[LIVE] Day Trading | Stocks Owe You NOTHING (Day Trader Rules)

[LIVE] Day Trading | Stocks Owe You NOTHING (Day Trader Rules)

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Hey it's clay. At claytrader.com. Watch181. Here i'm sorry for the intro, this is very impromptu. Was not planning on doing a video but. I think we have a good learning lesson here plus this is a beautiful setup here that's taking place. So in at. 181.07. Let's see if we can get some push, pushing to the down pushment that's not a word pushing to the. Downside. Boeing is at a state right now where it's just, you got it's a very rational thought to have that this thing. Wants to and needs to roll over now when i say rollover i don't mean go back to 177. But at least pull back a little bit here. So again i'm in at. 181.07. I would like to see this down to 180, 75-ish. Area before i even think about taking, profits. And it got down there and then that fast, bounced. So we'll see if it wants to make another push down of that area. Actually i like that i'm going to cancel that out i think i can get better than 180, 75, now or maybe i'm just being a greedy savage right now. But i like this setup that's taking place here really. Do. Strong, strong, strong this thing just does not. Want to roll over it seems. Like. But we'll see what happens. Again i'm in at. 181.07. So it's making that move down again can it actually break through 1. 80, 90ish, that's. Yeah that's the key area. See it gets down to that area then it just stops. The good news is if it can break then it should really go. Well. Again. I'll have to settle for 1 80. 75.. Can we get the can we get a push down or is this thing just going to bounce back up again. So at this point. Still could be a losing trade, because i still have 300 shares that i could take a loss on but. The loss now that i'm looking at is much more manageable, than if this thing does actually go in my favor. And i'm thinking i probably should pull some more off the position because this thing just refuses. To break down i want to give it another opportunity. Though. Can we get down through 180. 50.. Okay pulled out another 100 there still have 200 shares left. Looking for a breakdown now of 180, 50 which would be. Excellent. There we. Go. Wow. All right well just 100 shares left, so. Strong. If this thing goes over 181. 15, i will be out, with the remainder of my shares and that would give me actually a loss. On my final 100 shares but i could be wrong maybe this thing doesn't ultimately want to bounce. And if i'm wrong i will a situation where i'll gladly be wrong. Just using a mental stop though. So if i see it go up over 181, 15, i will have to be out. I hope i'm wrong i hope this thing's not getting ready to bounce again i hope this thing decides it wants to keep on rolling over because if that's the case. And that would be very good for me so a good situation, where you want to be wrong. Like i said i think this thing wants to bounce. 188. 15, is what i'm watching. All right it's over all out. So. Well, i got the. The small i don't even remember where i was at i think i was i was that i was at a loss. With. Um, with commissions, but now i'm up 23. But. Not the most exciting trade but a very very. Uh. A good lesson, uh less in the sense of you know what sometimes. The market doesn't care how much you love a setup the market doesn't care. What you think is going to happen now granted, i was right what i thought would happen happen. Somewhat. But not nearly to the extent. And, just because. Youth, are highly confident in something which i was i was very confident i thought this thing was really getting ready to roll over just because that's the case, the market doesn't care what you think the market doesn't owe you anything, nobody owes you anything. So you got to be aware of that you have to always in the back your mind, and knowledge the fact that you know what maybe i'm just wrong.

