[LIVE] Day Trading | Scratching and Clawing for My $502...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Scratching and Clawing for My $502...

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hey it's clay and a little bit of an impromptu live trade here so i gotta actually uh low of 672.50 so what's going on here is that when i say live what i mean is that this has not been already recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a voiceover so i'm sort of post commentary i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts or emotions you're going to get that here and as i rush through here what i want to see here is tesla get up above that purple line and then come back down and i'm interested at 672.85 it is 10 40 in the morning so the market's been open but absolutely love this setup if it plays out and i want to kind of ideally show that hey all it takes is one trade to really turn around your day not that i'm having a bad day but you know just up 172 but like i said i think that could really change quickly if this plays out so 670 250 is what i'm watching now maybe this thing keeps on moving up when up and up and then i'm going to look foolish saying oh hey i looked i love this setup i love this setup and then it doesn't even take place or i don't know maybe i lose money here because like i said this is live i don't know what's coming next but i do know i like the potential here of this setup 672.75 is gonna change that too like i said if this is a legitimate bounce then you know that purple line is not gonna really do much so it's just a waiting game how does the price and you can see the price is just all of a sudden just chipping around right around that purple line okay 672.75

still watching it like i said does it want to actually come back down or no let me check something over here a little six yeah yeah that's it's looking great looking great ideally this candle here stays above it and then if this next candle wants to come down that would be fantastic so again and these are two minute candles meaning you know for the next basically minute or so i would like to see the price stay up above that level well actually less than a minute no no no no no go back up go back up there we go thank you it did actually go down and blow up but come on just stay above it and this candle should be done any second now come on i said i want this candle to stay up above it this got to be the longest minute of my life there we go in there at 672. let me just get this out there looking for this thing to first profit lock at 672. so i mean it's gotta at least break down through 672. so it's done that very good see if we can get that down below 671.

okay i have 50 shares left let's see if we can get this thing down below the trend line is this trendline going to fail or is it going to break i want to see it break there is the break not a great break though it may be bouncing back from there whoops missed that one now i can't get out there we what did i just do all right whoops now i'm long 25 shares at 672 45 well that's embarrassing i don't even know how that happened most curious does this no i need to just get out well i ended up losing i don't know what was that like 40 bucks at the end because i somehow ended up long but anyways so there you go um one trade and now i'm up from what 172 to 418 dollars uh and that all and quite frankly there might be another trade here yeah right here at that 740. now the question becomes i don't want to give back those gains so at 670 i could risk 150 i'd still be green so yeah at 670 i'm gonna go 50 shares and even if i'm wrong i'll lose about 150 bucks which would still keep me up above where i was oh i'm just double checking yeah 670 25 so i'll say that again uh if i'm wrong i'll still be green but if i can add in a few more that'd be great oh wow that okay good got some on the back test so let's see if we can get some movement here to the downside now yeah yeah not really the most awe-inspiring break be a little patient here but not exactly what i was wanting or hoping to see but like i said i'll give be a little bit more patience here with it all right there we go there we go took off 25 at 669. and all out there for a quick little scalp and fantastic perfect so just like that in a a time span of i don't know less than i mean the video hasn't i don't think i've paused the video since i've got it recording so in the time span of less than uh five or ten minutes i've taken uh not not a bad day i don't want to say that 172 dollars was a bad day but now i'm right up there to 493 dollars which you know i always like to try to get up to around the 500 mark uh but it doesn't happen all the time and maybe it'll happen but i kind of want to move on with my day anyways but let me take a look around and see if there's any other trades out there i'm gonna go ahead and get short here 173 50.

big turnaround move on this one all of a sudden key break point still going to be right around basically the 173ish area one and i take that back 173 let's call it 30ish and if the price does come down to 173 25 i'm gonna look to add to the trade so add to a winner but step one for that is it's got to get down to 173 25 and step one in that sequence will be kind of get down through 170 350. so there we go and a very weak break see if it wants to give it another go i mean i love this setup here if it breaks it should get going just hovering right around this 170 350 area let's see what it wants to do well it's holding it on straight every time 150 7350 disappears so what i'm watching is this right here i'm looking for that number to drop down below 170 350 and the time that it's done it it's just quickly gone right back above 173.50 all right well i'm gonna go ahead and pause well it's starting to work its way maybe down i'm gonna pause for now that way i'm not gonna make you sit through this uh but if it looks like it's gonna potentially break down through there i will get the video rolling at that point all right it's once again at 170 350 and keeping keep watching the level twos notice how just pause there it's not really yeah it just doesn't want to go does not want to get any sort okay it's getting nope and that just like that give it another try here nope still hovering right around that area once again well a nice little example here of uh sometimes patience is required and when you get the break and it still doesn't quite behave like you want to see it behave but we'll see if it wants to give another go and come back down so i i suppose 173.40 is is mainly that the level here that's the problem point from watching the level two is 173.40 like i said is that that annoying area so i will go ahead and pause for now all right well getting down towards that 50-ish area 173.50 that is never mind never mind back up to the 60s all right well it was down below 170 350 for a split second but these level twos are all over the place but again i'm still it seems as though 173 40 is the actual key break point and my patience level is about up this is kind of silly right now i'll give it a couple more moments but yeah just watching that number you notice it just does not want to just does not want to give up really the 173 50ish mark 58.

