ABC News Prime: Trump under fire, hopes for the vaccine, pressure to reopen

ABC News Prime: Trump under fire, hopes for the vaccine, pressure to reopen

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Good report I'm taking and hydroxychloroquine. Right. Now yeah a couple. Of weeks ago started, taking because. I think it's good I've heard a lot of good stories and if it's not good I'll tell you right I'm. Not gonna get hurt by it it's. Been around for 40 years from malaria for. Lupus for other things I take it frontline, workers, take it a lot of doctors take excuse, me president Trump's, revelation. Claiming he's been taking, hydroxychloroquine. And unproven, drug to prevent COBIT, that some say can be deadly, if used incorrectly. Reopening. Backlash, a spike in cases as many states roll out phase one of their reopening plans despite, nearly one and a half million confirmed, kovat 19 cases in the US coast to coast crowded, beaches and packed boardwalks, and the, governor, of New York gets tested, as cameras, roll he's, now revealing, the results, off-kilter. At summer camps, in schools closed we take a look at families, trying to juggle work-life, balance, amid the uncertainty first. Steps to a vaccine the promising, data from one company about early trials, and positive, results and the, hopeful news for patients the emotional, surprise, meeting between a plasma, recipient, and our own Kaylee Hartung the. Graduating. Class of 2020. Words of wisdom from some of 20/20, and brightest. Good. Evening everyone I'm Lindsay Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we start this Monday with encouraging. News on the vaccine front, perhaps a bright light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, though we still don't know just how long the tunnel is longer. And larger vaccine, studies will ultimately help determine, that in, the meantime President Trump claims that for the last week and a half he's been taking a drug to prevent Koba, 19 despite warnings that it could be fatal, if improperly, used, more on that in just a, moment but first a growing conundrum, inside, homes across, this country even, as Kovac cases are on the rise and at least 10 state states continue, to ease restrictions but, here's, the dilemma some parents are now preparing, to physically, go back to work but plans are still up in the air about camp in schools and with, limited childcare, options, what is a parent. To do White, House correspondent, Karen Travers leads, us off, it. Is the burning question, for working parents like Lorie Johnson how. And when will their kids get back to school the, biggest challenges there's just not enough hours and the day Lori lives in South Carolina, and has two children ages, 7, and 4 she, and her husband are juggling full-time, jobs at home taking, care of the kids and distance learning I, was on a video, call for work just with coworkers luckily. And the four year old walked in naked, to. Everyone. Thought that was hilarious I, was like I said, luckily, my bosses were on that call I was like well welcome to my day you know this is what happens, Ralphie, Santiago, is a father of two young boys in New York City, he and his partner are working, from home.

Ralphie. Is the coordinator, of an after-school program in, Harlem for kids ages 8 through 12 a program, that like school has gone virtual, during, the Cova 19 shutdowns it was like two weeks and maybe three weeks there now I realize, it now it's really frustrated, with my kids I'm, really upset with them. Because, I couldn't sit down and get my work done one day just dawned on me you know at the end of the magnet to reflect on what I had, a day where and, now I could do a little better tomorrow, for my football for my son's you know know try to scream less and try to punish, them less wealthy. Lori and millions, of working parents have had to quickly adjust to this new normal, without, the usual childcare, arrangements there, are no networks right now just because of social distancing, you can't rely on your friend or your family or your neighbor or, someone across the street and it's. Really, tough for families right now Bridget Schulte is the author of overwhelmed. Work love and play when no one has the time she. Says parents always knew the challenge of work and childcare but, the corona virus pandemic is, pulling back the curtain I think a lot of it reflects, this long-standing. Notion, in our country, that, Family. Matters are a private affair and that, you just need to figure it all out I don't, want to hear about it. Go. Do that and then just get to work on time eager. To get the country back to some, state of normal President Trump is pushing for businesses, to reopen and for workers to get back on the job countries. Got to get back as. Soon as possible, but there is no plan right now from the Trump administration to, help working parents, while schools and many daycare, centers are closed our. Child care system, and I say that very lightly it's really not a system, it's very fragile, it's. Kind. Of patched together it's, very difficult, to find quality, care difficult, to afford and this, pandemic, has just really pushed it to the edge under. The White House reopening, guidelines, states, can choose to open some businesses, in phase 1 but they cannot open schools until phase 2 my, company is currently planning, to reopen, our office at the end of May, but, there are several of us with younger school-age, children and they haven't they, haven't said anything there's haven't addressed that point yet I recently asked, President Trump about this issue. Aren't. Sure how they can go back to work if schools, are closed where how, can they have, their kids in care. In, addition to helping employees, stay, employed. Good. Question I think the schools are gonna be open soon but, schools in 48, states in Washington, DC closed. For the remainder of the academic, year and the, extra load on parents, doesn't end there many, summer camps canceled, including, the one Lori Johnson seven-year-old, daughter was set to attend. They've already canceled, that for June and they haven't made a decision yet about July, that, breaks my heart for her she's gonna be eight years old like that means she's gonna have to sit inside Monday, through Friday all day with the current school year winding, down administrators. And educators are, already deep into planning for the fall looking, at how and when students, can safely, get back into the classroom, this, was a big topic last week on Capitol Hill Republican.

