[LIVE] Day Trading | Why Manage the Risk of Your Stock Trades?

[LIVE] Day Trading | Why Manage the Risk of Your Stock Trades?

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live, real quick if you're new to these videos what do i mean by live, i mean that this is not some sort of recording. Where i record, everything, and then i come back and patch it all together in a professional, format. And i talk about everything, in hindsight. Know you are seeing the information. For the very first time that i'm seeing the information. So this is going to be you're getting my raw thoughts my raw emotions. And you're really just getting a nitty gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader. As of right now i'm looking at ticker symbol pll. So you can see that right here if you're not familiar with my screen. A pretty crazy move right now up over 200, percent. And, pulling back a little uh, bit here but the level that i want to get mapped out and that i'm looking at so this will just help kind of document. The trade and also, for those of you that are maybe not familiar i do offer a private community, and with that a lot of people already said okay clay how does that work well you can see right here. So pll. 3850. Key. Upside. Break point. So there we go 3850. Is the level that i'm currently watching. Not close at all right now and who knows maybe that level will never come into play again that's what i mean by live i i don't know if that area will come about, so i suppose you could argue well that was a waste of time clay to have the video talk about a level that never even came into play, and i i understand your point of view, but the other point of view would be just well that's how day trading works is sometimes you'll identify, levels. And they'll never come into play but yeah pll, watching that 38. 50 mark and we'll see if it can indeed come into play or not, looking around at some other tickers too but, as of now, market opens up here in about 10 minutes so i'll see you back at the open. All right i'm watching, ambo. For uh.

Entry Point at 451. Big big move here pre-market, as you can see. With the chart right here almost straight up. But now looking for a pullback. And trying to play the pullback again have an order at 451. If you're not familiar with my screen i am looking to play ambo. I'm looking to buy. 500, shares, at. 51.. So if it looks like it's going to get any closer i'll get the video rolling, but again that is the current status, of uh, let's see market opens up here in about five minutes so maybe a pre-market, trade. Quick little update uh ambo, never got down to that area and now the market opens up in less than five minutes so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hop into something right before the market opens i'll just let the market open and then i'll uh go from there, so we'll see what happens i still think i'm gonna watch. Pll, let me bring that one back up out of the opening gates, uh but i suppose that's always subject to change but that is the current game plan. Market opens up here less than one minute and 38.50. Looking like it might come back into play here uh for me i i've alerted this, a long time ago but for you i realize in the video it was only a couple minutes um. Ago that it seems but yeah 38.50. Maybe gonna be coming back into play here. And there is the open. So the market is officially open and let's see what pll, wants to do here out of the opening gates. Oh wow holy, smokes. That one didn't, even bother with 3850. It just, up over 40 this thing's gonna get halted. All right well that's, really. Yeah all right well pll is going to be out of play here just because of the halt but yeah. Well congratulations. Uh for those of you members that watch this again. Alerted, that. Right there, as the key upside break point but i mean that happened. Just. Way too fast for me but if anybody bought that, and got stuck in the halt i mean looking like it's gonna be a halt in your favor but uh for me, i was very clearly just not fast enough but. Let's see what else is out there tesla how's that one doing. Getting off to a nice start. Here. Coming back down looking like, establishing. 427.50. As a breakout, point here gonna get that alerted. 427.50. Upside, break point. One minute. Although piton, was alerted, right.

