[LIVE] Day Trading | Is This Worth 30 Minutes of Your Time?

[LIVE] Day Trading | Is This Worth 30 Minutes of Your Time?

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Good morning clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades, as they play out live. Market opens up here in less than one minute. Pullback, point, on the open. So what i'm doing there is just making that alert to my private community that i offer i know a lot of you like to see how things play out. So yeah on that opening minute looking to get filled there. At 40 75, i like that. Let's see, yeah i like that entry point there so the markets are open. And let's see if this thing wants to pull back to 40.75. It does. Would like to add, some more. Size to the position. But this will at least get my. Feet wet on the position itself. So let's see what it wants to. Do. Again i'm in at 40 75. And waiting to see some. Signs of potential. Okay pulling back, even more here. Let's try let's pick some more up at 39.75. If possible. See if i can get those. Well now it's bouncing up here a little bit. This thing's delayed. All right so 40 35. If it wants to show me some strength like well not yeah all right now i have a delay here this is not. An ideal situation. The price is showing me. Different than what the actual chart so this is all. This is all backwards right now. All right well. Yeah this is not. Not ideal at all now i'm not i'm not blaming, necessarily, the leg per se. But. This is not. This is not ideal, i guess that's probably the best way to put it. So let's see if we can get a break up over 40, and if we can do that i think. I like the overall context, of things. So looking for a bounce, there. So getting a bounce, can't get up over 40 25. Is going to be that key level right there. Beautiful. Beautiful candle there. But again delayed. So i didn't realize it's gonna this candle is gonna drop down here. Well. Again not necessarily, blaming, the leg but it's it's making life very challenging, here for. Me. I don't know i may have to just wave the white flag here. This is not. Ideal, at. All. If this thing does, work its way back up to that 40, mark i'm going to add some more though just because that would imply another lower shadow is formed. Which would be a good sign of strength, so again watching to see if 40 wants to if the price wants to get back up to that 40 mark. It's watching closely, closely. Can it get above 40. In there. So let's see if this thing can finally get up over the 40-25. Mark. So right now just pretty much trading based on the level twos looking for a break up over 40 25. Although right now it needs to just get above 40. Which is struggling, struggling to do. Here. Well 40 might be. The point where it just can't quite clear it let's see, being patient with it. But as you're seeing here 40, is definitely being very very stubborn. Okay there we go. Let's see if we can get some more follow through. Here. All right well i'm going to take it for the 353.. Especially, given the context, of. The delayed data well all right. What is the low right there. 40.. Depending, on what kind of candle here forms i maybe actually be interested now in shorting at 40. if this is some sort of fake. Move to the upside, here. So yeah i'm gonna flip things around, here. Depending on how this candle forms maybe this candle won't give me what i want to see and as of right now it's looking like the breakout may continue. So i will take it i mean especially when you factor in that it's only 9 34. So 350. Dollars, in. Uh less than five minutes i'm more than happy with that especially. The leg which i'm not uh. E signal who is my chart provider. E-signal, not, not not a good uh representation. Here. In terms of uh your, services being represented, but um. Like i said in in, hindsight, i should still have a portion of my shares right now. But, it was it was difficult. And i i wasn't just not feeling comfortable. With it. Uh you know with the delay, and i should note these are live videos, meaning this is not some sort of voiceover, this is not like a post commentary, where i already know what happens now i'm coming back and talking about it you're getting my raw thoughts my my raw emotions, as things play out so i realize i'm kind of stumbling around with my words but that's because i'm looking around the market i'm looking at my other monitors, looking for other potential setups making alerts to the community.

Um, And, just a situation, where. This is live so good news is. You know you get a raw. Hardcore, kind of look into just what day trading is actually like, with no preconceived. Scripts or anything like that the bad side is sometimes the presenter, sounds like a moron because he's trying to think through a bunch of things all at once. So i'm doing my best here but. Okay well i will go ahead and pause, i'm quite happy with the way that turned out given the. Delayed data. And uh i'll if anything else pops up i'll get the video rolling again. All right watching, zm here and i like 415. Flush point one minute, flush meaning price going down and in the world of trading you can make money when prices go down uh that is known as going short, shorting, a stock. Uh so we'll see what happens with it a big big move to the downside. Huge mover so i am just going to be doing 50 shares which still if it goes against me. Uh that could add up very very quickly. But willing to take that risk just because. You know right now i'm up 350. Plus you factor in the previous days so even if, it doesn't quite work out. You're not the end of the world but yeah i definitely want to ideally, if this thing could get up there. To right around the 428-ish. Mark and then start to come back down that'd be a great sign but as of right now. I think this thing especially let me bring over the five minute. Thing is very beat down so, need to take at least a little bit of breath from you know going down which is doing right now a little little bounce a little consolidation. So let's see, low, of that is that 14., so even, 419-ish. Looks like an interesting. Area. Especially if this can you know continue on up so there we go now all right there we go. What is that low 423. So if this can come up here hit that yellow line. And then come back down at 423. I like that trade quite a bit. But i don't want it to come down and break 423, on this candle i wanted to keep moving up no go back up go back up nope, broke above it. Or bro excuse me broke below it which again is what i want to see here. So let's see if this thing can, move up some more, i don't want it to go down right now but it's not. It's not cooperating, with me. While tesla's looking. In fact dead, cat, one. Minute. Maybe i need to change over to. Tesla, here because this one's. I said i'd like to see it, so 421. Still an interesting, area, although i liked it. Okay yeah tesla. Needs to be brought up here. There we go what's that low. Right around 460.. Again same premise if this thing can come up hit that. Line and then come back down that would be fantastic. But no that one doesn't want to cooperate, either.

