[LIVE] Day Trading | Not a Good Start on $TSLA... (Weekend Withdrawal)

[LIVE] Day Trading | Not a Good Start on $TSLA... (Weekend Withdrawal)

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Hey it's clay at claytrader.com. This be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in less than two minutes real quick before i get started for those of you that are new to these videos when i say live. What i mean is that these videos. Are not a situation, where everything has already been recorded, and now i'm coming back and doing a post commentary, or doing some sort of voice over, nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information. For the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions. Raw reactions. Then you will definitely get that with the video if you're looking for a well-scripted, video a well-edited, video, you will definitely not get that but if you want just the dirty look into what it's like, to be a day trader, you know and how dating trading can uh you know play out then you will get that with this my plan as of right now. Gonna be watching ticker symbol. Xp, ev out of the opening gates, uh pretty crazy. 2.2, million, shares. Already, so looking like it'll be very active, and we'll see what happens with it so i'll be back at the open. All right the markets are open. So let's see what xpv, wants to do with this first minute. I don't have any plans on buying, or doing anything or shorting or anything on this first minute just want to see what it does. And it's not doing, much of anything. This thing's just gonna start jumping around. I would assume. Hmm. Look at this, and this is why i love doing these live. So much volume and now, it's. All right they're. Kind of getting a little bit uh. Not much. Though. Tesla although looking pretty strong here. Yeah i uh i'm gonna have to leave this one alone for now i'm not quite sure. A very weak range there. Let's come on over here to tesla. 508, looks like an interesting, upside. Area, tesla. 508. Upside, break. Break point one minute. Uh on what i'm doing and if you heard typing that is just me typing alerts to my live community that i offer at claytrader.com. Whoops. And, i missed that. I don't think i would have taken it anyways, on that particular, candle, um i was i wouldn't quite like the setup i know i liked it enough to alert it so if other members took it fantastic, but me. I would have wanted to see a little bit so i'm not going to sit here and play like oh i just missed what would have been a great trade now probably wouldn't have taken. It. Once. Okay xpev, is kind of moving, but, still just. Very, very bizarre, that first candle. Had so much volume and now it's barely moving. Okay well i'm gonna go ahead and pause the video for now and if i see something, that uh well. Tesla, continuing. To. Yeah so congratulations, so for those of you that maybe. So right there that alert i made. Tesla, 508. Upside, break point, and you can see and it's now doing quite well since then but. Obviously not in the trade okay i'm gonna go ahead and pause. Well tesla's, really starting to sting now. Up uh. Up over 514. It was but. Uh. Yeah that's just how it goes sometimes. But yeah again at least members are, doing well on it. Watching, uh. Xpv. Starting to now show some worthwhile movement although li. 42.50. Yeah well right now i'm not getting. Really any setups i mean tesla was great but like i said wasn't. The exact, setup that i personally wanted, i mean i liked it enough, to alert it like i said. But. Yeah i'm just not getting any sort of the. Setups that i would like so okay well i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now. All right i'm curious about 512, here i want to see it break out over these highs. Which is doing right now, now i'd be interested, in a flush point. On. Fake. Breakout. One minute. Now maybe this isn't a fake breakout.

