[LIVE] Day Trading | $100 Every 10 Minutes...

[LIVE] Day Trading | $100 Every 10 Minutes...

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Good morning it's clay at claytrader.com. This will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live. Top candidate today looks to be tesla, here, um and just to give you an idea of my thought process and then also to show you the the private community that i have because a lot of people are always asking how does that work, but i've given my watch list as you can see. Right here, and then of course like i said tesla, right up there at the top, but then what i like to do is also pinpoint, a few more. You know precise, levels. So what i'm curious about here. Is that 437. Area as a flush point. Out of. The opening, gates. So flushes, meaning. Price go down and in the world of trading when prices go down, it's you're actually able to. Make money. And that is just known as shorting, going short. Being short a stock, so 437. Is gonna be that key level there on tesla, whether or not it comes into play i have no idea which reminds me i should know these are truly live in the sense of this is not a a voice over, this is not some sort of post commentary, where i get everything recorded and then i come back and come no i have no idea what's going to happen, so you're going to get my raw thoughts my raw emotions, my raw, thought process through everything here. Which is very real right so if you want the nitty-gritty, details of how day trading actually is, the video will give it to you, the flip side though is sometimes, levels will just never come into play so for all i know that whole 437. Talk, might have just been, i don't know if a waste of time is the right way to put it but maybe 437. Never ever comes into play, uh but that also again circles back to but this is the nitty gritty this is the real life fl or you know a real look into real life day trading, because, yeah sometimes you'll be looking at levels and watching levels, and they'll just never come into play, so that's the current plan right now, and i suppose something else could pop up but market opens up here in about 15 minutes but as of now. The plan is to be watching tesla. So with tesla, here as i'm typing up watching pre-market. 440. Seems like, the new. Key, support. If broken. 337. Has good. Chance. Of. At least. Being. Tested. So 440. Here. Let me bring down. And i am going to go ahead and get short there at 4 40. well it got short at 4 40 39. But i think this thing, is looking like it wants to break on down through that level, just 100, just 100 shares so nothing big. Let's see if this does indeed want to uh make its way down through. That 440. Area. If it decides to bounce up and then come back down i'll i'll look to add to the. To the position. So a little bit of a bounce right here. Like i said if it wants to come back down. Then i would be interested. In. Adding. Not on this candle though i want to see this candle close up first. I mean if this candle just wants a flush i mean i'm not going to complain about that but i'm not just not going to add to it on this. Particular, candle right here. There we go. Well i will pause for now and then if it looks like there is going to be some sort of opportunity, that comes about. Then i'll get the video rolling. Again. All right it is moving again. So once again watching 440. And we'll look to add 50 shares if it wants to get down there, in for another. 50.. Getting a break down here let's see if this thing can get down to the 439. Mark. Can i get down through 439. Let's. See. It's knocking on the. Door. It's. Knocking. Oh wow this thing's going to be. There we go all right knocking on the door again. There we go got down through it. So now have 50 shares. Left. See if this thing can. So now i have 25. Shares left. And if this thing can get down through. 438. Then i'll just call it good. Oh this is quite the overextended, move here so maybe i should just. Reset, for the open that's what i'm going to do i'm just going to reset for the open so there we go nice hundred seventy dollars. And uh, yeah very happy with how i played that one. I got in. Slight little bounce on me nothing big and then i added to the position, now of course in hindsight, the voices are saying clay you should have added more than just 50 shares. Good old hindsight for you but i will take it so 170. Dollars. And uh technically speaking the market hasn't, opened up yet, but for those of you that are new this is what is known as pre-market, trading, so yes technically speaking you can open for the quote-unquote, official open at 9 30 a.m eastern time. And that's what you saw there, uh but again 437. Still very curious about that on the open, so we'll see if the price, if that level can come into play or not. But i thought it might bounce and it is bouncing right now which is why i just decided, to hop out for those final uh portion of the shares but yeah, nice opening trade. And wow just like that check it out tesla, is now up over 445. Um. Now i had, like i was saying i thought it might bounce but i had no idea it would bounce that much so that would be very deceiving, on my part to try to say oh i knew a big bounce like that was coming i mean if that was the case i would have bought but uh.

