[LIVE] Day Trading | Stock Trades and Discipline (how it matters...)

[LIVE] Day Trading | Stock Trades and Discipline (how it matters...)

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Hey. It's clay at clay charter comest be a live trade video where I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market, opens up here in about seven minutes watching carv. Here, if you're not familiar with my screen there's the ticker symbol right, up there and. This thing is just an absolute monster in fact when you bring down the chart. With pre-market on it so you can see right now thing, is just booming right now biggest volume right down here so. I think I'm gonna watch this one out of the opening gates but I'm also thinking maybe I'll watch a Boeing I do have an order right now just. For 100 shares since. It's a very volatile stock it's pre market and. Plus it's it moves plenty fast so I mean even with a hundred shares if I could get filled down at 13:25. That. Very well could be a good entry point so maybe a pre market trade if it decides to pull back but if not I'll just see, you back at the open. Alright. The markets, are open, I. Am. Watching carv. Out, of the opening gates. And. I totally missed the. Very. Alert that I made in the room but, wow that happened pretty fast. The. Downside, of. Well. Hopefully members are making my money, on it. All. Right well I'm gonna go ahead and switch, over to Boeing here because it's acting very nicely. So. Here is Boeing. Now. I'm just waiting to see some sort a. Sign. Of weakness. As. Of. Right now just, sunshi. As you see here going straight up. Let's. Pull him back too fast for me right now, I'm. Gonna see if I can can try to. So. One 9525. All. Right there we go. Here. We go. Yes. You do hear typing I'm just making alerts. I'd. Like to see this candle it's gotta say up above gotta close up above and all right good and looks like it won't be an issue at this point I. Would. Be interested billing a breakdown below 195. 25, assuming, this candle it's got to say up above it. Come. On Kendall hurry up get to the next candle. Come. On. Longest. Minute ever these. Are one-minute candles. Come. On. Come. On there we go oh. I. Missed, it I'll keep it in there see if I can get a backtest. Is. It gonna back test me nope. Leaving. Me in its dust Oh. Bummer. Well. Never mind I hesitated. To, too. Slow. Well. Not snow, it's moving back up out have been a beautiful scalp though how. Did it gotten in at 25, I, went down as low as. Almost. 75, cents, in a matter of seconds, all. Right well not the greatest start to the morning at all all. Right looking at Playa pull back care. So. Got a hundred, shares at 18 nothing big. Let's. See if this thing wants and work his way back upwards I'd like more than 100 shares but. The. Hundred at least got me started. Looking. For another, oops. That should be. Sixteen, fifty. Looking. For another hundred down there at. 1650. So, we'll see if it wants to pull back down there again. There. We go just 200 chairs now so. Still nothing big. Try. For somewhere down there at 15. And. 1450. So. I have a hundred or excuse me two hundred chairs at 1725. Would. Like to see if this thing wants to get back above 18. First, up it needs to do those get back above seventeen. So, trying to get above 17, and there it is above 17, now can I get up over 18. So. I'm just gonna get out there wasn't. Quite operating, like I should and. Looking. Like I'm right now it's it's starting to pull back here a little bit I. Wanted. More than 200, I never was what I should have been now, grand anse I'm speaking in hindsight but I need, to be a little bit more aggressive and have built up more than just 200 chairs. Because. I would actually bend it very nice to gain on more, than 200 but this. Thing I think is looking pretty shaky, and yeah now you can see it's pulling back again. So. That is the power that is why you need to learn level twos this that's what this is over here at level twos if you're new this right here is called the technical, chart but the other part is level twos and they kind of work hand not kind of I do work hand in hand so, that's what caused, me to get out which as I'm now definitely the right decision as its pulled back well let's see it also I can find I'm, gonna go ahead and, thinking.

