[국제커플] 터키 아내가 직접 담근 김치 팔아보기 ! | 터키 이케아 VLOG

[국제커플] 터키 아내가 직접 담근 김치 팔아보기 !  | 터키 이케아  VLOG

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Hello everyone Welcome to our channel I'm Myung I'm Hatice Today we're shooting a vlogto share the day with you Yes. We'll share the things we'll do today. Guys, we're going to show you something I'm extremely excited. Guys If you're questioning what we're going to do with them We have started a new business We'll present you the delicious Kimchi we make.

Right? 'Present' is better. Actually we didn't plan to sell them - Never - But - Suddenly - Yes. Look. We have visited a friend recently I brought the Kimchi we made, okay? Then this friend, of course, knows the real taste of Kimchi as she traveled, saw and lived in Korea for a while Also she orders Kimchi from another city continually Then we... Then she tasted the Kimchi I brought She said Hatice this is delicious and so I didn't think Myung told the truth this honest first hahah I mean he was saying that this is very close to the real taste But I really didn't think it was this close Then this friend said this Kimchi is closer to the real taste than the one she orders. The Kimchi.

I told her it's 90% similar. She didn't believe it. No, not disbelief but I don't know the real taste. I couldn't be sure if you said that to make me feel better about the taste I didn't think about what you were doing. Therefore we thought we could try doing it for a while. Maybe in next winter... We can do it in Winter These Kimchi ingridients are the most delicious in Korea during winter.

En büyük en tadı güzel olduğu için. 제일 크고 맛도 제일 좋거든요. So we'll put it into the box and do it like this. I'll put refrigerator bag inside and wrap it with them Then I ordered cardboard boxes Selling is really challenging. Hard, hard.

Really before getting into the business... We even bought this Yes ahaha precision scale. To weigh them all the same. We'll add more anyway but still. If you buy it, learn the real taste you won't regret it. - Right? - Yes.

Delicious. Kimchi soup, pancake Then rice. So many things you can make with it. And it's very very delicious. We'll tell you the recipe later Yes. The things you can make with Kimchi

- Video - Yes let's show it. Anyway, what I was gonna say is So many candy left from our wedding. So I kept them in order to gift them to you when we meet.

We thought we could give them as a gift to those who come to see us Then after this opportunity, I wanted to use them. We'll send them to you as a gift. Our wedding candy. Yes. Also we'll write some notes. I hope you like it. umarız lezzetini kokusunu tadını seversiniz. öyle. We hope you like the taste and smell.

Yes. We're going out now. There're things that we need at home. For example laundry box.

I saw an osier box at Ikea We're going to Ikea. Yes haha long story short Aa what does it mean? ... Shall we teleport? Teleport? Shall we? - Ok? - Ok But it gets the body so tired (?) Okay... Let not get it We need to walk hahah Then we're gonna jump guys 1, 2, 3! ha! It's wrong place.

Again 1, 2, 3! We're here! Finally! We went to wrong place. You confused the ways I guess Yes but it was for a short time Anyway guys we came to Ikea By the way, if we see things that we use, that we are satisfied with, 97 00:04:58,520 --> 00:05:03,360 and that you ask a lot, we will show you at Ikea. Now Yes we're getting the trolley now.

God, what if I bankrupt us? - What? - Us - Who? - I mean what if I spend too much money? aa... No no Guys. I think there is no one who doesn't buy candles from Ikea My favourite one is vanilla. So nice and also peach Peach, right? Yes. Nectarine peach

Smell ıaa So nice No one can take me out from here. 112 00:05:56,120 --> 00:05:57,960 It's our sofa Wow, the price has increased. - Did it? - Look. - Wow! - 1000TL increased. 1000TL Yes it did... We also bought beanbag set Guys I'm telling you understated Everyone who visits us says that this sofa is very comfortable, where did you get it from? and they can't get up haha 121 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:26,560 Right? I'll say it. Spend the money a little more

and buy the most comfortable one. For example, buy other furniture at a lower price, buy it of good quality. 125 00:06:37,600 --> 00:06:41,040 Absolutely. We recommend you that. By the way, you were asking a lot It's from Ikea, named "Kıvık". There are things to change diapers. Creams, diapers.. aa from now...

