[LIVE] Day Trading | How I Made $291 in 20 Minutes

[LIVE] Day Trading | How I Made $291 in 20 Minutes

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Good morning it is clay at claytrader.com. This be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades. As they play out live if you're new to these videos what do i mean by live, i just mean that, this is the first time i'm seeing the data that you see on the screen or in other words. This is not a situation where everything has been recorded, and now i'm coming back and doing a post commentary, on it or i'm doing some sort of voice over nothing like that so you will see my raw thoughts my raw emotions. Playing out here, in real time so. And as i sit here and watch this thing is uh, this thing, being wwr. Which is what i'm currently watching right now. I thought it was going to get up there and break through that level i currently do have an order out here to buy, so if you're not familiar with my screen down here you can see i'm looking to buy. Wwr. 500, shares at 11.90. So looking for a pullback, but as of right now. I'm not sure that's going to quite happen. But that's the current status of, what i'm looking for, market doesn't open up here for about. 19 minutes but this thing has been absolutely crazy, already over 11 million shares, so we'll see what happens with it but um maybe nothing comes about it again that's just these being live so i, understand you could argue, well that was a waste of time you spent all that time talking about wwr, and then nothing happened, and yeah, i can see that. I can see that frame of reference but the other frame of reference would be, but hey that is the real life look in a day trading sometimes you'll identify, something. You'll want to see it behave, you'll want to see it. You know act in a certain manner for the setup and then it just doesn't happen and you know, that's just how the market works that's how you know that's the life of a day trader but as of now that's the current status watching wwr. So i'll go ahead and pause the video and if anything comes up i will get it rolling. What i am going to do here is just get this alerted to my private community. 1190. Interesting. Pullback, point, here in pre-market. So now members have uh they can keep an eye on that 1190. Uh mark also. Again whether or not that comes into play i don't know but for those of you that, have always wondered hey clay how does your private community work here's just an example of that so up above here you can see my watch list that i've given already for the morning. But now with the way wwr. Is acting. 11.90. Is gonna be that level so now that doesn't mean that. Everybody's gonna go and buy at 1190.. We're not a group of sheep, everybody thinks for themselves we're just out there to help each other out so i'm throwing out 1190. And people can go and look at that level and see if they agree maybe there's some members of like nah clay i don't really like that area and that's totally fine it's all a matter of strategy. Personal risk tolerance but that's how the community works. We're just there to help each other out we're not a bunch of sheep not a bunch of. Lemons. But yeah we'll see if it can work its way down there looks like it might want to make a move to that area but we'll see. All right. Getting close knocking on there's the break of, 12.. I did adjust my order down to. 11.88. So it's close. A little bit more. And i'm in. Let's see if this thing wants to pop back up over 12.. Again, in at. 11.88. Let's see if it wants to give me a bounce. Here. Slowed down a little bit. I mean i still like the the volatility, in it but it's not quite. As fast as perhaps i was i was hoping for it to. Behave. That's really a question of can this thing get moving back in the upwards, direction, here. Well, this one i don't know if it's gonna work out here or not, like i said trying to be patient with it. It's trying to bounce her a little bit but. Like i said i'm just not quite sure the volatility, is there to really even make it. Worth the time, but. If we can get back above 1190, then i think it's got a chance. Sorry there we go. Well that was very short-lived. Okay getting up to 12.. Can it get through 12 though. All right, it did get above 12 took the 1202s. So there we go 70. And uh. Not the greatest trade i will take it. It might still go but, as i was saying the whole trade, it wasn't quite.

