[LIVE] Day Trading | How to Short a Stock (and make $400 in 15 minutes)

[LIVE] Day Trading | How to Short a Stock (and make $400 in 15 minutes)

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live uh market opens up here in about 15 minutes what you see here on the screen is uh behind the scenes of the live training community that i offer, and i thank you for the feedback by the way i know a lot of you enjoy seeing this because not only does it just walk you through, uh the thought process kind of the dynamics, behind the trade, before i even make it but also just allows you, uh that are curious, or that are curious about you know how does your service actually work what's going on and allows you to see that so what i want to do is just kind of build upon the watch list that i've already put out there so right here you can see the watch list, that's already been made, but. Then i like to always add in a few more in terms of more specific, areas that i'm watching and the level for ba. Which you see over here on the screen. Uh isn't i don't think that it's gonna be coming play and i should say that i don't think because these are live videos this is not a post commentary, this is not me, uh doing some sort of voice over i i truly have no idea what's going to happen, so that you're getting my live thoughts as the market plays out but regardless, ba that. 163. Interesting. At this point it looks like it might be a back test back test. Point for potential. Short. So that's one level that was really standing out to me and then also, on. Mrna. That was another one where again let's see where is it right now. Okay, nice it's gonna be close but that one's still potentially, in play. Uh. With. So mrna. 76.50. Flush point, on the open. So that's another area where flush point meaning looking for prices to go down, so that's another interesting, area and then also want to get what's going on with kndi, this thing's been bonkers, this morning. Oh this thing's just grinding, right now. Yeah, at this point. What i'm looking at here, and you remember you can't see everything on the screen i'm just i don't feel comfortable really mapping on anything because this is just kind of a little too crazy right now so we'll have to let that one settle out, and then also want to check out kodk. See how that one's playing out right now. All right there we go what is that level. 41.75. So. Kodk. 41.75. Upside. Break point. On the open. So there we go got a couple of potential shorting alerts there is one for an upside break so for the people that like to go long but that's how it works, and so just a quick little behind the scenes like i said there but also, now you have some of these levels that whether or not any of those come into play i have no idea, but that's the beauty of these being live is you get to see how the markets how trading plays out uh in a very live way in a very unknown way so that's where things currently stand, and i will keep you updated. Market opens up here in less than two. At this point literally 60 seconds from now. I think, pretty sure i'm going to watch boeing out of the opening gates it's actually, worked its way back up to. Where's my cursor there's my cursor. Problem with having four monitors sometimes you lose track your cursor but it's actually getting close it's getting back up around that 163. 25, area. So maybe just maybe, it'll come into play here right at the open. But maybe just maybe something else will catch my at the last second because there seems to be quite a bit moving out there. But that's the current game plan. The markets, are now open. And, unfortunately. Looking like boeing, at least for now is going to leave me in its dust. These are one minute candles. And yeah, you just can't chase. As enticing, as it is to go short right here you just can't chase. So just made alert that um you know that you know it's basically getting beat down right now but i'm waiting for some sort of dead cat dead cat meaning.

