stop if nada, is looking for me the first wish she'll go was the bar so, let's start there back. In the rented house in the suburb Zoli is waking up on Lydia's couch, the first thing she sees is Beck's staring, down at her Zoe, yelps thanks, Yeltsin responds and jumps back sorry. Do, you see anything I just, saw they wound up in different locations. Probably. Within the same city limits, Zoe. Gets up and walks closer. To the black hole sipping. On a can of Pepsi, judging. By the size of the black hole there's, about so many different locations, that we could wind up, 70. But. There's good news the, first is I know where all of the holes lead well. That's great but you said they wound up in different locations. Even. Though they jumped in at the same time near. The same time and. They didn't have you me. There's. Nothing special, about me you're, a blocker you can, block off all the openings, except, the ones who need to enter. Really. How. Do they do that all. You, have to do is clasp your hands together and, close your eyes like. This, Zoe. Sits on the floor opposite, Bex and does just that, Beck's follows suit now. Repeat after me, I blog, entry 1 from interacting, with timeline, be I. Blog. Entry. 1 from. Interaction. With, timeline. Be, a. Blog. Entry 2 from interaction. With timeline, B I. Block. And trade. 2 from. Interaction. With timeline. Be. Ok. If. You. Keep adding you accidentally, block the entry we need to take tell. Me which one it is now skipping. They, don't all show the same name no. Come on I block. Entry 3, from interaction, with timeline. Exercise. But nonetheless continues. Repeating after Zoey back. In the future Lydia, and Alice walk into a bar it is packed with robots, playing pool cards, and drinking obviously. There's, even, the occasional, human amongst, the crowd I don't. Like the looks of this place. As. A. Women go over to the bartender they, pass a grimy, mirror, while it reflects, Dallas as it should, Lydia does not have a reflection, the, bartender, is an old rusty, a robot with tubes four legs arms and neck, Lydia, holds up four fingers to the bartender, four beers please the. Bartender, unscrews, his hands and places them onto the bar he. Sticks his arm into a keg and pours beer out the other arm into four months, I don't, see, my sister, or Nana, Lydia. Gives Dallas a brief glance before putting an elbow on the table and leaning closer to the bartender, don't, get much humans around here do you get your arm off, my, table Lydia. Takes your arm off the table and skels Lydia. Then hands one of the beers to Dallas incites, the other three in front of the bars to which he sits on Dallas, looks, surprised, by Lydia but doesn't say anything in sips her beer, that'll, be thirty five thousand, six hundred euros.

Lydia. Nearly, gags. How. Much, is that in US. Dollars. Forty. Thousand, fifty four pillars, and 81, cents, what. The. Lydia. Turns to Dallas put that down, Dallas, bumbles, with their bit and place the mug onto the counter we're, a bit lost would, you mind telling us where it is we are, said. A, country. Century. You're. In Waterford, Island, I don't. Know how you get so lost that you don't know what country you're in anymore. We've. Been traveling. A very, long, time what. Is the date, day. Months, here. Secundo. Eleventh, nineteen, thousand. Five hundred and forty-three. Dallas. Gives Lydia's, sleeve, an urgent, tug, we. Should lane. Lydia weights are off knowing, her almost completely, in, America, we use entirely, separate. Calendar, it's called the Gregorian, calendar never. Heard of it that. Was the previous calendar. It, was replaced with people at the end pelinore, 2,000, years ago you. Know America. Set. In its ways. Every. Year of the imperial, system. Another. Updated, unit of measurement you. Seem to be very old-fashioned. How, old are you house, are you my age if you. Tell me the date, Gregorian. Cell July. 28 nine, thousand, five hundred and forty-two I know Domini I am. 24. Years old actually and I, seem very old-fashioned, because my partner and I we're delivering, a pizza to a cryogenic, plant and, got frozen for, 2,000. Years so. I suppose I am technically. 2024. You. Know what I think I think, you and your friend are responsible, for the white holes an ominous. Silence falls over the bar everybody, stops, what they are doing to look in the direction of the two strangers, though, silence, is finally, broken by a random patron, are, those details who caused all of those white holes. What. White holes the. Ones which brought you through time ins face it, explains why you disoriented. About the date and location a. Man. Picks up a pool steak and another man joins him both. Brandish them threatening Li as they close in on Lydia Dallas, Dallas. Closes, her eyes filling, herself, up with the murderous emotions, of the two men those, men who fix them to kill oh. Now. I can feel it in them they don't just want to fight they, wanna kill us dalla. Scans the room as quickly as she can, robots, have blocked the door and a group of robots was advancing, on them along with an unarmed, woman the, only humans want to kill us I don't know what the robbers are feeling is this supposed to be helpful, aha.

I'm, Gonna take out the killers so I was to attack business. Glass. Shatters, behind them and they turned to see the bartender, holding, a broken glass bottle, you think you can just punch holes in water for I said. We would fix it. The. Bartender, thought Lydian she hops out the way the, fight is underway now Dallas. Closes, her eyes and rushes, the two men with the pool sticks I've seen, her do this before used, her instincts, against them the first messenger and oh what. A dodge she. Spins around on the floor and sweeps his legs out from underneath, him and he is down the, second man stops at doubts but she flips over his head and lands behind him an, elbow to the back of his neck has him out like a light, the. First man has gone back up to take another swing at her she catches it and kicks, him right into, the table he's, not getting back up from that one. Dallas. Has opened her eyes to find Lydia she's, has been forced into a corner by the bartender. This, doesn't look too good for Lydia, Dallas. Grabs up a pool stick and holds, it straight at the bartender, and he has to pull away before it becomes a shish kebab it doesn't, stop the bartender, though but, it does the job of allowing Lydia to get safely to Dallas, what. Do we do now I don't know London. Usually does all the thinking you said, earlier we need to take out the killers so we're at worst imprisoned, right, debauch at this Dallas. Picks up the other pool stick in the fight for zooms she, rushes, towards the bartender, he stays himself, where that time she, lunges at him he grabs hold of the stick he turns to the side and since Dells crashing. Into the wall he, rushes forward aiming, for Dallas his head she drops all the way is the stick is blunted against the wall if that was her at this fight would be over the, bartender, gets the other pool stick now he. Chases Dallas to the bar table Dallas, jumps on tenth and he crashes straight, through in pursuit of her she's, quickly running out of bar table, here she needs to do something she. Jumps, for patrons, table, she ran roughly, on it Robus takes grab, of her but. She jumps to another table and then rolls onto the floor hey. I do. To your friend he did. That. Has gotten ahold of Lydia and she's struggling rather, fruitlessly, to free herself, Dallas, puts her hands up please don't hurt us that, I ain't gonna happen, the bartender, charges Dallas, pool stick level towards her, Dallas, spins around the tack ripping, the pool stick from him and spinning behind him she, jumps the pool stick upwards and through the bartender's, neck both, let out gasps as the bartender collapses. To the floor sparking. A hush, has fallen over, the bar once again in two robots silently, moved to either side Dallas, to grab her arms and thus. Comes to an end the first episode of absurdity. Ascent, the. Second part is trillion euro baby, do, not miss it additional. Voices for this episode provided, by Ally reread and Remy.

2018-07-04 06:37

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