[LIVE] Day Trading | Some Days You Just Need to Survive...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Some Days You Just Need to Survive...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in about seven minutes real quick for those of you that are new to these videos when i say live what i mean is that this is a situation where i am recording myself seeing the information for the very first time as opposed to you know everything's already been recorded and now i'm doing a voice over or some sort of trade recap nothing like that i'm seeing it all for the very first time so if you want nitty gritty details or all thoughts raw emotions raw reactions you'll get that here but i also want to honor your time if you're seeking out some sort of like nicely edited video well put together script you're not going to get that here but if you just want kind of the the unscripted version of trading what it can be like to be a day trader then you will find that here right now i'm watching sj and i said a little context here of kind of what i'm watching what i'm looking for i dropped this alert to the chat room if you're not familiar with the site i do offer a private community but right here sj all eyes on 15 that's a very uh critical level now and then in my mind you know if it breaks wouldn't it be shocking to see it run into a halt halt meaning the stock just stops trading for a temporary time uh just because things get so crazy but this is one of these that uh seems to be a fast mover 15 is like i said a very well established level at this point uh but you know is it going to get back up to 15 i have no idea because again these are truly live so who knows maybe i'm going through and setting up all this context for something that doesn't even take place uh that's a possibility but if anything that's also a little miniature learning lesson to show that yeah just because you have plans just because you think something could very well happen the market makes no guarantees it may not actually ever happen but that's the current game plan so maybe a pre-market trade on this one if it can get up to that 15 mark and look like it wants to break through it but for now i will go ahead and pause i should i totally forgot but i noted that i've actually already made a trade on sj but i didn't have any of the software set up at all and you can see this was you know back at 904 a.m just a quick scalp didn't even get full size on it um and walked away with 55 so i'm actually starting off uh you know up 55 but so i've already taken one trade on it and we'll see if i get any more on it but just want to set that context i'll go ahead and pause for now all right market opens up in less than one minute and it is just hovering i'm almost wondering should i just hop in right now and anticipate a break of 15 but that can always that can always burn you i don't know i just i could be totally wrong i feel like this thing is just wanting it's gonna and right again hitting at 15. does it actually want to break or is this thing just going to go up there let's see oh wow totally left me in its dust so it broke shot straight up and then that fast down it went so this one's gonna be a very volatile one apparently but my good friend tesla over here wow really no gap at all on tesla that is very rare usually tesla's gap in at least somewhat if you do hear typing that's just me making alerts yeah i might get back up to that 15 mark whoops but yeah that 15 i mean it spiked big time but that was not really uh i can't imagine anybody actually getting in on the break of 15 because it happened so fast now people that speculated so in hindsight i should have gotten in beforehand like i said because i could easily i mean i had a 50 cent room to scalp out so any people that took the speculation but i mean anybody that actually tried to get in on 15 i mean you can scroll back and watch that wasn't really realistic because it went from pretty sure 15 to then like 15 25 or 30 on the ask and hopefully nobody chased up that far but um and now it's just pulling back so a good example there of yeah the break happened but if you watch how it played out not necessarily practical to actually get in on the break the only way to really play that one was to speculate meaning you get in before 15 was ever even broken because to actually get in on that break that just you know wasn't really feasible like i said if you want an example of what i mean as i try to sit here and explain just scroll back in the video and you can watch that action and just see how fast it actually took place but all right well i think i'll put this one aside for now and i mean it very well could get back up to 15. but yeah tesla not with a whole lot of volume so all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause now and i'll look around watching 687 as a potential breakdown point here on tesla to go short i mean i want to see the price go down for any of you that are beginners so i'm in there looking for the breakdown of 687 well now it's bouncing up on me see if it wants to come back down which would actually be an amazing candle if it does can you know come back down to that 687ish area i'm not sure what it wants to do here i'm gonna have to stop out if it goes over 690. so all out there well i wasn't pleasant so now down 700 but if it comes back down to 688 i will be interested but yeah i just couldn't risk this being some sort of bounce so watching 688 and at 688 let's see if i can finally get the move here there we go there is the breakdown i was looking for but let's see if we can actually get some more push through here and 687 is still that key break witness if it wants to get down to the 686 wow now it's bouncing up that much let's see what it wants to do in 686 trying to make that push close oh now i can't even get out of these shares and now it's gone red on me wow welcome to the wonderful world of tesla i suppose let's see if it wants to come back down and i was i was waiting trying to get that breakdown it looked like it wanted to happen it just didn't happen now i gotta sit here wonder should i have just taken those gains so it's pulling back there we go will this finally be the time it goes that was just a big failed bounce it's got to go this time doesn't it come on it's gotta go right there we go so still have 50 shares left 25 shares left so all out there still a red on the day but i got back quite a chunk and i'm glad i did not let that green move spook me out there was no reason for it rolled back over and yeah no in hindsight well of course i should have sold down there but it was looking like with that amount of momentum it very well could have been down below 6.85

