[LIVE] Day Trading | 30 Minutes in the Life of a Day Trader (keep it real...)

[LIVE] Day Trading | 30 Minutes in the Life of a Day Trader (keep it real...)

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Hey it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades, as they play out live. For those of you that are maybe new to the channel new to these videos first off welcome but what do i mean by live, well this is not a situation where everything's already been recorded, and now i'm coming back and doing a post commentary, or doing some sort of voice over, so nothing like that this is a live. Uh, situation, in the sense of you're going to see my, real-time, thoughts my real-time. Reactions, and raw emotions. As i see the data for the very first time so if you're looking for a nicely edited nicely scripted video, this will definitely not be for you, if you're looking for the nitty gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader and how day trading, uh can play out then this will definitely be a video for you so that is how things are set up, as far as what i'm looking at right now, i'm gonna i think watch baba, out of the opening gates, and again i say i think because, you know like i said at this point in time. It is live, and something, else might just pop up so maybe, something, brings my attention away from the aba. But as of now it's looking like that's going to be the best. Candidate, out there for, what i'm looking to do, but that is a plan right now market opens up here in about 10 minutes so i will keep you updated. All right potentially, a change of plan had a member so let me just bring over the chat room so you can see how it works so i, didn't even see this no excuses, i just somehow missed it but austin alerted this altm. So thank you austin and you look at this thing in the pre-market, chart and just is absolutely taken off right now. So i don't know if i'm going to actually get a trade on it i do have an order out there if you're not familiar with the screen, on altm. To go short. At 20.95. For 500, shares, so is it going to get up there i have no idea but, so potentially, a pre-market trade although. I guess i don't know yet i mean market opens up in four minutes so it'll be close but. Maybe just maybe so if it looks like it wants to get back up above this uh 20-ish, area i'll get the video rolling again. But i'm still definitely watching, baba, very closely baba. But yeah maybe something has indeed changed going into the open, i'll keep you updated. Now what i do find interesting. Here on altm. 1965. Key, upside. Break point, on the. Open. So that 1965. Mark is actually looking quite interesting. But i put on the open because i i wouldn't trust it for me to take it uh, during the pre-market, here which again now had it's 9 27, so there's only three minutes left of pre-market. Uh but. If this thing can actually close down below 1965. And then come back up. I may actually look to potentially, buy that on the long side. But step one in that entire sequence would be the price has got to actually open up down below in 1965. Which as of right now looks like that might be possible, but again baba. Is still. Looking very attractive, too so choices, choices, choices. The markets, are open, and i have chosen to watch. Baba out of the opening gates. Which may prove to be stupid, now i'm still watching altm, on one of my other monitors, but. As of right now i feel better about, this. One. If you do hear typing that's just me making alerts in the chat room. I'm definitely not going to trade this first candle, and this candle right here represents, one minute, so this is a one minute time frame.

Well It's looking like this thing might want to head. 289, might be an interesting level but like i said i just. Not trusting it right now. To take it on the first candle. In fact. I would like to see it bounce upwards which it just did not do there. Well what's going on here with. Upwk. Looks pretty interesting. Okay, i'm gonna get that alerted you pwk. Fade. Potential. Over. 28.. So if this thing can get up over 28. Might be interested. And getting short on. It. Yeah baba just didn't behave at all how i wanted to. That's. Hindsight, i definitely should have been more aggressive, on it, i should have just taken that 289, break like i said i just. Didn't didn't like it wasn't quite comfortable there. And yes i realized in hindsight, i look. Goofy. But that is why hindsight, is such a. Cruel, judge, that's all right the good news is it's only 9 32, so, and actually. Altm. What is. This. Right up there at what is that. 1925. I'm gonna get that alerted altm. 1925. Key. Upside. Break point, one. Minute. So 1925. Here it looks interesting. Pulling back here a bit. Here. Really even 19, could be the, level to watch. But we'll see what it wants to do. Oh. B-a-b-a. Just, rubbing it in my face. Disappointing. Jks. What's going on with this one. Quite the grind here. A low of 63. Maybe a short at 63.. This is a pretty overextended, move here but. I don't. Totally like the volume situation. What's going on with cucumber. Just to pull back. Here. Oh. Let's look at. Oh. Man. Ugh. That, hurts. You gotta think this thing wants to get some sort of little. Bounce. All right well i will go ahead and pause for the time being. I have an order to get short at, 32.45. So still a waste to go. Only for 500, shares so i want more than 500, but this would at least allow me to get. Involved in the trade. So it's getting close. Oh it stopped at 32.41. Well. Gonna have to go up to 32.75. Now again if you look here, on my screen you can see heist that went, was 32.41. So it stopped four cents, shy of where i wanted to get in. Actually we got to go to. 32.85. So 3285. Next entry point here, attempted entry point i should. Say. I can't stop just shy. All right well. 33.25. Now. Watch it stop at 33.

