[LIVE] Day Trading | Friday Freedom (this is why I trade stocks...)

[LIVE] Day Trading | Friday Freedom (this is why I trade stocks...)

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Good morning it is clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live, if you're new to the channel or new to these videos when i say live i mean you're getting my raw thoughts my raw emotions, so in other words this is not, a situation, where everything's been recorded. And then i come back and talk about it and have a nice script and everything like that nothing like that you are seeing, everything play out for the very first time, so if you're looking for a professional. You know well edited, and scripted, video this is not going to be for you if you're looking for, a nitty gritty. Real life looking of what it's like, day trading stocks and to be a day trader, then this will be a video for you. A little context, it's also a friday. So for me i want to be done at most after 30 minutes, i want to move on with my weekend. I, day trade, to not trade, meaning, i don't want to be chained to my computer all day long i trade because of the freedom that it brings with it, and, you know believe it or not. You can make some respectable, amounts of money in 30 minutes or less. But again to be fair this is live so maybe i'm going to end up losing money and that comment won't make any sense but, within the big picture of things, when you do this stuff right, um, then again assuming you're doing it right you're managing, risk all that, then you know you will walk away with more money than what you had but as of now like i said that is my personal goal, i just want to be done within 30 minutes, so we'll see what happens with it uh market opens up here in about five minutes. All right so what i want to do here is just get a thought process, mapped out here so that you can see everything again live real time and then also, um. For those of you that always wonder kind of hey clay how does your chat room community work for this we'll give you an example of that, but what i'm watching for from tesla here. Is. On the. On the open. Looking. For, a break. Above. 426. And then for the price, to. Fall back. Below. Where the short. Sighted, trade. Makes. More. Sense. So, again, as i said, on, tesla, on the open i want to see this number right here. Go up above 426. And then i want to see that number drop down below it so in other words i want the price to show strength. And then fall. Now if you're a brand new trader wait why do you want to see this the price fall, that is called going short, being short means you are making money when prices go down a super bizarre concept the first time you hear it but yes, as a beginner. Believe it or not you can make money when prices go down and that's what i'm looking for here on tesla. If you're not familiar with the screen you can see tesla right now down. 23.. Down five percent so there's a lot of selling pressure out there, but again. I don't know if that will come into play at all uh so maybe a new trade plan will develop but as of right now that is uh the ideal setup that i'm looking for out of the opening gates, so let's see market opens up here and now less than three minutes. Quick little update tesla, as you can see over here is just falling more and more now so looking like that trade plan is ultimately not going to necessarily happen although it is tesla, so you don't want to write it off too quick but as of right now the price is doing basically the exact opposite, i was hoping to see it, i do but we'll see. Market opens up in less than a minute i do want to just point out my the new plan here i made the update here in the room so update 425. The new level to watch, so instead of 426. Now watching 425, and that's the nice thing about, the chat room is you can just make, you know, edits. To things so. Just making that real quick as the update but yeah 425. Is now the level i'm watching although even as of now, looking like that may not even come into play but we'll see. And the markets, are open. And wow tesla just dropping straight down. Which brings up the question, could there be a nice long sided quick scalp. Above, 421.50. I think that's a possibility, for a scalp to the. Upside. So let's see if this thing wants to. Demonstrate, any sorts of signs of strength. In at 421. 31. Love this hammer candle here. So all out there for a quick 91. It is a very bearish context, with the gap down that's why i was very very quick with it, but i mean 90. And 11 seconds i'm gonna take it. But now definitely watching, for potential, short-sighted, trade.