it didn't do it though but all right well still down 238 but that's a whole lot better than being down 700 oh ftch what's going on with that ftch just all sudden flashing my gap down uh what is that up there yeah interesting 50 50 75 is that i'm looking at other time frames yeah like 50 75. so let's see if this thing wants to get up to 50 75 i'll try to short 500 shares i'd like more than 500 but this would just get my feet wet on the position what did sj ever do sj listen just point oh no never never did make its way back back up above that area twitter also showing some life twitter's not normally oh wow and reiterate and test the clay why did you ever even take that loss in the first place because when i took that loss originally for all i knew that was that was the beginning of a bigger bounce to the upside and i just couldn't risk any more i was already down enough where it was already painful i had already given enough wiggle room uh but i just couldn't risk it in hindsight yes of course i clay you should have just held you'd have been fine and you're right but that's the thing is at that exact moment in time i didn't know what was coming next uh so that's just the nature of trading uh you can look in hindsight and be like well that was kind of stupid of taking that loss but however and i've done videos like this and there's been there's live trade videos where had i not taken the loss you just watched these stocks go up and up and up or go in the totally different direction meaning wow that loss could have been so much worse so that's just like i said the nature of the beast i'm trying to go back to tesla here i just feel like it's too overextended right now to the downside might be okay but um and there's that 685 break that i was wanting to get but didn't get in once again it's bouncing i i'd like to see another move up and then to have the price come back down but right now i feel like and this is mainly coming from the five-minute chart so i'll bring that over just feel a bit too so that's yeah 685-ish really is going to be a very important point so it makes sense that the price is bouncing and i like this i'd like to see the price stay up above 685 for maybe the next 10-ish minutes and that could definitely present a very interesting scenario but and hope next tennis minutes and then it breaks in the next 10 seconds so there we go these videos are truly live because if they're live if they weren't live i definitely would not have i would edit that out because that kind of made me look stupid there i'd like to see it up there for another 10 minutes oh okay it's broken down through so yeah tesla just not just not really playing ball like i would like to see it play ball right now all right well i will go ahead and pause and let's see what else i can find all right sj actually looks really interesting here at a potential 14 breakout just looking for a scale pair so i'm going to get in there let's see if it can get up through 14. there we go and wow what a quick scalp that was indeed very nice like i said just wanted to take a quick scalp on it nothing big and i realize in hindsight maybe i should hold longer but that's always hindsight but like i said just wanted to scalp just wanted to uh because i i have no problem admitting that after watching that 15 failed breakout yeah that had me a little skeptical there and apparently i was wrong to be skeptical but like i said um wait thinking back to the beginning of the video that 15 break was very very sketchy um and i i don't want to get caught in one of those so i figured you know what if it's going to give me that much that quick i'm just going to hop right out so i mean that was a seven second trade and i made about a hundred thirty dollars on it so i'll take 130 dollars in in about six seconds and again no save yourself the time in the comment section i'm well aware clay you should have held because it actually broke out even more i know but again that that's that's hindsight trading but all right well let's see where am i all right down 103 now so um and so only 10 12 so not like it's a terribly long day for me i like to be done after 30 minutes at most so technically i'm a little above average here but many days i'm well below average uh but i'm i'm definitely not going to go out there and force anything at this point i mean i'd love to make a video where i go from you know being down 700 to being green uh i mean i have no problem admitting that at all that that would be a cool video and i like to make cool youtube videos uh but um i i i'm not gonna just go out there and start the fourth trade just try to make it happen if something good pops up then that'd be great but i'll take a look around for a little bit while longer but at this point probably gonna have a red day but if i'm right 100 bucks you know that's something that i'm i'm i feel just fine about i also have a podcast interview i'm doing at 11 on my time a.m eastern time uh if you're not familiar quick plug i do have a podcast been doing it for like seven years now the stock trading reality podcast it's on itunes spotify all those podcast players but i have a guest from the community that i'll be interviewing for that uh so i i have no choice i need to for sure be done by 10 50ish or whatever uh so still some time left but like i said i don't even know if i'll push it to that end because it does look like things are maybe slowing down here a little bit tesla i'm debating looks interesting right here at 689 if that could uh fail you know could be an interesting trade uh but like i said i don't know if i'm necessarily going to take it 689 does it does look interesting i'll keep an eye on it but i'll go ahead and pause all right have an order at 32.65 to try to get short here on plby but actually just slowed down a little bit on me so let's go up to 32.85

