[LIVE] Day Trading | Boeing Stock = SO ANNOYING...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Boeing Stock = SO ANNOYING...

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live. Watching. Pshg. Here. Um if you're not from my screen uh. Sorry, got this rolling a little bit but watch 750. That's okay it's pulling back. I'm watching 750. And, as you're getting a full effect of these are truly live, i, scramble to get the video rolling because i'm liking this setup here. So watching 750, very closely. Looking for a scalp here market opens up in about 10 minutes. All right and now it's pulling. Back. Okay so, what do i mean when i say live well as you just kind of witnessed. Uh you know this is not a situation where everything has already been recorded, and now i'm coming back and doing a voiceover, doing some sort of post commentary, i'm recording, everything play out, real time so if you want my raw thoughts my raw, emotions, my raw reactions. That is what you're gonna get with this, uh so if you want a nicely. Edited nicely scripted video this will not be for you but if you want a nitty-gritty. Kind of dirty look into, what it's like to be a day trader, how day trading works. Then this will be a video for you and once again back up to. All right i want to see this pull back though now. See it come down to i don't know 7 15-ish. And then have it come back up but i don't like the brake right now at 750.. I mean i could still see people buying it but. Not exactly how i want to see it behave. And just to give up a little cont. Whoops. Like i said unscripted. Unedited, but anyways, right now i have alerted the 750. Upside break point, uh to the community, no we're not a bunch of sheep so not you know people aren't just gonna go randomly go and buy it. But you know it's a level that i pointed out to them. Oh i missed it. All right well i got 405. On the back test. So let's see if this can get some upwards, carry through here so i got. 405. Of the 500, i wanted.

But Now i just want to see if it wants to come out of this little consolidation. Range right. Here. See if i want to push back up to. 750.. Well. Not going to give up on it yet still think it's got a chance. Like the setup but. Hoping for more of an upside movement there. But now it's pulling back. See if it wants to make another move back to the upside, i'm not going to quite wave the white flag yet on. It. Well 7 30 being an issue now. You know if it can get up back into the 740s, i like the chances of it to make a move. But right now the 730s. There we go. That was fast, but no follow through yet. Again. Trying to be patient with it trying to give it a chance, and it did but once again just lacked any sort of conviction. On that. Break. And wow. Back down it. Goes. See if it wants to give it another go. So all out there 125. Loss i'm not going to risk this thing. Breaking to the downside, it still might go. Um and if it does. Then shame on me but. You saw you saw, you saw the whole trade with me right you saw it get up there multiple times, just would never get any sort of follow through and like i said, it still might go but. I'm not going to risk having this thing all of a sudden make a very fast move to the downside, and then have you know, the loss of what i took around 125. Get even bigger. So looking like i will be starting off the morning with, a 125. Hole but, good news is i, i feel confident that that's a hole that i can overcome. So i'd rather just control risk here. And you know live to to give myself a chance to get back to the green rather than you know kind of. Holding hope holding hope and then get stuck in some sort of you know bigger move to the downside, but yeah as of now i'll be starting the day down 125.. And now knocking on the door of seven, and if seven fails, then like i said i could see this making a very. Quick move to the downside. But needless to say i still, feel totally fine about it, um and you know even if it does come back up hey you know what that's just how the the cookie crumbles sometimes, but, i know i was more than patient enough with it i know that i was. Looking for a move within the time frame that i wanted to see the move and it just didn't happen so now, you know the wrist just became too much but wanted to do a quick little update there looking like it could very well be getting ready to break down through seven but, let's see market opens up now in four minutes. All right what i'm looking at here f. P r x. Flush point on the open. Now again, because these are, live. And i keep reiterating, that because a lot of, channels out there. You know everything's already been recorded, and some channels i don't even tell you that it's been recorded and then the person sits there, and acts like, they don't know what's going to happen which is, i don't know a little sleaze on my part to not tell people everything's already been pre-recorded, then you act like everything's live but, anyways that's a whole nother rabbit hole, uh but my point being i have no idea if 2190, will even come into play, uh but that it is an interesting, level in my mind, uh with fprx.