And I thought i was wrong i gave it plenty of opportunity to work in my favor it just didn't do that, now it's falling back downwards. Uh. Yeah i'll take it again at 180, what is that. 50. Yeah i mean i'm only risking another 75, dollars. And whatnot. So just doing 100 shares here in at 180, 53. Let's see if i can get the move finally this time or is it just going to bounce right back up we'll see. Again just doing 100 shares because i don't want to put myself into the red here i want to maintain, green. So even if i'm totally, wrong. It will still be a situation, where i'll, i'll have, some gains. Let's see if we can get down to. The 180ish. Area. So just have 50 shares left. In other words not going to make a killing, but i'm also, um you know in a. Spot. Well there we go there's, there's the move i was waiting for, my timing was off though right. For the 500 shares that is because at least i still took advantage of it with 100 shares but my timing was off with the 500, shares. Um, and. Still making money on it here which is great. Don't want to come across, as a greedy savage. But yeah my timing just wasn't quite what it needed to be there, and. That that that cost me so annoying, but from a, a youtube video perspective. You know that's that's a good learning lesson this is good real. Action and as a note if you're maybe new to the channel these are not voiceovers, this is all live this is happening, as i speak i don't know what's gonna happen. Next. Now i still could potentially, take a loss, on the final 50 shares but i want to give this thing plenty of leeway here to see if it actually wants to get down. Through the 180. Mark. But oh man this thing is just so. So so strong. But yeah if this thing wants to just, push down a little bit more, especially if the markets can break down that would be a fantastic. Help. All right well i just have 25 shares left that way i don't have to worry about any of this being a red trade at all so if it goes up over 181. I will get out of the trade. But if not. If we can get a break below 180. Then i'll move my stop loss down to just right around the 180, 50 mark. But in order for me to do that i need. To. See it get down below that level. Of 180.. But sometimes, which which i'm doing here you just kind of got to admit that maybe you just don't have the best read on the stock and i had you know i had a right read on it to an extent. But. Not not the perfect extent and that's why trading is so hard that's why it's so challenging, because when you stop thinking about it i was actually, right. I had a general premise of what was going to happen, it did happen. But my timing was off i i didn't quite get the right entry point. And you can be right about everything, but there there's more to trading than just being right about a general idea you still got to be able to implement the idea right get a good entry point you still got to be able to manage the trade, there are a lot of moving components, which all can be figured out so i'm not trying to say that, i am a great trader because i've always figured out i'm just saying, that there's a little bit more to trading than what. You know sometimes, meets the eye to people. So i'm trying to do customer service too i may just hop out here because this is kind of ridiculous, i mean time is money, and i'm just spending here, and i can't think about anything new to talk about i think i'm just repeating myself at this point in time but i'm trying to stall to see if we can get the break of 180. There. But again like i said. Yeah i'm just gonna hop out let's see. So all out there so 147. So again. I'm glad i took advantage of that move but, once again boeing just not willing to play ball just not and there it bounces back upwards, so, um, i think that's probably the sign.

That I need to be done with boeing. And given how i've traded boeing i'm actually, uh and you can see quite a few trades on it this morning, had some profitable, ones, but all my profitable, ones. Just, i. They just. Were kind of blah, and then i did take a loss but it was a very controlled loss which still you know has me up at 147. But. Just i'm trying to think what should i name this video. When nothing quite goes right maybe i should maybe i should name it that because that's pretty much what's going on here and, believe it or not, i i want a short bowling right now at 180. 15.. I'm not gonna do it though just because. At this point i i really can't quite tell, am i just revenge trading at this point am i you know am i trading based out of frustration. Or is that actually a good setup i don't know let me know in the comment section, shorting, at 180, 15 right now what do you think about that setup, is this actually a good setup, or am i wanting to revenge trade right now, um i'm not gonna take it but we'll do this everybody get your thoughts documented. Pause the video leave a comment down below and then let's see how this actually plays out so i'm gonna go ahead and pause and like i said, comment section below i want you to pause the button, or, pause the video real quick too give me your thoughts, and then we'll come back and see how this ultimately played out. Well for those of you that were saying take the trade. Uh right now the trade is looking pretty good now does it get continuation. Wolf to see. As we saw just because, uh it gets an initial move the problem with boeing is, it hasn't given any sort of continuation, to the moves but as of right now. Uh, those of you that said yeah. That was a good setup, of course i'm kicking myself dang it clay that wasn't. That would have been a good move so let's see. Yeah yeah but even now i still couldn't have even gotten you know 50 cents out of there which is you know what i would have liked to take my first, so for me, it would need to get to at least. 179.65. For me to consider this, a good decision, just because at, 179.65. I would have been able to pull out you know 200, shares. At essentially, a 50 cent move in my favor, which gives me quite a bit of uh you know breathing room so even right now, we could have a case where. It doesn't give continuation. And all of a sudden it just snaps back upwards, but, so we'll see how it plays out but that's the current update, and no no and no going back and editing your comment, this will be like a good real life education, example in terms of what you were thinking, what you would have done, before it actually happened so no editing comments, and i can see if you edit it right because for my end it shows edited. Oh. I almost don't want it to hit because i don't want to be upset at myself don't hit it don't hit 179.65. Oh i think i just saved how low did it go. When as low as, 179.66. Okay good, good i i survived, by one penny, in in the sense of it. Now go back up have you ever been there before where you actually don't want something to work out because then you're gonna kick yourself, in all seriousness, though, um, there it is so yeah that i wasn't seeing things that was a good setup. Should have taken it but that's good old hindsight so for those of you that said yeah no i'm taking that setup from the short side, it is not, you know it is not, revenge, trading or anything like that, i would say you made a great call you made a great read on that.

