[LIVE] Day Trading | Be a Patient Trader. All It Takes is ONE...

[LIVE] Day Trading | Be a Patient Trader. All It Takes is ONE...

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Good. Morning is clay at clay charter comest, be a live trade Verdier where I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market. Opens help here in about seven, minutes so let's see what happens. Market. Opens up here in less than one minute gonna watch EQ, out of the opening gates pretty, fascinating. Stock below, $10 right now and shares, too short although, it is taking a lot of buying power more so than normal that's what the red 100%. Means here on my platform, about. Point near being at. Least I think it says their shares are short let me run a quick test, yeah. There are shares too short. So. This is the one I'm going to keep an eye on out of the opening gates want to gauge try it out how fast, it is gonna actually move but I will keep you updated, all. Right markets are open and I figured let's try to watch this one out of the opening gates. You. Can kind of see what I mean by how fast or. Why, did it get up there 905. So. I want to give things a little bit of time but as right now not seeming to be the fastest, but granted the market has it hasn't even opened for 30 seconds. Yeah. It's, I'm. Gonna it's. Moving but not necessarily, as much as I would like to see it let's see what is that high, of 905. So, I do like 905, for a potential, break so. For those of you who maybe are curious how does a chatroom work, and. Make an alert right now. So. There we go EQ that 905. Mark is now been, alerted. Although. I have to might have to do another update depending, on how things continue to play out I, have. That candle, is no. You. Know I just I'm not quite sure this is a cup of my cup of tea here. Well. Not certain getting up to the 905, like. I said and, I'm not saying anybody's wrong to want to play something like this but for me I'm, just not quite sure it's behaving the way I would want to see you'd behave so. Once again got rejected right up there at 9:00 so yeah if it breaks to 905 there's some possibility, here but I'm, not gonna quite give up on it but I'm gonna take a look at what else is out there not. Sure if it's possible but what I do like is I. Can't. Really type and talk at the same time. So. 51, down there as a pullback point to potentially, go along right now First, Alert was blood just because I mean you look there and hopefully you can see the blood right just basically all that red straight down. But. If. It can work its way down to 51 that's an interesting, area that I would potentially, be. Interested. Going long at if it can get down there to 51. So. I'll keep an eye on it so. Just want to get my thought process, here. There. We go so when, we Fitz, fix. Well. Yes so I'm watching Boeing right now but when you will see the chart it would just be too. Short right now is just completely chasing, I mean this has been a crazy movement, I was, wrong on this one in the sense if I kept waiting for it to you know show some sort of sign I've wanted to turn around and then you know break out because it started off in a very bullish sense but since. Then straight. Down if only I had, a time. Machine but and, and the thing is the market was doing a good job of just holding sideways, so I was just right you know waiting for the market to go to new highs for. Boeing to turn around but look at this it just keeps going down I mean, I realized right now I, had. I just shorted when I you know got that video rolling yeah that'd be I'd be making money on it but that's just way too risky that's, you. Just can't short when things were this overextended the downside, but as I. Just typed up that and that alert you know don't chase but you know wait for it to bounce up here a little bit then look for some sort of sign of weakness with. The idea of it you know resuming, the downtrend, but as. Things stand right now. Crazy. Crazy mover, but ya just can't you just can't go short even if you make money that's not a good habit to be forming. Well. I'm liking 176. 50 here. If. The price can you know come down here and you know just bounce off it a few more times so I like the potential not want to take the trade or anything but. Well. There we go that's good to see that this thing is bouncing, because now if it comes back down to 170 650 thousand imply that this current green candle has failed and from, the short side failed bounces, are a good thing.

Alright. So there we go now this has becoming a little bit more sensical. To. Potentially, short again still, want to see a little bit more of a, formation take place but good. To see that this thing has at least started to go sideways here a little bit but. In. One 7650. Looking. More and more interesting. It's. Approaching 170 650 but like that I'm not going to take the trade yet I want to see it go sideways just a little bit more so. Hopefully it doesn't break down through 176, and then just flush. The break well let's see if it can actually bounce back up her a little bit. As. It right now I'm very glad that I did not hit that bid, as. You can see it's trying, to bounce it still may go but like he said, just. I wanted to see a consolidate, out here a little bit more I. Mean. Ideally I would like to have seen it bounce up a little bit more there, we go all right well it's still it's, still. Hovering right around this one 7650. Mark come on bonds back up a little bit. Alright, I'm not gonna sit we, won't sit here and watch this sideways rights movement I'll keep you updated on it, well. 176. 50 I never, got a, point. That I felt comfortable with I mean, I eventually did I just wasn't quite looking at at the right time after that candle right there formed, and. That, was that was a nice little point but like he said one of those situations where I just wasn't looking at the right time and. In. Hindsight yep, would, have worked out nicely but that's, what happened won't be ynd, getting, crushed, here let's see what's going on with this one oh, wow. I. Learned. In the chat room but again you just can't go short right here completely. Chasing. Yeah. This has been a tricky morning for me I I just, haven't gotten any quite setups that I. Liked. Now. What I do potentially. I mean if it can happen, but. It bounced back up to 170 650. Let. Me get that in there so also I'll make that alert so you can continue to kind of watch and track things.

