[LIVE] Day Trading | I Absolutely LOVED This Trade Setup!

[LIVE] Day Trading | I Absolutely LOVED This Trade Setup!

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hey it's clay at claytrader.com this be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live uh real quick here if you are new to the channel or just maybe new to these videos when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where i've already recorded everything and now i'm coming back and doing a voice commentary or you know some sort of trade recap nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw emotions raw reactions raw thoughts uh you're going to get that here but i also want to honor your time if you're seeking out a nicely scripted video well edited video you're not going to find that here but if you just want a nitty gritty looking to what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then you'll get that here so market opens up in about 20-ish minutes so i'm going to go ahead and pause for now and if something happens in the pre-market i'll get the video rolling if not i'll just see you back at the open all right i'm watching did i hit the record button i don't know i did hit the record button i'm watching 22 30 here market opens up in five minutes oh this is a hundred percent now when did that happen what am i talking about willing me let me bring up my annotation real quick over here you can see this e or the green e right there means that it's that it's possible to borrow shares to short meaning i can make money when prices go down the problem is that 100 percent that just eats up basically there's no margin that's being used anymore it's just 100 buying power so it really just eat things up and and there it goes shoot like i said that's i don't like stocks like that because it it limits me a lot more than i like to be limited so yeah i could have just still taken 500 shares and made that trade and you can see it's working out very nicely now for those of you that are maybe beginners you're wait how is that working out well clay the stock's going down but that's what shorting is shorting allows you to make money when prices go down i get it sounds super sketchy super crazy maybe the first time you hear it but yeah that's the beautiful thing about the financial markets you can make money when prices go down too and that's what i was looking at right there so yeah the price is going down but like i said from a shorting perspective that's what you want to see but oh now look at it go oh well well the good news is the market hasn't even officially opened so i'm confident there will be some other opportunities but i'm going to go ahead and pause for now and i'll see you back in the next couple of minutes the markets are now officially open c-e-l-c nice move out of the opening gates here wow that turned around quick jks what's going on with this one yeah good good volume on this one let's take a no i'm not going to take any trades around the first minute just want to see how this first minute plays out get that over there what is that 35 let's see it bounce off 35 go back up and then come back down [Music] well yeah not i mean not there we go there we go a bit of a bounce perfect all right that's what i wanted to see let's see if 35 comes back into play here 35 36 okay and watching 35 very closely here in at 35. very choppy one i knew that getting in though in fact probably add if 35 comes back into play here in fact i will so 35 comes back into play i will be looking to add so let's see what this wants to do in fact let me get this alerted jks 35 flush point one minute so like i said let's see if 35 okay what is that low 35.85 i'm still bearish on this so i will look to add now at 35.85 if it comes into play here in there at 35.91 for 250

more shares let's see if we can get this to pull back here a bit so now it's 750 shares average 35.31 love this candle that's forming right now although 3570 being a bit of a stubborn area here let's see if we can get a move down through that area there we go 35.50 as would be expected being relatively annoying here let's see if it can push down through yeah 35.50 that'll be the key area that it needs to roll back over down through let's see looking around at other things in fact do i want to add some at 35.50 yeah i am going to add some at 35.50

if it comes back down to 35.50 i will be looking to add or better yet at 36 up here let's see it come back down to 36. we'll look to add at 36. assuming 36 comes back into play which it's starting to in there at 3602 added another allotment so let's see if this thing can start to finally actually roll over here 35 50 though is still going to be that main battleground area and i love the setup here i love it can it get down through 35 50. they'll love this setup but that doesn't mean that it's gonna break down through 35.50

where we got time wise i don't know is this entertaining or not to watch kind of the price chop around here but yeah there it is 35 50. that is definitely the line in the sand here in fact do i want to add even more at 35.50 if it comes down to that area i think so yeah so we can come back down there from where it is right now that would be great so watching 35.50 like i said if the price comes down to that area what is that right there yeah really if 35 65 is broken i'll go ahead and add some more so again i'm watching 35.65 and if that's broken i'm going to add there in anticipation of a break of 35.50 so watching that like a hawk and 35.65 broke