Before The open by a member, so i'm curious, yeah. Crazy, crazy, mover here. Yeah, piton, is what i'm gonna watch here. So looking forward to to bounce up here a little bit give me some sort of breath i mean you can't short it when it's way down here that's just, that's chasing the price. And you don't want to do that, but. Let's see what it wants to do here over the next couple of candles but crazy, crazy. Move. And this all started, like a minute before the market opened. Trying to keep an eye on there we go. Let's see where does this low wanna. Go. Well i mean this is not really giving me a setup right now. Is this thing just gonna bust down through 95.50. Yeah i still can't take it down here i for me that's chasing, sill. Well all right. So not really behaving, but tesla maybe come back up here for the 4 27, 50. Break. So watching tesla, here. In at, 427.50. Let's see if it can get up over. 428. Like that setup, very much. Not just a question of can it get up over 428. See if it wants to get back up there. Again i'm in at. 427.50. It's trying. But not having too much success, up. There. Getting a bit of a pullback here nothing. Crazy. Well. Might just have to take the loss here. And move on if this thing doesn't. Want to get back up, to that area of the. Chart. If it goes below 425. I'll have to get out. Again if the price drops below 425. I will need to wave the white. Flag. We'll see if this thing wants to recover but right now i'm not feeling too optimistic, about it. But i've been wrong before and i definitely hope i'm wrong in this. Situation. And it's trying. To. Trying to bounce. All out. All right. I'm still going to keep an eye on it i like that area up there but i just don't know at this point so i just had to lock that loss in. So starting down 230, dollars nothing i can't recover from but let's see what else i can find. Well you can see pll, open back up again and is now going to get halted again so this is looking like it's just not going to be really a tradable, stock.

Because It's just getting halted. Literally. Within seconds after opening back up. Um, so i'll keep an eye on it 44, looks interesting, but yeah now it's got a halt to the downside. So pretty crazy but like i said i'll keep an eye on it. Well tesla. An example of why you want to have stop losses this thing just continues, to drop, uh so that 427. Mark just proved to not be that great of a point glad i'm god, glad i got out because this loss right now could have been uh basically another. 300. More four hundred dollars more. So maybe it wants to cover around but yeah right now. Just did not want to. Play ball. 423.50. Looks. Interesting. After this bigger pull back here so 423.50. Watching. And at. 423.42. Let's see if this thing can get a little bit of. Movement to the upside. Here. Really struggling at 4. 24.. I can't even get up over 424. There we go. All right all out there for 4 24, 58.. Over a hundred dollar scalp on it. V webs got me a little concerned. Like the high probability, nature of that trade. A high probability, being assuming you know i wasn't going for some 500. Score so because i kept the. My win uh what i wanted, manageable. It really increased the probabilities, that that would win and it did win um so not a huge winner not like it wiped anything away but again i created the, the high probability, by just simply saying i'm willing to accept a relatively low amount here because i like that the nature of that setup, and yeah it ultimately worked, out. All right here so on, piton here looking at 95. 50. Flush point on the one minute. I'm not really that close, right now which is good though. I like to see it bouncing up here show a little bit of strength and then come back down, but definitely watching 95.50. And then maybe i don't know if you sell it or not i'll bring back over, also watching tesla, at 4 25, for an upside break point, so maybe another trade. There. But even 95, 60 might be that break point. So i don't want to take uh pton. On this candle here, i want to see what this candle wants to do but on the next candle i would be definitely. Interested. At around the 95. 50 90 actually 95, 60 looks more accurate so, nice thing here is i can go ahead and just. Edit that. To, 95.60. Since that level's not been hit yet so there we go 9560. Is that area. That i'm watching. Let's see if we can get down there and break down through. It. Would be great if it bounced again. Bounced up. Up over 96 and then came back. Down. Yeah there's definitely some big size. Down around that area. So let's see what it wants to do. Yeah 95.70. That level can be, broken. Definitely a big buyer in there. Like i said though. Would love to see it get. Okay 95.71. See big buyer right. There. So that's going to be looking like the key break is that 95. 70ish, area. Let's see if that big buyer's still in there or not. Nope seems to be gone 95, oh wow that happened so fast. Wow. That's unfortunate. Very very quick move the downside. And looking like it left me in its, dust.

