[LIVE] Day Trading | Is $99 Worth It For Stock Trade Alerts Like This? (real results...)

[LIVE] Day Trading | Is $99 Worth It For Stock Trade Alerts Like This? (real results...)

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live actually let me get my order out there right now just in case something crazy happens. There we go so right now what i'm watching, is. Kodk. Crazy. Mover market opens up in 20 minutes still but yet this thing has already done 35. Million, shares, up over. A hundred percent. And you can see it has just been, basically. Straight up from eight o'clock, on. Just one big old uptrend. And you know unfortunately. You know you just can't chase and as much as i would like to have bought along the way it was just always way too risky and yes in hindsight, they all would have worked out but that's the tricky part about trading is if you chase, you can get rewarded, chasing but the problem is one time, it's not going to reward you and it can wipe away a whole lot of your gains if not all your gains, so at this point i'm looking forward to pull back, i'm still very interested, you know there's no doubt about it this uptrend is very very strong, but i'm just not interested until as you saw me putting my order down here. At 16.25. To buy for those you're not familiar with my screen. 500, shares. But as of right now looking like, who knows if that'll occur or not but that is the current plan right now. And, unfortunately. You i'm not able to short, so that 100, up there means no shares to short, and i just mean that as. In terms of flexibility, right when you can short then that means you can make money when prices go up, or down, but right now i'm gonna have to play it from the long side which you know it's kind of like having one hand tied behind your back which is not the preferable position to be in. Uh but it is still definitely interesting enough. To keep an eye on so we'll see what happens with it but yeah as of right now it's looking like it just wants to continue to break up forward here, so who knows if 1625. Is going to come into play if it does, i'll get the video rolling if not i'll just see you back at the open. Just a little update here i'm going to cancel that order because it's not really moving as fast, as i would want to see it move and it's moving fast don't get me wrong uh but, just not behaving the way i would want to see it behave but the, the learning lesson here is i mentioned don't chasing, so i mean let's think about this right now, given we have data from the market. We know it's a it's a fact that people were buying there, and buying there and buying there meaning, they chased the price. Ask yourself how how do those people how do you think they feel right now how would you be feeling i mean right now. They have had this big old pullback, go against um, over a dollar against them, and you know there's people out there right now holding and hoping holding and hoping and to be fair, maybe they get bailed out maybe this thing just continues, on up and then all of a sudden oh i'm such a great trader, oh i'm glad i had patience. And all that but there there's a fine line between, patience, and then just simply. Chasing the price, crossing your fingers holding and hoping. Big big difference there and that's what you know is going on right now as i speak again, because he's live or because these are live i don't know what's going to happen, so the price very well could head up here and it could bail those people out but talk about the creation, of a bad habit where people, chase. Hold and hope and then potentially, get bailed out so like i said i don't know if that will play out, uh but for me i'm just gonna wait till the market opens now it opens in about 11 minutes and then we'll see how this one trades but as of now yeah you know you got some nervous people out there.