And Democratic senators, pressing, dr. Anthony found she on when schools can open the, infectious, disease expert, trying to temper, expectations, the, idea, of having, treatments. Available or, a vaccine, to. Facilitate, the re-entry, of students, into, the. Fall, term, would. Be something that would be a bit of a bridge too far, president, Trump bristled. At foul cheese comments, to, me it's not an acceptable, answer especially, when it comes to schools the only thing that would be accepted, was I said his professors, teachers, etc over. A certain age I think they ought to take it easy for another few weeks the, president said in early May young people do well with the virus but health experts say they're, not in the clear with some children now suffering from kovat, related inflammatory. Disease a new. ABC news it sews poll finds sixty-nine, percent of Americans who have a child under the age of 18 living at home who had been enrolled in school before the pandemic said, they are not currently willing, to send their child back to school my, four year old her preschool has reopened we, have not sent her back yet because the. Other ones at home what, there's no sense in that added exposure I would not feel comfortable sending. Kids my, kids to school right now local tea camp because. Of you know there's no vaccine. Because. I know that no one's safe into the magazine this is you know in please so for the foreseeable future parents. Are scrambling. Millions. Of essential, workers are still leaving their homes for their job and parents, who can work from home are simply, getting used to doing a work conference, call with, their kids near them I mean we are still expected. To put in a full day's work, it's, just impossible when. You've got children, in the house. You. Know they require attention, they you know we have to make them meals they have to be entertained, they have to be supervised and then there's whole educational.

Component, As well, Bridget Schulte says working, parents, need to cut themselves some slack right now a lot of people feel really guilty that. They can't give a hundred percent this is not a time for anybody to, be able to give a hundred percent getting through the end of the day is difficult. Rafi Santiago, agrees and has some great advice for, stressed-out parents. Just to do your best every day you, know with them and make, sure that you, know whatever he's doing that when your child reflux about this in a year they say that. Did the best it did and we had a great time and it was tough but you. Know I still love my parents. Karen. Travers ABC News, Washington. We're. All just doing the best we can and our thanks to Karen, for that and of course the uncertainty, over what to do with schools, will only end, once there's a vaccine most experts estimate that that'll take at least 12, to 18 months before we get to, a vaccine to treat kovat 19 and while that may seem like a long time away the, early results they're, promising, ABC's, Steve osunsami has. A closer look, it's. The break the whole world has been hoping for an American, company working on a vaccine for the corona virus says, that all 45. Of their test patients, tonight are producing, antibodies that, fight the disease it's, been almost. Nothing, literally. It's been like getting a flu shot Norman, humid Atlanta feels great this evening and that matters to everyone because today, he received, his second, dose of a vaccine, being, produced by moderna labs his first was a month ago the, ability to, have. One small role in and. Just getting, beyond this pandemic is an. Amazing, opportunity in these early results, those 45, patients developed. The same level of antibodies, as someone. Who has recovered from kovat 19 the company then tested the blood of eight of those patients against the actual corona virus and in, all eight cases the, virus was killed but, are those antibodies like, to be protective, of the neutralizing, perhaps, and actually we saw in fact all in all cases they were which, was really encouraging any day now they plan to move on to Phase two testing.

We're About 600, patients we'll get the two shots and scientists. Will watch for any surprises by, July they expect to move to the next level between a thousand, 10,000. Patients testing, the vaccine and if all goes well they, hope the drug can be ready by the end of the year the president, has the same goal calling, it operation warp, speed its, objective, is to finish developing. And then to manufacture. And distribute a, proven. Coronavirus. Vaccine, as fast, as possible, but just making the drug in millions, of doses and getting it to Americans, is complicated. And scientists. Say it's still not clear if this vaccine, will truly be effective in real, use the, fact that the moderna vaccine, has been shown to be safe and generate. A robust, immune response, and small numbers of patients, is. Very promising, but, now it has to be proven in larger, numbers. In, Steve osunsami joins. Us now with more Steve as you pointed out even if a vaccine is successful, producing, it on a massive, scale will, be certainly, a challenge, can anything be done to speed up that part of the process. Lyndsey, is it's a big challenge you, have hundreds, of millions of vaccines that might be needed and you have to put it into something that can be shipped across the country and potentially, across the world this, is going to take a bit of collaboration. Between, government. Officials the FDA, and. Manufacturers. One big concern. Vaccines. Are temperature. Sensitive and, that's a difficulty, that has to be accounted. For all, right Steve, osunsami thanks. So much for your reporting, and. Out of the drug that President Trump has touted as being an effective possible, treatment, for kovat 19o today the president, claimed that he has been taking a controversial, drug hydroxychloroquine. For the last week and a half and he's been saying what, do you have to lose the FDA warns, it could put your life at risk if used incorrectly but, as chief White House correspondent Jonathan. Karl reports, the president is moving, forward. The. Announcement, came out of the blue in response. To a totally, unrelated, question. The president, announced he has been taking the unproven. Drug, hydroxychloroquine. To protect himself from, Kovan 19 a lot of good things have come out about the hydroxi a lot of good things have come out I happen, to be taking it I happen.

