[LIVE] Day Trading | The Secret to Day Trader Success (Weekend Withdrawal)

[LIVE] Day Trading | The Secret to Day Trader Success (Weekend Withdrawal)

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good morning just clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live and wow that was fast i was just going to talk about tesla in fact if you go back scroll back to the very beginning of this video and you'll see that tesla was at 760 but now all of a sudden the price just shot in a blink of an eye down into like the 758 um and on that note when i say live what do i mean is this is a situation where i am recording myself getting and seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions raw reactions you will get that with the video what this is not is this is not a situation where everything has already been pre-recorded and now i'm coming back and talking about it or doing a voiceover some sort of post commentary nothing like that so if you're out there looking for a nicely edited nicely scripted video this will not be a video for you but if you want a nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader then this will definitely be a video for you but as i was saying uh tesla's getting really crazy here a market opens up in less than one minute but you know when you scroll back at the very very beginning of that video that was showing right around 760 and then all of a sudden it just dropped down quite significantly uh so pretty crazy looking like 7.57 um more so probably yeah 757 750 750 is gonna be an important level and actually i'm gonna get that alerted here into the chat room here tesla 7 57 50 interesting flush point on the open so what you see right there is my private community so first i want to see if that thing can get down below 7 57 50 and it did but i missed it but let's see if i can get a back test up to 757 to fill me got in there so let's see if this thing wants to come back down again in at 7 57.

very very volatile out of the opening gates there still think this thing wants to pull back here some key break definitely going to be 758.50 so got down through there let's see if this thing can get back down below 758 though okay there we go now we're getting a move somewhat can it get down to 756 is the question let's see what it wants to do here or maybe i got greedy in that okay got out some at 7 57 at break even just because i'm not quite sure if i'm being greedy down there or not and there we go so i'm glad i got out of those shares at 7 57 because now this is looking a little sketchy right now so there we go break even there and now it goes in my favor which is sometimes how it goes but i had to also admit that i didn't quite get the entry that i wanted had i gotten in a little bit later then that would have been much easier to hold through but there was just too much sketchiness going on so i decided you know what why don't i just break even so technically i'm down on the day because uh you know there's commissions out there uh but yeah it just didn't quite work out the way i wanted to see it work out finally did go i mean i finally did get that break of the 750 six mark and below but uh it just wasn't like i said the move that i was hoping for and i do like the 755 mark yeah if it can break down through seven or fslr though that's looking interesting let's go hop over there yep slr fade potential over one 105 minutes so yes i'm talking myself but i'm also typing to the community that you saw right there tesla though that 7 55. oh wow just missed that all right let's take a look around see what else is out there what's nio up to just a whole lot of strength uh that's right i've i was wanting to watch rook out of the opening gates but i kind of lost track of that let's see how this one's going okay roku at three twenty three fifty volume though so uh not a huge fan of that volume roku three three twenty three fifty flush point one minute so that is an interesting area 320 350 even if it gets down to yeah for me it's just a question of do i like that volume or not and i can mitigate against that by just going smaller size but i'm gonna hold off for the time being so all right a relatively shaky start and again just uh full disclosure that's just how it goes there tesla now going in my favor um and but i just got in a bit too soon and then just seeing how it continued to not quite want to behave decided you know what i'm not gonna get greedy i'm not gonna keep wanting more i'll just take the break even and then all of a sudden it started to go in my favor but sometimes you just gotta or at least for me walk away with either a small loss or a break even or maybe even a small winner just to mitigate the risk of what happens if this thing actually does ultimately go against you uh so that's what i did there but uh apa what's going on here oh wow that was a must have been a fat finger trade en ph this one has just been a a beast as of late all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right watching baba here 2 30 3 25 as a potential short but it's got to show some weakness first and as of right now it's not showing weakness this might just be a never mind but again like i said the beginning of these videos these are live so i i have no idea so yeah at this point i'm no longer interested in 233.25 let's see what is that low 233.75 all right well never mind on that one i guess all right watching 760 here on tesla and as of now i'm not sure it'll come back in a play or not if anything this thing looking like it might be getting ready to make another pullback maybe test the bottom part of this range around 250 or 753.

so as oh wow mrna all of a sudden let's go check out that one alrighty then mrna nice move gonna keep a close eye on that but i'll go ahead and pause for now watching 236.50 here as a potential short wondering if this is truly a breakout here or if this is just a little blip over these previous highs that's getting long's excited but that's gonna ultimately bring about disappointment but to be fair maybe this is a true breakout as of right now looking like maybe a true breakout all right so well maybe come down here a little bit well this thing seems to just be grinding higher so all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now all right watching 752 as a potential area to go short here but waiting for a break of 7.52 so i want to get that confirmation first okay got filled there on the back test now it's a question of can we get some more continuation i'd like to see this thing down to 750.