And I am getting a little bit more nitpicky, just because i am up 350. So it's not like i'm. Haven't made a trade or it's not like. Um. So if i got in at 421. 427. 50 shows that's 300. So even with that, although, slippage. Yeah 421. The 300, yeah. 421. Got out at. 425. So that's three that's 150, dollars. No 200, so i'd still be up 100 yeah. All right i could i could live but that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to put a stop loss right there just bounce upwards. Because if it comes back down low and yes i'm doing calculations. Uh for 23.50. For 24.. Yeah, all right so this wants to come back if this wants to go up there. But it's got to show, i need to see it bonds up a little bit more just because i don't. I don't like the risk profile, on it right now so if it wants to roll over without. Me then so be it i just don't feel comfortable, with. It the way it's behaved but again if this thing can get up there. Bounce up some more. Get up around the 420. 8-ish, 427. 50-ish, area and then come down. That would be fantastic, but right now. Let's see is this 421, mark gonna hold again. If it does not hold probably gonna. Make a very genuine, attempt to the downside. And yeah it did not hold. Well i think i probably just missed it. We'll see though all right well i will go ahead and yep there it's good now yep, all right well. Didn't quite behave how i wanted to see it behave it happens. But tesla now all of a sudden oh nice okay tesla, 461. Let me get that alerted. Tesla. 461. Flush point. One minute. Four six one. Gonna go ahead and look for a back test there. Well. Looks like, looks like i missed that that's all right. Sometimes, that's uh that's the cost if you choose to make the alert first. Uh it comes with a territory, but. Oh well that's worth it because there's been plenty of times where i know others have taken the time to make an alert and i've made money from that so. Um, it's a give and take so yeah unfortunately. You can see right there. You didn't see but i was typing that up as 461. Flush point. So a nice move already from that but uh because of that. I missed the trade but again, that's all right. What's zoom doing. Zoom is still catching my all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause because all i'm doing is. Sitting here. And. Well i mean that. Again that 4 21ish. Area is still interesting. Fake break to the downside which has got me a little worried now because. But if it wants to bounce back up and then come back down. That would be an interesting, area. Even on the five minute. So this is what i was looking for. Like i said big move down but now it's taking a breath right it's going sideways, right here it's taking a breath. I mean you can't really say that it's overextended, to the downside, now i would not consider any of this you know chasing the price or anything. But it's just this thing moves so, fast. So that's like a 300. Risk right there just. I don't feel comfortable with that. And tesla continues to move down in the direction that i missed it. Well congratulations. To members that took that, well done. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right i'm risking right around 250. Here assuming i get filled at 4 15.. My stop is gonna be right up around 420. So let at least keep me green on the day. Gonna try to get it right at 4 15.. Oh i missed it. Shoot. I thought i had how did i not get filled if you look down. There. You can see it was a white order in there which means i submitted it to the market i just think it filled, how did that. I don't know. Well. As you can see it's not starting to work in the favor for granted have to get down to right around the 410 mark for that trade to really have made much sense given i was risking right around. Five dollars so i'm not saying it would have been a totally winning trade right now but yeah i would have definitely been off to a good start. But the low, of let's see, uh. 4, 11. Is very interesting because that was previous lows 2. From. Yesterday. So that's another one of those areas where. If it wants to go sideways, for a little bit and then break down i might be interested again but i'm not going to take the trade right now. On that candle, so all right well. Officially on the struggle bus now. All right watching tesla here for a potential, short of 458. Not on this candle though i cannot take it on this candle, need this candle, to. Come on. Are you really going to break it on that candle. Yup. Well it's. That's to me that was a little bit too much chasing. What is that right there, 459. You know what let's do this if it wants to bounce up to 459.

