[LIVE] Day Trading | The 4 Second Friday (How I Made $295)

[LIVE] Day Trading | The 4 Second Friday (How I Made $295)

Show Video

Hey it's clay at claytrader.com. This be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live real quick if you're new to these videos when i say live, what i mean is that this is not a situation, where i've already recorded, everything, and now i'm coming back and talking about it and doing a voice over some sort of post commentary. Nope what you're seeing is me, recording, myself, seeing the information, for the very first time so if you want raw reactions. Raw thoughts raw emotions. You will get that in the video if you're looking for, a well scripted, video a nicely edited video, you will not get the hat but if you are wanting to see just the nitty gritty. Kind of deep down dirty look into what day trading is, and what it's like to be a day trader then this will definitely be a video for you a little bit more of context. It is a friday. And i want to be done i want to, ideally, be done in 15 minutes if that's possible, uh 30 minutes at most but i want to start my weekend, early, that's why i do day trading i do it for the freedom of time, and for the freedom of being able to just kind of dictate my schedule, however i see fit. And you might be saying what do you mean, you're gonna have a 15 minute work day you know maybe we'll see what the market gives me but yeah that would be an ideal situation. And then also to offer up a little bit more context. I did have a losing day, yesterday, in fact that video will be posted, either on saturday or sunday, i'm trying to uh maybe a new video series where i just put out a live trade over the weekend because i get it we as traders when the weekends close we're like wait what now what do we do with our lives, but if i put out you know i think i'm gonna call like a weekend withdrawal, series, right just throughout some, you know live trading on the weekend so you can still have some sort of connection with the market but point here being, that, i am coming. In from a losing day, so i just need to make sure that i don't go and try to get everything back in one fell swoop i just need to trade as normal, and just let the system let the strategy, play itself out, over time. So that's just another little bit of context i have in the back of my mind is i got to be careful. And i'm well aware of it at this point in my trading career, of how dangerous it can be to try to, take one big swing and then make back all your losses in one trade, so i'm just going to take it as is chip away chip away, and i did a a, good job of chipping away at it yesterday. But like i said still technically speaking was a losing day, and you know if i do my job right then i'm not looking to try to get it all back, but you never know however i'm not going to be out there you know swinging around 10 000 shares or something like that. So that's the context right now friday, i want to be done quick, and i'm also coming from a losing day so want to be a little careful in that regard, but market opens now in 10 minutes, pretty sure i'm going to be watching ticker symbol li out of the opening gates. I think this will be my ticket to having a 15 minute or less day, i could be wrong, but like i said i think this one looks like it's got the best potential. Uh movement going on so i will see you back at the open. Now i don't know if this is gonna come into play. A 3750. Flush, point. On the open. If, it, even, comes, into play. So, what you're seeing here is the, live community that i offer uh which includes a chat room and then i send out my, scans on a weekly basis too but so right now. Just alerted 37.50. As a potential flush point meaning we'd want to see the price going down, which if you're new to trading that's known as shorting so believe it or not you can make money when prices go down. In the market. Um, crazy when first time you hear it but yeah it is totally possible. Now, my community it's not a group of sheep or anything like that so it's not like everybody's got to take that trade it's just me throwing out there and that's how we work we work together to point out areas. That look like they could be interesting. And then it's up to each trader to you know make their own decision so it's not a bunch of sheep not a bunch of puppets. But we're just looking to help each other out and let's see market opens up here. In five seconds. So i'll just keep the video rolling. And let's see how. Like. Wants to behave. What is that high 39. So i could be see 39, being an upside break point. Upside, break point. For a quick. Scalp. One. Minute. So i'm going to keep an eye on 39, maybe try to go long at that area. If it looks like it wants to push up through there.

