[LIVE] Day Trading | (Unfortunately) Days Like This Happen...

[LIVE] Day Trading | (Unfortunately) Days Like This Happen...

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hey it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live uh real quick for those of you that are maybe new to these videos when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where everything has already been recorded and now i'm coming back and talking about it or doing a voice over anything like that i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw reactions you will get that here if you want a nicely edited video nicely scripted video you will not get that here uh quick kind of context here the market's been open 15 minutes and i didn't think that the market was going to be that eventful and i was kind of right because it started off relatively slow at least for me but now all of a sudden things seem to really be picking up so i thought you know what i think i have a chance to make a nice video here and i'll be the first to admit i do these because i think i do them when i think i can make nice videos that a lot of people are going to like so right now i have an order at 57.85 for 500 shares short here of tdc now i would like more than 500 but this will at least allow me to get my feet wet here in fact let me do this keep in mind i am looking at other time frames let's go to 5850 actually so 58.50 500 shares to get short now again i would like oh don't pull back on me i just got done talking about how i think i can make a cool video so this might look bad i literally say i i'm gonna make a video because i think it'll be a cool looking video and then maybe i make a video where no trades even take place because i hit the record button therefore it's going on youtube so i maybe i'll just have to force a trade so i'm just kidding i'm not going to go forced to trade but all these marijuana stocks really making moves here moving my order up to 59.50 because the price did actually take a little bit of a consolidation there but 59.50 let's see if it can uh work its way up to that area i realize it seems like it's far away but i mean this thing is moving pretty pretty quick so it's it's perhaps not as far away as what it seems but i will go ahead and pause the video for right now and if it looks like well i'm gonna keep it going now making a move then back down a little bit it goes you know at this point let's do this i'm going to play this for a break of 60 shooting up to 61 and then i'm gonna go for a 500 win now i would like more than 500 shares but if it wants to give me a 500 bill i'm not going to turn that away but step one is it's got to actually get up there well that's not looking good now and i was at 59.52 wasn't i whoops and

there it went 59-57 good old hindsight there hello oc gn yeah 1275-ish looks like an interesting area i'm going to get that alerted to the community 1275 flush point one minute even if it goes oh really that's only eight okay never mind i thought the volatility on that one was a little bit more but that doesn't seem to be giving me as much wiggle room as what i would have originally liked tdc yeah maybe not maybe it looks like i might have gotten a little too greedy on that one going up for 61. all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right i'm gonna hop in here at 12.77 see if this thing wants to what in the world kind of movement was that that was bizarre so i'm in at 12.77 but that was some strange strange price action right now a lot of buyers at 12.75 all right i'm out there for a 20 loss i don't like the way that's behaving let's see what tesla tesla 852 just gonna do 500 shares because tesla is so fast or actually not 550 shares and then it's not getting choppy well here we go thought i could make a sweet video like this action is looking awesome and now i'm down twenty dollars so uh needless to say not exactly going according to plan here 56. that could be interesting actually but am i just wanting to revenge trade right now that's the question that i need to be asking myself gotta make sure that these are actually good setups here tesla's still not doing anything a tricky morning because like i said i was like it's not worth the video it doesn't look like there's not much good action and i started off and there wasn't at least for me wasn't much action and then like i said all of a sudden okay wow wow yeah things are really picking up and then kind of gone back to just not not exactly what i expected or was thinking tesla is approaching 852 now but tesla's really gotten choppy so and it might still go but for me it's kind of uh i mean that doesn't i mean that's that's not a revenge trade that's that is actually a good looking setup there as i'm watching the price drop and leave me behind but that's okay i'd rather play it safe than sorry yeah there it goes well that's you know that sometimes when you're questioning is this a revenge trade or is this actually a legitimate trade you know and you're double checking your emotions as you saw there sometimes that conversation will cause you to to miss out on a trade but fut i i should just buy this one i mean apparently this thing's just going to go straight up at this point i mean i would love to buy but that is just totally chasing totally totally chasing all right i'm gonna go well what's what's going on with mrna here that's an interesting area right there at 180.