I'll Try to play a back test here. Yeah 459. Let's try that. See if wants to bounce and then roll back over. Well maybe not. Maybe it's just going to leave me in its. Dust. So again i have an order out there. At 4 59, to go short, meaning i needed to see this thing come up and then roll back over and it did come up a little bit, how high did it actually move up it went up as high as uh. 458.74. So i was about 20, 25, cents. There but. Just didn't quite work out. Yeah i. Well i guess this is you know the learning lesson here is sometimes you can have a very nice start. To the day. And then things can just uh. Wow crw. Just, pure. Bloodshed. Wow. All right well let's watch this one i'm going to track this one for uh yeah definitely got to stick with 100 shares given how fast this thing moves. But looking for uh, some sort of at least micro, bounce to the upside. Because again this thing is getting so overextended. I will pause though for the time being. Alright, so what i'm looking at here is i just mentioned waiting for a micro bounce to short. And then i'm talking now about the 133. Mark as a level that's really caught my interest, i want to see this come up some more, and then see it pull back. And if it can do that i like. 133. Quite a bit. It's because it's taking a little quick break here. So let's see if it wants to come back down to the 133. Mark. And then just resume, on with the downwards. Pressure. So when i'm liking seeing this working its way upwards this is exactly what i wanted to see it take a little. Miniature, bounce here. But then would love to see it come back down. Okay there we go starting to come back down liking this candle. A lot. Still has some work to do. Though. That is at 133.. Let's see this bounce upwards get up over 135.. Come on get up over 130. there we go nice. Nice. So 134. Now i like me personally. In fact i'm gonna get that updated here. I'll do it off. Screen. Okay, uh. There we go all right in 134. Glad i didn't quite miss that. One. Let's see if we can get down through 133. There we go. So pulled out 50 there at 130. 250.. Looking for some more to pull off at 132. If it can work its way down there. So let's see if it can work its way down through, 132. That might have been a faulty breakdown. So on these final 50 shares i could still lose money on them. So this could still actually be maybe a losing trade because i want to give this thing an opportunity to work for me here a little bit. And with the the risk of that is maybe this thing just bounces and doesn't get any follow through but i like i like right now. The chances that it can get followed through of at least getting down through 132. And it's knocking on the door. There's the break, let's see if we can get some more downside, pressure. All right held up too much there so it took out another 25. At 132. So still have 25, shares left so at this point it is. Let's see let me figure that out, so if this goes up over 134. I will take the rest out but if it doesn't i'm just gonna let this thing work for me now let's see how far down this thing wants to go, so i'm in a great spot. I am no longer in a position, of. If i make money. But how much money am i going to make and as traders, that's what we want. So let's see stop over. 134. Oh wow, so i might be getting stopped out here that's your bounce quickly, that's all right though no stress, totally uh. A winning trade, and, probably gonna nope. So far i'm being protected. Come on roll back over. Roll back over. If we can break down below 133, i think this thing, has got some more uh. There we go excellent. Is this delayed again. It is delayed, i think. It's hard to know because this thing is so spready. Yeah i think. More delay come on what is lightspeed's, problem. No excuses, when i pay over. Like what 1500, bucks a month or not a month not a month per year excuse me. Beautiful, candle here let's see can it get some more downside, pressure. Again a very stressless, spot to be in though, because i'm making money no matter what my only concern right now is how much money am i going to make, and i say that because i have no idea how far down the price is actually going to go. I don't know. Which is a good problem to have when you're, the only thing you don't know about is how much money you're gonna make but like i said if this thing does bounce up over 134. I'll be out with basically a break even.

With Slippage i'll probably lose a little bit of money. On the final 25., all right so getting up there. Again. Well it's it's holding. Uh, knocking on the door. Oh held again. Okay all out there so yeah, technically speaking took a 22, loss per share. On those last 125. But that still gave me. 119. So that puts me at 473. On the day. And, not quite 500. But, i will take, 473. Dollars, in quite literally, 30 minutes of work i'm not sure many places in the world where you can make, 473. Dollars in 30 minutes. From sitting at home well in this case i'm actually up at my cottage. In northern michigan. Looking out my window, nice lake, those you that are maybe familiar with northern michigan and cadillac. So i'm not a greedy savage, i will gladly take that you saw that alerted to members, so everybody had uh you know i'm how far down on that move actually, yeah move down a good three dollars. And try to give it opportunity to work for me some more, it actually double bottomed on me. So there's, the bottom one bottom two so the classic double bottom. But you know no guarantees, that the double bottom is gonna happen that's why i wanted to hang on to at least a portion of the shares. Um so but yeah worked out very nicely. So like i said i'm wrapping things up uh 473. Dollars, 30 minutes now if you're interested in getting those alerts that you saw play out live here right before your very eyes then you just go to claytra.com. Forward slash team. And the pricing. Method we'll use here or the structure is the 99. For three months, not per month but every three months and that breaks down to 8.25. Cents per week so really it's just a question of, do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and 25, cents per week of value. If you think you can get at least. And 25 cents per week of value, then you will get a great return on your investment so that's really the thought process of kind of how to think through there there is also a mobile app so it's not like you have to stay, you know anchored to your computer all day or anything like that you can stay in touch, uh from wherever you're at uh so you know, check out those and lots of other good attributes there, and again 8.25. Cents per week do you think you can get enough value as far as this, trade video, in and of itself is concerned if you enjoy these live trading, videos. They're very fast very time efficient way to communicate, hey clay, yeah i liked it please keep making them just hit that like button super fast super efficient. Also comments questions suggestions, leave those down below, i do read and reply to all comments and then finally check out the channel as a whole, lots of other live trade videos lots of quick tip videos a good variety, so hopefully decide to ultimately become a subscriber, of the channel, but if nothing else like i said if you want to trade alongside, me get those alerts trade alongside a lot of other quality traders, then just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team i'd love to have you join the community everybody take care. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency, within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again.

Totally Live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-09-16 20:08

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