And Who knows maybe 425, is gonna come into play here let's see what happens. Almost 4. 24.. Let's see if it can do. It. If you do hear typing that's just me making alerts wow all right well there's four, almost 425. Well it actually did get above it. By 11 cents but that okay here we go here we go let's see what happens here. Waiting for the new candle to start to form. There we go what is the low of that. 425, let's see this push up. Okay. I will be taking 425. Short if it looks like it wants to come back below it. So watching 425. Very closely. But who knows maybe this is just some sort of massive bounce. Yeah 425. Watching closely. See what it wants to do. And at 4 25. 28.. Let's see if we can get the break down below 424. So out 50 shares. There. Oh wow now it's bouncing up on me a little bit here. We'll see if it can work its way back down. But who knows might end up taking a loss on this trade if this thing just all sudden rockets against me here. I want to give it a chance to work though. Still a lot of downwards, pressure out. There. So let's see if this thing wants to return back down through. 425. So might still be a losing trade here. Yup looking like it might. Be. I want to give it a little bit of room here to breathe. See if it wants to come back. Down. Well it got its breathing room if this goes up over 428. I'm out, so i'll use a mental stop. So yeah this thing is either taking a breath before another surge upwards or i might maybe this thing will roll over. So all out, so now i'm up 12, on the day so that one actually costs me money. Um. And that's that's what happens is it went my favor. I i took profits, out but i wanted to still hang out on some shares because what happens if that thing would have continued to collapse i mean that was a great looking setup right there but it didn't continue to collapse and maybe it'll come down now. So i'm still interested, in it but, you know i just didn't want to risk any more now. From that point but. So that's unfortunate, but you know what it happens. And and sometimes when you let a position try to work for you. It'll ultimately turn around and work its way back upwards. But in many situations, it'll keep working for you and you'll make that much more but you know these situations, happen, so yes i'm well aware in hindsight. I should have just locked in all my profits down at the lows when i got out below, 424. But. You know that's hindsight, for you i do like. 425.75. 426. Actually, so let's see what wants to happen. But yeah i mean i'm definitely waiting for confirmation, because if this thing is going to continue to grind on upwards. Uh then no thank you i don't want any part of that. But we'll see if 426. Wants to come into play. Again. So just watching, very closely. I'm gonna get that alerted, as uh. Tesla. 4. 26. New flush, point. One minute. But here you go it's just bouncing. And continues to bounce now at this point. Uh boeing looks interesting, at 163. 60. 163. 60.. Flush point one minute. Let's see what's going on with. Oh yes, yes sir. 163.60. So if the see if that wants to potentially, break down through. In at 163. 61. Let's see if we can get.

Some Movement. Oops. Shame on me forgot to change that uh. Wanted to scale out there didn't want to take all 500. But it is what it. Is. Well and look at tesla just continuing to grind i'll tell you what me just getting out where i did, i'm glad i did that or else uh i would have wiped away all my all my gains on tesla. All right this is 4. 33.. Looking to go 50 shares short at. 433. Actually let's do this let's look for a fake break. So 434. And this move is crazy right now. And keep in mind i am looking at other time frames. So. This is not the only chart i'm looking at is what i'm, really trying to say. Let's go and if i can get up to 434. I will be short. 50 shares. Well if the way it's hesitating. Now i need to go up to, 435.. I'm wondering if this is finally going to be some sort of top here. Maybe not though let's see 435. Yeah 435. 50 shares to go short. So 432. Looks like a potential. Area to go short. Just to do 50. Shares. Just in case i'm wrong, only 50 shares will uh keep my wrist much uh. Much more controlled. But wow, wow wow wow and to think, oh it was looking so pretty, and it just totally reversed, around. It happens. And to be fair the setup did work i just chose to let it there we go i'm, in. Let's see. If this thing wants to move and there we go out that fast for a quick dollar move in my favor. For a quick fifty, dollars. I get a clay why don't you do a hundred that would have been 100 i know i know in hindsight, that's exactly what i should have done 433. Though. If it wants to pull back. There. Potential, entry point we're 10 minutes in i'm up 168. Dollars. Well i definitely i'm not going to take it on this candle now, if this candle wants to stay up above. That level that would be fine with me but if it drops on this candle here i'm not willing to take that any longer. So because of that let's go, what's going on with. Cce. Uh 14, now that one's not very volatile, at all well, for the members that. What is that, 1450. Flush, point, one. Minute. Oh what's, zm's, actually green on the day. Uh this was the morning where uh it was announced that trump has coronavirus, so the markets kind of were freaking out a little bit, although the markets, after the freakout. Bounced right out of the opening gate so that definitely, assisted here with tesla. Um now it's really just a question of as the market's pulled back is this just going to be a little pause, and then resume. Or is this kind of or is the panic out there actually, truly panic and now this thing's going to roll back over. So hard to know right now as far as the overall markets. Although i feel like boeing might be given another setup here. But. 163.85. Maybe even more enter. I hope i've been recording. Let me check real quick. All right i am recording, fantastic. 163. 80.. Do like 163. 80., like i said it's really just a question, the market's had me a little. A little unknown right now because like i was just pointing out is this bounce. A truly strong bounce, or is this just a little, temporary, break before everything rolls back over. Because if it is going to just recover back upwards it's going to drag boeing up with it probably, and then if you know i'm getting short right here, which technically speaking i'd already be short based on what i had said. And it would be working. To be fair. Like i said yeah the markets right now just have me a little. A little uneasy. But all right i will go ahead and pause. Tesla now. Maybe giving that setup again. Yeah 432. 432. 435. That's 150. Dollars. That'd be pretty much my entire day though if i was wrong on that one, now i'm not willing to go back to to break even at this point now. Just doing math calculations, just figuring out you know if i were to be wrong there it cost me about 150.