Maybe This is a legit breakout. But if it comes down to 512. Yeah more so right around 5 12 50 we'll call it. Like i said to be fair maybe this is a true break out here. And right now it's looking like it is that's why confirmation, is always. Important. What is that. Uh, let's see 514.. Well now yeah i can't take it if it pulls back all the way here on this candle i'm no longer interested. So there's right around 5 12.. I said me. What's going on with be, here. Yeah. Okay well uh market's been open eight minutes, if you're, familiar with my videos and you've seen some videos where i am. Done already, but here i haven't even. Really. Even try to make any trades. All right i'm still locking 512, 50 now that this candle has bounced back upward so that's. Good. All right well i will go ahead and pause for now. Okay short here at 5. 12 50.. Looking for a, breakdown, here. I think it's got a chance to at least come down here and and test. The yellow line. But perhaps i'm wrong about. That. Well, looking like i might be. Wrong. See if that 515, can hold or not. Well that's a great looking candle if this candle holds, that's a fantastic, looking. Candle. Can that candle hold. Beautiful, candle if it can close down near those. Lows. I don't know if it's going to though starting already works way back upwards so maybe never mind. Yeah a respectable. Candle. But is this, is this just so strong right now that it's gonna overcome, it. Well 514. It does not even want to break down through there at this point. So i'm not feeling too good unless it can break down, through 5. 14.. See all those buyers at 5 14., wow. Okay got the break. Could this be. It. Not. Really. Well i'm holding in there. But as of right. Now. Okay back down to 514. Can it finally actually break down through there that's the. Question. Okay i mean that's a great looking candle there this thing's gotta is it gonna break down. No. Wow. Well there it goes now. Yeah i got to just get out there, 975. Loss gave it time, can't risk this continuing to explode in my face. Uh so starting off with a loss of 9.75. I liked it it was a great setup it looked like it wanted to go but, it just didn't go, i'll keep an eye on it but. Not the greatest way to start but let's see what else i can find. Great looking potential, long sided here at, 58.50. 58.50. Upside, break point, one. Minute. Or i mean all really a potential, short hair but. Oh well look at i'm still watching tess on another screen it's still just working its way. Upwards. Strong strong stock. Oh wow yup. That stop-loss, feels really good now i'm glad i got out where i did look at tesla go at this point. Coming back up to that. Just doesn't want to quite break it okay well. I will pause for now. Perhaps, a revenge, trade i don't think it is but. If 519. Can come into play here i like it. As a short, this movement is just getting. Way overdone, but. That stop loss i was in earlier. Make me feel that much better. I'll go ahead and pause for now. All right i want to see this come back up over 519. And then i'd be willing to take the trade. This is quite the candle here forming on. Though. On the five minute. Like i said step one want to see it get back up over 519.. Got to see that bid, get up over. 519.. Which i'm not sure if it's going to do or. Not. Again watching the bid. Want to see the bid get up over. 519. Maybe it just isn't going to happen here. Oh that's quite the, candle. In here at 5 18.. I mean this candle here that has formed. Is crazy, on the five minute. Thanks i think, this thing's. Got gotta get down below 517, i would think. Okay out there. Scalp, of uh what about 300. So i'll take that. Again i am going against the trend here. And didn't want to get stuck in another one but i i, let me just bring up the five minutes so you can see, that was mainly coming from the five-minute chart they're a fantastic, setup there. So there we go it's down 645. Now. I will take it but let's see what else i can find. Watching for potential, fake break here, of this, 5925. Area. Wow it did break through, 59, 25, but. I mean that all happened within. There we go. Wanna see it okay there we go okay. So now people are hopefully getting excited thinking this is some sort of you know break.

Would Like to see it get up over 59.50. 50. 91.. Yeah. I want to see this get up for 59.50. What's, nio, doing not much. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right watching. The 25, mark here. It did get up over 59.50. In at. 59.25. Looking for a move now to the downside, here. Should have some long starting to freak. Out. I'm going to add at 59.25. If it comes back down. Because that would imply this green candle here failed. So again watching, 5925. Very closely. In there added some more. I think this thing wants to roll. Over. What is that low. 59.35. 5935. Comes into play i'm going to add again. I like this. Add it again at. 59.35. Definitely taking on a risk here but i really do believe this thing wants to pull back. Here. See what it wants to. Do. Starting to pull back. There we go there we go. And all out there excellent, for, 414. Dollars. I will take it. Down 231. Dollars now let's see uh oh crap i got a pot, oh. I got a podcast, i got to record it 10 15. so there's a quick plug if you're not aware. On itunes spotify. The stock trading reality podcast, is a podcast, that i offer and i just realized that, i'm talking with somebody in europe today. Usually i don't schedule them at 10 15, a.m. But, because this person is in europe i got to kind of play ball with their time schedule. Since they're what like six hours ahead of uh eastern time. But i still have time i just it just kind of dawned on me oh great i i got a podcast, that i got to do but regardless, now down 2 31. On the day so i'm gonna pause and. Um, i'm not going to try to get back into green i'm just trading as normal. But yeah i love that setup. And, probably got a little too aggressive. Um on it but of course i'm sitting here judging myself in hindsight, had this thing skyrocketed, back to the upside i'd be sitting here saying oh that was a great job clay but uh, yeah, let's see if i can get maybe one more trade if not i i mean 230. Dollars. That that's something that's uh more than manageable. Again in hindsight. I'm i'm glad i took out profits where i did here, um you know like i said this thing is strong. In fact. I wouldn't mind fading this into. I have no idea if i'm doing realistic hair at all but 60. 45.. Look to get my opening 500, shares. Same overall premise not quite sure how strong, a break of 50, or 60 would be, i'm not saying it can't be strong but i think that there's a. There would be the desire for it to at least pull back but let's see if i now if it breaks six i need to see it move very quickly. So trying to break. 60.. Okay there's the. Break. Okay in at 60. 45.. See what it wants to do here. Took me out for the fifty. Dollars. How high did it go yep let's start the process, over again at 60. 95.. So up there, again i'd like more than 500, shares but this will at least get my feet wet. So i'm up there at, 60.95. So we'll see there we go. Actually you know what this thing's getting so jumpy, i think i can. I think i can do this, 61.25. Or else i'm being a greedy savage right now thinking i can get 61.25. I'll go ahead and pause and i'll keep you updated. All right approaching. 61.. And as of now failing to break. All right so i need to actually change this now. 61.45. I'll go ahead and pause. All right a quick little, update here uh the podcast.