Be. A back, test, for, short. Entry. 176. 50. Interesting. Stop. Stop. Meeting stop-loss over. 170. 750. And. There we go the 1 in 5 minute chart SAR. So. Let's see if we can get a bounce back up to that area I. Said. That could be an interesting. Potentially. Short-sighted. Like, I said entry, point but got, a ways to go so. Much downward pressure on this one I mean but you got to think there's going to be at least some sort of bigger bounce so. We'll see, well. Maybe this video would just be the. The. Video of not, cooperating, but I want to get up be, a updated here I. Now. Like the entry point at. 177. 15, I. Saw. It being based on the 5-minute chart so, gonna get that out there so, 177. 15 like said I have no idea if it's gonna get up there maybe, this will just be a morning where literally, nothing really plays out the way I want to see it play out I. Could. Potentially short at 175, 15, there that does look like an interesting area but this thing is still just so I mean really it's, overextended. I just. Don't like the I. Just. Don't like the odds that it keeps on going and, you. Can see right there it bounced again but that actually that bounce now makes this inner area. Interesting. I'm. Gonna get that alerted. I'm. Gonna call it a bit higher risk though because that's exactly what it is. Reduce. Position. Size. So. That is what I'm gonna do there because. It is riskier I will reduce position size so I am willing to take that trade at 175, 15. Willing. To risk. Right. Around $100. On it if. It decides to come back down. And. More so. 25. Area, so. We'll see what happens while we're almost 10 minutes in and not a single trade let's find that's good actually because sometimes this is a legitimate, morning here where as you've. Seen been. Making alerts been making alerts and nothing, has, really played, out, all, right I'm interested, if it looks like it wants to break through 175, 50 I'm liking this for me I like that candle now that much so more, so. But. I'd like to see if it wants to get down through 175. 50. So. In there at 175. 50. Let's. See if we can get some more push to the downside here. Or. Did I just get suckered, in. That. Remains to be seen here. One, 7540. Villain all actuality watching. The level two seas it seems to be more so the stubborn. Level. There. We go. Can. We get the push down through that area. Nope. That fast back up let's. Try to give it another try here. There. We go. Trying, to give it some room, here but it's, not quite going. Alright. It took 200 off. And. See if we can get down through 175. And I like to take another hundred off, see. If we can take advantage of some stop losses there we go so, it took advantage of stop losses, so.

Now Have. 200. Shares left. Okay, 100 shares left so this will be a winning trade no matter what. Put. A mental stop in they're up at 174. Or excuse me 175. 50, so. Potentially this last 100, shares I, just. May break even on. So. This thing either is going to bounce here take. Me out for like you said basically break even. On. These. Shares. Or. I. Don't. Know can it break down through 170 450. Freaking at the markets to pull back to. Come. On get down there through one 7450. That. Would be fantastic. As. Would be expected a. Lot. Of buyers right there which. Is good and bad bad in a sense of well it's having a hard time getting down there good in the sense of well if it breaks it should really. Make. Another nice move to the downside. But. No it's as of right now it's deciding, to bounce. But. Want to give it some but this is a very stressful Apsara, it's gonna be a winning trade now I just don't know how big of a winning trade it's actually going to be so. As traders that's where we want to be and right from a trade management standpoint we, want to get ourselves in these situations, where again it's, going to be a winning trade I just don't know how big of a winning trade it will actually be. Okay. Can we get the breakthrough fifty. There. We go take, out some stop losses there. On, that fastest, snap back up above it let's. Try again. Hmm.well. Gonna. Take out 50 more right there then because I'm not quite sure if it does want to get through 50 if it does that's great I still have fifty shares left and I'm just gonna sit here and relax now. What. Is that, yeah. 175, 25 so if it goes above 175 20. I am. Actually gonna put in my stop-loss they're. Just. Double-checking so there we go so even, on the last 50 shares now like. I said I you I mean you're with me we we sell at break 174, 50 and it didn't. Quite go, so. That's why I decided I'd pull off another 50 here just in case this is officially. The bottom but I could be wrong this might not be the bottom. Which. Is why I'm holding onto those 50 shares and we'll let those work for me here. Or. If, it goes up over, because. Like so I think this might be the bottom with some sort of Bounce here I hope, I'm wrong though clearly, but it's right now it's looking like I might be right and if I so I was right so they are out for two hundred twenty three dollars not too bad for one single trade. Bummer. I got, that break it just didn't want to go but oh well and yeah, I mean you saw everything. Alerted. Even members that did take the the trade at 175. Fifteen. As I alerted they. Still made money on it I decided like I said to get in a little bit up, above there but even those, members that you saw me type up that alert at 170, or no you didn't see me type in that alert did you I just.