now it's back up to 70s all right out there for a 32 loss what you know it is what it is one small size that's a good thing about small size is uh you know when you when if you take a loss it'll it'll probably go now watch it break down through 173. 50 and go but i mean that i mean it's still great but i just i don't know maybe this is some sort of bottom here that's forming it just refuses to actually make that move all right i'll pause and same stuff it's been i don't know three or four minutes uh maybe even five minutes and you can see it's literally doing the same exact thing still a super interesting area uh but you know will that level ultimately break i don't know but uh like i said i'm not gonna sit around and just wait and wait and wait for it i'll keep an eye on it i have it off in one of my other monitors uh to see if maybe it does wanna you know come back down here uh but if anything what i would wanna see is a a pretty gr pretty seemingly good move to the upside and then all of a sudden have it relatively quickly come right back to the downside that is something i i could be interested in but this little small action right now tight little range uh you know just not interested in it i do like tesla here at 660 for that break let's go with 25 shares here now see if we can get down through 6.59 well call it good there ah look at that 502 fantastic well there you go as my slogan goes 500 a day keeps the day job awake it was kind of a little bit of a teeth grind teeth grind teeth pull teeth grind doesn't make any sense it was kind of grinding my teeth to get there uh but i did get there and curious on mrna nope still just doing the exact same thing i i feel like but really i mean i just have to admit that i mean tight small range going sideways you still gotta think it's gonna ultimately break to the downside uh but at this point i've lost really all confidence that that as good as the technical pattern looks like i suppose if anything i could wait for it to break down and then get in so i i you know have ultimate confirmation but i gotta get moving with my day so i'm just going to call it good there and uh remember all it takes point here being uh just a minute what's going on with dt i don't even just lit up my scanners but not really much what was that other one i saw eqr that one also lit up my scan oh okay i can see that but that's a weird looking chart just big volume spike big volume spike big volume spike but i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up here now before i go oh and the point here being more of a story all it takes is a couple couple of setups right tesla basically that one trade is what gave me the majority of my gains here yeah there is a couple other trades one you saw it didn't work out how to take the loss on but you know there's a little lesson in that too it's okay as traders there is no nothing wrong at all with just saying you know i'm not quite sure this is not really worth just take the loss take your loss and move on because think about it had i kept watching and watching and watching mrna i would have missed that tesla trade that not only got back all my gains from the mrna loss but actually propelled me into the green and put me up over not into the green excuse me up over that 500 amount so i'll say that again by cutting the loss remember economics 101 opportunity cost by cutting the loss at mrna it did not cost me the opportunity to then go make that tesla trade which again recuperated the loss i made on mrna and then put me in the green and then put me up over the 500 mark so opportunity cost of the very real thing just something for you to keep in mind you know as you trade is yeah it's not fun to take a loss but you are now getting that capital back so that you can go out there and put it into another trade or what have you um instead of sitting there and missing out on a bunch of opportunities because you get stubborn or your ego takes over or whatever you know just one of those things to keep in mind and like i said i had a nice little example of that here uh at the end of the video of how rpg cost uh you know could have you know cost me uh the opportunity at um tesla so before i go though a couple quick things uh because these are live they're not the easiest to make i have to talk to you i have to think for myself i have to think about my own trades i have to execute my own trades i have to you know make alerts in my chat room community that i offer so there's just a lot going on and i don't say that to like say i'm so great i just want to ask you and make sure that i'm using my time wisely that do you still enjoy these videos do you like these videos and if you do two ways to communicate that to me hit that like button leave a comment it could be as simple as a thumbs up emoji some people just leave literally a period that's fine too but hitting the like button and leaving any comment at all communicates to me that it is worth my time and you know you enjoy these and as long as i know people are enjoying them i will keep doing them been doing them for years but still i want to make sure that as always from a time management perspective that i am managing my time wisely so let me know down in the comment section below but yeah there we go 500 a day keeps the day job away wasn't as smooth as some other trades uh sometimes i can get the 500 in one single trade and it takes you know just a few minutes but took a little bit longer than that but i got there and you know that's just how the market goes sometimes it'll it'll make you have to pull teeth to get to where you want to go uh but just got to stay with it but thanks for hanging out and like i said if you enjoyed the video hit that like button and leave a comment first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-05-30 21:34

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