But Maybe it wants to keep on pulling back. All right making a move. Can it get up through 39. Is the question, and at 39. Out there for a quick 120. Dollars, just wanted the scalp. I didn't trust that move per se. I was wrong. I trusted enough for a scalp, i got the scalp, i mean you just saw that i literally made. Uh let's do the math there on that, i mean believe it or not, and if you don't believe me that's, fine i get it the times are right there but. Got in at 931.07. Got out at, 931.09. So literally. 120. In two seconds. Pretty crazy when you stop and think about it. And i was totally wrong i. Shoulda coulda woulda. But i'm wondering if this thing pulls back. He said is this just a fake breakout so, 3835. Could become an interesting, level, if the price pulls back to that area but. Open now it's just continuing to chug upwards. Well at this point i might look to try to go to. A position here on it, if it wants to get up through. The 40. Or excuse me 41. Mark. But no it's kind of. Just. Oh nio, bull pole. And again. Right there alert, 39. Upside, break point for a quick scalp. So for members that said now clay you know i agree with you on 39. So we have an example, i agree with you on 39, but, i don't want to do a quick scalp, i think it's got more to it, to be fair those people were right. Okay, 41.75. Putting an order out there. To get short. I would like more than 500. Shares and i realize that seems quite a bit of ways away but. This thing is also, a very, fast mover, so it could get up there. Quicker than it may seem. But point here being, yeah those people that said clay, like i said i agree, 39, that is an interesting, level. But a quick scalp, nah now i i think it's got more to it, hey they were right good for them that they were making more money than i did on it granted i mean i'm not gonna complain about, 120. In literally two seconds, but that's how the community works right it's not a bunch of sheep. It's not a bunch, we are wolves, right we're a wolf pack we work together we hunt together, but at the end of the day, it's up to each person to make that final. Determination. In that situation, the termination. Came down to did you agree with the quick scalp. Or not, and if you disagreed. Hey. I'm not offended, in fact in that situation you were right to have disagreed, because it turned out, in hindsight. To have been yeah. Now in other situations, i'm right right if i'm thinking something's a quick scalp, and it breaks out and all of a sudden the price, turns around quickly, well i'm still walking away with profit, but those people might end up taking a loss on it because well they were wanting more of it and they just didn't get more. So there's no holy grail. But. I'm wondering if this. Thing. It's just that this daily chart is so. Bonkers, on. It. We'll see what it wants to do but i'm going to go ahead and pause for now. Well not currently close but i like 3850. As a potential, area. To get short. Or who knows i mean maybe this thing's getting ready to, to blast up through. 41. If it is, i'll throw my order back out there this time at 41.85. But yeah we'll see what it wants to do i'll go ahead and pause.

All Right watching 38.50. Here. I don't want to take it on this candle though. How much time do we have left before this candle is over nice, five seconds. Four okay good good good. Perfect, all. Right. Even if this candle could stay above it that would be, so much better. In fact i am going to make that requirement, i want this candle to stay up above 38.52. And if i miss the trade who cares i just made 120, bucks in two seconds, i'm not going to be a greedy savage about it. Yeah hopefully this candle can also stay up above 38.50. So that is my plan for now i will go ahead and pause, and uh. Nope, nope. Oh well. But i think that might have still been and look at that bouncing, back up so i'm glad that i i made that requirement, because right now i if i would have gotten in i'd be. In a little bit of uh. Difficulties. Right now not that the trade still won't work out but. We'll see if it wants to come back above there now like you said worst case i get left behind and it is what it is. And i just got left behind down it goes. So. And really down it goes what is that, high of uh. 38. I'm wondering if this thing wants to get back over 38.. Up. I'm bowling now movie making a nice. Move. So nice movement there, like i said didn't quite miss it but that's a nice thing when you start off in the green you can get a little bit more nitpicky. A little bit more high maintenance. And sometimes you'll miss trades but that's all right i'm not not upset about it at all all right i'll pause. Watching 37.50. Now. As a potential, short. Now a little bit of a bounce. Here. So really just a question of, is this chart just so overextended, that there's still going to be more profit takers that step in, and i think so so in other words i think that overall this thing is now going to enter into. Somewhat of a downtrend, not a downtrend where i'm saying i think the gap's going to be closed or anything like that but enough. For a profitable, you know. Scalping, opportunity. Cause i mean just i mean the daily chart truly is just, pretty crazy. But as of now. Let's bounce up bouncing up here a little bit which is good let it take a little breath, but that's the current plan of action right now. So i'm gonna keep a close eye on it. All right what i like here is, to see if this thing can get up over, 39.. And then a short at. 38.75. But step one it's got to get. Would like to see it hit get up into the 39, 30s. And even if it doesn't you know what. It basically hit right off that level. In at 38. Fantastic, wow. Wow, all right i will take that scalp. In a heartbeat. Well i don't even know the math on that made, uh i'm up 295. I was up 120.. Fantastic. Now i had no idea it was going to go that fast but talk about the morning, of, tr, again another two second trade. So. Once again for those of you that are maybe not familiar with my screen. Got in at 9 46. 34. Got out at 9 46, 36. So another two second trade was just kind of curious i was, i'm up. 295. And yes i can't do the math okay, so don't judge, minus 120.. So there it is another, 175. Dollars in two seconds.

