[LIVE] Day Trading | I Made $235 in 1 Hour with Boeing (BA) Stock... here's how...

[LIVE] Day Trading | I Made $235 in 1 Hour with Boeing (BA) Stock... here's how...

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Hey. It's clay at clay trader comments, be a live trade video where I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in about five minutes so, we'll see what happens. Well. CCL, looks interesting, but you, just can't short it right now I mean that would be totally chasing. A. Little. Bowling maybe popping. Back up here. Same. Thing I mean just totally flushed, out of the opening gates and I. Mean. You just you just can't short that that is completely chasing, but now that it's bounced back up here. Maybe. An opportunity here will arise. To. Try to get short. Like. I said this thing needs to come. Back come back up or at least a little bit more. So. We'll let it. And, all these airlines right now are getting destroyed. I said. 215, now looking relatively interesting. There. We go bouncing back up here a little bit more now. There. We go okay, now. Buoyant has captured, my attention that much more. To. One six now seems to be a more interesting area. See. What is that low -. 1750. I. Mean, a huge spread on this thing - all. Right well I'm gonna go ahead and pause but yeah bowling I'm very interested in. Alright, very very interested, now right around to 1750. As a potential, entry point. Like. I see yeah I want. To see if this thing wants to fail back downwards. So. - 1750. Being that area. I'm. Very interested in, what is that low - 1850. But. I'm liking this setup very much and now it's going up even more okay excellent and. That's. Why you don't want to chase because you got to think there were people that were shorting, there and there and there are some people that shorted, right there and those people are getting destroyed right now. I'm, now interested in, potentially that 220, area. And. This thing just keeps on grinding, upwards. So. Again now. Wow. And it just keeps going. And. There goes just. Even more I. Hope. It doesn't pull back. There. We go all right excellent. This, is still a bearish. Context, hair love. To, 22. So. 222 the level now. That. I'm interested, in. But, I got to see some sort of weakness first. Ezra. Right now was the first two minutes was weakness. And. Then from there it's just been grinding. Was. A little bit low. 220, 225 K. And. We're getting somewhat, of a. May. Be an interesting candle, hair. Okay. What is that a low of. 220.

350, Now is what I'd be interested in. Okay. I'm in at. 220. 394. In. 223. 94. So, let's see what it wants to do here. Well, very. Clearly got into early but I still. Like the overall idea here that this thing is I mean. This thing has basically been straight up. Like. I said I like the idea here that this thing still got some. Downwards. Momentum. That needs to show up here, no. By no means am I looking for this thing to crash down to. The. Previous lows or anything like, that. But. I mean at this point you, would. Think there's be some profit takers, that show up so we're getting the move now downwards, I. Have. A couple hundred shares down there at twenty there, we go got those so have 300 shares of left. Let's. See if we can get down there through 323. All. Right 100, shares left now. There. We go got those. So. Now just 50 shares left. I'm. Gonna put these up over. Let's. See what is that 224. My. Stop-loss up, there. So. It's a winning trade now now it's just a question of how big of a winning trade is this going to be because I don't know how far this thing might want to roll back over and. If. If this thing wants to continue to roll back over well, that is going to be. Good. For me so I'm moving on my stop-loss there. Ok. Moving my stop-loss again, so again I have no idea how big. To. 22 let me just, get this moved up this is a good problem to have when I can barely keep up with. Where. My stop-loss should, be. So. All out there for a, nice. $250. Trade. Now. Yes in hindsight I probably shouldn't, have taken out those 200, shares at. 220. 351. But. That's always high inside for you but overall there we go very nice opening trade but. I'm gonna go ahead and get short here at Boeing, 215. I'm risking right, around $100. I think. This thing wants to fail but it might just want to bounce. Back against me. Like. I said I like the overall pattern I like the downwards pressure that has shown up. So. We'll see if it can get the break or not I, mean. That 215, mark is stubborn. But. The more stubborn they are the more, dramatic. The breaks become. Have. A stoploss up at two 1651. So I'm risking right around, $150. Here which. At. This point looking, like I. May. Have been a bit to improve mature but I definitely don't want to give aI don't want to go right on the day and, given. The context, of my, previous days I mean I'm nicely, green so even if I only close up. You. Know right. Around a hundred bucks or so but, that's fine like. I said there's, the overall context, of know. My trainings been going fine so. I have no problem, at all risking, right around $150. Which it's looking like I might. Be. Taking a loss here. In. Fact. At this point I may look to add another, hundred shares if it goes back to 215, because that would imply another failed. Bounce here. If. It fails but right now it's looking like this is a legit. Bounce and, all. Out there so not only $1. But that's okay like I said it was totally willing and that was a good risk to take that, was a very nice set up but, it just didn't quite work out, I think. Boeing's getting ready to roll back over in at, to. 1575. Five hundred chairs. Not, sure if it's gonna actually break through to 15 but I don't need it to break through to 15, because again. I'm. In at 215 75, so again I don't need it to break to, 15. Like. I said I think it's got a desire, though to make its way back down to that general area. So, let's see if it can work its way down there and it's trying. All, right I guess I'll go with 119, shares then. So. This still could be a losing trade. Except. But I want to give this thing a little room to run but I was able to pull off some profits there. Like. I said I want to try to give this thing an, opportunity, here too. Try. To push down through there's the, attempted, break through there. All, right oh that's. Right I had 119, all right well my numbers are very sloppy right now, so. I'm just going to get out there so back up to $200. But. Again in, fact I may, go right back to that just.