Because As you see now it's moved. Over 50 cents in the direction. Uh, granted, right now i'm not saying it would be some sort of epically, huge winner, but it's it's certainly moved enough now where for me i'd be able to manage it in a sense where it'd be at least a green trade how big of a green trade i don't know, but would have been a green trade well that's kind of fun we might have to do that some more i think that might be the first time i ever did that in a live trade video where i. Kind of we did some almost paper trading together. Because, you know had i done what i wanted to do yeah that would have been great and now just like that bounces, back up, so that's kind of been boeing's, mo today. Of course on the long side here it did the exact opposite it just refused to ever go down. But. So that was pretty fun maybe let's see it's only 10 17, only 45 minutes into the day. I don't know do i want to keep going i mean i don't want to be greedy, i'm not sure many places in the world where you can make 147. And only. You know, and i've been done since, when did i get out of that trade oh yeah 10. so i mean less than 45, minutes, i got out if you're unfamiliar with my screen but that's what i'm looking at right there. My last trade was out at 10 12. so less than 45, minutes. Up 147. Dollars. I mean, i like it i'm not a greedy savage. I, i'm happy with that but i don't know if there's one more setup that maybe shows up we'll see what happens. Well fun fact here those of you that took the trade, very well done very well done your. Quote unquote simulator, trade, is playing out beautifully. I don't know maybe some of you took it from the long side if you took that from the long side, um then hopefully you stopped out by now because things are getting very nasty, but. You know that's just, it is what it is i realize it makes me look stupid, that the one tray that would have finally really behaved in the favor, is the one that i didn't take but. The learning lesson there is you got to be very self-aware, and and when you're self-aware and you're honest with yourself if you feel like you can't tell the difference between is that a good setup, or am i just flat-out revenge, trading. Just acknowledge, it and just take a step back especially if you're green right i mean i'm green so it's not like, me deciding to not take the trade is costing me anything i mean sure it's cost me the ability to be more green, but i'd rather stay green rather than go red because i go there and i revenge trade or something like that but, quick little update there, it is now moving. Very nicely. In the downside, direction, so like i said for those of you that took the paper trade and i'll know down in the comment section below, well done. For those of you that are maybe wondering how does my chat room. Work. Let me just get it typed up so n k. L a watching, for 51. Key upset well i mean i just typed what i'm watching for so now members, know to keep an eye on that 51, mark weather gets up there i have no idea again these are live. Uh so but that's you know quick little example there of how. The chat room works if you've ever wondered behind the scenes. Uh but yeah if it does, get up to right around that 51. Mark. That's a very interesting, setup. But yeah it's got to get up to that area. And we'll see if it can or not. So i will keep an eye on it. So if 50, 90, breaks i'm gonna go ahead and get in this is such a fast mover that, um if i wait for the 51, break i'll probably be way too slow on it so i'll be watching level twos and if it's. 50 90, breaks then i'll go in with a lot, not 500 at one 51.. I'll allow myself, up to you know basically 10 cents of slippage, to get up to the 51. i mean i'm still okay with buying at 51.. Uh but i want to you know give myself plenty of leeway to. To get in and not you know risk missing the trade if it even gets up there right now, and again these are live not a voice over so i i, genuinely don't know if it's even gonna get back up to that 51-ish, area but, we'll see.