18, Or something or 33, 22.. 32, still looks potentially interesting here for a quick little scalp. Actually. Altm. Just. Flashed a potential inner. Nope, too slow on that one. A fake breakout what a savage move that thing was. And yeah never mind on so i am i'm, officially. Struggling, here. Um. 284. Seems potentially, interesting here but i mean bob has already made such a big move to the downside. All right i will pause. Well maybe i'm back in business here on xpev. 500, chairs to try to go short at, 33.45. Is this potentially, a fake break. Here. I'm interested, at, 32.35. If the price wants to come back down to that area again at, 32.35. Or if it wants to come up to me at, 33.45. I would be interested, there, but let's see if this thing wants to pull back a bit. More. No longer interested, at. Potentially, 32.50. If this thing wants to get up over 33. So if step one get up over 33.. Step two would be. To come down to 32.50. But it's gotta first get up over 33.. I want to see people getting excited, thinking that there's a breakout, nope. It's already broken up back down below it. But yeah this 3235. Mark. Still has my attention, don't like it as much as i used to but. I'm watching very very close i'd like to see it make another move back upwards i want to see there be some excitement for the longs for a second. So the longs have something to get excited about and then disappointed, about. But first we got to get them excited thinking that there's a breakout that's happening. So can it get up over 33.. Like i said that's still step one in all, this. There's got to be something to get excited about. In my opinion that excitement, is. First getting up above so i'm actually going to get that a, level alerted but i won't make it to the chat room unless. It can first get up over. Nope it's already broken down below it, so it's a morning of struggle just because nothing is quite behaving like i want to see it behave. If you watch any of my other live trade videos you'll see that i'm done in like three minutes two minutes because i get an exact setup it behaves. Perfectly. And then that's all she wrote and i'm good for the day, okay, all right now baba maybe bob is coming into play here what is that 286. 50.. 286.50. I'm gonna get that. Alerted. Baba. 286.50. Flush, point, one minute. So we'll see if that can come in a play or not. What's the low there 287. I might be interested at 287, but this thing's got to show me a little more strength here first. Whoa. And yeah i realized for me i was actually looking, over at uh. On my other monitors looking at altm. And, that fast apparently, it just. Down it goes. So members at least that makes me feel a little bit better about it they made some money on it but uh yeah. Wow. And that's that's what happens in day trading sometime i literally glanced, over was curious. On another screen what was going on with altm. I looked back. And don it was below there. Well, like i said at least members, had the opportunity, to get in on it but. Not me good news is it's still only 9 42 so the market's only been open. 12 minutes. Although maybe tesla's gonna come out and play ball. Is this maybe some sort of. Wow yeah you would got you would think that tesla's got some sort of uh. Breath in it that it's gonna need to take so 433. I'm going to alert on tesla. 433. Fake, breakout. Flush point. One minute. But as right now i'm not sure 433, has any sort of chance of coming into play here. Maybe a chance for another uh entry point on it we'll let this thing continue to play out but um. Yeah there's definitely opportunities, around i just haven't been able. I haven't actually, behaved, exactly like i wanted to see behave or i've had a couple of things where. It's going on. Where i turn my eyes for just a quick second and that ended up costing me. Pdd, what's going on with this one. Ba now going to hide okay, is bae. I don't know ba is such a slow mover though these days. I could see 154. Maybe being a short on it. Especially if this is a, fake breakout which i think it could be but i just i don't like ba, i'm not even gonna alert it because it's just not. Too kind of slow of a mover these days and i used to really love ba used to trade it quite a bit but. Pdd. Yeah tesla's, kind of coming into play here but. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. All right watching. Baba once again. At 285. I'm liking this movement here to the upside. Not just a question of can this movement actually. Fail. So if the price could actually get up above that yellow line it'd be fantastic, low of 285.