Behaving. Speed wise like i wanted to see it behave. Again it turned out to be fine. But didn't, it just didn't quite meet the criteria. And i i think i'll have not i think. I guess i it is still a thing because there's no such thing as a guarantee, i'm highly confident that when the market officially opens. Uh you'll see the type of volatility, that i was more so looking for because this thing should really be moving. Quite quickly. On the open but so there we go got it got to trade. Members of the community, they may still be in it and they're doing better than i am now since it's continuing, to bounce. But. Well i guess a little bit because there we go 12 10's now getting hit so they could be, have gotten out further than what i did but there we go so a little pre-market, trade they're just buying a simple little pullback. Had to sit through a little bit but nothing crazy. I think i was down. I don't even know. Maybe 100 bucks at most. But regardless. There we go nice little quick trade there, so i will i'm not going to be making any other trades on until the the open so we'll see what happens and i will see you back at the open. Market opens up in less than five minutes but wanted to just do a quick uh. Recap here because i was making comments about people thinking for themselves, and you can see here, wwr. For those people that thought for themselves, and decided, yeah clay i like 1190, but, i mean i'm not going to get out where you did hey, look at them i mean they are up a whole lot more than what i am so that's the benefit and the power of being able to think for yourself. Because, you know we all have different trade plans we all different personal risk tolerance levels. So for those people that did get in around that 1190, mark. Um they could still be holding right now and like i said they. Are doing much better than what i did everybody still made money but you know just makes money in different ways. And that is again the power of thinking for yourself but let's see market opens up in about three minutes so i'll see it open. Well here's that volatility, that i was talking about really starting to move now. Market, opens, in 30 seconds. And this is exactly. What i was referring, to, earlier saying you know i'd like to see a little bit more movement but the movement has returned, and once this uh now i'm not going to take this on the first minute this thing is just. Going to be too crazy and potentially, going to a halt. I would not be shocked at all to see this, run itself right up into a halt. During that first minute so we'll see if that occurs or not. But i will go ahead and pause until the market opens. All right the market, is open. So again just can't take this that first. Minute of the day. Just too crazy. Need to get a little bit of context, here. So maybe 13, will be that key breakout level now we'll see. And that's why think about it there are people that were buying that looking for the break of 13., now look at it below. 12.. That's what i mean now it might return up to 13 but i'm just thinking those people they're scared right now. There are people buying. Thinking that this thing was going to break through 13. And now look at them they're down 100 or 1.50. Per share. So the pullback is underway. Not just waiting to see. Some sort of potential. Reversal, area on it. There we go. It's right here at 12 15. Maybe. If this thing if this candle can pull back some more. There we go so just mapped out 1215. As an upside break point. So i would be interested, in buying at that. If it can get up to that level but if this thing wants to keep on pulling back well then. Just gotta wait for some bit of confirmation, but right now watching 12 15 and this thing just continues, again there are people that bought expecting. For this thing to break 13 during that first minute and they're getting, crushed, right now. As it continues, to pull back. Okay 12 15 maybe back in play here. Oh i missed it. Can i get a back test. There we go. In on the back test of 1215.. Now let's see if this thing can work its way back. Upwards. Trying for 12. 25.. Well. Maybe i shouldn't have waited for the back test we'll. See. I might look to pick some more up here i'm going to pick some more up down. At 11. 61.. Pick some more up at 11, 40.. Let's see this thing bounce in here. Got some at 11 17.. I like the chances of this thing bouncing i really do.

Let's See if we can get up to 1150, here. Give me a nice hammer candle. So there's a nice candle right there beautiful. Candle. So trying to get up to 11.50. Try to take some out 11.65. I was not fast. Enough. Got to get back above 11 50 though. Relatively, soon. There we go. Okay let's see if we can get more of a push here up through 1170s. There we are. There we are. And all out there very nice, final shares out at 11.77. Up through 12 it goes. Yeah. That's why i'm super rich in my hindsight account. Probably got a little too trigger happy on those final 500. Not probably i did. But the one thing i definitely did right, is i realized the strength, of this stock, i didn't get chicken out and in fact i accumulated, some bigger size. Because, i mean you heard me saying it i really like the chances that this thing can bounce. And it did bounce. But. What i felt at was. Like i said got too trigger happy on those 11 or on those final 500, shares i mean don't get me wrong i still walked away with. I don't know what was 200. Or so on the trade. And look at this thing go. So, wow, now here comes a halt. But regardless, like i said, uh, definitely definitely. The one thing i got which was the most important thing to get right. Was just, understanding, the context, understanding. That that was a bible dip right there. Now let me be fully transparent. Did i have any idea that it was going to turn around that fast, absolutely not no idea at all it would turn around, that fast, did i think it would bounce, absolutely and you heard me saying that which is why. I accumulated, bigger size but, i'm not saying that i had any idea at all that it would turn around, that fast because that's pretty crazy right there. But. Overall, very happy with that trade very happy i recognized, uh. The underlying, strength there. Okay, so, oh wow mu what's going on with. Mu. Let's get this alerted. So very happy with that start. Lac, what's going on with this one ah no shares even. Short. Wow just. Pure bloodshed, here. Tesla, actually is approaching no it's going to leave me behind, i'm thinking 425.