About Getting, short hair on NC. LH at right around 1950. Let me get this alerted real quick. Come. On well, it gave me. 439. Shares. So. Not, exactly. Ideal. But. We'll see if this thing wants and work its way downwards now. I'd. Like to see a breakdown below 19. That's. So difficult mentally to the balance. 439. Shares. So, we'll see what it wants to do here. All right well I'm gonna go ahead and polish because I don't right. Now it's just essentially going, in. A sideways range so if it looks like it's gonna start to go in my favor or, if it looks like I might get stopped out then I'll get that video rolling again well. Looking like I might be getting stopped, out if it goes over 1940. I will. Need to be out. I'm. Not gonna wave the white flag quite, yet I. Might. Actually look to add if, it, wants to get back down to that. $19.00, area. Which. It is. So. Let's see if it looks like it wants to break down through 19 because that would be a nice signal of weakness, there like. I said I need to see it behaving. Like it wants to break through 19. So. Watching closely. How, did I not well. Whatever. Let's. See if we can get down through 19 now, must. Be all yeah okay. That. Makes sense I'll explain in a little bit. But. Why 19 sure is being stubborn isn't it. Let's see if we can get the break. The, scene this is kind of getting silly at this point, spending. So much time watching this thing. I'm. Tempted to just take the. Take. A small gain or a small loss air. I know. It's gone, alright, I'm out there with the $56, loss just because like I said there's so many. Other. Things moving, that, let's. See a Boeing. Boeing Boeing Boeing looking interesting. What. Is that low low. Of. 193. 193. Let's. See if this thing wants to get down to 193. Okay. In. Let's. See if we can get some movement to the downside now. I'm, in at 190. 190. 306. And. I. Was just totally going in my face. What, is that level 192, 60. Is going to be an important area. Let's. See if it wants to roll back over here. If. It does go over 194, I'm going to need to be out. Right. Now things are not looking so good. We'll, see if we can get a move to the downside though. That's, kind, of trying. And. That fastest thing is all over the place. So, all out there. For. A loss now down, 567. And. I'm watching, 1875. Ich area very quickly here, on, carv. For maybe another trade on it I. Like. This increase, in volume here. We'll. See if we can get up there. It's, trying. Very, nice increase in volume. Bit. Of a pullback hair. We'll see if it wants to get up to that area. All. Right I'm going to hop in right now to try to anticipate it, a little bit. So. There is the break now can we get some more momentum, is the question. So, all out there I didn't like how it was hesitating. I. Mean. If you scroll, back and just, watch how it gets caught up at 1907. And I didn't like to see that and I gave it plenty of time I mean I gave it lots. And lots of time to try to get through that level but. It just didn't, quite happen but. Very clearly I was not patient enough, as. Now the prices, up. At 21. Well. Congratulations though, till members of the community I'll bring that over real quick so you can see. For. Those who wonder how does the chatroom work.

Well. You can see the alert that I made on it right here, at. 9:44. A.m., so before it even happened, 1885. Was, that point. That I alerted and while, look at it go. Again. Scroll back I'm not gonna say I did anything wrong by, just based on how the level twos were acting, I mean it just got really caught up at that point so I wanted to ensure. The winning trade especially obviously, coming off the bowing trade but. Yeah it. Is what it is it happens all. Right I'm gonna go ahead and get short here Boeing 193, 50. Let's. See if we can get a move and some more momentum to the downside, here. It's, trying. See. If we get down, below 193. It's, trying. All, right well. I. May, have just lost out that more this may be turned into a losing trade now. Maybe. I got too greedy I. Was. Definitely in the green. I'm not gonna wave the white flag on it quite yet. Yeah, we may have all just witnessed. Agree. To decision, on my part like. I. Said I'm not going to I'm not going to hop out quite yet I mean I still have. The. Downwards pressure in my favor. Can. I get it now and I got it excellent, very. Nice. Well. I'm glad I didn't freak out cuz it bounced up against me. Took. Advantage of it now I'm down. 19, dollars. So. Let's see it all second fine. I've. Been order at forty five fifty one here on en pH key brakes gonna be that $46, round number, but. If it can break down through there then what what, I want to see is a quick quick move down to 45, 51, it, seems like it's far away I mean over 50 cents away but this one is shown it can move and move very quickly. So, we'll see if it can work its way down there no. Way I'm shorting right here that is just totally chasing, at this point especially, given how overextended. This is but. What I'm trying to do is take advantage of those shorts that do chase. So. There's the break and like I said let's see if we can get this to, move, down to that 4551, mark. Again. My goal here to take advantage of the shorts that are chasing. Shorts. Chase and all the sudden the price goes, back they freak out they buy which will help me out. But. All right 45, 51, is where I want to see it go I will keep an eye on it, really. Like BA here, at 192, 15. But. This big candle. Right there kind. Of stretch things out a little bit more than I feel comfortable with but, if this if Boeing wants to start, to go sideways here for a couple more candles and then, go, I'd. Be interested in that but as. It right now just too stretched. Like. I said I like 190, 215, which is represented, by that the, crosshairs right there. But. At this point I just can't, take that trade I feel like that'd be a little bit too much chasing, but I'll keep an eye on and like I said if it wants to go sideways for a few more candles that'd be fantastic.