To Be taking it. Couple. Of weeks ago I started taking it because. I think it's good I've heard a lot of good stories and if, it's not good I'll tell you right I'm. Not gonna get hurt by it for. Some two months the president has been promoting, hydroxychloroquine. A drug, used to treat malaria among, other things as a treatment for coronavirus. And just, last month the FDA warned, against using the drug for Cova 19 outside, of hospitals, or clinical. Trials, because it could cause heart problems did, the White House doctor recommend, that you take that is that why your White House doctor didn't, recommend no I asked him what do you think you said well if you'd like it I said yeah I'd like it I'd like to take it a lot of people are taking the president, who regularly, gets tested for coronavirus. He is taking the drunk as a preventative, not, because he has tested positive or, has any symptoms, can you explain sir though you what is the evidence that it has a preventative. Here. We go you ready here's. My evidence I get a lot of positive calls, about it and I, say, hey you. Know the expression I've used John what. Do you have to lose okay. What do you have to lose the president's, revelation, came hours after he got a surprise, of his own from, Attorney General, William Barr who, threw cold water on his efforts to accuse Barack Obama, and Joe Biden of unspecified. Crimes. Obama, gain it's, been going on for a long time but, today the Attorney General, announced he does not expect, there will be a criminal, investigation, of either former, President Obama or former. Vice President Biden. As long as I'm attorney general the criminal justice system, will not be used. For. Partisan. Political ends. And, this. Is especially true. For. The, upcoming. Elections. And in November, history, what do you think of mr. Barve decision, if it was me I guarantee they'd be going after me in, his case they're. Not so I think it's just a continuation, of a double standard I'm surprised by it President, Obama's recently, broken his silence, criticizing. The Trump administration in, private, it has been an, absolute. Disaster. And, in thinly, veiled comments, during a pair of commencement, addresses over the weekend this pandemic is fully finally, torn back the curtain on the idea that so, many of the folks in charge know. What they're doing a lot. Of them aren't even pretending, to be in charge yeah. Look. I think he was an incompetent president. And, Jonathan Karl joins us now John did the president, express any concern, about any potential risks from taking the drug and also do we know if anyone else at the White House is taking it well. With no word on whether any other. Employees. Here at the White House any of the president's, senior advisors, are taking the drug certainly, none other nobody, else has stepped forward to say that they are too on. Hydroxychloroquine. In, terms of the potential dangers, the president, seemed, to suggest. There are no dangers, he. Said repeating. A line he used often, during the campaign what have you got to lose. Suggesting. That there really isn't there, aren't really aren't any dangers, of course that Lindsey. Is not consistent. With what the FDA has said the FDA has warned that, it could cause heart. Problems, even. Death, even. Death all right Jonathan Karl from the White House thanks so much and. Now we want to take a step back and look at where we are with the science, of copán 19, every week brings us more data here now joining. Us is dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist. At Boston Children's Hospital and, in ABC, News contributor, thanks so much for joining us doctor thank. You so. We just discussed with Jon Karl President Trump saying today that he's taking hydroxychloroquine. For prevention, even though he says he has no symptoms and has tested negative for the virus just. To use his own words where he says what, do you have to lose it's. Our understanding from the scientist you could lose your life is that accurate yeah. It's absolutely true, you could lose your life and it's, unfortunate, that we're sort of backtracking, in the science here right because clinical. Trials scientific, research have all shown that, this drug is not effective, against kovat 19 and in, fact there are potential negative consequences, like heart, rhythm issues and even, death so of course this drug has been around for a long time it's used to treat malaria and, lupus but, there's no reason to be prescribing, or taking it right now given the evidence that we have today so you would tell our viewers not, to follow the president's lead here, unfortunately.

You, Know the science, does not line up with what the president is saying of course you always need to be talking to your provider about, what medications. You should be taking but, currently the clinical evidence is not in favor of this yes. Not necessarily, listening to what's happening from our president today but, the president also said today that a lot of doctors and people on the front lines take hydroxychloroquine. Is that something that you've been hearing about. The. Providers, doctors, that I work with here through the Harvard system nobody's. Taking this drug there's a very there's, a high concern. That exists across my community, about this product you know clearly it has a time and a place to be taken but not among frontline, providers is a fear about the adverse events that it can cause and, they're, not taking it they're not recommending, it to their patients okay let's move on one key question is whether people, who have had kovin 19 if you can get it again we've, learned that over a dozen sailors, on the USS Roosevelt tested, positive, after it, seemed that they had recovered so what is that latest research tell us about reinfection. Yeah. I mean immunity, is the big question right and you mentioned, the vaccine, and the issues working the vaccine create, protection, if it mounts you know a response the question is how much of a response, from, your immune system can you know getting protected, if you, have a deep infection likely, you'll get some level of immunity but, potentially, some of these sailors, that were infected early may have had sort of mild, infections, which didn't, allow their immune response, to really mount a true sort of immune protection and. That's really what we need to study the, other possibility. Is that they were false positives, or and, then maybe had some other viral a disease, for you know frankly potentially, the negative tests were just because of the virus at that point was just undetected. Detected. So there's, a wide range of reasons I'm but, clearly understanding. Immunity is so important. For us because a that, impacts our models, and how we think we're gonna see this fall wave coming, but, - it really impacts like what the, vaccine efficacy will really look like and. What about the long-term impacts. Of kovat 19o with, people who have recovered even if they had only minor, symptoms, will they potentially face health problems down the road right.

So I think so the vast majority of people have had mild symptoms they're gonna recover it have a full recovery just like you would have had any sort of minor cold right I think, the question, really becomes those who had more severe illness right, that we're in the hopper, wise and potentially. Had you know some. Issue around organ function, what long lasting issues that they're gonna experience I mean we often talk about cases, and deaths but we don't really talk about those sort of long-term sort, of impact. On sort of your life post infection, and that's a conversation that really needs to take place and clearly. Mental health is another component but for, the vast majority of us that have just, finding out that we were infected maybe through antibody, tests really, there's not gonna be any long-term consequences. Of that infection there. Seem to be some effective treatments, for patients with severe kovat 19 symptoms, like blood thinners from deseve ER and plasma, therapy do you think that kovat 19 is becoming a less dangerous disease, perhaps because of these treatment options yeah. I think really we shouldn't be cavalier, now clearly there's some good evidence around, the antivirals, you mentioned, blood. Thinners are sort of not necessarily clearly. Shown to be incredibly, effective I think, that you know we can't really, treat. This virus in any different way until, we get the vaccine so we, have to be you know really concerned especially for our vulnerable populations, people, with chronic illness are elderly, you know they still at the same risk and really, at the same risk of dying so we should really maintain. Our you know a high level, of concern, and, not really change what we're doing today and lastly. Do you have any indication, that the virus is mutating and, if so could it become any less or more dangerous, yeah. I mean that's, a great question and clearly, a virus is constant, and, that and that evolution, is really important for us to understand, how the virus travels, how it came from China where it moved around it within the US but, those small mutations, aren't really changing. So the outcomes, of the. Virus when. We get infected here now that doesn't mean that it can't change form. To become more transmissible, and you, know mortality, could shift but, so far the evidence really. Isn't in favor of any real mutation. Now these, prone to viruses do sort of have an evolution, so we're gonna keep real you know close watch on any changes, that we identify, but, for now you know still the evidence points, to it's the same virus you know that came out of China dr.. Brownstein thank you so much for your time we really appreciate, it thank.

