《若你安好便是晴天 Sunshine of My Life》EP35 ENG SUB | 張翰、徐璐 | 時尚甜愛 | KUKAN Drama

《若你安好便是晴天 Sunshine of My Life》EP35 ENG SUB | 張翰、徐璐 | 時尚甜愛 | KUKAN Drama

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=Sunshine of My Life= =Episode 35= You scared me. Why did you suddenly come to see me at the hospital? I went to your house earlier. Your brother said you came to the hospital. What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well? Look, I'm so energetic. Do I look unwell? I came to visit a friend.

Visit a friend? Next time, can you let me know where you're going in advance? You're so controlling. I'm not controlling. I'm concerned about you. Okay.

Let's go. You seem to be doing live broadcasts in your channel quite often lately. You're busy with work, and you're doing live broadcasts for the channel. You just don't have time for your boyfriend.

No. I met a friend here. She's very sick. And I don't have time to visit her. So this is my way of being with her.

Who is it? Is it a guy or a girl? A girl. And you don't know her even if I tell you. It seems like you have many little secrets lately.

I don't have secrets. Look, you don't know her even if I tell you, right? You're willing to do the surgery? Yes, I am. Really? You've decided? If I have a chance to live again, why will I be scared of death? That's great. I knew my little princess would think things through. I'll make arrangements with the doctor now and let them schedule the surgery as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the trouble.

But this is the hospital's process. It's no trouble. We're the ones who trouble you a lot. After getting discharged and going home, what else should we pay attention to? Fang Qian's condition is okay now.

Just take the medicines on time, and don't upset her. (Fang Xiaoyu) Done. Okay. You can take Fang Qian home now. But remember, you must return after four days. Okay. Fang Qian will be having the surgery in half a month.

These ten days of preparations are very important. Also... What is it? Let Mr. Tang spend more time with Qianqian. If possible, let him visit her more often before the surgery. I can tell that he means a lot to Fang Qian. He can give Fang Qian a strong desire to survive during surgery.

Okay, I got it. Yang Guang, I'll go out for a while. I've already signed all the documents.

Help me send it to each department. I'll drive you. There's no need. Mingxuan. I don't want to sit in a wheelchair.

But it's hard to walk on this path. Can you do what you did when we were little? Okay. Be careful over here. Mingxuan, do you remember that we often came here to play when we were little? Of course I remember. Wasn't this our secret base when we were little? (Hurry.) (Qianqian.)

Qianqian. Be careful. Don't run.

Qianqian. Mingxuan, come and protect me. Don't worry, I'll protect you. ♪Time went by and we got to this moment♪ ♪The days are very ordinary♪ Xiaoyu, you're the older brother. You should humor me. ♪After getting home♪ ♪All that's left is loneliness♪ What are you thinking about? I was thinking about us playing here when we were little.

Back then, my brother always bullied me. But you always protected me. ♪Have one or two confidants♪ Mingxuan.

What has this place turned into now? ♪I'll still think of you♪ Nothing much has changed here since we were little. It's still the same. Did you ever come back here? ♪Hug me tightly, hug me tightly again♪ After we grew up, didn't we stop coming here? But this place has many of our beautiful memories. I have a little secret here. Little secret? There's a rock here.

♪Let me go, just let me go♪ Qianqian. Are you sure it's here? I... Let me think. ♪I face myself honestly♪ Forget it, Mingxuan. Because I can't see anyway. So I really don't know where it is.

I'll come and get it myself after the surgery. Then I'll tell you, okay? You've finally decided to do the surgery? Yes. It's scheduled after my birthday. I'm having a party on my birthday. Mingxuan, will you come? ♪Don't leave too many memories♪ ♪Take a deep breath and move forward♪ (Gucci) (Lu Zhu) Lu Zhu, help me choose a gift that girls would like.

Hurry. Is it for Mo Fei? What's the matter? Did you work hard last night? It's all because I had to choose a gift for your sister. Why did you choose a gift for her? My cousin sent me a WeChat message yesterday. He told me to choose a gift that girls would like. He even sent me the money directly.

