[sub]4-2 방탄이 원하는건 무엇이든! 싹 다 들어주는 용볼대방출! | 출장 십오야X달려라 방탄

[sub]4-2 방탄이 원하는건 무엇이든! 싹 다 들어주는 용볼대방출!  | 출장 십오야X달려라 방탄

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(The Game Caterers) (with Run BTS) Now it's time to release the dragon balls at last. I get to see this... I get to see this with my eyes.

Our last session is always.. Releasing dragon balls. Therefore (Collect 7 dragon balls) Since there are 7 members in BTS. This time it will be an individual mission. So if you succeed a challenge, you will win a dragon ball.

If you collect 7 dragon balls We can make a wish? (We grant you any kind of wish) We will grant you a wish. Youngseok's pink hair. Or a Mohawk.

I'll dye my hair pink if you guys win. That's a great deal. I want to see that. I wanted to try that before I get older.

You're going to regret it. (If you collect 7 dragon balls) (Youngseok's pink hair) Usually on New Journey to the West If you fail - The show ends there. - It ends? The end. That's the end of the shoot. Aha. Nothing after the white letters appear as The end. Just blacks out.

It overs usually but. Today The 7 of you will each get a challenge. (With the dragon balls collected this way) (They will move on to the final challenge) Through a group mission If you succeed later. I think it's great. That's what will do.

If all 7 of you succeed in the individual missions, That will be the end. Each one of you will fairly get a single chance. Who would like to try first? You should step off on the right foot. - Jimin should start. - J.K, oh..?

(...Me?) Since he understands this format the best. - Yes. - Jimin. Jimin should start. (Everyone recommended Jimin in unison) (Saving dragon balls) (Jimin) I don't want to get heavily criticized from the beginning.

Why? - If I fail the mission.. - Jimin, please stand up. No, you'll live long. It's alright. What is the mission? I can't wait to hear it. What if it's total nonsense.. Oh. Huh? Aha.

What's that? Bunny bunny carrot carrot? What is that? There are so many different games in this world. Seriously. (Table appeared) I heard that Jimin is the Official all thumbs of BTS. I heard he always picks a losing ticket. Yeah, that's usual. He gets the most penalties on our show.

(Penalty) I still have to go hiking. (Penalty master) He's good at a lot of things too. We can change Jimin Into a lucky guy today. Jimin, let's break the jinx.

Murphy's law. Let's break it. Don't touch it for now. (Disclosing the mission) Number 1. Monthly fishing.

Number 2. Sword. Number 3. Rabbit. (Triple-crapshoot set) We'll move on to no.2 if you succeed no.1, And to no.3 if you succeed no.2. It's a long sword or a short sword.

Let's start with monthly fishing. If you fail monthly fishing, you won't get to try no.2 and 3. - Jimin, you got this. - Let's break the jinx here.

What should he draw from monthly fishing? Don't touch it for now. On New Journey to the West, if you touched it for that long You would have been given some form of penalty. You would have been given some form of penalty. Since it's an exhibition game, we'll just let you get away with it. (Everyone's fingers are safe) I'm learning this for the first time. You must have a different rule in this area.

It's not easy. You guys are harsh. Monthly fishing. What kind of magazine is it? Does anyone like fishing here? Jin. Jin and SUGA like it.

Actually, there are a lot of fish photos in the magazine. An illustrated guide. You'll see fish pictures on most of the pages. Even if there are so many fish pictures. When Jimin opens a random page And there's no fish picture or photo on it? (All thumbs = Fail) Wow that's... - That's not easy. - It's almost impossible.

Do I succeed if I find one fish? One or ten, the number doesn't matter. - You just have to find one. - He will find one. Challenge no.1. Let's start with monthly fishing.

Okay Jimin. Let's break the jinx today. All thumbs to golden hands. You know I usually watch this kind of magazines a lot? Usually there are a lot of pictures on the 1/3 point. He analyzed with big data.

Just open it wide on the spot. - Will you guys be alright? - Oh we're fine. - You're not going to criticize me, right? - No second chances. 1/3 point is. My hands are shaking.. Can you see my hands shaking? I'm ready.

It's over if the page only has articles. Okay I'm ready. (Jimin is ready to break his jinx) - One two three. - Let's go Jimin. (Opened monthly fishing) It's here. It's there? It's here.

Is that a squid? Is that a squid? That's not a fish. It's a bit ambiguous. But it's a life that lives in the sea. He can't survive on land. Time, time, time. (Came to see the squid)

You got a squid? (But) (Jin took a close look at the picture) Hey. No. This is a fish.