see if it wants to get down there a little bit of a bounce here so yeah what is that seven yeah 750 basically 15 is going to be that key level hope i'm gonna have to sit through this a little bit i was hoping i would have gotten a little bit more momentum on that break so patience will be required apparently so i will go ahead and pause for now and if it starts to i suppose either continue to go against me or eventually start to go back in my favor i'll get the video rolling okay it's starting to go in my favor here kind of okay i got out 50 there oh give me a break gave me eight all right i don't like that at all that has me actually very worried what kind of breakdown was that see if we can finally get some more momentum here on this one nope i'm all out there so 146 bucks i'll take it but yeah notice the hammer candle that's forming and look at that now going green and what set me off was that this right here the and it could still go down i'm not saying that but what has me feeling perfectly fine about that decision is it started to go down and then where was it yeah right there really eight out of fifty shares it gave me that's where i knew things were starting to feel a little sketchy and where i just started to lose comfort so that's why i hopped out of the remaining shares and then you saw me still hold on so i still had those 42 shares left and i gave it a chance i gave it a chance i tried to see if it wanted to get down through the 7.49 it didn't started to bounce back up and at that point thinking you know what i've given this thing plenty of time to actually break down uh it did not want to break down so that's why i just decided you know what i'm gonna take take the win and move on so there we go 146 on that trade and it you know it was pretty a pretty rough trade but it goes to show that you know trades don't have to be perfect and you can still make money on it but let's see what else i can find and there it goes green from there so i feel very very good about that choice and even right there you can see still getting more green so yeah definitely and look at that up it goes so that was a level twos order you know just film it that was definitely the leading indicator there that something wasn't quite right from the bearish breakdown perspective and look at it go just more and more green so uh glad i i you know listen to the gut instincts there and listen to you know what the market was telling me uh but wanted to keep you updated on that one uh so totally play that one right no doubt about it because at this point it did like i said as you see look at that just continuing to go crazy crazy and then their tesla goes just as a note i did change the two minute time frame here although i'm wondering is this bounce really real or is this just gonna ultimately roll back over here so i'm interested about that 754 mark but we'll see what happens all right what i'm watching here fake break of 760. watch for break above and then move below for short oh it's happening right now wow let me get up the chart here did i just miss it actually the high is what is that 740 150. so same idea here

is and i might have missed it it broke 760 and then as i was as i was typing up i didn't think it was going to happen that fast yup and there it goes may still come up that would have been a nice little scalp there for a fake break of 760 how long did it go after breaking above there went as low as 758.65 so yeah i just had this hard time believing that tesla's going to want to keep on going up from here and of course as i type up what i was thinking played out missed it all right well i will pause and still debating it's whispering to me to not want to go long took a little pull back here took this little breath but i have just i mean going along lately has really not been working working out for me it's just and there we go oh very nice shoot well congratulations yeah i don't even know if i got that in time to members really maybe i did but yeah fake break we also had another nice alert that could have so this is how the room works if you're wondering so right here also another member uh 760 short and his stop would have been over 761 so risking about a dollar and now you can see right here risking a dollar to potentially make how long has it gone so far uh you know basically let's call it two dollars and fifty cents so not bad right there and this thing might not be over so that was another idea you know and that's just how the room works and then of course i threw out something different so this is why it's not a a room of sheep it's not a room of puppets where somebody just blindly follows me nothing like that people give ideas and then you know sometimes it can be the same stock and as you see here a couple different ideas and then it's just up to members to decide how they want to play it so i mean really austin's alert was better than mine just because mine would have been a little trickier to get into had i typed it up a little faster but i said i didn't think it was going to happen that much but his was given before it even got up to 760. so you could real literally put a limit order out there in 760 let the price come up to you fill you and then like i said risk a dollar per share and uh you know in this situation how low has it gone so far yeah now you're it's hit 757 so there's three dollars right there compared to the one dollar of risk so not bad at all and to be fair i mean this thing looks like it's got a legitimate chance of at least getting down to the 756 mark uh but yeah so austin shout out to you good alert and nice little example there of how the how the trading community works all right watching tesla here for potentially a short of 7.57 this tight little range here and now it's bouncing back up there that fast so never mind interested here for a potential break up through 65 actually i'm willing to pay up to 65 i want to see it get up through 64.75 first though so if 64.75 is broken then my premise is i think this thing will want to get up through 65.

