[LIVE] Day Trading | My 33% Win Rate... Ugh! It Happens...

[LIVE] Day Trading | My 33% Win Rate... Ugh! It Happens...

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live, market opens up here in about 20 minutes currently watching, cgix. A big move up currently. Just shy of 200. Already, 8.5. Million shares traded, and like i said market still has 20 minutes before it opens. Watching, uh the 10, mark that's what i'm very curious about, not close right now at all and maybe it'll never get close again which reminds me these are truly live videos in the sense of this is not a voiceover, this is not some sort of post commentary. I don't know what's going to happen you're getting my thoughts. Live, raw, uncut, as i get the data just like you see it on your screen here so like i said, i don't know if ten dollars. Will ever come into play again or who knows maybe something else develops and i like another level but as of now, at this exact moment in time ten dollars is that key level that i'm watching, but yeah like i said market opens up here in about 20 minutes so i will keep you updated. All right some things have changed, uh market, opens up now in about 12 minutes but i do like a new entry point here at 9 15.. So what i'm going to do just so we can actually get the. Trade documented, too i'm going to alert this to the room so cgi, x. 9. Key. Upside. Break point. Two minute there we go so now, the chat room which if you're not familiar i do offer a private community. Is alerted to that level too and i haven't bought so this is not, me you know getting my shares and then alerting, it to people. Uh, this is me everybody's gonna have the same exact, opportunity, they don't have to play it exactly like i do like i said that's uh the goal of the room is not, a bunch of sheep, the goal is just to point out levels and let people. Think for themselves, so maybe some people would disagree with the 915-ish. Area. Maybe others want to get a little bit sooner a little bit you know after but, technically speaking that looks like an interesting, area but again i have no idea if the price is actually. Going to get up to that area but, we'll see what happens, um and let's see the market now opens up in about 11 minutes i'll go ahead and pause. All right what i'm gonna do here is just get this a j updated here. Update. Eight dollars. New, upside. Break point, two minute. So now everybody, is watching eight dollars myself, included. And eight dollars is actually getting relatively, close looking for a scalp here. In at eight. Let's see if, it can indeed get the break of eight like this setup, quite a bit. Now it never broke through eight so i'm taking out a little bit more risk in the sense of. Not actually giving it a, you know opportunity to give me confirmation, like i said i like this setup here that stick in place. So now it's just a question of can it actually get up through. That eight dollar mark. And i like the chances that it can. So we'll see what it wants to ultimately do let's see market opens up here in about three minutes. Though right now not. Looking. Totally awesome but also not. Behaving in a manner which makes me think. That i need to be getting out or anything either. Again it never did break. Excuse me break through eight. But i don't want to risk missing the break that's why i got in and sometimes, when you try to. Anticipate. If this thing returns, back up to the eight dollar area. I may be looking to add. But as of right. Now. Things are not looking so hot. I do like that moving average there though. There's a high of that, 7. 80.. It looks like it wants to get up over 780, i'm going to add another 500. Which isn't really that much i mean we're talking about a sub, 10, stock here. But i got to see some sort of sign of strength. Going into the open so again. It looks like i can get up to 780, and once uh, break through the 780, mark. Then i will be looking to. Add. So let's see if it wants all right it's trying to work its way up there. Okay. Getting. Level two starting to open back up a little bit market opens up in less than one minute. Get that out of the. Way. Let's pull back some a little bit. Well at this point look i'm going to be holding right into the open. Which is a risky proposition, but i i do still like the general pattern i like the general. Trend of. Things. Let's see, market. Uh, and now the market is open. All right i'm gonna get this out of the way now it served its purpose for now. Bit of a, pullback. Let's see what is a high of that. 750.. So i'm gonna be looking to add if it looks like it wants to get up through. 750.. 740, being stubborn, right now. See if it wants to bounce up letting some profit takers out right now. Added at 7 43. My average, now is at, 7.71. So let's see if this thing wants to make a push up towards eight. 750. Gonna be that key.

