[LIVE] Day Trading | I Thought It Would Be Awesome...

[LIVE] Day Trading | I Thought It Would Be Awesome...

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good morning it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in about five minutes for those of you that are maybe new to these videos real quick what do i mean when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where everything has already been recorded and now i'm coming back and doing a trade recap or some sort of post commentary nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information live for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts for our reactions raw emotions you'll get that here but to on your time if you are seeking out a nicely edited video a nicely scripted video you're not going to get that here but if you just kind of want a nitty gritty dirty look into what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then you'll find that with the video so like i said market opens up here in about five minutes probably gonna watch tesla out of the opening gates uh which has been the norm lately uh but i'm gonna go ahead and pause and i'll see you back at the open all right the markets are open and i was watching tesla the market's been open about 45 seconds but before i got the video rolling again switch over here to chwi interested at 92.50 but might actually potentially be able to get a better long-sided trade than that we'll see if this thing wants to pull back some more what is that high so maybe 91.25 so this thing's just pulling back here a little bit right now but we'll see if this thing wants to potentially turn itself around like i said it might just want to pull back a bit more which is exactly what it's doing right now uh if you do hurry typing i'm just making alerts in the chat room if you're not familiar i do offer communities right now i'm just saying child watching for signs of bounce because the context is bullish so that's what i'm all about right now trying to figure out if there's any sort of sign of potential bounce here but right now this thing just continues to pull back and i'm not very familiar with this one and that kind of shows right there because that move up through 91 happened very quickly and then back down it's gone but all right well i'm gonna let's actually go over check on tesla house tesla doing here not a whole lot going on all right well i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now not quite sure on tesla here i like it but i don't love it so i'm gonna i'm gonna uh maneuver around that by just going smaller share size here at 50 shares so i'm watching 650 50 as a potential short meaning i would want to see the price come down but as of now it's holding up strong so in there at 650 50. so let's see if this thing does indeed want to pull back some more all right all out there for just a 68 loss that was one of those where i needed to see it break down right at that moment and if it didn't then i'm not going to take the risk that this thing ultimately turns back upwards because yeah i mean it isn't an uptrend i'm so i was looking forward to breakdown at that moment it didn't went back up so starting down the day 68 nothing that um is going to send me the poor house i i feel confident in that being a hole i can manage but let's see what else i can find all right well i'm interested once again at 6 50 50 assuming it comes into play because we could have a very interesting candle here but to be fair maybe this is actually the start of a bigger move to the upside but if 650 50 comes back into play really even 651 in at 651.26 let's see if we can get a move to the downside here finally again just 50 shares so even if i got suckered back in which is looking like i might have it's nothing huge what is that break right there so what is that low 650 in fact i'm gonna add at 652. if 652