Crazy. But again, 38.75. Would love it it's i'm only going to take it though if it can get up. Above. 39.35. I in fact i want to get that alerted though. Let's see, li. 38, 38.75. Flush, point. I haven't submitted it yet. Like i said i want to see it at least get up over. Oh maybe it's going to finally pull back i don't. Know. And it's 9 47. So 17 minutes in. I've made i've i've had a, total. Of four seconds of trades and i'm up 295. Dollars, should i keep trading i feel like that. Potentially, makes me a greedy savage. But i'm gonna have this opportunity. Coming back again like i said would love to see this get up to. The 39, 30s. And then come back down or right around yeah the 38. 75-ish. Area, all right i'm going to get that sent to the chat room now i've been waiting to send it but i am going to send it now. 38.75. So the chat room is now aware of that area. And let's see if it can get. Up. Into the 3930s. And then have it come back down. Right now it's struggling to get up into that area. Fantastic. Good. Go up some more go up some more. Well if this thing just goes to a red candle, there's just no setup right there i can't. I can't work with that for something that goes green and then all of a sudden just drops to red. And that's basically what it's doing right now. All right well you know what we're 20 minutes in. Literally. This is one of the craziest mornings i've had in i mean a long time. I'm gonna get every now and then, oh whoa that trade happened so fast, i was in it for two seconds. But, in the same morning. Two trades. At two seconds, each and being up 295. Dollars that is crazy. All right i'm watching, 147.50. Here on pdd. Uh brought to. Light by that member right there. Uh so. And i missed it. Uh. That's funny. Well, good alert. Fantastic, alert, and i said ah. You dirt well. Hey, shout out. Fantastic, alert. I was getting ready to take it but. You know nobody's fault about my own nobody's forcing me to make these live trade videos and as i'm trying to explain things. For the live trade video. I totally missed the trade, uh but you know what. Please just hit the like button that's all i have to say is because. These videos are not the easiest to make and sometimes, as you saw there they literally cost me money because that was, a perfect setup, a beautiful, alert, i was getting ready to make it but again for the, for the sake of the video, i wanted to at least make you aware of it kind of let you know what was going on, where things were coming from where the thought process was coming from. And then i missed the trade, so all i can really do is laugh about it but i think that's probably the cue. And look at this thing go. Look at the thing go three dollars. Less, now i'm not saying, don't get me wrong i'm not saying i would have played it perfectly and i would still have my full position, size, i'm not saying any of that i'm just saying what a fantastic, alert, and once again. That that's how the room works right. I i for whatever reason i i never saw that setup. I mean i was looking obviously at other things, but that member brought it up in the chat room got my eyes on it and i missed it by the skin of my teeth, but another good example there of why you know and i'm not saying only my chat room is worth it but that's why hopefully you consider, joining the community because, you know that's the power in it it's helping each other out not a bunch of puppets not a bunch of sheep, but a bunch of, or at least it should be if you're a part of room and it's supposed to be hey follow me everything i do, yeah that's called you being a sheep and that if only trading were that easy, gotta be able to think for yourself but, yeah.

Disappointing. But like i was just saying before i watch this thing continue to. Fall down here i think that is my cue. And i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up, so, 25, minutes, in. And, four seconds worth of trading but still walking away with 295. Dollars, i'm not a greedy savage we're in the world on a friday can you say you know what i'm done after 25 minutes i'm starting my weekend early, and i've already made 295. Dollars into my pocket. I'm very pleased with that, and again going back to, the loss, took another, big old chunk out of it so i mean i'm basically, back to green, from yesterday's, loss, so, and i'm totally fine with that when you combine that with the all everything else previously in the week, uh. In fact i think there was one day was it monday, i think i i know i posted it i think i made 860. Bucks or something so, i'm totally green on the week but this day just helped, uh you know get me a little bit you know bigger, green on the week, after yesterday's, loss but, so played things. This sounds very condescending. Or very arrogant on my part but if you watched any of my past videos you know i am very. Difficult on myself but in this situation. I i behaved very well and i want to encourage you to behave very well too. I didn't get greedy. I followed my trade plans although the one was a wrong trade plan should not have been a quick scalp. But hey that's hindsight, for you but most importantly. I just traded normal. I wasn't going for some massive home run i wasn't going for some sort of i gotta get all the loss back, and i ended up walking away with crazily. Four seconds of trading and 295. Dollars, so, like i said i'm not paying myself on the back here but just letting you know and encouraging, you that. You're going to take losses. You're going to have situations, happen but just stick with the strategy, and let the strategy continue to work over and over now if you are interested, in getting the alerts that you saw, not only from me but other quality traders like like we saw at the end there that i missed then all you got to do is go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and the way the pricing works real quick is 99. For three months so really the way to approach that is, if i invest 99. For three months which breaks down to 8.25. Cents per week it's a question of do i think i can get at least eight dollars and 25, cents per week of value. If you think you can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then yes you will definitely get a great return on your investment. So, check that out and like i said i give my watch list make alerts and then as far as this video is concerned. Please hit that like button if you enjoy these live trade videos i already touched on it once but, these are not the easiest things to make, i'm trying to talk to you i'm trying to think for myself, i'm trying to make alerts in the chat room.

And It's not easy, i will continue to do it if i know that there's interest. But, i'm not going to do it if there's not enough interest so the quickest, most time efficient way to show me interest, is just to hit that like button or better yet hit the like button and just leave a simple comment hey thanks clay something just as easy as that, that really helps the channel that really helps, these videos, and like i said it lets me know that. It's it's okay it's worth my time to be doing those so like i said hit that like button leave a simple comment, even if it's just thanks, perfect. I i appreciate it that goes a long way now if you do have any other questions or comments or suggestions, you can also leave those in the comment section, and then finally, check out the channel as a whole and again one of those small little things that makes a big difference, if you like what you see then hit that subscribe button i would love to have it as a subscriber, to the channel, but yeah if you want to trade alongside, me, other quality traders. Then check out claytrader.com. Forward slash team but everybody take care and have a great weekend. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-15 10:24

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