[LIVE] Day Trading | The TSLA Chop House...

[LIVE] Day Trading | The TSLA Chop House...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in less than two minutes very quickly for those of you that are maybe new to my videos when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where everything has already been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a trade recap or some sort of post commentary or you know voice over nothing like that this is all myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw reactions raw emotions you will find that here but to be respectful of your time if you are seeking some sort of video that's nicely edited nicely scripted you will not get that here but if you just want a raw nitty gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader and how day trading can play out then you'll find that with this video so market opens up here and now then basically less than a minute so i will go ahead and pause and i'll see you back at the open all right i'm watching tesla here out of the opening gates which just opened up oh tesla very not the tesla i'm used to but we'll give it a little bit so i do like 672 especially if this thing can bounce up a little bit which it's doing right now i'm not i don't want to take it on this opening candle though yeah 672 now i do like it as potential actually you know what i want to see this candle stay above it too just because volume does kind of seem sketchy on it right now so i'm going to look for a little bit more confirmation that may cause me to get left behind that is a very real possibility i may get left behind on the trade by just not being willing to take it on this candle here come on stay above 672. come on stay above it oh no oh just drop below it is disappointing all right well i will go ahead and pause for now and i'll look around for well actually what's going on with fre eq wow this one's such a big gap down it's hard to see let me move that over okay not a whole lot the lpn very fast mover tesla i like i like that right there at six what is that yeah 670 50 could work out for a scalp though i don't know i keep talking about this volume this volume has me a little worried but i mean that is a nice setup right now that's formed why don't i do this go to 670 with just 50 shares then so i can control my risk that way so in at 670.50 looking for this thing to get down to at least the lows at 669 and below i should say the lows from previous day that is oh i'm bouncing up now let's give it a little chance here yeah this thing really is all over the place i'm glad i just went with 50 shares if it comes down to 669 though i will look to add in some more shares but as of right now we'll see what it wants to do see if it comes back down to 669 i will add in 50 more shares so that would be adding to a winner yeah 669 50ish we'll call it if it can break down through there but yeah tesla not totally behaving whoa whoa whoa oh wow okay well never mind on that that happened very very fast i'd like to see 668 here good wow that happened snap back quick i had my order down there at 668 to pull some off the table all right i took some off at 669 30 just because technically speaking i you know made the comment on how about how i wanted to see this down below lowe's and i got it below lowe's but then all of a sudden i wasn't taking any profit off the table so i got a little greedy and maybe that greed is going to catch up to me here although at least i acknowledged it to look on the bright side of things and pulled some off the table goodness thank you all right well 33 dollar trade there and my uh my gut instincts were basically right that i mean it was a winning trade but very choppy and i did get a move but i mean you saw how fast that move all of a sudden just turned around so i'm gonna keep an eye on it we'll see if it wants to maybe uh a little bit smoother if you will but let's see what else is out there i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now okay looking to short this at a break uh there we go in at 666.69

would like to see some downwards follow through now again just 50 shares okay out there oh wait well that was only a 25 share whoops right out there now i'm down 100 yeah i just don't feel comfortable i feel like this thing could all of a sudden snap back upwards and get a lot worse um like i said i was looking for that breakdown i actually waited for the breakdown which is why i chased it a bit to the downside and then as you see there's just absolutely no breakdown so all right now i'm down a hundred dollars um so all right not not the cleanest of starts but and now it comes right back down see now it's just toying with me no and there's what i was originally looking for well that's how it goes sometimes that is just how it goes okay well let me get this alerted all right i will go ahead and pause it yes now i'm down a hundred dollars i am watching tesla again for a potential short here at 667. this thing has continued to just go sideways so it's a question of is this finally going to be a you know a last gas where it just gives up and goes to the downside or is this some sort of bottom that's you know truly forming but i'm not convinced enough right now at 668. i'm convinced a little bit more at 667 which is why i'm waiting for that so in there at 667. is this actually it or did i just get suckered in again let's see there we go there we go can we get down through 665 at least give me that can this thing break down well a little bit of a bounce here but gonna give this thing some wiggle room but as you can see gave it chance gave it a chance and in doing so no potentially you know pulling a winning trade off the table to have a losing trade but like i said i wanted to see that thing down below 665 in order for this to you know trade have made sense in the first place to take what is that low 668 so if it goes up here and hits 660 or 670 comes down to 668 i will add so let's see what it wants to do i need to no i'm i'm i'm watching the five minute disregard the adding at 668. that's too risky 667 makes more sense to me to add but i just really don't like these where i'm sitting here waiting waiting waiting so it's down below 667 again and then that fast back up and all this with 50 shares so from a opportunity cost perspective of time i mean is this really worth my time to be sitting here waiting to see if i get the breakdown maybe if this thing really moves like i know tesla can but come on tesla just get down through 665. i know you want to all right i'm all out there for a modest modest win goes back to that time opportunity cost and if this thing were to bounce and then i take another trade so it has been a sloppy sloppy morning the only thing i've done right is acknowledge that tesla which i love to trade is not quite its normal self very choppy and the one thing i've done right is i've lowered position size so even with all the choppiness even with all kind of the the sloppiness of things i'm only down 72 dollars which for me that that's a manageable hole that's something that's not going to take you know a whole lot to be climbed out of uh so i'm happy with that but yeah i think i just need to move on from tesla for now the five minutes looking very interesting though as in is there gonna be some sort of upwards bounce there so i'm going to keep an eye on 670 actually as potential long um but as of now yeah i've given this thing plenty of times to break down and it just doesn't want to do it so from a time perspective i'm going to go and see what else is out there so i'll go ahead and pause so here is the current trade plan right now that i just gave to my community uh i want to see tesla hit 670 get rejected for short at 668 and then a stop over whoops stop over 670. there we go

