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New icons, who have never seen the day of light, infographs. Have now been implemented. Also, Prime icon, moments, have, been leaked, and they are coming up soon so today we're trying to get as many icons, as we can in one, foot dropped and set, the world record also, guys quickly please, click the subscribe button it, would mean the world to me as soon as we hit 700, K as, suggested, by you I will just got my first time in a team idiot Allison so if you want to see me suffer kids, subscribe button or mears wanna help me out and see me hit my dream of several educate and, kids subscribe often beget. New. Icons, new, informs, in draft today. 5 2 2 1 don't mind if I do new, icon, whoa. We, got one don't, mind if I do 91, rated, Michael. Owen, the eggs Ballon d'Or winner himself. For hopefully, the, first of many icons. Okay I'm gonna go left wing next, can, we have a good player oh, we've. Got the second, new icon, John, Barnes, these players have never, great foot job before but you know he's getting them me, yes, I do know I took an 89 over 94, but it's a new icon new links up to everyone, there a or me, ok can we finish it with three icons in the free picks maybe, no. We, will take it night you folio no messy nothing, to be too upset at that's, a good start, now surprisingly, I'm gonna, go defenders, see, if we can get any big ways of Defense where, Goldman garlic's we're going Liga, Santander. Bender number two it is, oh my, god we've, got 30 minutes in one order I've, never seen that before I'm sorry, delay I know you're incredible, first time you'll probably not ever being picked on a board ups or a team in the air but we've, got Van Dyck we have to take him that is incredible. How I'm passing up on the team of the Year our, luck today, Oh. Scrap, that we're gonna have to hybrid it we can't just go Lika Santander final. Defender. We've got cooler by E but, then again doesn't. Work now we can't afford to have three different leagues oh it's. A big decision, you know are going tips cuz he strongly to the Mangala we need to pick up a twin back Eva at rent or Robertson. We will go gasps Bob up other side please, please, please, bless. Me of roberson yay gods I can feel it coming I can feel a Robertson coming I can feel it, oh I can. Feel that my senses were crazy it. Was just the wrong one let me not be stupid I need to take you for chemistry plus 2 well huge. The best legal Santander, key but you can get a black, but he don't really work we need like a humanist, or strong link to him okay we've just got enemies left hopefully. We can pick up st. here like, our second, team of the year Indy young and our second, dutch team of the air Alfre. Possible, wine Adam would perfect, link to, Van Dyck but you can't go wrong with, the young that, is huge. And final. Player in the midfield someone, in the 90s, which, we got in Luka. Modric, doesn't. Have two chemistry one nine one oh my god we did she just go for racing now we've got everything because. New icons we got team of the years just, give me another icon which I have maket, ah he, doesn't work, Jordi. Alba, can i play him wing back or send it back we're, gonna try - -, you, know what I'm taking - - for the racing ingress I'm probably gonna get we've given up with the racing, we've got to Stegen, I think. I'm gonna have to take him boys he gets so strong linked to two of the players to get us on 100 km but, then we got Alex fellas for, some reason, there's a guy who comments on every single, one of my videos that a headliners, car looks like spaghetti bolognaise, now, I can't unsee him but we're going for the team of the group stage has taken 100. Chemistry, we, just keep the racing going we. The new right back boys to team in years two icons, become a less add to one of those oh I, saw. The blue and I thought maybe but, no we, would take this Jetson. Fernandez card come on game I've just give me a copper how a pre-owned, something. Like that are we gonna do I saw a thing Josh, just, take me -, to two-face wise since back I'm, taking, it we've got the racing for the bench and now, we've. Got spaghetti but Anita Tommy yang come, on, okay hold up I'm not that crazy, considering. What until one night or one lime free will, take cr7, that, was a successful. Reserves, we need big though we, ideally. Need one more I thought a team of the Year T, elements, why, now doom would get chemistry, Cassini linked up to the D on Andy.