Crazy, Crazy movement here uh market opens up in less than two minutes, so yeah things are really picking up but uh. Yeah more of the story there i'm definitely glad i got out where i did. The markets, are now open and tesla, uh because of that jump i'm not, excuse me i'm not quite sure what to think of it. 442. Looks like an interesting, area here, i am going to get alerted now. Ah but still, not. Just, that last second jump really kind of threw things off. So i am interested, in it at 442. If it can get down there. Uh but as of now definitely just want to let this first minute play out. Let this thing try to uh. Kind of establish, some sort of context. And you can see here just jumping up, down, well not starting to move downwards, but there's no way i'm i'm shorting right here on this candle, absolutely not. Even if it goes through 442. And and leaves me in its dust i don't care that's just too risky of a trade. Yep just can't take that right now now if it wants to bounce back upwards and then come back down why would that be beautiful. But nope not going to do it. Oh wow actually e-signal, charts are a little delayed on this. Yeah definitely a delay in the charts right now. Come on e-signal. Hopefully that's not too long let's see i'm trying to. All right looks like it's back on, it's caught back up but yeah that breakdown was definitely, uh, that was delayed. All right well i will go ahead and pause. And this is exactly, why i did not want to take that trade, uh, yes for a quick scope i suppose it would have worked out but you would had to bend super super fast and then look how fast this thing just, jumped back against you so tesla. All over the place right now. Boeing, missed that. Nvax. That looks something interesting. Uh keep in mind i am looking at others, you know i have other monitors, so. All you see is what i'm. It's tesla, yeah now look at tesla, go. Okay this one is just two all over the place i would not be shocked. To see 442. Back in play again here. With the way this thing's moving but uh. Yeah as of right. Now. Truly is everywhere. Airlines, getting beat up. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause it. Well lookie here 442. Is back in play. 442. For 200, yeah. Uh what is that. Um. Yeah 300. I'm trying to calculate if i take the loss. Yeah that's not a terrible. I don't want to take it on this candle though. Oh it's real it's gotten down to that 441. Mark. All right 441. Is actually the level at. Oh. Tesla apparently, might just be a little bit too fast for me. Because four all right there we go. All right i like it so if it comes back down to 441. And not on this candle though this candle's got to close. Got to close green. I want to see some strength. I'll go back up, go back, up. And then i'd be interested, again. Everything else out there that i'm looking at. You know it's just, not, um, really what i'm wanting to see that the volume. Is just it's just low volume, and i mean given the, the time of year right, i mean that's not shocking it's not like. Oh i can't what is going on it's nothing shocking, but, yeah, so. And look at that see this is, tesla, just. Crazy. Fsly. That's always been a, favorite. Even that i can tell just things are so choppy these these charts are just. Not. So, i feel like tesla's really the only thing that. But even tesla is kind of all over the place microsoft, how's this one doing. Usually i don't, ostk. Alright, this has been a good one in the past. Oh. Missed out on that one big time. Pkng. Not even a million shares traded yet. So i don't know maybe this will just be a situation, where i'll, take my pre-market, money and call it good, i mean i don't want to say that quite yet it's only 12 minutes into the day, but i mean if it's if it's this choppy, when the market's only been open 12 minutes. I don't really foresee volume picking up usually it works the exact opposite way. Boeing though is looking. Pretty. Interesting, though for uh. Yeah i do like that 1. 73, 15. One, so that's about 85. Yeah i could see. What is that 173. 15-ish, area. Not on this candle though don't want it on this candle. Let's see if it wants to bounce back up somewhat here. All right i'm gonna go ahead and pause it for uh for now but yeah 173.