instead so 32.85 500 shares i would like more than 500. you know at this point i think this thing wants to get up over 33. so i'm at 33.25 now and if it does break through 33 i want to see a very fast move although would have been totally okay had i stayed at 32.85 but i'm playing i'm airing on the side of caution with this one because i don't know if i've ever traded this one i mean have i ever i don't know if i've ever seen this ticker symbol plby i mean have you i don't know what they do i don't know who they are but where's the break and it only went up five cents so that's not the type of break i was looking for so let me go up to 33.55 as i said i

want to see it break and get moving and it broke and then moved a total of five cents the exact opposite of what i wanted to see um all right well i will go ahead and pause and like i said i'm definitely airing on the side of caution because i don't think i've ever traded this one ever um and if i have i don't remember it so i don't have you know very much familiarity with it so i'm just trying to err on the side of caution but it almost seems i almost want to say that yeah it looks like the play's over but i don't know what the way this thing is moving maybe it's going to get up to 33.55 way quicker than i thought would be possible so i'll keep a close eye on it but i'll go ahead and pause the video for now all right it's making a move i've adjusted my order up to 33.85 this looks like it's gonna be a tough fill though so i can see it going up in like just tapping 33 84.

maybe i'll be wrong though again i'd like more than 500 shares but at least 500 gets my feet wet but it's first got to get up to 33.85 and now it's back below 33. all right i will go ahead and pause all right watching 5250 here on m-a-r-a it's making a move but i don't know if i'm convinced that there's actually any strength behind the move itself maybe there is that's why i'm waiting for confirmation but would be only interested if it can get down there to 52.50 all right gsx all of a sudden shot across the quite the move on this one wow let me get this alerted in the room somebody just alerted roku what's going on with roku here gsx though still going what was i just oh yeah m-a-r-a is what i was looking at okay yeah that one looks like it was a legitimate breakout at least as of now so never mind on that one right i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right the tray that i think can get me back to green 686 flush point two minute so just to get that alerted to the community there but watching 686 here it's like i said that's a trade and additional for a scale pair but i think that's the trade that could very well get me back to green even better love it nice nice like the setup that much more now with this green candle here that's formed now to be fair maybe maybe this isn't a quality setup maybe this is this is the start of something much bigger that's always possible too just looking like it might be so maybe 686 is just not gonna come into play at all uh but if it does now it's it's gonna be a while and i only have a few more minutes before i gotta hop on and do this uh interview which i'm really looking forward to but yeah now this put it quite a bit out of range but you never know with tesla is this truly a strong move or is this thing just gonna get rejected and smacked right back down so i'll keep an eye on it but 686 that's the magic level that i think could very well get me back to green but um again because these are live videos uh i don't know if that is going to come into play or not but i'm going to be watching i'll go ahead and pause all right well i'm actually back now just finished up with that interview and to update tesla 686 so you can see here never came into play uh a member alerted that trendline and as a potential a treadline break to short uh which turned out to be a fantastic trial or a fantastic alert it broke through there and then down it goes but trading while on a podcast not only is it just flat out disrespectful for the guests that's volunteering to be there uh but that's that's probably not a wise thing to do anyways to try to be trading managing and training talking and all that so i mean i didn't take the trade or anything like that but definitely a great alert there and right now i am i'm certainly fighting the voice i mean i'm i still love 686 but i gotta move on with my day it's now a little bit past noon um and i gotta just uh you know move on so i'm gonna take it what it is down a hundred three dollars with commissions i don't know down 110 off top my head so just live to fight another day sometimes that's what happens uh you know in order to thrive you got to survive and this is one of those survival days and as traders it happens nobody's going to be making money all the time but from where i was to where i closed very happy with the the comeback there that i was able to put together but thanks for hanging out if you do enjoy these videos one final thing before i do go like i said these are live so they're not the easiest to make because i have to talk to you i have to make alerts in the chat room i have to actually think about what i'm going to say you have to think about my own trading i have to execute my own trading so there is a lot that goes on and these videos are totally possible uh but like i said they're not easy and i will keep making them as long as i know that there's interest so if you do enjoy these videos and would like for me to keep making them two easy things hit the like button leave a comment the comment could be a unicorn emoji the comment could be just a period just dot that's fine hey but a comment and a hitting that like button goes a long way in letting me know that uh you know these videos are worth my time so i appreciate it very much and then also check out the channel as a whole hopefully like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button as i would love to have you as a subscriber to the channel but yeah get out there and just realize some days you just gotta survive and that's what happened to me so survival day walking away down about 110 but it is what it is everybody take care thanks for hanging out first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-06-05 04:25

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