Level That'll need to be broken. Here. Going for the break. Got the break, there we go can we get more of a. Push. Let's see if it can get up to eight. Took off, some, now waiting for the push up through. Eight if it can happen. It did not happen now it's rolling back over. We'll see if it can make another move back up there but. Shoot. Well. Looking like i'm gonna, have to take a loss and oh wow now i can't even get out. Well this is gonna be a losing trade. Here. Still have 300, shares left. See if this thing wants to make another. Attempt to the. Upside. But. All right all out there 280, dollar. Loss. So not pleasant, but you know i gave the thing. In hindsight yeah i could have sold up there but i i, thought it would break eight i thought it had a great chance of it so i held on to the 500, shares. Now the one thing i did right i scaled out and at least got out of uh 500, of those shares for a profit up there but. Um yeah as far as you know trying to give this thing enough opportunity, it tried and tried and tried thought it was gonna break i was wrong. And uh it ended up costing me 280. But, oh well nothing i can't fight out of so let's see what else i can find. Well. And this is how, this is just what happens sometimes, and there's the break of eight. Oh. I love being a traitor. Welcome to the world of trading. Ah. Pulled back i had to have gotten out there you, just can't risk it you can't risk that having been the start of a much bigger move to the downside. Uh but, went back up got the break of eight. So uh hey you know what if you've ever been there before you are not alone, you are not alone at all, all charters have been there whether or not they show it or not well that's a different, that's a different discussion. 169.50. Looks like a. Solid level if it can't get up through there. So watching, closely. And. Oh you got to be kidding me give me a back test. All right there we go. 300. No 300, shares that was supposed to be 500.. So let's see if this thing can uh. Get some follow through here really like this. Setup. Needing to, pull or, pull back here a little bit. So i wanted 500, so what i'm gonna do is if it goes back up to 169.50. I'll add in the, remaining 200, because that would. Well. Maybe, this is just not my morning. Because now looking like we had a completely, faulty break out here. So you got to give them a little bit of wiggle room here but. As of now not looking to be uh. What i wanted to. See. We'll see if it can recover back up to. The 50 area. Like i said i would, then like to add. There we go so now i have my full 500, shares. So let's see if this thing can actually get the break. Though. Wow. I'm feeling like this is just not going to be my morning. Yep i need to get out. All right well there's another 200, loss, so down over 500. Now. And it might very well recover, but it just. And there it starts to go back up. Well i'm just i'm getting chopped to pieces right now and there it goes. Wow. That is disappointing. How's cgix. Doing. Wow ended up that thing ended up going to 865.. All right well, yeah i'm disappointed. Frustrating, for sure. Maybe that's what i get for going long huh. 127.. I do like. That. I'm gonna get that alerted. Nvx, 127. Flush point. One. Minute. So i do like, nvx, for a short if it looks like it can break. 127.. Well first off it's got to get back down there. All right well boeing's actually pulling back here a little bit so it did break but it was a very short-lived, break. So that makes me feel at least a little bit. Better. All right well i will go ahead and pause but yeah as uh you've seen, not, uh not the greatest start to the morning. And wow i couldn't even i couldn't even get the video rolling that, fast. It went down to 20, didn't even give me a chance though. I mean i literally couldn't, and i was fast fast clicking and it's still.