(The bait for the squid was a fish) Whoa. The bait, bait, bait. The bait is a fish. The bait. The bait is a fish. (Big twist) This one is a fish. Yes it is.

The bait identified as a fish. You succeeded the 1st step. Whoa, that was close. We passed it by a nose. He seriously must have all thumbs. How did you pick a squid from all those fishes.

If the bait for the squid wasn't a fish.. (Thanks, bait) 2nd step is a sword. You could get a sword or something embarrassing.

(Sigh) I'm sad already. I think I can see the future. Cheerfully. Draw it shouting take my sword. Okay. I trained Kumdo for 8 years.

Aha. Right, he learned Kumdo. I'll do it in a proper position. You should start with the pulling stance.

I'll start with the pulling stance. The line is, take my sword. (50% chance of winning) I got it. It's 1/2. - I got it. - You do? Which one is it? Koreans are Red Devils.

I made my choice. Did you choose? Then silently grab it And show us the proper position of someone who trained for 8 years. Proper position. You get ready like this. Is that the proper Kumdo stance? Take my..?

Take my Sword. (Succeeded) (This sword is an Excalibur to Jimin) Jimin. What's going on. Is this worth this much cheers? (Youngseok was also astonished) (He started clapping) (With blessings from many people) (He finished up neatly) That's cool. - You're almost there. It's the last step. - You're almost done, it's the last.

Rabbit. 1 of the 10 is a bomb. We pulled out the rest of it. You have a 50% chance. Pick a carrot of the 2. If the rabbit sits still after you pull it out No one can call Jimin all thumbs now.

You'll be born again as a lucky guy. Let's go Jimin. You're almost there. He will pass all the three steps. You made fun of me in the meantime. Jimin, show us that you don't have all thumbs. I'm not the old Jimin you know.

Jimin, show us a totally different side of you. I already thought about this in my head. You already have the feeling? It's the one in the front. Yes because the one in the back.. I can imagine a scene where I'll turn the rabbit And it will take off into the air. I'll pull out the one in the front.

Please shout one two three. - But it's random. - Let's shout it for him. (Last challenge to escape from being all thumbs) One two three. (Will he be able to) (Escape) (From being all thumbs?) (Hi) Two three. (Fail) Good job. (All thumbs..)

Good job. The end. (Jimin's dragon ball saving is over) He couldn't break the jinx. Please step back.

That was so close. I was almost done. But you overcome a lot. I know. I overcome a lot. Anyone can call me all thumbs. Second challenge.

Who wants to try after Jimin? - Jimin, why don't you pick. - Jimin, you pick. SUGA. - SUGA's challenge? - Yes. I'm quite easygoing.

SUGA, you're on the injured list. So SUGA's supposed to challenge as a pair. As a pair.

(Which member will join SUGA?) V, please come forward. V. (Saving dragon balls) (SUGA & V) (SUGA & V) (Unusual union) I'll explain the mission. V is very athletic.

V is also great at choreography. He's great at choreography and no.1 table tennis player in Korea, among us. Yes, of course. So we'll give you a simple mission.

(An item V never tried officially) Jegichagi, just 3 times. (Surprised) 3 times should be easy. 3 times is not easy. You can manage up to 2, but 3 is hard. - He can manage 3 times. - I'm sure he can manage 3 times.

He can manage 3 times. You can do 3 times, right? I guess you can do 3 times. Okay, I'll try it. At this point, I heard SUGA's nickname is Minstradamus. - I heard you're good at guessing. - Oh yes I am.

Aha. I think I know what the mission is. (SUGA's mission is 'predicting') If SUGA predicts I think V will kick 3 times He'll get to keep both dragon balls.

That's fresh and new. They even prepared shoes. He can do it then. We prepared a new pair of shoes on purpose.

- No practicing. - Okay. V. Can I trust you? No. You should trust him.

V is. Do whatever your heart tells you to do. SUGA, Write down your prediction for me. Interview him.

Ask him if you have any questions. How are your normal Jegichagi skills? I haven't tried this a lot before. Do you like soccer? I like soccer.

Not watching, playing. I like to play defense. (Soccer=kick, Jegi=kick) (But he's a defense player..?) If he kicks the first one properly then he can manage the second kick.

But the third kick won't be easy. Jegi is difficult.. (What will Minstradamus predict?) But you have to give me a.. number. I have to guess the number? (He'll succeed if he guesses the correct number of Jegis V kicked) Let's say 3. Exactly 3 kicks. No more, no less.