But I uh, yeah 425. Tesla. 425. Flush, point one minute did i get it up yes okay. So watching 425. Here as a breakdown, point. On tesla, i'm not willing to take it on this candle though. So this candle has got to stay up above it. How much time before this candle finishes, 10 seconds. No no don't do it before. Okay there's the next candle. Oh nice bouncing again, excellent. Okay 425. Watching closely. And at 425.02. Ooh and now it's. Bouncing. Got to give it a little bit of slack here. Let's see if this thing can get some more downwards. Pressure. We'll look to try to pull off something at 420, 450. Or below. But as of right now it is struggling, to get down through that area. Come on. 4 24, 60, there we go. All right took out 50 at 4 24. 50.. So this could still be a losing trade. You're done okay, it could still be a losing trade. In the spirit of wanting to let this move more for me let's see if we can get it down to 4 24. Area. If i turned off. I'm, on daddy duty with my youngest daughter. So. That's who i'm having a conversation, with. I mean i talk to myself don't get me wrong as a trader but, in this situation, it is another human being. All right. Okay oh there we go all right 25 shares left i'm not quite sure if this thing wants to continue to break down any further or not, so i'm just going to lock in some more gains down there so this will not be a massive. Winning trade. Uh just because like i said i'm not quite sure if this wants to continue on down, if it does then i'm wrong and it doesn't want to bounce because right now i'm thinking it wants to bounce but if i'm wrong well and hey i'll still benefit from it because i still have. 25, shares left but, yeah. All right i'm just gonna hop out there so, um, 25. It is what it is, uh. Still, still made the move, i mean made uh what was that, an 85, cent move, uh but just never and it still may give me some follow or still might give follow-through. But. Just didn't really like the way it was behaving, so i decided to just. Mitigate, and then lock in the gains there but there we go so uh 25, more on that one let's see what else i can find. I'm going to risk right around. 50ish, dollars here, just 100 shares looking for a break of. 12.50. Just now getting back to my computer and i'll explain that here in a second. So really have not been around, at all, since. Uh the last time i hit the pause button because of the daddy duty which i talked.

About. Um and i will definitely be done, in six minutes regardless, and i'll explain that too for those of you that are maybe new, to the channel. Like i said, i like 1250, here so i'm rolling the risk right around 50-ish, dollars, maybe 75-ish. So even if i'm wrong i'll still be plenty green on the day. But it's really just a question of can this get up through that 1250, mark. All right well i'm gonna go ahead and pause. Again just as an example so it's been alert in the room. So again do people have to actually, do that no absolutely not everybody thinks for themselves but that's an example of how the the room works notice that as an interesting, area. And again because these are live i have no idea if the price will ever even get back up to 12.50, but. If it does then i'm watching very closely. But i'll go ahead and pause for now. All right, maybe, getting up there. Or. Maybe. Not. All right i'll pause. All right well i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up so basically, today i was at it for. Essentially. 10-ish, 15-ish, minutes give or take, uh but, i have uh, over the past few months been really working to get my strategy down to being done after 30 minutes. And just because, uh i have four kids. I have i just i trade not to trade meaning i'm doing this for the freedom of time, and if you want to trade because you want lamborgh, lamborghinis. And, and a rolex, watch collection, awesome, i hope you get it go for it for me i just want freedom of time, and what i really enjoy is that i i can make a respectable, amount of money, in 30 minutes or less in this situation, quite a bit less than 30 minutes especially given, that uh for, i don't know 15. 15 20 minutes or so i wasn't even around the computer this morning i was you know, doing so with my daughter. Uh but hey when when you're at 290. Or 290, dollars in, you know 10 minutes 15 minutes to me at least that's that's worthwhile, money i don't know maybe you look at 290. In 10 15 20 minutes and you're thinking no that's not worth my time and hey, if that if that's actually the case then let's talk like what are you doing with your life where you were 290. Dollars and less than 30 minutes is not worth your time i applaud you i just want to learn from you that's motivating. Uh but, for me that it's definitely worth my time so i'm happy with it, so closing, 290. Dollars. And right around 10 15ish, minutes, give or take but or we can just call up within 30 minutes so. However you want to look at that but overall, thank you for hanging out really quickly before i go if you do enjoy these live trade videos, a very quick time efficient way to communicate, that to me just hit that like button, also comments questions suggestions, leave those down below, and then also check out the channel as a whole, lots of other videos, out there, uh on the channel so hopefully like what you see enough to decide to hit that red subscribe, button as i'd love to have to have you as a subscriber to the channel so thank you for hanging out and i'll see you back. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay.

That I will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-10-18 00:06

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