Links Up to the Roberts movie are those humans, and need the racing boys I don't need to pray another icon pops we've. Got live endow ski the rail on this is nuts I can't complain, doesn't, go night to obviously we need to get rid of gas bar good, to soul soccer team and Marie Costa that's, a new one, that's a new one the new icon wrinkles are coming to save the day, where can I pay him no, we're serious. Cap, one we, are getting such, big place here, third bowler it's, big, plays right here it's, already, a one by one and we've got so many players to improve the bench oh but. This means improving, Silver's, oh we've. Only got two picks left and the stinkers are coming out and Kalu please. Justin. Allison please, ah. 119. Uh no no I refuse now, and ask you my son guess not venture one by one and the sad thing is adding. Jordi Alba for us for there and then adding, future, star steelman's 4 + 4 gives another. One eight nine where. Can we get this to him. This truly average slightly keep it if it does it's simple, it's. Simple to, team of these new, icons, that. Is a good way to start but how am I gonna top that watch. Successful. First draft we're, gonna succeed again, in the free four to one successful. Captain as well cities in Sudan forget. The Newberry cosa we're, taking the highest rated icon in draft a cape right-wing and sensing a ninety five messy we've, got a 95, messy this is huge. Good. Try car lemon, Dow ski will, take it left, wing come. On, Tom, Barnes, oh I'm going Nima everyone's. In the ninety so far everyone's. In the 90s, so far Luka links who had taken him he's, some monstrous drafts. Absolutely. Monstrous. Draft. Humongous. Shots there's. No one who's not in the ninety so far oh my, don't know how I'm gonna link any of this up no, clue but, you know what screen yard does help, but. I'm gonna go look for takes I feel like a French, BPR player has more chance, of making the team we've, got Van Dyke who, gets the Dutch link to. Delhi let me - I would love a note from us you know and, we've got it you, can tell whether Bing border, come on this, is nice right mids we've got no one who's not in the 90s, other than, just water it's, already ninety one rated a good keeper here. Heaton. Is ninety. Two races already, focus. Alfie this is your biggest off so far come, on please that keeper who links to stakin doesn't. Even do anything you know it needs to be BPL which we haven't got now, I've asked don't do anything, Oh Chesney, gets a strong link I'm gonna, go to Sagan, it's still 92, oh come, on please, strike. Our chemistry. We've, got oh I. Don't want to take you but I have to just a Bergkamp, a crisp All, Hazards. Oh I. Feel like he could come in handy because I don't think no and dust is making the final team Oh Pete, he does help you know he links up to Rodrigo, and I complete Steven I'm gonna do that I have to lose. Right in there but then again I get a higher rated keeper in it could go 93 I doubt, it it. Hasn't come on voice of Shrike are a Shrike, are oh. Yeah. He just promised me a strike are his side up so well I don't know where this incredible, drafts come from human. Is copper, how why, are you giving me right backs in this formation oh, I go. Racing, on carvalho this, hasn't, been a successful, reserves, unless we get Shrike up we've, got free icon beagle, oh that. Guitar don't think they're doing much I go Figo nice, nothing past six so then if we put you there - for, its. 1993, you okay shortywood Fujiko, on the bench is 93, know. What. Do I need to do to improve this I need a lot of chem nines a lot is, Eve a left winger or striker, fees for love of cords left, winger striker, left, winger oh we've. Got spaghetti bolognaise, Kyle Walker we. Need so much it's our final chance to get right we. Get Silver's you might as well just I might, all computers, draft is done it's done it's finished you've just ruined it I can't believe they've done this I can't believe they've done this I can't, get striker now I don't even think I can get left wingers anymore it's done light I can't get the chem unless I get free icon defenders, go, to so helps, Plus to maybe. Want something, here maybe just maybe we. Need that retreat girl where is he he's there we, need six more chemistry we need like an icon centre back we, needs an icon centre back, we're not gonna get it we're not gonna get it final, chance. Barfi. You and, in Gattuso centre-back, no. Not even the tutor Center back what we. Need to chemistry it needs to be.