Just Finished, up. And while on the podcast, i did make another trade which shows why i shouldn't be trading on the podcast. Um. 25, bucks on it i just, i typed in the wrong numbers but, i'm trying to listen, it just was not a good idea but anyway so i made another 25 bucks on it so now i'm down 155. On the day, it's 11, 30. And i might just wrap things up here. But, there are still some interesting. Setups out there especially tesla i was watching. So maybe a potential short here around 218.50. But not quite sure on it but i am watching that closely. Uh but i very well might just wrap things up and move on with and i mean 155. Bucks. That's. Within the grand scheme of things, that i mean. I don't want to sound snobbish but that's really nothing that, i can live with 150. Loss on the day. Blake said i am gonna keep an eye on that, uh but i might wrap it up but i'll watch that to 1850.. I am liking it enough where i'm actually gonna get it alerted here so if you're curious how does the chat room work. Flush point. One minute, so there we go not that anybody has to take that trade but just kind of, communicating, with the community, that that's what i'm watching. In fact what is that 219. 25.. So that could be an interesting, area. But i want to see it get up the price get up over 520, first. So maybe just maybe a trade on tesla here but i'm certainly not gonna force anything. But i will keep an eye on it i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now. I'm liking this candle that's forming. In there at 2 9 or 5. 19. 27.. Not that i'm looking for thing this thing to crash. But i could see it pulling back. Here. So for now because i mean this video is up over 20 minutes already. I'm a good i'm gonna go ahead and pause. It. And i'll keep you updated. Well. I. Thought i hit the hotkey. To get the recording, started. I apparently did not hit the hotkey, to get the recording, started. Um so tesla rolled back over took me out at 5 19, 20, or excuse me 5 19.. So that was a. A bit of a trade or a bit of a winning trade, i don't know what's the math on that 27. Cents per 300 shares i'm not quite sure what that was. Um. But yeah rolling back over here now again in hindsight. Shoulda coulda woulda, um. But it was oh wow, well that that's. Painful. But. Well. Still a winning trade. Now down 74, bucks. Um. So. Like i said maybe, i'll try one more trade because at this point i wouldn't mind you know trying to get green i'm not going to force anything but, i mean being down 75. That's well within the realm of potentially. Maybe having a green trade, so i'll go ahead and pause. Tesla looking interesting, again. Here. Good yep wanna see it bounce up, 5 17, 75, is that area. I'm watching. Closely. Let's see if it comes into play. In. Let's see if we can get this. To. Break to the downside, here. Or this is going to take me. Out. And i'm gonna have a little bit bigger loss which is okay. Like i said within the grand scheme of.