so here we go i mean that this thing is either suckering in more and more there i'm going to get the move down through this area but that's what it's all hinging on 35 basically 60 50ish right around there if it can break it should go nicely in my favor let's see what it wants to do well i am once again going to add more if it comes back down to that area one of these times you got to think it wants to break so once again watching 35 yeah 60. 3560 is broken then i will add more how much longer can it hold up here again watching 3560 just trying to stay laser focused here because this one does move relatively quick it's all about the yellow runner yellow line right there the v-wap can it break back down below it i think so and that's why i'm willing to add again because one of these times you got to think it's got to go so 3560 watching like a hawk okay watching watching watching 3560 though yeah 3560 seems to be the actual point that needs to be broken here okay getting hit held again in there for some more there we go got the break have some shares at 35 25 35 15. well come on now come on well i'm officially worried now because that was the break i wanted i got the break it moved but not a whole lot i'm not gonna panic or freak out but yeah i am a little a little uncertain now at this point but let's see if it wants to make it another push to the downside here all right i have 250 shares left just because i don't know now no problem admitting that i have no idea what this thing wants to do all right all out there whoops still have 50 shares left might still go but like i said that was the move i wanted to see and i waited and waited and waited and then seemingly have not gotten really any payoff again i mean i'm not i cannot sit here and say that i clay you just weren't patient enough no in fact i still have shares right now i'm still waiting for this thing to try to break down and i thought the breakdown would occur right away and it did break down and then just no follow through wow this one well played like i said are you gonna go or not right i mean just do you want a breakdown or or not i read this one totally wrong all right i'm just whatever so 23 after all of that what a what a crazy crazy stock crazy well i definitely and again i like that area right there at 35 25 but i mean i love that area up there in fact i kept adding adding adding and i mean i got a breakdown but not nearly the breakdown i thought i would get so i mean in an embarrassing kind of way i mean that's kind of cool i caught that on video just as an example of hey you can you can love a setup you can level level you can keep adding because you like it so much and you think something's going to happen and it may happen but if it doesn't happen to the extent then yeah you can walk away with 20 bucks after sitting there and watching watching watching so that was pretty crazy uh so like i said in a kind of an embarrassing kind of way glad i caught that on video and update been a few more minutes and check it out the thing just still just not not not moving so it is what it is i actually feel good about this because i feel at this point odds are probably will still come back down but i clearly don't have enough money or enough faith in that statement to put my money where my mouth is uh because like i said i read that one totally wrong and as far as my confidence in this one is concerned it's totally shot i have no confidence in my ability to read this one and as obvious as it may sound if you ever find yourself like you know i don't have any confidence in my ability to read that stock to understand that stock then just don't trade it okay just don't even try it like that i odd state it's going to drop further but i don't care because i've i already thought that a certain level was going to be great and then it never was so if you're just not confident towards the stock just move on from it all right watching 678.50 here on tesla just 50 shares because chesla tesla tesla tesla has been very volatile curious if this is some sort of fake breakout of that high so watching 678.50 i like that so 678 79 let's see if we get some sort of move to the downside here so starting to get a move you know this was a four straight if i'm being honest with myself i mean it's not it doesn't make it a bad trade but it was definitely a four straight so nine bucks on that one reason was a force trade i mean tesla's so choppy and with 50 shares is it i'm doing it wrong is it worth it yeah it's absolutely worth it but it's just tesla's not meeting what i want to see it me in terms of how i want to see stocks trade but this was totally an example if i'm being totally self-aware and honest with myself and with you you know this has got the remnants of frustration on uh jks i would i got to just be real with myself like i was so and here's the worst part was i got to put it on youtube right i hit the record button so it's going on youtube so the worst part is i gotta put this video on youtube that i sit there and like talk it up like oh man i'm adding more i love it oh i'm adding more i love it i'm adding more i love it and oh uh oh okay well oh all right and then i just you know so now i'm in the back my mind i'm thinking great clay you got to put this on youtube you look like a all right well let's find something that you can at least like get some sort of gain on or something um now to my credit at least i recognize that a little bit to just do 50 shares but still i mean that just wasn't and yeah it worked out fine like i said there was nothing wrong with the setup but just the psychology behind it it's that was just a a forced trade didn't need to be there and that's why i need to just get out because i got to acknowledge that that trade's got me so in a pathetic way right but i'll be honest like it's when you posting stuff on youtube and when you know that this video has got to go on youtube because as soon as i hit that record button no matter what happens it's going on youtube it can play some mind games with you because i i don't you know i'm sure the trolls will have a good time with it but i'm totally in the mindset right now all right i i need to make a better youtube video because that one was super embarrassing uh although i think it was very educational to just show that you can have an awesome setup you can love that setup but uh that doesn't mean that it's gonna actually work out or anything like that um and uh so from that angle things but still it's it's it's embarrassing and i'm trying to redeem myself but quote unquote trying to redeem myself other words i'm going to start to revenge trade force trades and that's just not a good uh that's not a good mindset and a mental landscape to have so i'm just going to have to call it good um i guess i'm sorry that this wasn't more entertaining maybe this was more entertaining maybe you thought that was great because i talked it up maybe i'll try to come up with like a clickbait title like i love this setup but i get that's not clip but that's not clickbait though because i did you saw me i loved the setup that's why i kept adding uh so i guess that's not really a clickbait title that's an honest title uh but it'll the twist will be as you've already seen yeah the setup that i love didn't really work out but like i said i suppose that is a good solid learning example so i'm gonna go ahead and call it good uh real quick before i go though and this is actually quite imp well no i take that back what is going on with mrna here oh my okay now this would not be any sort of forced trades here because this is actually 142 50. yeah i do like that 140 250 to get short just double checking now i want more than 100 shares i realize i'm not going to make a ton on 100 shares but my i the idea here is to get more than 100 but this would at least allow me to get my feet wet into the position so again i realize that off the bat yeah i'm not going to potentially make a whole lot but this allows me to make sure that actually no 142.85