Well That happens. Hindsight, should have been more aggressive, on it but hey that's why i'm a fantastic, trader in hindsight, it is what it is let's see what else i can find. All right watching 4 250. Here very, closely. And at 4, 4 22, 65.. Let's see if this thing wants to get some more downwards, pressure, which i think it, does. Love that candle, love this setup, as a whole. So i mean even if it doesn't work out that's fine with me this is a fantastic, setup and i'll take this every time. Let's see if this thing can get down to at least 422.. Let's see if we can get the break there we go. Oh how did i not get filled. Well that was quite the jumpy move there we go all right so out of 50 shares down there. Now i want to see if this thing wants to work, for me, some more. If this thing can break 421. Things are gonna get, nasty. Take out there we go another 25, there there is the break. And let's see if we can get some more downside, pressure here as that was a very very significant. Break. Would love to see this thing get down below 420, although it's pretty overextended, right now on this move. Here. Like i said let's see if this thing can get some more downside. Pressure. Taking a little bit of a breath here, which would be expected, after such a big move but like i said let's see if this thing can eventually, just. Continue, on down through. 420.. Okay it's making its way down there. Doesn't want to get down through is the question. Yes it does. Fantastic. Hey and i am green on the day by 25. So i will take. It. Now hindsight, may prove to be wrong but. This is also, uh tesla is still up over. Two percent. So it's a strong upwards move here, um and to just give, a shout out to waffle. Or waffles in the chat room um they alerted the 421. Flush. So they brought my eyes back to tesla now clearly i did not take 421. But that's the idea of the room is and that's how it works is, another member alerted me to a specific, price level, now i didn't just go and puppet trade that price level i made that determination, for myself and actually got in a little bit sooner. But i mean even if people, for waffles, good job i mean 421, that still proved to be a nice entry point there, but that's how. At least my chat room works is we're not a bunch of sheep we're a bunch of wolves, wolves working together saying hey, there might be some sheep over there but how you go about it is up to you so like i said they alerted the 421. I didn't play 421, but at least, they got my eyes, on. Tesla once again, and uh proved to be a very nice trade for members that were more or so interested in 421. As you saw i was more interested. In a level, a little bit higher up above there, uh but it still worked out. Wow, piton, is, haunting my, dreams. And that's remember that's the one i missed at 95.50. Now this thing has moved over a dollar. So congratulations, some members on that i was not fast enough as you saw but hey, i'm back in the green so i'll take it but uh, yeah still got about 10 minutes left i've been trying to be done, you know within 30 minutes, i just enjoy being able to move on with my day so still got 10 minutes left but let's see if, i can find something else. All right looking, at ba here. 163.. 50. Flush, point, one minute, keep in mind. Trend. Because it is a bullish context, so i mean if anybody would be you know looking to take that, short potentially. Then you'd want to keep in mind, but as of now the. The bulls just keep on pushing with boeing. When is that low 164.. So maybe 164. Will be the new area here we'll have to see if this thing can continue to grind up higher or not. But it is past 10 o'clock so right now. I mean it's not a hardcore, rule where i have to be done, at 10 o'clock but it's also a situation, where. I'm certainly not going to force anything. But if i do get a setup that i like which, i feel as though boeing still has the opportunity to give me that setup. Then i'm not going to just stop trading, but, i also do want to just move on with my day that's kind of what i've really discovered, is it's so nice to be able to be done, within 30 minutes and then just go enjoy your day. So yes today. I'm not walking away with a lot of cash but you know. Better than being down a lot of cash by losing money. So let's see what is that low. 163.. 164.05. Yeah, i don't know this thing is getting pretty choppy right now not a huge range so maybe i'll have to move on from it but i'll give it a few more minutes.

