[LIVE] Day Trading | A Bad Start. Then What Happened?

[LIVE] Day Trading | A Bad Start. Then What Happened?

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live, market opens up in less than five minutes, what i want to do here is just get my thought process documented, for video sake and also just to illustrate, how the chat room works if you're familiar. Uh or if you're not familiar, with the channel with the claytrader, community, i do offer a private community, part of that community is this chat room here uh but tesla. Is looking very interesting. Right now. And what i'm looking at here. Is a 407. Flush point, on the open. Key level. From, past. Couple, of days. Hopefully, the price. Will. Open. Above it. So i make that comment because there's still three minutes before the market opens and as of right now you can see that, it's 408.50. So it's it's up above 407. Will it maintain, above it that remains to be seen, and i should also note that these are live in the sense of, you're getting my, thoughts, my, emotions. Everything, raw, unfiltered. Uncut, so this is not some sort of video where everything's recorded. And then i come back and do a voiceover. Or i do a post commentary. Nope you're hearing everything, play out in real time so maybe you're saying clay this seems disorganized, this isn't very professional. I apologize, but like i said this is as live as it gets this is as real as it gets, uh you know this is just everything is wow look at that, oh, my. All right well never mind check out that number now, down below 407. And it actually dropped even lower than that. Well that is disappointing. I suppose it's still got a couple minutes to get back above 407. But if you scroll back and watch i'd actually drop down to like 405, that number over there, for a brief second. Well. And now it's 405's. It and like, on, and you just can't make this stuff up right so on the token of being live there i had no idea that was going to happen. It did happen so right now that plan may be going out the window. But hey welcome to the world of day trading, so i might have to reassess, the situation, but i'll keep an eye on 4017, market opens up in less than two minutes so i will keep you, updated. All right well i'm going to get this updated now tesla. Now looking. For a price, to, break. Above. 407. And then, break. Back, below, it for a. Potential. Short. Sided, trade. So there we go i want to see the price. Get back above 407. And if it can do that. And the markets, are.

Open. Why is my chart not updating. E-signal. Is not. What in the. World. Um. All right well, give me a second. And we are back, all right, um a little disoriented. Here, it did break up above 407, before coming back down. So getting back up above 407. Would like to see this bounce a little bit more, just because i'm. Relatively, disoriented, here had to reboot, i have no idea what happened, but. Um like i said back in business here. But we'll see what uh. Tesla wants to do 405. Could be a short i'm not going to take that just because. I want to see it show me a little bit of, sinus strength first. 405. 408. Yeah. That's disappointing. Totally, went up above 407. Like, i mean you saw me type it up so i don't even need to clarify that typed it up before everything happened. And now it's coming back down. Well. I guess, welcome to the world of being a trader. I'm not going to complain about it it happens, but um. Yeah i i really have no idea because now everything's working fine that was bizarre, just had to reset it but. What is this area down here, 402.50. Quite interesting. But looks like it needs to do a little bit more consolidating, there. All right well i will go ahead and pause and we'll see what else i can find. Well at this point i'm potentially interested in getting long at 407. As a bounce play here. Wanna see it come down some more before going back up so i'm not going to take it on this candle. I want to see it fail to break down again, well, there it. Goes. Or like i said that wasn't quite well now it's. Uh what is that 405.. Now we have the exact opposite if this is a failure to break out. Then that could be a very nice play at 405.. But nope there it's gone. All right well. A tough morning, no no you know, identified, 407. Unfortunately. Didn't want to take it. Right away. And then it just decided to leave me in its dust which is fine didn't, didn't quite fit my criteria. And it happens. But 408.50. Now looking interesting, especially if this can get up above 412. And then come down. 408.50. I'm actually going to get that alerted here. Test the new flush point. 408. 50. One minute. There we go so let's see if this thing wants to come down to right around the 408, 50 mark. Again with the premise that this current movement here doesn't actually have any sort of genuine bullish power behind it. Now it may it very very well could that's why you want to wait for confirmation. Let's see what it wants to do. Here. In at 408.50. Let's see if we can get some more push to the downside, here. Love that candle that formed there we go. Took out 50, at. 407. 50ish. Let's see if we can get some more push to the downside, here.