You Very much and now to the potential promise for plasma, and the need for those, to donate, who have perhaps become. Close. To death our own Kaylee Hart song donated, her plasma, and then got the chance to meet the recipient, his family, and Kaylie surprised, him after, fighting for 33, days in the hospital. Kaylee. Is gonna join us in a moment but first here's the back story a feared, would, never come. Daniel. And his wife maritza, were both diagnosed, with kovat in late March but, Daniels condition, quickly worsened, the, doctors, told us my dad had 20% chance of living rushed, to Pomona Valley Hospital. He was immediately put, on a ventilator we. Knew that he would fight with everything, in him because, how much he loved us he has, been a very, well. Committed. Father he has always loved, us he, has always cared, for us feeling, like the hospital had exhausted every, option the. Family learned about an experimental, treatment for kovat 19 a recent. Study from the Mayo Clinic finding, transfusions. Of recovered, patients blood plasma into, sick patients, is safe, just. As the family prayed for a match I donated. Not, knowing, who my plasma would go to the. Golden, plasma. With. The help of the American Red Cross we were able to track my donation, right. To Daniel. You're. Coming home dad the, Macias, family inviting. Me to the surprise, of a lifetime and. Now we are the last car, in this parade. Oh. My. Goodness even God have defuse it this, is from my father. You, can use something that. Daniel. And I who have now both tested, negative for coronavirus. Embracing. With hospital, staff nearby. It. Was just right away the next day he started doing better and, three days later three days later we took the tube your breathing tube away you can breathe on your own only, three days later. And. Then, you know just you just kept doing better and better and better and here you are. Louise. How you gotten you that my dad needed a girl donor because you fit perfectly, good hashtag girl. This. Was a love that nobody, could, put a price on and. Yet, well forever ever, forever. Be, in our hearts so, thank, you thank you dearly for what you did I mean. Love you forever. And Caitlin. Jones us now what a wonderful, moment there, how quickly did they turn around your plasma so it was ready to be donated, to mister miss CEA's and what was treatment like for both of you. Well. With Daniel, a nice family piece, together the timeline over, the weekend it was truly, remarkable, it was just three days after I donated, that he received, my plasma his medical team telling me they saw an improvement in, his condition almost, immediately. Three days after receiving, my plasma he, was taken off a ventilator able, to breathe on his own for the first time, in over, two weeks it was a total of 33, days that Daniel spent in the hospital before heading home to his family and each, of these cases is different, Lindsey this story is only anecdotal but. I want to remind everyone something, I've said to you here it, doesn't hurt to donate, the process, was painless, for me it, was. Over in a little more than an hour and it's not really, much different than having blood drawn so, for anyone who's. Tested positive for the virus and thinks they may have these antibodies, you, can reach out to your Red Cross just like I did a painless, and potentially, life-saving and. Kaleigh how much of a demand is there right now for plasma, with antibodies. The. Demand is tremendous. Lindsay the Mayo Clinic tells us that little, more than 12,000. Patients have received, this convalescent.

Plasma But there is a waitlist, thousands. Of people long so, again for anyone who's, tested positive for the virus who has these valuable. Antibodies, I say, there, are people just, like the Macias family who are praying right now that. You will donate and even if you don't have those antibodies there is still a need for blood so, again reach out to your Red Cross your local blood bank and see, what you can do to help the, need is great and Kaylee thank you for. Your life-saving efforts, and, for that reporting, we appreciate it and when, we come back it is not hurricane. Season, just yet but tell that to Mother, Nature were tracking the first tropical storm of the year we're, learning new details about, last year's attack on a Florida Naval Base a significant. Ties to a terror group federal prosecutors, say they've discovered. Many are either for sports to come back up next we speak with a major league baseball player who recently lashed, out about the negotiations. Aimed at bringing athletes, back, on the field. The. Most powerful, stories of our time and, time, Nightline. Your. Mom said comb, your hair, your. Dad told you smart, not your. Dog is judging, you right now and, your, best friend just called you crazy we. All need someone who, pull no punches and, give, it to us straight now. Imagine. Getting your news like that no, bull no spin, just. Give it to me straight. Straightforward. News. Straight. To the heart of the story, ABC. News straight. Forward. Matrix. This. Right. Now how do you make sense of it all now afternoons, on ABC, one place with a good information Union, we are all in this together and we're going to get through this together pandemic, what you need to know afternoons, at 1:00 Eastern 12:00, central and Pacific on ABC, I also, have, been encouraging. Major sports, teams to plan reopening. Without. Fans. But. The. Games could, be televised, New York State will help those major sports franchises. To, do just that. Hockey. Basketball, baseball. Football, whoever. Can. Reopen we're, a ready willing and able partner. That. Was New York Governor Andrew Cuomo today calling on leagues to play ball this summer and some sports are already, back in action NASCAR, resumed this weekend without fans in the stands at Darlington Raceway in South Carolina and, across the Atlantic Germany. Soccer league was also, back in action and Major League Baseball is now in talks with players, on a plan approved, by owners for, a shortened 82-game, season, beginning in July without, fans in attendance to start Cincinnati. Reds pitcher Trevor Bauer spoke, out against some of the reported, financial details, of that plan calling it quote laughable, and Trevor, Bauer joins, us now Trevor thanks so much for joining us, thanks. Ron so. You raised objections to, the league proposing, a new 5050. Revenue split with players now just explain to our viewers what, that means and why you're opposed to it. Well. First I have to preface it by saying that the players in the union have not actually received an official financial. Proposal. Yet so, this is all just what's, been leaked to the media but. Basically what it is is back in March. We agreed to, take, a pro-rated, amount of, our salary that's, the agreement that we have currently. In place and when, baseball, players sign a contract it's not based on games played or the, number of days or anything like that you signed her per, season that's a lump sum for a season's, time. And now it's, being proposed is that. Owners, don't think that they're going to be able to make. As much money as, they're anticipating so now they're asking players to share in that burden, as. Well, but, when owners make a lot of money in a season players don't see, the benefits of that directly what, they're what they're basically proposing, is that they're going to privatize gains, and they're going to socialize, losses.

