[LIVE] Day Trading | Epic Stock Alert and a Battle with THE Voices...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Epic Stock Alert and a Battle with THE Voices...

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in about seven minutes, real quick if you are new to these videos then when i say live what do i mean well i mean that this is a situation. Where nothing has been recorded, and now i'm coming back and talking about it or doing a voiceover, post commentary. Nothing like that, live meaning i'm recording myself, right now, getting the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions, raw reactions. You will get that with this video if you want a nicely scripted, video a nicely edited video. You will definitely, not get that with the video, uh but like i said if you want a nitty-gritty. Look into what it's like to be a day trader what day trading can, uh be like, uh then this will be a video for you right now watching, xp, ev. So if you're not familiar with my screen. Crazy, crazy mover right now i mean already, 7.5. Million shares traded in the pre-market. And the level here that. Really has me, quite interested, and i'm in fact so much so that i'm gonna get it alerted into the chat room so right here this is the private chat room community that i offer. Key. Flush, point. On. The open. Assuming, price, can. Open. Above it. I just put opening bell that way people, understand a little bit better, so this is uh. Just an alert that i'm throwing out there, 70 85, nothing that anybody has to take that's not how the room works, uh we just uh you know the main idea is we're just pointing out levels. And then, it. Works like this it's instead of being you know a bunch of sheep that just, blindly, follow what i say, we're more so a bunch of wolves. And wolves, as a pack we just help point things out but then it's up to that individual wolf to figure out do they want to take the trade, how do they want to manage a trade, what do they want to i mean maybe they don't even want to bother with it at all so that's the idea here so it's not that every single, person is going to go and take that trade it's not a bunch of sheep but everybody's going to at least keep an eye on that level. And, you know. If they deem it worthy if they you know, think that it fits within their personal strategy then, there we go just kind of help them out and then other members will make alerts to me and i'll do the same thing i'll look at their numbers and say well, yeah that looks good for my strategy or other times you'll say, nah, not really for me but, that's gonna be the game plan going in watching 7085.

Although Right now this thing kind of continues, to. Grind its way higher and higher here. So maybe. 7085, won't even come into play and that's a very real possibility, again these are live so i genuinely, have no idea, if that level might even come into play yet, uh but all right well market opens up here in about five minutes so i'll keep you updated. All right what i'm gonna do here real quick is i've. 71.50. New. Flush. Point on the, open. So i like 7150. Now, so that's gonna be the main level that i'm watching, let me get that out of the way because the market opens up. Here. In less than one minute. So i will be back at the open but 71.50. Now that new key level. All right the markets are open. So like i said watching 71.50. Here. Got in at 72. Actually. That happened, super super. Fast. I thought i was getting in down around 70. 150, and all of a sudden i'm in at. 72.. Well this thing is all over the place. Here. Can't get the break of. 71.50. So all out there, 280. Fully admit. I lucked out there a little bit like i said i thought i was getting in right around 71. 65-ish. Give or take a little bit but because it was so jumpy all of a sudden. Um. It just. Oh, and there it goes. Well. Congratulations. To members, i wasn't quite sure what was going on you saw it wow look at that. Look at that congratulations. Members, wow. And. Congratulations. Not to me. But that was just a, look at this thing excellent. Yes, good job members. That is fantastic. Awesome. Again here it was right there you saw me type that up you saw me make the. The update. 7150. New flush point on the open. I got lucky in the sense. This is how this is, how good the market, actually, is. I got lucky like i said i thought i was getting at like 71.65. And it actually jumped up and gave me a fill at 72.. So i got a great, great entry point. But then you just saw i mean you saw it just wasn't, quite, going did it want to move, did it not want to move. It just was a very bizarre. First minute, um, and, then i got out.