in there at 180 i think this thing has a good chance of rolling back over here key break is going to be that 180 mark though see if the price can get down through there there we go kind of oh wow and that fast right back above 180. let's see if it wants to come back down i might add at 180 if it does come back down because that would imply a failed bounce here so if it does come back down to 180 i'm going to add to the position let's see what it wants to actually do not a whole lot right now just kind of sitting around in choppy about 180 50 watching the level twos that's a little new stubborn level there all right well got through 180 50. we'll see if that can serve as a a momentum point to get this thing coming down some more it's starting to come down big spread on it though i'm not going to add on this candle but on the next candle i would definitely be interested in adding all right there we go so we'll see if it wants to come back down well that fast above 180 50 again patience gonna be required on this one in fact i'm gonna get that alerted mrna 180 flush point one minute all right well am going to go ahead and pause right now and i'm not going to make you sit here and just watch this and go back and forth so um i will just pause and i'll keep you updated all right uh kind of nearing 180 again but again these spreads make it tricky put an order out there at one and once again 180 is holding strong and now once again bouncing back up all right never mind all right i am potentially looking to add more here just had a pretty big failure there so i'm watching 180 50.

we'll see if this thing wants to actually come back down like i said just made a move up and then totally failed so 180 50 i'm watching very closely as the potential add point but 180 75 now seems to be that level that's being very very stubborn so once again one and the number i'm looking at right here is that can that drop below 180 75. all right there we go let's see if we can if that can cause some donors momentum here oh yeah such a weak move once again trying to go down there and revisit 180. can it actually break though is the big question and there it is 180. okay knocking on the door there we go what a week break 179.90 where did that come from as a stubborn area trying to give it some time to actually break down but i am giving this thing all kinds of time and it didn't really break down at all at least as of yet all right there we go got at least a little bit out of the position out i'm sorry i just don't trust this thing now i still have 200 shares left but goodness talk about letting the thing break down and the thing just isn't breaking down i mean it is kind of now but i was looking for more of a plunge so i'll go with 100 shares just in case i'm wrong and this thing does actually want to finally get going uh but at this point waited waited waited i thought there would be fireworks and right now kind of got a sparkler again i could be wrong meaning this thing goes up over 180 i'm out with my final hundred shares i'll take a loss on those uh but like i said i could be wrong maybe this thing does want to actually i take that back 180 20. so if it goes up over 180 yeah 20 i'll be out but to be fair maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm just not being patient enough i feel like i've been more than patient so because of that you know got to let the thing work for me here but as of right now uh this thing just does not feel like it just has not given me anything again watching 180 20.