We Shouldn't you. Know we don't see the upside we shouldn't see the downside as, well one of your business is a risk and this, part of the risk and so, you've mentioned that the players already agreed to the deal in March to reduce salaries based on fewer games but I want to read to you from an AP, report, and it says that March deal is contingent, on playing in front of fans at regular, season ballparks, the agreement committed both sides to discuss in good faith the economic, feasibility of, playing games in the absence of spectators, or at, appropriate neutral, sites so according. To the AP the league says that they'll lose a 640. Thousand dollars for every game played without fans, which, could add up to billions over the course of a shortened season so so, don't the players need to negotiate based, on the economics, if there are no fans at parks and not on the March deal which assumed regular, play, yeah. So the March geo there's a couple different. Stipulations. That must be met in order for season to resume have that thing one of them player safety being another one of them there. Is a clause that says if, you, know those cannot. Be met that both sides agree to have a, good-faith, discussion, about the economic feasibility of playing without fans players, are being asked to take a lot more risk if the fans are not in the stands and clearly, there, are certain public health safety recommendations. That haven't been met yet there's a large safety, risk that's, being asked of players here to get back out there and play and you. Know it shouldn't be we shouldn't have to play for less for, that, given. We have an agreement in place already I also. Want you to take a listen to one of your fellow players Blake, Snell talking, about this recently, Oh for. Me to take. A pay cut is not happening because the risk is through the roof it's a shorter season less, fat like brothers. Yeah. Man I gotta know I got to get my money I'm not playing unless I get mine okay. And that's. Just the way it is for me so. Of course we understand, that the safety concerns that, that you mentioned. And also your teammate or colleague, as well but any worry, or concern at, all that players might who. Are making millions of dollars they may look tone-deaf. Or perhaps greedy too many Americans, who are struggling at this moment to make ends meet during this crisis. Sure. There's always going to be people that look at players and say that we're greedy or that look at owners and they're, greedy what. Happens is when when these details get leaked to the media. It's. Meant to position owners as look we're trying to get back on the field for the fans and the players are the ones that are holding back and at. Some point like a deal. Is a deal and, there's. A an industry, that makes a certain amount of money and you. Know we're the product on the field the. Fans come to watch not to play they don't go to watch the owners run a business or anything like that so we're, not asking for anything that's out of line here we're just asking to be compensated, fairly based on what is going on in the industry and we have a collective bargaining agreement, in, place that. Outlines what is fair are you still willing to negotiate or are you saying that you will not step, out on to that baseball, diamond unless. What, you agreed to in March is met, look. There's always room for negotiations. I think we should hear all negotiations, we're. Still waiting for a propulsive like I said it'll be he hasn't even made a proposal yet they've just been judging public. Sentiment all the players want to get out there and play we were missing baseball we want to get out there and play we're. Not getting paid right now so players, that aren't making you, know making, minimum. Leave. Has also outlined detailed safety protocols, that would be in effect to have a season what's your reaction to what they've proposed and and whether it properly addresses, the concerns, that you and other players have about the Cova trysts. There's. Good, things about it and things that we need to clear up there's gonna be some back-and-forth on it for sure but. That's, really where the, main focus should be is the health and safety of the people they're gonna be out there performing. On the field and once that's addressed and we understand what that looks like and that's kind of agreed upon then we can talk about the, rest of it and bottom line if you were a betting man do you do you think that we're gonna see baseball back this summer, yeah. Hundred percent trapper thank you so much for your time we really appreciate you talking with us tonight yeah.