comes back into play but if this is the start of a bigger breakout well then i'm glad i only did 50 shares because that's not gonna that's not going to send me to the poor house but yeah like i said a 652 wants to come back in a play i will add to the position starting to come back down you notice a five minute right there watching 652 very close and at 6 52 21 so now i'm up or now i'm at 100 shares so let's see if we can get some movement now down in my favor well not a good ad looking like so if this goes over yeah 655 i will have to bow out of the trade so this is either gonna roll over and start to go in my favor or else i'm gonna have to just take the loss and move on and admit that i was wrong i still think it's got a chance to roll back over now when i say roll back over i don't mean like crash down to 640s or anything like that but yeah i think it's i think it's still got some potential to do that in fact should i be looking to add again at 652. adding another 50 shares because that would be looking pretty pretty impressive so i gotta think though do i wanna add in some more i'm gonna hold off on adding yeah 652 putting up quite a bit of a fight here can i get oh wow wow okay okay wow clay you bonehead why don't you add all right well i have 25 shares left what a move that was i don't know i feel like that thing could just snap right back upwards though because that was so overdone i'm just gonna take what it gave me okay well 162 dollars what a crazy move that was and of course in hindsight i should have added but and i would have added my entire account had i know that sort of move was coming but holy smokes well very happy with the way that one turned out no idea it was gonna go that far that fast but hey sometimes when you just hang in there i was getting prepared to potentially have a loss there but ultimately rolled over in my favor and i i definitely should have listened to my gut instincts and said you might want to add again at 6 52. i didn't i hesitated and then you just saw it right there that hesitation cost me because that would have been it would have been a very nice move had i had another 50 shares to enjoy that downwards movement uh but it is what it is so 162 on that one but you know just uh not not uh and i thought this morning was gonna be pretty eventful that's why i got the video going i mean i have no problem at all admitting that i hit the record but i do youtube videos when i think there's going to be an opportunity to make some cool videos like i'm here to try to make a cool video now for you longer time watchers you know that sometimes i don't post two cool videos i post videos of me losing money that's not very cool uh but i'm trying to do these when i think the action is going to be good when i think i can make a cool youtube video and i thought the action would be good this morning and from that angle things i i got things i don't want to say totally wrong because i just made some money but things are not nearly as active as what you know i thought they would be chwi a 9 or 89.75 that's interesting but like i said i'm just not very familiar with chwi so that one's got me a little worried but all right well there we go kind of a cool little trade there on tesla at least you saw just how quickly things can go sometimes in your favor sometimes they can go against you which is why you want to have those stop losses and stuff but in that situation uh tesla happened to roll over my favor in a hurry which was fantastic but yeah and i'm glad i didn't make any move on chewie there because now it's starting to head downwards so all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause you know what just dawned on me i i totally forgot that but i was down 68 dollars wasn't i because i was wondering how how was that trade only 162 dollars i'm looking at the numbers thinking what is going on but no that's because i was down so that was over the second trade was over a 200 trade but that's why it was throwing me off but yeah i totally forgot that that was actually my second tesla trade and the first one was was the lost uh so if anything just goes to show that you manage risk you keep it manageable and then you know you don't have to trade like a superhero i mean think about that the trade that i kind of screwed up on because i didn't add more still wipe not only wiped away my losses but now it put me nicely into the green and when you consider that i've only been at it for 20 minutes i mean 160 bucks in 20 minutes i don't know maybe that's not worth your time but i don't know many places in the world where you can make 160 bucks in 20 minutes and like i said that includes a losing trade so nope that's not what i wanted yeah you see what's going on oh can't even no shares too short well that's disappointing go share so short for those of you that are maybe new meaning trying to make money when prices are going down so that's what i did on tesla i wanted to see tesla go down because i shorted the stock and when you short a stock or short whatever you want to see values you want to see prices go down and if they go down you actually make money as crazy as that sounds it's totally possible and that's what's been going on but because i can't short stock on viac kind of disappointed because that's you know what it's been doing right now is dropping down but overall just kind of wanted to clear that up with because in my mind i was thinking how am i how am i only up 162 dollars and oh well that's why because i forgot i was that first trade i was down 68-ish dollars all right i'm watching 217 here yeah 217. whoops i don't want 25 shares that would be 500 shares whoops well that cost me as i left that at 25 shares so as i was changing that back to 500 shares it actually broke down below 217. so as of now i've i've missed