15 On boeing here looks. I'm gonna get that alerted. 173. 15. Round two. Flush, point. One minute. There we go. So again if it wants to get down to 173. But even, i don't know even so even if it goes all the way down there which is a decent sized, move. That's only 15. Cents. Yeah i just don't know if it's even really worth it with the, the volatility, which. Or i should really say the lack thereof. And there's the break. Like i said just. Things just seem so ch and like, just like that. Oh big c is just destroying. People. Finally acting human again, with the big gap down. All right well, this is uh like i've seen at the beginning of the video this is the the nitty-gritty, details, of trading sometimes, you're just going to. Have situations. Where. I mean yeah, for example for this that looks great i'm like oh you could have shorted it yeah but, where i mean you. In hindsight it's easy but, over the past let's see one two three four five, basically over the past six seven minutes. There's, yes you could have shorted it you just could have made money but that would have been a terrible habit to be because there's just no way there's no area to short in there. So that's kind of just seems like everything is just moving but it's just continuing, to. To grind further and further. And boeing is working out here well. It was got as low as. 172.85. So maybe this thing's getting ready to uh to work its way down to new lows but. So congratulations, any of you members that took it i mean you've had opportunity, and your that opportunity may still even just be getting started but. Just not really quite fit and what i'm looking for, but i'm not going to give up yet. And. Then tesla. Now it's over 450.. Talk about, i mean look at this five minute. Crazy. Going down and then. I mean look at that green candle kaboom. Just like that. Absolutely. Crazy. But yeah i'm pretty sure that uh pretty soon i'll be talking about 442. Being back in a play again. All right i'll pause. Do like, 112. 50 here as a potential, short here on nvax. This one seems to just be, trending downwards, here. Even though it did gap up. Just going to do 100 shares though. As this one can move very quickly. So this could ultimately, put me in the red, if i'm wrong on this one. By a slight amount. Which i'm okay with all right one twelve fifty. You you've got definitely gotta anticipate, that one all right oh nice got in at one twelve fifty let's see. If we can actually get. A move to the downside, here. Or did i just get suckered, in. We'll see what it wants to do. I mean yeah if it can break through yeah the, 11250. That's really kind of looking to be the key level if it can get down through there. I think it's got a great chance that uh moving. Quickly to the downside. So there's the break. Kind of get through 112.. Um, don't like how it just got caught up i thought it'd move a lot quicker than that. But it is what it is at this point let's see if we can get some more momentum to it. Downwards momentum that is. There we go. Okay so pulled out 50.

At Uh. 1175.. Let's see if we can get some more movement in my. Favor. Would like to look to take profits, next at 111. Assuming this thing can pick up some more but it is very overextended. Already so i. I need to be a little careful here. All right 25, shares left. Just because i could easily see this thing. Yeah i could see that thing bouncing and snapping back in my face. Uh so i'll take it 44, dollars. Um. Got a nice move but. In hindsight. And you can see now it's looking like it wants to bounce back upwards, so at this point had i still been holding i'd be losing money. Because i got in at 112.50. And it's up over 112.50. Again. So feel good about how i played that one even if it comes back down, this one is, very choppy. I gave it plenty of time you saw me give it time and it just didn't want to build really that much more momentum, which again isn't too shocking given that technically speaking this isn't an uptrend. But. So there we go took out another 44. I'll take it. And just for fun another, update on, tesla here. Was just up above, 460.. I'm not sure if i got the video rolling in time or not but i you can just look right there. High now it's gone is at. 461.. All right let's see if, i was gonna said let's see a bounce right there and then i could have been in a setup but nope just kept on going. Well i'm just uh tesla. Crazy though huh that i was. Short, law, and i covered some of my position at 4 38.. I suppose that shows some of the risk that comes uh with pre-market, trading because things can sure turn around quickly on you. But um. Yeah. Glad i got out where i did. All right i will pause. On this, at this point i'm almost wondering if this is some sort of bottom that's forming here on boeing i mean this thing has tried to break down several times now and just continues, to fail. I don't know if i'm a believer not enough to buy a break of 174. But. It is crossing, my mind for a potential, upside at scalp, but. I mean there's no denying the fact. That this thing is just really struggling, to to actually break down it gets down around 170. To 80ish. 173. And then just continues. Continues, to bounce. Maybe it just needs one final push the downside to get it to finally to break but uh, actually what is that low low of. 172.57. What is today's low, low is that one. I don't know. I want i really want to get short at 173. But. I just don't like the setup that much longer anymore because like i said it just failed to break down so many times but maybe this is just the final gas pair. So i suppose if i just do 100 shares, risk 50 dollars, i'll still be up. Yeah i know i'm i don't want to just do 100 shares on this one. All right. Just thinking out loud here but um, yeah at this point. Clearly with the mod i'm stumbling over my words and thinking through it i don't have a clear setup so clay just move on from it right now. All right i do like this setup here at 170. 340.. I'm not going to take it, excuse me on this candle. But if the next candle wants to get down there and break 173. 45-ish. Then i like this quite a bit but, as i was last talking you through it i didn't quite tell and you can see that once again it is indeed bouncing.