406.50. Gonna be a critical, area. Critical. Could still be a losing trade. Because if this thing bounces against me. I might still lose money on it but that's okay that's a risk i'm willing to take, in the spirit of trying to let the trade work for me more and give me more. But 406, 50 is definitely going to be that area that if it can break should move very nicely. But as right now that's looking like it'll be a pretty big. If. It get down to that area. 407. Right now is being actually quite stubborn, also. There's 406.50. Can it break yes it can, there we go. So it took out another, 25, down at 406.29. And now this will be a winning trade. It's just a matter of how big of a winning trade is it going to be. If this goes over 408, i need to get. Out. So just using a mental stop. Again 408, i'm using a mental stop i'll get out so watching the level twos very closely. But if this thing wants to keep going in my favor then i'm gonna make some more money, if it doesn't well that's okay. There we go. Still working in my favor can it get some more downside, pressure though. Again i'm watching 408. But we'll see if this thing wants to roll over some more or if that's going to be kind of. The extent of the move which was still a great move don't get me wrong. But i kind of i have to stay somewhat laser focused here. If this goes. Below. 400. Yeah all right. 407. Is now my stop meaning if it go. Goes over 407. Then i want out. Actually i take that back if it goes over 40. 650. 406.50. Now i'm getting out. Actually 406, now if it goes over 406. I'm getting out whoops. So all out there last shares, 191. Dollars. Not too bad for, eight minutes. And especially, not too bad when you factor in, the bumpy, bumpy start that it was, um and you can see right here just. How kind of the morning played out. So right there, 407. On the open. Key level, and we saw there it did not open up above it which was disappointing. Then came down here tesla. Well now looking forward to break above 407. And then break back blow up for a potential, short-sighted, trade. And then, i had chart problems whoops. So i missed that one. Came back down here. Right there you saw me talk about it i alerted. Tsla. Tesla, new flush point 408.50. You saw me take that trade in fact i mean i got in that's kind of hard to do on tesla. So i i guess i'm patting myself on the back here a little bit but got in literally at 408.50. And then you saw the rest of that trade there. Which was good for, 191. Dollars. And, not sure of many places in the world, where you can have such a rough start, in whatever you're doing, and then still walk away with 191. Dollars. Um and uh that's what happened there, um and i am more than happy with that more than grateful, actually a little roku. Get that alerted there we go, uh and tesla continues to go, so right there that move. Yeah in hindsight, here that little bounce up there got me, uh, yes in hindsight, oh you should have been so tight with your stop, yeah, you're absolutely right in hindsight.

But Had the price just continue to skyrocket, up you'd probably be saying and i would be saying oh wow that was a great stop-loss, clay you nailed where you should have been for that stop-loss, so, a little bit of confirmation, bias here going on now hindsight, confirmation, bias that is knowing what happened it's easier to sit there and, say everything but overall. Yeah congratulations. To members that uh, well first off took the 407, because that turned out to be a very nice trade down to that area. About a six point move and then this one has been, still underway. Basically about a five-point, move, so yeah very nice start there for members. Uh, and not quite as nice as i wish it would have but uh i will take it like i said, ten well, all that was done within eight minutes of the day, but eight minutes hundred ninety dollars, i'm happy but let's see it also if i can find anything else. Currently watching, and alerted, 97.85. Is that upside, break point here on pton. So like i said 97.85. For uh those members that like to play things from the long side. Looking for that to potentially, break, of course maybe this is maybe this is a top and there's a deeper pullback needs to come that's always possibility, too which is why confirmation, is a is a good thing, but yeah 97, 85 here on pton, keeping an eye on, also scanning the market for some. Other. Potential, trades. All right i will go ahead and pause. Well totally missed that i went and looked and it did take a couple more minutes after the i alerted, it, so i mean like i said i was looking at other things but you can see right there break of 97.85. Now it's up over 98, has gone as high as 98.15. Looking like it might want to get some more there but uh. Totally missed that now it's really just a question of can this thing get some continuation. Or is this going to be a, fake break to the upside, which could create some panic but right now looking like there's some strength behind it. In fact. I may look to actually try to short it way up near 99, if it can get up there still got a ways to go before 99, is in the picture but, yeah i just want to give you a little update on that one did ultimately get the break, nice little move here looking like there might be more to come but unfortunately, i was just looking at something else and that happens. Well another little update on piton broke out a little bit of a pullback. And has now recovered, very nicely, and uh is pushing up higher has gotten as high as 98.50. Uh so any members that took that breakout trade, yeah i had to sit through a little bit of an annoyance had to sit through a little bit of uh. I don't even want to say pain because the pullback, you know technically speaking never violated, any key levels, um but regardless. Working out very nicely now for me since i i missed it and then lost track of it. Um. Wondering if i wanted to potentially, try to do some sort of. Short on it. Although it's about almost 10 a.m, and uh. Recently. I've been really enjoying, and aiming to be done after 30 minutes, um, so i'm gonna stick to that goal loosely speaking unless there's some sort of fantastic, setup here, which maybe piton might be given if they can get up over 99. But, do we have another fake break here, we're 98, short. Well even if 98 short was gonna work it's already left me behind. So yes my, very clearly there my thought process wasn't fast enough to actually. Put the trade on. But yeah i'll look around just a few more minutes but like i said it's almost 10 o'clock and 190. Dollars in 30 minutes. Not bad at all especially like i said given the context of how you saw things start out on the morning but, like i said i'm gonna take it one look more around and see if there's anything else. I watching 53, 35, here for a potential, short. To try to. Okay watching that area very closely. Okay well at this point i'll take it on the next candle so this candle needs to stay above it. So again if it happens, on this candle during this one-minute per.