If You're not uh aware, maybe this is the first video i do a video you've watched of mine live tradie, uh but i do offer a live. Community. Where we uh you know discuss alerts and stuff so what i'm gonna do here is on kodk. I really like 1775. As a breakout, point so what i'm doing here. Key. Is i'm going to alert, 1775. Here so point here being what i want to you know map out is that this alert has been made i don't own any shares lots of times you know, people. The moderators, whatever you want to call them they get the shares first they, build a position, and then they alert it to everybody, but as you see here everybody has the exact same opportunity, as me again, this is live so i don't know if 1775. Will ever come into play, uh but that's the level that i'm going to be watching that's the level that has been alerted to members. And we'll see how things play out from there but just a little, example, of not only the thought process behind a trade but at the same time, just showing those of you who are maybe always wondering how does the community work a little behind the scenes there so again. 1775. Gonna be that key breakout point, that i'm very curious about. And really if it gets up there even before the market open i may be uh interested, in getting in there this thing has definitely consolidated, out nicely here, so we'll see if it wants to demonstrate, enough strength. To potentially get up through that level so i'll keep you updated. All right it's, potentially, making a move up there. In there at 17.72. Let's see if we can get the break. Up through 17.75. Taking on a bit of risk here because i anticipated. It, so i didn't quite wait for the break. But i like the chances that it can get up through that level. So there is the break. Let's see if we can get some more follow through. Of it. Yikes. Trying to be patient here but. I was thinking, there we go. So all out there for a nice, 189. Dollar scalp. Pre-market. So a little bit nervous. In hindsight, may prove that to be a very very silly mistake on my part, but going in i knew i, you know was risking. Right around that amount so just going for a quick scalp and like i said um, as of now that was uh. Not the right thing to do but again that's why we're all worth more than jeff bezos, in our hindsight trading accounts because. Um it's easy for me to sit here and say oh i should have held but had that thing hit 1810, and then, ripped to the downside, and if i was still holding, there would be people in the comment section including myself saying clay, why don't you get out why don't you get out so that's always the confirmation, bias that hindsight, gives, but you saw that whole trade play out from beginning to end you saw me make the alert to the community, so to be fair, community members right now for all i know, they are making, a whole lot more than what i did on it because you could still very well have some people holding right now, so for those of you community members that played this one congratulations. That's awesome but i mean how long was i actually in the trade let's do the math on that and that's what i like about my broker so i got in. At 9 24. 47. Got out at 9 25, 17.. So i'm not a mathematical. Genius but i i think that's about, what 30 seconds there is it 20 or 30 seconds. Let's see 57. 07. 30 seconds, so 30 seconds, and 190. Dollars. I swear, trading, the stock market it blows, my mind, where else in the world can you make. 30 seconds and 190. And to be fair, that's even with me in hindsight, screwing up the trade because as you've seen i could have gotten a lot more from it, uh but like i said for me going in knowing it was pre-market. It was definitely, a, scalp that i wanted to, mitigate, the risk of pre-market, by just being a little bit more aggressive. With my profits, which is what happened there but i mean you saw the alert 1775. Was the area people were watching. They got in, and, as i said for all i know they're doing much better than what i did especially if this thing continues, on up but yeah there we go, a nice, alert to the chat room a nice quick. 189.30. Seconds i'm more than happy with that. Well markets have been open for two minutes, and, a bittersweet. Feeling. Once again just hindsight. Voices, uh but seeing now. That ko. Dk, has now gotten up as high as, 1925. That is awesome, very happy for members. And um, you know i'm not saying anybody played it perfectly, but i mean it would have been easily. Easy, better, to play it better than what i did but again i didn't do anything wrong i stuck with my plan. But i think we've all been there and that's why i just you know voice my thoughts voice what's going on in my head because i want you to know that, you're not, a bad trader, you're not like weird because you're having these thoughts, you're a normal human being and, yes i have regret.

But, That's just regret because i now have hindsight, in my favor again like i said had the price just totally gone against me i'd be sitting here saying, wow i'm glad i sold when i did but, that's like i said the confirmation, bias that. That we get as traders, and again. These are live so i'm trying to talk. Scan. Not sound like an idiot, and i realize i'm failing at the not sounding like an idiot part but what's going on with. Tup, here. What is that. 1360. That's an interesting potential short point but that's totally against the trend, i'm gonna have to pass on that, now. I'm not gonna alert that either because that's that's against the trend. Wow. And it just keeps. Ripping. Wow. Congratulations. Members that's awesome. Well done. Well done, but. I mean really not i mean i suppose, in hindsight, i could have bought the break there of the 1925ish. Area. But, again that's me totally talking in hindsight are we going to get a halt here. Looking like it might get halted because it's just booming so much which is a good problem to have when it needs to get halted because it's going in the direction of the trade. Awesome. Let's watch and see if it gets halted and there we go there is the halt, right there notice how there everything has changed. So well, people that are in are maybe stuck in a halt but odds are this thing will gap up higher not a guarantee, but usually at least after the first a halt, they'll you know move in the direction. Uh, the gap will be in the direction, of whatever. Price it was originally going. But uh yes bittersweet, but super happy for members of the community. Watching, 170, 75, here. As a potential short but this candle can't break through it and it did, shoot. I wanted to see one more cam i just want to see this candle here stay up above it, it did not it's broken through it. So i just don't feel comfortable taking that trade i feel like it's too much of a chase. Oh and there it goes for the time being, well at this point. What i need to see here from boeing is for it to bounce up somewhat now um, you just can't short right here too much of a chase, but if this thing wants to show some strength and start to work its way. Back to the upside that would be a good thing. And nope not gonna do it just continues, to fall. I did alert 170, 75 in fact i'll show you the alert, so you can also see that you know members have the same thought process so to be fair i'm not going to try to sit here and say oh wow and members made money no because i i said right there, current candle needs to close above it though it being 170, 75. And as we just witnessed it didn't close above it so let me put it this way, if a member took that alert and traded it they didn't really they they marched to the to the tune of their own drum which is fine i mean i always encourage members they need to be able to think for themselves, but as far as the spirit of my alert, you know i can't sit here and say that oh yeah there was another winning alert because look at this thing it just keeps going because that's it just didn't behave like i wanted to see it behave.