so all right i'm going to go ahead and pause and uh this is i'm for sure not uh not a force trade because this is a this fits my setups i like setups like this when it comes to position building so um this is not definitely not me trying to force anything plus i know that i'm not going to make a killing given i'm only doing 100 shares but i'll go ahead and pause and give it a few more minutes and we'll see if it can get a break up through that 142 mark and an update there just pulling back now so gonna go ahead and cancel that order out and now i will officially wrap things up so as i was saying uh you know something that's really helpful for me is that these videos are live so they're not the easiest to make i have to think for myself i have to think about what i'm going to say to you i have to talk to you have to think about alerts that i make in the private community that i offer so there's just a lot going on um while these so while these videos are totally possible they're not always the easiest thing to do but i will keep making them as long as i know that there's interest for them and the quickest way and now what's going on with rblx well here we go again is there a trade here that could be taken 74.50 let's see 74.75 so throwing out an order out there at 73 or excuse me 74.75 we'll see if it can get up there and that would be again i'd like more than 300 shares but that allows me to at least get my feet wet on the position so we'll see if it can get up there or not all right and now this one is kind of calmed down and relaxed so it defeats the purpose of the strategy so that is it like i said if you do enjoy these videos and want me to keep making them as i was saying two things you can do hit the like button and leave a simple comment the comment could be a thumbs up emoji it could just simply be a period but hitting the like button and then leaving a comment you know just communicates to me that yeah clay these videos are still worth your time please keep doing them and as long as i know that it's worth my time then i will definitely continue to do them so a bizarre bizarre day i'm mentally off now i i can't remember the last time i loved to set up so much and like i said that's not just talk there's a reason why i kept adding and adding and you had intent i mean it worked out i made some money on it but it didn't work out anywhere close anywhere close to how i thought it would work out uh but hey caught it on video unfortunately it's got so just be kind in the comment section just be kind like i said i i don't proclaim to be a perfect trader sometimes uh sometimes you can love a setup some and then it just kind of says why did you even love me because i definitely don't love you back and that's basically what jks said why i don't know why you love me so much clay but i'm not gonna love you back and it is what it is but thank you for hanging out thanks for watching and everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-05-24 17:10

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