[LIVE] Day Trading | A Mixed Bag of Stock Trade Results

[LIVE] Day Trading | A Mixed Bag of Stock Trade Results

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hey it's clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trader where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in less than two minutes real quick if you're new to these videos what do i mean by live what i mean is that this is a situation where you know everything has not already been recorded so i'm doing some sort of trade recap or post commentary nothing like that i'm recording myself seeing the information for the very first time so if you want raw thoughts raw emotions draw reactions you will get that here but to respect your time if you are looking for a nicely edited video nicely scripted video uh you won't get that here but if you're just out wanting to see the nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then you will find all that in this video so like i said market opens up here very soon i'll go ahead and pause for now and i'll be back at the open all right the markets are open watching n-u-a-n right now not a whole lot of movement on it pre-market was a little goofy which is what caught my eye let's go over to b-a-b-a here on the world my charts working why is that such a tight tight range no they're working because tesla's yeah interesting 686 is an interesting area here on tesla uber if you do see or if you do hair typing that's just me making alerts in the community that i offer i do offer a private training community at claytrader.com oh yeah uber very nice move what's going on with fubo that looks like another let's go check back on nuan yeah really nothing then bob i thought would be a lot more volatile i mean it had millions of shares in the pre-market uber still still making its way up so potentially a trade here on this one keep a close eye on it all right well i will go ahead and pause for now and i'll keep on looking around and if i see something because i don't want to have you sit here and just watch a bunch of kind of dead air time so i'm going to go ahead and pause watching 217 217.50 see if we can get down through there and at 217.64

see if we can get this down below 217 though there we go how did i not get any out at 217 there we go see if we can get this down below 216.50 pick up some downside pressure here took out another 150 there still have 100 shares left there we go kind of that was a very weak break actually took off another 25 shares there love see this down below 16 216. so still have 75 shares left let's see if we can get it down below 216 though knocking on the door there we go there we go good good good took off another 25 see if we can get this down below 215.

took off another 25 there and i'm gonna call it good 480 935 and just to show you how the chat room community works i mentioned that earlier but this was alerted to members before i ever got in right there 2 17 50 flush point one minute um and like you just saw it play out there uh was a fantastic trade and um one now i should note that i can what clay how are you making money the price was going down like i'm new i i i'm confused hey welcome to the party i remember that too what i did was i shorted the stock and when you short a stock if you're shorting a stock any of those you know terminologies then that means you can make money when prices go down i get it it's totally bizarre wait what you can make money when prices go down yes that is known as shorting a stock being a short so i wow look at that glad i got out where i did there look at that big old bounce back upwards anyways that's what happened there i shorted i wanted to see the price go down because the price did go down i ultimately made money and not too bad 480 dollars in five minutes i don't say that to break or anything if anything i say it to build context but because if you're anything like me wait a minute let me know check out tesla here that's potentially uh what is that 686 would like to see it get up a little bit more then come back down to 686. there we go good watching 686 here tesla 686 flush point of potential fake breakout one minute although right now does not look like a fake breakout huh uh but as i was saying if you're anything like me well just a minute just a minute in there at 686.83 on the potential breakout here or excuse me fake breakout that is only 50 shares so if i'm wrong it's not like it's gonna blow up my day or anything like that well let's see what it wants to do here well might have gotten suckered in on that one yep so out there lost 125 on that one that's okay i love this setup i got the candle that i wanted it just didn't quite cooperate and that's what happens so even with that think about it i've been wrong half the time it's 10 minutes not even 10 minutes in it's 9 30 and i'm still up 350 55 with commissions let's call it 350 bucks so 350 dollars not too shabby not too shabby i'll take 350 dollars in 10 minutes when like i said that includes having a losing trade in there too i still like tesla at that area but that was a great setup just uh didn't work out i'll take that setup all day long all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause look around tomorrow i mean only 10 minutes into the day i still got some time left i do actually have a podcast to record so there's a quick plug for the podcast if you're not aware i do offer a a podcast at claytrader.com the stock trading reality podcast on itunes spotify any podcast player so yeah i have a interview that i have to do with that later on hopefully my voice can hold up it's feeling a little i'm feeling a little crusty right now but it's just a mere flesh wound all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause all right watching 688 here i'm still thinking tesla is looking a little bit top heavy here i'd like to see a little bit more confirmation though so watching that 688 mark so in there at basically 6 89. let's see if this thing wants to get back down here that 688 mark i'm interested in potentially adding some more but it would need to come back down to right around the 689-ish mark 688.50 to be more accurate watch 690 here closely so watching 690 well am i just getting stubborn here with this one i'm gonna keep an eye on 690.