Thanks. And still lots more to get to here on ABC News crime what did secretary Pompeo know about the investigation, into his actions. His response, from that firestorm. That erupted after State Department watchdog was, removed from his job and, the, rankings, are in as the pandemic reshapes, our economy, what are the biggest companies, on the fortune, 500, list but first our, tweet of the day, one comedian, paying his respects, to another. In. Times like these the news making events, happen, here, ABC, News is sitted Trump meeting face to face with one of the world's most brutal dictators kim jong oh the president. To trust him I do trust him yeah I think he trusts me and I trust him, Ivanka, Trump I have to ask you about your emails your father had, taken Hillary Clinton, to task for this there just. Is no, equivalent. Seeps through the idea of lock her up doesn't apply to you you know. Comey. How strange is it for you to sit here and compare. The president to a mob boss very strange Michelle, Obama what do you wish you could tell your pre White House self, who. Melania. Trump do you think there's still people there that you can't trust yes. Still, working out yes Michael. Cohen so he's still lying yes, it's. A big statement and, now, in a year with so much on the line we're right there good evening tonight from Washington a very busy news night America's, number, one news source ABC. News straight. Forward, another. Week in America a country facing, a new test now the one Airport almost no one here a lost flight out of Rome this is the nursing home just outside Seattle the billions of people. Around. Zero it is shut down. You. Can see the ship behind these the first time tests, have been done here morning, afternoon. Late. Night. 24/7. ABC. News there. For, you. Welcome. Back fortune, magazine has, now released its annual fortune. 500, list of the country's largest corporations, by revenue for the 2019, fiscal, year we, figured we'd take a look by the numbers for the eighth straight year Walmart, took the number one spot on the list with 524. Billion, dollars in revenue moving, up to number two Amazon. With 280, billion, giving the online retailer, its highest, ranking on the list ever Exxon. Mobil ranked number three but the oil and gas giant, could take a hit in next year's rankings, with global, oil prices, and fuel demand down significantly during. The pandemic and rounding. Out the top five Apple. And CBS. Health, 17. Companies actually, made their fortune 500, debut this year including, uber at number. 228. And, 37. Female CEOs, now lead fortune, 500, companies the most ever on the list with GM. CEO Mary, Barra the, top female CEO, while, small businesses, have certainly, been hit hard during the pandemic the, health of Fortune 500 companies is, critical, to the 29, million, people employed worldwide, by the largest businesses, which, according to fortune together, represented. Two-thirds. Of US GDP, last year and, we still have lots more to get into tonight the disturbing, discovery made, after federal prosecutors, finally access the, phone of a Saudi gunman, who attacked a Florida Naval Air Station. The. Class of 2020, speaks their senior, years have been severely. Altered but, later in the show we, hear from so many of them on the year that wasn't and how, they plan to own their. Future, but first here are some of the trending headlines, on ABC. News calm. What. You're seeing right now this is part of the eyewall, possession. Of migrants, goes back to miles there is going to be catastrophic, damage fire has made a run you can see those flames shooting, up into the sky we are on the jam-packed. Or red carpet. Watch, NBC, News on location, for Facebook watch what's. The most innovative, Daily, News podcast, out there to listen to every day well the Edward Armour awards say its start here The Daily News podcast, from ABC, News even, the New York Times calls us a top news podcast, worth listening to and so if you like getting behind the biggest news stories of the day inside, all the details the back story and what will happen next and listen it to start here The Daily News podcast, from ABC, News it's like no other news podcast, out there even, the critics agree, listen free on Apple podcasts.

Nature. Thank. You. The, majority, of states around the country starting. To reopen Florida. Is moving into another phase today, governor, Rhonda Santa's giving gems in South Florida the option to reopen so we want to keep building off that success and get. Florida back on track, Massachusetts. Becoming the 49th, state to start the process all but Connecticut, welcoming, back at least some of their businesses, it follows a weekend, of rampant, activity, for Americans, across the country I think people are being pretty respectful, crowds, flocking. To beaches on both coasts, restaurants. Like this one packed with people near, Orlando Florida. Seven people arrested after chaos, at a block party deputies, saying they were hit with glass bottles, and as the u.s. reopens, eight states still seeing an increase, in the number of new cases new, york city remains under stay at home measures even though parts of upstate aren't, lifting restrictions. Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city won't be ready until at least June and it won't be business as usual I want us to recognize we still have to fight back this disease it won't be forever but we have to fight it now, stock, markets soaring, today after American, biotech, company moderna, announced its experimental, cove at 19 vaccine, is producing. Antibodies and. Is proving to be generally, safe in the first phase of clinical trials, this weekend, Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell telling, 60 minutes don't, bet against the American economy, but, it won't bounce back overnight, this economy will recover it, may take a while it may take a period. Of time it could stretch through, the end of next year we, really don't know President. Trump firing the State Department inspector general, on Friday night this, is the fourth person in that role in the past six weeks the source tells ABC News that the Inspector General was investigating. Whether Secretary, of State Mike Pompeo, was, using a State Department employee to, do things like walk, his dog and pick, up his dry cleaning, Pompeyo has since confirmed to the Washington Post that he asked Trump to fire the IG but, insists, the firing, wasn't, out of retaliation, because, at the time he didn't, know of the reported investigation. A new. Mystery on the board of the USS, Theodore Roosevelt where. Thousands, of sailors had to go into quarantine after, growing a virus outbreak on the aircraft, carrier 13, sailors who showed no signs of the disease, tested, positive again. Despite, clearing all the protocols, to go back aboard including two, previous, negative tests. Welcome. Back another week another grim, milestone, more than 90,000. American, lives lost from kovat 19 until there's a vaccine for the corona virus determining, when and where it's safe to go appears to be somewhat, of a moving target but across the country as the death toll mounts we're seeing attempts, at trying, to return to normal, or whatever the new normal is our eva pilgrim, reports. Tonight. More than a hundred thirty thousand, auto workers, back on the job for, the first time in eight weeks, some, with, mixed, feelings. The. Big-three car makers, restarting. Production, life, is risk I think this is a minor one I'm willing to take it to put, food on the table workers. Now getting screened with temperature, checks. Wearing. Masks, gloves and protective eyewear, it, comes as many Americans, appear eager to get back to some semblance of normal, life over. The weekend beaches in Los Angeles packed, despite, orders barring, sunbathing, in New Jersey one, of the hardest hit States thousands. Crowding, boardwalks, and flocking, to the beach as well it's nice to soak up the Sun back on the beach this, morning defiance, outside. This new jersey gym. Determined. To open its doors despite. State, orders. Today. Massachusetts. Becoming the 49th, state to start to reopen, Connecticut. To follow on Wednesday, we cannot move forward unless, we commit to continuing to, slow the spread. But. Tonight concern. About the spread after scenes like this at bars and restaurants, even on hiking, trails too many people are without the mask in New York officers, waiting through the crowds with banners, showing, what six feet apart looks like tonight cases. Of the virus still. On the rise in ten states, Texas. Reopening, gyms two, days after marking its highest, one-day, increase, in cases hundreds.