Air, Uh what what's going on with this one. Okay still just hovering right around. That level there but yeah market now opens up in two minutes. I've also now added in fprx, same stock but now instead of from the short side alongside, with a break of 23, being a very interesting level. So we'll see if 23, can potentially come in a play or not. But those are going to be the the couple levels that i'll be watching out of the opening gates. All right 22.75. Actually looks, interesting. And i wouldn't mind buying it right before the open. Just because i think this thing's going to have a, shot up to the upside, out of the opening gauge whether or not it lasts. That is a much different question. See market opens up here and well right now. So let's see how this one wants to open up here. And yeah. Shoulda coulda woulda there would have been a quick scalp although that was a very. Weak break to the, upside. While boeing with a big pullback to the downside. What is that boeing, 188.15. Get that alerted. Nio. A beating. Again if you do hear uh typing that's just yeah i'm making alerts. How'd that one do. Well it's. Well there it goes up wow. I was gonna say there goes up over. 750. If i could type in the right ticker. There we. Go. So in hindsight, coulda shoulda would have held but, you know. Yeah i should have really held but hey, that is why i'm super rich in my hindsight account. All right let's see what's going on with boeing. Here. That one's pulling back a little too fast. Baba. Let's see what is that 261. 50.. Now it's bouncing upwards. So i do like baba here for a potential. Trade. Oh wow totally missed on boeing, at least i made the alert. 262. Interesting, area i would like to see it get up over 263. And then come down to 262, in fact i'm gonna update that. In the chat room. No go back up though. Shoot. Well 261, 50. i can't take that now that's, way too. Overextended. Let's see if it wants to bounce up. Some. That's down at the level. Come on bounce up a little bit and then break. Come, on. I just can't take right now i feel like that's way too much of chasing. But if it wants to bounce up some, nope. Barely bounce at all. Well there's fprx. Now. Pulling back more. What is that high. 2150. Could be an interesting. Break point to the upside. Definitely would just be looking for a scalp. But as now that one just continues to pull back. I hit record, right okay. All right somewhat working its way back upwards. In there at 21.35. I think this thing there we go, let's see if it get up and there we go. So out there for 153. Dollar scalp. Want to take that one quick, but perfect, so now i am back into the green at 27. Um. Let's go check out boeing here. Oh. Just to give i didn't, show the alert when i was typing it up but, again for those of you just wondering how, how does the chat room work right there. Boeing, 188. 15 flush point and now this thing is down. Almost. Wow three points below where that alert was so again like i said i missed it but congratulations, any members that took that trade well done. Uh ddog. What's going on with this one here. Oh man where was i on. Well. Definitely can't short it right now. That would be way too much. Cheating. Be interesting to see it come up though. So we'd like to see just somewhat of a bounce upwards. You know get some longs happy get some longs thinking it's going to bounce, and then. Have it go against them but yeah that that's, not for me at least that's not enough enough of a bounce. Okay there we go there we. Go. You want to see a little bit more green. Here. But now it's already getting pushed back down, so i mean is that really is that all it's gonna. We'll see if it can make another move to the. Upside. Okay i'm gonna go ahead. What is that 82, 35. Yeah bounce up some. Keep going. Up. Would love to see this get up over 83.. In fact, 83. 55.. See if i can get it to bounce up to me and actually fill me on the short side. That might be wishful thinking though i don't know. Never did get back above 83.. Would like to see it get up over 83.. In fact i'm going to get this alerted ddog. First get, over. 83. Then a flush point, at. 82.35. One minute. So like i said step one in this whole sequence is let's see this thing get up over 83..