(V is image training) (He's kicking a Jegi, but his body wave is on track) (FYI, producer Na thought) (He'll kick two..) (feat.New Journey to the West) (What did SUGA think..) No practicing. (SUGA's prediction is delivered to Youngseok) I think he'll make it.

Use the blue one. The blue one? But it's a bit. (V prefers the silver one) No, it's better if it's more visible. White could reflect the light. Yes, yes, yes. (Scientific)

Try it. (Picked the blue one as recommended) Are you going to challenge? Challenge. Are you.. ready.. for it? Meditation. (Even controlling his mind) That he's wearing a hat is a bit..

like a frozen corpse. Tell me when you're ready. No catching. You can start after shouting challenge.

Okay, challenge. - You can do this. - I think he'll kick three times. - You can do it. - Just three times. (The Jegi was thrown) (Will V) (Be able to kick) (The Jegi for 3 times?) (How many did) (Minstradamus predict..?)

(Challenge) Okay. (Exactly 3) 3. You kicked 3 times..? - Success. - Okay. (As if he's dancing) (V succeeded his mission?) (But his face looks a bit...)

(Shaking eyes) (Wandering..?) How many did you write? I'm sure he wrote that it'll be a success. You didn't write one, did you? I told you to write 3. You didn't write one, did you? No way.

I wrote two. (Failed prediction) Fail. (A little bit sad) - 1 success for V. - Thank you.

So only V got one? Wow. Can I take a look? It's pretty. How do they make it like this? (Feeling good, for no reason) Why couldn't you trust me? Well, because we always failed missions like this. We underestimated them. They're good.

I think I kicked a Jegi... for the first time? If he really kicked one. He couldn't get anything, right? - But he got one. - You got one.

Who wants to go next? J.K. - Okay, I'll go. - Jung Kook. What is it's like doing a handstand for 3 minutes and stuff? Yikes. That's hard.

Aha? Oh? - What is that? - A table cloth? What's a chair..? Oh. No way. (White milk appeared) Did they take it from Dynamite lyrics. (Saving dragon balls) (Jung Kook) (feat. Dynamite) Jung Kook drank milk in Dynamite M/V And it swept the world.

(#JunJungKookmilk took over the trending hashtag on Twitter) You're going to re-act it here. But it won't be fun to just pour the milk. After doing 15 elephant spins You'll succeed if you fill the cup with milk in 10 seconds. I think Jung Kook will succeed.

Jung Kook will make it. Isn't it a very easy mission for you? Jung Kook, you have to show us a ballet turn. What's that? Important matter is that you must fully bend down.

- Like this? - That's it. Jung Kook will make it. But watching other people do it People couldn't walk properly after doing 15 spins. But Jung Kook will make it. Jung Kook will make it. I trust Jung Kook.

Trust my cochlea. Think carefully. Jung Kook, you got 10 seconds. You can slow down. I won't get enough footage because I'll succeed right away. You won't get enough footage since you'll succeed right away.

He won't get enough footage since he'll succeed right away. I'll try it. Jung Kook, in my opinion. This is an advice.

You can rest for about 5 seconds after taking 10 spins. You can pour that within 5 seconds. - Okay. - Take a short break. You just need to fill the cup within 10 seconds. You can rest for about 1, 2 seconds. Don't hurry.

It's 15 spins. Jung Kook. Youngseok has to dye his hair pink. Youngseok has to dye his hair pink. (Actually fazed) (Changing the rule) If you fill the cup within 5 seconds..

Oh, no, no. Jung Kook will be able to fill it within 5 seconds. No, 5 seconds is too short. Jin, he just needs to pour the milk. What about 7 seconds, since we have 7 members? 7 seconds? He knows how to deal. (Leader and a Negotiator) Since there's 7 dragon balls.

Why am I getting nervous? - I'll start. - 7 seconds. Which way should I turn? Whichever side you want. - Are you ready? - Yes.

Let's go. Start. (Now, we'll show a real-time full version to prevent any misunderstandings) Oh I'm dizzy.

- 15 spins? - Quickly. Calm down. (Counting 7 seconds) It's too easy. How does he balance like that? (Success) (Stably ran towards the cup) (Made this happen) (Clean success) How does he balance like that? (I know) Wow, how.. (Lost words) He can do 5 seconds. You should go and point that thing later.

- You're amazing. - You're so good. This is actually... not easy although it looks easy. It's not easy at all. Yeah, I'd be on the ground if it was me. I'm back.

