[LIVE] Day Trading | I Hate Days Like This...

[LIVE] Day Trading | I Hate Days Like This...

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Good morning it is clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades, as they play out live market opens up in less than one minute, um as far as these being live little context in case you're new to these videos, this is live in the sense of you are seeing things for the first time just as i'm seeing them for the first time so this is not something where everything's, been recorded. And then i come back and talk about it and do a voiceover. Nothing like that you were getting my raw thoughts my raw emotions. So if you're looking for kind of a nitty-gritty. Unprofessional. Look in the sense of there's no script here, i'm probably going to be stumbling over my words, so yeah very unprofessional, in terms of the video itself. Uh but if you want like i said the nitty gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader, uh then this will be a video for you, uh because like i said right now i think i'm gonna watch tesla tsla. But i say think because, i don't know what's gonna happen maybe something else all of a sudden pops up and i go and watch that, but that is the plan as of right now and the market should be opening up here. Uh right now, and there we go, so market, is officially, open. Like i said watching tesla here. Out of the opening gates, and we'll continue, to. To. Start. I'm watching other things. In kla, well there goes tesla a little bit, now this is. Representing. A one-minute candle i mean this is the first minute of the day and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna trade anything here during the first minute. Although 424. Looks like an interesting, area, but i don't know if it's actually going to get up to the 424. Mark i suppose if it does. Then that could be an interesting. Area. To potentially get short. Yeah i'm going to try that 420, 450.. Let's see if it can get up through that. Level. There's the break. Well and that fast down it goes so never mind that was the move i was looking for it did surge just didn't surge quite enough. Oh wow boeing what a. What a strong start there let's go over to. Ino, also. Going. Nice let me get that alerted to the if you're not familiar i do offer a private community. So if you do hear typing. Then you're not you're not hearing things, and io. Looking like a strong start yep. Oh and their shares for sure yeah but this isn't really a fast mover and yes i i'm talking myself too while. Talk to you. Wow tesla, just continues, to to move here. So definitely made the right choice in canceling that order. Well i'm going to go ahead and pause for right now i'll continue to scan the markets when i find something i'll get the video rolling. Well shame on me i don't know, how, i did not, see mrna. Uh until right now. It was on my morning, watch list but i don't know like i said how i'm just discovering, it but i suppose that is the power here of the chat room is i totally. Like i said i don't i wish i had some brilliant excuse i really don't but, uh judd shout out thank you judd for bringing that back to my attention as this is uh. An interesting, setup here. 74. 35. Or excuse me yeah 74, 35, 74 30 right around there. Is an interesting, level. Would like to see this candle move up first and then come down and break 74.50. So if this candle could get up near i'll you know let's call it up back above 75. And then get back up back below 74.50.

I Would like that quite a bit. So canning it up over 75.. Come on break up through it. There we go, excellent, now let's see it come back down to 74. 50.. And i would like that as a short-sighted, trade. So 7450. Watching that very very closely. Here. But again this might be a legitimately, strong move so gotta wait for some sort of confirmation. And as of now this thing just keeps on grinding. All right let's see what this candle here wants to do. Well, 75, now i like assuming it can get up over 75.50. I'm gonna get that alerted. 75. Flush, point. One minute. But it never got up over 75, 50 did it come on push back up. Ah. So it is working right now a little bit to the downside, but like i said for me personally i wanted to see it. Show a little bit more strength and there goes tesla still. But we'll see if it wants to recover back upwards. All right well i'm going to go ahead and pause but yeah mrna, definitely watching this one very closely right now. Well that stings, disappointing. It happens but right there you can see my, 75, flush point, that worked but as you saw, i just didn't quite fit my criteria. And that's what happened sometimes. That's all right the morning, the day is young only seven minutes in. So all right i'll go ahead and pause again. All right now i'm watching mrna. For a long sided trade. 74. Key. Upside. Break point, one minute. So if this thing looks like it wants to get back above 74. I would be interested, although at this point what i'm gonna do is get that changed to 73.. So. Edit. Update. 73.50. 73.50. So if this thing like i said looks like it wants to potentially get back above 73.50. And i like that as a potential long side. It's certainly pulled back here. It's now just a question of can though can the bulls make an appearance again. Or is this pullback just going to continue. And as of right now looking like it's just going to continue. What is that high of 73. I do not like 7350. Any longer on this candle. But if this thing wants to pull down and put go to new lows here and then come back up then that would be a different situation. So maybe trying to consolidate, out here. But wow. To think i called that flush point at 75, and here it is still drifting downwards, now full disclosure, i had no idea it would get it would pull back that much. But. That's just how how it goes sometimes. It does appear like it's trying to consolidate, out here. You know i don't i'm not gonna buy it on this break. All right excuse me on this candle. So maybe this one's gonna leave me in its dust again. Yep. Well, uh as of now just one of those mornings, and now the next candle starts to, form. All right well. A little bit of frustration, stepping in here but, i have enough experience to know that just stay calm, there's going to be more opportunities. To come and there it goes. Oh well it is what it is. I have an order to go short 500, shares at. 74.25. So the key break here is going to be a break of 74., and if it does break that.