It's All right well. That one didn't work out. And i'm not upset about that at all just because i it's i. That was a split second move. But. Boeing. And vax. Oh wow mrna. Let's pull up this one oh. Nvx, just keeps going now. No nothing, there. And that's a shame. Can i get at least a little bit of a bounce. Nope this thing's just going to keep on going. Well now it officially stinks i know like i said i didn't have a chance to get in it, and that doesn't mean much to you because i realized i didn't capture it on video but that moved so fast. I mean look at this thing now it's literally moving a couple dollars at a, time. And yes the voice to get in right now to just say wow you could get all you need is a lookout, wow, all right. All righty then. All right this move is getting a bit undone. I'm going for. Let's see yeah. Just 100 shares at 115. On the long side now this is just getting a little ridiculous. Oh. And there i was talking about 127.. No i had no idea it was gonna move. You know basically, nine dollars, but. All right. New situ there we go now we gotta vote now we gotta bounce so if it wants to get down through 118. That is an interesting, area. I'll keep it going though because this thing is just so. Fast. I don't want to take it on this candle though this candle needs to stay above. Come on, get back up bounce, bounce. Bounce. No bounce. No, no. Oh. And it leaves me. Behind. Now i'm debating. 117.. That is definitely, uh. Yeah not on this candle though just, gotta you gotta see some sort of sideways price movement there. All right there we go getting a bit of a bounce here. All right well. A rough morning, a very rough morning i just can't quite seem to do anything. Really right. But uh, maybe nvax, is gonna give me an opportunity, here if it wants to keep on bouncing want to see more of a bounce. Dead cat. Bounce. One minute. Watching, for. Weakness. All right good all right here we go maybe this will give a setup. I've got to watch or i've got to see some sort of form of. Of weakness, though. If it's going to get resisting, just going to roll right back. Over. This is, potentially, going to be very frustrating, here 120. 25-ish. Nope that that. Just does not want to give me a setup that i. That i feel comfortable with. Wow, 127.. I mean on the, you can see right here. Alerted that in the chat room too so to any members that were fast enough to capture that you definitely had to anticipate, it uh congratulations. Because you just got paid, big. Time. All right there we go. Bounce here. What is that 120. I like 120. Maybe even right here at 122.. Needs to go up there and hit the yellow line though, if it can go up there and hit the yellow line then come back down. I like that. Quite a bit. There we go yeah. 122.. I like. Let me just double check that low is. Yeah 122, all right. Perfect. Like i said we'd like to see it bounce up a little bit more. There we go excellent. And then come back down to. 122..

I'm Gonna have to anticipate, it there's no way i can actually try to wait because this thing just moves, way too fast. Okay. Maybe if it goes below 122.25. I'll get in. Okay and at. 122.16. There's the break, can we get some more follow through to the downside, is the. Question. Again in at 1 22. 16.. Yeah about 120, 150, looks to be that key level that'll need to be broken down through. If this thing's got a, chance. I love the setup though it's it's a if it goes in my favor, awesome. I mean i'm with the trend right now. It's just really a question of does it want to break down again and i'm not looking for this thing to necessarily, collapse nine dollars like it did last time. Like i said 120 150, is going to be that key area that it needs to push down. Through. A little bit of a bounce here. Like i said this area. Let me see if i can get that mapped out. If it can break down through that green line there. I think i could have a nice little payday. But as of right now it's. Going the opposite. Direction. What is that low. 121.. Well right now it's doing. Not what i want to see do. Obviously. Let's see if this thing wants to roll back over. 120. What is the low of, that. Yeah 123.. If it can get to 123. I will look to add. Is that would imply uh this has been a fake bounce right here, and fake bounces when you're on the short side is a good thing. So let's see this thing come back down to. 123.. It's trying to roll back over. Here. Yeah 120, up still, still liking that 123. Area. But 124. Even. Is that stubborn level now. Whenever you watch level twos it gets down there and just won't quite push down through there. So 124. Does me have me a little a little worried right now. Can i see 124, again holding strong holding strong holding strong. Can the price break down through. It. See what i mean if you're watching the level twos 124. Just won't budge right now, there we go. Okay watching. 123.. Again if it looks like it wants to get down through 123. And break below it. I like that as an adding. Point. Laser, focus right now. Well is it going to come try to come back up to 124. I hope. Not. Okay. 123.30. If that breaks then i'm gonna get in, and for another, 500.. Now have a thousand at, 122.62. Let's see if we can get the break of 123. Or else i just got suckered in big. Time. I like the setup that's taking place on the five minute though. Beautiful, five minute right here taking. Shape. Can it get the break of. 123. Though. It's working its way down there. Come on one come on there we go. Let's get some more follow through here. There we go there we go can we get through 122.. Come on. Come. On. Okay i have 300, shares, left. I have 100, shares left and i'm going to let this thing work for me. Now. So let's see if we can get a break down through. 121.. Again still have 100, shares left, theoretically, speaking i could take a loss on these final 100. But. That's worth the risk of allowing this thing to work more for me. Here. Oh crap it's only i. I have a. Shoot, i have um, a. Landscaper. It doesn't i have somebody i have a meeting we'll just call it a meeting at 10, and i just noticed i have nine, minutes.