Alright, Looking at potentially short here at 190 250. Want. To see if it wants to break blow it okay. I'm in. Let's. See if we can get the breakdown through there. As. Of. Right now it, bounced, right off that green line. So. The power of tread lines, working. Against me though right now I was, looking for a break of that tread line did. Not happen let's see if it wants to try it again on this time there we go. See. If we can get a little bit further of a push downwards. And. No as of. Now at least it doesn't. Maybe. Try again here. Alright, I'm hopping out just. Not am still may break but I gave that thing plenty time to give me the break I was looking for it. Did not want to break 190, 230 which is essentially the location, of that treadline, amazing, how charts and level twos work. But. Very very, stubborn, like. I said I wanted to see a break I gave, it time to break but. It was just just. Bouncing around too much and at that point there there's the bounce right there, so. That is a WoW. I'm except I mixed. Now I'm not excited I only made nine dollars on it but I'm excited to capture that on video the power of again over here is the level twos and then. Over here is the technical. Chart and, I. Mean we saw it we saw how the price reactor right around that red line it may vary like I said it very well still may go but, it was just not behaving, in the manner I envisioned. It it happening, and I wanted to see a better. Of a flush and I moved to the downside and it didn't happen I don't did not happen it's actually currently bouncing right now so, only made nine dollars on it but actually a very. Nice example. Have. In order to go short 200, shares, 5625. Here. On. NV, ax this movie is getting extremely, overextend. Especially, on the 5 minute if I bring that over I mean. This is getting pretty ridiculous. I'd. Like more than 200, shares but 200, will at least allow me to get my feet wet. So. We'll see if it can even break up over 56, I'll keep an eye on it, well. It did break above it and spiked, a whole one, penny. 5601. That, is the exact opposite, of what I wanted to see a 1, cent spikes, oh never, mind on that one, I'm. In order at 1450, one I'm in and out, the Wow. That happened, blink. Of an eye. Only. 100 shares though so not a whole lot of money just because as you saw moved, very very quickly so just to recap that trade which quite literally happened, in seconds, I bought. 100 shares. At. 1450. One and then. Sold. At. 1475. On the blink of an eye so quote-unquote, only, 24, 24, dollars I think my maths right there but again that all happened so quickly and yes, in hindsight I realized and I'm, saying, the same thing to myself clay why don't you do 500, shares like you would normally do yeah. That would, have been awesome but, had, the price continued to flush down down, down you'd be saying clay why were you managing your risk why don't you reduce position, size why did you do 500, so that's just how you, know hindsight voices work but it's. Actually 1103, so 90, minutes, in and I'm well above my average usually I'm looking to be done by 30. Minutes to an hour but. You, know I wanted to see if I could maybe get myself back to green and I did so here we go the. Ugly, side of day trading, I just spent ninety minutes to make, thirteen dollars I don't, know what minute I think that's probably below minimum wage so I just worked less than minimum wage so yes at times training. Can be awesome if you go through my playlist, you'll see videos where I make well-well-well. Above. Minimum wage but. In this situation pretty. Sure I've made less than minimum wage so. You can't be making money all let. Me take a step back you can't be making great money all the time because yes I did make money but. The big learning lesson here I hope you, see and walk away from is just, manage risk that was not fun to get punched in the face by Boeing, that was not pleasant at all but, at least by taking the loss by honor by, honoring my, risk and managing. My risk I was able to put myself in this position where. I could at least fight back and give myself a chance at either. A small losing day or you, know a green, day which happened, to be green as, I you know fought back on this one so overall. Though a couple, of great learning lessons in there scattered, throughout and, hopefully. You learn something from it if you enjoyed this video before I go a quick, request a very, time efficient, way to communicate to me hey clay I do enjoy these live trading videos please keep making them just hit that like button very.

Straightforward, Very time efficient, also leave, a comment questions, suggestions down below if you've ever watched my past videos then, you know that I do read, and reply to comments so, I will read them I will reply to it and then finally check out the channel as a whole and hopefully, decide to see or, hopefully you like what you see and decide to hit that subscribe button there's lots of other videos besides these live trade videos there's, educational, videos there's all sorts of stuff so check out the channel and like I said I hope you like what you see and would love to have you as its subscribed to the channel but, else and you just enjoy these live trading videos and you want me to keep making them just hit that like button thanks, for hanging out, first. Off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go I want, to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop, online event whatever, you want to call it but it will be me live, revealing. To you what I discovered. That has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee to. Being my own boss, including, how I had only one losing day out of 73, days in total I'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock. Profitable. Consistency, within the markets the first key is super-weird but, in a productive type of way the second, key is super awesome because it quite, literally is wired into our DNA, as humans making, it very easy to use but, in a cruel way this, becomes a pitfall for many traders I'll explain it although including. How to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way to get way too good to be true but it's not and I'll show you how, it all works then at the end I open it up for a question-and-answer, session that is again totally. Live even, if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay then I will send you click, the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which I should know is limited. Due to the fact that this truly is a live event if. You have any questions, let, me know if not I'll, be seeing you soon.

2020-06-23 21:03

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