the reason i'm not panicking or freaking out is i only have 50 shares so so let's see what this wants to actually do here curious about 691 so just watching 691 but it's it's getting very strong up around the 692 mark see if we can get it down below 691 i'll just bounce around 691.50 yep well played around with this one too much more i just can't i can't risk so now up 178 so tesla is slowly and methodically eating my gains away on b-i-d-u so got to be careful right now that i don't go out there and try to revenge trade got to be very careful that i don't go out there and lose track that in all actuality it's 15 minutes in the day i'm still up 175-ish dollars and again i'm not sure of many places in the world where you can make that sort of money i i want to be bearish on tesla still but at some point maybe i just have to admit the tesla's not tesla does not want to be bearish right now but yeah started off good still fine still fine i'm in actuality i've been wrong 67 of the time yet i'm still up 178 dollars which is kind of crazy when you actually stop and think about it but i mean i'm glad i got out where i did because this thing just keeps on ground didn't grind um could you imagine if i hadn't gotten out down here man that loss would have been really really nasty all right i'm gonna go ahead and pause okay watching 215 here now once again on baidu let's see if it can indeed break down through two one five would like to see it get down closer to that area though well i thought i'd get down there a little quicker else i want to get the video going okay well watching very closely okay getting down there okay in at 215. let's see if we can get some push down through though some follow through can we get that breakdown like the setup or am i gonna have to sit through a little bounce here i don't know looks like i excuse me may have too i thought this would move a little bit quicker than that i mean i realized it was somewhat choppy but i thought with that break it'd get a little bit more decisive it's trying again but once again just stalling it's a great setup but i don't know if it wants to go i'm gonna even look at that it's just okay getting a little bit of a movement there oh shoot all right whatever i thought i i thought i was set to i thought i was set to 100 shares not 150. i don't think that worked out fine anyways yeah i'm done with that all right i gave you plenty of time to break down and yes i'm talking to the stock you i gave you plenty of time and now it's just not breaking down and even if it goes i feel perfectly fine with it just because at that point when that broke i to in my mind it should have gone i mean it already had plenty of consolidation it's not like it was overextended or anything like that um and now it's just yeah you can see goofing around back up above 215. um so i feel perfectly fine about that one i was right that it wanted to go down i was very wrong though in the amount that it wanted to go down uh but if anything you know that's the one thing i did get right was just admitting oh yeah it's not quite behaving the way i want it to behave and now look at that bounce yeah all right i feel so good about that one that was definitely the right choice so let's see where am i now uh back up to 275 on the day all right watching 145.50 here in at