Look. (Received 30,000.00) So much money. If it's not for your sister, who else can it be for? Nice, Brother-in-law is quite thoughtful.

No. Shouldn't he prepare the gift for his girlfriend himself? Now that's thoughtful. It seems strange for me to buy it. He's the company's general manager. He's so busy all day. How would he have the time to buy gifts?

That's what men use as an excuse. No matter how busy he is, he has time to go to the restroom. Online shopping is so developed now. He can order stuff with the time it takes to go to the restroom. How can he say that he doesn't have time? Your cousin is even too busy to eat.

What can he defecate? What's the matter? Mo Fan, I realized that you're really... talented. You think differently from others.

You're right. I've misunderstood my cousin. My cousin is very busy. He's super busy that he doesn't have time. What's the matter? I didn't say anything wrong. My goodness.

Nice. When you eat cake, you must start here. I want... Who starts from here? I want to start here. I always want to start here. Can't I do that? Sure.

Mingxuan, do you have time this weekend? What's the matter? You want to have a date with me? Last time, I mentioned to you that girl I met at the hospital. She's celebrating her birthday. So I want you to attend the party with me. How nice. Greet her for me.

Xiaoyu, I've already bought the gift you asked me to buy for Mo Fei. What's the matter? Doesn't it look nice? Mo Fei. Go ahead. No. Lu Zhu. Do what you have to do. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

He bought me a gift? I can't believe he bought me a gift. Your brother is here. Qianqian.

Guess what I brought you. What kind of food is it? All you think about is eating. The box is so big. Xiaoyu, you finally made a dress for me again? You're my sister indeed. Try it on. Xiaoyu.

Do I look nice? You look gorgeous. Really? Wait. I prepared a necklace for you too. Here.

Okay. The finishing touch. But I can't see it. And I must look very haggard. The new dress you made for me is wasted.

It's okay. I'll help you. Ms. Yang, open the door. Xiaoyu, who is it? Guess. Hi, Ms. Fang. Let me help you.

Do I really look nice, Xiaoyu? You look very nice. Let me check the decorations in the venue. Wait for me here. Okay. Alice.

You look beautiful today. This is your birthday gift. Happy birthday. Thank you, Mo Fei.

I'm so happy that you came today. Your brother is finally allowing you to get discharged from the hospital. At least you don't need to spend your birthday at the hospital.

That's because I agreed to do the surgery. That's why he allowed me to get discharged. Really? That's great. It's all thanks to you, Mo Fei. You were the one who gave me the courage. You must think that you yourself have become stronger.

And it's just a minor surgery. It will surely succeed. When you're all better, you can wear the most beautiful heels and tiptoe to find your prince.

Okay. Also, I must introduce you to my brother. Your brother? Okay. I'll consider him as another buddy.

But... But just a buddy. Okay. What's the matter? Ms. Fang, does your head hurt again? I'll get your medicine then. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I made you too excited.

It's fine, it's my problem. I laugh too easily. Girls who like to laugh like you are surely fortunate. This surgery will surely be very, very successful. Okay. I hope what you said comes true. Guess what I bought you.

I don't know. Happy birthday. How nice. Mingxuan, I've already bought the gift you asked me to buy for Mo Fei.

Mingxuan, you're here? What took you so long? Mo Fei. He's the one I told you about. (He's a few years older than me.)

You can say that we're childhood friends and we have similar social status. Do you know what Tang Mingxuan was doing when you were eating oden? He's still very nice to me now. He often comes to visit me and brings good food and fun things. (Baby, something came up. I can't spend time with you today. I'm sorry.) Qianqian.

Mo Fei? You all know each other? How did you meet Fang Qian? I should ask you that. She's Alice. I met her at the hospital. She's Fang Qian, Fang Xiaoyu's sister. So until when would you hide it from me? I didn't intend to hide it from you. You never mentioned anything about Fang Qian.

And you never told me why Fang Xiaoyu hated you. I always thought that I was the person closest to you. But today, I've realized that I'm the only one who doesn't know what everyone else knows. I thought about telling you. But I thought that I should find the most suitable time to slowly tell you about it. The most suitable time? How long have we been together? We go on dates, we work together.