Hundred Shares though now since my entry points not nearly as good. So. It's working this way down there and again at 2:15, let's see if I can finally get the break here. Is. It. Finally going to go I. Know. It bounced from that level again. It's, gonna give it another go. Look. At that such, a stubborn area. If. It fails it'll, it'll go big. The. Question is is there enough downward pressure to get it to fail. It's, tryin. Crazy. There. Goes. But, now with the exact. Amount of follow-through I was hoping. It. Would have. All right 50 shares left now. And. All, out therefore, I. I. Was wrong, I mean, don't get me wrong it went. Down but I was thinking just pure. Carnage, I mean if you scroll back and watch the video, just. Take note of 215, and how stubborn and stubborn and stubborn it was and it. Broke in and moved like I said don't get me wrong it's not like it mood I mean it did make a, good. 75 cent move but I mean this is Boeing it's up over $200, and if you're familiar with Boeing I mean this thing has potential, to move multiple. Dollars, in very. Very small amounts of time and that's that's honestly what I thought would happen and I mean especially when I watch it that much more and. It just it refused, to do so and. It. Very well may go but I was looking for it to all happen in a, quicker amount of time and that just didn't quite occur, but as of right now I mean, it the, the lack of breakdown, was you, know a sign of strength is now this thing's back up over to 15 which makes sense right I mean if you if. That was really gonna be a true breakdown then it should, have kept down breaking breaking down and now it's it's bounced up back up here so. I feel very good about my decision to just to hop out there and the, reason I went back to 100 shares is at, that point I needed it to break to. 15 or excuse me uh yeah. To 15 but, when I did my 500, shares what did I say I didn't need it to even go down to 215 I could still make money on it and I did make money on it 1000, even going down to 215, so that's why the change. In position size was. Because at that point I didn't, know if it was gonna break 215 or not and if it did I don't want it bouncing, up on me and, you know heading back up when I had 500, shares but when I went with 500, shares it, was already up and like I said it didn't even need to test, 215 in order for me to have a nice opportunity at gains what you saw me still make, some.