all out there so it took a loss on those final 100 shares so 124 and uh the cruel irony here i literally literally started this video because i thought i'd be able to make an awesome video and then this is what happened i mean this uh this is a i know i can do is really just laugh about it like it is what it is i mean it's 35 minutes in uh and i mean i still made 104 wiped away a lot so i don't want to come across as a greedy savage i'm not sure of many place in the world where you can make 100 bucks in 30 minutes i mean let alone making 100 bucks an hour that's awesome but 100 bucks in 30 minutes so don't get me wrong i'm not trying to come across like i'm not grateful but yeah sometimes this is how the market will treat you maybe there's a little bit of irony here or the market knew my my interior motives and i was like oh yeah well we're going to make you look real stupid in front of those people that watch you on youtube and mission partially accomplished but joke you know aside this is this is sometimes how the market behaves now the one thing i did do wrong is i don't know if it was wrong in hindsight i i i should have added because if i would add and then when i was pulling off these profits down here it would have added up more uh but like i said i just had an uneasy feeling about it which turned out to be as right now pretty right because that was a beautiful setup it broke down and was waiting for it to really get moving really get moving and it it moved but just very just not just kaboom you know nothing not that i was looking for this sort of move where it just dropped you know eight dollars but at least some sort of smoother you know bigger candle like that and it just never happened and i had to mitigate and then like i said those final 100 shares because again i i could have been wrong maybe that was actually going to be a big breakdown i just wasn't being a patient enough so i hung on to those 100 shares but then i ended up selling those 100 shares for a loss right there of well let's see what was that what was my entry point yeah 02 so i ended up losing 28 on those final 100 shares but that was kind of my insurance policy of well just in case i'm wrong let me make sure i still have 100 shares but uh that you know that was ultimately what sorry i'm trying to do a customer service ticket as i talk to you as i let the video roll live but um so i'm going to go ahead and wrap things up and like i said do i want to post this video on youtube absolutely not nope don't want to post this one at all this one is uh makes me look pretty silly you know but it sometimes that's just how trading goes is you can have a great setup you can think this setup is going to make you some money and i i thought that that setup was gonna make me some money but uh nothing ever really happened from it but at the end of the day i mean a hundred dollars in 30 minutes i'm not a greedy savage i'm more than happy with that and i'm gonna call it good so if you do enjoy these videos a couple of requests on my part they're not easy to make i have to talk to you i have to think about what i'm going to try i have to actually trade it i have to think about what i'm going to actually say to you i have to think about the alerts that i make in the chat room i have to type those alerts in the chat room point being there's just a lot going on um and while these videos are total totally doable they're just kind of a hassle but i will continue to do them if i know that there's interest so the quick efficient way to communicate to me that there is interest hit that like button leave a simple comment it can be a sunshine emoji it can be a rainbow emoji it can be a volcano emoji it can be any emoji but hitting the thumbs up and leaving an emoji or i mean if you want to leave an actual comment that's cool too but those two things communicate to me hey clay i know these videos are a hassle but they're worth your time i i enjoy them and as long as i know people enjoy them then i will keep doing them so like i said hit that like button and then leave a comment down below but yeah as much as i don't want to post this video um it's embarrassing um thinking i was gonna show up and uh i got played by the markets like a fiddle there's really no doubt about it um and even mrna look at this thing what a what a weak breakdown from what was a very very attractive setup but that's just how the market goes so being serious there if you've ever had a day where you feel like this we're like you know i thought this and then i was wrong and then i thought this and i was wrong and i thought that and i was kind of right but i didn't really you're not alone it happens to all traders whether or not traders are going to talk about it and you know i don't know that's that's a different topic but it happens it's okay doesn't mean you're not a good trader doesn't mean you're not working hard enough it's just part of the business it's part of trading and then also take this as reassurance that think about it today was a very just choppy embarrassing i feel like i did nothing right but yet i'm still walking away making 100 bucks in 30 minutes so the moral that story is you don't have to be a perfect trader you don't have to like behave in a flawless manner you can be kind of right you can kind of have you know yeah but still walk away making money so don't think that this is some sort of side hustle or business or whatever you want to call it where you've got to be flawless like you can't make any mistakes now you don't want to make certain mistakes that's for sure but it's not like you have to be perfect so just keep that in mind and i'm stalling because i keep seeing this one flash on flash on my scanners here which let me check something you know see it's got a maybe just maybe another trade and this is not me forcing anything because this is actually uh i mean this is a some good movement here 45. again these are these really are live so i apologize if you're if i'm if you're now staying around because you think that there might be another trade and there might but there might not be i don't know so but let's see if this thing can actually get up over 45. so i'm gonna go ahead and pause real quick and let's see what happens okay making a potential move up above 45 here nope and back down it goes wow knocking on the door 45 just could not quite push through it all right all right nothing ever happened but just a quick recap and check that out mrna back up now knock it on 181 uh so i i played that one right but just hey i don't care how good a setup looks sometimes it just doesn't quite work out so i apologize for dragging you along a little bit further and if you're still here i'm i i i'm sorry i feel bad i feel like this is like one of the worst videos ever but i i don't know like i said i just thought it would be a much more entertaining video and it was there is plenty of entertainment in terms of sometimes you got to wait sometimes you got to be patient and then even after being patient the market still doesn't reward you um but it is what it is so yeah i definitely don't want to post this video but i hit the record button and uh talk about having the video turn out about the exact opposite that i thought it was going to be but it is what it is so i appreciate you as viewers as as subscribers and um i'll do my best to get a little bit more entertaining videos in the future but at the same time i can't go blow up my account for the sake of the channel either so i gotta i gotta stick to the strategy but all in all sometimes this is just how the market plays out first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i wanna invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-02-21 20:46

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