Even if we don't see each other, we'd send WeChat messages and do video calls. Do you want to find a better reason? I'm not trying to find a reason. I thought of telling you about this matter clearly. But I never found a suitable opportunity. A suitable opportunity? I don't care what happened between you two at all. Even if you're childhood friends and you almost got married three years ago, I don't care.

But what I'm saying is that I hope you'd be the one to tell me about it instead of others. I understand how you feel. But I can honestly tell you that Fang Qian and I have been friends for so many years, and I just see her as a sister.

You know what? Actually, I've been working so hard to blend into your life, your circles. But in the end, I realized that I'm an outsider. What happened today is my fault. Stop crying. I apologize.

I don't need your apology. So Mo Fei is the friend you mentioned who has been encouraging you? What a small world. So Mo Fei is Mingxuan's girlfriend? -Yes. -No. Xiaoyu, if you want Qianqian to completely get over this, you must tell her the truth. Mingxuan has a girlfriend indeed. It's Mo Fei.

Mo Fei is a kind and cute girl. When I'm with her, even I feel happy. Let alone Mingxuan.

Qianqian. You don't need to feign cheerfulness. Xiaoyu. I'm not feigning cheerfulness. At least it's Mo Fei.

A girl who's healthier, prettier, and kinder than me. It's not a devastating defeat. But what about Tang Mingxuan? Tang Mingxuan doesn't deserve you at all. Xiaoyu, stop fighting with Mingxuan. After being with Mo Fei during this period of time, I've let down my guard a lot. I'm really happy when I'm with her.

Even I am so willing to be with her, let alone Mingxuan. That's Mo Fei's charm. But are you sure Mo Fei didn't know who you are? I don't understand. Mo Fei isn't only Mingxuan's girlfriend. She's the person he wants to be with even if he has to disobey his parents.

Even if he has to disobey his parents? In that case, there's something in common between Mo Fei and me. However, she's the one Mingxuan wants to be with no matter what. And I'm the one he doesn't want to be with no matter what.

Qianqian, you're too kind. Haven't you ever considered that perhaps she approached you to let you see how sweet she was with Mingxuan? She wanted you to know that she was different compared to you. That's impossible. That's definitely impossible. Mo Fei isn't that kind of person.

If she didn't know that you're Fang Xiaoyu's sister and she didn't know your relationship with Mingxuan, why did she approach you when there are so many people in the hospital? Why was she so concerned about you? That's not what happened. That's not the kind of person Mo Fei is! Xia Xueling. Do you think that Qianqian hasn't been hurt enough? Why are you trying to upset her? Besides, I don't think Mo Fei is that kind of person.

Xiaoyu, the four of us grew up together. Would I harm Qianqian? Besides, do you really know Mo Fei? You may know a person, but not her true nature. Can you guarantee that she has no ulterior motives? That's enough! Don't get my sister involved in our affairs, okay? Qianqian.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted. I'm just too worried about you. Xiaoyu. I'm tired.

I want to be alone. Please go. Okay. What's that? Let's stop watching. It's so scary. It's a nice movie. Don't be scared. I'm here.

Mo Fan, you're crazy. Lu Zhu. Are you mad? I was joking. That's enough.

Let's sit down and watch it, okay? Who makes such jokes? Fei. You... Why didn't you knock? I think your sister is crying.

Is she? Fei. (Tang Mingxuan) Mo Fei, why are you crying? Didn't you attend a friend's birthday party today? (Tang Mingxuan) Did someone bully you? I'll tell Mo Fan to deal with him. Right. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll beat him up badly.

(Slide to turn off) Do you know Fang Qian? I... So you also know her relationship with your cousin, right? She... Tell us.

She and I... This matter is very complicated. It's a long story. I won't tell you.

