[LIVE] Day Trading | Well... That Was Annoying...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Well... That Was Annoying...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live real quick for those of you that are maybe new to these videos when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where i've already recorded everything and now i'm coming back and doing some voice over or trade recap nothing like that i'm recording myself live seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts or all emotions raw reactions you will get that here but to honor your time and be respectful of your time if you are looking for a nicely edited video nicely scripted video you're not going to get that here but if you just want kind of a nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then you're going to get that here market opens up here in two minutes so i'll go ahead and pause and i'll see you back at the opening bell all right i'm liking 51.50 here i'll give my give a little context here just made the alert in the private community that i offer if you're not feeling like claytrader.com i do offer that community so tdc 5150 upside breakpoint so you can see i've made the alert before i'm even in so this is not a situation where i get in and then alert everybody else nope everybody will have the same opportunity as me they can play it differently if they want maybe some people are moving in already because i think it's going to break up through there maybe some people are shorting because i think this thing might break down so it's not a group of sheep but i just throw out the number that i had in mind and people can do with it what they please but like i said i want to wait for more of confirmation to have it get back up there but yeah maybe it's getting ready to break down through the 50 mark so i'll keep a close eye on that we'll see if it can recover back up there or not and i will well it's making somewhat of a recovery almost wonder if i should get in at the break of 51 with an anticipated move up to 51.50 i think i'll do that 51.15 in there at 51.15 like i said with the

anticipated break so got the break now hopefully it's not gonna just reverse right around on me well now it is reversing around i'm glad i lightened up the load still have 300 shares i wanna can't even get out goodness well 400 loss bummer didn't make a spike but yeah i was looking it did get up through 51.50 but i was looking forward to making more of a push than that well at least i did lighten up the load and get 200 shares off up at 51.13 because that loss would have been a lot worse well i mean not like a worse in terms of blowing up my account but it would have been worse that i still had those 200 shares but and maybe it'll return back upwards but that was a nasty move up and then all of a sudden came back down on me i i just couldn't risk that having to be the start of something much bigger the downside but now look at it go right back up what a dirty dog all right well now starting off down 4 14 but uh only eight minutes of the day let's see what else i can find i guess that's what i get for going long though huh for those of you that watch videos i do tend to short more and i don't know maybe that's why because i'm not very good at going long but that looked like a good setup to me and it worked out temporarily problem is just zero follow-through on it now i'm wondering about fifty dollars though should i try getting short here at fifty or is this thing just gonna start to chop back and forth and then i'm going to be watching this thing head back up to to where it was let's go see what is doing interesting at 132 oh this one's pretty overextended the downside so that one's got me a little a little sketchy on that one all right i will go ahead and yeah i mean i like it but i feel like it's a little too stretched right now so i need to let this thing consolidate oh and not even a million shares traded yet so that things actually got relatively low volume for the market they've been open almost 15 minutes and that thing still hasn't even hit a million shares that's a little sketchy well there he goes tdc back up again i'm going to watch 5035 here and let's see if this thing fails i'm not interested in going long but if this thing wants to come back down to 50 35 now after this move i would be interested in getting short who knows maybe this thing will finally break out and it'll leave me in its dust but like i said i already tried playing playing it once didn't work out and i'll clay if you would have just held you'd have been okay yeah i know but that's good old hindsight had it continue to drop and drop and drop you'd be saying and i would be saying hey why don't you sell why don't you cut the loss so hindsight truly is a cruel thing i don't know 5150 still looks fine yeah i can't let that one trade scare me so let's watch 51.50 or do i want to try to anticipate it so in at 518 let's see if we can actually get the break of 5150 here finally i mean i love this setup really do so let's see what it wants to do pulling back here a little bit what is that 51 yeah if it comes back up to 5150 i'm actually thinking of adding because that would imply yet another nice candle here yeah let's see what it wants to do five minute looks great bring over the five minute and that looks fantastic but can we actually finally get the push upwards once again this 5110 area driving me crazy here it's almost like a 5115 and more so 25 i guess just one big waiting game right now again i'm not convinced of anything unless 5125 can be broken come on get moving wow i hate going long unbelievable unbelievable just break out there we go that was a fast move come on just make a bigger move here there we go took out 200 shares there see if we can get a move up over 52 again i should say because it's already done at once all right i don't know if