We're looking for it? hahah We're looking for the child room haha I mean baby room. we will make our little room for example in the future, 133 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:05,000 baby room when we have a baby, of course Not now. Don't get me wrong. It's just... We imagine it from time to time. I wonder how it will be. The best think about Ikea is everything is in the same place.

- It gives good ideas - Yeah it does. Changing place, chair, small nightstand, closet And I think something like this would fit in a small room. But later. Yeah, there is more time. Guys, another many many many many times asked question You know we have a small room, Myung's snuggery This is the bed or rather the sofa.

We bought it from this price. No bought it at 2k - 2000? - 600 TL increased... - It increased lot. - I can't believe it... We didn't buy these stuff they were for 500, 500, 1000 TL Yes it's separate. I remember 1000 lira for 2 mats. But we didn't buy it.

We bought it from another website. Better and thicker I think it is much more comfortable, this is the thicker bed if you buy it from the internet, not here. I think you will like it by looking at the dimensions. Guys if we move into a new house ahahhah Not suitable for our current house but this is my dream kitchen See Very clean. It looks very clean, spacious and natural. But yeah our kitchen is very narrow Not now but in the future Houses in Turkey are always like this. Kitchen and table are separate.

Yes we don't have this style of kitchen much. The ones that kitchen and living room are in the same place. they always keep the kitchen separate in terms of cleanliness and as food in kitchen is important I mean you can spill it or idk you can cause a stain Generally it's separate because of it Guys we're a bit hungry We wandered around a lot. Did we? hahahaa we're a bit hungry we wanderen around upstairs first. The things we need are already downstairs so let's eat upstairs and then go downstairs.

What are you going to buy? I'm trying to decide it. I'll get meatballs You? ... We bought one of it Shall I get salad? Really... Guys, we forgot to buy cutlery Myung went to get them Comes the master of my heart, look Thank you Wow it's very expensive hahahhah - Enjoy your meal - Enjoy your meal (Trying Sarma) (Trying meat Döner) Delicious My favourite This is the most famous, isn't it the most famous of Ikea? Meatball Let's dip intothe sauce By the way, this sauce is very easy to make. Myung does it. It was better before. I felt like it had gone bad.

Try it A bit sweet You didn't like it? hahhaa Yours is better Reaalllyyy? Let's make Sarma together later. Okay hahah Look how romantic he is. "Let's make Sarma together later." You didn't like it? Eat it with rice.

Doesn't meat taste well? But the rice is a bit... It's better with rice. - Anyway, this. - Rice without salt - This - Yes - Good - Same? I think it's different Good. Not bad.

Guys. Time really flies. How many months have passed since our wedding? ... 7 months? It's been like 7 months and we are here now Guys, time is really cruel What do you think about it? It's been 7 months since we got married. ... How is it to live with me? hıhıhıı.. Why did you laugh like that? Ugly. What how? Get married!! ahahahaha Yes that's it.

- Yes it's broken - I accidentally broke it. Okay, we're buying it. Let's leave it like this. This is also broken - Did I break it? - Yes. haha - I broke it as well - All blackpepper has gone. - Spilled - We threw them away all Guys they look so nice We have it in the snuggery room I bought it for 19 TL or sth like that.

Yes it's both cheap and looks nice. Yes I think young friends... I mean what I wanna say to the young friends To poor friends... ya....hahahaha no ahahah

No, because the thing is more appealing to young girls aa got it Guys I'm trying so hard - Why? - To not buy anything. - Don't buy, don't! - Whenever I showed something to Myung he was like No no come come. You comehaha he's always trying to get me to give up. And he really does. It seems to me that the price had been increased.. 255 00:14:31,840 --> 00:14:33,520 I don't know She thinks now whether this or that I think I'll get it on internet. hahhaha Why did we come here? But really, they don't have the one I want.

Do you also remember? There were better things. Yes. They don't have it now. I wanted to buy it I didn't want to buy it when I couldn't get the other one. My love, it was 500TL Yes it was. We were getting it We wanted this one but it's sold out.