I'm Going to want to see a very quick move to the. Upside. But as of right now. As you've witnessed. Not. Everything is really. Going according to how i would like to see things behave. And if you're a long time watcher then i know there's been plenty of other past videos on the channel where, it seems like everything goes according to plan. Making you know great amount of money in very small amounts of time, but you know what sometimes, mornings like this happen where. You just can't quite get the setup that you want. So at this point again watching, 7425. I think this thing's starting to get pretty top heavy here but i just want to see it give me a little bit more oomph. To the upside, for kind of one last gasp. Before the bulls you know decided they need to take a break but. I don't know maybe i'm being a little bit too uh, too greedy thinking i can get an entry point up at 74.25. But. There's the break, now can it get up to 74.25. Again i it needs to be a relatively, quick move up there. And it has not been very quick at all. What is the low of that, 73.80. So 7380. Might be the better play here as the fake break because that was a very anticlimactic. Move to the upside. So 73. 80.. If it looks like it's going to come down to that area. And i will look to get short. Because again you got to think that there's a lot of disappointed, people out there. So in at, 73.85. Short side. Let's see if we can get some push to the downside, here again under the premise of there's going to be a lot of disappointed, longs with that break out there because that was a pretty. Pretty bad break out of 74.. So it's starting to work its way down here a little bit. Although not by much. All right well. There we go all out there forty five dollars, i was looking for a faster move to the downside, it's bouncing right now. So maybe this thing is going to get a little bit of uh revitalization. To the upside. Um got to respect the trend i was against it and even if it does still work out, uh just wasn't the. The speed at which i was looking for the move to happen, was thinking it could get down to 73.50. And it's looking like that's actually going to happen right now, uh but then there it goes, but that's all hindsight. That's hindsight, ba now coming to life again wow. Ba. Bull. Pull. Again, one minute. Wow this thing has just been. Crazy. So again you gotta wonder, is this move actually legitimate, i mean this thing has moved up so much. Already. Maybe it is and that's why i'm not just going and shorting randomly. But maybe it's not. Which is what i'm watching for right now just any sort of. Sign. Of potential, weakness. Yeah pen. I mean it got down to 50 but now all of a sudden bouncing back upwards which was definitely a risk there i had to i had to factor in the risk of me going against the trend like i did. But, and it ultimately played out just not quite. The way i wanted it to but that's that's also a beautiful thing about trading. Is you don't have to be perfectly, right i mean i i was not right right i was ultimately wrong.

To, The way i read it i thought all right that was the move i was looking for didn't quite get it i better just get out right here but i was wrong but you know and still being wrong i still walked away with 45, bucks so in other words you can still make money it's not like, you have to be a perfect perfect, trader, to make money. I feel like sometimes. Especially you know beginners, they think that like it's got to be, you've got to be perfect, in all. Aspects of the game and yes of course you need to be you need to strive to have a good solid firm foundation but you have to be perfect in every angle of the game absolutely not. 169. Looks like an interesting, area. If it can, get back down there. Or maybe even a better entry point now if this thing keeps on pushing upwards, which is looking like it is. Low of 169. 30.. I'd like to see this thing push up a little bit. More. No i'm not looking like it's going to do it just going to come back down, all right well i'm going to go ahead and pause. All right i have no idea if this is going to happen but what i am looking for is a break up over 170. And then for that breakout to fail and come back down to, 169.50. Which is where i would be looking to enter, so step one of this. Sequence, is getting up above. 170.. There it is. Step two can it come now back down to, 169.50. Now to be fair maybe this is truly a beginning of a bigger breakout here. But maybe it's not. And there's no way i'm going long up here i feel like that is completely chasing right now. But as of right now. Looking like it's uh legit. So i suppose. Never mind on that i'm, trying. I am trying. And a quick little update there that's why you just don't go randomly, short, that was actually the start of a bigger breakout. Um so. But that's why you have to put those protocols, in place, uh because had i just randomly said i think this is a i think this is fake i'm going short right now okay well then you just got destroyed. Like i said i wanted to see it behave in a certain way it just didn't behave in that way, so sure i didn't make the trade or i didn't get a trade on it but i also didn't just randomly hop in and then all of a sudden i have a losing trade on my hand so, a little bit of give and take there but. Tesla looking pretty interesting. I'm in the market right now check out the spy, five minute i mean this thing is just basically, straight up right now crazy, crazy move you gotta think that. At some point it's gonna at least just take a breath. 431. 433.. Yeah the markets are so strong right now. I get it in hindsight yeah i just should have been going long this whole time but hey welcome to the 104 wonderful. Welcome to the world of hindsight. I know there will be a couple commenters, in this comment section that show up and tell me how i should have traded, with hindsight. Those are my favorites. We're all we're all pros in hindsight, let me tell you that. I'm just kidding i get it i do the same thing to myself all the time. So feel free to leave me a comment. Judging in hindsight, i'm just as guilty as anybody else. 431. Yeah 50.. You know what i like that area there. Yeah. It's already pushing down through it. Wow, boeing, just, refuses. To really go down at all. I mean i want to say take a break of 171. But it is just too overextended, right now. Let me look at some other time frames here is there anything that's potentially, sticking out. Not really all right well i'm gonna have to just call it a morning, and uh just be done with it and move on with my day i don't want to i'm not very happy with how things have played out. And i don't mean to be, a greedy savage. I mean i still up i still am in the green. So i don't want to come across as ungrateful, but yeah, um. I don't know i just, it's been a kind of a blah type of morning. And it's just blend one i mean whatever happened with mrna. Let's go check on that one. Bring up the chart here. Yeah i mean a decent move to the upside. Has come back down now volume has dropped off quite a bit. So not really much there, all right i'll pause. All right just so i can get my thoughts documented, here and also just show you how the chat room works um alright i think i already showed you that anyways but anyways what i'm watching for. Watching, for. Break, of, 75. To. Upside. To fail. Then go short, at. 74.75. So that's my uh. Plan right now, right there want to see this get up over 75. And then fail. Now i do have an order up at 75, 45, but i don't think it'll actually get up that high but if it wants to break above 75, to the upside.