-Tell us. -Tell us. Mo Fei, tell me first. Why are you suddenly asking that? I saw her today. Mo Fei, I like it so much. Thank you. This is what we'll do. After you recover,

I'll make you a beautiful outfit and make you look gorgeous. Okay. However, I don't think there's anything I can give you. Well, just give me your smile. You must believe in yourself. Even if I can't visit you at the hospital often in the future, I'll still be with you.

That's what happened. Actually, I think the one to blame is my aunt. I see. If he had really married Fang Qian for some interests, that would have been irresponsible.

In that case, Brother-in-law doesn't seem to be at fault. Right. That's impossible.

How can it not be his fault? He's so wrong. Why is he so wrong? The first fault, he should have confessed his exceedingly sentimental history with Fang Qian. Exceedingly sentimental? This can't be considered as my cousin's love history. At most, it can only be considered as Fang Qian's one-sided love. Is that so? Second fault.

He shouldn't have left my sister behind on the day of their anniversary and went to the hospital to find Fang Qian. That was because she went blind. It was an emergency. Fine.

Third fault... The third fault is terrible. I can't believe he said that the gift for Fang Qian was for my sister. It made my sister rejoice too soon.

That's so out of line. That's unforgivable. Actually, we can't blame my cousin for that. He didn't say that the gift was for Mo Fei. I was the one who thought that it was for Mo Fei. Mo Fei.

I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding. You're not listing his faults. You're explaining things for him and putting in a good word. I know how you feel.

You should be mad a bit. But my cousin surely didn't intentionally hide it from you. You're his girlfriend. He just didn't want you to overthink. He wanted to protect you. So you all think that I am that fragile? And I'll break down that easily? I don't need to be protected.

If that's the case, I'll just be his buddy. Why should I be his girlfriend? Mo Fei, don't be mad anymore, okay? Forgive him, Mo Fei. Last question.

Go ahead. (What exactly is Fang Qian sick of?) The doctor said that she had a brain tumor. Now, the tumor is gradually growing. It's pressing on the optical nerve. That was why she went blind.

(WeChat, one notification) (Why did you turn off your phone? I can't contact you.) (I'll arrive at your home in 20 minutes. I'll explain everything to you.) 20 minutes? Why are all the things happening at the same time? Yang Guang, drive back to the office.

Okay, Mingxuan. Hello, Mingxuan. Hello, Dad. I just forwarded Mia's email to you.

What is it about? Collaboration framework agreement. Now, they're requiring us to make the Iridescent Clouds and Mist show go smoothly. Because it's written in the contract that our entire show must reach their standards and promotional results.

That's the only way they'll agree to the acquisition. That's great. We've already spent a lot of effort on this matter. Did they mention when the Collaboration Framework Agreement can be signed? They just sent me an email saying that I must return to the office within 30 minutes then sign and stamp it for them. All right. Okay, Dad.

You... What are you doing? Why is it you? Who else can it be? Is there no one else? Are you sure? Yes. (I must return to the office to handle urgent matters in France.)

(I think you need to calm down too. Contact me when you're not mad anymore) (and ready to hear my explanation. I'll be waiting to hear from you.) You'll contact me when I'm not mad anymore? You're not sincere at all in coming to apologize to me. It's just an excuse. Fei, what's the matter? You're so noisy. I'm going to bed.

(Tang Mingxuan) He can really maintain his composure. Mingxuan, you didn't sleep all night again, right? What are you looking at? No. Well... There's a mosquito. Hello, Xiaoman. Hello, Jiaxi.

Where are you? Are you busy lately? I've been working overtime, of course. We're getting closer to the product launch. It's so chaotic here. How is the progress on your side? For the clothing adjustments and fitting, we're just one step away from completion. Come to my house to see me right away. I'm working overtime now.

Can't we talk over the phone, or can you wait for me to get off work? Why are you still working overtime at a time like this? Come to my house now. I have something very important to tell you. Hurry. Hey.

What's the matter? You told me to come over so urgently. Come and sit down. This is your account number, right? Why do you have my account number? (ICBC 300,000 Yuan credited) Xiaoman, why did you give me so much money? I want you to do something.