Nice Gains on without it you know rolling in my favorite but now I'm, stalling as I do this cuz you can see here the power level to is right here, our. Level 2 is a Holy Grail no but and in my opinion all day traders should use touch mill charts, which. Are right here and then level twos which are right over here, so. Some. Not exactly, massive, trading I mean 230, but then again I don't wanna come across like a greedy savage I'm not very familiar with many places in the world were in 45, minutes cuz it's 10:15. A.m. right now I'm not very familiar with money place in the world where you can make. $235, in 45. Minutes working from home but you right here exact, Wow awesome I'm excited I caught that on video. That's. Why you got to learn level twos that's why you just need to understand, not. - I don't say this in an arrogant way but I totally got that one right thank you level twos that. Break down if it was gonna be a true breakdown if, that thing should have just totally collapsed. And it. Didn't and you can see now the, results of that it's back up over and. Was just actually up over to 17. So. I realized maybe this isn't the most exciting video in terms of like money raining down from the sky but. There's. Lots of valuable learning lessons in here from position manotaur from money management, you know. As. Far as your sorry I'm trying to. Under. Modo saying honestly but, I apologized. Because these are live trade videos and I say, this and, a lot of videos because I get a there's lots of people out there and good for them I'm not saying they're wrong some. Of it's a little deceitful when they don't tell you that it's a voiceover but a lot of people they, just record, and then they come in afterwards and talk about it and some people pretend, like they don't even tell you that it's a fine it's a voiceover, so they get to sit there and sound all smart and all, it's looking like this is gonna fall and of course it falls well because you, think knew was gonna what's going on with love, alright. Let's see. Whoops. That's not. Oh nice. All right let me get this alert in a chatroom here real quick Oh. 27. I. Don't. Know if I've is, this a new company I have no idea I don't know if I've ever traded, this one I feel, like I know I'd recognize, and know if I have traded to love before. Yeah. That's. Pretty choppy if, I do trade it I'm definitely just going with 100 shares. All. Right well I'll go ahead and Pollitz and maybe we'll capture one more tricks the middling said I don't have a whole lot so I was hoping to at least rate to 10:30 today for an hour so we still got 12 minutes left so we'll see how much I can make in one hour, have. An order at 28 fifty hundred shares that go short here when. It breaks too if it breaks 28, then. I. Needed. To see move up there very very quickly, so. There's the break. I won't. Pause, right below right, below where I want it in so. It didn't move quick enough. This. Is a. Bizarre. Stock and I'm you know definitely just would want to start with 100, chairs here I. Mean. I'm not gonna make a bunch with a hundred chairs but ideally I can, get a, little. Bit more than 100 shares but. This will allow me to just kind of ease my way and in the position. So. Again 2895. There's. Gonna be that first entry point, all. Right well it is 10:29. A.m. and, you. Need to hold to my rule wanted to be done at an hour I am gonna be done at an hour and I am very happy with making, $235. In one hour, like said I'm not sure how. Many place in the world you can make. $235. Working from home. Online. Pressing. Buttons in just. One hour's worth of time and if you're new believe it or not this is actually relatively. Blonde I don't say that in a greedy, savage way ungrateful, way but I mean if you watch past videos of mine you've seen me make well more or well above this in way, less time so. I mean that's really the power of trading, and don't. Get me wrong there's, hard work you got to have passion you got a dedication, to make this sort of stuff work but I mean if you are looking for some sort of side hustle or you, know wondering I don't know it what would it be worth my. Time to learn how to day trade stocks, online well I don't know the question becomes is. $235. In one hour worth your time maybe saying no no my time is worth way more than, $235, and if that's the case cool then know you you might not want to consider this but like, I said $235. Is actually. Not that great, I mean, I'm happy, with it but at the same time I'm, I'm I'm a little yeah but, point, here being just something for you to consider you know that's really what the, thought process of anything life needs to be on whether or not you want, to pursue it mores I don't know do I think that that amount of money is worth the time that.

It Would take to produce that and like, I said that there's, a lot of work that needs to go on upfront to, learn and develop a strategy and all that Blake, said I'm, very happy with it so if you enjoyed this video and if you would like me to make more of these live trade videos very, quick the very straightforward. Way to communicate that to me just hit that like button or, leave a comment, suggestion. Question, down below I do, read all my comments and I will to them if you've ever seen it in my past videos go down in the comment section you'll see our reply then also check out the channel as a whole like I said in this video if, you want to see other live trade videos where I do actually, quite a bit more than $235, in one hour I think. There's one recently where's like 250, bucks in two minutes or something crazy, like that but. Overall I'm still happy with it two hundred thirty-five dollars, for. One hour I'll take, it so if you enjoyed the video like I said please, hit that like button leave a comment down below and the whole fee side to ultimately hit that red subscribe button and become a member of a, channel so thank you for hanging out. First. Off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go I want, to invite you to a live webinar web, class training workshop, online event whatever, you want to call it but it will be me live, revealing. To you what I discovered. That has allowed me to transform. Myself from being an employee to. Being my own boss, including, how I had only one losing day out of 73, days in total I'm, going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock, profitable. Consistency, within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the, second, key is super awesome because it quite, literally is wired into our DNA as humans, making, it very easy to use but, in a cruel way this, becomes a pitfall for many traders I'll explain, it all though including. How to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds, way too good way too good to be true but it's not and I'll show you how, it all works then at the end I open it up for a question-and-answer, session that is again, totally. Live even, if you can't make the live session, please, still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay then I will send you click, the image on the screen or click the link, down in the description box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which I should know is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions, let, me know if not I'll be seeing you soon.

2020-06-27 13:19

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