85.. So i'd like to see this get up over to 86.50. And then. 285.85. So step one again can this at least get up above 280 650, which it's only 30 cents away, it should not be that difficult, to do. For a 280. Stock. And no it doesn't want to do it and see that's just what i mean right now they're perfect example, and this why i like these live because you can't script this stuff like. It's literally nothing is really behaving how i want to see it behave and it's not like i have, crazy requirements, just get up over. 286.50. Hello now jks. So i'll watch. Watch me go get jaycast and then this that one will. All right, i do like this one. 67.. 75. I might be looking to potentially. Go short on that one. Oh i didn't this i just noticed there's not even shares to short on jks, anymore, used to be on light speed my broker but not anymore. So on that one never. Mind. How high did it ever go high of 286. 38, 286. Nope never even broke up above it. You know i could still potentially, play it. Now i feel like i'm forcing trades right now because it's just it didn't behave how i wanted to behave and i got to stay disciplined there but the desire to just, well let me just take it anyways for the sake of the youtube video. That's a dangerous, video doing it for the sake of the youtube video is always a dangerous, voice that i've learned about. No i don't blame anybody but myself nobody's forcing me to do these youtube videos i'm just saying that. I need to be very aware of it because it, can get you in trouble. All right i will go ahead and pause. All right. We are getting a fantastic, pattern here 284. 75. Bottom, point. Of. Bearish. Pattern. For the flush. 1. Five minute because both the one minute and five minute. Are showing, some very very nice movements here. But i want i want this five minute i want this five minute candle to finish closing, first. Which should which should happen this let's see how long does this candle have to close, 13 seconds so just hold out for 13 more. Seconds. That's all i need. It's all i'm asking for. Okay there we go. So. 284.75. Can the price actually break down below there. Is the question. Oh brother no. P-e-n-n. Is moving again makes me want to go and look at it but i feel like if i do that i could risk moving that or. Risk missing this one. I would not complain, at all if this thing wants to bounce back upwards one more time and then come back down. Would not complain. One bit about that that would be fantastic. Which it's sort of doing right now. All right i will go ahead and pause. All right maybe it's coming into play again oh and that fast, back up above 285. So never mind. All right maybe. I'd rather err on the side of caution and get the video rolling. To you know. And have it not happen then have it happen and then have me miss it. So 284. 75. See if it wants to actually break or not. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause. And i think that might just be the the cherry on top, i kid you not it was at 285. And then, literally in the blink of an eye it was down and went right through where i was even trying to get in so in other words even if i had. Hot keys, hotkeys would have made no difference, and i mean it just really and i was watching this like a hawk to try to get the video rolling. And i still couldn't get the video rolling fast enough to even capture it. So i think that might just be maybe my signal that this morning is not my morning. It's not even 30 minutes into the day. But i can also fully admit, um if i'm being honest and realistic, with myself that.