Said I was mentioning that so. Right there was that alert that, I typed in. 175. 15, and. If, for those of you that our brand new maybe. You're confused what why do you want the price to go down this is called shorting, and yes, believe it or not in the financial markets you. Can make money when prices go down known, as being short going short short, Dena stock. So. That's what happened there if the prices was going down and I was actually making money so bizarre. The first time you hear it but totally possible so, there we go I'm happy, with that especially after the annoying, morning, and. Really in all actuality let's. See I got out of that trade at 10:02. So. 32, minutes. 32. Minutes worth of don't quote work and making. $223. I'm not sure. Of many place in the world were for. 32. Minutes you can make you know. 220. Bucks but I'll take it, well. My original, trade, plan may be coming back and up play, here 177. 15, have 100 shares just 100 now I'm not gonna risk giving back all my gains here, so. You know I'm willing to risk right around $100, but now it's pulling back so kind, of right on cue granted, yeah 177, 15 maybe that's a little hopeful. On my part I don't think it is but. Like I said at this point I want. To protect my gains I'd, still be happy, to walk away with you know over a hundred dollars which one which will is still possible if I get filled and, I'm. Wrong it'll cost me right around 100 dollars which will still leave me, not. To insult your mathematical, abilities but, if you subtract 100, from that that, still leaves me over a hundred dollars and you, know at that point if this all plays out it would still be less than one hour within the day so I mean if you think about it one hour and a hundred dollars I don't, know many places professions. Side, hustles whatever you want to call this that can produce a hundred bucks in one, hour so from that point if you like said that's why I'm still willing to risk that whether. It gets up gets up to 177 15 I don't know but I did, want to at least track it a little bit since you saw me make that alert in the room and we can try to see if it plays out or not but I'll. Keep you updated, well. At this point I'm just gonna go ahead I mean I'm cancel that order out it's pulled. Back a little bit too much now now I'm wondering, is this thing actually starting to form some sort of new Uptrend with a higher high and not working to a upwards, where if it had gone you know at that point there'd have been an argument of, it being somewhat overextended. So. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up here real. And really that the learning lesson here I think I already mention it but I can't, remember and, these again these are live so this is not like a voiceover me talking about things but no, matter how slow something. May start and you saw here it was just alert. Note, then quite play out another alert don't think oh I play out let's make another few alerts note then quite play out but all it takes is one right all it takes is one and then, you saw a very, respectable, morning.

Thirty, Two minutes two hundred thirty dollars on I. Suppose. For me good I'm grateful for that maybe you're saying no clay might might my, 30 minutes of time is worth way more than $230, and if that's the case for you awesome, I commend you that that great job in life III mean just you're good at life I guess that's the best way to put it but for me from, a time perspective. $230. In 30, minutes that is worth my time and that's you know you, know I'm very happy and grateful for that but you saw it's, not like it just poofed, out of nowhere that was a relatively frustrating, it was a relatively annoying a mom, to make but like I said it goes back to the original point is yeah, things aren't always gonna be smooth sometimes you'll have a lot of alerts and your thoughts and your what, your you're looking to see and wanting to see happen just, don't quite play out or else you'll turn around and not pay attention in something at the at the you know last second like I did with that first Boeing trade and you. Know then it ended up going my favor but that's alright just stick with it don't, force a trade follow your rules follow set ups and you, can see that thinks and still play itself out in very respectable, amounts of time assuming, again that you feel as though 30, minutes and. You know $230. Is there respectable, you know return on your time but, as you saw all the alerts and you saw members have the same exact opportunities that I did so if you're interested in getting, signed up and learning more you can just go to clay check on /team. The way to approach that 99 dollars for three months which breaks down to $8.25. Per week so the question just becomes do, you believe that you can make more and get more than, $8.25. Per week, of value if you believe you can then you'll get a great return on your investment, there's also a mobile app that comes with it so you cannot stay in touch not like you have the state change your computer and then as far as the live trade video is concerned if you enjoy these if you would like for me to continue to make them the, fast easy way to communicate that to me just, hit that like button also comments, questions suggestions please leave please leave those down, below and then check out the channel as a whole and if you like what you see hopefully decided hit that subscribe button but yeah if you want to get alerts if you want to trade alongside me and kind, of be getting the same opportunities, that I'm seeing then like I said all you got to do go, to clay charter comm four slash team, first.

Off Thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go I want, to invite you to a live webinar web, class training, workshop, online event whatever, you want to call it but it will be me live, revealing. To you what is that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee to, being my own boss, including, how I had only one losing day out of 73, days in total I'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock. Profitable, consistency, within the markets the first key is super-weird, but in a productive type of way the second, key is super awesome because it quite, literally is wired into our DNA as humans making, it very easy to use but, in a cruel way this, becomes a pitfall for many traders I'll explain it all though including, how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way to get way too good to be true but, it's not and I'll show you how, it all works then at the end I open it up for a question-and-answer session that is again, totally. Live even, if you can't make the live session please, still sign up as it will be recorded, and you can go back and watch the replay then I will send you click, the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box, so you can get the date and time and, claim your spot which I should know is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions, let, me know if not I'll be seeing you soon.

2020-07-20 17:45

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