Now Granted. I'm trying i don't want to come across as a greedy savage i just made. 280. In basically a minute so i'm not kind of come across as ungrateful, in that regard, but i'm just saying that, and then i got out the market said yeah clay, we know. You were lucky we no we gave you a nice little entry point but then we decided to just fake you out we decided, to uh, you know have the stock behave a little oddly, and then just, absolutely, flush. But. As painful as it is that i'm so excited that is a great alert for members. Awesome. All right i got to get back on uh track here i don't know i might just call it a day. It's getting, uh. I mean 280, bucks. I'm not a greedy savage. But let's see what else is out there. See if i can make any other uh. But wow look at this thing just go and go and. Go. And it continues, to drop. Nio2. Now just getting absolutely destroyed, let's go check out this. One. Well you definitely can't short it right now that would uh completely, be chasing. I will look for some sort of. Little maybe breath to the upside. But i'm still debating, on if i just want to call it good or not. I gotta i gotta be very very careful right now, um as much as i kind of laugh at myself, and and am genuinely, excited for members. There's a sting there, there is a little bit of. Anger. Of clay. Wow, i mean. If you would have just held for another 30 seconds you could be looking at. I mean look at it go you could be looking at. Yeah this is not helping. Because now i'm doing the math in my head. I mean you could be looking at a multi-thousand, dollar, score there very realistically, i mean that candle right there dropped. Three dollars and i had 500, shares i mean there's about 1 500, bucks right there, and it continued, to drop. So fantastic. Fantastic, move for members but. Um. Yeah this is not helping at all this is making it worse and i get it. Come on clay you trade without emotion and you're right it is trade without emotion, but, it's. This is trading without emotion right now meaning. You're. You're always gonna have emotions, emotions will always be there, um. But it's a matter of, do you acknowledge. Are you aware of what the emotions are. Doing and trying to do and right now those emotions, are anger and they're trying to get me to. Force something although i okay there we go bounce 4175. Here. I like this. Little breath of, of the downtrend. Okay, now, definitely not chasing here. It's bounced up a little bit that's good. And i'm i don't want to take it on this candle regardless. Yeah i do like if this thing were to come down to 4175. Here. As it bounces here, okay. Okay, there we go now even. Xpev. Maybe coming in for another potential, opportunity. Nioh. Actually. Heading back down in some senses. All right well i'm gonna go ahead and pause but i would not be surprised, at all if i just decide to uh. To call it good like i said, um. Is that 43.. I'd like to see this thing get up over at least 43. 50 here. And then 43, could be a nice little entry point here, like i said it's got to get up over. 43.50. I'm gonna get this alerted, here. Li. 43. Flush, point one minute. There we go. Now maybe this is a genuine, bounce maybe this thing is getting ready to go i mean with these, stocks lately maybe this thing's getting ready to go back up to 48.. All right well i will go ahead and pause. Okay now watching 43.50. Here. And this is quite the bounce now all of a. Sudden. And if i do get into anything it would just be more for a scalp. Oh no it's getting right up to the.

What Is that area 45. I mean i might just try to short right on the offer there then, but can this thing really get up to 45. Maybe so. All right let's try 45.25. I don't know that seems a. Little. Seems a little hopeful to actually happen but. Maybe. Well now this setup's, not really there anymore even if because if this candle just comes back down there i'm not going to take that trade. But, see now this is again just being aware of my emotions, you know that's it's okay to have emotions but you got to be aware of them these things are not this is not happening or helping either, i look in the chat room. Uh one member says you know. The xpv, call was unreal. Wow great call. Thanks. And then i'm sitting here right now saying yeah that was a great call, and i made, again this sounds bad this sounds bad but i'm not, greedy savage, but i'm saying they're saying yeah and i made 280, bucks on it, but that that's relative though i could have, you know very realistically, made 1500. 2 000, on it i made 280. Ah. I don't want to post this video. I can already see the trolls. Clay you suck. Clay if you would have just helped i know i know but unfortunately, i didn't have hindsight, in my favor at the time that's the problem with trading. When you see what happens it's easy to say oh i could have shoulda woulda. But you saw it played out the thing was acting goofy it was acting goofy i felt grateful. That it gave me such a good entry point so i didn't want to get too greedy so i decided to just take it, um and again 280. That's not bad but. It just didn't work out. And if maybe you've never watched my videos but maybe you're saying clay, or you know this this person sounds like a crazy person. It is crazy the market is, a very crazy place. And emotions. And it's a very mentally. Uh, yeah there's just no set up there on uh yeah just straight up green and then down it went. But the, it's a very mentally challenging, game and i'm just, you know talking out loud what's going through my head so that, you, hopefully can relate. Now if you never trade with real money i may sound crazy but all i ask is you first before you cast too many judgments, my way. Just go trade with some real money. And you're gonna meet a bunch of voices in your head that you didn't know existed, but, they exist. And again it is okay to have voice in your head it is okay, to have emotions. But the key is to trade without emotion and the way you trade without emotion is you first have to acknowledge, the emotions that are coming at you, and then defend against them. And in this situation. Um, it's just not, my mental, my mental cap is way off um. I've i've seen that move and then you see a bunch of people oh great call a great call and i got to sit here and say yeah and i, and i only made 280, bucks off of it um. And now i just want to go out there and, just somehow, like prove myself almost, i think that's probably the youtube video right, i think deep down if i'm being honest i know, uh the trolls will show up so now i'm just like okay well now i gotta really just.