Tied To meatpacking. Plants, when we increase testing in hot spots, the. Number of people testing positive is going, to spike then what we find is that usually, within a week or two the. Flare up is contained. Our, thanks, to Eva well we were getting new details about the terror attack on a Navy Air Station, in Florida from, late last year after finally, getting access, to the suspects, iPhone officials. Found a lot, of new evidence and a direct link to al-qaeda, ABC's, Pierrot Pierre Thomas has, those details. Today. The nation's top two law enforcement, officials claiming al-qaeda, was, behind, last December's, deadly attack on a military installation, in Pensacola, killing. Three US service members and wounding. Eight others they. Say muhammad saeed al sham rani a member, of the saudi royal air force was. Conferring with al-qaeda up until the night before the attack he, wasn't just coordinating, with them about planning, and tactics, he. Was helping the organization make, the most it could out, of his murders, Isis. May have dominated headlines recently, but. Authorities say the case is a chilling reminder of, al Qaeda remaining. Lethal, nearly 19, years after 9/11 al. Qaeda's, offshoots. Including. AQAP. Remain. Intent. On attacking us, wherever they can bar, and ray offered blistering, criticism of, Apple who they claim refused, to help unlock the shooters phones, it took FBI, computer experts, for, months, to open them, we, received, effectively. No help from, Apple. Our. Thanks to Pierre for that the first named storm of, hurricane season is. Now skirting, along the coast of North Carolina tonight. It comes after a weekend, of intense, storm systems which are now expected, to stall over the Midwest as they, head east our chief meteorologist. Has the forecast hey ginger. Lindsay. Can you believe it we started, early, again, I'm talking about Atlantic, hurricane, season and, yes that tropical storm is still moving at 50 mile-per-hour max sustained, gusts the name Arthur, but here's the great news it's moving away from. North Carolina and Virginia I think the only impact, you're going to see with this any longer would be rip currents do not go in the water if the beaches are open try, to stay away from it because that's gonna be the part that is dangerous the next 24, hours or so this thing's moving away it's dying out you can see the storm track there here's, what else I need you to know is that it will leave a little bit of moisture in the atmosphere and, pump up some more tropical, moisture that is gonna meet up with a different, system that you see pictured here and that's why we have flash flood watches and regular, flood watches all the way from Kentucky. Through Ohio into the state of Michigan, this system has already produced three to six inches of rain in parts of the Great Lakes inundated. Chicago, over the weekend, Milwaukee, Muskegon. Michigan and wasn't it happen here in the Futurecast you see Arthur pull away but, a little bit that moisture slips in right and it's gonna only add to what's happening with that low and that low gets stuck it, just stalls and that's why we've got issues and tonight we've got issues with tornadoes, we've already seen a tornado on the ground in Ohio a watch, up from Columbus, down through London Kentucky right, through central Kentucky I think that line will keep moving east and what, we'll end up seeing with it that's gonna be the toughest is three to five inches of rain so it's gonna squeeze all that out if you're in western North Carolina or Upstate. South Carolina some, of those higher elevations, if you get to three inches of rain within, an hour it happens fast you can have flash flooding fast as well Lindsey, thanks. So much for that ginger overseas, now to Greece, which is moving, full steam ahead with a ground breaking plan to reopen the country to tourists, slowly, people, in Greece already, anticipating. That people will want to vacation again sooner, than, later here's ABC's James Longman from Athens.

Hi. Everyone and welcome to another field good news out on the road once again this time in Athens. Greece and, take a look we're right outside the Parthenon, an extraordinary, thing, to behold the first time actually it's reopened, after weeks of lockdown and Greece's. Story is one of extraordinary. Success. Perhaps, I think it's fair to say against. The odds this is the country of something like 11 million people and they've had just around a hundred and sixty, or so deaths two, thousand eight hundred or so cases and not a single member of their. Health service died in the fight against coronavirus, it truly is something, to behold now of course this country is not out of the woods they're looking to reopen they want tourists, from around the world to come so you may be able to come to Greece very soon there. Is the possibility that tourists, provoke a second wave and so we've been looking at the, different ways in which they're going to make sure that that doesn't happen, putting, in different kinds of restrictions. But, for the moment Greece should offer the world hope that beating, coronavirus. At least in this first stage is possible. We. Were out about tonight, enjoying. The evening like many Athenians and we came across a musician, on her guitar we. Asked her to play a little song. Come. To Greece because the safe place to have your. Vacations. And, we. Need your, support so there might be a lot of work still to do for Greece but so far people here are very, proud of their country's response to coronavirus. Right, so back in the United Kingdom we managed to speak to a very special, 12, year old Cameron, Douglas Cameron. Caught the eye of Superintendent. Eliot Foskett, from Northamptonshire, Police Department during a Facebook live Q&A he, raised the question on how they could help him get something to his elderly, grandma, have, a listen to their story, in. The face spirits, before, it be a good idea to give it to my man that he's in a care home there's, a current. Case of coronavirus, in there so. We can't want her or any, of the nurses to catch it and we ran a special. Facebook. Live for. Our younger viewers our, children, and younger people we get a question, raised, from Cameron explaining, the situation that he'd made this PPE, really. Wanted to get, it to his his, grandmother's, care home down in Wiltshire we. Sent a car round at Cameron to pick up the PPE and it was all boxed up and all sealed ER and then, we relayed that down to our, county border Wiltshire, then took it onto the care home for us so really. Wasn't combined, effort a real team effort what I've heard is. That. She was really really happy, what. I've done might encourage people because, you. Could absolutely say that you're saving lives and have. Helped others and. Help. The society really, because, we're going through quite. A tough time right now and I'm. Sure people want to help as, much as they can, Cameron, really good to talk to you again and you. Know keep going at it my friend keep going it's brilliant you're. An absolute as my team have said so, many times you definitely are a legend really, really good thank. You so much though these offices and the people have donated I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, what an incredible, little boy and take a look at this creative.

