[LIVE] Day Trading | $450 in 4 Minutes (and then we learn...)

[LIVE] Day Trading | $450 in 4 Minutes (and then we learn...)

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Good morning it is clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades, as they play out live. Going to be watching, fsly. Out of the opening gates so that is the game plan as of right now and let's see what happens i'll keep you updated. To give you a little thoughts here before the market opens what i would like to see is fsly. It's going to be gapping down so that's not a question but after the gap down i'd like to see it actually bounce up some show some sort of bound some sort of strength, that i believe would be a dead cat bounce and then i would be looking. To potentially, get short, on a dead cap bounce getting short for those of you that are new just means, making money when prices go down, and yes believe it or not you can make money when prices go down in the market crazy concept, but totally true, and if i play this right hopefully you'll witness it before uh your very eyes here but again like i said the stock is going to gap down there's no doubt about that. But, ideally want to see it bounce up even if it doesn't bounce up, uh so there we go market is open. So let's see how this one wants to behave. And i am watching some other stocks around the market. There we go. Is my broker. Delayed and that was bizarre. Unfortunately. 90, 70 almost looks like a nice little potentially, pop point to get a quick scalp to the upside. Quick, upside. Scalp. Break point, one minute. All right 90-70. I want a piece of that. Oh wow. Shoot. Left me and it's dust. But it is bouncing, out which is good, and i'll show the alert that i made. Bummer well congratulations, to any of you members that actually took that. Real quick you can see right there. Made that alert. 9070. Quick upside, scalp break point. So for those of you that, were able to get in there fantastic. 90.. 90 looks to be the flush point now, i'm gonna get that. Updated. So if this looks like it wants to get back down to 90. And break down through it. Then i'll be looking to, get short. If it can actually step i don't know if it's going to. It's working its way down there. What i was saying is i'd like to see this candle stay above it. In fact at this point i'm not going to take this trade if it breaks on this candle. I want to see the next candle break it. So come on candle. You got to be done, soon. Come on. All right there we go i should there we go all right perfect. Now i like it that much more. So ninety dollars, is that level i'm. Watching. So it's. Attempting, to work its way down. There. I feel like if i pause the video. Then it's going to happen so fast and i'm going to like miss the entry point or something. But we'll let it play. Well this entry point is just looking that much more attractive. Assuming this candle can also now close up above it. Which looks like it's going to happen going to get more of a bounce here. So more so right around 90. Probably 25.. I'm gonna get that updated there. Update. I'll show you what i'm typing here so. Update. 90, 25. New flush point one minute. While this thing just keeps bouncing, now. Alrighty then what is that. 91.75. I'm gonna actually update that. Just edit the post there. 91.75. There we go. So just so you can see just edited, that's with that little. Pencil thing right there, 91.75. New flush point. If it can work its way down. There. But yeah right now this thing is definitely showing some strength. But we'll see if it wants to pull back some. And this thing is got so. Much. All right, making a little bit of a move still has a lot of work to be done. 92.50. If it can bounce up over. All right 91.75. Watching. Oh i missed it can i give me a back test. Is it going to bounce up and fill me nice okay and at 91.75. On the back. Test. Let's see if we can get down. To at least. 91.. Well. Might need to pull some off a little sooner i want to give it a little bit more time to see if it wants to. Push down to 91.. There we go that should do it. Wow. Can it get down through 91. Though. Yes it can, alright, so. 200, shares left. Let's see if it can get down through 90. And i'll take off another. 100, shares. Come on get down there through 90.. Let's try and try oh bounce. Should be a lot of buyers there which there are. But if that fails, and that. Really send it down that much oh so many buyers there.