It Did go up to 82.93. So maybe that's already enough. Is that close, enough. Well it doesn't matter now at this point because it's already moved down through the point that i was watching. So close but like i said never did quite get up over that area. Well maybe is it gonna make a turn around here. Okay well i'm gonna go ahead and pause for now. All right like. Baba. 264. Flush, point one minute. That'll probably change and need an update based on how this thing is currently. Behaving, right now. In fact 265. 50 looks like a potentially. Interesting. Area. All right what i would like to see is a break, up above. 265.50. And then i would take that short. So i mean preferably if this thing could get up to 266. And then come back down that would be great but as of right now, and looking like it's getting rejected there by that 50 period moving average. All right i'm going to go ahead and pause. All right watching, baba right now and i want to see it first hit 266. And then i'm going to submit the update so right now i have not submitted the update of 265.50. To the chat room yet. Because again like i said i want to see it first hit. 266.. I get up through that level. Come on. All right it is basically knocked down the door there so watching, 265.50. Now as a short. Entry. All right well i no longer like it now but i do like. 265.75. If that can come into. Play. So again let's see if 265. 75, can come into play here but right now. This thing is just apparently, quite. Strong. Get that, edited, to. Update. 265.75. While this thing just keeps on. I might just go up there at 260 750.. Wow. Well i'm waiting for weakness to show up and weakness, just, is not showing up. What's going on with fprx. Oh yeah that was a. Chop fest chop fest chop fest did finally go but i'm definitely glad i got it where i did, because that would have been uh. Boeing, is that someone about to break to the downside, here. 185. I know boeing is just so choppy these days. I mean i'll trade it. And baba still just grinding, upwards, wow. All right well. 260, 750. Would like to see a break of. That. Oh wow, two sixties. Well this thing yeah jumping all over the place there. 266.50. I could see being a nice little entry point there. 266.75. Let's see this thing get back over, 267. And i like it at, 266.75. Come on get back above 267.. I think this thing is getting top heavy here. Gotta get over 267. Though. Okay there we go i like. 267.75. If it wants to come into play, but again maybe this, beast move is just going to continue on up. And. As of now. It's choosing to continue on. Up. Well potentially, 267. 50 now. There we. Go. Well this thing just goes to one red candle and that, not giving me any sort of actual setup that i could behave on i mean i need to see some sort of sign of weakness not for it to be green and then red like this i mean there's just nothing you can do there. I mean you can guess right you can randomly throw a dart. But from that point of view. For me and what i was looking to do there just wasn't any sort of setup that gave me a heads up so yeah.