Get. Let me, at least get up to 500, so the trolls don't have too much ammunition, against me but, i realize that's totally silly. And. Uh but you know those are the little voices that exist from you. Look at this thing. Yeah 4175. But you just can't take that right now that's just too much that's too. That's chasing too much if it wants to go sideways and then break down through it i like it but i can't take it on this candle. See and it just goes without me. That's just too risky, of a trade. You know it could very well bounce from that area do a little double bottom and i'm just not going. To. Wow what but what a gap in trap, i mean think about it. I i guess my day could be worse right i could be some long that was like, oh yeah another gap up these stocks are the greatest i'm buying. Flush. So i suppose, my day could be a whole lot worse. But. Yeah right now. There yeah and there's the bounce starting to play out, so maybe i'll give this one a little bit of time i could see a trade here at 4175. But this thing's got to go sideways here a little bit first before i would be interested in it but we'll see what it wants to do. And this right here my friends, is why. Just acknowledge, emotions. You heard me call it out. Shorting down here had me very nervous, and then check out that green candle right there now i'm not saying it still can't break down but the pointer being. That candle right there on the short side. Ah, that's looking like a stop dial position right there because that was a crazy crazy bounce. Um. But i mean if this price actually comes back down here now. 41.75. Is still in play here. Especially after that big old snap to the upside i mean that's yet another failed bounce. But. I just want to see how this candle finishes closing but i'm still watching it however, there's an example right there i mean had i gotten in when you heard the emotion, saying i'd like to get in but i can't get in right here, i'm glad i listened because that would have been. You know a big snap to the upside and now this thing just. Continuing, to push down but yeah this big battleground, here big line in the sand. So i'll keep an eye on it but uh. Yeah, we'll see. Well, i gotta just be honest with myself and wave the white flag i might i'm just not in the right mental anymore my mental framework.

Has Been so convoluted. And. If i'm truly being honest, i'm sitting here trying to rationalize, it right now, um and. Uh. It's just, it's not worth it especially. Uh to give a little context for those of you that are new my my, uh strategy that i've been doing the past several months is just the be done in 30 approach meaning, i'm looking to be done with my day after 30 minutes at most, or average out to 30 minutes, and, that would just move on with my day. So and that i'm all about i have a young four young kids, and i do trading for the freedom of time right not for the rolex watches not for the lamborghinis, now if you want to do trading for that stuff cool go for it i hope you get it for me though, i just do it for the freedom of time, um and, again i'm losing, sight, like i am in, i am in greedy savage mode like. Somehow. And i know how but, i'm just not happy with 280. And let's just call it two minutes, like what rational, person. On this planet would sit there and say, yeah i made 280, dollars in two minutes, but i'm just not happy. Like who does that, and that's me right now, but it's me because i'm sitting here. And just seeing, just i mean you you were with me for the journey, so i gotta just admit that uh, i'm not suitable, i'm not capable, of training any long or more from the the, the mental perspective. And once again i know if if you've never traded with real money before, i probably sound like the biggest drama queen ever. But welcome to the the world of inner voices, and that's what i'm doing right now i am battling my inner voices, and i've been doing this long enough, where i gotta just wave the white flag and admit to myself clay. Dude, be happy with the 280. You made it in two minutes, that's how the market works sometimes but just move on with your day don't do anything stupid because you're just not, mentally, capable, of trading like you should be trading moving forward, so i just need to acknowledge that and move on with my day. Now if you are interested, in getting those alerts that you that you saw play out here, that was awesome that was so good. Uh. But just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and uh we'll. Take this pricing model 99, for three months not per month but for three months which breaks down to eight dollars and twenty five cents per week so the question just becomes right if i invest. Ninety nine dollars do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and twenty five cents per week of value if you think you can get at least eight dollars and twenty five cents per week of value, then you will get a great return on your investment there and yeah you'll get my watch list you'll get the alerts that you saw. Me make here and there is also a mobile app so you can stay in touch wherever you want so definitely check that out and then as far as this video is concerned, if you enjoy these live trade videos please hit that like button, little things like that go a long way these are not the easiest videos to make because like i said they're live, so i'm trying to think for myself i'm trying to press buttons i'm trying to make alerts in the chat room and type to them i'm trying to talk to you.

And There's a lot going on it's not easy, but. It's possible, and i will continue to do it but i have to know that there's interest i have to know that you enjoy these videos, and like i said a quick, way for you to communicate that to me is to hit that like button and then even a quick comment, thanks clay something as simple as that a thumbs up emoji, something as simple as that in the comment section, lets me know, and then finally check out the channel as a whole, lots of other, live trade videos there's a good variety of videos. So hopefully like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button as i'd love to have you subscribe to the channel but you know what, every trader, has, inner voices. You gotta battle them and you just witnessed. From beginning to end, the battle, of the inner voices that i just had and at this point i've got to just wave the white flag and move on, so uh thank you for hanging out, and uh. You know. It's okay to have voices it's okay to have emotions, just make sure that you. Acknowledge, them, and then deal with them as best, you know fits into your personality, so everybody take care thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works, then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-12-02 12:50

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