I, I i'm getting frustrated. I can see myself forcing a trade not only just because i'm frustrated but for again for the sake of the youtube video. Uh, so i'm not going to be done quite yet but i need to be extra, extra, careful because. I have no problem admitting right now that i am feeling the frustration. Because that is now the second one that just moved, ridiculously. Fast. And unfortunately i didn't capture that one on video but. All right well that's where my mental. And again at least i. You know, you saw me type that up at least members. Have gotten a fantastic, entry point so, again that makes, that makes me feel good i'm making good alerts but when it actually comes to trading them, i just haven't been able to quite. Quite do what i need to do and, q com here. I'm a nice mover but just not. Well, that thing's getting kind. Of. Yeah i could see maybe a 149. I don't know if it's going to move up that fast though. I'll keep an eye on it. All right step one let's see tesla get up over 437. Here. I want to see there we go i was going to say i want to see the bid up over that level it's very clearly, up over that level. But wow all right it's just continued to pull back. But this tesla move i mean let me bring over the five minute especially looking at the five minute this thing is getting a little, a little overdone, right now, so it's not like i'm looking for some sort of crash. But i am under the you know belief right now that if this thing. That this thing needs somewhat of a pullback. Here. Would love, love to see it get up over 438. And then come down to, 4 30 7 50.. And i want to see some excitement i want to see, longs being oh now we're up above 438. And i want to see you know the undisciplined, people, buying. At a break of 438. Which would totally be chasing right now from the long. Side. But that's not happening it's just, pulling back. I will admit that was a little bit more of a i was being relatively picky with that pattern because i'm being picky right now because i gotta guard against revenge trading i don't wanna be too, oh yeah everything looks good now for the sake of making a trade. But there's, 436.50. But yeah i just, i don't feel good enough about that i feel like i'm too much on the border of uh. Forcing a trade with that which again i am uh, as traders remember you got to be very self-aware, of your own. Mind and part of that is, realizing, when you're in sketchy territory, of uh oh, i'm in an environment, where i might want to actually. Force a trade. And boeing which i know i said i didn't like. 164.. I mean i. The good news is is you're not going to lose a ton on boeing just because even if it spikes up against you. I mean it's not like it's a hugely. Nasty, but. Flip side is it's not like you're going to make a bunch either if it. Goes in your favor. Swks. Has been. Very interesting. 148.50. I don't know is that would that be possible. I mean i'm willing to take that if it can get up there but i don't think that's. This thing has made a pretty crazy move. I'm gonna keep an eye on this one.

I'll Keep you updated. I will absolutely, love, this setup here if it can, get up above 3438. Because i fully believe that a break, of 438. Would be a fake. Break. So let's just see it push up a little bit, i mean it didn't go up enough. 438.50. If it comes back down i am getting short i don't believe that this is a real break at all but there we go step one, complete. Effect what is that 4 38, 25. 4 38 25. In, exactly. Like i said i do not believe that this is actually a true, break. I will look to potentially, add more. Just because like i said. I don't believe this to be a true breakout right now. Low of 438. So if this comes down to 438. I'm going to add to the position. As of now though. Perhaps i was wrong. Definitely was not a force trade. I i like that setup a lot i took the setup. It's a high probability, setup but it's not a guaranteed, setup, there's a big difference between something being guaranteed, and high probability. But as of right now. What is that 439. I'll add, 100 more at 439. So, 439.32. So now i have 400 shares at, 438.51. So let's see if we can get a bit of a pullback. Here. Now looking for a crash. 438.50. Though looks to be that key. Area that'll need to be. Broken. Let's see if the price can get down through. It. Yup the line in the sand has been drawn, 438. Basically. 50.. Let's see what it wants to do. Here. But as of right now not looking so hot. But you got to give these things some some opportunity, to work for you. So it's, coming back down now which is encouraging, because that was a big fake movement to the upside. So did that freak people out is the question and the freak out point i think is for there we go. Okay out there. I'm being more aggressive, because this was uh way faster of a move than what i thought would even happen. So 50 shares left this will be a winning trade. Again um i got aggressive, because i, i'm not gonna sit here and say like oh and i knew this sort of move was going to happen no i didn't think it would get that fast. I'm not complaining, but. Just explaining, my rationale, here. So still 25, shares left. But i i have been caught off guard by the extent to with it which this move has happened. Like i said i didn't believe, the movement and i was right to not believe it believe the movement but i did not think it would turn around this fast. So that is why i've been extra. Aggressive with my profit taking and why i'm just going to take, the 206. 236. Dollars. And walk away with it, um, what uh what a, fast fast turnaround. Um. I made the note about the 438, 50 mark probably being the, the point that would be you know. Breaking the back and making the longs. Because i mean think about it there were people that were buying buying up here, and i said that those people are chasing, those people are chasing. And all those people freaked out, but i did not think it would freak out that much i i got that one. That caught me off guard, and again not in a bad way but that is why i was definitely being. Uh, pretty. Pretty aggressive, in my profit taking there just because i didn't realize it was gonna get, that crazy, but, i'm not complaining, however it is 1007. So i've been at it now 37, minutes. And uh i'm gonna take my 236. Dollars and just call it good especially, after a morning that, has been frustrated, so if there's one thing you walk away from this video. As a learning lesson i hope you walk away just understanding. Just be patient. Don't force things wait for setups that you like, and like i said this was not a force trade at all i like this setup and it proved to be a very profitable, setup. Could have been even more profitable. But like i said uh in hindsight. That, that movement almost scared me like wait is this thing going to snap back that quicker because i mean i, usually don't see pullbacks, that big. But, i'm not complaining, i will take it but yeah, be patient. Stick with your rules stick with your system. And you never know when you know a stock will come along that meets everything, and that you can take advantage of it and uh make the trade so that is all i have. One final thing before i do go though if you are interested in getting the alerts that you saw play out here i saw a lot of those alerts like you said i made the great alert, members had great opportunities, to make money even though i i you know didn't trade them and and wasn't, able to take advantage of them which is always, frustrating when you can't take advantage of your own alerts but pointer being if you want.