Have An order at 417. Here, to buy. 100, shares so looking for the price to come down to me here. Although that was the move i was looking to get filled on. So going to 4 16, 50 now. So that was the move i was looking for, to the downside, got the quick little bouncer that would have been profitable, but like i said it didn't quite move down far enough to fill me. But i am now interested, at. Actually that should be at. 416.. So 416. Looking to buy a hundred shares. If the price comes down to that area, which is right now looking like i might just want to bounce but. I'll go ahead and pause. All right this current breakout looks very weak. So if it gets down to right around 160, 425. I'm gonna hop in for a short sided scalp. But i could be wrong maybe this is actually a strong breakout which is why confirmation. Is beneficial, here but yeah as of right now. I'm not quite sure i believe this is actually a legitimate, breakout. Again. Could be wrong, looking like i am wrong because this green candle just keeps getting bigger but. Uh. Let's see like i said if this thing wants to get down here to the 164. 35ish. Area. Although now the setup's getting a little, not it's not kind of it is unless this thing wants to uh. Oh 164.. Yeah i like to say get up over 165. Now. And then if it wants to come down to, 164.75. But it's got to get up over 165. That is requirement, number. One. And not looking like it wants to behave. Let's see low 164. Yeah 164, 35, still does look interesting i i don't feel comfortable taking it on this exact candle though if it comes down there. But yeah if that thing. Would have gotten up over. 165. And it looks like it's still got the, potential, would love to see that. Up over one let's see what's the low of that 164, yeah. Get up over. 165.. Step one and then come back down and this would be a beautiful looking setup here. But it's got to get up over 165.. So the number that i'm watching. Is right here, that number has got to get up over 165.. Then over here there's got to be some numbers that. Some or in other words the tape here the prints that go through at 165. Or above. But yeah as of now. Nope and there it. Goes. Yes i was correct. That that was not really a legitimate, breakout, as it's now pulling back here uh but, just because i was correct within the broad idea of it not being genuinely, strong you know it didn't behave close enough to what i needed it to behave. For me to actually make a trade from it. So. Never mind. Well i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up it's 10 15, so 45, minutes in and i'm walking away with 25. And if i'm really being, honest and transparent. The voices in my head right now that want me to keep trading. Are totally the youtube voices meaning, i. I don't want to put out this video, where i say hey i made 25. Um. And i have no problem saying that, uh, you know it is what it is the youtube voice is very real and when i'm trying to make cool youtube videos which i have no problem saying and admitting i'm trying to make cool youtube videos. You know making 25. Isn't exactly, something that i i would like to put out there publicly. Uh but it is what it is i'm going i hit the record button therefore i'm going to put it out uh but, i have no problem admitting now that if i'm being truly truly self-aware, and truly. Honest with myself. Right now i'm totally looking for trades just because i don't want to say that i made 25. It'd be great if i could say i made over 100. But. It is what it is i need to kind of kick those voices out get out of here because those are the stupid little. Voices that'll you know cause me to do something. Dumb, and then all of a sudden i'm, way down more than what i started off with so that's, i'm wrapping it up, and um, it's just in the in the spirit of got to be honest with myself and i i know that's the reason why i'm still trying to trade here but if you did enjoy these well actually the big learning lesson here though is just you know keep the losses small.

Just Take the loss right i mean think about it i got in at the 427.50. And the price, never got up to that area if anything if i was still holding. You know it i'd be down. Well over you know 700. Right now because it, dropped down below 420. And even more for a while there, uh so just take the loss it's not fun it's not enjoyable, i'm not gonna sit here and be like hey that first trade was awesome. Oh it felt so good to lose the 200, whatever dollars i was down, it doesn't feel good, but as you saw here when you keep the hole small when you keep it practical, in the sense of giving yourself a realistic, chance to dig out of it then you can do that so today yeah i was able to dig out of it which i do, actually feel really good about, that's always a good feeling, but from the youtube voice angle, to to sit here and be, sitting here and saying hey i made 25. Yeah, i'm sure i'll get some youtube tough guys down in the comment section but. Um, welcome, welcome to the channel i guess that's all i'll say to them, uh but, in all, all in all i'm actually happy with the morning um and a nice little real life example, of why risk management, is a very important thing if you did enjoy these live trade videos and you want me to keep making them first off just hit that like button that's a very time efficient way to, uh to communicate, that to me. Comments, questions suggestions, leave those down below, if you've ever watched any of my past videos you know that i do read and reply to them, and then finally. Check out the channel as a whole there's lots of other videos so i get it sometimes. Videos like this are actually good just show 25. Because i know there's other videos where it's like, 280. Dollars in two seconds or there's you know i think there's one, twenty five hundred dollars, in five minutes or something crazy like that but you know what to be honest to be transparent, again yeah some mornings, you'll be at it for 45, minutes and you'll walk away with, 25. Which i suppose isn't, terrible. I mean 25, for 45, minutes, i mean what is minimum wage like eight bucks an hour something like that so i guess it's not that bad but, overall, thanks for watching thanks for hanging out if you enjoy the video hit that subscribe, button, and uh if you enjoy. You know just these types of videos like i said hit that like button that's a very time efficient way, to accumul, to communicate, that to me so thanks for hanging out i'll see you back for the next one. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-10-13 00:59

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