Jung Kook. Though you say you're okay Your iris is wobbling. (His eyes were a bit wobbling at least) I'm back, I'm back. He succeeded this too easily. No one succeeded this before.

Oh really? No doubt about him. He's athletic. Jung Kook, you're amazing. (Slurp...)

Hah, it shouldn't work this way.. It's turning into a whole different scenario. (They are serious about the mission) We're serious about the mission. You guys work hard on the games. We earned two. We can manage this.

Here's the two-star dragon ball. (Rolling) It's pretty. It looks delicious. Like an orange jelly..

(No it's dirty, don't eat it) Next contestant, please come forward. Jin, do you want to go? Jin, let's get it. (Jin's turn) Actually, it'll be more fun to make Youngseok change his hair color, than us being funny here. Right.

Jin needs a partner. Jin, if there's a member You think you can trust your back Please call that trustable member. Kangaroo, come here. Kangaroo, great. Back? Jung Kook, kangaroo pose. (Kangaroo appeared) Kangaroo.

(Kangaroo is running) (He's good) Why is he a kangaroo? His muscles. Jung Kook, show them the kangaroo. (Turning into a kangaroo right away) (Attack) (Wild kangaroo fight) This is funny. It's simple. (Saving dragon balls) (Jin) Jin is one of the two wings of BTS. So we prepared something you can express with your body for Jin.

It's simple. Jin will express 3 TV series titles With his body And Jung Kook should guess it. Oh, Jung Kook will guess the title? Jung Kook can't. (Reason why the guys reacted like this...) (When all the members were reacting to SKY Castle) (Jung Kook had no idea) Why don't I know this? (Doesn't know about TV series) Back... Why did you trust your back..?

It required someone to trust my eyes. I misunderstood. Well, I'll try my best. You need knowledge about TV series.

Jung Kook, did you watch some TV series? No. I don't know a lot of TV series as well... how can I explain this? As it is. Just be simple. Make it simple. Just put the words together.

How much time do we have? You have to guess 3 titles in 1 minute. Do your best, Jin. 3 titles in 1 minute. Tell me when you're ready. I'm ready. - I'm not ready. - He's not ready.

- You know how it works, right? - Okay. All set. Are you ready? Start. (It's Okay to Not Be Okay) He's good? (Intuitive explanation) Huh? (It's Okay) (To Not Be Okay) It's Okay to Be a Psycho? (Similar meaning..) No, wrong answer.

(Trying his best to explain it) (Psycho) Eye? Nose? Hole? He's doing great. I don't know about TV series. Pass.

(High Kick) This one's easy. What is that? (Roof) (High kick) Kick? No. Maybe it's a mountain.

Mo..mountain? Hey this is... House. - High Kick. - That's it.

Hurry hurry hurry. (Next question) (Trying guessing with them) He's good. Tell me you love me.

Love..? Beg..begging? Please. (No) Beg.

Love.. I beg you? (Oh man) He's very good at explaining. He's doing really great.

(Desperate expressions) You might not know this. I'm Sorry, I Love You. - Correct. - Next.

(Love on a Jujube Tree) (Evil questions like this) Pass. (Rustic Period) You have 5 seconds. 5. (This question is) (Onomatopoeia) You know this. Jung Kook knows this TV series (Can't explain better than this) (Still can have no idea) (Time's up) Rustic Period. 4 dollar, 4 dollar. - ..What's that? - Rustic Period.

4 dollar, 4 dollar. (Belatedly enlightened) - You should've done this. - 4 dollar, 4 dollar. So I did this. - You did? - I did this later. Too bad. First one was It's Okay to Not Be Okay.

Aha. Psycho. Psycho. You did a great job. Oh, psycho. You really did a great job.

It's Okay to Be a Psycho? It's Okay to Be Mad. I discovered a new talent there. Too bad. (It's Okay to Not Be Okay) (High Kick) (I'm Sorry, I Love You) He's good.

Tell me you love me. (Rustic Period) 4 dollar. I would've guessed it. I watched most of them..

- It's such a bummer. - Rustic Period. You guessed two questions unfortunately, So it's a fail. You knew how to kick some high kicks there. Your feet went up high smoothly. I got a black belt in Taekwondo. You're results are not good at the moment.

We were going to give you gifts And dye my hair. - I know, we're in trouble. - Who else didn't go yet? - Me. - You and me.

Next contestant, please come forward. I'll go. (Saving dragon balls) (RM) I heard that RM Speaks very logically. - Yes. - That's what I heard.