I'm Up 168.. So technically speaking. I would still be green, like i was saying at the beginning it's friday, i i don't want to go into the weekend being like man i was up, a good amount in 10 minutes and then i gave it basically all back so you know i'm not willing to do that but boeing here okay. All right boeing. Uh. 164.50. 164.50. Looks like a potential interesting, scalp, spot. Right in other words i i like the hot i like the likelihood, that that. Would work out as a winning trade. Just as a scalp though so not looking for this like crash down or anything. But i gotta see it acting like it actually wants to break down through. 160, 450.. How much time is left in this candle. Three, all. Right. Well that setup's not going to play out there because i don't want to take it now on this candle. I want to see how this one consolidates. Out. I will say this though i'm uh very very glad i did not take the boeing where i said you know i was kind of thinking about it because right there that had been. Exactly what i was worried about. Just again it goes back to sby, right now just a lot of uncertainty, i have no idea what it wants to do, so from a market direction standpoint it's difficult. Very strong bounce out of the opening gates. So maybe the market doesn't care as much about the whole trump covid thing as, you know maybe what people thought in the pre-market. But now it's just consolidating. Right here so i mean is this some sort of just little breath before boom it continues, on up, or is this going to be just a sideways consolidation, where ultimately you know the overall context, of being bearish is going to press things down, i'm just not quite sure i, really, it's a bizarre situation. So that's why i'm uh you know being more conservative. And again within the context, of just real life right my real life is it's friday. I'm up now 168. Dollars. After a trade that was a a loss right. I mean that one trade. Which. Turned out to be a loss after a winter i mean that was. It's discouraging, but i don't mean the sense of i'm taking my ball and going home i just mean in the sense of yeah that's never fun, like i that was a great setup and i was well in the green and i thought i'd just taken all 100 i would have been. Good to go but. How is this setup now looking. 431. Fourth yeah that's still 150, no you just can't do it even on 50 shares i mean what, what would be logical to risk via the chart it's just that's still going to put me at a risk of uh giving back pretty much my entire day, and i just don't want to do that, all right i will pause. Have an order at 102.50. To get short 100, shares i want more than 100, but this will at least allow me to get my feet wet here. Well that was the move i was looking. For. So going up to 103, now. Again i would like more than 100 shares but this will at least allow me to get, involved, a little bit. But like i said that was the move i was looking for and it only went up as high, as. 102. 23. So i i was kind of close within 25, cents ish, so kind of close but not really but even if i was one penny close that still doesn't matter, you know the trading is not like horseshoes, and hand grenades okay you got to be right on. So looking like a never mind on this situation. Well i'm gonna go ahead and wrap things, up it is 9 53, 23 minutes in up 168. Dollars, after, a pretty nasty trade in tesla which um you know as you saw just went totally against me, um and, i i don't know about you i can only speak for myself but, i'm not sure of many place in the world.

Where You can, mess up but even upon messing up and not having things go completely your way you can still walk away with 168. Dollars in about 20 minutes, so i'm more than happy with that finishing up even sooner than what i thought was possible. Um and really that's like i said the name of the game for me is i'm not doing this because i need rolex, watches or because i need, fancy, cars, or anything like that i'm doing it just because. I just don't know any other place in the world where you can make 168. On a friday. In your bathrobe. Within 20 minutes, so i'm gonna wrap things up here and uh call it good and call it a friday and just move on with my weekend, and, go have a good time with my family and everything like that have some good plans tonight, uh maybe even a boat ride tonight not on my boat though. What's the saying i've already. The key to. The key to having fun with a boat is to know somebody that owns a boat i think it was i think a boat owner. Told me that but so a few boat owners out there is it true is it are boats just a total hassle, i don't know but anyways. I'm gonna wrap things up like i said now if you do enjoy these live trade videos, a couple final things a very quick time efficient way to communicate that to me, just hit that like button, and that lets me know hey yeah please keep making these, clay, and also, comments questions suggestions, leave those down below if you've ever watched any of my past videos you know i do read and reply. To all comments, and then finally, check out the channel as a whole, i know 168. Dollars doesn't seem like that much and, uh, that's fine but i'll say check out the channel there's a lot of other bigger amounts on the channel but you know sometimes. Things uh. Uh you know, it's really that should have been, bigger not no i take that back it should have been bigger because the market can do whatever it wants tesla can do whatever it wants, and tesla was a beautiful setup. It was working but then it stopped working and then bounced in my face and it is what it is well no i take that, statement back, it is what it is let me just put it this way it could have been a whole lot bigger head tesla, actually behaved. Like i thought it would behave but it didn't, um so. Uh. And i know i keep stumbling, over my words and saying um but like i said i these are live so i'm now watching tesla's thinking i don't know should i maybe try to play it here but no i told myself i'm done. I'm it, is almost now 30 minutes in so i'm wrapping things up so again hit that like button comments questions suggestions, leave those down below and hopefully like what you see enough across the channel, uh to decide to hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have it as you're subscribed to the channel, everybody take care and have a fantastic, weekend. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall, for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-10-05 18:13

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