All Right it's making somewhat of a move. Kind of. Looked like it was. All right never mind. Quick little update ultimately, pulled back here i'm not saying it's totally out of play but as of now seems as though the tide is turning. Um and would be potentially interested in buying a pullback, down around 48.50. Which it's still got a waste. To go, maybe. Gonna go down to 100 shares though. No granted i would like more than 100. Shares. But 100 shares would at least get my feet wet on this pole back here so 48.51. Again no idea if it'll actually get down there but i'll keep an eye on it. Well i'm gonna go ahead and call it good it is now 10 31. A.m so, been open market's been open for one hour i'm not very sure of a place any other place in the world or not many i should say where you can make 147. In an hour, especially, when you. Don't really do that good of a job, right i mean, i really. I mean i did fine but i i could have done much better i just boeing didn't cooperate with me as much as i thought it would for all the reasons already discussed, but i mean when you think about it you can still walk away making money even when days just don't quite go in the way that you uh want them to go so i'm happy with it 147. In one hour. And uh. Sometimes you just gotta. Admit that the day just wasn't your day and move on, and, if now if you're new to channel i'd encourage you to check out the channel and go through the playlist of live tread videos i mean there's a variety of live trade videos. One of them off top of my head, made 460. Dollars in five minutes, i'm so think about that's crazy five minutes 460. Dollars but, to be fair not not every morning can be like that, and that's why video videos like this, as much as i would much rather post a video of me making a bunch of money this keeps it very realistic, so that you know that yeah unfortunately, not every morning is going to be 460, dollars in five minutes, i know there's one where it's like 2500. In like three minutes or something crazy like that that would be awesome if that could happen every morning, but that's just not the reality of the matter sometimes mornings like this happen. Where you can't do things right, and then, as embarrassing, as it is i literally. Got a video rolling, because i thought i was gonna be i thought i was gonna crush it on the trade i'm like all right this is such a good setup, let's just get a video rolling so i can get a sweet youtube video out there and show me making a bunch of money, and then. It didn't really work out i mean it worked sure but, um, not nearly. Uh in the in the sense that i thought it would but i guess you know to look at the glasses half full. Embarrassing, for me sure, but a good learning lesson just to show that no matter how much you love a setup, no matter how much you think is set up is going to behave in a certain way and no matter how rational, you are being and i was being very rational i mean i had all sorts of good justifications. For thinking the way i did, but the market doesn't care the market doesn't owe you anything the market doesn't care that you're making a youtube video, it's gonna do what it wants to do and it just didn't quite behave in the manner that like i said i thought it would uh to get out there and make a youtube video of it but, it is what it is embarrassing, but hopefully uh, there's some good learning lessons in it now before i go final few things first off if you enjoy these live trade videos, a very quick easy way to communicate that to me just hit that like button, also comments questions suggestions, leave those down below, if you've ever watched any of my past videos then you know i do read comments and will reply to them, and then finally like i mentioned earlier check out the channel as a whole there's an entire playlist of my trade videos, i want to say at this point. I mean i've been doing this for years and years i want to say there's like 400, live trade videos right now so i mean you can go through and see a good variety of different type of trading action.

And At the end of the day hopefully you decide to. Subscribe, to the channel and i'd love to have you but thank you for hanging out, and uh yeah remember, no matter how much you think a setup or a. Stock or the market owes you or you think, something is as beautiful, as it can be, doesn't mean that it'll actually work out the way you planned it so always got to be able to factor that into your trade management rules. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again. Totally live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-07-25 11:12

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