I heard you're well-informed And you act as the brain. (The mission sounds like it's not going to be simple) It's a simple mission. If you explain a Korean folk tale To our viewers within a minute Gosh I don't remember any folk tales. Then you'll succeed. Wow, this is really fresh.

(Thanks for the co..compliment) For example, If it's Simcheongjeon. The father is Sim-Bongsa.. Had to offer 300 seoks of rice..

She goes to the palace of sea kings, right? Isn't that in Byeoljubujeon? No? But she goes to a sea palace. She marries the prince in the sea palace. Wow, I'm in trouble.

RM, it's okay. You got this. Alright. (Mission: Summarize a Korean folk tale) (Explain it in 1 minute) You have a 1 minute time limit. Within a minute You have to start with once upon a time Lived happily ever after And finish with that. You just have to slow yourself down a bit. You just need to relax. Like you're watching TV.

OK, let's do it. Are you ready? I'm ready. The tale that RM will explain to our viewers with his sweet voice is Kongjwi and Patjwi. There. His face is getting darker. Start with once upon a time. Start.

Once upon a time. Kongjwi and Patjwi lived in.. a thatched house. Mmm, and..

Kongjwi was called Kongjwi because she liked beans And Patjwi was called Patjwi because she liked red beans. (Kongjwi and Patjwi starts with checking their preference) As one sows, so shall he reap. Kongjwi sowed beans And Patjwi sowed red beans. (Sudden.ly became a farm series) Kongjwi reaped beans from where she sowed beans But from where red beans were sowed, a block of fermented soybeans..

(Scientific story about fermentation) So they realized that they reap fermented soybeans from read beans. Many people got to believe in this. The stepmother came along. She used to hate Patjwi in the past..

But she discovered a business potential from the fermented soybeans. (Stepmother used to be an entrepreneur) She thought she could start a soybean paste business with this. So she started a soybean paste factory With Patjwi.

Meanwhile, Kongjwi was making tofu Out of the beans she sowed. At last, with the fermented soybeans and soybean paste Patjwi made And tofu made by Kongjwi They opened a soybean paste stew restaurant And lived happily ever after. (Happy ending) That's amazing. (Heartwarming story) But that was a fun story. It ended with soybean paste stew.

It's this kind of story, right? It felt like that story really exists. What do you mean, he said the original story. I see, you're right. So they hit the jackpot with soybean paste stew. Haven't you heard? Kongjwi and Patjwi's soybean paste stew restaurant chain. Oh the competitor of Nolbu Budaejjigae? It has a long history. Since it started from the Joseon Dynasty.

Isn't it that kind of story? I was so surprised. I was really surprised. I have to tell you that you failed with an excellent result. You created a whole different story But since the story was so fun We'll give it up for RM. We'll give it up for you.

That was ruthless. Whoa, that was amazing. Let's write a storybook with that story. What was the story about originally? It's about that broken jar.. And she has some helpers.

Was it a swallow? No, it was a toad. A toad blocked the hole in the jar. I think there's a swallow in the story. Isn't there a swallow in the story?

What's that story about the swallow bringing a gourd seed? Heungbu and Nolbu. But their names are so similar. Heungbu and Nolbu. Kongjwi and Patjwi. They're very different. But it rhymes. - You did a good job. - I did my best.

I think we really can write a modern edition of that story. I should watch this show. - Weren't you going to? - Huh? - You weren't going to watch this? - I made a reservation.

(The Game CaterersXRun BTS ep. 4-3 is available right away) (Post-credit scene) Once upon a time. Kongjwi and Patjwi lived in.. a thatched house. Mmm, and.. Kongjwi was called Kongjwi because she liked beans And Patjwi was called Patjwi because she liked red beans.

As one sows, so shall he reap. Kongjwi sowed beans And Patjwi sowed red beans. Kongjwi reaped beans from where she sowed beans But from where red beans were sowed, a block of fermented soybeans.. So they realized that they reap fermented soybeans from read beans. Many people got to believe in this.

The stepmother came along. She used to hate Patjwi in the past.. But she discovered a business potential from the fermented soybeans. She thought she could start a soybean paste business with this. So she started a soybean paste factory with Patjwi. Meanwhile, Kongjwi was making tofu Out of the beans she sowed.

At last, with the fermented soybeans and soybean paste Patjwi made And tofu made by Kongjwi, They opened a soybean paste stew restaurant and lived happily ever after. That's amazing. (The Game Caterers) (Every Friday, Around 10:20PM)

2021-05-17 14:41

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