I'm Glad i just remembered that i might know. Well i wonder. I would have just had a doorbell ringing. Right in the middle of a trade. But now i'll. I'll remember to keep an eye on all right come on. Well. Trying to give this thing another opportunity, to move back down there. Again 121. Give me that key level but. I might just have to, bow. Out. But i still got a little bit of time. Nothing to freak out about now just a little bit of a pause here, got a beautiful, move in my favor. I think there there's more to it though. Again it's all notice how the price got stuck again right around this green line. Stuck right around the green line. Let's see if it can finally push down through the. The 121. Mark. If it can i like i mean you got to think this thing's got some. More. Momentum, in it. Look at this oh beautiful, setup. It's got to go doesn't it. It's got to. Go. How could it not go at this point, what a beautiful, beautiful. Setup. Come on 121. You know you want to. What a fight it's putting up. Well i'm quite confident now i'm saying if 121. Fails this thing is going to move. Very sharply in my favor. If. It fails. Though. Look at this thing just, break. 121. Putting up the fight amongst, fights. Wow, i'm, this is annoying, but super cool to know i'm capturing this on video. Look at 121. Put up that fight. An absolute, slugfest. Here. Was that the final gas before it finally goes. Maybe so. There we go look how fast that just moved let's see if we can get 120. Now. Come on get down to. 120.. See if we can get the break of. 120.. Wow and bat that fast back up to 121.. Well. I'm taking off another 50 shares so i have 50 shares left now. But between the the, meeting i have. And then that. I mean it moved quickly but i mean if i'm being fully transparent, i thought that thing was, going to go down to a 120, and then even break through that but not, not snap back above. So i'm gonna go hop out there, so let's see where did i end up all right well very nice so. One thousand, and two dollars, on the trade. And wiped away my uh very frustrating, start to the day, uh but as you saw here made a comment on the five minute, that was just a beautiful, setup the setup went my favor. It did go my favor but, like i said if i'm being honest i thought i thought it was going to be a bigger pay today than that. But i just don't have the time to wait around now um. 121.. We all sat through that together i mean this is over a 30 minute video now we all sat through that together. And it was pounding, pounding pounding, and when it broke didn't quite go it may still go maybe my timing wasn't quite off but sometimes that's just the way timing works is uh you have stuff in your quote unquote real life that you got to get to and that is the case here, but overall.

That Is how the the. It kind of can work as a day trader is a couple of losses, but the key learning lesson there is just cut the losses, as annoying as it is as annoying, as it is to have something then go in your favor after you get out you just keep the hole small you keep the risk manageable, and then all it takes is one i mean think about that, i was, wrong. Let me say that again i was wrong 67, percent of the time today wrong, 67. Of the time, yet right now i'm sitting at 486. In the green, and 486. Dollars. For uh 27, minutes worth of quote unquote work, i'm not a greedy savage, i will definitely take it so if you enjoyed this video. Then couple, things before i go first off just hit the like button that's the time efficient way to communicate that to me also questions comments suggestions. Please feel free to leave those down below i do read them and we'll reply to them, and then finally. Uh if you, uh. Sorry i'm i'm trying i'm trying to talk and wrap this up like i said this is this is truly. Live videos. Uh but, and then also just check out the channel as a whole a lot of other live trade videos and if you like what you see i would love to have you as a subscriber to the channel so hit that subscribe, button, but thanks for hanging out get out there manage risk, take the losses when you need to and as you see here i was wrong 67. Of the time today but still walking away with. 486.27. Minutes, i'll take it. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-09-04 14:25

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