Let's See if it wants to break though. All right took out another 100 just because i have no problem admitting i don't know if that level is gonna ultimately. Fail or not. I mean i want to i want to give it an opportunity, to get down. There. But now it's bouncing. Well come on get back down there. Well i'm glad i locked in those 100, down where i. Did. Let's see if we can get it to move back. In the bearish direction. So now i just have 50 shares left thinking this thing might want to bounce you know what i'm just going to call it good so, very nice. 453. With another potential, trade that i want to take down there at 90 if this wants to roll back over but uh you saw that play out perfectly, live congratulations. To members. Um again. You saw me walk through everything. Uh where did it go. Oh there it is right there the. 191.75. New flush point, uh the lesson there was i actually missed it remember i missed it but i put my order out there i waited to see if it wanted to back test and it did back test. Which was perfect, what is that low. Low of 90, 80.. So i will look too short at 90, 80. If it wants to pull back here. Just 100 shares because i need to protect the gains that i now have. Uh, so. But yeah, awesome, very nice trade for everybody like i said to members that watch these videos congrats, uh took who took that. That whole trade lasted. Actually let me just watch this real quick. Yeah 90 80.. All right well. Let's see the, trade, started, right there, at 9 34. And 37, seconds, it was all out there, at 9 37. And 21, seconds. So let's just call it. A four-minute, trade. It was less than that but we'll call it four minutes and watching 90 80., so four minutes. Again even if i'm wrong here not a big deal at all because i'm risking right. Around. Now it's bouncing back upwards. Oh what's going on with amd. Let's see. Oh wow. All right yeah. Amd. All right well i will go ahead, and pause the video and we'll see if there's anything else out there. Update here on fsly, it is actually, uh breaking, that 90 80 or it's down around that area i'm not taking it i'm not interested anymore just because notice these candle, sizes. Just so much smaller, now compared to the opening candles which is to be expected. Um and these candles could definitely open up so i'm not saying this thing can't you know start to move really really fast again. As you see here it would um. Right now it's breaking down a little bit but not quite the speed that i was, looking for. And like i said given, it was four minutes and 450. Dollars. I'll probably just call it a day i'm not a greedy savage, i'm not quite sure, many places in the world where you can make 450. In, quite literally you saw it play out before your eyes, less than four minutes. Um, so. I'm happy with that, and as i've said many times on the channel, um for me, uh being a day trader that day trading. You know the riches that come with day trading are not, fancy cars or not rolex watches. If you like that stuff totally cool i mean i'm not. Looking down on that i'm just saying for me personally, the riches that come with day trading.

Are All are about freedom freedom of what will freedom of time. And you know what. It's uh you know 11 minutes into the day i don't really feel like sitting in front of my computer the entire day long, um, and you know that and i have that choice as a day trader to be able to go out there and just uh. Do what i want i'm currently up at my cottage right now in northern michigan cadillac michigan for any of you that are familiar with michigan geography. Uh and there's a lake right outside my window so, i'll be fully transfer and honest i really don't feel like sitting here. All day long, so if i can take my 450. In four minutes, and go enjoy the lake i will probably do that i'm not quite willing to do it yet i'll look around to see if there's any sort of a plus type setups, but. Fsly, for the reasons just discussed. Not really what i would consider an a plus setup even if it goes which uh it sort of already did i don't know if it would have went enough. To be really scalpable. Uh i, went down, 40 cents, so maybe i don't know but that's the whole point is now i'm saying getting thinking ah i went down 40 cents whereas the first one we took you know that thing went down a good dollar. Um and made plenty of opportunities, there, i'm still i'm still ah. A little frustrated i wish it would have just broken through that 90. it could have really gotten the party started. But again, to pat myself on the back, i am glad that i finally just took off some at least down there in the low 90s, when it looked like it might not have wanted to break it um, but, overall happy with the trade, but like i said i'll look around for a little bit while longer i mean it is the market's only been over, open been open 13 minutes, so i'll look around a little bit but, odds are probably not going to take another trade. Well i am going to wrap it up and this is exactly, why uh because, the emotions. Are surging, right now, and i realize, my uh, my slogan, on the site is you know trade without emotion, which is not really true it should be recognized, emotion because emotions will never really go away, and the emotion that i'm feeling, right now.