We bought that But isn't it so nice? So Nice. Yes I'd recommend it but it's now... So expensive... Our carpet, kitchen rug Ktichen rug. It's nice I also recommend it. Yes this is our carpet of the living room Yeah it's ours They decorated this place.

da da da da da jingle bell jingle bell Kiss Pine tree Whaat? It's evening ahahha I'm going crazy. and what we got is 2 carafes, 1 carafe, 1 salt shaker. We got 2 but it's already evening. Hello everyone! our boxes are ready our cans are ready Now we will separate them all 500g, 500g We brought kimchi here and wanted to make it in a brighter place. Cans are ready. We cleaned them.

Boxes are also ready We'll put Kimchi inside the box like this. 500 gram Guys this kimchi is not yet complete. Let's see how much it weighs. oo exactly 500 Wow it's 500 Is this much water enough? Now we'll put them here Look It's about 550 gram ta-dam 303 00:17:56,040 --> 00:17:57,840 Good? Nikah şekerlerimizden böyle birer tane her kutunun içine 결혼식 사탕도 이렇게 상자 하나 하나 넣고요. I will place one of our wedding candies in each box as a souvenir.

After putting the notes tie tape here Guys, it's the final result. Böyle her tarafından bantlamaya çalıştım ne olur ne olmaz diye 이렇게 다 테이프로 막아놨구요. We did this to show you first.

Now we'll do the others. See you after we do them. Are they finished? Yes guys we're on our way right now We're going to the post office. I hope nothing goes wrong. because PTT did not accept. Yes we came back Yurtiçi post office. I hope nothing goes wrong.

I believe you You? I mean Yurtiçi. They're good company Really? We think so. I think they'll accept it. The receiver will pay. Yes, we have sent your cargo without any problems, guys.

Thank you very much for ordering Yes thank you so so much Maybe there will be those among you who want to order You can contact us via Instagram. Also I want to say this about the shipment Bizim sürekli yapacağımız bir iş olmadığından alıcı yani Since it is not a job for us to do all the time, we ship it with a counter payment, without making an agreement with the cargo. I wanted to let you know that. I'm so happy. I wonder if they'll like it. I'm very excited. We're going to the market and then we're thinking of making kimchi again.

Yes we'll make Kimchi again. Yes now with that money We can do things that can be done in Korea Yes now little by little of course, we don't make much money. But we plan to save up and spend them in Korea. Because We'll need it there. It's also hard right now.

It's so hard for us now Yes so hard. Dolar is very expensive. So, Won is also expensive. Also the plane tickets. Yeah they got very expensive. So, for money,

We want to show you everything, let you taste the foods. From Korea. For that, we need monet. So we wanted to find something that both you and we would like, benefit, try Then we thought about Kimchi. It's okay even if you don't buy - So thank you very much - Thank you very very much We consider it as a support. Yes it really is. ooo strawberry! How much is the date? Thank you. How are you?

Thank you Say hi hahaha Helloo -Your spouse commented on our video and texted us - Yeah? Yes this is my spouse and so Yes commented. Yes uh.. Thank you for the comments. Thank you everybody We met again.

I forgot your name - Myung - Miyo - Myung - Myung Grape 1 kg Okay bro How many Chinese lettuce should I bring, by the way? ee.... Is 12 ok? 12. How many were in the safe? Yes, if you come to Taşdelen to the market, please visit him. Right? You're pretty famous, everyone says so.

No no not that much Everybody says they're Youtubers. ahaha thank you aa look, Let's buy it here Okay yes Can I get 1kg of leek please? Wow carrots look good Yes very big Get the big one. Big and straight. We bought radishes, we bought carrots, we bought green onions.

My love, do you have it in Korea? No I saw it for the first time. Yes hahaha - Hello - Hello How are you? We're alright thank you - What's your name? - Yaren. We meet Yaren haahaha - Nice to meet you - Me too How are you these days? Alright. We came to the market, shopping for Kimchi

Can we take a photo? Of course. My love come here. - Thank you very much - you're welcome - Take care, see you later - See you We're going home now. Let's eat food when we get home Because we didn't have breakfast It's around 2-3 pm now We eat dinner sometimes 1 meal or 2 But I heard this If you don't eat often Like fasting, it's more healthy Like fasting.

Yes fasting is also healthy. We didn't have breakfast but - We'll eat lunch - Yes. We'll eat fruits tonight Then see you. So heavy! See you!

2021-11-09 02:24

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