Um. And once again in hindsight, yeah i should have taken it but. That was that's just not a good habit but again i'm still watching, still want to see it move upwards. Where's kodak, at right now still halted. So we'll go back to ba here but ba, uh just a savage savage mood had earnings today. But an absolute gap and trap uh if this thing could bounce up to i don't know 170. 50-ish, 65-ish. That'd be interesting. But wow, just. Straight down. Crazy. Kodk. Is back and as expected, it moved in the direction, of the gap although pulling back pretty quickly now but got up as high as 22. And looking like it might be a halted hair again. So now kodk. Yeah just becoming. Um. I don't want to say impossible, to trade but very annoying to trade because if uh. It's gonna start getting halted all the time like again. Watching here and once again. Another halt come on government just let this thing trade. We're all adults, here, we're all you know this is we've all, no one's forced us to put our money in the market. We're, we're grown-ups, here. Just let us trade no need to hold our hands yes there's my little rant on, the stupid, stupid, government regulations. Like this i mean the pattern day trading rule there's another great one what's going on with mrna. Oh yep again, just chasing right now, totally chasing you just can't take and, boeing. I am sensing some frustration, do you can you sense the frustration, of my voice let me know in the comments section do you do you hear some frustration. I i need to be aware of this because i'm. I think i'm putting myself, and i'm getting into uh. A risky, place here where, kodk. As much as i'm i'm trying to tell myself that i'm i'm cool i'm cool with it i think it's influenced, me a little bit, and i'm starting to get frustrated, which is okay like i said i realize my slogan is trade without emotion but really it should be recognized, emotion. Because that's what trading is all about you need to just be able to recognize. When you're getting emotional, that way you know how to you know combat, it, and i think i'm starting to get emotional. Because i feel like. Yeah. Mrna. So i want to really reiterate that though it's okay to be emotional when trading. But the question just becomes what separates. Long-lasting, traders from those that blow up their accounts is well do you at least, recognize, the emotion. And when you recognize it do you have a solution, for, so at this point i think i'm going to need to just reduce my position size down to 100, shares. Um, and that way if if it is emotion then well, you know i'm going to be able to keep my losses under control but um, now if i see a beautiful beautiful setup i'm not opposed to going. Full size because, i mean. I'm all for beautiful setups, p-e-n-n. Just booming, let's see what's going on, get this. Alerted. But yeah all right i will go ahead and pause. All right watching, 78, as a potential. Area to short here. In 100, shares at. 78.. Looking for a move to the downside. Risking right around 60ish. Dollars. So this thing either wants to roll back over or it's going to keep on bouncing against me and if it does and it'll cost me let's just call it right around 75. Which i'm okay with. Like i said i think this thing has a as a chance to get down below. 78.. A lot of buyers at 78, right now there's the break, there we go, let's see if we can get. Some more movement to the. Downside. There we ah. Come on get down through 77, 60s there we go. Can we get down through. 50.. As expected, a lot of buyers, right there. If it can push through. Should, get a good nice, surge to the downside, some. More. All right taking 50 shares off there because at this point i'm not quite sure i gave it plenty of opportunities. Uh to get down through 77.50. And it didn't. I could be wrong though and i was wrong. But that's why i still have 50 shares so i can continue, to. Capitalize, on this move. So let's see if it wants to wow. That was a crazy movement there let's see if it wants to get down to the 77. Oh wow look at that snap back up, this thing is going all over the place. Now. Like i said, let's see if this thing can work its way back down. To 77.. If it goes up above 78, at this point i will be out, so the remaining, 50 shares i might just take a break even or a small loss on them, just do a mental stop here.