this thing wants to go or not i feel like it should have really been moving at that point so i still have 50 shares left if this break wants to actually get going but as of right now it sure is just kind of tip toeing around but yeah let's see if it does want to actually make a move up through 52 or not i don't like that candle forming all right now i can't even get out there we go all right well and maybe it'll return right back upwards but i did not that candle right there and that formed nah i'm i'm not willing to hold my rest of the shares in there so i'm glad uh i should have added i i honestly forgot about that just because i think i was getting a little frustrated at the fact that it just didn't seem to want to just break out and get going uh but when it did break it snapped up there relatively quickly um so let's see a long trip i hate going long see clay why don't you go long that's why because the going along is so annoying so annoying now i'm being a little facetious here but f-u-t-e-f 131 25 130. yeah that's not a bad setup i don't know but this one that's the volume one and we're over a million shares now all the internal struggle yep watching over tdc on another monitor things just still kind of just tiptoeing around because and let me give you a little bit more context on why i was kind of thinking why i i was because this one in the pre-market was moving great that surge right there showed that this thing can move and move very quickly so i was thinking when it broke out of that pattern which was a beautiful pattern that not necessarily was gonna shoot up three bucks but i mean not behave like it did not throw out one of these candles in my face where it made them move up and then came back down and it's like okay are you gonna make the move or not so that's why and even now like i said it's just kind of chopping around up around that area futu hindsight totally should have shorted that as it's now rolled back over but again i i'm pretty sketchy volume uh where am i even at all right so down 166 now so uh better than where i was sitting at down 400 but uh yeah still in the red but um let's see what else i can find have an order at 130 255 here to try to get short and 132.55

actually let's do this 132.85 or am i being stupid by starting off with 500 shares especially on a choppy one like this yeah this is this is this trade is coming from the fact if i want to try to want to try to get back to green i got to be careful with that because this is it's i'm this is the one i've been talking about volume's a little bit choppy and i mean volume is a little better but it's still super choppy so um yeah being real with myself being um just uh self-aware yeah that's that's me just trying to force a trade for the sake of getting back all right fslr how's this one nice nice 89 i do like this 85. i get this alerted here fslr volume one minute all right i will go ahead and pause for now quick one to just share with you why just be aware of where you know be self-aware and it's okay if you have your ups as long as you're aware of them because had i had i done what i was thinking it would have been a losing trade because it would have never come down at all because this thing is just a choppy mess it would have kept going up and up and it would just would not have worked out it would have been and now it comes back down so yeah i don't know it's easy to say oh no i would've held through that but what i have i don't know but the point here being is that the uh you know like i said if i'm being honest with myself the thing would have failed me and it did then it would have behaved the exact opposite of thought of what i was thinking it should uh be but it's behaving that way because the volume's a mess it's just the choppy stock um and i realized that what am i doing i'm thinking about getting myself into a choppy stock don't don't do that so you know technically that was a winning trade i would argue because a penny saved was a penny earned so just remember it it pays to be self-aware it pays to just be honest with yourself and not and you know not do things that you know you shouldn't be doing so i just kind of wanted to throw that out there because and look at this thing it was red now all of a sudden that green now i'm still watching this one because the volume does kick back in into a more kind of fluid manner if you will then it could still be interesting but as right now yeah i i totally played it right all right watching 739.50 in there only 50 shares so i'm not going to make much if it goes in my favor but on the flip side if i'm wrong here it's not going to cost me a whole bunch either well and maybe i am wrong here we'll see uh if it does come down to 730 950 i'm gonna add add in another 50 shares especially after that movement right there and again i want to see confirmation yeah 739.50 that's a good spot

or maybe getting stopped out if this thing up goes up over 740 250. so let's see what it wants to actually do here or do i want to wait and see if that's maybe a fake break i'm not going to play games all right not looking so good all right out there for a 159 loss so on that note makes me feel much better uh because had that been you know full share size that would that loss would have not been pleasant but it was looking like it might be wanted to roll back over and it didn't so down uh let's see 325 dollars now all right well definitely a situation where glad i went in with only 50 shares whoa whoa what's going on gsx here get that alerted all right i'll go ahead and pause well i apologize i i thought i was recording a trade and i i wasn't and it was another loss here on tesla um so that's a quick recap thought this thing was getting ready to roll over it did start to roll over was feeling good and then up it went and had to stop out there uh which now puts me down 475 on the day maybe you can