Things. I can't still take a loss here and yeah it'll be red redder than what it was but. Nothing that's. Crazy. I still do like the setup there. 518. Is now. Behaving very. Stubbornly. Can it fail though that's the question 5. 18.. Being oh so stubborn. That, kind of fell. Not really. Though. Now this 518, area being, very very. Stubborn. Oh thing's not looking so good. Here. See what it wants to. Do. Maybe went to the well two one too many times here. But i did like the setup. And i knew that even if i was wrong with the setup where i would be taking the loss, it's not like it would. Be. Yeah sure not nearly as good as it would have been would have been had it been down 75, bucks but within the grand pitcher of things. Still would have been. Okay. 5 18 50 though. Being pretty stubborn. See if we can get down through 5 18. not sure that's, going to necessarily, happen. Again. It's 5, 17.75. That is truly the level that needs to be broken. And it just is refusing, to do so. I don't know should i still have the video rolling or is this just. Boring. If it goes up over 5 19 50 i got to be. Out. So watching that very closely, here. We'll see if it wants to roll back over here but right now. Not feeling so good about everything. Yeah 2 18 50 now behaving. Very stubbornly. Well if it can get down to 5 18 i like it, because that would imply a big failed bounce right there but that's the question can it even get down to. 518. Where we have video, oh while we're 30 minutes, all right i'm going to go ahead and pause and if it looks like it's either going to stop me out or maybe. Give me a breakdown then well, there we go. But 5 17. 75. That is the true breakdown, point. No need to be excited until i can at least get down through 5, 17.75. Again knocking on the door. There was the breakdown. Did not give me enough though. All out there, with a loss. Might end up costing me. But. Uh just. Not. Not giving me what i needed to see, i might re-enter. But as of right now. What's going on with gdrx. Oh no nothing. All right well i'm now down 95. And you can see here tesla, bouncing, back up. Although i will say. That a 5 17, 50 comes into play again that would be another failed bounce. So maybe just. Maybe. Another trade on tesla. Except i don't want to take it on that candle, that's too much of a. Candle. All right i'm going to go ahead and pause. All right i have too many of the youtube voices going on right now clay clay you're so close just get green gr get green that would be a great video. And i am way too much sensing, the the force of video trades. Um so i'm gonna just wrap it up, down a hundred bucks um and i will put this um, we'll do this on saturday, um i thank you for the feedback the first two weekend withdrawal, series that i've done, have gotten really good feedback, uh yeah so, um. When you're watching this yeah this was not from today but uh giving it to saturday the weekend, uh but i know for us as day traders it's like the markets close over the weekend and we start to go through withdrawal, or like what am i supposed to do with my life well here you go you just have an over 30 minute video, to just uh, keep you engaged in the markets a little bit, but i'm.

More Than happy with it, 90 down 95, with commissions i don't know let's call it down 120, bucks or so give or take um, but that is something where. It happens. You're not gonna win every day but given my first trade was down 9.75. And now closing down around 120. I am definitely more than happy with that, sometimes. You just got to survive, this is one of those survival, type days but, now i'm in a position to thrive and make money uh moving forward, so just gotta trust the strategy trust the system get back to it uh but yeah thank you for hanging out for this long really appreciate it if you do enjoy these live trade videos especially this weekend withdrawal series. Then, hit that like button comments questions suggestions, please leave those down below even if it's just a thanks clay, little comments like that really go a long way, um and. Let me know that it is worth this uh worth my time to do these videos. Uh so. Like i said, like button. Subscribe. To the channel check out the channel. Can you the voice is still going in my head can you see as i stumble over my words, i'm sitting here like okay. Let me trade tesla just one more time no clay you are totally just gonna force something for the sake of the video, so even as i try to wrap it up the voices are still going on in my head but, i am done trading for the day i guess i won't say that if a beautiful beautiful setup, comes along, that's fine but as far as this video is concerned which is what's, creating all these voices in my head right now, um i'm i'm going to wrap things up so like i said if you enjoy these live, videos hit that like button, simple comment down below goes a long way and then check out the channel as a whole and if you like what you see, then uh you know hopefully to hit to subscribe to the channel as i would love to have you as your subscribers, thanks for hanging out for this long, and yeah i really do appreciate, it i mean it's been 35 minutes so thanks for hanging out as far as i'm concerned we're now friends. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-29 13:31

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