Some Sort of sign of. Apparent, strength but it's at not actually true strength because then the price rolls back over, so that's what i'm watching for right now but yeah as of now. Um. What's going on with, kodk. Pulling back. Well ba starting to bounce back up here a little bit. But yeah i need to see more of a bounce back up than this. So 160, 185. Or he's looking a little interesting, there, but still need to see a little bit more of a bounce, than what it's given right. Now. There we go, all right well i'll pause and i'll let you know if something pops up, all right i'm liking this action quite a bit here. A good solid bounce at this. Point. I'd like to see this stay above 1.6250. Though. And it's not doing that right now. 162.. There we go there we go. 162. I'm going to get that alerted, 35. Flush point one minute so. 162.35. I'm interested, in but as of right now this thing is uh that's why you don't chase. You, guaranteed, there were people that were shorting down here, if you're brand new shorting just means those people wanted to see the price go down, and right now the price is not going down it's going up quite a bit. So now it's just a waiting game. I'm still bearish on it. But i mean you just can't you know you don't want to jump the gun too far. 162. 35, still that area that i'm very interested. In. So just gotta wait and watch. Wait and watch. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right it's trying to make a move downwards. I wanna see this candle close above it though. Don't wanna i'm not willing to short on this candle. Should be closing, here relatively, soon. Stay above it. And actually 160, 250. Excuse me is more so the level that i'm interested in gonna get that updated, here. Ba, update. 162.50. Flush, point, one minute. So i like this, very much so now if it can look like it wants to break down. Through 160. 250.. But right now looking like it might wanna show some signs of strength so all. Already. I will go ahead and pause. All right showing some signs of weakness here. I don't know if it'll get down there. Again i apologize. These are truly live so i i might just be wasting everybody's time here by waiting to see if it falls but i'd rather have the video rolling. But i like to set up a lot. But you got to wait for a little bit more confirmation, yep right here around. 162.. At this point i'm gonna go 162. 65-ish. Get that also updated, here, 162.. Change that, around. 65.. Well this thing just wants to keep on working upwards right now. I almost wonder about. 163. Yeah i do like 163.. So it looks like it's going to break through 163. Okay i'm in at, 163.13.. Let's see if i can pull some off here, down here at. There we, go. See if i can get some more. See if i can get this move down to. 162-ish. Am i being greedy this move is getting pretty overextended. Okay taking some more off there because i think i might i mean this is a very overextended, move still have 200 shares though. To take advantage, of a continued, move. Um, i still could take a small loss. On my final 200, shares. If it gets up over. 163.25. So i'm not out of the woods yet i still now it's going to be a winning trade, but my point here is the final 200 shares because i want to give this thing some wiggle room, i could still technically take a loss on. But yeah let's see if this thing, i still like that the chance of it getting, you know being able to get down below 162.. But i'm just not willing to take anything more off the table as of now. Unless it can get down at least below, 162. So again just to reiterate, this will be a winning trade. It just may not be as big of winning trade as, there's the break let's get some more follow through come on. Ooh. That quickly snap back above. 162.. See if it wants to give it another go. Maybe this can be the true push to the downside. Well that's twice now it's broken down below that level. And failed. So taking out another 100 now 162. 13 for that reason, you saw it happen twice got down below 162.

And Both times failed. But i still do have. 100, shares left. Now at this point in time if it goes up over 162. 75-ish. I'll be out so this is definitely a winning trade regardless. It's just really a question of how big of a winning trade. Is it going to. Be. Have a mental stop loss in so again if it goes up above 162. We'll call it 75-ish. I'll get out, but let's see if this thing wants to break to the downside. As you saw it's twi it's tried, twice and failed twice. Twice, twice. I think i'm saying that word right. You know the challenges, of trying to. Come on. Sometimes if you if you talk sweetly, to them. And whisper sweet nothing's in their air they cooperate, come on boeing, you know you come on. You know you want to flush. No, boeing is having none of my sweet. Talk. It is having none of my sweet talk. Again if it gets above over 75. I am out. Using a mental. Stop. You know if it comes back down to 162. I will probably. Look to add but at this point it looks like it's gonna have to stop me out. Is it going to roll back over. So close. All right all out there. So 346. Dollars, not bad, at all, and, you know this was all i mean you saw that play out well i guess you didn't see me type it up exactly but you heard me typing but right there just to show. Uh you know right there. So i started talking about 162. 35. And then did the ba update and then i made a mention that i edited, it so that pen right there means i edited the thing to the 162. 65.. Um so yeah i got in a little bit sooner, but that's why i mean you got to be able to think for yourself a little bit i mean i can't i can't hand hold the entire, time but even if you did just get in at the 160, or even if members got in at the 162. 65. Still. Oh wow, look at that. Well. I was i'm glad i locked in some profits down here remember the the 100, shares that i took off down around that area. Right there, at 162, 13 was because we watched it together this is awesome some great, learning here we watched it twice, violate, 162. And both times it just did not work out, and it's now just booming in fact that deserves, another. I don't know now i'm. That's such a wide range here. I mean 163. Looks like again. Round two of an interesting flush point but now you you got to be risking. Right around. Well i'm, i guess. I'll do 100, let's see let's just make sure if i'm wrong. Oh no that's like a good. Dollar 50, yeah that's crazy all right well this is a little bit more. Manageable, so let's see it move up some. Yeah 160, 350, looks. Interesting. But i'm just going to do 100, or excuse me 100 shares at this point. Uh just because. If i'm wrong i don't want to you know end up giving back all my gains. Let's see what happens with 160. 350.. So in there. 163.55. Like i said if i'm wrong. Then. You know it'll cost me right around. 100. Or so. But right now looking like. I don't know does this thing want to roll back no now it's starting to shoot back upwards. But it can easily just shoot right back downwards, too. I want to see this thing at least at 163. I mean that's. Reasonable. Yeah. Strong strong strong. Can it actually get the break. I'm having flashbacks, so what was that 162, we were watching. There we go. All right so 50 shares left. Now. And we'll see what this thing wants to do. Might like to pull off some more down around 160. 250.. And this is a great looking come on. I think i can get even better than 160 250, now at this point. This is looking like it wants to. I mean it went down there and bounced basically right off of 160, 250.. Let's see, try to give it another opportunity to. To work its way back down there. Maybe a second time's a charm. I'm not going to whisper sweet nothings though last time i whispered sweet nothing's a thing. Bounced. Hugely. So there's no way i'm whispering, sweet nothing's to boeing on this one. I'll just wait here politely, patiently. Boeing, proceed onwards, with however you want to. Behave. We'll see if that works. Maybe i just shouldn't talk to boeing at all. Apparently, boeing is a stock that does not want to be talked to. All right have 25, shares left now um took off some more. And with 25, i'm just gonna get all out there so there you go 400. It's not even 15 minutes into the day, and all came from boeing.