It won't be worth this much no matter what it is. Of course it's about the design sketch. Weren't you able to find Mr. Fang at the hospital last time? You didn't resolve your problem with the designer? All my designer friends won't be able to help you complete the design sketch in such a short period of time. I can't take this money. I'll send it back to you. No.

I want Cheng Yang's design sketch. No. Xiaoman, you're crazy. You want me to steal the design sketch? I can't do that. If people find out, they'll surely fire me, and I might even get sued. Why are you worried about your job? If they find out, come to Haiyao. I'll make you the design director.

As for the lawsuit, if they really sue you, I'll also handle that for you. But... But what? It's precisely because you're overly cautious and indecisive and you wouldn't dare to risk everything that you're still an assistant now.

You can't gain anything without taking risks. Don't you know that? Besides, I told you already. I'll take care of it if something happens. Even so, it's not that easy to get the design sketch. In our meeting last week, they especially emphasized that all the designers must protect their design sketches well.

If it's that easy, how can it be worth so much money? Fortune favors the bold. Jiaxi. You're the only hope for me and Haiyao now. Failure isn't an option in this matter, understand? And I promise. When it's done,

you'll surely get more than what you do now. Okay? Then... I'll do my best. Jiaxi, I bought a bag a couple of days ago. I think it especially suits you. Come with me and take a look. Let's go.

Will it kill you to coax me a bit? ♪You suddenly appeared at 10:05♪ ♪In an instant, the sun became warm♪ ♪My heart kept fluttering and I blushed for many days♪ ♪You suddenly appeared at 10:05♪ ♪In an instant, the stars turned bright♪ ♪The tree leaves and cicadas start having a crush on each other♪ (Fudan University's official account) ♪But you suddenly went far away♪ ♪You turned without saying goodbye♪ ♪My world changed since then♪ ♪How can I miss you less♪ ♪Oh, I keep missing you♪ ♪Oh I think of you more each day♪ ♪I want you to suddenly appear again♪ Come in. Mingxuan. ♪There are no goodbyes, we'll be sweet daily♪ I've already prepared Mia's itinerary according to your instructions. Also, I've sent their plan to your email. By the way, Cheng Yang hasn't sent me their latest version of designs yet.

I'll ask him then. I'll follow up. Forget it. Look at you. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Okay.

By the way, Mingxuan, it's 4 a.m. Aren't you going home yet? This product launch is very important to our company. If you're sleepy, take a nap on the sofa for a while. Okay, I'll go and do that then. ♪My world changed since then♪ ♪How can I miss you less♪ ♪Oh, I keep missing you♪ ♪Oh I think of you more each day♪ ♪I want you to suddenly appear again♪ ♪There are no goodbyes, we'll be sweet daily♪ ♪Oh I think of you more each day♪ Why do you look so down? You won't even eat the sandwich you heated.

Let me ask you. When you and Duoduo have a fight, how does she deal with you? I can't tell you that. Why? That would be so embarrassing. But...

Do you want to deal with Mr. Tang? You know too much. ♪I think you are the tender month of April♪ ♪Your laughter lit up everywhere around you♪ ♪The breeze is light♪ ♪Mingling with the brightness of spring♪ ♪You're the mist on a dry day in April♪ ♪The dusk wind blows♪ ♪The stars unintentionally blink♪ ♪Light rain falls in front of the flowers♪ ♪The most gentle scene on the ground♪ ♪Like a water lily shying away from the cool breeze♪ ♪Time is silent like water♪ ♪If you're well, it's a fine day♪ ♪The most gentle scene on the ground♪ ♪If you're well, it's a fine day♪ ♪You're that light color after snow melts♪ ♪You're the full moon at night♪ ♪You're pureness♪ ♪The water moves the white lotus of your dreams♪ ♪You're the flowers over the trees♪ ♪You're a swallow twittering between the beams♪ ♪You're love, hope, warmth♪ ♪You are the tender month of April♪ ♪The most gentle scene on the ground♪ ♪Parting is such sweet sorrow♪ ♪Time is silent like water♪ ♪If you're well, it's a fine day♪

2021-04-06 01:25

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