So Again if this goes up over. 78, i will be out. But as it right now it's trying to decide does it want to. Roll back over some. More. Maybe so. So we'll look to take off another 25, right around 77, ideally below 77, if we can get the move and flush down below that area. Like it's trying to do right now. Come on i'm being patient with, you. Can it get the break. And as would be expected, a lot of buyers down there at that round. Number. So can it get down through. 77.. Trying to be patient trying to be patient, come on. Such as the life as a trader you got to just sometimes, wait as much as it would, as great as it would be for these things to just go straight down. Sometimes you just gotta wait. It is nice though because now you it's logical, to think that if 77, fails, it. You know should go down and re-test, lows. If it fails though is the big question right now because as we've been watching. It keeps getting down to that level and just, can't quite. Push through. Well at this point. Thinking this thing might want to bounce. But i'm not willing to wave the white flag. Yet. Especially, now if it comes back down. That would be interesting, that'd be implied to fail. I do want to make sure that this is a winning trade so if it goes up over, 750. I'm gonna get out. So mental stop-loss, right now. Bounced, off 50.. All right, just going to get out there, so 39. On the trade, um. But like i said, wanted to manage risk and again going back to the theme of the hindsight, voices. Right. You're probably, in fact there's probably people in the comments section that say it what i'm thinking right now clay why don't you do 500, shares. I mean you had over you basically had a dollar move in your favor that's 500. I know you're right, but what happens if it would have gone against me, then all of a sudden i wiped away all my green and now i'm sitting in a hole and i don't want to be in that position. So yes i get it looking now, it's easy to say oh clay, why did you only do 100, shares, but had it gone against me had i been wrong. Then you'd be saying hey clay that was great way to manage risk during position size, so i mean that's just kind of uh the nature of the beast and why hindsight, is, such a dangerous thing but. Again to offer up for those you wondering how does the community work that was everything right there so the, the first alert was just you know, asking you know was it a dead cat right dead cat just means something that's bouncing but you think is eventually gonna roll back over, so i just said the one and you know just i'm watching for weakness.

Then I flew out throughout another thing and i said you know 77.60. Was the key flush point, then i edited the alert and made an update. And then did 78, flush point and that's what you saw me take i mean i got right in there at 78. And again this was all alerted, before, i ever got in so members had the exact same opportunity. As i did, and they could have uh you know pulled out a very nice profit. I do like 77, though. I'm gonna try that again, because i think maybe this is finally the time it goes through. I'm gonna watch it closely and try to time it up. I think i'm risking right around 50ish, dollars. Here. So i'm going to try to. 77. Watching. Closely. Oh wow. No chance at all to get that one. 70 just disappeared. Wow all right i'm excited to all i can really say is that that was literally impossible, to have anticipated, that break, i'd encourage you to scroll back and watch the level twos and you'll see that, that number right there was above 77, above 77. And then all of a sudden it was just below 77., it went like straight down, wow that was crazy, that's some good stuff. There's a great example of sometimes. And and that's the risk right i was waiting for more confirmation, had i just gotten in sooner anticipated, the break yeah i had more risk because the break didn't quite happen, but i would have also you know, been able to actually get in before that you know move to the downside happened so that was absolutely crazy. Well it's not even uh 30 minutes in the day i'm up 229. Dollars so i with commissions, i don't let's call it 215ish. Dollar summer give or take right around there but i'm gonna go ahead and call it a morning i'm more than happy with that, and like i was mentioned earlier i i can feel the frustration, voice in in me a little bit so i'm just gonna i don't know if i'm necessarily done for the day but, i'm done for the video sake because there's always the other voice of, clay, make an awesome youtube video clay do this it'll be an awesome youtube video and that's always a voice that and i blame nobody but myself nobody's forcing me to make these videos, but, uh that is a that is another voice that i've introduced into the equation when i choose to record myself, is i have no problem admitting, i want to make an awesome youtube video i want to make a video where i'm making all kinds of money, i don't have, no shame there full transparency, that's my intention, is i want to make, an awesome video i want you to hit the subscribe button hit the like button, but that that can create voices in and of itself within your head but pointer being if you are interested, in joining the private community which you saw, a multiple alert self that worked out very nicely all you got to do is go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team and the way that works, is 99. For three months not 99. Per month but 99. For three months at a time, which breaks down to 8.25. Cents per week so the question just becomes all right if i invest 99. Do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value if you think you can get eight dollars and 25, cents, per week, of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment. So check it out and like i said you saw exactly how it works here. There is also a mobile app so it's not like you have to stay change your computer or anything like that, and then also as far as this video is concerned if you like these live trade videos, if you would like for me to keep making them a very time efficient and quick way, to do that is just to hit that like button also comments questions. Suggestions, leave those down below i do read and we'll reply to all of them then also just check out the channel as a whole, and hopefully like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button, as i'd love to have you as a subscriber, but again 8.25. Cents per week if you think that the service, can give you more than that in value per week then yeah claytrader.com.

Forward Slash team, thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-07-31 21:51

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