Celebration. Like millions across the country. At car high, school in Carlisle. Pennsylvania had. To cancel prom, because, of Co vid 19 to, help the teens celebrate, their miss milestone, resident, Preston Griffin and a group of local businesses teamed up to create from. On wheels. But. A brilliant way to celebrate, prom, so that's all from us here in beautiful, Greece stay safe and be good to each other. Thank. You James and when we return a message from the brave class of 2020. Right. Now how do you make sense of it all now afternoons, on ABC one place with a good information you need we are all in this together and we're going to get through this together, pandemic what you need to know afternoons, at 1:00 Eastern 12:00, Central and Pacific on EBC Friday, nights and 9:00 8:00 central true-crime. A, cinematic. Real-life, drama is stunning, the unthinkable, follow, the clues the, hunt, true crime 2020. 20 minutes. Central on ABC, the. World may feel out of your control but your happiness doesn't have to be learn, the secrets to happiness listen, to the 10% happier, podcast, free, on Apple podcasts, ABC. News honored, winner of for Edward R Murrow awards, including, the most prestigious on her overall, excellence, in television, ABC News America's. Number one News choice. Good. Morning sunshine good, morning, sunshine. Merica. The. Morning. Me. ABC. Is America's. Number one news source strength. Newse straight. To the heart of the story ABCs. Straightforward. Even. Though they can't walk across the stage in many cases to receive their diplomas, at traditional ceremonies. There is still plenty to celebrate about the class of 2021. Outstanding. Graduate, is making, history Nicholas, Johnson is Princeton, University's, first black valedictorian. In the Ivy League schools. 274. Year history here's, what he had to say about his accomplishment. And how he hopes to inspire others. This. Achievement. Can. Serve as inspiration so, young black, students particularly those in STEM fields who perhaps, aspire to follow a similar path and I really hope that I can. Mentor, those students and that they can they. Can really feel compelled. To pursue their their passions, what, would be your advice for your fellow classmates. And graduates, I think, that it is very difficult very, difficult, to, remain, uplifted, during these very troubling, times it is a very unique, challenge. To be graduating, into a global pandemic influenza. Unprecedented. Event so, I hope that through my speech that I'll be delivering virtually. On May 31st that I'll be able to encourage my. Classmates, to really continue, to have the courage to to. Leverage. Their unique, skillset, and their unique experience, to do their part in building. A better, world in in the wake of kovat, 19 and I would encourage members. Of the, class of 2020 across all universities, across. High. Schools as well to adopt that same mindset our. Thanks. And congratulations to. Nicholas and now to attribute to the entire class of 2020, in, their own words, take a listen with. One's pomp. And. More, circumstance. I know, this journey didn't have the Cinderella ending, we were expecting, it to meet. The graduating. Class of 2020. Apart, yet, united, in their message well, I don't think any of us expected to, be where we are right now whether. It's on our couches in our, childhood rooms or where I personally, spent most of my granting, the, kitchen or maybe, in your case your. Living room with your parents, much closer, than, you ever expected, them to be on this day the sense of loss that we all understandably, feel right now will, hopefully be short-lived. Despite, dashed, expectations. We, remain resilient hopefuls. Are in this challenging, curve in our paths we, know that if there is no struggle there is, no progress. Deflated. But, not defeated, now we sit, here with an even greater potentially. Even scarier, chapter of our lives I discovered, for my most challenging time experiencing. Fear is to not live in it as I, stand here today nearly. Alone, in a sterilised, room I am. Filled, with emotion, it. Is hard for me to, remind myself to be proud of my accomplishments. When all. I want. To do is cry. But. As I look to the future I know, that, there is one lesson I will take from this experience that. Gives me hope, this. Has shown me that, you never know when, something is going to be your. Last some. Of you may have heard of a little show called the, office and I, think, Andy said it best with I wish.

There Was a way to know you, were in the good old days before, you actually left. Them so, next time I find myself in, a little moment like sharing. A pitcher of beer on the terrace with my friends, after the quarantine is lifted or, hugging. My grandparents. I'll know, that those little, moments, are actually. Big. Moments, a crash, course in resilience, in the midst of fear today, we, face the fear of battling, Kovach 19 not, finding the ideal job or having the opportunity, to create those monumental. Memories, that we expected, to experience, as graduating, seniors but if there ever were a time to be fearless, this. Is it. This. Is the challenge, of our generation. This. Is our time, it's. Our turn to care, for the sick find. The cure bring. Hope to others, we. Will become the essential, workers, the, artists, the inventors, the teachers. We, are the ones the world has been waiting for, although. The challenges, we face will be great know, that you are greater it is, important, to remember that it may be necessary to encounter defeat, you, must encounter it and confront, it head-on this, is not about the final, ceremony what, about the journey we took to get here and no. Disease pandemic. Sure Akane or even, failing grade can take that away from us perhaps all, that, we lost is a perfect, reminder, of all, that we have to, be grateful for and, everything. We have to be proud of because. Everything. That has been taken away from us this year and I. Know that, we have lost a, lot. Not take away from the fact that we've made it we've. Made. We. Did it congratulations. Fast meats good, luck now, go be great to, my peers do not lose sight of their goals if you have to get all that you have accomplished, class, of 2020. We, are, created. We are visionaries. We, are innovators. And we, will, be. The likely, to change this world for the better, congratulations. Class of 2020, congratulations. Class of 2014. You. Made it indeed, and congratulations. Before we go tonight the image of the day a glimpse, of what life could, look like in your local salon this, was a hair stylist wearing PPE in Milan Italy beginning, its process, of reopening and, so. Are we and that is our show for this hour be sure to stay tuned to ABC News live for more context. And analysis, of the day's top stories, I'm Lindsay Davis thanks so much for streaming with us and, have a good night.

2020-05-22 13:07

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