Period, Which it just did right there i'm not going to be able to take it. But if wants to get back above it and then come back down that would still. That would still work too. So right now that's why i didn't want to take because now had i taken a guess you know i'd be, in the red right now now not by much. There we go all right 53, 35 let's see if it wants to go back down there. Again. Looking at. 53.35. Oh no it's bouncing. Which makes it that much more interesting. Because now if it comes back down here. That would imply a failure of strength. Which if you're looking to short a failure of strength is a good thing. But again that is exactly why i did not want to take it on that candle, now sometimes, it caused me to miss the trade, and that happens but in this situation. Uh what it caused me to miss was potentially a losing trade here. So that is why and that's a good example of there's no such thing as a holy girl right, pros and cons. If you've watched my past videos you've heard me say that before i don't want to take it on this candle, and then it goes and it leaves me and it's dust, in this situation, i said you know i don't want to take it on that candle. And i didn't, and now look what's going on it's actually you know bouncing back upwards so in that situation. I'm happy with the decision. Now i'm definitely not going to take it on this candle i mean if the candle, goes all the way down here i mean that's uh. That's a bit much but if it wants to slowly work its way down there i might be interested, but um. Well it's 1002, so a couple minutes past so like i said the 30 minutes is just a general rule of thumb but there seems to be some decent action out there. And if anything we're getting some good learning lessons there. Because i get it's one thing for people to say well there's no such thing as a holy grail, and that's a perfect example meaning, there's always pros and cons to everything, so you can never. Have a system that's always going to work in every single way. Now again in this in this situation, it did work for me that was fantastic, but there's been plenty of other times, where it hasn't worked where i've waited and then all of a sudden i get left in the dust. Well piton, continues, the boom, so, again congratulations. It hasn't been smooth, right it's not like it's been a straight up stock. Alert right there pulled back, nice move up pull back now once again i'll move up so each of these pullbacks, keeps putting in higher lows, um so for members that played it from the long side yeah hasn't necessarily been, smooth, smooth. Smooth sailing but, it's nonetheless you know there haven't been any crazy moves that should have taken people out. Um. But for me now, i feel like i've missed alongside, it so i'm looking to potentially, build a short position and fade this. A little big seller at 98.70. Can it get through there. So if this thing can break. 98.70. Which as of now it can. So i don't know just not really behaving i have an order i don't know if i mentioned that or not but i do have an order up, on if you're not from with my screen on pton. To go short ssl. 500, shares, at 99.45. But as of now and the reason why that is white is because i've, the mark or the order is in the market it just hasn't been filled. All right i'll pause. Well piton, here just basically, going sideways, not doing a whole lot i mean pulling back so i mean this fair thing very well could continue, on up with the trend as it's been doing but, as far as my strategy, and what i was looking to do on it it's just not fitting the profile, any longer. All right well i lied and this is, totally.

For, Full transparency's, sake this is me just inserting, in this video clip afterwards so this is not part of the original. Live. Uh stream, so at this point ford just so you know i, am talking with hindsight. This is not live in the sense of everything's, playing out everything's, already happened i just want to give you a quick update because i sat here and said, i'm done and then typically. You know i stopped the recording, and then piton, just kept going, and just to walk you through what happened, so eventually i alerted a fake breakout type potential, there, and then eventually kept tracking it and alerted the 99. As a flush point, and you can see the trade right there that i took. I got in at 99. And because of the counter trend, trade because i wanted to respect, the strength of the trend it was totally just the scalp from the get-go, so i mean i made. Uh let's see 81. And let's see what was the math on that about 20 seconds. So, 20 seconds 81 dollars i did that add that in and then again members had the opportunity, to to play it right there although if members chose a non-scalping. Strategy. They'd actually be doing even better because check out where it is right now, all the way down in the low 98s. Uh with the potential to maybe go even lower than that, and so like i said if members chose to do personally a different decision that's the thing right you can alert, a entry point right you can alert. An area, 99. But how you play with 99, meaning for me i did a scalp i was in and out very quickly, but if another member is like no i like that not for a scalp i want to let that thing play out i think this is more of the top well guess what. Both members myself and the member made money but that member, they chose better they chose a better strategy for the situation, than what i did uh because the price yeah had to play it out it rolled back over some more uh so that's you know how the community works is we're just a group we all think for ourselves so it's not a bunch of sheep it's not a bunch of puppets, where, everybody just depends, on me nope i gave the 99. Mark, and then from there everybody else could do with it what they wanted maybe some people didn't even trade it maybe some people did trade it like a scalp maybe other people, chose another method and again that method to be fair and i'm stalling here a little bit because i want to see if this actually breaks down through 98. But that other method, uh very well, uh you know was better how much better well i don't know like i said i'm trying to stall to see if this thing breaks down any further but you get the overall idea, so yeah like i said inserted this in so i'm ultimately closing the day. 45, minutes in so like i said, that that 30 minutes is a general rule of thumb but 45 minutes later i'm now up 272. And that's crazy where in the world, not many places can you make 272. Dollars. In 45, minutes i'll take it. So with that being said i am just going to wrap things up here i'll take it, 30 minutes well a little over 30 minutes 190. On a very rough start i'm not a greedy savage, i am more than happy with that i will take it and i'm gonna go live my life which is uh why, i trade not to trade if that makes sense. Now before i go though if you are interested. In getting the alerts and getting my watch list and basically everything you saw play out here, if you're interested, in becoming a member of that, just go to claytrader.com.

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2020-09-26 19:18

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