To Get as a part of the community get those alerts get my watch list all that stuff just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash team, it is 99. As the one price option for three months, so not per month. Three months which breaks down to eight dollars and 25, cents per week so it's really just a question of if i invested, 99, to join do i believe i can get at least eight dollars and 25, cents, per week of value, if you think you can get at least eight dollars and 25 cents per week of value, then you'll get a great return, on your investment, there, so check that out and then also as far as this live video is concerned if you enjoy these live trade videos, please hit that like button that's a very, quick time efficient way on your part that you can communicate, to me hey clay yeah thanks please keep making these videos i enjoy them, also just comments questions suggestions, leave those down below even if it's something as, simple as hey thanks clay, little comments like that, let me know because this is not the easiest thing to be talking about, my trades, to be analyzing, things to be typing things in the chat room, to be you know not trying to sound like a total. Because i know this is going to go on youtube. All those things it i'll keep doing them if i know people like them but it is not the easiest thing to do, like i said comments, and hitting that like button is a great way to to communicate, that me to uh communicate, to me that this is worth my time, and then finally check out the channel as a whole lots of other live trade videos like i said you'll see some live trade videos, where i'm basically done in five minutes, but that's why i love this live series because other mornings, as we just witnessed together and as we're going on, over a 30 minute video, some mornings it's a struggle, and you just got to keep with it you just got to grind. And uh you know see what happens and just stick with it but, overall, like i said check out the channel and hopefully like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button and then like i said if you want my watch list if you want to trade alongside, me then just go to claytrader.com. Forward slash, team, thanks for hanging out. First off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go, i want to invite you to a live webinar, web class, training, workshop, online event, whatever you want to call it but it will be me, live, revealing, to you what i discovered, that has allowed me to transform, myself, from being an employee. To being my own boss, including. How i had only one losing day out of 73, days in total, i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me, unlock, profitable, consistency. Within the markets, the first key is super weird, but in a productive, type of way, the second, key is super awesome because it quite literally, is wired into our dna, as humans. Making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders, i'll explain it all though, including, how to avoid the pitfall, that it creates for some, and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you, how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again, totally live, even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay. That i will send you, click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description, box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions. Let me know if not, i'll be seeing you soon.

2020-11-18 21:41

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