so watching closely in at 64.80 let's see if this can finally get the break of 65. there is the break and all out there for a nice 96 how did i only 300 shares i forgot to change my position size back well that just goes on the par with the day here um ah yeah i if you've watched my past videos usually i'm at 500 shares now of course tesla's a super expensive stock so that's why i'm at 200 but uh i should have been at 500 for that one was only at 300 um but anyways that really just goes to show how today went and uh you know it it's uh on the positive note what makes me feel a little bit better that was alerted to members of the community so they uh they could have definitely played the the scalp much better than i could have so that makes me feel a little bit better now i'm going to go ahead and wrap things up here but i want to do a very big lesson so much so that i'm going to put this out on saturday the weekend withdrawal series uh but what is the secret to trading and i'm gonna make that the title too and i'm sure it'll get a bunch of like thumbs down click baits no that's not the secret to trading clay that's just the i i need a magic pill i i need a magic strategy i need some sort of like i need an actual secret here is the actual secret to trading how did i trade today and that's fine i i don't blame you at all if you're like clay you're not a very good trader or if clay maybe you've watched past videos saying clay yeah that was pretty rough man i've seen you make in some videos like 500 bucks in a few minutes clay i've seen you make like thousands of dollars in a few minutes clay this this was rough again maybe this is your first video you've ever watched of mine clay why am i even still watching this right now you're you're not a very good trader and today was was not good at all it was not smooth i made some mistakes uh and you know the last one you saw right there was with the 300 shares instead of 500. and

there was mistakes there was uh i mean you you were with me right not that good of a trader but here is the secret to trading when you can trade like i did today and still wipe away your losing days my previous day right there down 135 so it was down 117 on the month on the year so far again i realized that markets are not open today hence being out on a saturday the weekend withdrawal but let's think about this what were my results actually from today so again previous day was down 135 look at today up 229 and again i'm not saying that at all in a bragging way i'm not trying to sit here and be like hey lis look i'm awesome aren't i awesome no i'm trying to stay in the exact opposite way i traded very blah very just it wasn't impressive of a day at all i wouldn't consider today smooth at all but that's the secret when you can trade blah when you can trade unimpressively when you can trade like a non-superhero but you can still wipe away your gains or excuse me wipe away your losses excuse me that's the secret why is that the secret because that implies that you are managing risk that you are controlling risks in a valid logical way if you have to sit there and you're like well i need to now trade like a super hero in order to get my losses back wow i'm gonna have to trade like an absolute rock star in order to get my losses back that's not good that is a flaw within your risk management part of your strategy that's not what you want when you can sit there and have days like you just witnessed very unimpressive very dude you're a terrible trader when you can have people and i'm sure there's going to be people in the comment section that say clay you're not good fair enough i'll go with you when you can have not good days and be a not good trader and still actually wipe away your losses hey that's the secret to trading because that means that risk management risk control is under control so if you only walk away with one thing from this video that is the true secret to trading how do you have to trade after a losing day that's the question if you're answering the question oh wow i gotta not trade like a rockstar superhero okay there's something wrong with your risk management if you can sit there and be like yeah i can i can be a bad trader i can be a very unimpressive trader and so actually not only wipe away my losses but put myself back into the green hey you know what that's that's the pathway that you want to be on so hopefully you enjoy that little lesson and uh as i tie this in here to a weekend withdrawal video but before i go a final few things first off if you enjoy these live trade videos enjoy the lessons that i bake into them then please hit that like button leave a comment these videos are not easy to make at all i have to again because they are live so i have to think for myself i have to think about what i'm going to do i have to think about what i'm going to say to you i think about what i'm going to learn in the chat room i have to actually type those alerts to the chat room i have to actually type my alerts type my orders which obviously i screwed up here with that position size on the last trade so there's a lot going on is it possible 100 is it easy absolutely not so if you do enjoy these if it is worth my time to continue to do this then the easy quick way to communicate that to me hit that like button leave a comment it can just be a simple comment like a thumbs up emoji a rainbow butterfly unicorn a muscle flex i don't care what kind of emoji it is hitting the like button one simple emoji or comment goes a long way letting me know that yeah clay please keep doing those these because it is worth your time and then also check out the channel as a whole lots of other live trade videos and other segments on the channel so hopefully you like what you uh what you see enough to uh hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have you as a subscriber but remember the secret to trading get out there and put yourselves in positions where you don't have to be a super hero in order to get your gains or in order to get your losses back first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-01-10 18:15

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