hear my voice i am frustrated uh but it is what it is i've been doing just fine so 475 as frustrating as annoying um as it is to kind of feel like as a trader you just can't quite do anything right um it happens happens everybody uh but uh for those of you that have watched my past trade videos uh live trade videos i should say i mean you've seen i've been on a nice streak of 500 500 500 days um so like i said this this day's not ruining anything in the sense of blowing up my account or wrecking my month or week i mean i'm still green on the week uh but just annoying and i have no shame in saying that but if i'm gonna if i do one thing right today though if i the only thing if i do one thing is i'm gonna recognize that i'm very frustrated right now i'm very annoyed so i recognize the voices that are showing up in my head and the one thing i'm gonna do right is not listen to them i'm going to acknowledge them which is fine as traitors emotions will never go away but the key is you recognize them and when you do recognize them do you know what to do with them and in this situation i do know what to do with the annoying and frustration voice because they want me to go keep forcing trades they want me to do some revenge trading get this money back but make a cool youtube video where you go from red to green but no i'm not going to listen to that voice and i i i mean i guess right now i'm kind of using you as my uh my my therapeutic what are those people called psychologists or my shrink i guess maybe you as a listener you're my shrink right now but that's how i'm feeling and i i really do still like this setup right here at 737 but you know at the same time that very well just i don't know i'm almost tempted to try it with just 50 shares to either prove my point here but it is a good setup or am i revenge trading no that's a good setup that's a good setup if it wants to break down that's a that's a problem with tesla though it it acts like it does and then it chops back up and then gets me 737 down down i mean i'm not gonna make a bunch of money on it if i do 50 shares from from an educational standpoint but um i'm also not going to lose a lot again if it goes up against me but i mean i really do like 737 the other thing is you don't want to get too discouraged where it takes you out of good setups and 737 is a good setup yeah i mean i'm gonna keep an eye on and in fact just because i'm so leery on whether or not this is a voice or if it's uh truly a good setup i'm gonna go down to just 25 shares so i'm definitely not going to be making a killing if i if i'm right and it goes in my favor but i certainly won't be losing a bunch either so i'll go ahead and pause real quick and we'll see if it wants to come back down nope it's now it's just it's chopping around here i need to move on with my day um and that's the other thing that's got me annoyed i'm usually trying to be done uh you know relatively quickly and not that i've been glued to my computer this whole entire time i haven't i've been away i've been doing other stuff uh but yeah i just need to get away from my computer too i hate the feeling of being chained to my computer and even though i haven't been chained to my computer like i said i've been out doing other stuff it's that feeling of being chained to the computer that's also now starting to just add to the frustration and the whatever but anyways i realize i sound like a nutcase right now but hey welcome to the world of look at that see and there it goes the cherry on top the cherry on top we just witnessed it look at tesla go ah so now the voices are saying clay you should have taken that trade man you'd be you'd be getting those losses back what are you doing hopping now and these truly are live so if you didn't believe that i mean i wish i could say i was that clever to actually patch things together and make this irony all come together like it is right now uh but nope this is live i had no idea that was gonna happen but um i gotta wrap it up if you do enjoy these videos then a few things because they are like i was just talking about truly live they're not easy to make i have to talk to you i have to think about what i'm gonna do for myself i have to make my own trades i have to manage them i have to learn make alerts in the chat room i have to think about the alerts i'm going to make in the chat room so there's a whole lot going on but they are possible and i will keep doing them as long as i know that there's interest so the way for you to communicate to me hey clay yeah please keep doing them i'm interested i enjoy them hit the like button leave a basic comment it could be a thumbs up emoji but those two things go a long way in communicating to me that it is worth the time and effort to do these videos since they're not necessarily the easiest things to make but um it is what it is uh thank you for being my shrink thank you for letting me just kind of uh rant to you a little bit here it feels good to just kind of get it off my chest that uh you know today i don't feel like a very good trader today i really didn't do i mean i did one thing right kind of i mean i did a lot right right i managed risk so again that's the voices showing up making me think that i didn't do anything right today but no i actually did a whole lot right i managed position size which kept losses under control uh but ultimately it just didn't quite work out and that's uh that's the life of the trader sometimes trading is not easy and uh these are the days i like to try to play with your mind so again thank you for listening if you enjoyed hit that like button leave a basic comment below unicorn emoji maybe is there like a hug emoji give me a hug you know help me feel better but uh thanks for hanging out everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-05-02 15:00

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