In Hindsight i should have just shorted but. Well tesla made quite the move up huh. Boeing still just hovering right around that area. Yeah, 185. I'm gonna get that alerted, boeing. 185.25. Point, one minute. So i do like this more now that it's and that's why right because i was thinking about maybe shorten it here and now look what i'd have to be sitting through this movement right here. But if this movement actually fails, back to the downside, then i do like 185.25. But i i don't maybe this is the start of something bigger too. But yeah at this point if the price actually now comes back to 185.25. You know i like to set up a lot more. At that point but not really close as of now. And yeah bob was pulling back but i mean as you saw that there was never really any sort of genuine, setup there all right i'm gonna pause. All right watching, for a potential, trade here. 187.85. In at 187.90. Let's see if we can get some more push to the downside, here. And in typical boeing fashion, snaps right back. Up. So let's see what it wants to do. 187.80. Definitely that very very stubborn, area right. Now. See if it wants to pull back. I mean i love this setup here beautiful. Setup. Is this 188.10. It comes back down to 188.10. I'm gonna add, because that would be implying a failed bounce here, and. A failed. Breakout. So in at 188.10. For another 500. So up to a thousand shares. Here. Let's see if this thing can get back below. 188. It's hovering around 188.. Can it get the break. There we go. Not much follow through. Though. Wow. Then i tried to get out and it gave me 25. Shares. I cannot stand boeing. I, i said it earlier. Should have stayed away and here i. Am. Truly cannot stand it. Can't even break down 10 cents, ridiculous. Look at this thing. Just get down through 187. 90.. All right, 429. Left. I'm over it i don't even i don't even care i'll take the 70. I could care less if this thing ultimately rolls back over. I'm staying away from boeing just such a choppy stock. You would think that look at this and now that fast back up over. So like i said it very well still may roll over. I don't care though i mean that's just a good example of a stock where, yeah i mean it's one thing for me to say you know if a stock's not behaving, if it's not, you know moving the way you want to see it behave, uh if it's not moving in the way you believe, it would behave, then you know what sometimes you just got to say. I'm done with you, and that's what happened here i thought. For sure. That especially when that candle formed right there beautiful beautiful, setup that's why i added, and i was looking for this thing to get moving to the downside now when i say moving the downside i don't mean. For it to crash, all the way back down here that's what i mean but i mean even just really i mean a back test of that level. I, i mean, is that being so crazy i don't think so at all i mean that's not asking for much, one bit but you saw those key levels be broken when i'm saying all right, if that's and then it would go like 10 cents. And then 180, and then i'll look at it, so, i am totally glad that i got out this very well could roll over but, uh and you know i mentioned earlier, i commented on boeing, how that one's been really choppy lately. And yet i put myself into it and got confirmation. That yeah it is just totally a goofy stock. And one that uh is profitable, i mean i i'm still walking away with 70. But. Uh you know just a situation. Where. And i mean. This is such a good setup. And i i, but i just can't stand the way this thing trades. I mean if 18790. Fails it should go. And there it finally, there it goes all right. And look at look at that now that fast in the downwards direction so. It did go, but, one of those were i still feel totally fine with it.

Uh Just because. You know that was just not. Not what i wanted to see now from an educational, from a you know a live trading video on youtube perspective. Hey that was that was that's some great real life. Day trading there, where you. Saw everything play out, and it just did not, it was just goofy, and then when i did try to get out, at the first time it only gave me 71, shares out of the 500. So just a a pretty goofy day. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up it is about 10 o'clock, and i'm up 97. So after today's. Opening loss. I'm actually relatively, happy with walking away with 97. I mean i'm not sure many places in the world where you can make 97. In only 30 minutes, from sitting at home, uh, and like i said this was a situation where i was wrong once, had to take the laws. And then. Things were just goofy right, and and, didn't really play out like i wanted it too on boeing but again that just goes to show the power of having a strategy, and a system is even if things don't go, perfectly, fine. Then you can still make money, and and that's what happened there so i sit here and kind of gripe and complain about boeing but, i probably sound like a greedy ungrateful, entitled, savage. When i'm still walking away having made seventy dollars on the trade but real quick if you are interested, in getting all those alerts that you saw me you know play that played out here and that i made all you got to do is go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, pricing there and the way to think about that is it's 99. For three months not per month, but for three months which breaks down to 8 and 25 cents per week so the question just becomes you know, if i invest in 99, do i believe i can get at least 8, and 25 cents per week of value, if you think you can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment, and then as far as this live trade video is concerned, if you enjoy these if you want free me to keep making these, then the very, time efficient way to communicate that to me just hit that like button, because these are not the easiest. To, talk, to make alerts. To you know think out loud, to think to myself, of what the trade plan is i mean there's a lot going on so. I will keep making them if i know there's interest. But i'm not going to keep making them if there's not interest but like i said the quickest way to show interest. Is just to show or to hit that like button, and then also comments questions suggestions, please leave those down below and then check out the channel as a whole, and you know hopefully decide to hit that subscribe button yeah welcome to the. Various, world of day trading, a couple days ago on monday, it was 860. Dollars. In 30 minutes and now it's 97.30. Minutes so you never know what the market will throw at you but just manage risk and, live to fight another day everybody take care, first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded.

And You can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly, is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-18 00:49

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