145.65 here on gamestop looking for this one to roll back over here not necessarily and retest the lows but to pick up some bearishness let's see if we can get a move down to at least 145. well it's trying see what it wants to do here gonna in at 145.65 i mean i can't even think about at all taking profits until at least below 145 minimum but as you can see here big buyers at 145 can it fall though is the question can 145 be broken nope held that held that round see if it wants to give it another go all right i'm going to go ahead and pause i'm not going to have you sit here through this kind of choppiness so i'll polish for now and i'll keep you updated on the status of the trade okay i'm gonna look to add another 25 shares at 145 if it comes back down there i got to see 145 on the bid though i'm really liking the setup that's taking place here but again requirement number one is gotta see 145 on the bid so i'm going to go ahead and pause for now and if it looks like that's gonna happen then i'll get the video rolling and uh try to capture the ad well kinda all right i'll keep it going and watching 145 very very closely here 75 yeah i'll i can deal with that gonna try to time it i realize it's on the bed but i'm trying to watch the orders okay they're going kind of all right well i missed i missed the ad i was just able to pull off a portion of my shares at 140 450 though well i don't know maybe that was a good thing that i missed the ad all right all out there 39 bucks so missed the ad which didn't help the situation and then uh once again not quite getting the breakdown that i wanted i mean i don't know it's it's a problem i mean i'm up 350 45 minutes in i'm up 315 which equates to two losing trades two trades that were yeah and then a good just solid winning trade i'm not a grand slam trade but a good solid winning trade so i mean in actuality uh if anything kind of goes to show that you don't have to be like perfect you don't have to trade flawless you don't have to like hit grand slam trades in order to make money you can have very mediocre trades like i said two losing trades two trades that were just yeah you know just not really much to say about him at all um and then uh what one decent solid trade and you know you can still make over 300 in 45 minutes and again i keep harping on the time because that's how i build you know context and perspective for myself where in the world can you make 300 in 45 minutes let's just make it an hour to make the math easy like what is the minimum wage these days so what is the minimum wage compared to 300 in one hour like i said with some mess-ups with some with some just flat-out being wrong right i mean i was just wrong on two had to lose money um so i mean like you said just saying that to build perspective because i understand and i think i was saying this way back when i was gonna make a point then i got distracted but if you're anything like me you cruise around social media you're like wow look at that big gain holy smokes look at that big gain whoa they made that much money and then it's easy to look at your own results and be like man that's all i made oh geez i guess i'm not that good or i must be doing something wrong or i just must maybe i'm not cut out to be a trader and it's like wait a second let's not lose perspective on things ask yourself well in what amount of time did you make those gains let's just say that this was you know 50 bucks think about it 50 bucks in one hour sitting at home pressing buttons compared to the minimum wage or compared to i don't know look go to you know monster.com look up jobs see what people are hiring see what the starting pay is you know per hour i mean i know a lot of people and i'm not down i'm not looking down on anybody like i said if you're starting a job and you're making 20 bucks an hour or something cool that's great but like i said even if this was a result of 20 or 50 bucks i mean 50 bucks in and remember it's actually just 45 minutes so even less than an hour by 15 minutes uh but so i mean it's 25 less than an hour but um yeah i think what i'm doing here well i'm trying to make an educational lesson but i think i'm just trying to tell myself clay you're you're doing fine this morning but i don't think you quite have it you know you don't have it with you and maybe in the real back of my mind i'm sitting there saying man clay you're up 480 bucks it'd be nice to get those gains back i mean i think we all have that voice but kind of you got to just be able to recognize it and realize that uh just a minute actually yes believe it or not i'm going back to tesla here i think i might have missed this setup though oh yeah missed it so all right well i am going to go ahead and actually wrap things up here but before i go uh a final few things let me just i think i made my point but just don't don't be too tough on yourself keep things in perspective social media that's great those people making big gains you know i'll give them benefit out and say those are real good for them i'm happy for them but don't let it corrupt your own space don't let it corrupt the reality of the situation that making x amount of dollars whatever you've made in an hour and 45 minutes in 30 minutes in two hours i mean it think about it no also if you're looking at your your gains and you're like man i make like three dollars per hour that's an issue that's i'm not saying you should stop trading but there's clearly a glaring issue uh if you start to break down your results and now of course this is over multiple days multiple weeks then that's a problem but if you're looking at your results and it breaks down to 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 you know 100 bucks an hour hey that that's definitely more than respectable now before i go though the final few things uh this is a big one for me because these are live i mean there's a lot of stuff going on i have to talk to you i have to enter in my own trades i have to make alerts in the chat room i have to think about what i'm going to say to you and there's just a lot going on so these videos are possible uh but i want to just make sure that they're continued to work my time to do them and the way you can communicate that to me very easy hit the like button leave a simple comment the comment could be a thumbs up emoji a rainbow emoji any of those things communicates to me yeah clay they're worth your time please keep doing them and as long as i know that there's interest in these videos then i have no problem continuing to do them because yes they're totally possible been doing them for years but they're not easy so i'm not going to do them if i if there's no interest for them but if there is then i will continue it so like i said the very quick way to communicate that to me hit the like button it's a very basic a very simple comment so thanks for hanging out uh also check out the channel as a whole lots of other good videos on the channel and hopefully you decide you like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button uh but i'm not a fan of people that are like hey subscribe to my channel and it's like four minutes into the first video maybe you've ever watched so i'm not gonna ask you to subscribe all i'll say is check out the channel as a whole look around and then if you like what you see enough hit the subscribe button but yeah as far as these videos are concerned if you want me to keep making them hit the like button leave a very very simple comment down below thanks for hanging out first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-04-16 14:33

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