Um. But yeah i i guess the learning lesson here is don't try to talk to boeing at all, showing at respect, did not work. Whispering, sweet nothings did not work. So it is what it is, maybe that'll be the title of this video. Don't, talk to boeing but overall very happy with that like i said 15 minutes in not many not sure many places in the world where you can make 400. In less than 15 minutes, but i'm very happy with it. And i do want to make a quick note because i'm saying the same thing to myself, and i say this quite a bit but you could very well be saying like i said i'm saying it clay, why did you only do 100, shares on that that second trade i mean it went your favor quite a bit you could have made like 500. And and you're right i could have but, the question always becomes. What happens if i was wrong what happens if the price would have continued to go against me, then i was at risk of potentially, losing all my gains and putting myself into the red, and for me personally i was not comfortable doing that i did not want to risk that, so i get it when, the trade goes in your favor, what you have is confirmation, bias and what the bias is and what you're confirming, is the fact that hey you were right, look at how much you could have made, but what your mind is doing is it's forgetting to calculate, the opposite side of things, it's not confirming, the bias. Of hey look you were right it's forgetting about the yeah but what had what if you had been wrong, then what, so yes i get it in hindsight, i wish i would have done fi in hindsight i wish i'd done 1500, shares, but i did 100, because again that's, as traders that's what you have to focus on is well what happens if i'm wrong, how will i feel about the result, if i'm wrong, and like i said had i been wrong at 500, shares, that would have been you know that would have put me in a spot that i did not want to be in but if i was wrong with 100 shares i would have still been okay, i just happened to be right, um, so yes i didn't make as much but. Still worked out just fine but, hopefully that makes sense because that's a valuable learning lesson, and that's us as human beings that's just confirmation, bias that's what that's kind of the way our brains work. Well i am going to go ahead and wrap things up like i was saying 400. In less than 15 minutes, i'm good with that and for me and i've said this many times before. But the trading lifestyle, quote-unquote, is not about lamborghinis. It's not about rolex, watches it's not about, you know buying some sort of beachside. Malibu, mansion, it's about, freedom. Of time freedom of choice. I want to be done i want to go and just do other stuff with my time, and i'm not saying that my definition, of the trader life, is the correct one i'm just saying for me, that's what i value most about being a trader, is having the freedom, to just go in and use your time however you want, i'm a dad of four kids i work from home. So i'm gonna go hang out with my kids you know i want to go play with my kids for a little bit and that's what i'm going to do, now if you're in this no clay i want a collection of rolex watches that's cool hey no judgments for me. Whatever your, whatever your quote-unquote, trader lifestyle, is that is totally up to you. But for me i just like the freedom of time so yes, is 400. Like a massive, massive, massive amount of money, i mean yeah kind of it is when you factor in that i made it in 15 minutes but i from uh well i saw such and such make 40 000, that's awesome for them i'm happy for them, uh. And and that's great, but i mean let's keep in mind the time component i mean for me and for what i'm after, 400.

15 Minutes i'm more than happy with now if you do, want to join the community get those alerts that you saw all play out here, in real time. Then just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and the way that works is 99. Not per month, not per month, for three months, which breaks down to eight dollars and 25, cents per week so really the question, becomes. If i invest in 99, for three months, do i believe i can get more than eight dollars and 25, cents not per day but per week of value. If you think that you can get more than eight dollars and 25, cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment, so be sure to check it out there is also a mobile app so it's not like you have to you know be watching your computer and be changed your computer all day or anything like that so you can stay in touch wherever, and then as far as the live trade is concerned, a couple quick requests, if you enjoy these live trades if you wanted me to keep making them, the easiest, and quickest way to communicate, that to me just hit that like button, also comments, questions suggestions, please leave those down below, i do read and will reply to all comments, and then finally, check out the channel hopefully you decide to hit the subscribe, button, but like i said if you want to trade alongside, me and other, really quality traders, get the alerts that you saw play out here like i said yeah claytrader.com. Forward slash team thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-08-15 05:59

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