Serie. And. You can't get it I need mom you cannot, compromise, their food the, Rings defo drop is now it. Has please, go back up please please, please, we've, got one by one, thank, you our second. One nine one of the day four icons, the, Nuka to Seoul and another, one than one that, drop was crazy. And they still screw me over even I got one line one nice try so it's gonna be on the draft was goods boast nine. I've. Had success, in it before can we get successes, captain, all we can we. Got a new icon, Owen, who, wouldn't cut all the attackers together, that, is perfect, you came back but, see. Only. One, Brayton law returning cops everyone, in the middle of the park no we all go Owen and in CDM, I don't. Know why I went for the CDM it was a bad pick he'll go for happy Garcia, sent, them in number one anything, Goods we always taking ninety-one future stars bowerbird, a left-wing. Anything. Better. Oh, it's. Kind of for opiate moment good name our right wing ninety-four. Messy, no. Wife wants to be seen so far we need to pick some up soon or a team, of the year do young this, is looking solid it's, not looking like it will go for older barrels right, back no. Zanetti, no. Zanetti of a ghost Amedeo he Strong's to both of them left back Robertson. Got, tootie many years boys they're. Both the worst ones in the game but you know what this is looking good it has potential, or black. Doesn't link where it's to Steven doesn't, think, black. Now. We got the hair who thinks I'm gonna go from defense to the reserves I never do it this way ever let's find out why I don't do it we. All can bulwarks. Noises, my second icon +12. We've, only got two iPhones so far we need a lot more to bring records lads should've, gone rodrigo but you know what i don't care i don't care about this drops unless I see another icon. Got. A fever bust, free, but, put you better no, think, I can swap. Another. Team of the yen trend, oh I've. Got free team in years this, is looking solid, we've. Got four icons we have to go Socrates for cam +5. Come. On give me my fifth give me my fifth that, would be insane, all. Job, Felix yeah, ooh yes. Uh. Felix. On hold on Bernardo.

Could Sneak in I think yet small cam -. Ooh but he fits into position. Oh no can, I put you past - okay. We need. Come on. Hey, why not pick I've done a wire feel like humming it again, Marnie. What the hell I didn't, think I was gonna get Marnie we just got bored teaming here's an a draft, what, where, does that happen. What. Okay. Fancy, a I guess not, on one by one Shirley Knight so one name one without or debentures could be a one mine too surely. Not on one nine too we've, been backing on the bench it, has to be a 192 it's. Not you're, serious. How, about you there and then, take you off our bow oh yeah definitely Oh one then - we, just need the cam we just need the cam. In. And. Then, our other, sides. And. Then put the proper key pin into hair there's, no way it's gonna hold you taking all our best players out it's, holding. 98. 99. We, need one chem we, can get one came off the manager we got 14, millions in the draft no. No. There. We go another 190, to have 14, many years I genuinely thought nothing of that draft, I fought nothing of it and it turned out to be the best drop of the video oh my. God for, a season 14, of years I trying to break the record for the most iconic, team. Of the years Wow, in a drought for trying to get the most icon, so we get the most team at the years well. I'm gonna, go free for two one three chances, are I con center-backs we, got the bigger who goes right mids perfect. I'm gonna, go left-wing can. We get the icon, we, do that's, two for two imagine, we can get a third here I doubt it, Luis. Suarez, is great for racing though 289. And, a 90 now, right wing if we can pick up a messy we didn't, ask to disappoint, him ago Wilson, I'm gonna, go defenders, next defender, number one we will take Fatah an offender number two I'm, praying, we can pick up like a Bresee or if, we can pick up. Campbell. Or aphids, and adds one of the following would have been great left. Mid at least give me an over Mars it's not, oh. I'm. Scared I'm gonna get a pink borders to Center mids because you can't get any sent them into what icons so. We go for pod buffer racing, don't give me a pink border here thank you, now we are do some icons on the bench how. Many we got a little BP our team so I'm gonna go wine album swap, beauty round in goal can we pick up a shoe Michael here or on the bench or black. Doesn't work what we're taking a risk in it BPO keeper we. Got a day off so, that works nicely, we, need more icons, who. Needs a lot more I feel. Like they come in