And Then go below it then 74.75. Would be where i would like in that but. As of right now. Not quite sure it wants to break up above 75, but i'll keep an eye on it and if it looks like it's that's going to actually play out, and i'll get the video rolling. Well i need to just be done and oh. I um. I've been looking and i've been trying, um, excuse me to just be done by 10 o'clock 30 minutes in every day, and here it is 10 30., i'm still, actively, searching for for stocks. The market is just, it's way too choppy right now, you can i'm sure you can sense the frustration, my voice. It's the end of the month, the last thing i need to do is and i have no problem, and i'm not, blaming anybody other than myself because nobody's forcing me to make these videos. But right now, the youtube, voice is totally owning me saying clay, you don't want to post a video where you make one trade, the entire video and that one trade is for 45. Clay you're probably going to get a bunch of thumbs down you're going to get a bunch of trolls in the comments, clay. We got to find you another trade to get this thing at least over a hundred dollars. That is totally the voice that is showing up right now, and, got to acknowledge, it um and maybe clay that's really pathetic maybe it is pathetic i'm not gonna argue that but it is what it is it's shown up and it's, wanting to. Make me. Force trades in this very nasty environment, i mean everything right now is so. So, choppy. I'm green on the month, i want to close green on the month especially after a couple of stupid mistakes, to which i i will be talking about in a future video, uh when i go over some of my when i go over my monthly results for august that really kind of. Um. Just so i can talk you through, pretty much this new strategy which if you watch the videos you've heard me talk about, 30 minutes i'm looking to be done within 30 minutes and that's caused a couple issues which, i said i want to talk about but point here being, it's the last day of the month i want to close the month green, so i'm just going to go ahead and wrap this up, so i i'm sorry but i'm not sorry like i said this is true live trading, um if i thought that this was gonna turn out the way it did i wouldn't have even hit the record button but going into the day it looked like there's some decent opportunity, out there which is why i started recording.

But I got that wrong, there wasn't a whole lot of opportunity, granted there was at the beginning. But as you saw it didn't quite behave in the way i wanted it to behave so i missed out on those trades. Uh but yeah, overall. If you want a bit more of a an exciting video then like i said i offer a playlist, of a lot of other live trade videos where there's definitely more than one trade. So um from that point of view, i apologize, but from the point of view of hey what what is the nitty gritty, real life look of being a day trader and what does day trading look like well here you go sometimes you're gonna have mornings like this, where it just, it's it's not bad in the sense if you lose money it's just bad it's annoying and frustrating the sense of. It just doesn't feel like you did well and right now that's how i feel, uh i know tomorrow morning i'll wake up i'll i'll feel, it will be a new month, i'll feel like a breath. Of fresh air, and i'll i'll be very happy that i didn't go and you know force some sort of trade for the sake of you know making a cool youtube video but it is what it is if you enjoy these videos, uh these live trades hit that like button, which probably sounds a little bit anticlimactic. Clay there's no way i'm hitting the live button i under the like button i understand, but if you would like me to continue to make these and try to make a little bit more exciting ones in the future like i said hit that like button, comments questions suggestions, leave those down below, and then finally, check out the channel as a whole like i said lots of other live chat videos, and if you like what you see hope you decide to hit that red subscribe button i would love to have you as a subscriber to the channel, so again i i apologize, that this wasn't very entertaining, and exciting with trades, but on the on the flip side of that coin like i said you know what sometimes. This happens as a day trader, and in all actuality, it's i'm, probably glad that i pressed that record button because sure i'm not putting out an entertaining video but i'm putting out a very realistic, video of what's just sometimes, happened so it is what it is thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall, for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-10-02 15:11

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