so let's see if this wants to happen or not but like i said step one gotta get up to 670. now i can go slightly above 670 that's fine too but that's the current game plan so we'll see if the price can actually get up to that 670 mark or not and if it does i'll get the video rolling again and that way uh we can see how things play out all right mission complete i'm actually gonna go to 669 here get a little bit more aggressive so if the price does come down to 669 i'm getting short but to be fair maybe this is some sort of breakout that could very well be the case in at 669. let's see if we can get more of a push to the downside here like i said i did take on more risk by not waiting for 668. so i'm in at 6 69 12.

see what it wants to do okay there we go i want to see this thing really get moving the downside i think it's got to be able to get to at least 667. there we go oh come on it didn't fill me at 667 though ah just so tricky i wanted some out at 667 so now my scale-up point had to be at 668. i think you can actually now get down below 667 is the question yeah i think so can i get down below six yeah 667 that was that point from earlier wasn't it i was like why does that sound so familiar that is that key area that's just been very very stubborn see if it wants to come back down i'm wondering if i should add back in but i i didn't just play it as i am this is tesla as you can see i don't have a i have a read on it i mean i'm making money on this trade but i don't have necessarily as good of a read as what i would like come on just get down through 666.

can this thing finally go i mean for members they're up two dollars on that alert that you saw i mean they could have scaled up for at least a little bit more but i mean at least two dollars all right oh man just tesla does not want to play ball this area down here is i mean it's worth watching though because once again stubborn stubborn level i mean let me just show you what this all looks like on the five minutes look at the five minute that pink line there is that two or 200 period moving average so it's just a situation where it keeps going down there it's just a question of is the price ever going to actually get the break from it because it keeps fake breaking and it keeps breaking below the pink line back up fake below it so that's why i keep pulling because i'm thinking okay is this finally the break of that 200 period moving average and it keeps no it keeps fake breaking to the downside and it's driving me insane but again to my credit at least i acknowledge that tesla's being goofy today uh which is why i've scaled down the position size uh so with all the goofiness only down ten dollars now at this one okay so again almost same thing 667 150 out that's fine i'll take this short if 667 wants to come back into play i will take that once again sure but again it's got to actually come back into play and as of right now not looking like that's going to happen because this thing continues on up so once more another fake breakdown to be fair though i mean that alert that you saw me give members still had the opportunity to make two dollars per share in a very small amount of time so it's not like it was a losing trade in the sense of oh man everybody just flat out lost money people got in and then the stock just went the opposite direction no people got people could have gotten in uh people could have gotten in you know if they played it like me up at 669 and it still did move uh three dollars per share from the 669 or two dollars per share from 668. but the point here being is there's just not any follow-through there's not any actual breakdown of that area which is what's getting frustrating because it's looking like it's going to break down it's looking like the bears are going to take over and then no so um you know in a weird type of way i'm kind of glad this is all happening from an education standpoint just to give you a reality check of kind of how trading works because i i realize sometimes i'll post videos i'll get in and it'll be tesla and tesla will move right in my favor and within you know 20 seconds i'm up you know just crazy numbers but in here this situation it's just not it's it's moving but not really with any sort of follow-through uh but all right well let's see what else i can find okay watching 672.50 here for short on ubus tesla 672 675.

if it wants to come back into play here in at 673.12 let's see what it wants to do here goes up over 676 i gotta be out and then that'll be for me on the day potentially probably uh i don't know i don't know if this was a four straight or not because at that moment where i got in it was looking good watching 676. all right down 160 on the day i got to be done uh it's just not working out it was not my day it is what it is it happens um but yes there i'm i'm just gonna move on so uh a little over 30 minutes in down 160ish dollars and i'll just have to live to fight another day but within the grand scheme of things this was uh merely a flesh wound uh not a big deal at all and i don't say that because i don't want to come across like oh yeah money just grows on trees and i don't mean it in that sense i just mean in the sense of from a money management standpoint from a viewpoint of um you know will i be okay is my you know account okay still do i think i can get this money back from a trading standpoint yes from all those angles everything is perfectly fine uh but it is what it is um now if you do enjoy these live trade videos before i go uh a couple quick requests on my part first off hit the hit the like button and leave a quick comment even if it's just a thumbs up emoji uh because these aren't the easiest videos to make um they are live so i have to think for myself i have to talk to you i have to execute my trades i have to think for the chat room in terms of what alerts i want to make i have to type up those alerts so there's a lot going on so these videos are not impossible or anything like that but they do take a fair amount of effort and i'm willing to continue to do them and i will keep doing them as long as i know that there's interest and you know like you said the the very quick easy way to communicate to me that you do enjoy these and you want from me to continue to make these just hit that like button and then leave a quick comment down below and you know that goes a long way and telling me that my time is is being spent wisely doing these videos so thanks for helping me or thank you for helping me out in the sense of giving me feedback on whether or not these videos are good like i said hit the like button or leave a quick comment below and it is what it is so hopefully uh you had a better day than this but sometimes these days will happen everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-04-08 21:36

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