the entry point it wants to come back up and come back down i'm still interested at this area uh but offensive and that initial move down maybe a good thing if this thing all of a sudden bounces maybe luck is really on my side today and it'll be a good thing that i just didn't good field there and tesla actually still coming down a little bit more where i thought it could you know snap back never really did just rolled back over nope the idu so there we go tesla worked out very nicely my favor but that little miscue of that share size looking like it's gonna come back to get me here and it absolutely is as this thing's looking like it's headed down to at least 216. so the market is a very uh fair there it is there's basically 216 there so the market said yeah you know we'll help you out with tesla oh you didn't have your mark you didn't have your share size right though sorry clay we're gonna oh there it goes down below we're gonna make you pay the price here on bidu well if there's any sort of consolidation prize on this i suppose knowing that i alerted this in the chat room right there 217 flush points so for members out there uh good to know that any members that uh did not make the boneheaded move like i did are doing well on it had the opportunity opportunity there at least as of now at least a dollar move in their favor uh if not even more to come but oh well it is what it is like i said i'll live vicariously through the members that i took that alert all right six fifty seven fifty watching closely could potentially give back my gains on the day if i'm wrong here but i mean i'm up 160 dollars and within the grand context of things even if i you know go right 100 bucks let's just say i'm totally fine so it's it's something i'm willing to do because i do like to set up enough to take on the risk but the risk i need to be okay with which i am is i could potentially go red and at 650 750 so let's see if we can get this thing to break down i love the candle that's formed here not just a question of is this thing gonna break down or is it gonna just kind of mow through these candlesticks which is possible but i like the odds that it doesn't do that but nothing is guaranteed in the markets so i think this thing at least wants to get down to 657 i mean like minimum and that's where it would need to go for me to even be able to think about potentially taking profits so at this point it's just a question of is it gonna roll over i mean these candlesticks that i'm looking at right now a thing of beauty but are they gonna get follow food that's that's just the question so getting down towards 657 got the break of it a very very weak break though see if it wants to give it another try well i did get somewhat of a move down but like i said never even got down to that 657 mark which is where i really wanted to see it if it can break through 657 though i i mean i like i like the potential of it but it's just a question of can the price actually break down through it so trying again knocking on the door knocking on the door got it through again but just no no downwards push on the bed so 657 is disappearing on the bid but there just isn't any sort of follow through which is worrisome so it took out 25 there just because i mean i got the 657 which is what i said i wanted but see what i mean it's just not going it's just not going at all so i'm gonna go ahead and hop out gave it plenty of time and it just didn't wanna go um so a very modest trade there i don't even know what i made on it but i'm glad i got the 657 which is what i said minimum but you watched that with me did not and this setup right here love it absolutely love it and i was right it did pull back but i was wrong in the sense of it didn't really do it with any sort of force at all and at 6 57 i thought that was the key break point it broke it you sat there you watched the whole thing with me and it just didn't go it still may go but if it does then i i i guess my timing was just off so let's see here was i wrong notice 657's been broken but it's just not doing anything back to 657 on the bid and the number i'm watching is that right there notice how even when 657 disappears it goes right back so gone it's right and that fast you see 5720 see it's just refusing to i thought that this number would start to drop very very quickly like okay now it's there we go do you see how fast that drop down at the 655s that's what i was looking for then but even now that's still not that i was looking for that first drop i got in it but that's just what i mean it just wasn't behaving and i think that's my cue that i just got today wrong today is an environment to make money because i made money but it was not really environment for me at least to make huge amounts of money just because nothing was really behaving like i thought it would granted i got that one awesome move in tesla to begin with uh but other than that and i'm glad i called all that because even though look just a very not a huge break and not that i wanted it thought it would break down ten dollars but i mean even just a few dollars it wouldn't even do that so yeah just kind of uh a blog type of morning but you know what that's how it goes so i hit the record button therefore this thing is going on youtube despite me thinking i could make a cool video and i don't know if this was necessarily cool kind of just a lot of uh that was okay that kind of worked out but to be fair that is how trading goes and it's about an hour into the day which is uh quite a bit longer than what i'd normally like to trade uh but it is what it is and as you can see here basically one hour 181 dollars and for those you that have watched many of my past videos i'm sure you've seen videos where you know it's three hundred dollars in seven seconds or you know it's four hundred dollars in a minute or i think there's one video it's twenty five hundred dollars in five minutes and here i am one hour 181 dollars and i'm not ungrateful for that so i don't want to come across like that my point is just that you know what sometimes trading isn't always smooth sailing sometimes trading you kind of got to just hustle grind and even when you do that things just don't really behave the way you think they will behave but the the reassuring lesson there is but you don't have to be perfect i was not perfect today i thought stocks would behave in certain manners and they didn't but i mean i still made money so that's that's the hopefully the encouraging part is just realize you don't have to be a perfect trader uh now you can't be just a degenerate gambler but you don't have to be like a flawless trader to make money uh and that's what you witnessed there is i got general ideas right but overall yeah nothing really just played out the way i thought it would including tesla when it when it dipped down below i don't think it was going to play out that way so i got that one wrong too to think that it was going to flush in that amount that it did you know back in that earlier trade so i should have added but overall just goes to show reduced position size keep losses small i'm going to think that i started off the day down 68 dollars and now i'm up 181 dollars i will take it but yeah sometimes that's just how the market's going to go it's not always going to be smooth sailing where you can just do a couple trades boom bada bing and hey i'm up several hundred bucks and it's been you know 10 minutes 15 minutes yeah sometimes you gotta you grind a little bit more than that uh but i got to move on with my day i have a podcast that i'm actually recording here in about 30 minutes so there's a quick plug if you're not familiar the stock train reality podcast look it up on itunes uh we've done over 300 episodes now or is it four i don't know 300 episodes i think uh but we're good i've been doing it for years now so check that out and i'm interviewing a guest sarah in a little bit so i got to move on with my day but before i do go if you enjoy these live trade videos they're not the easiest to make because i have to talk to you i have to make alerts in the chat room i have to execute my own trades i have to think about my own trades so there's a lot going on but i will keep doing them as long as i know that there's interest as long as i know that you enjoy so how can you communicate that you are interested that you do enjoy these videos two things hit the like button leave a simple comment the comment could be an emoji the comment could be some people just leave a period like literally they put a dot hey that's fine that is a comment and you're hitting the like button and that's what i need to know and need to see in order for me to realize yeah keep on doing these clay because people are enjoying them people uh you know find benefit in them and as long as that's the case and yeah i'll i'll keep on doing these uh but it just you know really a matter of me making my time as efficient as possible and you know wanting to you know just make sure that i'm not wasting it but i am kind of stalling right now because i want to see does tesla actually ever flush and no even as we watch it this whole time it's just never really done anything it's just and i love that setup and it just just didn't go and it still continues to not go even even with me being out of it so stalling there a little bit so we can continue to see how tesla's played out but yeah it just i got that wrong i thought there would be a bigger breakdown than that uh but it just didn't happen but yeah if you enjoy these videos hit the like button leave a simple comment down below thank you for hanging out first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-04-18 20:03

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