Is Just. I should be up basically a thousand dollars on the day which is true. Uh you look at. This alert that i made down here to the community. Fsl. Round two flush point again flush what direction do you think of when you hear flush down. 90 50., so we made that alert. And walked away. And the reason i walked away let me show you the chart. Is. There's this green candle, so the chart was looking like this and i thought all right. It's bouncing up here, i got time i got time because at that point i was thinking you know what that really is a setup i like a whole lot now granted that 90 80 mark of course you can argue well geez clay you could have gotten 30 cents more but. And the frustrate. I should know these truly are live this is not a voiceover this is not a post commentary. So you're getting my thoughts quite literally as things play out, and i mentioned that because i mean look at this, it just keeps dropping and dropping now, so yeah i definitely am, need to be done but anyways like i said i thought i had time because that green candle there, bounced to the upside, okay, let me let me quick you know go down and just uh go downstairs. Uh and just you know hang out with the kids for just, not even like let me hang out with them for the next 20 minutes no let me just go down, see how everybody slept night last night you know typical dad stuff, um and then, you know, look at that the very next candle. That nice little solid green candle totally wiped away went down there. And just to show where 9050. Actually was. So and honestly yeah it's cool be like oh wow you made 450. In four minutes but what i'm talking about right now is is actually the the true value, in this video and any trader with experience will, you know will say that because you know this is all the psychological, stuff and trading is pure mental. Uh so let's see 90 50 give or take what was right there, you can see it broke below there on that candle. And you can see. Has just. Continued, to go down. I mean from it went down literally. What's the math on that. Two dollar well easily two dollars, and uh, what two dollars and seventy five cents broad, math. I mean really almost at 87.50. Which would been three dollars, almost three dollars per share, and like i said i actually wanted that one, that's a beautiful setup i'm that that is an a plus set up with the way it behaved. Um, and. Like i said. Big green candle okay i got a few minutes i mean it'll take a while it'll probably maybe go up go up and then come back down, but nope very next candle, boom, to the downside, boom there it went, so, easily i should be up over a thousand dollars which i get it it makes me sound like a greedy savage. Because it makes me sound like i'm ungrateful, for, making 450. And 40 uh in four minutes but that's like i said that's the mental game that's why i need to be done because i am quite frustrated, right now, all i can sit here and i the one thing that i'm hanging my hat on is at least i made that alert to members so at least there's members out there that had two very profitable, trades on it the first one that you saw in 9175. And that one but that is why i need to officially be done because the voices, of. You know clay you should be up so much more than what you are and i'm not denying the fact that's a very very greedy voice. But. That's a voice that needs to be um. Acknowledged, and that's what i'm doing right now acknowledging, it so once again, it's okay to be emotional when you trade. Emotions, will never go away, but just be able to recognize, them, and know the solution, for them in this case i recognized. Annoyance, frustration, quite frankly, anger, i mean that was a beautiful setup but i missed it, because the thing turned around so fast. How. Look at that that's ridiculous, the thing was bouncy, nice volume green i mean how was i not, not rational to think that i at least had a couple minutes before but no that very next candle boom right back down it goes, so totally my fault, and.

Now It's dropping even more. Now i'm not saying how to play this perfectly that's not what i'm trying to get across i'm just trying to get across as the emotions, keep on building, which again this is live so you're getting my raw emotions, here as the market plays out in real time live. Uh. So yes i definitely need to be done. On a more positive note though, um if you are interested, in joining my community and getting the alerts like you saw here play out um then all you got to do is go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, and we'll just use this pricing model, nine dollars for three months not ninety nine dollars per month every three months which breaks down to eight dollars and twenty five cents per week so the way you really approach that is if i invest the ninety nine dollars do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and twenty five cents per week of value not per day but just per week of value, if you think you'll get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return on your investment, there's also an, app so it's not like you have to stay change your computer or anything like that, as far as the video is concerned if you like these live trade videos if you like. Let me know do you like the psychology, lessons that i bake into them because these are as much of a as a public trade journal than anything because i like to document my thoughts document how i'm feeling, because that's how again you recognize, emotions, and you learn how to deal with them, but i don't let me know should i just keep the thoughts to myself when it comes to the emotions. Or do you like the little educational, lessons that i bake in but let me know in the comment section down below also if you just enjoyed the video as a whole, then the quick easy way to communicate that to me in in terms of pretty much what that like button does, is it tells me should i keep making these videos or shouldn't i because if they don't get that many likes then to me okay this is a waste of time, because it's not necessarily, easy to trade and talk through everything. Live in real time. Because you know like i said this isn't a voiceover so i'm trying to think talk make alerts all at once, so i if it's not worth my time then i i, won't do it but if it is worth my time if you do enjoy them then like i said hit that like button and then check out the channel as a whole lots of other videos out there so hope you decide to hit that subscribe, button but like i said if you want alerts, that like you saw here in this video if you want to join the community, then just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself from being an employee, to being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total. I'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets. The first key is super weird but in a productive, type of way, the second key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally, live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay, that i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event, if you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-08-20 16:25

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