And It very well may keep bouncing which is why i'm not interested, unless i get confirmation. And give this thing another minute to kind of figure out what it, might want to actually do but. Again if it does decide it wants to come back down. And here's 174. We can i'll paper trade it i didn't mention buying the break of it. So rejected, right there at 174.. So what i'm curious about is this is getting rejected, again and then i'm gonna roll back over. Okay there we go, so next here's the candle. Maybe i'm getting suckered in but. If i am suckered in by this i feel totally fine with that because that's. Uh. I like this setup here. But again might still be a real balance. So, interested, down around. The 173. 40 area. Let's see if it wants to break through, 173.50. It's bouncing right around that area. Where are we at about 22 minutes all right i'll go ahead and pause and if it looks like it does want to actually get down there. All right now it's starting to go. In at 170. 340.. Let's see if we can get some follow through here. See if it does want to roll back over or not. Can it get down through 170, 325. Yes i can. Which isn't going to allow me to take the quick scalp of 83. On it. Very nice. Very happy with that even if it sell rose back over. Uh. I don't care that was not my plan because this thing. Has been such a just scalpy scalpy scalpy, but i like, the failed break of 74, which we watched together. And then it rolled back over so even if it does come all the way down there and test the bottom part of the range. Sure in hindsight that could have been that much bigger over trade, but that just wasn't what i was looking to do just looking to. Uh you know take what the market was giving me especially in this market you've heard me talk time and time again about, choppiness, and being unsure, and just um. And that's, you know and that's what happened there so not necessarily, a pretty morning but. This is a flat out just choppy, morning i mean welcome, to. Uh, and, let's see labor day is coming up so yeah summer. The week before, labor day. I can't say that i'm shocked by any of this so i'm i'm more than willing to take and i mean let's keep things in perspective. It's 1001, a.m i'm up 298. I'm not sure how many places in the world where you can make, 300. In 30 minutes which breaks down to what, 10, or 100, every 10 minutes. I'm, i'm not a greedy savage i'm more than happy with ten dollars. Or excuse me not ten dollars a hundred dollars every 10 minutes but, uh i'll see if i can find one more setup but maybe i'll just call it good, uh, but we'll see. All right i'm gonna wrap things up here uh it's 10 41, i haven't even been looking at the market since the last time i paused, i'm up at my uh investment, property. Okay fine it's just a vacation. Cottage, but it is an investment, anyways point here being having a bunch of work done landscapers, were here and, we were getting some new hydro seating put in so long story short, i was down there addressing, and, working with all that, uh, and but i don't think i missed anything anyways because things were so choppy but so i'm just going to wrap things up final few things here very quickly.

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2020-09-04 21:10

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