we've, got a Bama yang that's good for eating I complete. Thank you so, netting us a new one we've, already got. +5. Three icons and then you in the middle a CA treated, I don't, care about the rating I just, want a cons as, we, let's, keep it goin it's, not been great, hazards, incredible. I take it back, he, actually links up to out of hold if I want to play him but would keep it moving no you got icon to that border and he a said no that. Would have been my for. No. Please. An icon, here please. Schmeichel. There, we go we've, got four icons, I wanna make it five I really want to make it five we're. So close yet so far at, least five, icons that, would be ridiculous. Come, on we. Got to see many years to live and roberson, all has. To be de lit he fits in who, from you take out we're taking you out and, then can we do this, delaffei, you'll get sacked, off for. Hazards and then, swap it around. For. One two it's cuz we've got a lot of people that position come on please and, now I confer, to man okay bro. We've. Had a good success, rate with five two two one you. Know what I'm gonna take it on that basis, alone we can fit all the icons in and we. Didn't get one as captain that's outrageous. We go cruise please. Striker. Icon. But. Say the agüero. Over, the Griezmann, left-wing. Bonds. Thank. You you popped right. Wing, anyone. Good we. Will take a ninety five messy, this is going well, sending me don't give me a pink border, there's, no good icon sentiments, there isn't any input draft actually right. Back oh come. On we. Will take some a dough strong. Links and now Missy's well on his way to full chemistry, now. We got the Ramos this. Is going well it's just lacking, icons, oh, go. For you and final. Defender. Ninety-nine. Van Dyke this is huge, forget. The icons, we, don't need icons, if you're pubbing players like this Oh My. Gods, Robison. And Van. Dyck that's great chemistry it's already, a 189. Without. A, keeper I'm telling you man this formations, the one just, need to get rid of this stinky centre-back nothing. Else I can do for more chem okay, keep up yes you, put me on the 90 a mystery if, we can pull an icon here or add a higher ooh, the. Higher links up to both we linked up to de Ramos and the van Dijk whereas, a black has higher acids you know what I'm going all-out rating, this one I'm gonna, go from left to right it what before I do need to charge my battery but yeh can shush because, I need the fenders I don't really need attackers, come, on a nice centre-back Thiago.

Silva Is a huge, centre back he, doesn't get me more chemistry but I mean flipping. Help we will take you for eating come. On please, more. Chem, cooler. By has. Built quite up I thought. Could play us blood pressure center back Oh. Kuna. By I, will take him for rating this isn't the defenders I needed I don't, forget any more defenders from the bench we, go for you please. Icon. Thank, you, oh my, god another new one Rui Costa how. About you they're sloppy rounds, I don't, know how he lost camera fuck I really, don't, Harry, can't Emilia nominee I've never seen that car before I, need, to salvage chem +2, we put you there. Ok. He sat agüero needs to come out now I'd realized, we need like a Griezmann, a Suarez still we go walkers, I. Was. Thinking Walker because I was like cool we can sack off the BBVA oh come, on the striker, David. Silver, will help the hybrid, no surely. He helps a hybrid you do a bit of that and in that oh yes he does we. Just need a proper centre back now or, and, there, we go pity or fee, goat Nana has be purty we, can play you. There. And swaps. Around a hundred chemistry, we've got free icons we haven't even ordered the bench yet come, on another icon bring it oh, no. That, could have been an icon, no. There. Every border, where you can get that icon on so, many times need to say yeah you can't have it. It's. Gonna be a one than one I'm telling, you maybe, a one line - but it's upsetting, because, we've had so many opportunities to, get a bike onto the a just go no, no no no you can't, have them or even a one line what I can someone named one we'll take the manager that, is a insane. Draft very. Tough of that three icons though this, video well the only time I want more than icons, and team of the years they give me more team in years when does that happen waiver are wait hold, up click, this video right, here what, is it the best for drop video you're ever gonna witness with, some of the best team of the years and highest, rated players you are ever gonna see in a foot drive video don't. Miss out click, this video annotation. Right now.

2020-02-15 02:52

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