[NEW] The First 48 Full Episodes "Dangerous Business" (August 25, 2021) The First 48 2021

[NEW] The First 48 Full Episodes

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minneapolis minnesota 9 p.m a quiet evening in june dispatch receives a call from the north side [Music] [Music] he dies [Music] playlist songs on there that i think emily dunphy is before joining the homicide team two years ago she spent three years in gang intelligence everybody goes under this job because they want help you don't do it for the money you don't do it because you think people are gonna thank you because they don't you do it because you think you're meant to do it [Music] we've got an adult male uh 19 years old he's laying in the street here [Music] 19 year old tyrone lyles worked retail at a nearby shopping mall and dreamed of a career in fashion he lived in the suburb of ridgefield with his mother his address was 7700 block of 10th avenue south richfield he's got a lot of cash laying next to him and a little bag of weed with some pills in it so i'm just guessing that it's you know drug related or something [Music] dunphy's partner sergeant jane moore arrives at the scene [Music] tyrone was shot point blank in the chest the team will process tyron's cell phone for leads one antonio got it [Music] a witness says tyrone approached a car parked nearby moments later he saw tyrone get into the car [Music] did you see a place [Music] [Music] [Music] surveillance cameras at a nearby high school may have recorded the those cameras murderer there is showing this corner right here from like from here to that tree and then the same thing over there from there there showing some stuff like 15-20 minutes that we just recorded that thank you so much the video just shows the stream it might not be anything but you have to capture before [Music] so far what we have is the victim was walking down the street saw a silver car walk straight over the car like they know each other that's what we have and now we're gonna go solve it [Music] feet oh he is not kidding that is blurry here there he is but there's two people is he walking that close to him yeah said he was right behind him he did say he was ten feet behind him so by the time he heads here and the time does that look like a beautiful saber deal [Music] it's gonna come this way just for driving through for info on tyrone he's so young very very young kind of just a reminder of the fact that this very young person was murdered i will look at him for as long as we have to win the case [Music] [Music] depression we asked her why i was up there and she said that um he's probably selling drugs um he seems to have had a couple of run-ins in the last couple of weeks with people he had been robbed a couple of times he had [Music] from the family that he had a friend in the neighborhood um that lived just a block away [Music] i found my cord that hooks in here for my music thank you you know i don't have a playlist for driving i prefer to listen to the radio i sometimes even turn on that radio oh for pity's she's also a member of the fun police hi i'm from the police department how long have you known time for some years to work like four or five years the victim's friend known as juju says tyrone came by just before the shooting he came over yesterday [Music] because he was getting a [Music] and do you remember what he said [Music] [Music] according to juju the caller wanted to buy xanax from tyrone we've been going for over an hour you know i'm concerned seriously have you ever seen time with a gun [Music] did you get the impression that he knew these people i thought he did but he said he didn't know them like that he was like okay cool because they aj people who's aj if you um here find out which aj's real name is will you call me that would be great thank you so much for your help we appreciate it yeah call us if you need anything we're gonna [Music] we have the victim's phone i'm gonna get the last phone call and then i'm gonna run it in all my systems and it's gonna tell me exactly what number that's how i see it going whether it goes or not i don't know i don't know [Music] oh it's really broken the evidence tech attempts to boot up the phone you're all good oh the last person to contact tyrone called from an unnamed number with an out-of-state area code there's three phone calls you ready okay at 8 30. for 53 seconds 8 42 for 45 seconds and 8 48 for a minute the calls from the out-of-state number stopped right before is texting him through this number in texts from the out-of-state number the center identifies himself as aj what's up this aj you got drank i got bars bro out a drink okay i want all of them oh nope here's aj aj is 612. but he was using this maybe that local contact in his phone will come back to somebody aj the aging that [Music] the next morning the aj is brought in for questioning detectives need to know if he was there when tyrone was killed [Music] everything that we've learned since wednesday has brought us to this point and right now it's falling all on you [Music] aj says he texted tyron several hours before the shooting looking to buy aj says at the time of the homicide he was putting his kids to bed and spent the night with his girlfriend who somebody is saying that they're you and convincing him to come somewhere based on the fact that they're you with you know you friends with you we're not trying to trick you people think we're always deceiving them and we're not always deceiving them detectives decide to confront aj with the text messages sent from the out-of-state number this was received at 7 28 the 90 died what's up this aj you got drank here's where i need you to help me somebody said it was aj [Music] so where should i go look for the killer who obviously knows you i i really don't know this kid did not deserve this [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why we're working aj was inconsolable his emotions about our victim tyrone were very real i've been doing this for a really long time and you can tell when someone is telling the truth and when they're not as far as we could tell you didn't know who killed ty and didn't have any anything to do with it whatsoever as the first 48 winds down dunphy gets the cell records for the out-of-state number there's an outgoing call for just under two minutes to the victim okay that's the last call the victim took wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute and 2106 minutes later juju calls just minutes after tyrone was shot his friend juju called the same number that had reached out to tyrone [Music] and after tyrone's death dunphy gives juju a call he we need to talk to you again can you come down here we've gotten a little bit harder and so now we have a couple more pictures and a couple more things that we know and we're kind of trying to narrow down his timeline like the day before and so we wanted to ask you about that too well i mean whenever you can thank you he is being invasive he doesn't want to come he asks me why i want him to come down so i told him the truth um and just said but i want to talk to him a lot of things show him a couple pictures he is on probation so that's where we'll go next if he doesn't want to come down we'll go get him okay dunphy looks up juju's facebook page and browses to his friends profiles [Music] she finds a lead there's a picture of a car so we put it together vehicle zero four it's a buick saber what kind of cartoon now i am one of the men in the photo was arrested the night after the killing for possession of two handguns and 12 bars of xanax someone else was with him dunphy then reviews the second man's records there it is the second man's cell number is the out-of-state number used to set up the deal with tyrone [Music] and hopefully we'll hold all of it for the dna and possibly our victims our victim's dna could be in the bags can be on the base there's all kinds of things that can happen dunphy checks to see if the men are still in police custody the report says that both men live in st paul it's a little vulnerable i mean you know the guy was dealing in a dangerous business and it finally cut out [Music] in the first 48 minneapolis homicide responded to the shooting death of 19 year old tyrone lyles learned that tyrone may have spoken to his killer moments before he was shot discovered that the victim's friend jamal juju harris may have set him up and identified two men who may have been with the victim just before his death [Music] three days in the team heads to the last known address of the two men hoping they can help in the investigation the fact is [Music] come here neither of the men are there they were just in custody 24 hours ago you know you just feel like you're one step behind them it's frustrating hoping to get more information about the night tyrone died the police continue to search for the two men who might have been with him back at headquarters dunphy and moore bring juju in to see if he'll come clean i am the problem that we're having here is we have a lot of discrepancies from the first time we talk to you to know here's where we have some trouble over the course of the month sergeant emily dunphy points out that juju called the out-of-state cell number nearly 90 times in one month there were 27 calls between 6 pm and 9 pm what did you talk about [Music] okay this is good if you set up a robbery no no listen to what i'm saying to you if you hope tim set up the robbery you can get in front of that only now because [Music] even if it was a robbery this is the only time you get to tell me that because you always think you're gonna crack them and sometimes you don't even though we forget to tell us what happens we have enough to charge them jamel juju harris is placed under arrest and charged with aiding an offender to avoid arrest month into the investigation the team gets dna results on the guns confiscated from the men who were arrested the night after tyrone's death it's probably the best report i have had in a very very long time the victim's blood was found on the barrel of the gun um [Music] and the violent crimes apprehension team continue their search [Music] one of the two men is apprehended in saint paul we're ready i'm ready now okay well we want to talk to you about the case from june right now you have a warrant for murder if you tell us the truth we believe that that's going to help you [Music] you're here for a [Music] because he's gonna have to tell us to save himself he's not buying your son either no i don't see him no no really the only two people that are willing to sit here and talk to you and spend the time that we think we need to spend with you because this is so hard is doing and checking in with you at all i didn't think so you cannot go wrong doing the right thing and all that heavy stuff in your heart it's gonna it's gonna lighten up it will i promise i promise it'll lighten up [Music] sometimes it's hard to start talking about it and we think that the easiest thing to do is just go back to that [Music] he says he and the man with the out-of-state cell number drove to north minneapolis to buy xanax from the victim tyrone where were he says the other man was sitting in the front from that center so he got into the [Music] he claims that tyrone wanted more money than originally agreed upon [Music] he claims tyrone pulled a pistol as they gathered their money [Music] anybody threaten anybody what happened next [Music] say and he described to me how he was getting out of the car [Music] what did you guys do with the guns he says both guns were confiscated when they got arrested the next night [Music] give it up hey holy crap okay i got shot in the car and i didn't shoot him it's entirely possible that tyrone was tired of getting wrapped and i think he did have a gun on him to defend himself he put a lot of things together for us [Music] five weeks later u.s marshals apprehend the alleged shooter in his home state mature okay coffee hmm it's very true [Music] we feel that you probably have some things that you want to talk to us about you want to talk to us about it okay the only downside for him i'm not talking to us is that in order to do a self-defense case you either have to give us a statement or you have to take the stand [Music] tyrone had bigger dreams he could have been something else and maybe his judge of character was bad um but he didn't deserve this well here's me and ty ty is about a year old this was taken by my sister claire that's a day or two after he came home from the hospital and here is a self-portrait his artistic thing wasn't necessarily pictorial but he expressed it in his clothing i have a video that ty made for class [Music] [Music] [Music] um yeah so that's it thank you guys [Music] you

2021-08-27 12:14

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